Minecraft, But Trees Are Chests..

In this video we play a Minecraft 1 V one UHC but all trees are op loot chests and I’m serious the trees actually open like chests I don’t know if that’s blessed or cursed but if you know what blessed is it’s clicking that like button let’s aim for

5,762 likes on this one and if you’re feeling extra friendly click that subscribe button it’s free it helps me a ton I appreciate you and if you didn’t do either of those things you know what just kick back enjoy the video maybe you’ll enjoy another video on the

Channel too but for now let’s get straight into this one 3 2 1 go go go go go I’m going to get it I’m going to get it I’m so going to sabotage his blocks he wants to do his hay mail mining session I’m going to do mine

These are all mine buddy we’re actually starting with no food for once because today trees are op random chests now what does that mean that means if you’ve seen op ORS or ores or op random CH that’s really hard to say if you’ve seen all the op loot chest you’ll kind of get

The gist of this video for some reason today it’s trees that are chests it will all make sense soon let’s get the basics let’s get a wooden pickaxe let’s get a stone pickaxe and get rid of that one and let’s quickly get the rest of the tools we’ll get an

Axe a shovel and we’ll get a sword that’s not how you make a sword and as always we’ll use the correct tool to break the workbench but yeah there is a very special method to make a tree open like a chest if you’ll notice right here

This tree it’s not opening but I can break it just like normal because what we really need is a sapling there we go we finally have our first sapling now we have a sapling we need to get down into a cave and just stick with me here this

Is all going to make sense here we go I hear exactly what I need there we go are you are you kidding me that is not a bone okay that’s completely fine though because there is something else in the caves that we need to get anyway this is UHC as well it’s

It’s not a hardcore hearts for some reason as you’ll notice we are not regening naturally so we have to be careful while we’re playing this and here we go this is what we need before things get exponentially crazier and crazier in this video we’re going to

Need to get a decent amount of iron that means we’re also going to need a furnace grab a little bit more iron and I’m being very very cautious now because I can hear zombies and I know there’s going to be skeletons this is perfect this is perfect I hear a skeleton as

Well oh this is going very very well very soon we’re going to be back on on the surface with the trees okay since we’re going to have to fight a couple skeletons I’m going to make the all important Shield I need to kill a skeleton oh here we go here we

Go come on yes okay we got two bones what would be ultra blessed is finding a skeleton spawner okay we’ve got 10 iron I think we’re good to head back to the surface and we’re good to open our first tree so let’s do it no way no way no way

Are you kidding me are you joking this is this is is exactly what I asked for all I was doing was building back to the surface and I found exactly what we needed this is incredible we need infinite bone meal this is going to get us infinite bone

Meal yes this is so good okay let them take each other out this is good perfect hey let’s continue going up we need to remember exactly where this is though I think we’re going to need this later in the video okay all we need to remember is that big tree and our

Little Cobblestone there and we are golden but yeah right now let’s grab all of this bone meal we’re going to make the loot bone meal here we go just like that let’s place an oak sapling and bang There we go just a normal everyday oak tree but when you right click

It what what an insane first chest diamond gold obsidian we’re going to be able to go to the Nether and more saplings oh wait wait what just happened what am I treeo okay this is blessed we have three more saplings let’s make three more bone meals each one of these

Cost one iron there we go bang open dude dude getting upgrades just like this and what do we get from the tree come on give us something good okay more wood if you guys want to bless the next tree leave a like right now and leave a

Comment what is the best tree in Minecraft I actually think it’s a spruce tree but I think this video is going to prove us wrong I think later in the day what I don’t even need that but I want it because that is really up okay the tree did not fall

Down I guess if I don’t empty the chest the tree does not fall iron sword oh yeah okay if I empty the chest it Golden Apple a golden apple from the tree breaking I have to break all of the trees I don’t really need this stuff so

Let’s throw it on the floor another Golden Apple I’m actually insane imagine if I just left that one I did not get more saplings but we do have more bone meal and if my memory shows me correctly just over this hill should be a forest

Yes D I can’t believe we got a diamond already my first tree chest I got a diamond and that was the lowest TI of tree as well just know that there are multiple teers of tree in this video so this is going to get a little bit crazy

I’m going to need some flowers for later in the video so if you want to see what these are for just stick around you know maybe if you’re falling asleep just put this on listen to it and I I’ll wake you up when we’re using these okay let’s try

A birch tree I think that’s our next step here there’s got to be a quicker way to get saplings right okay here we go Birch sapling I don’t know if Birch is better than oak I’ll leave that up to you guys to decide in the comments and

It works here we go we have a birch tree bang okay dude a oh wait I should empty it though and golden apple oh dude I am on a spre right now of golden apple drops okay we got three more bir saplings let’s see if

They can hold up oh let me put these pants on too okay here we go bir sapling a crown could this get any better we are having the Most Blessed video right now the king gets his crown can we get a golden apple no okay but we do get a

