100 YouTubers Simulate Minecraft’s Deadliest Civilization

Since Minecraft servers were created players have stayed in their own worlds but what would happen if they were split into different civilizations well today I’m going to be trying to survive against a 100 other YouTubers across four different islands with some of the smartest and deadliest players in this

Event and only one life I was about to face my toughest challenge oh my God where are we now each civilization in this event is part of a Minecraft server and each of these servers have their own twist with ours being that each kill gives a permanent positive

Effect keeping this in mind I decided to take a friendly approach when meeting new players oh I see you guys I see you guys I got some food if you guys want to start smelting it can I have can I take one yeah yeah go for it and after

Meeting some nearby players we all decided to get geared up quickly not knowing the dangers that would soon arrive oh creeper tactical Creeper explosion God that was so close to me okay can I get those Diamond Sharky oh there’s tons of diamonds we then smelted our ores and crafted full iron armor as

Well as some some tools and I decided to take a break from the group to search around the island where I ran into a player named L yo what’s up dude I’m going be straight honest I’m not trying to do this whole civilization thing but

I don’t want my effect to go away so I’m down to let you kill me Lam wanted me to kill him and while it could benefit me in the future having one less player on our team may bring some problems with the other Islands but after some thought

I made the decision to kill Lam granting me my first permanent effect water breathing which is probably the most useless effect out of them all but it was fine and after heading back to our campsite we decided to begin exploring the different Islands so we got in our

Boats and began sailing all right guys let’s go guys I see an island oh my God there’s no way what jeez as we were boating we came across a new island inhabited by the players of the LIF steal SMP where killing players grants permanent Hearts unaware of how many

Hearts these players were on we made the decision to establish peace with them but while we were doing this there was a huge war that was about to break out on another Island it’s also are we going oh my God he’s our friend copper who was a part of

The Infuse team was just murdered by the players of the Bliss smpp a server where players have gems that give powerful Buffs this team was considered to be one of the strongest because their gems allow them to have extra or drops and tons of healing and since the server is

In hardcore mode they had taken our teammates only life knowing this could cause a fight to break out we traveled with the rest of the LIF steal team to work together and avenge our teammate well we could give you guys we be very useful we need okay we need this allly

Ship because this is too big bro JJ I got something to like B our trust together what’s good this I call this the trust raw chicken oh not give me that bro how about we make an agreement like we you know team together for to

Kill Bliss for now on and then when that when that happens when we’re at a point where we’re both happy with the numbers of bliss then we can split apart but with everyone in agreement the LIF steal team was going to work with us to fight against the Bliss players who

Killed copper so after everyone Enchanted their armor we set sail towards the Bliss Island unaware of the situation we just put ourselves in Char I wait there’s there let’s go I see mum I see mum go go go go go ding go run run run run run they GA they

They the Bliss team was stronger than we thought and since they had a huge supply of golden apples and Diamond gear we needed to fall back but they weren’t done with us yet DD D what yo do we got a turn I think we

Got no We R run d y wait wait wait let’s let’s go to Let’s Get The High Ground right here seeing that we were losing this fight we needed to run up the life steel Island and try to Bow them off of us get high ground get high ground out

Of the the oh my God please please please it is just my go go go go turn turn turn okay now I say everyone get up we don’t want anyone else to die get up make it don’t know run run run the I I got you I got you oh it’s flame

Where damage him him towards us him towards us grab him oh my God that was good that was good that was good oh my God oh God yo yo I think they’re dipping should we go yeah I was just run after being chased by the Bliss team

Both sides decided to fall back however during this fight we had lost one of our teammates and as we were escaping we would continue to lose two more making infused the weakest civilization on the whole server so after tensions cooled down I met up with the remaining players

Of our team including me sheru Sam exp Chan and only a squid with our gear being extremely drained from that fight we decided to set up a fishing post where we could enchant our weapons to be stronger as well as gain levels however as we were recovering some players from

The LIF steel team wanted to have a meeting with us and considering we were still allianc our team agreed to have a chat hello hello thanks for having us sure kind of kind of both in sticky situations right yeah no we just lost like half our team

So what what do you know I think we’ve been fishing for the past three hours I think we just mainly want to form an alliance with you guys against Bliss yeah I I think we do need to do that yeah no definitely is the team divided

