Stardew Valley Perfection But With 50% Profit Margin! [Stream VOD]

Finally well you guys get to hear this disgusting voice today cuz I’m Ill what the hell I I don’t even know what I did I don’t even know what I did I think I just changed the track number or so I don’t even know I’ve

Never done that before I yeah I am so sick I’m sorry guys all that waiting around for nothing because my voice is awful I’ve got covid I’m Ill but I still wanted to stream today oh my God I am so sorry about that I have no idea what was going on oh my

God yeah Co sucks this is the second time I’ve had covid um luckily the the symptoms aren’t that bad the only for some reason it’s targeted my throat I have no idea like I have a sore throat and it’s like taking away my voice other than that I feel absolutely fine

So that’s why I’m able to stream because I don’t feel ill I just sound ill if that makes any sense but um anyway yes I was basically going to do a 12-hour stream today I’ve had this planned and scheduled for a couple of days when I

Felt fine but yeah I woke up this morning and I literally couldn’t speak for like 2 hours I couldn’t even get a word out so I was like that’s not going to work we can’t do a 12-hour stream today but then as the hours went on my

Voice started coming back I felt fine so I was I was like let’s just still do a stream but we’ll just have a few hours today just a little one and then we’ll do the 12 hours hopefully next week if I have my voice

Back so yeah that is the plan we are on this uh save file that I created in the last 12 hour stream I’m trying to get 100% Perfection but it’s on hard mode so we’ve got the hilltop Farm 50% profit margin so it’s super hard to make money

We are we’ve got monsters spawning on the farm at night time all the bundles are remixed um and yeah I think that’s about it that’s all you can do in stardy Valley to get hard settings but we’ve got 26,000 gold earnings and only 203 current it’s so

Hard to make money a dog called Spud and does anybody know Smurf Bob Ross let me know if you know where he comes from the only thing I’ve changed is the character I’ve just created a different character I wasn’t really happy with the one that

We had before but if you know Smur Smurf Bob Ross you are a legend if I’ll explain if not I’ve already had some hot tea I’ve had lemon tea I’ve had honey tea I’ve tried everything all day today to get this voice good I’ve had froat sweets oh I’ve done everything

Guys what’s the is the music too loud let me know if the music’s too loud and we can change it if if needed but yeah basically I just I just feel like playing stardy Valley today h just in that mood you know a little bit ill

Rund down I was like let’s just chill to some music oh you can’t even oh yeah maybe you can’t hear the music actually let me know if you can hear that can you hear the game sound as well can you wear like the watering or is it just the music that

You can’t hear guys maybe I’ve done something I fixed the mic but everything else is broke oh you can’t in oh oh so we have broke it oh no that’s not good oh crap so that works can you hear it Now can you hear that oh there we go is it too loud I’ve just got a random stard Valley sound soundtrack on yeah it’s the it’s the spooky one right now I think it’s the junimo on let’s have a look yeah is that okay not two are perfect there we go I

Think I fixed all is oh my God this is you can tell I’ve not streamed in a long time guys a little bit loud what about that I’m Rusty it’s been it’s been quite a long time yeah here we go God streaming it’s not it’s not easy guys

Nice we are all over the place but you know what we he we’re here we are here I’m Ill so I I don’t really care you know it’s going to be rough it’s going to be rough it is what it is uh Nicole thank you so much for 34 months

That is absolutely incredible I just can’t even get over it and Alyssa with a 12 months as well wow thank you so much for the support I don’t know why you guys keep coming back to this horrible voice but you know I truly appreciate it yeah we’ve

Got it working we’ got a sound oh thank God for that that took some time 30 minutes it was strange cuz I could actually see all the the audio working so for me I I had no idea because go we love you there we go so let’s just have a

Chill time shall we let’s just relax also who remembers in the last 12-hour stream where we created this Farm oh we can can we chop this ax I don’t think we can chop that down yet but yeah we got the slime this slime spawned on the farm bear in mind the

Only meant to appear at nighttime um and then disappear in the morning but this slime for some reason just stayed around he never died and we called him Flubber we called him Flubber and yeah he’s our pet he’s going to be our best friend we’re going to

Cherish him and look after him forever he’s never going to die Okay Kevin with the five gifted wow thank you so much that is very very kind of you and to everyone who had one of those enjoy enjoy enjoy yeah you remember Flubber you remember Flubber what a legend where

Is my axe we need togra upgrade it and then we’ll chop those down I don’t even know where to begin we’ve got the people to speak to we have got our skill levels level eight fishing wow it’s just so hard to make money though yeah flber was a legend let’s get some

Uh iron smelted let’s check this Dr Harvey oh did I Pass Out ooh oh yeah I remember in the last 12-hour stream we did a member fun and the last goal was to go to the mines after a full day and pass out on purpose and we died we died in the mines

I don’t know what we lost lost I completely forgot we can only just get out of the farm here this is a mess are you planning to play coral island again since it’s fully released I’ve been playing quite a lot on the Xbox to be honest in my own time I

Started a brand new save file and I’m quite addicted but I’ve not done a video on it for a while I don’t know if I should or not go my voice sounds terrible I don’t even know why I’m looking here because we can’t afford anything so yeah

What summer fish do we need to still get probably everything we need to get the pike we need the Dorado I think or did I get that we got the Dorado we got the Dorado let’s get some summer fish there’s the rainbow trout here as well is this the Jun cart

On yeah the axe may be getting upgraded to be honest that’s a good shout it may be there if I’m right it actually is sunf just trying to catch the summer fish for the Collection the mod that I’m using to change the the way the items look I think it’s just called um vanilla tweaks so it just changes the way the vanilla items look just gives them a bit of a a bigger fresher sharper feel to them I love them I I can never

Go back it’s my favorite so there is the pike no that was the Dorado sorry we need the bike hi shark you love your competitive star do Valley series with pox feel better soon thank you very much gray greylin yeah me and pox uh obviously currently a little information little

Sneak peek we are recording season 3 it is undergo and it’s it’s incredible guys it is incredible first episode of believe on my channel will be released sometime in Feb um and pox well we’re going to plan to end it around April or May that’s

When pox video is going to go so quite a way off but you’ll see two episodes per week on my channel from my POV and if you want to wait for the the big video on pox sadly it’s going to be about April time but it’s always worth

It but yeah we are we are competing again for the finale the trilogy I think it’s going to be the last one we are currently 1-1 so someone needs to win and it is absolutely crazy it’s a little bit more simplified and rained in a little bit compared to season

2 kind of going back to the basics it’s almost like season 1 and two combined if that makes any sense but again it’s not just about making money there’s there’s a few challenges we’ve got to do and uh pox was in charge of this one I gave him full power

To kind of do what he wanted with season 3 so yeah it’s going to be good it’s going to be Good so we have got a lot of the summerfish there do you know what we don’t have the Sunfish yeah we do I lied let’s go to the ocean I kind of messed up we’ve kind of messed up with the stream at the start we’ve like three times starting a stream

So there’s probably a lot of people who got fed up or got confused we had a rough start but we’re here how far along are you we are I think we have just got to summer in the recordings yes so Springs done ooh dried starfish we we’ve already done we’ve got it

Okay oh there’s the puffer fish look at all the fishy that we can get oh our adventure is full oh no oh no yeah I wish they added a shark to this game as well imagine 1.6 update we get a shark oh that would be incredible where can you find the mods

Laura I’m literally using I think four different mods I can probably tell you what they are there is the UI info Suite mod which yeah it’s quite handy just shows you a little information uh on the UI there is the vanilla what’s it called I forgot what it’s called I’ve

Just told you what it is the vanilla Sprites I think it’s called better vanilla or something like that that changes all of the the items and what else have we got I think we’ve got the VIS visible Fish Mod where the fish are visible and I think and dynamic Reflections and that’s about

It that is about it I do have a tutorial on mods but that is so old that was like four years ago so you can type like Sharky how to install mods or something like that it might pop up but there’s probably better videos more recent up to date it’s quite simple

Guys very easy to put mods into St you it’s so old the one I made but I’m not using many mods on this one it’s more just visual handy mods we’re going to put some things in the shipping bin and we also need to keep an eye out for the community

Community center because we are doing all the bundles so animals yeah full crops right summer crops we need one of everything okay let’s check on the fish tar TR all of those look how better the fish look by the way they look so so good okay we need all the ocean and

These are summer as well I think all of these are summer so sturgeon as well oh we could do those we could do those so let me we don’t need the Dorado it does tell you if you need them so like you see the chub here it says we needed for field

Research let’s have a look at the chest all the mermaid songs on very nice oh yeah we’ve already got the chub here look there’s so much we can donate already actually okay Nice so we could probably sell all of these then do we need two chobs I hope we don’t need Two I don’t know if we Do Boiler Room Treasure Hunter we’ve got the blacksmith bundle the adventures adventurers Chef yeah field research that’s the one that we need sometimes I thought you there’s another bundle that requires a chub but I forgot but I think we only need one so we’ll sell all

This yes Roy this is the one that we started a few months ago so this is technically part two if you want to see the first one it was a 12-hour live stream 12 hours guys and we only got to summer is that not crazy my

God I thought we’ have made so much more progress right what we’re going to do is we’ll put that away put that away we’ll go and do some nighttime fishing in the ocean did we play other games on that stream oh did we oh maybe we did what did we play did we

Play Carl Island I can’t remember actually that was a while ago but we are going to be streaming guys every Saturday from now on so every Saturday we are going to be doing a stream of this series this playthrough here this Perfection hard mode farm so yeah we’re going to make

Progress all year long every Saturday and see if we can get to 100% I will never stop until we do it all right every Saturday I’ve never done this before since I’ve been a YouTuber I’ve never streamed like every week but I’ve made it my New Year’s

Thing I did say when I get to 2024 I want to stream more and I think once a week would be really good to be honest so we’re going to stick to it look I’m Ill I am ill but I’m still here today Saturday we got a stream for you guys

And next Saturday a week today is going to be 12 hours if my voice is still okay it’s already hurting me right now I’ve only been speaking for like 20 minutes Jesus Christ there’s no way I could have spoke for 12 hours it’s impossible have some

Water so I might not talk as much today there might be periods where I go a bit quiet but that’s just cuz I’m resting my voice guys I don’t want to fully lose it but I’m hoping we can get a good 3 4our stream today hopefully I want to make some good

Progress um Nick I have currently got covid for the people who have just joined so that’s why my voice is like this I’m doing well I’m I think I’m on the back end of Co I had it on Monday is when I first tested positive and then I tested yesterday and

