Minecraft, but a new build for every biome | By The Biome #1

Today we embark on a brand new adventure that redefines the Minecraft experience with over 60 different biomes in Minecraft we are committing to a new world that isn’t complete until we have a magnificent build for every single one of them I’m Nick and I’m Sid and this is by the Bio okay this is the brand new world and to really make this series interesting this is a big biome World which means we could have biomes that are literally tens of thousands of blocks apart so I’m jumping into this world kind of blind I know one thing is for certain is we need

To find a village and set up a temporary home to kick off our Minecraft life now while I go on this adventure to find a suitable starting location let me tell you all some more about this wonderful new adventure we are embarking on for over 10 years I’ve been starting

Minecraft world after world but I’ve never really felt a sense of completion or sat and thought to myself wow this world is is finally done Sydney and I’s previous world is well over a year old at this point which got us talking about what is the end goal here we didn’t want

To start another hardcore series which is frankly overdone to the point of cringe at this point and we want the world to end on our terms not by random chance or accident so after weeks of back and forth and pondering the Eternal Minecraft of meaning of life we finally

Thought of a cool concept that could bring a true end to a Minecraft world and this is by creating a unique build for literally every single biome in the game with over 60 unique biomes to explore this will create both an interesting and longlasting challenge while we build some of the most useful

Farms and stunning builds you’ve ever seen in Survival Minecraft so with that said let’s jump back into the adventure of this first biome okay this is looking promising oh there we go our first Village that’s exactly what we were looking for hores Perfect all right let’s raid this place set our spawn over

Here oh here we Go lovely okay let’s get some Stone while we’re Here upgrade our tools perfect any iron in this Hillside oh looks like we might have some over there so the more I look at this hill the more I think we could do a really cool Hobbit style build for all the non Lord of the Rings enjoyers

Hobbits live in Hobbit holes which are pretty much homes built into the side of the hill and I think that could really look cool with this terrain oh there you are there she is going to hi she is where are you hi oh oh my God I probably

Don’t have any armor on nope you definitely don’t so you might be wondering who this is well this is my wife Sydney and all this time when I’ve been saying we I’m referring to the two of us as together together we make these builds happen and I got very bad armor

This is kind of where I’m making my home base oh if you want to make some bread and some whatnot okay so while I was fishing I did some more planning for the build and came up with this concept of The Hobbit Village I know I’m no

Leonardo D viny but this gets the job done before we just jump into building we need some half decent tools cuz right now these Stone ones aren’t cutting it and we’re having a real problem with iron up every time every night you and I a roll Swit it upch it up Swit it

Up I see how you’re making him come yeah you like That good a good Zombie it was at this moment that he knew he oh what no what I didn’t have the zombie properly in there oh and he got out with the name tag no yeah so I need to fish for another name take oh he’s dead he died in the sunight

They ask you how you are you just have to say that you’re fine when you’re not really fine so while I spent literally hours fishing with no luck Sydney went on a big mining spree and found our first diamonds and with all the levels I gathered for fishing we were able to get

Some half decent starter tools so we are just about ready to get started building so you said you had some yummylicious stuff for me oh yummylicious some equipment some tools some come here all that’s for me yeah holy thank you you’re so however our color palette of block choices is looking a

Little skinny right now Village oh and there’s a ruin portal here too and there’s a big RAV this is going to be fun getting home tell you that much oh dark oak we found It oh I see tiger big tiger he injured blistering winds and scorching deserts he climbed to the tallest room of the tallest to so after that little Adventure it’s time to get started on the first hobbit hole I want to go Fairly traditional in the sense of

Sticking to what they look like in Lord of the Rings for this one and this first one is going to be our storage room I like that I like that just feel like it could be enhanced oh I like that I like That needs more depth needs more depth as you may have guessed by now the key characteristic of a hob hole is the round entrance door and in a block based game that can be somewhat tricky but luckily we can use a variety of stairs slabs and trap doors to achieve a