Or uh it’s not divided it’s just the other members right now are on another uh Mission the thing is our both of our teams are very small so even if we make an alliance it’s very difficult to even you know they down BL and they have prop

Four cuz how do they have prop four that yeah just not good how do they get prop four uh probably villagers with this new Intel we learned that somewhere on the server there’s villagers that can trade enchantments such as protection 4 and these villagers were being used by the

Bliss members making them more powerful so after this meeting we confirmed our status as allies with life steal and agreed that they would search for the base containing villagers and fight against the Bliss smps team at any cost meanwhile our team would continue preparing for our next fight however I

Wanted to help the LIF steel team in their search for the Bliss smps base so exp Chan Sam and I decided to travel to another Island in hopes of finding the villagers because if we could get access to these villagers in chance we would be able to stand a chance against them but

Unaware of what was going on between the life steal team team we had to stay hidden even from them oh P off P off P off actually get down get down he’s M Wood he’s M Wood M under M under he he doesn’t see us he doesn’t see us I see

Him well he just Lo it in for like one second follow him follow him follow him follow him follow him why follow we can know where the base is oh it’s my oh my God is it actually is it actually is it actually run run run mum was at the life Seal Island

However pentar didn’t even care it was almost as if they were working together but mum was just trying to kill us earlier so could woo and the other life Stealers be betraying us I needed to learn more but before I learn the truth please consider subscribing I put a lot

Of effort into these videos and we’re getting really close to 200,000 subscribers so it would mean a lot if you did anyways I needed to know why mum and pentar weren’t fighting each other where the hell did Mum go I swear I saw are you sure you saw or you

Bugging what if he what if he dug undergr he’s just going to pop out and just shoot on us what I just I just saw I just saw oh was good game the Bas is lit is that their base I see their name tags no no no come come they’re under me I’m

Looking at them what oh my God nope wait is that no they were underground they were underground crouch crouch just watch the name tag just watch the name tags bro that’s mum pentar and wbor a wait Mug’s on Woo’s team I think look look mum’s down there cuz woo was

Tripping about I see I see mug I see mug go back go back go back go back go back up back up back up oh he’s coming up the map is he actually is he actually is he actually keep move this way move this way this way he’s legit coming

Up go go go go run run run you can’t see us anymore should we dig on the ground should we on the ground chasing us sh are just watching sh run shun don’t go down there shos shos run shos run after seeing Wu and his team working

With our enemy we needed to stand up against them but rather than taking an outnumbered fight our team wanted to sneak into their base and steal their villagers however we needed to pull this off without them being in the base or or else we would easily be caught luckily

The LIF steal team was hosting a funeral for a player who was killed and asked everyone to attend so while this gave us a window to sneak into their base we now had the entire server above us and all it would take is one wrong move for

Everyone to hunt us down but with All Odds stacked against us we began the heist all right if we’re going to go to the base I just go now we need to find a place that goes down why is he Sam I see Sam I’m dropping on you I’m dropping I’m

Stuck guys I know down here down here down here I know no we were just there I we saw jumper jumper I’m right I’m right jum M it to the wall m to the wall over here over here I’m in the wall I’m in the W help me help me help

Me guys I’m right next to jump who’s that I just saw someone bro the funeral the funeral is right above our heads it’s like somewhere over there he’s coming to the gate I jump blocking me yo stand still stand still I see I see everyone everyone’s there do not move I see

Jumper mum main pair oh my God it’s so do not let go shter we are dead sh actually like go yeah saying leave exp Chan was found by the life steal players but luckily they weren’t going to kill him on the condition that he left the

Cave and went to the funeral so with one less player to help us steal the villagers Sam and I needed to work fast but before going inside the base we all joined the call where the funeral was happening so that we could hear if wo’s teammates were returning to the base

There’s drip wait wait watch this watch this wait is that driftstone yeah no no no no y do you see that thing my bad what oh yeah I do see that it up I think that’s where here lies here I’ll my respect I’ll pay my respects here you go we had

Located their two strongest villagers but without exp Chan and our time limit we were only able to take one with us so we settled on taking the villager trading sharpness 5 okay Sam I’m going to start building the tunnel start building the tunnel start building the tunnel they’re sleeping once they’re

Done sleeping I’m going to um I’m going to get one more Pro three book and then I’m going to start stealing like their Anvil there’s an ocean straight ahead of us bro we can we can leave the villagers over here and get them in a boat bro

