playing Terraria’s BETA 12 years later…

What’s good everybody and welcome to Terraria beta now this version is about 12 13 years old now and there’s not a lot of public footage of it um I’m pretty sure the yogs cast Rel logic themselves and peat have ever done like a playthrough on here but uh other than

That there’s not much else also chippy also did a video on this around like four years ago at this point but uh yeah this is a shorter video but uh thank you all so much for watching and let’s just get right into it I ain’t going to keep

Yall waiting spawning into the world we immediately start chopping down all the trees destroying nature without a single bit of remorse once again we are back with our homeboy bumper Dink and for some reason in Terraria beta the player Sprites look weird as hell so it looks

Like bumper dink packed on an extra 50 damn pounds right before this video but you know we don’t judge here at the XI Nova channel by this time you guys probably already know the drill we construct some NPC housing and then go exploring to the left side of our world

I find a couple of or veines in the ground which is pretty common for this version actually and look a cave entrance I wonder what it has in it oh it’s uh absolutely nothing oh look another Cave opening I wonder if this one will be the one to give me all my

Loot that I need huh would you look at that the answer is absolutely not all right third time’s the charm they say so maybe this cave will actually have something that I can use in this playthrough wow what a surprise it didn’t have any loot in it as nightfalls

I come across the classic looking dungeon and I plunge right into it without a care in the damn world and luckily for me I come across a demon altar which is fantastic because demon altars are almost nowhere in this version AB absolutely nowhere so this is

Where I will craft all of my boss summons I go deeper to see if the dungeon guardian is actually in the game and it’s kind of in the game I don’t know it just spawned a bunch of Skeletron heads and they all came after me so that that was pretty cool and it

Didn’t take long for them to take me out anyway back at base I construct more NPC housing because I don’t know how many NPCs are in this version but I just did it just in case I guess I’m not sure after I’m done doing all that I start

Digging down to find loot ores and golden chests quick editor not there are no golden chest in version I am a dumbass and all that good stuff until a zombie plants his fat [ __ ] ass right on my face immediately killing me this happens all the time second time around

I actually come across a cave but then I immediately Parish to the hands of a [ __ ] skeleton before I hopped back down in the caves I sold my literal soul for a mining helmet because for some reason it cost 10 whole gold to buy it

While I was down in the caves before the demoan and the merchant moved in and boy do they do they look different that is not the Arms Dealer that is the demo man I I thought it was was the Arms Dealer before but no no it’s the demo man see

Look he sells me bombs it’s incredible before we move on with this video we must acknowledge the presence of the Glorious the great the Fantastic Igloo furnace Igloo furnace superiority what else can I say back down in the mines we collect some ore going deeper we find a

Glowing mushroom biome and let me tell you this place looks awesome but uh it didn’t really have anything that useful in it so I didn’t really care I mean the glowing mushrooms could be used to make better health potions I guess so it’s not a complete flop I explored deeper in

The cave oh look there’s my first life okay I’m dead after I was unwillingly sent back to my base I decided to construct more NPC housing because what what else is there to do in beta after building the house I go back and find my second life Crystal yes this is my

Second one not the first one apparently I found one before and I would go back into the footage to find where I found it but I don’t get paid enough for that a few minutes later I find some emeralds and that can be sold for hella bread I

Also found a wooden chest that houses an enchanted Boomerang which may not sound like much but let me tell you when crafted into the flamarang it absolutely decimates Skeletron I you’re going to see back at base I craft an iron breastplate which uh yeah it looks a little different in

This version and it makes bumper dink look like more of a fat ass than he actually was before like my dog got the queso build it’s crazy at night time I go demon ey farming so I can get lenses and so I can make the suspicious looking

Eye so I can fight my first boss woohoo while I was out I also found one of them sh Shadow orbs which is very lucky cuz sometimes they just don’t spawn in your world on the beta versions I don’t know why that happens but I I I couldn’t tell

You I also take a nice trip to the beta version of hell and uh it looks cool less chaotic than 1.0 but uh it’s it’s completely [ __ ] Loess like no there’s no reason to come down here I spent valuable minutes of my lifetime collecting hellstone only to realize

That it does absolutely nothing I also made a helmet with the copper I had and uh it was absolutely useless but I I thought it looked cool so uh shut up with my lenses I craft the suspicious looking eye and then I just kind of sit around and do nothing waiting for

Nighttime I I think I was studying for finals at this time um yeah your boy cook though 3.9 GPA let’s get it once it turns nighttime I immediately start scrapping like I tell you it’s on sight bro the eye stood no chance between me and my 1,000 whole shurikens this