It was very faint so I think I’m on the end of it but for some reason it targeted my throat um yeah other than that I feel I feel absolutely fine yeah I’ve just had a nice hot tea before I started to to the throat it was quite

Nice my second time I had C this is the second time I’ve had Co and I went so long avoiding it the first time o the super cucumber or is it the Octopus oh you little booger I’ve not fished in a while Oh yeah we got him this a Super C I think that’s the one we needed um yeah the first time I got covid was actually last year so I went a solid two years without getting it The mod that makes you see the icons under the funds it’s the UI info Suite mod I believe you have to get the unofficial version it is not on sppy it’s called UI info Suite 2 and if you type it in there is like um a website where you can get the unofficial

Version because I think the official version is still not compatible with this update W there’s another one that was so much easier so what did we flounder yeah we missed out on the tilapia still need the tuna but I think they’re daytime fish so I we’ll Carry On Fishing cuz we need

The money this is so hard to make money on this one guys 50% profit margin oh my it’s really [Applause] tough also guys sorry sometimes I might have to just mute myself randomly cuz I’ve got a little tick lick off as well I’ve just missed that and I don’t want you

Guys to hear me coughing up my lungs because it’s not very pleasant it’s not pleasant it’s [Applause] disgusting chest oh chest with a super cucumber it’s going to be tough oh the lag the lag so how are you guys doing let me know has anybody else been ill because I know

There’s a lot going around at the moment but maybe you guys have managed to dodge it hopefully you’re not ill and you’re doing well let me know how you feel you got to go uh it’s halfast 11 at night in India good night get well soon

Thank you very much Nicks get some good sleep you had the flu yeah I had that too Nicole uh back in December just before Christmas I had the flu you never had Co no shots wow Sophia oh Sophie that’s that’s incredible since you’ve been started working from home you’ve never been sick

Yeah and I’m guessing you’ve probably not K got kids as well if you’ve got kids we always get ill you pick up everything right so if you work at home and you’ve not got kids yeah I can imagine you never get ill that’s that’s incredible you’ve been around five six

People and still not sick oh you must have a good immune system oh look monster spawn at night I forgot about this as long as my Flubber is still alive I don’t care yeah there he is oh he’s a good boy I need to find my axe

Cuz there’s a I’m going to clear some of this Farm up tomorrow there’s another slime you see now he’s not he’s not special I’m going to leave him here and I bet he dies tomorrow all right he’s not going to make it fl’s special he One

Of a Kind no kids I I knew it I just knew it we’re going to pass out let’s hurry up uh we don’t need the super cucumbers no no no okay we we we good we good we need that money guys we need that money we are so skin right now

Please you got the flu from my son yeah you’re a teacher and you’ve been sick quite a lot this year yeah I imagine kids Man kids they’re full of it aren’t they they’re like breeding grounds for bacteria and germs it’s been a rough year for me well

It’s a new year now obviously I’ve basically been ill on and off since November if I’m being honest I get better and I get ill again but look at this 2,000 gold come on that’s a bit of money we need let’s go 50% profit margin oh my God it’s

Rough things just don’t sell for as much as they do well normally do but I want the challenge guys I wanted the challenge so let’s go you know what we should do first of all we definitely should go and donate some stuff to the CC let’s get you know

Let’s figure out where we are we got some hot peppers I can’t imagine eating one of them right now I’ll tell you that I’ll burn my throat in off safe safe safe baby all right Spud I’m going to come and give you a love all right it’s not

All about you spy here we go SP Army the SP Army right let’s get the watering cam it’s it’s really hot right now it’s summer so let’s give him a drink Now we’ve got an ancient fruit that’s done in fact tell a lie we got fre ancient fruit this was such a good the last stream that we did we found three ancient fruits well ancient seeds it was so good I think we found some in the mines

We got one from doing the donation and the travel lady sold the third for 700 gold which is actually quite rare So three and we’re in summer that’s so good we need sprinklers for this this is Horrible yeah I’m going to get the axe in a second I’m just going to do the watering first flber oh you still alive I let’s let’s just have look is the other slime alive guys we’ve I can’t even believe it do you know how special and rare that Flubber is over

There you know what we should do we should breed we should get another slime you should have babies oh it’s incredible the other one died look he’s gone but flber just he’s invincible Do you hear the music in the sound yeah you can hear it let me know if it all needs turning guys I can turn it up for you if you really need me to if you want that music louder I got you I got you just tell me right

Let’s like I said before right we need this the chili pepper before we clear the farm and I’m going to go and donate some stuff right so we do need the chili pepper we need the grape we need no we’ got the spice Berry up there Okay perfect balance yeah someone just said that they couldn’t hear anything other than me so um now I do want to sell a lot of crops cuz there’s some achievements that we need too so it’s like 15 of every crop also like sell one of everything for the

Collection too yeah we’ve not sold any Forage let’s just sell one of Everything right let’s go to the CC the axe is here yeah it’s copper as well oh nice that’s good the last I know that’s all we’ve got that’s we have to go to the mines uh let’s put this away and what we’ll do is we’ll fill our inventory we’ll go all of this see what

Need’s donating or see what we can donate today got some seeds as well here so we’ll put fishing rod that away boom boom boom wrong one oh no space okay I know it’s messy right now but once we’ve donated we’ll be fine right let’s go we’re

Coming yeah we got space to pick that up you just subscribed and you’re playing stard on the Xbox but I’m really bad I’m sure you’ll get better Jenny if you’re new to it just keep playing you know practice makes perfect but thank you so much for subscribing I really hope you enjoy your

Time playing stardy Valley it is the best game in the world guys I want you to tell me what percent you are on on your stard Valley save if you’re going for Perfection how far are you away or what year are you in let me

Know I want to see how far you guys have made it in stard you there’s the black bre that we found right we’ve finally done this one well not finally we had all the stuff ages but let’s complete that bundle you can’t wait for stard update

Yeah me too it’s going to be so good you’re in year two oh look at the summer seeds we can plant those we’ll do tea saplings ex oh I completely forgot about tea saplings 70% that’s not bad you’ve completed all the cooking achievement that’s really good year 2 Beach Farm 40

40% year one really modded you’re first in main Farms on year 36 o that’s similar to Me oh coughing um yeah I think I’m year 42 on mine or maybe more I can’t remember let’s have a look we don’t need any of this that’s going to be Done this we still got the other ones to Do okay let’s move forward four year fre year seven no idea what percent you are you’ve never looked I finally made it to live what is this madness Shante shant shant Shante I hope I pronounced that right welcome how are you doing I’m sorry that you’ve

Tuned into a stream where I am currently ill with the worst voice ever but I’m still glad you’re here regardless right there’s the eel what is this song sardine what is this actual song it’s the pirate theme oh yeah it’s the Pirates in ginger Island

Nice yeah if this if the songs are a bit random don’t mind me guys it’s just a random playlist you may hear so many different songs for B that is right we’ve got none of them there’s the chub there’s the Frozen geode okay not bad not bad I’ve never had this bundle before

The children’s bundle never had it oh no oh what an idiot oh no we’ve just gone by Spring and salmonberry season is gone and I didn’t keep 10 I’m sure I didn’t oh no wait salmonberry season it is spring is it spring oh I’m questioning myself it’s not summer is it can’t

Be so yeah that’s that’s that’s a bummer if if we have missed it unless we’ve got some in storage yeah that’s true pomeg Grammy that’s a plum yeah is spring I don’t know why I’m questioning myself I already knew that like the 13th of spring or some 15th it begins something like

That right there is the solar and oh 46 oh we can do the bats yes we’ve just completed this bundle the adventurers and we’ve got a small magnet ring you know what I’ll take that cuz we’ve got a spot right here we’ve got the glow and the magnet let’s go so

What’s so what why is the blue jazz in there we don’t even need the blue jazz or the Tulip what the hell are they doing in there exotic foraging and we don’t need right okay yeah we’ll get the ice cream from the stand we’re in summer so it’s easy enough to

Do you not complete Ginger Island but it is quite big there’s a lot to do over there so we’ve got the so it’s the forage fall and exotic that we could do so exotic forage we have got the red mushroom and we found the Wild Plum why have we not found a

Mushroom we do go to the secret Woods or no we need to upgrade the axe more I’m thinking of another save how interesting the Rings and shoes look yeah they’ve changed the visuals have all changed on all the items so they might look a bit different to you

Guys but I think that’s all we can do I don’t know why I’ve kept all of these we don’t need them oh aquamarine treasure hunter okay we need those is that in the bulletin no it’s got to be here Then there we go so amist aquamarine topaz we only need two more oh let’s go The Daily Grind how did YY I hope you’re having a fantastic evening my friend thank you so much welcome to the stream I’m currently ill with covid so my voice might sound a bit off but other

Than that I am doing very well I really happy to be doing a stream today I really fancy doing it even though I’m a bit poorly I just fancy doing it frozen teer we don’t need either okay we need to the dwarf scroll too need to donate that

So I’ll give you guys another little sneak peek to the people who watch the series with me and pox right for this Challenge three I see a lot of you guys talked about Ginger Island well for Challenge three me and pox are on Ginger Island there’s things we need to do over

There for the first time and the Cavern so yes it’s an interesting one what do you do all day we just Snoop around in your Room what you’d better not be doing that I’m it’s just a joke Haley relax Jesus Christ she doesn’t understand my banter let’s do the Frozen tiar and this oh we um we got the skeleton yay we’ve also got the ice cream I’ll go and donate straight away get the ice Cream good G Dr one day you appeared in my YouTube scroll I think it was back in 2020 saw your St Val content on your channel and being in love with this game ever since oh that’s awesome 2020 wow yeah four years ago isn’t that crazy that bundle is nucleating yeah

We’ve remixed the bundles in the CC so there’s some that I have never even done before like this children’s bundle I’ve never done it but you know what I wanted the challenge we clearly aren’t going to finish this um did I just was that the song or it sound like

Someone was fishing but yeah it’s we’re clearly going to finish this CC in the second year it’s going to be super hard to get done in the first we’ve already missed the salmon berries apparently so just not used to you know having all of these new

Items is it me or does po po world look too much like Pokémon am I missing something yeah Holly I actually played that on um it’s on Game Pass right I gave it a go cuz I do love Pokemon but it kind of reminds me too much of

Pokemon and also Zelda breath of the wild they’ve kind of kind of like stole Zelda if you if you listen to it the sound effects I don’t know just the way it’s like breath of the wild and Pokémon together well most likely just like copied and pasted a little bit yeah not