This is actually such a good Mission dude get out the sharp five villager bro it’s actually so close bro him in here and then I’ll block it off and then block it off block it off all right go go break break let me get all make sure

He’s all right no no no need to sneak just come on push this push this piggy with me bro push this piggy go go go just make him go Place water push him and as we were nearly at the end of the tunnel the admins of the server

Teleported a new player named Dum to us so we all rushed to get the Villager out no no no no all right all right start breaking start breaking every single block ahead of us bro hurry bro what are you doing are you sure it will okay now

I’m I’m full sing it get as f as Up Wait block it up block it up block it up it’s F it’s fine he’s dying I told you get him up get him up no he’s alive he’s he’s going up he’s going up he’s going go quick all right build a platform

Under it quick just platform platform oh like around it around it push him onto this SP all we’re good we’re good move I can’t place it the the go get to light get get to INF me me after stealing Bliss and life steal sharpness by villager we safely secured

Them in our Island to upgrade our swords but while celebrating our successful Heist life steals team invited us to a private me meeting and I assumed that this was the Betrayal we were anticipating so I made sure Sam Dum and sheru stayed back while squid and I

Travel to the meeting location however I was surprised when I saw mum and Main pair two of the Bliss SMP members showing up at the meeting this is when life St revealed to us that these two players had betrayed their team to stop them from Conquering the other servers

So our entire Heist put us in an extremely bad light but this was about to become the least of our concerns when Sam was attacked by the Bliss team Shu come back right now come oh my God it’s TRS they’re all here oh my God traps are

All chasing me I’m going up I’m going up I’m going up oh my God it’s over they’re all chasing me but why they want to kill me tell them to please tell them to stop tell them to stop tell them to stop just keep circling life steel Island bro I’m

Cing what is short kills going to do yo tell them to hurry the hell up oh my e Corridor is there wait should we kill him don’t kill those they’re so free don’t kill them yeah no just Corridor cuz he killed all our milit oh my God oh

My God oh my God um Sam just messaged me he has wable flame and more people on him right now okay we should go help him which island which island where where where uh circling life steal Island what I’m so do so much damage bro please why are

They killing me we’re far but we’re comr are you heading Northwest take off I took off armor I took off armor no they’re going to kill Sam they’re going to kill Sam when they see do not come do not come they’re going to kill me actually don’t actually don’t

They’re going to kill Sam are you able to like run or something you’re going to no I’m not it’s it’s wable as flame frags young wel going to hold hostage they’re going to hold in hostage Sam was now taken hostage by the members of the Bliss SMP and they had no plans of

Letting him go and if our entire team pulled up they would instantly kill him so we had to think quick luckily as we were sneaking towards Sam’s location one of the Bliss sm’s members logged on right next to us oh go go wait wait true true true wait guys

Jump down jump down uh he is running okay him him someone tell him to like he’s our hostage all right chill chill chill don’t oh don’t do it okay no no no no no no no yo they’re here they’re here yeah they’re pushing it’s time to fight

It’s time no don’t fight don’t fight don’t fight don’t fight don’t fight bro Sam’s going to die wait wait Sam are you alone Sam are tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel with one of the Bliss members now taken hostage we were at a standoff however we

Didn’t plan to keep it this way as mugam was mining underneath Sam preparing an Escape Route and as soon as he was out we would kill the hostage and attack so all we could do now is wait break me bro won’t you you guys we got to do

Something before they start fighting us okay okay okay okay son do it do it do block up block up go ni go go go go okay yeah notice how they didn’t push us anyways yeah Morin’s getting on by the way so if we’re going

To fight them such a are we going to try and fight them now Sam stay back Sam stay back stay back stay back Sam minute minute minute be careful you’re I go do I go no no no no okay minute charge minute charge oh my God

Thank Minch and mapic were able to drop one of the Bliss team’s members and with most of the team falling back we all pushed forward to take at least one more player down we’re dipping yo we just Earth minute waiting onshore oh no he’s going

To just chug gaps wait wait I’m going to drown him I’m going to drown him what the no way wait ice is crazy keep covering him with the power charge Char charge I’m going to stay away I’m going to stay away stay away stay away stay away stay way on top go

On top on top on top he’s probably getting slowed down here um I found found it found here oh my God oh my God uh uh 400 drop no don’t be stupid stupid come on ready minute charge charged oh my God keep placing keeping what’s the the keep place again place

