UNLIMITED TOTEMS in Minecraft Hardcore

Oh my god i almost died yeah i think i’m gonna build a totem farm and by the way this might be the best idea i’ve ever had now i have unlimited totems and i can never die again but first let’s find a pillager outpost

Oh my god he’s moving so fast oh my god slow down I’m the captain now now let’s go find myself a village all right let’s bring some havoc onto here this village is super hard to defend cuz um if you can’t already tell it’s it’s like on six different levels on this mountain so i’ll try my best

Oh no oh my god there’s a lot let me jump down here give some suppression fire leave my villagers alone oh no they’re gonna make it on land get off the land oh my god my aim is bad you can’t touch the land there’s one more raider where are you hiding oh

No it’s the captain stay away yeah all right round two ooh they’re coming in from the hills now they’re on land which makes it a lot harder to defend here oh no oh no they’re already in oh no okay let’s go by foot i think i went flying

These are the last two come on our golem do something what okay all right that’s a successful round two this is intense oh boy oh they got a ravager i’m really high up so i don’t know i’m gonna hit them i’m going in okay there’s a lot of damage and the

Witch was helping me but away you creeps are they’re all the way down here oh no they’re getting into the village hello sir 360. ah i’m here for phase man come on where are you going where are you are you scared oh god there’s witches too

That’s not a pillager oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh there they are okay there was a totem here somewhere oh it’s right there okay snatch that and i’m gonna put that on because i forgot a shield ah loser oh god oh god

That was a little scary okay another totem is right here i really need that these mobs are worse than these pillagers i swear i’m sorry oh my god what was that wake away please another totem the guy really died to wildberry bush that is embarrassing and after 10

Minutes of the raid we finally won and that’s a victory nice i don’t think there’s any villagers alive anymore but i’ll i’ll take the victory so i have this hero of the village what can i get i just got discounts you don’t give me anything for free what is this

Capitalism oh he just upped his prices would i punch you again okay okay i surprised okay i should probably stop i i just i i okay no one saw that it took me 15 minutes to get three totals of undying though that isn’t good enough so today

I’ll be building an op unlimited totem farm i’ll give me around 300 totems per hour let’s start by collecting some resources I just realized breaking the ice without a soap touch i was so confused what was going on it’s nice having a small brain oh my god that was my first skeleton i got ahead what that was so lucky that not dropped me anything oh god a lot more damage i thought i

Should have brought my totems i’m not sure why i didn’t hello there oh my god that guy just came out of nowhere oh finally in the third head Oh there’s diamonds right there all right there we go also take the diamonds thank you nine diamonds oh i needed an egg nice oh yes finally found the slime chunk ooh and diamonds life is good by the way please consider subscribing i’m trying to get my dad a new car right

Now he drives a 30 year old honda it’s basically older than a dinosaur and i told my dad if i hit 3 million subscribers by 2023 i’ll buy him a brand new car so help my daddo by subscribing i’m sorry guys i’m gonna need your balls i’ll let’s

Whoa that show does a lot of damage I’m sorry you had to witness that i know you’re just a child all right i got all the materials i need in these shulkers which is so convenient to have i really hate how they’re the same color though like what if they were just like vibrant yeah now it looks like

I just have christmas shulker boxes um a little early or late to that but anyways let’s start building this insane raid farm to get unlimited totems and i picked this nice little island right here nice and remote i’m going to first start off by building it about 100

Blocks high from sea level because this entire raid farm will take about 160 blocks from the height level okay that should be good first things first i need to face my bed south so let’s grab my bed and i forgot it down there we’re back facing south now let’s go up another 20

Blocks there we go let’s place a fence soul stand beside it something that looks like this no i’m coming for you baby oh okay that’s exactly why i need some totems click that and a pressure plate and let’s do some more fancy stuff that i have no idea what i’m doing you know

Being an engineer that looks correct to me so now let’s take this entire glass and fence two banana blocks upwards i’m not sure if i can count that high but i’ll try my best okay i think that’s 90. um i’m really high up wow now let’s see if i got land

Down without breaking my ankle here and now for the glass no no i needed that piece no oh no i definitely counted wrong what how do i have one extra piece wait a second well i counted again and that’s 90 so i think i’m right um this is gonna

Go really bad hopefully you guys uh hopefully you guys aren’t laughing at me too much it’s gonna work in the end trust me it’s gonna be it’s gonna be worth it at the end and now let’s add some more fences there we go and that should keep the