Not a fan strange sand berries can be found in the fruit back cave you know what that’s actually not a bad idea I completely forgot about that I have we already chose the mushroom one though oh no I might have already chose the mushroom cave I’ll go and

Check if we haven’t that’s a great shout that’s not a bad shout I’m going to clear the farm for a little bit it’s getting a bit messy guys I mean look down here I can’t even walk look at our money 1,900 that’s so bad we’ll just do the wood for now I need

The wood Anyway it’s Pokémon with guns yeah pal world is essentially it’s just a weird concept you want me to turn down the music yeah if it’s too loud that’s no Problem let me know if that’s okay for You I don’t know how loud it is or or what you know we could do I could maybe just get rid of that come in here and put on the actual game music there’s no song on right now obviously it’s random but when a song comes on we’ll check the sound

Levels at least we not going to get random songs then froze me off like the desert songs coming on and we’re not even in the desert it’s it’s a bit weird run out of stamina hello Flubber how you doing friend he’s so cute we need to get the slime jarm ring

So he can never attack me and then we’ll be best friends forever um so we’ve got tulip and a blue Jazz they might be good for gifts I know Evelyn loves those right we’ll keep hold of for now I’m going to put anything else we need

In here we can do another like CC run when we’ve got more stuff let’s just put things away keep that in there we need to sell some stuff cuz we do need the Money do we need the Slime and bat rings for anything slime and bat bat ring batwing are they used for any I’m sure the bat wings are is it for the dark sign or something I can’t remember I don’t want to get rid of things if we need them for crafting

But I guess it could come in time I don’t know we need money we need money Flubber is a female is that is flubber actually a f female let’s get some of these summered down in these gaps that we’ve got which is not many is it skeleton oh we should give this to

Flubber that Wings is for the lightning rod H we shouldn’t have sold we shouldn’t have sold yeah the ambient is a little bit loud is that bit B right let’s let’s go and put the skeleton like there we go he’s got a friend yay hope that doesn’t kill him so

Good okay these do chop down these St nice we just need food we need food have we got anything that we can eat quite a lot of horseradish to be fair but I was actually no Spring’s gone we can’t craft any more spring wild seeds so daffodil is good for gifts we

Can actually eat the two silver dandelions not many people like them to be fair shark is petting zoo yeah come on come and come and pay a visit pet the Slime $10 per pet Let’s Get Rich all this I forgot monsters monsters spawn at night oh dear where’s me broken

Trident Le you sort him out oh look at that right you slime you stay away so what I’m going to do is I’m going to remove these stumps now now that we’ve upgraded the axe we’ll get through the shortcuts so there’s I’m going to keep this one here

Cuz that’s locking him in I any more fences but this can finally go we can cut straight through let’s go now there is actually another one somewhere I think one’s a stone though like a boulder yeah that’s the and we can’t get these ones yet we need to upgrade

Again okay that’ll do that’ll do we’ll get rid of this one soon the male slimes have the ant Oh you mean in the game I thought you meant the actual film yeah it’s true this this slime that we’ve got is clearly female it’s not got the

Antenna let me bring my money cuz I want to pet the animals oh y all I’m hoping another monster on the farm like glitches out and stays there in the morning cuz then we can make another one I’d love one of these things the Wilderness Golem imagine if he could stay

Alive don’t die on us he wants a bit he’s after me ow ouch right you’re not Flubber so see you later you’ve got nothing on Flubber 76 Wood yeah we need more of that we need more of that we got a tea leaf um it’s so hard to figure out where we got to in the last one it’s is so confusing got some strawberries I need some kegs or jars or

Something we can make some jars we can make one I think we could maybe start making some strawberry jelly the gold might be good for a gift uh let’s just do the five for now two days two days time so we’ got look at all the seeds

Look how much spring seeds we’ve got so these spring seeds are for the tea saplings but I think we needed more Fiber or maybe not that was on a second oh it’s the wood we need more wood okay that makes sense so a newspaper in the recycle machine can we get a cloth nope it’s a Torch okay so we’ll have to go and chop some trees down tomorrow make some money from the tea saplings maybe plant these summer seeds as well soon keep hold of them turn those into more summer seeds and that means more saplings we should just sleep we should

Sleep yeah I want a coup I want so much stuff but making money in this one is really tough obviously with a half profit margin I mean look at that just th000 oh it sucks we got something on the recipe Channel today baked fish nice ooh can you hear the music okay the

Song’s kicked in guys I feel like we need it more louder but you let me know I love the summer soundtrack The farming skill went up too let’s go you can’t even hear it well that’s not good you can’t hear that look at the retaining soil got a few retaining soil on these

So they are staying watered it’s pretty quiet yeah I thought he might have been it’s got to be louder than this that might Better they don’t play like all the way throughout the day I think it’s quite Random so it will stop and then it’ll go quiet for a while and then it’ll come on again oh it’s Flubber glitched out on the skeleton he’s not moving I don’t want it to kill him yeah he was he was glitched come on flba stay

Away oh yeah there we go he’s fine he’s fine he’s fine he was stuck in the corner of It lendel with the one gifted thank you so much I really do appreciate that that’s really kind of you thank you so much for the support and to the person who got gifted that welcome to the family I was going to do kind of like a

A a member fun today some member goals to spice things up a little bit you guys have some fun basically if you don’t know what we did one last time if we reach a certain amount of members there’ll be like forfeits or challenges that I have to do

In the game which may jeopardize me and it kind of makes it even harder for me I think it’s quite funny for you guys to see but because it’s not 12 hours I didn’t want to do that Today Alysa with another one gifted thank you so much and The Daily Grind you have received that welcome welcome very kind of you guys thank you so much so all of you guys who are members you actually are going to get some benefits from it now now that I’m

Streaming every Friday I think that’s going to be good for the people who are members you’re going to get quite a lot of it a lot of benefits it’s going to be fun it’s exciting to tune in every Saturday with you guys and next Saturday Marty calendars we’re doing a 12-hour

Stream and we will do a member fun as well where we can have some fun whilst doing the 12 hours it’s a long time you know we got to do something we don’t want it to be boring suggest you adjust the sound in the way so you won’t have to force your

Voice yeah my voice is probably quiet today but all the sound’s been messed up I don’t know what’s happened so I’ve reset everything so I’m not quite sure how the sounds are for you guys yeah yeah my voice is a bit off because I’ve got Co guys I’m sorry I

Kind of lost my voice this morning and yesterday I couldn’t speak at all it’s slowly coming back but it just doesn’t sound very nice but at least I can speak it’s better than not speaking at all right yeah we had mic problems too that’s because I changed all the audio settings it was

Crazy right we’ve got plenty of wood coming in we can make some tea saplings oh we’re going to make some money this is what we need this is what we need we need the money money money but again we’ve got no stamina an ongoing issue money and St Um okay let’s see how much we can make now so let’s take the spring seeds we will take the wood and the fiber does that 30 something 34 and we need even more wood okay well I’m going to eat these or raddish and we’re going to go even More but look at this 34 T saplings give us 8,500 now this would be double that because the profit margin’s been halfed so usually sell for 500 he 500 each but yeah for us it’s 250 so it’s not great but still that’s a lot of money for us that’s a lot of

Money 8 and 1 12K oh my God that’s so good save one just in case just in case let’s get some more wood just until we’ve run out of seeds te this one it’s in the Way what’s your favorite thing to put in the pot on the Lu Festival it’s got to be a gold quality super cucumber hey that’ll give you some points right There or gold strawberry go we need even more wood 49 though 49 oh my God 12K this is incredible right it’s you know what I’m going to do we’re going to go to the saloon and pick up some food I might get some salad what does hard mode mean sorry if

It sounds silly or dumb question basically it’s you can make stardew Valley that little extra difficult which is essentially the hard mode so if you reduce the profit margin to 50% like we have you can use the hardest Farm in the game which in my opinion is the hilltop because of the

Space you can have monsters spawn on the farm at night time you can remix all of the bundles so it’s quite challenging because you don’t know which bundles you’re going to get and just little things like that really it’s just makes it that a little bit harder especially for making money it’s so

Hard uh so Friday for 2:40 113 energy 75 yes got to be got the salads but look how expensive they are though but look how much energy um I think we’ll pick up we’ll go with four and a bread so we’re going to stay

In the 2K Mark we’ve got a lot of money coming in from the tea saplings anyway so at least we can continue chopping wood perfect stream for being sick in bed oh well I’m sick as well we could be sick together oh no no no let’s not sit down Check trash cans I don’t think we have today but it’s not a bad shout we could find something good especially food let’s go and check outside of guses oh we got oh my God we just got a bread just as I said it cozy gamer welcome to

The family thank you for becoming a member welcome welcome hopefully you’re doing well surely you’re better than me that’s that’s not a a hard thing right now yeah look how good the bread looks in this game with the uh the mod that I’ve got the bread looks amazing there’s nightmare mode nightmare

Mode which is send 5% profit margin monster spawn Farm Beach farm and remix bundles yeah but we got another bread R let’s go so odd mode essentially is just reducing that profit margin so you don’t make as much money and then you have things like the remix bundles monsters spawning on the

Farm and having a difficult Farm layout to play on like Hilltop here is not very good for space you’re far away from water source yeah it’s it’s tough that’s essentially hard mode in sty Valley other than that it’s quite an easy game right I just wanted a bit more challenge you

Know especially when it comes to making money I feel like I’m at a point in sty Valley where it’s quite easy for me to get lots of money fast cuz I know the tips and tricks and the ways of making good money money and before you know it in the end

Of year one I’ve made millions or 1 to two million so I wanted it to just be a bit more challenging whil going for Perfection you know and this is challenging I mean we’re in summer and we’ve only we’ve not even earned 30k yet I would have had nearly 100K by now easy

O level up the Forin let’s go do you think mobile will have multiplayer no mobile is never coming to multiplayer is never coming to mobile I think it’s already been confirmed I’m pretty sure yes do Valley is available for moob mobile yeah you can get it on Android and IO

But this I don’t think there’s multiplayer that’s that’s the I think all of the updates are released 1.5 now is released for mobile I’m sure I think but it’s just single player only I know there was waiting on the 1.5 update for mobile and consoles for quite a while

Right that is all the stamina we’ve got and we’ve managed to get another 205 pieces of wood and we can now make another 11 tea saplings and we’ve run out of seeds perfect 60 tea saplings guys for 15K oh my God that’s amazing for Hard Mode that’s a lot of money that