Again place again 400 we had not only killed two players from the Bliss team but we were also able to safely get Sam out this would turn to be a huge victory that spread across the whole server and during this fight i’ been able to upgrade my gear to

Full protection 4 so as the fight ended we waited the conversations went silent players began standing still as if they were messaging each other something we weren’t meant to know it’s been dead silent I keep trying to like see if anyone’s messaging something it’s like paranoid yeah everyone keeps like

Standing still they they keep jumping and sing still I was Ming s about to plug it so I’m just antisocial okay and I’ve been on enough s smps to know that after a huge Victory like this and with a team that’s this big the trail was unevitable I had just

Won my team back I was able to safely get Sam out of there and I knew that I wasn’t going to lose him or shiru or anyone else again so before anyone had a chance to strike Sam Dum sharu and I decided to leave oh somebody there just

Flashed oh my God Ty’s behind us go go go Ty wait I don’t know Ty are we killing wait see what he’s see what he’s trying to do look right there oh my oh what’s up gang they chill they chill they chill we might have to murder these

Innocent children he wa why don’t we just drop them I mean we could but I’m kind of like I think we might have to dude I think we do it I think we do it I think we do it I don’t want to start any like beef though these players were

Extremely weak meaning that we could quickly kill them and gain a permanent effect and with LIF steal potentially betraying us we needed to get stronger even though Sam was against it I wasn’t really thinking about him I was thinking about survival all right you guys got

That I’m chilling I’m bre break the boat I’m going start cting I’m going to start cring get him get him get him get him get get get him get him get him get him get him oh my God oh my God guys I don’t know that was to play guys I don’t know

If that was to play guys I don’t know if that was a play after shiru and I killed eord and tyrad the entire server was shocked knowing that their teammates were on their way to seek revenge we ran to the level’s Island where we would seek shelter inside of a

Mountain turn off second layer turn off second everyone turn off second layers everyone turn off second layers ground right now we’re making a we’re making an underground base I permanently turning on toggle sneak and I’m never turning it off yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh noal I have never been more terrified in

My life here here the new secret entrance shoot here I got shot with a 47 m blocks oh wait how many oh I see it’s w it’s it’s he won’t kill us he won’t kill us oh my God why did we all mute up high like

He why is he here did you give him CS no no he was just he said he was going to do a mission when you messag me what is M doing bro with more and more of Liv steal and bliss’s members arriving on this island we started mining a massive

Tunnel underneath the ocean words could not describe how terrified we were and I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for dragging my teammates down this path with me but after 15 minutes of tunneling we thought we had escaped them and were’re safe but we couldn’t be more

Wrong he’s the I see he’s the he’s where build up build up stop punching me up spit up spit up split up split up is he you bot he’s coming he’s coming he’s so scared right now so scared Y what the where is he how

Do you know where he is Dum spotted mum in our tunnel system and it would only be a matter of time until he caught up so our best bet was to split up and try to regroup on the surface I see M where where his name Z

He’s in our tunnel system oh he’s going to how did he fight us okay we got to get in a boat get to the surface guys he’s like 50 blocks under you he’s 50 blocks under you go go oh I steal people above us oh no that’s Shu that’s Shu and

You oh me and Shu are gone bro good Lu I’m gone we got to get out of here bro after that chase sheru Dum and I were able to escape safely to a nearby Island however we were so panicked that we forgot about our teammate Sam who was

Now cornered by m and his nearby teammates Mar’s digging back down to me I’m Mar one second Sam uhoh oh he found him it’s ass for Sam we’re never seeing him we’re never hearing from him again after getting separated Sam was cornered by mugam and his teammates so he had to

Join their call Mug can I ask what are your intentions with like my team cuz I know you guys want to kill them cuz they did something wrong in a situation where everyone thinks I’m in the wrong when I like I was trying to tell them to not do

That and they still did it I’m right here here bro s you don’t understand I don’t want to kill you bro please bro thank you you don’t deserve to die mum told Sam that he could leave and as Sam was exiting the area we were confident

That he would make it back to us but on his way to our location he was attacked oh my God I’m dying what the hell bro caken is is killing me sh sh uh sh let go go all right we’re coming we’re coming we’re coming we’re coming Sam we’re coming we’re coming we’re