Water stream all intact so it’s not pouring around now let’s grab our water let’s put it down here and there it goes and now i just need to put a bucket of water on every single block so i need 90 water buckets nah who do you think i am

Let’s use kelp nobody got time for that is it still considered polluting the ocean if i’m polluting the ocean with things that were already in the ocean life’s biggest mysteries all right and now let’s use some kelp hopefully i don’t drown I spoke too soon i wasn’t scared and let’s break the kelp it’s raining meatballs sort of okay now up top let’s put two pieces of glass and then a temporary block here so i can put a sticky piston right there and one on top with a repeater back here let’s put

A block behind it another repeater at full ticks a block right here some redstone on here and observer facing that way so the happy face is looking at you it doesn’t look happy the guy looks something frowny look at those eyebrows and one more sticky piston here

Temporary block and an oh and another observer break that and now they’re smiling at each other now let’s take some slabs and put some on top of here so mobs can’t ruin the spawn rates cause i’m greedy and i want all the totems i really need to sleep so let’s have a

Graceful landing make it make it make it make it ah so big these wings can’t support me anymore i probably could have just right clicked oh wow i’m a genius iq is through the ceiling i’m gonna miss go in the water go in the water ah so

Now let’s put a trapdoor here let’s bring these fences up and now let’s put the pressure plate right here so when i get pushed here it should push me right onto this trap door that’s pretty cool let me let me do that again now i’m just being penetrated okay that’s weird but

I’m kind of scared if i get pushed i might fall down all the way there and die so let’s come over here and build something that will prevent me from dying wait a second nothing i built this wrong this piston supposed to be on this side yeah i think i built this wrong

Let’s put the piston on this side now so actually push me into the water stream bring me up okay that makes more sense and now let’s put some slabs right here and another slab right here let’s take a water bucket water right here and oh

There we go i’ll land here push me into the water stream bring me all the way back up and oh um my head’s too big so now i need to connect this trapdoor to redstone so let’s play a trapdoor here break that make a little staircase going down like

So put a repeater put it at two ticks let’s grab my observer and slap it down like so i’m underneath and let’s open this platform here okay i had to flip it to the other side because i messed it up there we go before i had this whole

Thing over here i’m struggling to follow these instructions all right that’s enough work for the day let’s go sleep all right it’s time to make a hopper clock put a sticky piston here and the other one will be right over here facing the other side let’s grab my mighty

Redstone block oh wait this is not right i gotta put this boy over here he thinks he’s sneaky let’s put some hoppers facing each other and let’s fill this up with 64 and 13 items not sure why that’s so specific but it is this is looking way above my

Pay grade i have no idea what’s going on really but uh it will work eventually trust me guys just wait i hope it works uh no promises and now again let’s use some slabs and cover up all these blocks so no mobs spawn and now let’s grab our composters

And put it on top of these hoppers i have no idea why maybe somebody would come and farm all the way up here um yeah i really don’t know maybe yeah i couldn’t tell you and i almost forgot we gotta take a lever and put it like so so

It always stays in this position and once this clock switches it shouldn’t move i hope all right nice it didn’t move i don’t know what did the oh man now that this is complete let’s work on the killing area for all of the pillagers and it will be on this side

Let’s slap down some chests and later on i’ll turn this into a beautiful chest room that will sort all my goodies right now just two simple chests because uh i got nothing anyways let’s put a rail grab my cake because i’m hungry i’m gonna eat it and slap it right here i’m

Not gonna eat it which i can look at it look how juicy it looks let’s make sure the minecart doesn’t fall out like that actually break this for now a block and now with my cart and shove it in go buddy not that way which way that way and i

Need a piston that i don’t have nice let’s go grab one all right back to work piston right there let’s grab a lever and push wait i think it’s because i haven’t broken this rail yet awkward break that oh oh there we go now i can just break

These blocks and if i build this correctly if i put a stack of blocks on top of here it should filter into these two chests which they are nice i actually did something right for once in my life you’re proud of me mom my mom watches my videos and now let’s slap

Down some glass over here like this on top of my cake let’s put some fences to prevent myself from eating it one two three and just for some security four so that cake is now in jail i can never touch it again it will be mr george my

List will be on you one day now let’s break these and let’s place two sticky pistons like that right here and trap doors against the pistons now for the redstone let’s put some blocks here and hopefully i built this correctly with two ticks on and redstone dust slap a

Lever here to turn it on and some slabs to prevent mobs from spawning and let’s see if it works it doesn’t work oh i was being stupid it took me like 10 minutes to figure this out all you gotta do is flip it on and off really quickly and