Version of the ey culu I’m pretty sure has more Health than the current version cuz I’m pretty sure in the current version has like what 2800 or 3,800 at least in 1 Point .1 it did and uh this one has 4,000 so this fight was actually

Not as easy as you thought it was like look at this [ __ ] I almost sold the bag right here like come on two hearts and like this guy look look look at that bro I almost died to the eye of cthulu like that this was not easy bro but I clutch

Up and still kill it because I’m him I’m a goat I’m the greatest Terraria player of all time don’t don’t look that up and because I killed the eye of cthulu the dry bro I can’t look at her seriously bro she say she got a cabbage on top of her

Head bro she built like a whole tree which I mean I guess is the point but uh she sells purification powder so that’s all I need using the purification powder I’m able to smash the orb that I found earlier spawning a meteorite which will be very very useful for us and also it

Will get us the guns dealer which uh yeah looks very different in this version a meteorite landed almost immediately and uh that’s good and all but these meteor heads are the most aggressive things known to mankind and also the meteor blocks they they deal knockback so mining this [ __ ] was almost

Impossible so instead of putting myself through literal hell I decided to make a house for the Arms Dealer cuz that’s a better much better way to spend my time oh look the Arms Dealer moved in I wonder what oh what the [ __ ] this guy looked like he would bully me on Xbox

Live for being a squeaker back in 2008 bro like what what is that design also 50 gold for a mini shark is crazy but I had some fat stacks so I bought it anyway then after that I made mining the meteorite to its entirety my main goal

And uh that was one of the hardest things I had to do so uh I stopped doing that but I had a plan I went down into the mines and mined a crap ton of obsidian so I can make myself an obsidian skull so the meteorite would

Not damage me and uh I found a little bit of a error in the game design I crafted five whole obsidian skulls and was able to equip every single one of them so I didn’t take damage from burning blocks and uh I got plus 10 defense which is uh crazy crazy also in

This version you’re able to make hellstone items out of meteorite which uh I I don’t know why but uh it it’s just the way it is in this version and with that I was able to make my flamarang so that was uh pretty awesome with my obsidian skull Armada and my

Fiery great sword I decide you know what it’s it’s time to fight the Eater of Worlds I set up a really small Arena used warm food to spawn the Eater of Worlds and honestly this this fight was a piece of cake all I kind of did was

Just sit there and uh penetrate him with my uh long flaming stick I mean yeah took a while but I mean um it presented no challenge to me I was able to beat it uh very easily didn’t even drop below half health I mean it was the same boss

Fight as it is today once I got done with that I immediately went to the dungeon set up an arena so I can fight Skeletron I was eager to get this playthrough done because I I I needed to study more for finals to be honest I

Recorded this all in one day and uh yeah um I was supposed to be studying for finals by the whole time I was recording this as soon as it turned night time me and Skeletron started [ __ ] scrapping like no tomorrow I made the flame rang because in this version Skeletron has

Like 80 defense or something so like everything other than the flamarang does like one damage to him but the flamarang does around like 12 to 20 like it’s crazy like if you ever played this version uh use the flame rang Skeletron hasn’t changed over the years at all

Really I mean like it’s the same boss fight as normal Terraria today I mean like if you’re not playing on expert mode of course after a while I was able to Def feat Skeletron marking an end to my Terraria beta Adventure I mean I did explore the Dungeon for a little bit I

Mean my first chest had the Merl Massa which is um I wish I had that luck back when I played 1.1 cuz it took me like a [ __ ] 30 minutes a 30 minute am I stupid oh my God there’s also a Cobalt shield in this version which I thought

Was pretty cool and uh with that I was done with my Beta Adventure which um I had a good time I had a good time looking through the history of Terraria and uh yes I am still going to be doing 1.2 but uh I’m back in school school so

Uh that’s um that’s going to be a while uh if I had to give a guesstimate maybe sometime in February maybe early March I know I said in my last video that it would come out late January early February but uh that was wishful thinking because over winter break I was

Uh kind of slacking not going to lie but anyway thank you all so much for watching I really love the support that I got on my past two terrar videos and you know more will be coming soon but you know Terraria burnout is a [ __ ] so

Uh yeah but thank you all so much for watching hope you guys enjoyed uh have a great day and God Bless

ay if i said anything offensive in this video i don’t really mean it. I have a VERY political incorrect type of humor, just a fyi.

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  1. Bro change that description rn. All press is good press rn. Also, use it to boost your algo by chatting shit with keywords.


    Looking good mate keep it up

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