Coming I’m actually dead I’m dead tce bro kill kill me BR he has reach all right come to come to infuse Island come to infuse Island come uh start driving uh Southeast Southeast Southeast quick I’m half a heart I’m half a heart Sam mum let Sam think he was free to leave when in reality his maquis was outside ready to Ambush him they took Sam’s only life on the server because of something shiru and I did it was our fault that Sam was killed in this moment

I felt nothing but anger I knew I was poorly geared I knew I was outmatched but I needed to do something for Sam a this bro no no no shos what are you doing I’m get in shos where are you going you with me you’re you’re either

With me or you’re not bro K where are you going shiru are you with me sh shark Shar I don’t think guys no no D you don’t have to come oh it’s over you know whatever bro we got to avention I see oh all right what’s good

Manor and tyed what are you trying to do here I mean you can already tell I’m going give you 5 Seconds to boat away 5 4 3 hey I one I’m going oh go on go on dumb quitus oh I’m locked in on the Boating d d wrap

Around the island wrap around the island wrap around the island they’re going into a cave they’re going into a cave it’s fine let them let them C let them go this might be the end of me But I don’t know what the odds are I know what that was shiru and I knew that based on our gear and skill we were no match for mum and since he was focused on dumb we used this as our chance to escape however right when we thought we were out oh oh

Crap Shu sheru sheru now all of our enemies were surrounding us if we didn’t figure out a way to lose minute and make’s team we would run back into mum and get killed so what’s your plan here like me hey BR sneaking m in sneak m

In go the session ends we’re going to be straight back here Walk Up Walk Up chill chill chill chill chill uh should go straight forward straight forward straight forward sheru and I managed to lose minute in mapix team meaning we now had an easy way out

However this now meant that all of our enemies were now surrounding dumb yeah know Dum this is where your journey ends there yeah yeah yeah hey hey hey hey this what we’re going to do dumb go in this corner right here yo I’m not trying to get samed bro drop all your items

Okay what’s going to Happ you here shark do we kill your teammate or you guys want to get on mum gave shiru and I a choice turn ourselves in to save dumm’s life or let him be killed I’m going give you guys a minute’s answer it’s okay B

It’s okay B we already lost Sam this is what happens shills you going to get on over here or do I cut for a friend here 10 seconds has pass 30 has pass choices like these are never easy you’d think the best option is to surrender ourselves because we

Were the ones that killed mum’s friends but in this situation with everything on the line I had to think for myself so okay man it was an honor it was it was an Honor as Dum was killed I sat at the border of the world with my friend rethinking everything I’ve done at the beginning I had tons of friends but because because of me they were put in the worst positions and were either killed or left and now I’ve lost

Everything except one thing someone who stood by my side since the start who’s been willing to Fight Against All Odds with me sheru knowing that I wasn’t alone gave me more motivation than I could explain and that’s when we were given some shattering news at 00 there’s

A revive item in a barrel right now so do whatever you want with that it was revealed that a Revival star would be spawned in the middle of the world this item could bring back anyone who died feeling so guilty for having our friends

Get killed we knew that we had to try at least go go go go go Shu go go go shills bro we’re going to have everyone on us is the only thing I care bro we have to bring back Sam it’s Spong it’s Spong it’s Spong it’s 1,00% Spong a player

Named Spong had picked up the Revival star but it wasn’t over yet because we could still kill him and get it back why are people still going up got it who has it who has it who has it after killing Spong the Revival item had scattered across the water with the

Rest of his Loot and not knowing where it was and with minitech and mapic on us it didn’t look like we were going to get the item I got it I got it I got it run run run run sh run sh run I’ll take everyone off you I’ll take everyone off

You shiru shiru run shiru run all right I’m looping around looping around looping around I’m pretending like I don’t have it on me too pent on me too I have like all like steel they’re all on me they are all on me how do they know just how do they

Know my hair my palms are sweaty bro I’m just going to keep going bro I’m going to keep going this way ain’t no fing way I’m going to let I’m to kill me bro do you want to regroup wait you have water breathing right yeah okay the sh I’ve

Been doing for like the past 10 minutes and it’s actually working is staying underwat wait what if I go up this way what if I go up here M’s trying to cut me off sh sh you can you can um you can Pearl you can Pearl you have pearls

Right they got my boat every player on the server had turned around to kill shiru and with the chances of us escaping this fight nearly being impossible we had to consider the possibility of dropping the Revival star leaving Sam to be dead for good I see