Is a lot of money for Us and we still got 150 wood too nice nice nice nice um mobile version you don’t know if you like it it’s quite easy on mobile you can like touch and go you can literally tap the screen and your person walks there it is so easy guys it is the

Easiest way to play stard Valley you you touch for example I’m on touch screen right now okay if I touch this tree here with my finger your person automatically walks over picks the axe and starts chopping it is so simple it is the most coziest laidback

Way to play stardy Valley on the mobile in my opinion it’s good it’s good it’s good fun yeah the autotap movement yeah it’s a really good feature you can turn it off if you really want to like play with Jo like joystick controls or whatever if you are like a controller

Player oh my God we can get quality sprinklers let’s go we need those so bad ooh okay guys what should we go with you guys can choose the skills on this run I did say that this stream series is going to be more focused on like you

Guys I want you to get involved as much as possible so who we get married to and things like that so let me I want to see should we do a poll let’s do a quick poll although I’m in fact let me just see what you guys are saying let’s see what

You’re saying first this could be a no-brainer this could be a no-brain let me kind of get a feel for what you guys are saying rather than doing a poll because it takes too long okay a lot of gavra right now I think gav is winning let’s keep going

You’ll need the wood that’s what I’m saying Wood’s going to be important you know for the tea saplings so just think about it guys right The Gather is good because we need forage TI items for tea saplings as well so going out and getting double of them

Is good but that’s only a chance or we can get a complete 25% more wood on trees both good for tea saplings though Woods almost free you get a lot of it yeah you could buy W as well you can’t buy forage Goods that’s a great Point

John you know what okay I’ve seen a lot of gather we’ll go with this you guys have got a good point I would have gone Forest to there maybe but let’s spice things up a little bit look how much money we got we can buy wood that that

Makes sense if ever we need it desperately we can maybe plant a tree farm we’ll get some seeds down we’ll get so much wood also we buy it if we need to we can change our mind later yeah that’s true um you’re new to the stream what’s

This play through so a few months ago we started a brand new save a brand new Farm which is this one you seen right here and I am going to hunt for well try and go for 100% Perfection this will be my second time doing it I’ve only ever

Done it once on my main Starly Valley save but this time I wanted it to be a challenge so I’ve made it as hard as possible that that you can do in stardy Valley so for the people who don’t know we’re on 50% profit margin so it’s quite

Hard to make money everything’s halfed we are on the hilltop Farm which I have never done a full playr on before and it’s one of the worst ones o we need a puppy nice uh monsters spawn on the farm at night time and also we have remixed all of the bundles which

I’ve never done before so that’s essentially it guys that’s essentially it’s just a brand new save file trying to get to 100% Perfection we’re still in year one and it’s summer some of the E poppies are good for gifts so I might keep hold of those although these are quite good money

Though maybe I’ll sell the normal will use the good quality for gifts you know what actually I’m not really focusing too much this year on gifts I’m just trying to get by I’m trying to make money that can come that can come so I think everything should just be

Sold because that’s going to give us the best money we can work on friendships another time guys we got plenty of time for that right now we need the do so we don’t I’ve kept a poppy away I think we only need one I don’t think we need

To it’s not fish just making sure I don’t want to get rid that’s the money so yeah there just one for the chef I think that’s literally all it is so we’ve already got the ice cream as well so we do need two purple mushrooms have noticed we need one for here and

One for the Exotic Forin so let’s sell but guys we’re on 17K oh my God that’s so good right let’s have a look at quality sprinklers we need gold we need to go to the mines we need to go to the goddamn mines um let’s try and craft a few more of

These as well this is going to give us good money to be be honest we do have some strobes from the spring season let’s get some strawberry jelly oh yes now it’s talking tea leaves so we are fully out of wood damn damn damn guys what shall we do today sh

We’ve got to water the crops first so while I’m doing this should we go fishing shall we go mining there’s some summer fish we need to hunt for for the 100% as well obviously shipping all the item should be all the fish should work on going to the mines The pickaxe H that’s a good question where is the pickaxe no it’s not maybe we should upgrade that that’s not a bad idea we’ll go and do that today we’ll go and upgrade the pickaxe so we can’t do the mines we won’t do the mines

Today we’ll go to the mines as soon as the pickax is done and that’s going to help us out massively that’s not a bad shout we do need to upgrade that that would help blueberries are doing 6 days flber yeah he still alive is still alive you know what actually before we

Go and upgrade I’m going to go and take all the Copper from here yeah we can’t progress further down the mines with just a standard it’s that’s just wouldn’t make sense so let’s clear this we got some wormies what can we get boo clay incredible so maybe we’ll just put in a

Shift efficient today get the skill up I want to be level 10 because we can sell the fish for even more money which is going to be so good for us how is there a monster exactly we have got a a glitch in The Matrix the

First ever time I’ve seen this guys but monsters spawn on the farm at night time and this slime never disappeared woke up in the morning and he’s just is Immortal so I created a nice little pen for him because he’s so special he is now our friend and we have called him Flubber

In all my time playing stard Valley I have never seen that happen can anyone else let me know have you ever had a monster on the farm that has never died and just stayed there overnight let me know because this could be like one in a

Million guys this could be one in a million I’m going to check the farm cave now that’s a great idea never I wonder how rare that is I have no idea what happened but he just yeah he wanted to stay FL didn’t want to go where is the farm cave on

This on this layout where is it wait hold on where where actually is the farm cave am I losing my mind is is it up top it’s got to be right it’s got to be behind here yeah makes sense so we’ve chose the fruit bats oh my God guys salmon

Berries yes we can still donate these to the CC come on we completely forgot about them in Spring but the fruit bats have saved us and we don’t have any I’ve obviously got rid of them all so we need 15 that’s the only problem it might take a long time

But we’ll see we’ll see what we can do at least we got some food now as well right I’m going to finish watering and go to clints Let’s upgrade our godamn pickaxe hello doing great love you oh I love you too thanks babe even though my voice sounds

Disgusting Flubber is a big fan flber is amazing FL with the green slime That Never Dies absolute Legend we got 20 copper off from doing that on the uh the farm Quarry that’s really good let’s wait for these to finish and I’ll put another load on before we head

Out tried so hard to make my first spring profitable that now I’m able to get a fully evolved barn with some pigs and Greenhouse around summer 10 that’s amazing Julian pigs are amazing great great money right there just takes a long time to get you

Know you got a grind on them you got to grind we all going to be doing some fishing we’ve got three salads to have we’ve still got a bit of bait let’s go and upgrade this can you’ve got 7,000 hours in St sty Valley you are joking that’s

Crazy I’ve only got over a thousand that is unbelievable how many hours a day did you put in hello Jodie you sexy woman you do remember that baby slimes from Wild spawns are persistent so maybe I don’t think it was a baby though I think it was fully grown that’s the confusing

Thing o field snack let’s go food food days weeks months Daily Grind that is crazy well that’s off to you hello Clint let’s upgrade this he buddy 2,000 this is a lot of money but we need the pickaxe thanking you why is the hard mode is not it’s not

Really hard mode mode it’s kind of stardy Valley hard mode it’s the only thing you can do to make it hard without using mods and that’s just the profit margin basically it’s harder to make money so everything sells for ooh iron bar 50% Less and that’s that’s about it that’s the hardest thing we’ve still got some other things as well but that’s the main hardest thing wories right let’s go get this puffer fish and the red mullet and the tuna we need all three of these quick and we

Might not be able to get the puff fish I’m sure it stops at 400 p.m. I see them bubbles too we need them we need them uh they’ve just disappeared [Applause] great thank you all so much for over 100 likes I really appreciate that and I’ve not even asked anybody for the like button to to be smashed so you know what if you haven’t already please let’s hit that like button let’s get it up to 150 shall

We oh I see it jumping up you guys can do it come on oh we’re close we’re close 150 and I’ll get naked in sty Valley I will take Smurf Bob Ross’s clothes off and he can rock around in his underwear and show off to the

Ladies we just got an achievement by the way oh my God we’re three likes away Bob Ross is going to get naked he’s going to get his blue body out I did here we go I blue Bob Ross start stripping my friend let’s see that sexy blue

Body thank you guys for smashing that light goal there’s the mullet oh geod right look it’s oh yeah yeah sadly I forgot in this game you have to wear a t-shirt but look his underwear is rocked like let’s go his red Underpants with the blue skin it’s a great

Combination imagine if you could take off the tops that would be cool I mean if you think about it the NPCs take theirs off on Ginger Island so why can’t we do that you know and Malex they all take their tops off what is this is what fish is

This this is not a tuna it’s the super cucumber that’s what it is oh it’s feisty this is [Applause] feisty oh my God that was insane that was insane only a silver quality as well it’s probably one of the hard super cucumbers I’ve ever thought there

Jesus we still need the tuna did we catch it I don’t think we did I know we got the mullet we take off in The Spar that’s true that is true we do strip off in The Spar this is the tuner I think no it’s not I li

We got it yeah we did oh nice so that’s good for the collection right there look at that we still need this puffer though we still need the puffer now hold on we need that tuna for the bundle uh what was the other one for summer the Snapper but it’s got to be

Raining and where’s the [Applause] tilapia why have we not caught the tilapia yet it’s summer fish right go on guys bring it up on the Wiki how do we get the tilapia what time is it is it nighttime fish Cindy we are on my new save that I

Started a few months ago trying to get 100% Perfection all over again A New Journey but this time I made it a bit harder for myself with like put the profit margin down and stuff like that but yeah first year we’re quite fresh this is only the second part basically second episode

Oh look at this two artifacts and we need the bone flute let’s go I may as well put the top on it doesn’t even change anything look at That only 2 2 p.m. well that makes sense that makes sense don’t it your name looks like sturgeon and that’s just reminded me I need to catch the sturgeon that’s great that’s great let’s uh I don’t want to be fishing all day [Applause] long hi Shar happy to catch a weekend

Live such a relaxing Vibe nice one Madness well guess what every Saturday I will be streaming this entire year every single Saturday so let’s get used to it let’s get used to it I’ll be joining you guys every Saturday this is going to be our little

Thing a bream for the wizard I’ll take that 135 gold right now we need this let’s get the bream is this the pike oh got perfect as well let’s go oh no uh let’s get R of them we don’t need the two Stone Madness thank you for becoming a member I appreciate that welcome to the f and there we go look every Saturday that member that membership is going to get put to good use Mar my Words I will be running like member only giveaways to to like give back to you guys and also there’ll be a few streams especially next week when we do a 12-hour live stream I’m going to get some of you guys to come and join me on

