Minecraft but From POOR to RICH…

This is Minecraft but from poor to rich today we’re broke and this is my home but not for long because we’re going to be grinding our way to the top from living in the slums to going to University and collecting debt to even becoming a CEO my goal is to become a

Minecraft billionaire to unlock the mystery button but getting money isn’t going to be so easy so what will be my first job and can I even buy a house stay tuned to find out well today we’re starting poor at 0 I live in that box right there and it’s pretty much like it

Says right here the dump but I have some nice neighbors the rats they’re kind of cool and I’m kind of stuck here cuz these two guys see me as trash and trash stays inside not very nice watch this when I go up here okay yep yep yep yep

They hit me away so we need to find another way out so I have a bit of an idea to become very rich and make it to the city first up we have a little box right here where when we open it we have a little bit of my belongings let me

Show you guys what we got we got some dead bushes a DIY pickaxe cuz I can’t really get W in here and gets the job done some netherite scrap some richen got throw it in here and what really matters to me our family photo never

Getting rid of this thing but to see see them again I need to get out of here there’s the plan guys just so they don’t get suspicious I’m not going to dig out but I’ve realized there’s a little hatch right here we can press to get out of

Here so let’s go down wo oh wait one don’t get caught I thought that was going to work no oh gosh oh gosh okay okay um well anyways uh we need to get money and get out of here let’s go let’s go I am done with the poor dumpster life

We got to get out of here go away guys oh wait there’s a little side over there let me go up here stairs out of order oh wait did I lose him I think I lost him yes oh my goodness and I think we’re new civilization well we got some people

Over here and it looks like assistance is needed is this my first job oh cleaning job this might mean we get money hold up let me grab this what do we got to do oh I’m hired oh it’s a janitorial job oh so we’re just cleaning

All right don’t mind me guys I know I’m a little dirty myself but I am going to make sure all these little garbage things are out of here look at this I’m amazing at it boom oh oh my gosh wait does he have the grippers out get some

Shoes on buddy I I at least have that don’t worry my suit is a little dirty but it’s all good ooh is that a leak I don’t even know what that is I’ll just keep cleaning up all this hello officer don’t worry I’m just cleaning up right

There oh and it says entrance for Middle class $5,000 oh well I have $ so we can’t go up there yet let’s just keep cleaning clean that right there and this here and there’s only two more things are these the bathrooms how’s it going everyone let me double check is there

Anything to clean there no that that’s not how you use the bathroom just saying all right let me keep looking around what about this oh that’ll do it oh and last piece of trash on this out of order place oh and we got our first paycheck

Yes let’s right click you and only $50 that is not enough oh but there’s a new job apparently now we got to clean the bathrooms oh man all right well we got to get enough money for the middle class so let’s go in here put garbage in the

Toilets my goodness wait what’s this who put steak in the toilets this is toilet steak H all right well we got to eat what we got to eat might as well get this in and there’s even more toilet stick oh let me clean that up there one

More toilet to go in here get that done and last one oh and we got the paycheck last redeem you $100 sure name I mean we were at zero it’s something but I guess we still can’t go this way oh wait but they fixed this area is this going to go

To lower glass let’s go up here I guess do a little bit parkour okay we’re good oh and we made it to the apartments poor area find a way to make money oh I see a money sign over there do we need a job or something maybe let’s start here and

Then make our way all the way over there all right so I want to get enough money so we can go to the middle class area which is kind of blocked off right here but right here they need a chef what else do we have going on here oh wait

It’s a house or cell we can maybe afford that soon all right that’s the first goal right there and then this wasted for sale too for $2,500 we are going to become rich guys but first we need to do this Chef job all right Chef needed

Right now they really need the chef cook needed all right I can do that hiring a loyal and skillful cook right click to apply oh I guess I’m applying right now let’s right click and oh jum down all right they immediately hired me oh and I’m now Fred cck Nester nice all right

Everyone get ready to enjoy the greatest Burgers of all time all right let’s go inside real quick oh oh oh this is one way to get inside and oh I got to prepare all the orders oh my gosh there’s so many oh but all the recipes