Everyone sh sh sh look at me look at me look at me sh sh Gap chug a gap chug a gap chug a gap I’m here I’m sh I’m on you I’m on you I’m on you I’m helping you I’m shw get in my boat get in my boat

Shw get in my boat get in my boat get in my boat I can’t did without your I three extra boats on me got we might want we might just want to drop it with the odds stacked against us we made the decision to drop the Revival item okay sh I think

It’s time it’s not worth it’s not worth it’s not worth get off get off the land get off get off get off I dropped it I dropped it I dropped it Dro so sorry Sam unfortunately the only way we could get out of this situation alive was to

Abandon the Revival star and run meaning we may have just lost our only chance of bringing back Sam however the reason why shiru didn’t revive him right when he got got the star is because there was a 1hour cool down meaning we just had under an hour to aieve it from the Stars

New owners minitech and mapic so after putting some distance between the other players me and sheru needed to figure out a game plan but with no other allies we had to rely on each other why did we have to kill Tyra and E Corridor I just

Saw them as a effect I really wanted a effect and I was over bro I’m all set let’s go sailing around shiru and I decided that our best plan of action was to stay on our feet and keep moving since players were still upset at us

Over killing Tyra at in E Corridor but as we were traveling in our boats we were given a second chance oh you want to go there let’s try the players who stole the Revival star were just exposed of their whereabouts so we decided to head to their Direction

In search for a right opportunity to steal it back let’s climb this mountain I don’t want to go rushing in there I don’t know if we want to wait did did they say anything about us teaming or like you got to we’re asking you oh wait chill chill chill chill see someone

Who’s that who’s that oh that’s wo that’s wo is this their base like down here yeah yeah down here they probably moved out cuz we killed every single villager beautiful base that we griefed oh there’s a grindstone oh wait wait give me some pearls and I need some of

Those swe I just saw a name tag oh oh beautiful update which one that one 700 oh yeah yeah someone St over there oh yeah minute oh minute May pick un mug them what if we you saw the name tags right I saw it on the map I saw it

On the map oh wait that’s that’s their base I just saw I just saw like an e table like a full on E table down there I mean I could drop a TNT Minecart down there like you only if you see someone only if you see someone if there’s

There’s got to be like a shoot down I can just like throw one down but if anything we just we just we kill them and dip we don’t even need the gear or anything need to knock their who’s on US oh minute yeah everyone’s under

There is it woo too no no just minute mugam main pair and map’s here mic’s here they’re above they’re above they’re above they’re above I see mapic wait I I found a group of players message all and mapic and the whole the whole the whole the whole the whole G

The whole gang is pulling up I don’t I don’t really know how I I should probably start my replay recording again oh my God the entire Bliss team had showed up including quadis the player who murdered Sam with life still in the water and Bliss on the

Island nowhere was safe I thought that this was it I was going to die and everything we had fought for would go to waste are they on you are they killing you I just turned around I saw everyone on Bliss I see flame quack Ember more right now oh the levels and

Bliss are fight levels okay for some reason the Bliss team in the life steel team weren’t working together rather they were fighting each other where are you guys running from specifically oh wait M’s by himself let me help them where where are you mug is dying mum is

Getting dropped seeing the Bliss team had a common enemy I saw this as a chance to finally kill mum and avenge Sam I mean I don’t really care if he dies or not so you guys can I’ll just watch no I think I think we might want

To dip life more of Life coming yeah jumper is watching yeah jumper is watching us he just ran cuz I his time okay they’re asking for help they’re asking for help Shar kills I think this our bro there’s like 20 people here there’s more levels arriving there’s more levels people

Aring I hit him with I hit him with flame we to guys we have to hit me with the slow falling who hit me with that not me I’m pretty sure life Ste is over this mountain so I’m just going but as we continued fighting mum more of the

Life steal team would arrive while this would pose a threat I saw this as an opportunity to kill minute Tech and get the Revival star knowing this was one of our last chance es to get back it’s on me y I think you should we should probably

Dip well man has the re I got shot with no yo that’s the closest I’ve ever been to a death this whole event I’m only of use with my bow oh that was never mind cadus is messing Mino bro where is team kalal what this guy do fants broke

Broke just who gets the loot now no it’s not mean who gets a loose who gets a kill oh it’s TRS he doesn’t have a chest plate GG mug yes mum was killed and I I had Avenged Sam and for the first time in a while shiru and I weren’t alone because