The farm if you’re remember I’m going to get some cabins and you guys are going to help me on this on this Perfection Farm try and take off some of the the list the goals that we got to do so if you do fancy playing with me next

Saturday on the 12-hour stream I’m going to get some cabins built I will like rotate every couple of hours or every hour we’ll get somebody else in so if you want to join me and play stard Valley with me and help me out on this Farm uh that will be for members only

Though just uh you know give back to you guys for all the support is only right that doesn’t mean you have to be a member you can still watch and enjoy but I’ve got to give something back to you guys so there’s some of you guys who have been members for

Years so it’s time for shy to pull out um what’s the saying pull his what’s what’s the saying pull your weight pulling the weight I don’t know but yeah every Saturday it’s going to be fun we’re going to be doing all sorts playing together getting you guys involved a proper little Community how

About that that is one of my goals this year I did not do it enough last year and that’s my bad guys we didn’t stream enough we didn’t get involved as as a Comm Community you know maybe a Sunday here and there yeah well that’s it if it goes well I am

Happy to do more but minimum guaranteed there’s going to be one every Saturday pull out all the stops yeah that makes sense Lucy oh that sounds bad let’s pull out all the stops shark is going crazy yeah I did have a baby yeah you’re right it was busy but still could have

Streamed still could have streamed a joj cola oh no you know what I take the pants are going guys Bob Ross is staying in his underwear forever why not Cindy you welcome to the family I appreciate that membership welcome welcome it really does mean a lot yeah Discord as well Kev I

Mean discord’s a bit of a funny one for me because it sounds harsh but I’m not a fan of Discord maybe it brings back bad memories I I had a rough time with my old server and it’s kind of scarred me if I’m being honest running and managing a Discord

Server scares me doing it all over again just because I did not yeah it went it wasn’t good it wasn’t fun the last time guys it went nasty it turned horrible it got filled with toxic people they took over it it was I had to give it up basically it was

Horrible it became more of um so basically right there was people joining the Discord server that weren’t there for me it was kind of like Friends of the people so friends of friends so like someone would be in the Discord server they would invite all of their friends

And before you know it got filled with people who was they didn’t watch my videos they didn’t even know I probably and uh it didn’t feel like my community if that made sense it kind of just was a place where people would hang out but the the chat was toxic you know

They were they weren’t my kind of people and it got to the point where it was super hard to control and manage it got out of control basically um and then I decided to basically like give up on the um the Discord and then oh God people turned sour they didn’t like

That true colors were shown basically even moderators and people who I trusted do with my friends you know it was uh it was just shocking actually to see these people that you’re friends with for years and you can trust just turn toxic and sour like that just because it was like a power

Control thing you know I don’t know yeah Discord oh they do worry me I don’t like doing it but I know that it’s a nice place for you guys to get together and and that’s why I made a private one I do have a private Discord but it’s only for

People who are members patrons you know like the loyal supporters because I don’t want it to be filled with random people again people who are just there for the Mischief you know and that’s the only reason why it’s private for the loyal supporters that was the only way I could do it

Really look at all these summer Spangles for Caroline well she’s going to love them but it’s a shame I’m going to sell them I’m not focusing on Rel relationships yet that can come that can come next year that’s the next year job we’ll save that for next year let’s get

The money that’s what we need right now so we’ve done the glass shards they can be solved we still need to donate that bone flute yeah trying to stop the trolls in Discord is it’s one thing it’s really hard guys I did have mod Jennifer in the last

One I had quite a few moderators but yeah like I said they was there for the wrong intentions I don’t know it was it was a very stressful period in my life and I said after that I was like I’m never having Discord again I said I can’t do

That it’s no it was not very nice you not sure if you’re in the old one uh the old one’s been deleted I deleted the server I literally full on deleted it I made made the private one um but I think a lot of the people who

Was toxic and weren’t happy with me deleting the server the ones that was there for the wrong reasons they kind of like formed a group and made their own so the probably is still one kicking around filled with the people who aren’t nice basically the the toxic people in

My old server got together and made their own because like I said it was a control Power thing they wanted to take over my Discord you know it had thousands of people in as well it was a big Discord server I had it from the very Start but we’ll get there again we’ll get there again you know trust the people we’ll get the the loyal supporters in we’ll build up on the Discord I’ll face the fears I don’t know the thing you know things like Discord they can they can become very toxic you know all this

Online social media thing it’s um it’s scary as well because I’ve got kids and I used to have like people somehow find my real Facebook and that’s no joke guys I was getting messages and friend requests on my private real Discord which has got my

Kids all over it um I don’t know how they was Finding Me from the Discord server but it was weird I couldn’t risk it I don’t know how people do it that’s what I’m saying it was strange but that’s I think that’s because there

Was a few like my mods who was kind of friends as well and they was probably leaking it or something I don’t know it was weird I couldn’t I couldn’t uh that’s a big risk for me my real Facebook it’s got all my family and friends on there and everything it was

Crazy it was like commenting on my things and everything I was like oh my God how have you even found this bear in mind it set to private so like only close people can see it it was so weird yes scary right I mean I wouldn’t

Be so bothered if I didn’t have kids and you know a family of of my own but you know you got your address the way you live M it’s crazy I had to shut that down pretty fast we got our first strawberry jelly baby 145 yeah it doesn’t sound like a

Lot but that’s a lot for us that’s a lot for us I’ll take it do we need to donate one no we don’t we have got look at that dear Smurf Ross local paper we must be doing well so we’re still one more day on the

Pickaxe okay so I guess what we could do is go for that sturgeon it’s quite a hard fish but I think we should go for it let’s Go a few more fish that we can find all the forage up here that I’ve not done in a while let’s get all this as Well super weird stuff like that is why I’ve been too scared to start streaming yeah and that’s the consequences with uh you know streaming being a YouTuber um you do get weird stuff like this you know there is a lot of you call them trolls stalkers I don’t know what

You want to call them but they’ll go to the extreme lengths of like diving into your life I don’t know the reason why But but when you put yourself out there for people you know it’s You’re vulnerable you are vulnerable hope you have a lovely weekend thank you Kate I hope you do too I’m currently ill with covid but you know I’m here with you guys hanging out we are playing stardy Valley what more

Do I need what more do I need we’re catching rubbish fish but we have to just leveled up to number nine oh let’s go level nine fishing that’s incredible one away one away from Max but we’re after the sturgeon which is here I can see him in the water with the visible Fish

Mod playing sty while watching sty what’s better exactly exactly ooh got a chest just want to say guys we’re nearly at 2 likes 200 likes and we’ve had 10 I’m losing my voice 10 new members since we’ve started streaming today 10 new members I really that’s amazing thank you so

Much even though we had a rocky start where I could not get the stream to well the audio to work Third Time Lucky but we’re here we got through it I hope you feel better soon shocky thank you D I’m sure I’ll be better in a few days did I miss the fish let’s let’s try that again the sturgeon can be quite a nasty fish to catch as well 200 likes we are one away 200 likes guys where is this sturgeon come On I don’t if it’s worth keeping a sturgeon so we could put into a fish pond should we get some caviar you know what it might not be a bad idea just get one fish pond filled with sturgeon if we catch one we shall keep

It what do you guys think or shall we just sell straight for money and put something else in There we got to find the bloody thing first oh the train oh should we go for the train we’re quite close let’s do it interesting your story uh your experience I used to stream and I had someone show up at my house on your doorstep that that’s crazy right

How it’s a scary world guys we got to stay safe out here can we make the train oh look it’s just here let’s go let’s see if we can get any geod or coal from this come on something got the fber that we can get as well anything you are joking not one

Thing oh wow that is I’m actually lost for words normally I get something all the time everything was closed yeah it was you’re right that sucks I’m going to miss out on the sturgeon now as well well that was a very bad train wories you can tell I’ve never been up

Here look at the state where me nope nothing well that was absolutely rubbish yeah we should have got some coffee we do have a coffee seed I think we got one planted on the farm I’m sure we do um yeah the sturgeon’s gone right yeah I think it has no it hasn’t he’s

Still here let’s go can someone confirm the max time we can get a sturgeon I want to say 700 p.m. but just let me know get rid of that c come on try again yeah we’re on 50% profit margin I don’t want to go to 25 because that is painful would be

There I don’t know it’ll be so long we won’t even make any money it makes the game boring seven oh so is this the last time oh it’s not a sturgeon no It’s still in the water but I think it’s it’s not going to be caught well I probably shouldn’t have gone to the train that was a waste of time Right I’ll fish until the energy is gone make a little bit of money and then we’ll head back the pickaxe is done tomorrow so maybe we’ll go to the mines does the midnight Cop come in summer if so we can stay here till midnight but I don’t know if it does come in

Summer ooh Two Fire quarts if midnight it might be actually it might be I know it is on Ginger Island I don’t know about here fall and winter yeah fall rings a bell I think it’s summer on Ginger Island if I’m right or maybe all year round I don’t Know that’s going to have to wait I think the only fish we need now for summer is the red snapper which is a rain only fish we need to be raining and the sturgeon no we also need the puffer fish I lied puffer fish yep

Um oh we’ve not got the stone fish yet what level are we in the mines have we got to 420 yeah we do oh why don’t we have the stonefish guys let’s get these two fishing here Stone and ghost let’s go you’re not into fishing in this game

Oh I love fishing in this Game it’s the best it’s going to be tough to get 10 million to get the clock exactly and you know part of perfection we need the gold clock so getting 10 million is going to be rough basically we’d have to make 20 million because it’s half so 20 million

In a normal game is what we need it’s going to be so long imagine if it was 25% that would have been horrible yeah some fish are frustrating like the legendaries are rough the Scorpion carp and the octopus are a nightmare they are stressful the catfish is rough in the

Beginning but gets really easy after that super cucumbers I’m kind of used to now as as well as catfish they get quite easy for me once you master the pattern yeah the scorpion fish is just a nightmare it’s just annoying just so rapid like a d go

The law of eel as well can be a nightmare which we’ve got to try and get let’s get the stone fish first though wherever you may be we got to get back soon we’ll have to leave at like 12 Max and we got no bait incredible we got to pay a will a

Trip damn it the glacier fish yeah and the octopus there are horrible oh look at this bait please be it is this it is this it it might be no it’s not one last chance no energy no bait yeah James the octopus is basically a legendary let’s just say it