Circular look and I’m really enjoying the look of this first one so far while we add some more details to this first hobbit hole I wanted to explain a little more about the concept of this build we are essentially creating a villager trading Hall but unlike cramming all the

Villagers into a single building we’re going to create individual stylized homes for each of the villagers types so for example we’re going to have a farmhouse to put the farmers in we’re going to have a library for the Librarians and so on so without further

Ado let’s roll into the next one so I think any good Farmhouse needs a water wheel because how else are they going to grind the wheat and shurn the butter so while I’m building this water wheel I want to go a little more in depth about The Bu The biome series and

What we’re thinking further down the road for this series so we really want to make sure that we’re building builds for biomes that make sense both the build itself and the actual function of the build so by us building a villager trading Hall in the PLS where you

Naturally find villages I think makes a lot of sense in terms of the Minecraft structure of what happens in the game so if we think about future builds when we’re thinking about building a tree farm as an example we’re not going to build a spruce tree farm in the middle

Of an ocean we’ll probably build that in some form of the tiger and so on and so that’s the way to think about this series we really want the builds themselves to speak to the biome that they’re in as well as the function of the builds speak to the biome so if you

Think about a Cherry Grove likely going to be some sort of Japanese build although I’m not going to promise anything now but if that sounds like something that’s interesting to you be sure to subscribe and watch out for future episodes I like it over here I especially love the

Asymmetry hey you weren’t supposed to come see this yet sorry sorry sorry I was doing um planting trees and I just walked over and it the stunning this made me come over here I went with Like a Stone farmh House vibe yes with the hay bales I love It all right this place is really starting to come together with the animal pens done it’s time to move on to the nether portal and I think this is going to be a bit of a focal point for the Village as it will be one of the

Higher buildings and the purple of the nether portal is really going to Pop that was Abrupt that is the nether portal mostly done well except for the Nether Portal Part itself but before I go on the next big adventure we need some enchanted books you also might be wondering what Sid is up to well I’ve been working on the exteriors Sydney is a working away

On the Interiors of the previous builds since she is way better at interior decorating both in Minecraft and real life and don’t worry towards the end of this video we’ll be doing a full interior walkthrough so you guys can see all the magical work Sydney has Done so I saw this Cove shape under the nether portal and I thought to myself this could be a really great place to have an enchanting table it’s the perfect size and I wanted to feel like the power of the nether portal crept down through the rock into this area

Just to give it some purple energy which I think fits the enchanting Vibes Perfectly and I think we finally had enough of no elytra so it’s time to prepare for battle and since Sydney is generally afraid of combat I’ll be taking on this challenge alone after that quick session at the enchanting Casino It’s Time [Applause] All right Bye oh my gosh that scared me two down this Ender’s trying to get me to look at him what oh my God I’m going to die that was close you have to go in from behind I can’t remember when he goes in the Land N didn’t and the bucket clutch didn’t work

NOP we got them you got them ladies and gentlemen that’s loud oh you can hear it too oh yeah got him all right after a few too many near-death experiences that is the Ender Dragon town now I think getting elytra is actually pretty boring since once

You’ve done one end City you’ve kind of done them all so I’m going to skim through that real fast and we’ll get right back to building our incredible Hobbit Village oh this is a glorious moment savoring it I’m savoring Ito as the limit all white come

See who oh my gosh these three are ones to check wao look at all those can I take a elyra yeah take ones sweet ooh and very very good take whatever you need this next build is actually one of my favorites and it’s the blacksmith I wanted to give it a

Classic medieval style look so we have a lot of stone and then anvils smithing tables iron chains all about that really make it look like a working space after I built the main building I really felt like it was still missing something so I

Added a huge Forge off to the side and I used mostly darker Stones as I wanted it to look like it has been there for a long time and just covered in so and Ash that is baked into the stone and I really love how this one turned [Applause] out Then right next to the blacksmith we have a very natural riverbed shape that we planned on converting to a river I pretty much dug it all down a layer and replac the whole bottom layer with gravel as most River bottoms are in fact gravel and then I edged it with some