Are here ew rten flesh and Fries what the heck all right so I’m guessing these are all the orders and then I have all the stuff I need in here is that a dragon egg what you know what I’m not going to question it all right let’s start with the chef special which

Requires rotten flesh and two bread oh I guess we we are in the poor area all right so we need all the bread we can get there we go and all the rotten flesh we can get it looks like everyone wants a chef special so don’t mind me just

Doing my first cooking job where there it is the chef special never question the ingredients okay I’m just going to make five of those all right first up let’s do this stuf special right there and here comes the customer oh they’re happy all right let’s do the next one

Another happy customer better be getting paid good money for this don’t tell me how much I’m getting paid for this but hey this is rush hour right here oh oh oh oh uh the customer is uh I think they’re happy okay this the what what what just happened all right you know

What I’m not going to question the food I’m making last one come over here Mr customer where are they Mr customer which one of you is it oh wait it’s heride yo does he give me the paycheck what happens now he’s just staring at me

This is kind of really awkward oh and I got a payche hey all right well enjoy your meal Mr herbine and he’s gone let’s real quick cash that in $175 now and we have a new order for a mystery Burger uh is that on this thing oh it needs

Mystery meat huh oh wait that’s it right there I don’t think I’m supposed to break the restaurant and this is a Bedrock door could these be item frames and I just move them well that one doesn’t work what about this one no what about the mystery Burger one oh wait

That didn’t work yo okay so real quick let’s go in here and let’s get three mystery Meats I will not be eating any of this real quick let’s close that again let’s get the bread and the Mystery Meats oh my gosh where did you come from oh hello Shady Chef does he do

Anything oh wait he trades mystery meat for money wait so low key I could just give her the mystery meat and get out of here I mean money is money let’s go ahead and trade for the 6,000 oh wait what did he drop even more mystery meat okay let me real quick take

The 6K and we’re rich yo I think that was a pretty good deal no one saw that right yep no one saw that okay so what we can do then is uh let’s try out the even more mystery meat and make the very mysterious Burger uh probably

Surprisingly good I mean hey we’ll call our own creation and real quick let’s put it right there oh and that’s the customer enjoy buddy oh oh no wait wait wait wait no no no no no customers no don’t leave oh oh um I just got fired

Anyways looks like we got a brand new outfit let’s get out of here and buy a house and I know just a place guys we’ll get down the road a little bit later but we now have enough money for the $350 house let’s real quick buy that house

Bought and oh man yeah maybe I should have inspected it before I bought it but it’s it’s nice I think what do we got here oh Building Supplies okay yeah it might be time we actually uh fix up the house ourselves this is going to be the

Greatest dirt house ever made Let’s real quick fill up the holes there anything in the chest no we just got some storage there we might need a bed but I’m used to already sleeping in the dump so you know it’s not that bad all right looks like this is pretty solid there we’ll

Make the door right there and we can make this right here my bed so I will sleep right here oh let me uh close this off right there and it looks like our backyard has wood finally so it is finally time we M the wood we did it all

Right let’s real quick do this and so now the most important part of our house we already had a cing table I just realized but we need some doors some nice Spruce doors to Spruce it up get it get it nope all right and look at that the house is honestly pretty well

Renovated this is a lot better than I thought and I guess why not we’ll make a nice door right there separating the rooms for some privacy and it might be worthwhile if we find to make some tours for ourselves in this room of the house

What we can do is add a little bottom thing oh and it looks like we’re on top of an ocean so let me get some Stone down there Stone yes we can make tools I could have bought the tools but you know what this is better and now with the

Stone we can make our first sword and our first axe all right I think I’m pretty happy here oh I just realized there’s Brown stained glass so actually just so we don’t get a little claustrophobic in here let’s actually add some windows this will do it there

We go and now it’s repaired improve value by 300% yo does it say the anywhere oh wait but it looks like a family’s out here is that a mother and her child let me real quick grab some stuff here before I leave this place but

What if I can sell it for a profit that’s how we make more money hello how’s it going it looks like this is a buyer or a br I’m going to assume buyer oh sell house to me for $1,000 you know what we got to make money let’s play yes