Is it bloody acts like one oh this might this is it I think this is the yes stonefish just in time or is it please be yay let’s go we got it an uncrowned Legend yeah it is there’s a few like that there’s a few that you could almost call Legends or

Legendary ypr is definitely up there though scorpion CP I tell you though that’s that’s close to Legendary basically that’s the Scorpion carp is the the desert Legend right let’s just think that each area in the game has got a legendary fish the desert is definitely that one ooh mix

Seeds right so let’s just double check we do we not need any of those those fish we need the octopus and the Scorpion look at these for they’re so hard fish blood fish is the easiest out of these and the LV maybe the the oxus and the Scorpion are absolutely

Horrible right so we definitely we don’t need the uh the stonefish this time the bundle has been replaced with the the Masters this I’ve never had this bundle before this is so cool yeah the Scorpion fist fish is basically a legendary right it’s got to be I’m

Dreading trying to catch it it’s going to be horrible I’m not looking forward to it guys right what I’m going to do while this um day ends well I just nearly killed the dog that’s not great is it before we start a fresh day I’m going to

Go for a toilet break grab another bottle of water oh level 9 and we’re going to pick up the pickaxe and go to the mines kill some monsters and try and make our way down we need to get some uh need to get some resources but I’ll

Be back in like 2 minutes guys let me just grab a few things to keep me going and we will continue we are not ending yet don’t you worry I just really need the toilet uh yeah we’ll water those as well yeah we’ll get we’ll get cracked on with

This may Lewis oh tomorrow is the uh the festival do you have anything that we could put in there oh I don’t know should we put a gold strawberry guys let me know what should we put in the pot you guys can decide we’ve we’ve got all this stuff

Here and that’s it that’s basically or we can go and find something we can go and find a fish or something let me know maybe something’s going to be ready tomorrow that we could take I don’t know all right two seconds I need toilet toilet Toilet E All right okay we are back then you can’t see my game there we go we’re back we are back baby we are hydrating on it you got a coffee and a Gatorade lovely lovely okay let’s go good morning Spud maybe we should work on some sprinklers ready for the full season to

Make this a bit easier expand this a little bit more but should go for the quality I really want to get to the gold floors so we’re just going to grind on the the iron today whilst making our way down until we get to the gold floors refined quartz I want to check

How well are we doing with those also we’ve have we we’ve got no wood great got five let’s smell these spod move out the what we’ve got free coal oh no we got no coal either this is this is becoming so hard guys this is crazy this is crazy right okay we’ve got

To definitely go to the mines we need everything full day today maybe even tomorrow coal and iron and quartz that’s the first things that we need before we even get gold yeah we’ll go hun hunting for Sprites and iron together floor 40 is really good for that you can take both off the

List oh yeah he’s still alive good morning Flubber oh look at this there’s two iron deposits over there that’s quite good we’ll take it I’m going to keep these blueberries for the jelly we’ll make blueberry jelly for a while just to improve the The Profit okay so that’s two more of those

So that’s three in total so we can make three sprinklers just with the quartz that’s not bad right let’s put the watering can away and the fishing rod today we just need the good stuff um we don’t even need the axe I’m going to get rid of that maybe we should

Put tools in there we’ll take the two joj Cola for a little bit of extra stamina if we need it let’s put that in there that in there and that in there and that in there we’ll take that we just need my pickaxe now um any more food any more food

We keep we need this the salmon berries and no let’s keep them into the right chest please thank you now we’ll take that for food as well cuz we already donated one of those strawberries we need to keep uh hold of yeah maybe we could take the spice right that’s 25

Energy we’ll eat that now uh Irish Viking it’s been a member for 15 months I just realized I’ve been watching you for 3 years that is insane thank you so much for the support it’s good to have you around all this time that is insane time sure flies right it flies by 3

Years and 15 months of a member that’s insane I’m going to 35 energy yeah we’ll eat this and we’ll go get the pickaxe are we ready are we ready oh can’t forget the wormies it’s just a lost book everyone relaxed false alarm it wasn’t nothing worth digging up but you

Know there’s the four that counts Smurf Bob Ross is just so sexy especially in this underwear they all want a piece of him I can’t even check those trash cans because everyone’s around oh what a song this is what a tune There we go copper pickaxe done that’s going to help us a little bit but as soon as we’ve got five iron bars we’re going to be upgrading that as well pretty sharpish I wish this was repaired God damn mine carts now we got to walk all the way up there oh it Sucks a long trik to the mines catch a sturgeon for we’ve not got the fishing rod and the festival is tomorrow and I really want to go to the mines I’m like geared out for the mines now is a gold strawberry not going to be enough is that what you’re telling me

A gold quality strawberry can is that come on they’ve got to be happy with that surely guys please I can’t give them anything else we need it uh no wrong floor we are on oh we can do the favorite floor the I yes we can

Get a lot of iron from this and plus we’ve got the copper pickaxe so this is going to be a bit easier and the quartz don’t forget the quartz oh you want some you want some got him I love this broken Trident by the way such a good early weapon if you

Can fish one of these out in your first year you’re going to be having a good time such a great weapon gold strawberri is fine oh that’s see that okay we’re fine they’ve got to understand we are we’re struggling as a farmer we can’t give him too much stuff

We’ve not even caught a sturgeon for ourselves never mind Chuck him one in the pot who do you think I am oh look at this let’s go dust sprice for the coal a good amount of Ira oh God these slimes aren’t very uh easy to kill with the Trident though

Cuz it almost I think this is a dagger yeah it acts like a dagger which I do prefer a sword if I’m being honest but this is a great dagger I love that fast attack this one are you ready I mean look how good that is so good cave carrots Food Food Glorious

Food yeah s you get the knock back as well the distance um gold strawberry gives good response so what’s going to give us the best response something that I can actually get my hands on other than a sturgeon you’ve been watching for years moveed to Texas from the UK oh my God

Emma that is a that’s a big step oh we leveled up the mining um love stard and Sh is like a comfort from home oh I love that giving you a little bit of that UK that is wild you guys have some crazy stories I find it so

Interesting guys you know what I was thinking the other day I’m going to give you a random Sharky for right this is like real life so I was just in the the car with my partner my fiance right and I was just in my own little world and was on

The motorway so just a long stretch of road boring a lot of cars in front of us and I was just looking at these cars and I was thinking like this this was my own Ed I didn’t say this out loud I was like this

All of these people in front of us right now they are like living their own life they play as their main character in their story but to me they are just like Side characters they just they’re a sign they’re like an NPC in my life and I’m my main character

Right but to them they’re the main character and everyone’s I don’t know it’s just so weird it just it just like came to me I was like these these guys are all living their own own worlds like the I don’t know it’s hard to explain yeah I know I know it’s a weird

Thing to think about right it’s just like I don’t know it’s like you see all of these people around you they have no idea who you are like they don’t really care about you right strangers because in their own world they are living their life and

Again I’m just a random person to them right like NPCs it’s just I don’t know it’s weird we’re all just doing our own thing right and that that’s what it is we’re all just doing our own thing we’re just like pass passing by passer by pass

By that’s what goes on in my brain guys I just think of weird Stuff we got a crystal fruit baby passes by that’s that’s the word I can’t think straight today my head’s foggy it’s all Co Dusty Right do you guys never think that what I’ve just spoke About tell me some like strange things that you think about sometimes that like you just can’t get your head around like do you ever like look up at the moon or something in life just start thinking of crazy crap like what ifs and stuff how does your brain work guys tell me a

Topaz feel like that’s the same train of thoughts knowing that we’ve not introduced yourselves to our pets like they don’t know our names yeah you see now that’s a good example I like that it’s so true this they just like living around us getting fed by us but they have no idea

Right I was passing by a large field could have sworn I saw St dinosaurs I mean hey you might have done who knows guys we getting so ex so too weird that’s crazy my brain doesn’t work fair enough Steph fair enough what do you just like count sheep in your sleep

How are we doing with coal and iron are we doing well do you feel like we’re getting a lot of stuff here I don’t know there’s not many iron deposits I’d like more that’s for sure give me more but we need to a spris I see quite a few down

There oh coal let’s go oh yeah this is more like it come on I might have to eat something to be fair I hate bats uh let’s go with the two Joo my cat new me is n my M’s mom and my sister’s so you’re saying your cat

Recognized your names is that what you’re telling me you looked up at the stars the other day and realized that even if aliens are up there they are seeing the Earth before before we existed possibly even before dinos that’s crazy that’s crazy and what about guys

What if there is other planets out there that people are living on right and they are looking up in the sky in their universe and they’re seeing a moon and stars and planets like us do you ever think about that what if there is more people living on another

It somewhere else like that blows my mind they might look different or something like that or maybe there’s just pure humans out there somewhere that we don’t even know that they don’t know we ex I don’t know don’t guys you’re tripping me out this is weird I’m too ill for

This that that might be what aliens are we call them aliens but maybe they’re just other humans living but because they are unknown we call them aliens maybe we’re aliens to somebody else my head hurts I know isn’t that crazy though we’re all just here on planet

Earth thinking that we only exist we are the only humans out here but we you have no idea there could be a whole new world out there and people are just going by their day doing their thing not even knowing and imagine like they have their own solar system maybe it’s not even

Called Earth to them maybe they live on a planet that’s called something else guys mind blown you watch the documentary about wildlife and how humans make the ways of some animals so much harder and fences Etc then I thought what if we are the aliens exactly exactly we are just the

Aliens what makes it hard mode Claudia we are on 50% profit margin so making money is extremely difficult we’re on the hilltop farm with remix the bundles monsters spawn at night um and that’s about it and usually I would do like member goals where you guys would get me

Doing crazy stuff to make it even harder but we’re not doing that today because it’s not a 12-hour stream oh we need the we okay we need oh maybe I’ll keep all of those we can make some jelly out of those I’ll keep one for Don donating though topaz should we

Sell for money yeah I think we should we need it we’re desperately in need for it frozen tears we don’t need let’s get rid so we come away with 14 coal and 62 iron we also got seven quarts I I’ll take that I’ll take that let’s get the iron on overnight ding

Ding we might pass out if I don’t be careful we don’t want that so we keep that way in there let’s go let’s go to sleep quickly we are totally aliens have you ever see moonfall I feel like the plot in that could be very well possible no I don’t I never have

Actually right guys got to choose again level five mining shall we go with more or per vein which is quite handy or should we make eventually our gem sell for more more money and we can find more pick which one I’m going more towards minor we need all we want sprinklers we

Want kegs I don’t know it might take a while for us to get the money from gems so that’s more end game so maybe we can swap to that later on oh everyone’s going mining here yeah you got mine is very helpful yeah I think it’s going to help right let’s go