Cobblestone and then layered in the water water and my favorite part is naturally connecting it to The Farmhouse and the water wheel to make this area really flow pun Intended now for my actual favorite build mainly because of the concept this is the home for the Fletchers and seeing as they need wood to do everything I wanted their home to be in a tree that they Cho down now builds like this can be tricky

Because you need to give a sense of what used to be that now resides in its current form so I started with the base of the tree that still stands rooted to the dirt and then I built the main trunk of the tree that extends over the side

Of the hill but given that the weight of the tree and the limbs it snapped leaving the top of the tree resting at the hill below with the extra limbs scattered about now I think it did a pretty good job depicting this concept but I’ll let you all be the judge of That So we have done a ton of building so far in this video so let’s take a quick look at the before and after of this entire Hobbit Village Now it’s time for my favorite part of the video and that is going through all the different interiors that Sydney created with her Keen eye for detail the first one The Hobbit Hole AKA our storage room take a look around at this cozy cozy Hobbit hole right now it’s acting

As our storage room but we’re quickly outgrowing it I love to use a bunch of wood and stone Mossy Stone Cobblestone everything you’d probably find in a real Hobbit Hole it looks super old and lived in but cozy at the same time all right check out this spooky teeny tiny witch house

Or cleric house sorry the only thing this place is missing is a little black cat hanging out on the bed we’ve got shelves we’ve got barrels Redstone lamps a rotten flesh on the wall skull paintings Brewing stands and lots of villagers yep step right up to the book Return the

Library’s closed you’ve got a handful of books don’t worry about it I love the chiseled bookshelves actually and how you can like pick and choose which spot the books go in like I love that look yeah me too me too well what do you think of the little

Library lots of books to choose from doesn’t it just smell like a library in here this is where we come to to trade Librarians for all the books we need also like a little way to get experience kind of quickly I think the only book we’re missing is the infinity

Book yeah oh we also have some cartographers in here for the trade with glass pains and glass yes from one to another and something I’ll mention to we haven’t zombified and cured any of these and I think we’ll keep it that way cuz it’s a little more fun when you have to

Actually do a bunch of trading to get stuff and everything’s not just one Emerald just with the basics you’d likely find Outside a farmer’s house some flowers obviously hay some carrots you know real close home inside is super simple feels kind of cold to be

Honest with you yeah you got to shut the door it’s raining here she little sink here little table the chitchat sleeping codas yeah I sleep here often actually in the dirty Farmhouse a yeah it’s nasty keep your shoes on don’t take them off very cool I love it and some decentralized storage as

Well yep all right come in the blacksmith’s area you may or may not want to see this he’s had enough the sleeping quarters are a little crammed busy Workshop yeah it’s basically a trade school over here everyone’s learning from everyone well they just spawned an iron golem in the fire pit oops

There are so many what do you call these things smithing DS no all of them workstations yeah there are so many workstations crammed into this area yeah doesn’t really look like it cuz they’re kind of all spread out and Tastefully placed so you don’t really notice yeah

Best thing to do is to go get a bunch of iron get in here and trade leave here with like two stacks of emeralds Fletcher’s Hideway the little archery range archery range bullseye bullseye bullseye three for three how about the big one oh make a smiley face what is going on don’t look

At that hey don’t do that leave it I like it okay that brings us to the end of the very first episode of the buy the biome series if you want access to the downloads for any of the builds you saw in this video or previous videos be sure

To check out the patreon and also we have YouTube memberships don’t forget to join the Discord if you want to join the wonderful community that we have over there and if you like the video please give it a like it really helps us out we hope you all enjoyed and thank you so

Much for watching thanks everyone thanks bye bye

We are Nik and Sid, a husband and wife couple that love to make beautiful builds in Minecraft and this time a new one for every single biome! This video kicks off our brand new series where we are setting out to create a unique build for every single biome in the game! We start off with the plains with a Hobbit Hole Villager Trading Hall complete with over 8 unique builds to house each of the villagers and get a fantastic start in our new world!