Hey we got the money all right enjoy the house and now it’s time to buy a new building all right so we got our job there we bought the house there I don’t know why they are walking backwards like that they’re just moonwalking for fun

Have fun have fun have fun yep yep okay but now now we have this over here which is for sale for $2500 I mean it looks to be a store maybe this could be a business we start up I think it’s time we make our first business guys we worked now let’s buy

This we bought it now again we got to repair it so what do we got going on here are there any building materials I got left oh maybe in this chest oh there is yo so much wood and we got better tools hey all right DIY pickaxe I am

Going to miss you but we finally got something better and lots of logs let’s real quick do this right here and everyone in here get ready for the greatest store ever we just got to fix it up a little bit by first getting some new floors that’s a lot better let’s also

Remove all these cobwebs that’s a lot nicer and honestly this looks pretty good now but what we need I think is a nice sign on top what we can do real quick then is Let’s Make a good old sign and right out here it says an S right there but because we

Took the store over we’ll just put a sign right there saying exoro amazing store of stores yes that that’s what we’ll call it and there’s a flower right here and because I own this property I can real quick just make a quick yellow die and color yellow amazing I think

That’ll do it oh and now we got to find an employee um I guess there’s a little green thing on this guy and he’s looking for work all right sir how’s it going our first ever employee all right look man I will pay you any money you need

Just to work in there okay we’re going to make lots of it oh he’s he’s he’s sucked and it looks like he’s going to go in there all right walk right in and now we just got to open the store oh he’s already set up with the cash

Register anyways all that’s left to do now is real quick get another sign and I guess make sure this place is open so I’m going to write in right here open 24/7 we’re never going to close okay then never closing and I’m going to make it very serious by coloring it red all

Right let’s real quick do that real quick and the store’s open oh and I’m even more smug look at that we got the suit going on and we now can pursue a new career what’s this oh store Revenue oh we already made money all right let’s grab that oh and that’s $5,000 exactly

Hold on all right buddy you’re in charge of the store because I think it’s time guys we saw this earlier on the screen right there we’re going to be purchasing the access to the middle class that’d be that way but we got to go back to Subway oh this brings back memories remember

When I was just running all the way from over there well now we can actually purchase the entr not entrance for the middle class well sir officer I don’t really need the other exit I can just go ahead and buy this nice and he open the door how times have changed but what’s

Middle class going to look like oh yo well that’s our store right there and now this is the middle class area where we got to find a career okay so I’m going to assume we’re going to be getting a higher paying job and all right what do we have going down this

Road we have looks to be careers are us probably where I’ll get a career and this right here is the bank the grand Emerald Bank oh nice oh look at how these people are dressed hello and as we get further down the road oh that’s upper class with the $3 signs upper

Class requirements college degree 500,000 net worth what and own two businesses well we have one business and 0 all right definitely a lot more work to do and it looks like as we get deeper we’ll get more jobs so let’s TR the first part of the road with careers are

Us all right what do we got going on in here introduce career ticket oh assign your skill points at the phone is that what I’m supposed to do oh this thing all right oh what the heck I have skill points and I put them to different

Things oh this is sick so we have intelligence agility luck stamina and strength okay I think intelligence is very important so let’s put all our skill points to intelligence very smart to do that agility I mean well you know we can be very basic with our speed we

Don’t need to be super fast that’ll be good luck uh I don’t feel like I’m very lucky half the time so we’ll do that stamina will be very important cuz we’re going to be doing so many jobs let’s get that done there and for strength we

Don’t want to be too weak let’s just give a nice three points yeah that’ll do all right how’s that I just talk to you oh they gave me a career ticket what do I do with this redeem me at the career nator oh this is the career nator this

Thing all right well we’re going to be getting our first job to make money again and to get to upper class all right what are we going to get oh here goes here goes here goes give us something good ooh lawyer most suitable job for you oh so whatever we put on

That phone give us this oh that’s sick all right join top tier lawyers come to our law school today and become a successful lawyer today program tuition only 275,000 emeralds huh is that why the bank is there do we need a loan loan required all right yep we got we got to