More or you guys said it we’ve made no money I’ve already drank that bottle of water guys that’s how dry my throat is so let me see if I’ve got something else I’ve got a little mini fridge by the way it was a Christmas present from my partner a mini

Fridge it’s the best thing in the world it’s full of goodies so when I’m streaming especially for the 12 hours oh my God it’s the the best ever so let me Che go and see if we got any drinks in here uh that might do that might do yeah

That was a great present I also got a steam deck oh my God that console guys if you’ve never had a steam deck never had one if you’ve not got one sorry I know they’re a lot of money and that’s why I never got one because it’s

Just quite pricey I’ve also got the switch so I was like do I really need one but the steam deck is better than a switch there I said it I said it I love my steam deck especially if you have got a PC or steam with a lot of

Games oh my God yeah it’s quite pricey I know I know I’m so lucky that I got it as a Christmas gift oh my God guys they are great I’m hoping one day you guys can get one because it’s a good treat you have a steam uh steam deck

Nice Jennifer do you play it much do you use it now the only thing with the steam deck is there’s not well there is a lot of games but not every single game in my library is like compatible so there’s some games that either won’t run at all or don’t run very

Well so yeah yeah that’s a bummer um the little Pascal this stream is not the 12 hours no because I’ve currently got Co so I thought I’d just do a little one today but next Saturday hopefully cross my fingers I’m better and my voice comes back we are doing the 12 hours next

Week there’s going to be a live live stream every single Saturday all the way through this year this was meant to be a 12-hour stream today but yeah Co decided to punch me in the face and scratch my throat so we’re just going with a casual stream today probably a couple how long

We’ve been going we’ve been going for 2 hours Right so we could probably go for another one two hours I’m still going strong you want to steam deck so bad yeah they’re great I hate saying that I’ve got one cuz I know there’s a lot of people who like I said who can’t afford them and I

Was the same I’ve only just got one oh it’s the festival gold strawberry like I said it was I was looking enough to have it as a gift and it was a surprise I never expected to get one so I was like oh my God you’re

Joking a mini fridge in a steam deck come on guys that’s like the best right yeah traveler’s rest is so good on Steam deck so is kin seed as well really really good right let’s um let’s put away the watering can I want to go back to the mines but it’s the festival

First and that’s going to that’s literally the best thing we’ve got is the gold strawberry it’s there’s nothing else we can do So that’s what we’re doing wormy right as the festival started it’s going to it’s going to waste a full day for us sadly but look it is raining tomorrow yes I don’t have the water I could go straight to the mines okay so I don’t really think we need to

Speak to everybody do we like who you thinking we marry guys who are we thinking of Marrying cuz I actually have no idea I don’t Know uh I kind of want it to be someone that I’ve never married before just you know going down a different path like I’ve already done Leah she was the first ever one I married she still is my wife on my main my main

Farm so I don’t want to worry about M um Leah sorry Maru is a good shout I’ve never married Maru I’ve done Abigail and I’ve done Leah and not going to spoil too much but I’m in the process of marrying Emily so other than that should we have kobus as a crus could be a good shout as like a roommate that’s not

Bad uh Maro could be a good shout or Haley Maru Haley or Penny maybe right Okay right go strawberry added you married Emily like her a lot okay you second kobus yeah don’t care for Haley I’ve done in this context yeah I’ve done Leah been there done that yeah maybe I shouldn’t say that we have we’ve married Leah we’ve not done

Leah but we have cuz we got some kids out of her got him got him being there and done that literally H twice I got two kids she couldn’t get enough guys she could not get enough Leah she was just all over me like a rash she’s like you make great babies

Let’s have another right chill out Leah calm down relax okay that’s a very pleasant soup that produced from this Valley never disappoints yay that’s not bad that’s not bad I’ll take it gold strawberry for the win we got some good friendships there with people or some good friendship Points are you guys excited for the new Festival that is coming to sty Valley 1 .6 if you don’t know it’s going to be a New Year’s Festival New Year’s Eve so basically the last day 28th of winter we are going to get a festival which celebrates the New

Year there’ll be fireworks and things like that kind of we we expected it I kind of had a feeling but guys it’s going to be great the update is going to be dropping this year we just don’t have official date I I’m calling out for so my theory is it’s going to

Release is it Feb 26th which is the anniversary that’s when St Val got released guys and I think it’s the eighth year anniversary so imagine 1.6 Feb 26th it makes sense come on it has To but either way it’s going to be coming this year because is is um it’s almost done the update is basically finished I think they’re polishing it up testing it but also also is working on haunted chocolate here so we can’t spend too long on a sty Valley

Update I thought it was going to come last year like winter time but it never did your birthday is Feb 8th perfect you can’t wait for the 1.6 playthrough yep exactly guys we are going to be doing a a brand new 1.6 play through which is going to be using the

New Farm layout because we do get a new Farm layout which is incredible and then showing off on playing through all the new content and that’s also going to be kind of like um a Perfection series but we’ll not stop doing this one because this is hard mode

So this is even harder to do so but think about it all the 1.6 content is going to be available on here so there’s going to be new things in the collection to go for maybe some new fish some new achievements we don’t know

So we still got some of the 1.6 stuff to do on this playr right we have got to keep old of a tomato we’ve already done the hot peppers so let’s keep this here tomato the rest can be just sold we’ve got two more refined quarts nice

Ready for the sprinklers that’s five in total we’re running a low on coal again though we need to get some more guys so to the mines we go on a full day oh let’s go you want haunted chocolate more I mean both are at top of the list okay

That’s a question then are you more excited for 1.6 update for stard Valley or are you more excited for haunted chocolate here a new game you have to choose obviously you might be excited for both but which one are you most looking forward to I know people are going to say both

But let’s be honest surely there’s one that’s a little bit more exciting to you you can’t choose that is quite tough actually that’s a hard one um I mean I should answer this too that’s tough I mean let’s kind of wait up for me you know 1.6 is so exciting because it gives

Us new content for my favorite game it’s good for YouTube as well it’s good for me I can create content to show off to you guys it keeps you know the channel going it gives us more stuff to do in stard Valley keeps the game alive keeping it

Fresh but also haunted Chocolatea could be basically the next stard Valley I think I’m more looking forward to haunted chocolate here but that’s just because it’s new and I don’t know what to expect you know I’m kind of like like how is it going to be what’s it going to

Be like it’s the M like the mysterious feeling of what haunted chocolate is going to be like and let’s be honest we kind of know what 1.6 is going to be like we’ve had it before we know what the update is going to be we’ve kind of seen sneak

Peeks but haunted chocolate here is going to be a complete New Journey and it’s all new to ex and that’s the thing right it’s going to be like the first time playing stardy Valley all over again which was one of the best times of

My life I always wish I could go back to that day playing stard Valley for the first time and learning everything new for the first time we’re going to get that we wanted Chocolatea everything’s going to be new like like oh my God like look at this we

Can do this we can do that oh my God and that’s what I’m excited for having that brand new feeling yeah God to play stardy Valley for the honestly I dream about that sometimes I’ll be honest and you know what sometimes I see comments or on

Stream or on a video where people say oh shy I’ve just played stardy Valley for the first time watching some of your videos to help me and I just think wow like wow to be you right now I know what they’re going through I know what they’re experiencing

That feeling of ooh a wood Mallet what a weapon by the way what a weapon but yeah back on the topic I just I feel like what’s the what’s the word guys is it it’s not envy what is it when you you wish to to live that moment they’re

Doing I it’s not envy is it I don’t know but I would love to go back to my very first day of playing this game I was up all night what’s hard mode it’s not it’s just basically just hard settings in stardy Valley Audy just reducing the profit margin and things like that

Making it a bit more challenging is technically the hard mode in the game because that’s all you could really do to make it hard Nostalgia yeah we’re in year one we we’re quite fresh this is only the second part to to this save trying to get 100% Perfection with the hard

Settings currently just farming for iron and coal we need dust Sprites and then we’re going to work our way down to the gold floors I think quite close there’s D Sprites baby let’s get them let’s try the Mallet P great weapon it’s good for when you bunch a

Lot of enemies up together and then you can use that special move look at this stuff here we’ve got topaz copper and iron why break the crystals what do you get from them I don’t think you get anything from them I have never in my life got anything from a

Crystal the only thing I’ve seen is like a frog sometimes a frog will jump out of them I’m sure they drop ref don’t lie to me are you telling me we can get refined quarts from them there’s no way if I find one guys you get I think you’re lying to

Me there’s no way I have never in my life got a quartz from one of those it must be r here surely you have me on you got one yesterday what why have I never found One that’s it now guys you you’ve started something I feel like you’re having me on you know I’m going to be breaking every single one now you’ve never had one as well there’s a few people who never have it can’t be true if it is it’s super rare

It’s quite hard to use this wooden Mallet it’s so slow so slow got him you’ve had a th hours and only seen it once or twice yeah that’s rare as hell then I have never seen that Coffee Bean that’s it guys we’re doing a new series on the

Channel how long does it take to find a refined quartz from the crystals is it even possible you can get three FR quarts if you put one fire quarts that’s not true I’ve tried that before I’m sure you guys told me that on stream before that you could

Put oh refined quarts not normal quarts three refined quarts to fire I swear we tested that do you like the festivals I don’t mind them they get boring and repetitive after a while guys look at all this if we don’t find one with all these crystals we’re never finding one

Told you it’s a load of bull crap you must have got it dropped from somewhere else and just thought it was the crystal where really it was just a monster or something oh it’s not even worth getting that topass down um is it no copper I’m

Not getting that that’s way too much of my time give me the iron I think we might possibly have enough iron now so I think what we should do is focus on getting down to oo the gold floors from now on I think we’ve got enough iron to last us for a while

So we’ve even got quite a few quarts too so yeah tomorrow might pop down look at all this iron and we’re going to go for the Deep floors getting that gold look at all these crystals here you guys what have you done to me now I just want to go for the

Crystals ooh combat level let’s go what have you done to me it’s just not happening I’ll be searching hours right we we might leave that alone we’ll leave that alone oh no give me the quick give me the special oh yeah that was a good one come on give me another one ready Very satisfying very satisfying whacking them all together like that let’s Clump them up B Sharky the shark of the crystal Smasher I’m addicted now it’s like I just want to see one I want to to prove that it’s actually real and it exists and it’s not made up by you