The Bliss team was willing to take us in even though we had taken their teammates lives so to make it up to them we were going to help the Bliss team track down minitech and mapic to retrieve the Revival star and bring back Sam and after following them for a long time we

Had cornered one of them inside of a cave but everyone was afraid to get near mic because he’s known for using TNT mine carts which could instantly kill a player but I was so determined to prove to Bliss to life steal to sheru that I

Could make up for what I did so I rushed in I’m going to get out bro I’m going to get out okay just say keep him keep him distracted okay just keep him keep him distracted I’m going to try and drop a card on him I’m making it a staircase

Out so you guys can get out oh oh he he blew up the card before before it hit him does anyone have two iron I need to make more cards I’m not going to lie I don’t think this is a smart idea his teammates are going to come he’s probably learning okay yeah

He’s breaking something he’s breaking something there’s 100 trap 100% a trap down there okay Charles just come back up come back up cuz he’s are 100% calling his teammates and then this is not going to be good no I saw him breaking something in Cobblestone that’s

100% just to keep you just to let you know as well like the rest of the server is above us right now so if they are in the call right now they can like on our team yeah but they can betray easily it’s like the last day they anything Happ

They might be thinking that we’re betraying oh I see you guys I see you guys I got some food if you want to start smelting it sharill just get up here bro oh my God oh my God we got warles get up get out get get out get out get

Out I see he’s quick I’m half a heart I’m half a Sam so okay man there’s an da I got it I got it I got it shark kills unfortunately the life steal team had conquered every civilization and I was killed but if you want to see the

Rematch subscribe to stay tuned and if you want to watch another story like this consider the video on your left where I survived one of Minecraft’s deadliest servers thank you for watching

100 YouTubers Simulate Minecraft’s Deadliest Civilization

Inspired by ​⁠@SpeedSilver

HOST YOUR OWN SERVER: https://bit.ly/3IesORE

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A video by Sharkilz, hope you enjoy it!

#minecraft #sharkilz #100players


  1. You were like ingressis voltaris from songs of war. He got corrupted by the prime songs and saw people as power to get after they are killed, you did the same, ingressis took a decision of overthrowing King python with the rightful nether King, but that decision led to the nether armies killing all voltaris under thier defense, same with you, your decision of killing 2 players led to the downfall of your team like the same with the downfall of the voltaris, in the end you paid for that by fighting the evil and dying, ingresses died fighting pythus but in the end pythus died cause he got killed by ingresses, while ingresses died to the wounds of the battle, you died fighting but not killing your enemy. Btw good job on the vid, really apreciate the quality, narrator and awsome editing, next to the other things of course but those 3 are my fav, cya on the other side, wish to be in your vids someday.

  2. Ngl, I thought Mugm and Manepear had betrayed the rest of Bliss, and wasn't the agreement between Lifesteal and Infuse to stay allied until they were satisfied with the numbers of Bliss? Killing Tyrad and Ecorridor was brutal, but they're a part of Bliss and killing them took down the numbers of that team. R.I.P Sam and Dumb, they didn't deserve that. Mugm could've just killed Sam, but no, he HAD to let him think he was free to go and then have Quakitus murder him. In my opinion, I think Mugm was playing double agent between Lifesteal and Bliss. He SAID he betrayed and was helping LF, but then he teams with his (former) teammate Quakitus to kill Infuse? Something's not quite right there. Poor Dumb, he even told you not to give yourselves up. Then that final fight with Mapic showed you were holding on until the bitter end. From enemies, to allies, to enemies again. Not sure why Lifesteal had to turn on you guys when you killed Tyrad and E. Bliss' buff was OP, but their team size was CRAZY! I hope every team had equal numbers at the start, because it seems that even before any wars commenced, Bliss had the biggest team. Lifesteal won this because they had Mapic, who uses TNT minecarts and Minute, who is a pretty good PvPer. That's enough to balance out against Infuse, Levels and Bliss despite lack of numbers, since they were both at 20 hearts and had tons of gaps. After the initial fight against Bliss, your numbers were low and that made way for Lifesteal to come in, since they probably got most of the kills on team Bliss and so had a lot of extra hearts.

  3. having full golden apple and full diamond really doeswxnt seem fair at all compared to the others perks lmao, why you all can't balance shit when doing special evernts?

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