Go to the bank well thank you for the career it looks like I guess we’re taking the path of a lawyer with the grand Emerald Bank all right so what do we do here do we just like walk up uh student loans oh this is the student

Loans oh and the student loan teller hello I would like a student loan do I uh just right click you uh did he say anything oh wait there’s a little thing right here are you a robot what type of question is that I am definitely a human

No I’m not a robot huh what is this prove that you’re not a robot I just got captured what is going on in this video all right so I got to do four captions let’s start from left what’s written here um that is Mojang okay this is

Goofy let’s real quick type in Mojang okay done put that in is that good yep all right that’s the first one approved and now this one select all pictures with a dog oh my gosh okay it’s this one this one definitely not a dog and this

One happy yep that’s the second one done too and now fix this image oh my goodness is this cursed realistic accessorio oh my goodness okay very nice capture three out of four done and now finally are are you human yet again I I I really am human guide so don’t don’t

Believe the captions let’s just go ahead and flip it okay we got approved my goodness oh and we got the loan $300,000 that’s more than I needed oh and we also got some store Revenue oh this is from the store hey we made some extra money

All right well thank you for the loan it looks like now we can go ahead and head to college which is where oh wait this might be College Law School oh okay well we will come back with the degree very soon but let’s go up right here and I

Guess enter law school let’s go all the way up here and the Headmaster all right enrolled in and we just lost so much money okay well we got to pay that sooner or later but we need to enroll into class oh this is it law 101 all right hello fellow students how’s it

Going pass the test to become a lawyer wait we’re immediately doing the lawyer test oh gosh all right everyone watch this I know all the questions already I didn’t study it’s all good it’s crime okay no have you practiced saying objection objection can you name one law

N or the Marine Act of 1920 let’s go with the Marine act R are University five stars yes for sure got a Pander right is no cap AOW argument in Cor oh this is a really tough question um yes where’ to go with that do you pinky promise to be a good

Lawyer wait wait I’m just realizing why is a student the teacher right now does anyone know why we’re here are you guys just sitting here why are we paying for this all right well yeah I think you promise oh it does pass I am now a

College graduate and it looks like I got big legs cuz of that what the heck okay but we’re smiling we got a master of law start working solve a case oh gosh wait we’re already getting put into the workforce oh my goodness that being said

I might know a good SP to do my first thing there’s a crime scene right in front of us it’s a low key maybe we can sneak in and somehow represent Whatever Happened Here looks like there’s no police or anything I mean we could probably just walk in around here yeah

Why not let’s not get spotted I think I’m not supposed to be here but we got to investigate oh wait it’s just a normal middle class villager oh and now we have a mission at the top it’s to find five pieces of evidence well looks like we already have one piece of

Evidence right here case evidence three out of five okay let me make five slots for all the evidence and don’t worry sir I have a master’s in law so I will find everything oh wait is there something else here this is K7 one out of five

What even is that looks like poison um that gravel is mine I guess that might be everything in here let’s go to the second floor and see if we can find anything here oh another piece of evidence okay five out of five we just need two more guys what other evidence

Is there around here oh wait I think we just picked it up okay that’s the second to last one oh and this is the final one all right now with all the evidence we got to present ourselves in court all right it’s time to use our degree guys

We put a lot of effort into this AKA we pretty much went into one class and kind of guessed our answers but it looks like court is down the road right over there all right here we are at court oh wow a lot of people already waiting here

Totally not a murderer yeah it’s definely not that guy all right let’s go in and um I guess I just walked straight through right how’s it going everyone I am lawyer exoro and we got to present the evidence or preset all right let’s see we have one out of five two out of

Five three out of five four out of five and finally five out of five all right judge that should be all the stuff right there and my name is a lawyer exoria I here to prosecute the totally not a murderer guy with all this evidence we have this thing what which honestly

Looks like green cake I have no idea what it is we have the wooden thing which has a knife on it on top as you can see right there we have a TNT explosiv or bad what looks to be no idea but it was evidence and finally uh I I I

Think that’s a mask or something but this man should be guilty and I can prove it because I have a master’s of law you everyone everyone can see it right here I got it actually from a college it cost me $300,000 please appreciate it thank you thank you and so