Regular one that’s good crack the tree nothing we got some Birchwood okay maybe my luck is running dry Maybe not maybe not after all we’re just just casually Trucking on through the video casually looting trees cuz this makes complete sense okay I think we need to armor up

And I think our best move right now is to have a little bone collection Montage let’s get down there and let’s get Farming we have a shield we have good armor we have golden apples we need to set ourselves up for the rest of the video we have a little bit of exploring

To do for our next set of trees and a little teaser they might not actually be trees after all and just like that we are out graer got diamonds I’m just starting my adventure and he’s got diamonds I mean I have one as well but hopefully this next place

That I’m going is going to give us more than just one Diamond here it is this is exactly what I wanted to find right now hopefully it’s everything I dreamed it would be make four of these let’s turn the 15 bones we farmed into 55 bone meal

Okay three mushrooms four five see I don’t even know what this is going to give us in the end I just really want to know if it works if I do everything correct I’m pretty certain I can make this work wake up everybody that went to

Sleep it is time to wake up we made suspicious stew that’s what the flowers were for we put the brown we put the suspicious stew and we put the bone meal and that gets us a mushroom bone meal look at that doesn’t it look kind of like a creamy strawberry candy of some

Sort we have to make a little bit of space for it and then bang mushroom bone me this should not exist and no no I think it’s broken maybe this doesn’t work in the Overworld I don’t think there’s enough room here but something tells me that works but

Just not here okay there are some skeletons here I just need a lava pool I’m just passing through that was bad that was very bad okay I’m going to grab these if you don’t mind never pass up on diamonds you never know when you might need them okay we already have six

Obsidian and just like that we finally made a portal without messing up I could just never get flint I find oh okay I got Flint let’s light up the this nether portal this has to be the key to making this work place this do this I knew it I

Knew it okay and then if I empty this what does it draw nothing nothing okay oh this is an expensive craft let’s try Brown mushroom bang okay it grows and it opens it get bones please this one surely will drop us something nothing okay that’s it I want to test the warp

Trees and the Crimson trees I know I need nether quartz quartz and bone meal I get Quartz bone meal bang okay okay it grows and it opens yes iron okay give it a couple more chances if we can find some more fungus there is fungus Among

Us let’s get a bunch of quartz just in case I just used nine bone meal for that good thing we got some bones okay okay okay things are looking up huh okay free exit that’s cool iron cool oh got Apple how did we get a god Apple from that

Okay maybe this is definitely worth it one piece of quartz for a god Apple that’s our last piece of quartz bone meal and it came in clutch that is really good actually one diamond we have seven diamonds you know what I think I want more of these maybe the nether

Trees are the best trees in all of Minecraft I keep forgetting throughout all of this I still have to fight graser at the end so hopefully we can get strong enough to take graser out now the gold is going to come in very handy for late game the diamonds too that’s why

I’ve not used them for armor yet now before we get there what do you think gold and diamonds is going to do for us I have an idea of what it can do for us oh that is a perfect chest but I really want to know what you guys think I still

Don’t know if this is cursed or not trees collapsing like this it feels kind of cursed found a nether portal is this graz’s portal I think judging by the fact that he’s not left any trees here he’s probably figured out that he should be emptying the chests I don’t know if

There’s much of a difference between crimson and warped I can get Crimson a lot easier than warped so that’s why I’m just going with it to be honest this biome actually hurts my eyes a little bit so I’d like to get out of here you

Know what we didn’t get any of in here we didn’t get any Bastion loot we didn’t get any netherite we didn’t get anything but I am going to take bra’s portal to get out of here and he obviously does not follow my rules because he left diamonds behind this was a Crazy Diamond

Vein oh he even left more over here I think our best move now is to try and swim out of this cave okay we are up and out how do I come out right next to a mushroom Island you know what I don’t even want the mushrooms we need to take

A journey to find a Savannah and I have a feeling this is actually going to be quite a short Journey not because we found a savannah but because we found a cherry biome that is also something that we needed so let’s just do this first

There we go a cherry sapling now this is not going to make a lot of sense but I really like the Cherry sapling so much so that if I had a choice I would grow it with diamond bone meal now you guys know exactly where this is going to go

Bang Diamond Tree did you guess that did you guess that earlier in the video pat yourself on the back in the comments if you guessed Diamond Tree let’s claim this gold let’s get this efficiency 4 and breaking three pick this does not really help us but what do you give us

Couple diamonds okay we have a couple more shots at this Cherry sapling we got two three you know what let’s try and manifest a lot of diamond trees right now okay five Diamond trees let’s see if we can bring this to life open it oh okay Thorns two helmets netherite

Upgrade okay couple more diamonds we’re getting quite low on diamonds right here okay Diamond Tree we are talking to you now what can we do for you to give us good loot leave a like what leave a like what okay I left the light dude wait wait that actually worked let’s take one

More shot at this bang gold blocks and another netherite upgrade diamond gold Apple diamond block are you joking we’ve been given one more chance this is it this is not it yeah no that was that was not it tree come on I need four diamonds from you how is that even possible two