World Download and Schematics Available on Patreon, click the link:

Also check out our channel memberships!

The Shaders I use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_1pCOU3eXA&ab_channel=What%27sMinedisYours

Join the Discord Community!

Seed: 123456 (Large Biome)

00:00 Intro
00:25 New World Exploration
00:46 Series Inspiration
01:44 Finding a Minecraft Village
02:24 Minecraft Hobbit Hole Village
03:09 Planning the Build
03:26 Simple Iron Farm
04:50 Findings New Saplings
05:25 Storage Room Hobbit Hole
06:39 Minecraft Water Wheel
07:13 Farmer Hobbit Hole
08:34 Circular Nether Portal
09:45 Librarian Hobbit Hole
10:13 Enchanting Table
10:49 Getting Elytra
13:55 Blacksmith Hobbit Hole
14:44 Custom River
15:34 Fletchers Log House
16:47 Before and After Shots
17:21 Interior Walkthrough
17:32 Storage Room
17:57 Witch’s Hut
18:31 Library
19:38 Farmhouse
20:26 Blacksmith
21:24 Fletcher’s Home
21:48 Outro

Subscribers: 12,515


  1. This video is awesome, man! what a cool concept, I could reallyyyy see where you were coming from about hardcore being way overdone to the point of cringe. i like watching mc videos like I did when I was younger to spark my interest and inspiration in the game after I stopped playing for a while, with a few tiny exceptions. Like, wow man, a build for each and every biome, an idea so cool and fresh THAT I SHOULD HAVE COME UP WITH. a lot of people get bored of Minecraft because they don't think about what makes the game fun, so I made a conscious choice to do as much as possible, while not focusing too hard on optimizing things. btw my brain can't cohesively brainstorm, so what you see is what my brain spits out, sorry :/. In my opinion, the editing is a little too fast paced for me (around the start, it felt perfect in 2nd half), but hey, that's just a preference thing who am I to judge, I just notice nowadays things get overedited to the point of being headache-inducing to keep people hyper-engaged, so it's jarring to see videos that feel fast paced. Being "overly-edited" may be a bad thing for me, but you clearly put A LOT of work into this video. i like the shot of you going back and looking at the door for the storage house. keep sharing your thought process on things please, it's by far my favorite part of videos in general considering how intriguing the mind is combined with my love for the craft. another pet peeve of mine is "toward the end of the video", it's really just a pet peeve dw dw. god I'm gushing it's just 2 am lol. this video just brings the creative out of me, yk yk? seeing these builds come together one by one is nothing short of magical aha. It's incredible how much storytelling can really make a build not just good but feel alive yk? this video is an inspiration (for the craft and for yt videos in general), I think I should maybe make a lets play or something, but I only have a shitty laptop lol. you said the interiors were your favorite section of the video, and I see the vision, it's breathtaking. Ik the shaders help out, but I guarantee they look just as good without. even the tiny sleeping quarters look great, a keen eye for detail makes small things like that super memorable and stuff like wow. making separate pretty builds for different villagers is an idea I've seen before, but WOW, nothing like this, nothing like this, man… you guys are such excellent builders, and I like how it feels like Sid goes on side quests (structurally, video wise), so checking in on her progress is something to look forward to. I cannot say ENOUGH how refreshing it feels to watch people together enjoying the essence of the craft together, it better represents the way I seek to enjoy the craft. Im absolutely looking forward to the rest of this series, I haven't loved the craft and videos surrounding it to this extent since my hermitcraft craze during season 6. I know another comment suggested the nether hub, but my idea is like tiny islands (like NSMB wii hub screen) on the nether roof. If you can't tell, I wrote this comment while watching the video, which is why I seemed slightly hasher on it that I am now, just a bad habit of mine lol. I'm excited just pondering ideas of the styles for biomes, considering some of the strange ones that exist like the end biomes or the multiple ocean biomes, like maybe one is above water, one is in the water, and they all have different themes and stories. This is Minecraft content at its absolute peak, it's cute and relaxed. love it love it love it!