That’ll be why this man is guilty oh uh they’re thinking oh they seem angry case one yo we get 25k from that oh oh oh he is angry and did he just explode from anger oh my gosh um right well now we got to expand and buy an office well

Thank you guys I will see you guys again one day hopefully and it looks like we can now maybe buy another business oh and the office is just right here all right we made it to the end of the road and at the office it says for sell

$40,000 oh man losing money again but this is how we make more money let’s buy that real quick and we bought the office oh and a more store Revenue good old store back there is still making us money okay so this office what exactly

Do we do in here here we just walk in all right let’s go inside and O we even have a nice front office we got plates and everything anyways we got a random door right there we’ll check that out very soon but what’s in here nice little

Open area little storage room oh and this is click to hire an employee oh we have four employee spots oh man we are expanding guys we used to only have one and up here this room could use an improvement oh I mean it already looks pretty nice build wise but I think I

Know what they mean okay we have the finally photo why not we just put it right here oh we did it nice and we also get a case solver maybe we can this soon uh what does it say cozy Vibes make work easier right click on the stack of

Binders to solve them all oh I’m going to guess we need employees for that first anyways that is the family Bo right there if only they could be here and before we start hiring people what’s down in this room oh wait is that a zombie oh gosh what did I buy what is

This basement clean it up oh no what the heck the office I bought literally had a dungeon under it again this is why you inspect your homes first okay let me real quick take down these guys and it looks like we got to go straight through

Here okay NOP no not a fan of this this is definitely going to make the customers not want to come let me break you real quick oh here they come get away no no no not the baby zombie come on come on these are not the customers I

Want oh oh oh gosh oh gosh wait I am going to die down here no no no I cannot die before I open up the business oh gosh oh gosh W guys have heart oh my gosh there’s so many over there why did I get such a bad property guys they’re

Never ending what is this I could at least make some money from it get in the cobs break this okay no more zombies I should probably eat I should probably eat it’s okay it’s okay let’s take this guy down and we’re good okay that’s all of them done everything is clear let’s

Just go back up it act like that never happened okay now now we’re back I think it’s time we hire our first employees let’s hire our first employee with this one right here let’s click right there oh and they’re already getting jobs hold up so do I case solve with this oh it

Makes us money y it makes us so much money all right he’s going to just get more cases on him right there let’s go and hire our other employees you get hired you get hired and you get hired and they’re all making cases oh gosh oh

Gosh okay we got to start solving then uh do I just like solve them like this oh okay that’s one stack solved we literally are coming in and with our lawyer skills we’re going to solve all the cases for them oh my gosh guys look how much money we’re making we’re

Getting ready oh my goodness wait the one on the left is getting way too big all right let me solve that real quick there we go another one solved guys we’re going to have over a million dollars doing this oh gosh guys I am lagging for how much it’s doing holy

Okay let’s solve that one that one and we did it we’re now A Millionaire we can now enter the upper class okay before we enter the upper class let me real quick grab that right there let’s get some extra money there we go and we’re going

To be leaving with a $1.3 billion all right well my office is still going to be making money while I’m gone and it looks like we now qualify for everything all right well Mr Iron Golem I think we’re good to go forward oh and 500k

From us we’ve made it to upper class all right so what do we have going on in here upper class by a mansion oh is that all we’re doing here where can I buy my Mansion then oh wo is this it um no it looks skated oh what about these or this

One yo for sale $700,000 oh that’s amazing oh and we also just got Law Firm Revenue oh nice wait I just got a ton of money I also even got money from my other business well I guess let’s buy this and we got it Mansion Bots and we

Still have over a million dollars all right well it looks like we have even a little garage and garage there and a big old door honestly the turt was a little bit more comfy but I guess we’ll go in here all right what do we got going on

In here ooh is this like my desk store upgrade station and law form upgrade station okay so how do I use these things do I just like upgrade my store in here oh yo wait to upgrade store it cost $100,000 wait so I just do this oh