Then it’ll do that i’m so stupid i tried fixing this so many times now let’s make sure the rest zone is connecting to the second piston because it’s not moving if i get ah there we go just like that it’s really loud i’m gonna turn it off for

Now so now let’s make the area where the mobs will spawn that will go 24 blocks up from this trapdoor one two three four oh i gotta go all the way up man that should be 24. that should be good and east of the fences this way i will go out two blocks

Like this and make a little three by three square and break that this will go up three blocks this will go with three and now let’s make a wall that will go all the way around and this is where all of the pillagers will gather and fall into this hole one by one

Wait over here i need to put in fences actually bam bam bam bam bam let’s grab a fence gate and put it like that so it doesn’t attach to the fence right beside it and now i need some water which i don’t have i wonder where i could get

Water huh how difficult would it be that was easy that was easy let’s put water right in the corner and now with this all the pillagers would just flow into this corner and fall to death where i’ll kill them but now let’s make a five by five square on top of this thing

There we go seven by seven now let’s grab my fence gates put some temporary blocks right here now i can slap down some fence gates like so open them all up and break them again and this part is pretty boring so here you guys go And it’s finally complete now i just need to bring a villager onto this bed all the way down here and it should work i hope so do i steal a villager from here because i do have this guy oh i do have a bunch of villagers here actually

I still haven’t really used this breeder inside this iron golem yet i feel like all the baby villagers that do come out kind of die cause uh they don’t really have a home so that’s a little cruel let’s steal one of these guys they don’t even have a job they’re homeless so they

Could be up there let’s try to get one of these guys on a boat i don’t want the mending guy who volunteers this tribute you do all right let’s go and now i need to bring him all the way up there could you just like borrow my

Cookie wings please look at him look at him check out the build he’s like oh no what it might be what am i signing up for i’m just being drafted for war he’s just checking it out like there’s something wrong there’s nothing wrong bro don’t worry about it nothing wrong

Here all right let’s build a giant roller coaster all the up to his new home Where are you going yeah get back online you can’t swim brother i’m in the minecart oh you’re so close you almost did it all by yourself and down to the villager in the stupid minecart yeah there we go there’s a new home oh you’re so fat oh

Villagers never make it up are you kidding me he’s just he’s overweight there we go oh he really got stuck right there i’m moving oh come on you can do it no no one last try i’m killing you Okay oh my i thought you fell off into the bed going free doesn’t want yeah you like that you later you have one in there for the rest of your life y’all there’s litter i just littered the entire ocean in the dolphin it likes to play with blocks oh my god

Look at him oh he’s stuck he got him stuck i didn’t do anything it’s his problem all right i’ll save him look at him the last thing i need to do is get myself the bad omen effect and then pray for it to work i’m coming for you

Where’s the captain oh there you are all alone huh nobody to protect you this time i took a couple of arrows maybe just like one to two missed arrow shots god my aim is so oh my god oh no this isn’t good let me

Save the day no i’m too lazy okay all i gotta do is turn everything on if i remember how to do that you flip this and turn this on i think i’m supposed to get into position here and swing my sword into this little crack eventually

This trapdoor should drop me all the way down so i go in contact with the villager and then a rage should start that’s at least uh what’s supposed to happen so fingers crossed a few moments later um i don’t think it’s working here that’s a pro oh nfl okay well it’s not

Really working but i fell down anyways so let’s just see if like the actual raid part works yeah here are the pillagers and ravagers oh here we go let’s keep swinging i got bad omen effect again let’s kill all these villagers at least it’s working that’s happy that’s happy i’m happy hey there’s

A lot of them i’m hoping some of them gave me totems the only problem is this trapdoor isn’t dropping me all the way down there to reset the entire raid let’s fly up here and see oh yep there’s some pillagers stuck in there and a ravenger burning

Oh man well let’s see what i got two totems already let me take one and what’s in this chest ooh two more totems wow this makes a lot of totems okay okay that’s good news i just need to figure out what’s wrong with this trap door

Okay i think it works now i just flipped this lever i really don’t know what it does but i saw this trapdoor flip for a second oh it’s gonna flip it’s gonna flip cool google is gonna sword out and is it gonna drop me these will work i

Don’t think it’s working i think it would drop me eventually it’s not working yeah i literally just saw the trapdoor flip again let’s reset this entire thing maybe it just takes a very long time for this trap door to flip okay it’s gonna flip eventually one eternity later bruh is still not working

What the heck what is this it just opened why didn’t i fall though i might what it literally just opened it didn’t fall bruh it worked oh yes yes it started the raid okay i’m in the water stream too usually i’m not fully in now it should push me right