Diamonds and two diamond blocks we can make three more I thought we were done another netherite upgrade we have almost full netherite armor technically and I’m I’m I’m I’m just shocked I’m just shocked at this point I don’t ever want to leave the Cherry biome but at some

Point we have to fight graser he’s somewhere in the world right now probably also breaking cherry trees and the longer we stay here doing this the stronger he’s getting wait we have another block of how did I miss where did that none of this makes sense anymore protection three let’s go

Finally something good give me my smithing table do I want to do this right now the answer is yes protection 3 netherite chest plate no dude I’m going to use all of my bone meal here five more trees okay that’s it 1 2 3 4 5

We’re going to do it 1 2 3 4 5 step back and just look at that just look we got netherite and another diamond block okay I I don’t even know what to do anymore I have way too much gear already but at the same time it’s also not enough more

Dude they do not want us to leave this more diamond blocks dude more diamond blocks more diamond blocks dude I can’t stop get seven more we have nine more trees and just like that we have the ability to get nine more Diamond I really thought this was cursed D dude

Dude I’m just the guy getting happy over Diamond trees giving us diamond blocks okay let’s do this bing bing bing bang There we go get that wait did I mess up I don’t actually think it matters cuz we have plenty of upgrades three protection four now we need to upgrade this one I

Made a big mistake by making that netherite this is going to get very costly a couple more trees and then surely we have to move on we have another upgrade 18 four okay you know what just cuz we have to move on do not give us a diamond

Block nope dude I I’m getting insanely lucky I don’t think you guys understand how lucky that is efficiency 4 fortune 3 mending Unbreaking okay finally we break the streak that’s it this might be the longest 1 V one graser and I have ever done tell me it’s not just getting more

Insane as time goes on I have to go and find the acacia trees now I can’t keep doing this this is cursive binding protection 4 Unbreaking three protection three Unbreaking three okay that’s pretty decent armor the diamonds were great to us but graser is waiting for a

Fight so we have to make a journey that was a crazy Journey but I think I’m finally where I need to be I’ve got my bone meal I’ve got my gold blocks we can find the base of an acacia tree we can make Golden Bone meals now these are

Really hard to come by now I sound like a broken record at this point but truly the luck is real when you guys like the video so this is your last chance for today well technically you have four more chances there we go the golden tree

Bang dude not going to say you guys let me down on that one oh we are a team remember we are a team against graer and we got more gold blocks okay maybe you did click like maybe I got on your case a little too soon there let’s try again

Yep okay the gold blocks are real the gold blocks are real yes yes no I should have waited no okay we got two more try and get a few more saplings we have four chances that is a waste but it did give us gold blocks that is exactly what we

Needed a regeneration potion couple bits of gold I don’t think the gold will matter at this point okay okay okay another enchanted golden apple and it dropped one to five got apples getting low on supplies here just basic healing in this one if we get two gold blocks I

Will get rid of this tree kind of wanted to leave it because it looked cool but give us two yes the max amount of gold blocks you can get from a gold tree is two so this is the last tree and the second it breaks we are going to TP and

We’re going to take on graer we need to maintain our winning record and we got a sharp or D diamond sword the last tree of the video and as I said as soon as this tree breaks we’re gone we’re here where is he he has to be at the Village

Come on maybe I can entice him with some gold blocks hide behind this tree oh he was not enticed by the gold block he got a totem oh this is really bad okay I got netherite he got a totem he got a netherite sword I got a god Apple give

My smithing table give me this this this okay we got a netherite sword we need to pop that totem ASAP yeah sharpness four he’s got appleing this is really strong sharpness 4 we need the oh my is he going to let me out he’s not

He’s Oh I thought he was going to hit me back in he tried to set me on fire instead okay we’re chunking his health we take like three three half hearts off of him at a time you’ll notice it says 20 Health above his head that’s because

Everyone is half a half no he used the god Apple I think unless he didn’t get many oh he dropped his sword oh I got his sword sharpness for knockback I’ll give him mine I’m going to use his I don’t want to take him out without a

Sword that would feel cheap but I will will beat him with his own sword I’s so close to popping the totem the knock back is actually really bad I wish I didn’t keep this dude I swear we keep having crazy fights every time he’s just chugging golden apples how many does he

Have okay it’s my turn actually I’m going to use a potion of regeneration okay now we got the regen this has to be it 8 5 3 totem that’s it right that’s it that’s the last of his healing that’s it come on don’t pull out healing now I

He’s dead he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead we did it thanks for the sword by the way dude thank you for it back cuz otherwise I would have just had to mine you to pieces oh no I Gave You My Sword I beat you with your own also oh here’s

Some of these it looks like you needed some how many did you get

Minecraft, But Trees Are Chests.. Yup, you read that correct.

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You’ve seen Minecraft, But Ores Are Chests.. now it’s time for Minecraft, But Trees Are Chests. The best new minecraft challenge.

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