That’s sick wait so it’s a one miss upgrade can I just keep upgrading it oh and I got store M again yo wait the store is making more money now hold up so I just got to keep upgrading it oh my gosh okay yeah we are just upgrading

This thing fully all right let’s get it fully up upgrade then and how much money is it going to make now oh still 100K yep I like that and so technically we can go to this store right here with the law firm and how is the law firm going

To make me if I just upgrade it fully to the full capacity all right let’s see it oh and we lost a million but we now got more Revenue now we got to go to our headquarters apparently anyways let’s see how much money we made $10 million wait what automatic payments enabled

We’re just making so much money now all right well let’s go to our headquarters now which is it going to be over there with the sky creepers oh there’s one with a question mark is this mine selling office $1 million oh okay I mean we’re still making money and what is is

A million dollars and we’re making this much I don’t even know what that number is let’s buy it aess granted hey now we can go inside all right so this is now going to be our office oh and is this the receptionist hello receptionist I’m

Here to my office oh we get an access pass and what is this going to be golden negotiator beating competition has never been easier wait what okay let’s I guess just go up then what’s up here hello mining Corp coo how’s it going mining Corp oh pter with mining Corp I mean

They seem nice sure ped hey and that gave us so much money amazing stuff while we’re continue to make more Revenue here I’m going to give you a little present one netherite scrap that I got when I was at the dumpsters anyways let’s keep going up what do we

Have next oh this guy right here how’s it going buddy partner with diamonds LLC I mean you seem like a nice person again let’s say yes nice uh do I have any diamonds for him no but I have mystery meat for you there you go uh don’t eat

That probably bad for you anyways let’s keep going up it looks like we have all our little friends here and this is block law Inc oh and they even have a little plushy nice oh they they’re they’re not happy do they not want to negotiate well I guess we’re got to eat

A golden negotiator all right sorry buddy but you’re out of here oh oh we now own block law nice I’ll take the plushy too thank you on to the next floor and what do we have here I’m waiting still for my office but this is sugarcan Corp oh partner sugarcan Corp I

Like my myself some sugar why not oh my gosh these numbers are just insane right now I don’t even know what the number is I think it’s $84 million we have right now that is crazy all right up next Jerry tommen Brothers another angry one buddy sorry bud we got to do this

Goodbye buddy our buiness now oh and that’s another 100 million we have now hit $1 billion all right let’s keep going up o wait this guy’s a little different from everyone else how’s it going man do we negotiate or something oh wait I got a little option thing

Partner with Anvil gy sure why not danger hostile taker over wait what is this hey can I can I fight him no can I use this thing on him hey no he’s actually chasing me down hold up he is just going to be up there what do I do

Okay wait hold up there’s an emerald right here maybe this my first Emerald this might be the key guys okay grab the first emerald and we got to do this we’re going to just put this in here throw it down and get out of here that’s

Your first Emerald oh oh and he’s gone okay well looks like we took over the business nice that was one way to go go about it and instead of the first oll here we’re going to go ahead and put my master of law nice law degree Masters

Accessoria worked very hard for that and now I own gym blocks all right let’s keep going up then let’s go all the way to the top it looks oh and this is Nester Office business profitability increase and it looks like to get all the way up we need $1 billion well good

Timing we just got laot from revenue for $10 million and uh store revenue and I think we have actually $1.7 billion that number is way too big no one should have that much money anyway so let’s go up cuz I think we do qualify oh hello the

MOJ CEO wait what what’s going on here do I talk to them oh byy mojing I I I am buying the company that made Minecraft huh we have made it so far guys I guess sure we bought it oh and they’re going on the long awaited vacation we own

Minecraft now uh what happens now though oh we have now developer options spawn a 100 dragons in Minecraft do not press or oh gosh oh gosh hey is this guy back out of here no what is this guy doing I was going to make my developer options oh

Gosh okay I I got to think of Plan B real quick is he trying to take over so I thought he was gone oh gosh oh gosh you know what here’s the plan we got to press the button on whatever button over here this one I I I I clicked the wrong

Button didn’t I oh no oh no oh no no no no no no he has a TNT oh no no no no no no no no no my building no

POOR to RICH in Minecraft…
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