Here oh yes it works i literally just moved the track door under this block cause it’s flipping like okay no one cares but i fixed it okay and i hear a whole bunch of monkey pig noises let’s keep swinging here oh yeah i just killed the captain i got bad omen again i’m

Collecting some materials which might not be a good sign but i got a totem and three emeralds so let’s keep swinging i feel like this uh hopper mine cart isn’t really picking up much and now since i killed the entire raid it should drop me

Again oh yeah there we go it dropped me we land we don’t die start another raid go all the way back up and the entire process is repeated and i get myself a bunch of xp and a bunch of totems this is amazing oh my god there’s a lot of

Them so up there oh and there’s a lot of x’s he’s flying apes and i still need to expand my chest room and make it auto sword over here but let’s see what i got i got oh my god that is eight totems in the first chest and the second chest has

Another eight that’s 16 totems and it only went in rotation like twice that is insane so let’s quickly build an auto solder and then let’s spend 30 minutes afk on this farm and drop some guesses on how many totems i’ll get [Applause] I literally just need one more hopper are you kidding me just one all right the auto sword is complete i just need enough materials to fill up these hoppers so let’s afk this for a little bit so i have enough later all right afk this farm for about 10 minutes

And you guys won’t believe how many totems we’ve got hey go take a look no let’s go down look at this chest okay there’s four that’s that’s pretty good look at this chest oh my god that is a lot of totems then bam that’s 10 minutes

10 minutes of afk and i’m filthy rich it’s literally unlimited totems and now let’s sort of oh i don’t want to put that in there let’s sort out all of these materials here like these empty bottles some sticks damn now that we got the poopy stuff out the way let’s filter

Out some of this powder let’s go with sugar oh stone dust redstone then gunpowder and now let’s filter out the second best part of this entire farm the emeralds and all the totems will go into these chests over here and you know what since this farm is so good let’s take an

Axe and let’s just let’s just waste all this thing i don’t need any of this this feels so wrong throwing away all of these totems but i i really don’t need them i really want to see how much i can get in a span of 30 minutes and i don’t

Even need all these emeralds so let’s break all that so now let’s afk this farm for 30 whole minutes and see how many tottenhams and emeralds i get drop your guesses in the comments and i’ll see you guys in 30 minutes let’s let the fun begin

All right it has been 30 minutes and my inventory is already full of totems i can’t even imagine how many totems are in these chests let’s take a look at everything oh okay um my solar system didn’t quite work unless these are old ones yeah i think they’re

Old but we got a little bit of this stuff i’m guessing will be a lot because any witches emeralds my god we have a half a double chest of emeralds that is a lot more than i thought and oh my god all four double chests are full it’s all backed up oh

My god i’m literally never gonna run out of totems and now i will never die anyways thanks for watching and goodbye

UNLIMITED TOTEMS in Minecraft Hardcore

🔥 Watch the ENTIRE SERIES starting with Ep #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDYifz45dhU&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTmHfheGsE70w9uzcas3BFH

📺 Watch my LAST EPISODE: https://youtu.be/h0J5VwhBs1g
(I Built a CREEPER FARM in Minecraft Hardcore)



🐤 » Twitter: https://twitter.com/aCookieGod
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💬 » Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xyyGMez



🏁 COOKIE LUNAR CAPE: https://lunarclient.com/acookiegod
❗ SHOCKBYTE MINECRAFT SERVER: https://shockbyte.com/r/Cookie


》Designed By: @RaysWorks
》Raid Farm Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ9Dhzq4zlI
》All music by Kevin Macleod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
Link to Artist: https://incompetech.com/music/

#minecraft #but #hardcore


  1. Disa tizón y ahora lo que dice ay Don’t Now Now, ay Don’t Now How Menni todo todo o hay Road and Better Better Better hay zinc es tío Monique 💃 no está estoy yo estás tú

  2. 10:34. Hoppers are very laggy blocks and it works in 2 ways that causes lag. One is by transferring whatever item it has into the adjacent block and the other is by transferring whatever item on top of it to another block. When you place a chest on top of a hopper, essentially the hoper doesn't have to bother with checking above it if there are new items and reduces lag. Whereas if u place a full block,although no item technically can still get to it, it will still check and pull items from top if it can. Like soul sand is smaller than a block and if u place one above hopper, the item does actually get picked up. When u place chest over a hopper, or any inventory item, the curious thing is that none of the above block will be checked hence greatly reducing lag. Even more curiously composter is considered an Inventory Block.

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