  2. I don't comment that often, but I got this video on my recommended, and I immediately watched the whole thing in one sitting and subscribed right away. No loud obnoxious music and editing, just soft, cozy music, incredible and subtle editing! I absolutely love it! I find that these days people rely on the short attention spans of viewers and try to be as obnoxious and "interesting" as they can. But this right here is like a breath of fresh air! I absolutely adore this and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series!

    Good job you guys and keep up the amazing work! Thank you for this incredible video ♥

  3. This is just what i needed im sick in my bed rn and this is the first time ever i see u guys i love the editing style and the way u guys build

  4. I've always preferred working with the terrain in Minecraft, and this build looks soooo lovely snuggled into that hill
    Also: Sydnie's unite! ❤️ (and all other spellings)

  5. I love this! The editing is also really good (my one note is the white flashing between each biome at around 1:28 is a bit intense being so quick). Can’t wait to watch more of this!

  6. Is it possible to be a YouTuber without using the “but it’s” meme? Can any of you come up with one unique idea? Is it in some co react with YouTube that you have to release the EXACT same generic content as the next person?

    Do one unique thing in your life instead of being a parasite who leeches off the concepts of others.

  7. this is such a cool concept and i cant wait to see more 🙂 i imagine this world turning into sort of an open-world rpg with all these different biomes and builds scattered across everywhere. i think a really cool thing to do would to sort of make the nether portal in each build an anchor that connects all these different civilizations through a nether hub that also goes through the builds of each nether biome! maybe even have some nether portals not directly in the build, but around it with a path leading to it. for example, if u were to make a lost indiana style jones jungle temple, a nether portal in a small desolate town nearby, forcing u to trek through the dangerous canals and rivers to find the actual temple 🙂 just an idea tho!

  8. Okay, i just subscribed and the vibe between you and sydney(not sure if that's how you spell her name) is so adorable and sweet! I love how you and your wife work together to create amazing builds and are so endearing about each of your achievements ❤ i hope you both have a fantastic new year and can't wait to see where this series takes you guys!!

  9. Watched this video about a week ago when it came up in my feed (loved it obviously) and just saw the post saying P. 2 is in the works. Went back to check on how this one is doing and saw that you guys are reading every single comment!! Absolutely love the community yall are growing and I hope it keeps up 🙂

  10. this video makes my heart warm two lovers that join together to play such a simple video game within a life of love i would love to see this series continue as you ar the dynamic duo like batman and robin and the way the builds you make compliment eachother is incredible

  11. Awesome buildings and ideas but aren’t you supposed to stick with what the biome gives you because spruce and dark oak aren’t from the plane’s biome even though the fit perfectly? (If you don’t mind me asking)

  12. This video is just so peaceful, calm and the building you both have done is truly amazing, I am lost for words with how you think if it but if I may use some of this for inspiration and maybe copy some too that would be amazing. You’ve got my attention


  13. this is so REFRESHING i always wanted to see someone do this series, because as it stands i am not skilled enough to have done it myself so i’m living vicariously through you and your wife!! thank you!!!

  14. Wow this is insane. New sub, you deserve it. Those fixed path free cam edits where you blend the before and after are insane. Also these shaders are perfection. I've never been a shaders guy, but I will 100% be using these.

  15. This seems so interesting! I've never gotten that far into any of my own singleplayer worlds, I always end up restarting because I never had an end goal in mind with what I wanted to do. This seems like a really interesting idea! Looking forward to the series

  16. I'm so flipin jealous lol a girlfriend no a wife who plays Minecraft with you no not just plays she's actually good at it … Bro you won life 💝

  17. I can agree with most people on sometimes watching hardcore series are getting a bit boring and we would want to watch something new, and this is what I call new. I can’t wait for episode 2!

  18. Im excited to watch this series unfold, but i feel i should mention that the quickly flashing lights at 1:30 makes the video physically painful to watch. The white flash as a transition, specifically.

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