Guys uh right we are maybe we need to upgrade our backpack here this is not good 75 I or wow the Frozen tier only sells for 37 the bat wings are worth more set 16 down we might need in the long run the sap should we get rid of the

Sap I know we can turn it into fertilizer though but it doesn’t really matter let’s get rid of the set we got double quartz here let’s go double quartz we actually finding quite a lot of this we’ve got nine and we found I think nine yesterday as well

That’s really good that’s a lot of refined quartz yeah this wooden Mallet is just not as good as the Trident it’s not happening ooh dwarf scroll I don’t know if we’ve got that one um yes we do we got the green one right we got to

Get out of here Google said it was extreme rare to get one H I’d love to know the ACT actual chance of it though never watched you live it’s wonderful playing pal World which I’m surprised how which I like it Sarah a lot of people are saying that cuz it

Sounds like such a weird concept pal world like uh Pokémon with guns but the amount of people who actually enjoy it is oh we got a chest here is H pretty crazy I’m going to store those cave carrots of food up here it’s going to

Help us out a bit um those spice berries too not doing too bad here though 5,000 hours according to steam I’ve gotten two living hats but no garbage hats oh now that’s interesting Connie because another little spoiler not going to give too much though there is a

Challenge with me and pox in the third season the competitive multiplayer where it it includes the hats all right now something happens with one of those that you’ve mentioned and you’re going to see cuz I know how rare they are as well they’re super hard to

Get and um yeah it’s quite fun going for them let’s get the iron how much coal have we got in total 24 that’s a lot better that’s a lot better so we’ve got seven refined quartz we’ve got 15 iron bar we not doing too bad you know we’re not doing too

Bad this coffee bean we should plant just to get some we’ve got a coffee bean here that’s ready tomorrow the ancient fruit as well got a star fruit lots of props here we should maybe get some more seeds down here tomorrow CU halfway through summer basically you’ve got them both before I

Think the living hat is the Oder one to get that’s like a 0.01% it is super hard to get we just got an achievement cuz I heard a noise I heard something anyway yeah we got oh we got 50k 50k baby let’s go is this another rainy day two rainy days back to

Back so I think guys we might play through this last day I might do this last day here before we wrap this stream up but there’ll be another one next Saturday don’t worry and that’s going to be possibly 12 hours if I’m feeling better so I’m quite excited for

That so I think what we’re going to do we’re going to go to the mines again but I’m going to try and progress down to the gold floors cuz we need gold really bad so that’s what we’re going to try and do that’s what we’re going to try and

Do three grapes we got one two of those we can make some some summer seeds now we do also have 29 no that’s melons why are we not planting those what the hell we maybe should be um we can’t plant many though better than nothing better better than

Nothing okay um that’s that we need there’s any more gaps that we could do I think that’s everything there we need a sprinkler here coffee and then what we’ll do is we’ll probably plant more of these too to give us even more in return cuz the planting spring and

Summer yeah we we might get a few out of that okay that’s looking good so yeah we got a lot of seeds no space though this Farm layout sucks really does I don’t like it I just don’t like it let’s go back to the and try and get

Down I I’d love to get down 10 maybe 15 levels that should put us onto the gold soon a lot of you guys have got the living hat I know the garbage Hat’s less rare but it’s still quite rare though but that living hat is very very

Rare zero .01% and a lot of you guys seem to be getting it which is awesome right we’ve got a little bit of food so we’re currently on floor 55 we’ve still got some work to do we’ve still got some work to do so let’s try 65 would be nice 70 even

Better oh we got to dig for the God damn well break the Rocks let’s kill little slime hopefully he drops it nope we got to find it it is it’s a decent day he’s not the best maybe we should have upgraded the pickaxe one more time before doing this

Definitely will’ll do that before we get to gold but we’ll try and get down with the one we’ve got look at those dust Sprites over there let’s get him take that slime I saw his eyes go red but he didn’t stand the chance against Smurf Bob

Ross so if you don’t know why my character looks like this for the people who don’t know basically pox poxel the other stard Valley YouTuber who I do a series with he did a 24-hour live stream very long time I could never do that but basically I joined him I think

I played for three or 4 hours if you’ve not seen that go over to his channel in fact I think he’s releasing in the next couple of days the big whole like 24-hour stream and yeah you’d watch me play with him for 4 hours and this is the character that

That I randomized I created a character I was trying to rush I pressed the randomize button and this is what it looked like and straight away I was like oh my God my person looks like a a Smurf Bob Ross and it’s stuck the character of Smurf Bob Ross was

Created and I have copied and pasted him into this series because I just love him so much he’s the best so yeah make sure you stay like watch that 24hour stream it was awesome pox was doing it for charity so I think they raised was it like

$2,000 or something like that it was really good o ooh super fun he was putting it up this year and last year’s stream yes he is he’s doing the last 24-hour stream too he’s putting it back up for you guys to watch it’s because when you stream to YouTube

They only archive 12 hours max in fact I think it’s like 11 hours and 50 anything after that they uh it just deletes basically unless you stop the stream and restart it and then do another 12 hours which he could have done and then that way he did not have to record 24hour

Footage render 24hour footage or below 24-hour footage apparently it’s taking him weeks to just do all of that it’s such a a massive File 24 hours Eh that’s a long time my old bones could not do that 12 hours is enough for me but maybe one day we shall tackle a 12 hours what do you guys think that’ll be rough but we’ll do for charity I think that’d be cool I’d give it a go at

Least oh I hate these floors the windy ones we need to find the ladder right now please the worst flaws in the game go on drop me a ladder drop me a ladder somebody oh my god well we’re not going to get down as far as I thought we would oh yes should

We take out this slime I think you get some good XP for this he’s a nasty boy oh oh no this is not good look at the color of him yes oh firm boost let’s go H they’re not as good the combat boost are better cool drop though cool drop there

We go we have got to level 60 that’s really good the cutless is not a bad weapon not a bad weapon bear in mind the reason we’ve got this is because the rewards in the mines the chests have been randomized as well remixed so that’s why they’re different but it’s

Still not as good as the Trident 15 to 26 9 to 17 is fast though very fast sorry about that guys just coughing coughing away don’t want you guys to hear that so yeah it’s a fast sword but it’s just not very powerful test it on the

Slime I do love the block on the swords as well though it can come quite handy yeah it’s definitely not as good ooh oh now hold on hold on guys see this is why I think you guys are getting confused did the monster drop the refined quartz

Or did the glass Crystal that we broke we need a recap we need a clip but what was it from cuz we slayed the monster at the same time Corona is that bad yeah it’s horrible the Crystal but was it though you guys might be thinking it’s the

Crystal but it could have been the monster drops that’s impossible to tell we need to go back in slow motion and see like where it dropped from both can drop it oh that’s so tough guys that was a hard One let’s just say it was the crystal we did it we completed it oh I can’t even laugh there’s times that I want to laugh but it really hurts my throat and also it makes me off so I’m really I’m trying not to laugh that’s that’s a weird thing right I

Know as soon as I laugh it just I cough instantly like the tickle the cough The Tick no that’s not the tickly cough that’s it it just appears when I when I laugh this trident is amazing with the bats when you use that special it kills them instantly

We’re going to need to eat we’re going to need to eat quickly we don’t want to get trapped in the corner oh no oh this is not good that was rough you’ll do your best not to be funny thank you fudy I appreciate that that helps a lot no

Don’t give me a reason to laugh and we’ll be fine oh look at this floor oh no um let’s just take a time let’s lure the monsters away we’ve got a horrible slime here the gold stars they’re quite tough they’re quite tough oh another wooden Mallet nice drop nice

Drop okay we took care of those little buggers I want to get to 65 got a jade nice to meet you Jade my name Sharky that was a rubbish joke I know I’m sorry I apologize and we got a ladder I think the dust Sprite just created that I

Think it broke a rock we definitely do not need iron ore for a long time oh one more floor to go with the time that we’ve got and it’s one of these floors there’s a lot to break I don’t know if we’re going to do this I want all those crates as

Well oh we got the ladder baby let’s go oh look at all the iron oh my God I’m going to kill this slime cuz he’ll creep up behind me we definitely don’t need any M iron or this is insane we’ve got hundreds lendel with the one gifted I

Really appreciate that thank you so much and snooch welcome to the family I hope you appreciate that give some love to lendel Legend well that was actually a rubbish look there in the crates sharen right we’ve got to 65 that is 10 levels we are closer and closer is it

Level 80 we need to get to level 80 to get to gold oh we’re getting there I might upgrade the pickaxe one more time to Iron to speed things up a little bit there’s no point even trying to get down five more it’s just not going to

Happen your name is green look how awesome you look very very generous of you to give away or to gift a member the RNG has been most kind to us m it has indeed you look good in green yeah but Nicole do you look better in blue as a moderator blue or

Green The Mod Squad oh the shark army bring it I approve you will be green someday Melanie one day someone’s going to gift it to you all right that day will be amazing 205 iron or by the way oh wow that is wild right so let’s just

Do right so if we do two more quartz refined that’s 10 in total I believe we’ve got so we’ve got eight here we’re going to have two more that’s going to be a total of 10 that’s 10 sprinklers quality guaranteed with the iron as well

We just need that gold we just need the gold we’ve got five all we can make one bar oh let’s go we can’t do it today that’s guaranteed one sprinkler yeah yeah right we’re going to put away the cutless and the mood Uh Wood Mallet uh ghost fish that we can sell

We’ve got two oh got 19 iron let’s go a lot of Co coal as well let’s try a look with another cloth nope it’s a torch we’ll put some around we’ll get it a bit bright around here let’s get it bright shine bright like a torch sell all this make a little bit

More money today it’s not a lot but it is better than nothing oh my God Shan give us a pizza what a legend 150 energy oh my guy that’s why you be friends with the people oh could eat a pizza right now I’ve not eaten all day maybe I should

Have a pizza that’s a great show the shark butt is the cutest thing I’ve seen today yeah look at them shark booties booty shark the do that is one of the best emotes ever and the Cozy one as well wrapped up in the blanket cozy shark love it torches can go on the

Fences yeah they can that’s a good point maybe I I should have done that but guys I think that is where I’m going to end it 3 hours streaming off past 8 it’s 8:30 p.m. for me I’m going to have to rest this voice before it

Fully goes it’s starting to be a bit painful now I would love to go for another 1 hour but I just don’t think I’ve got it in me I’ve got to get some food get rested up and next week on Saturday hopefully my voice sounds back

To normal and we can do a 12-h hour stream that’s going to be insane it’s going to be fun we’re going to be doing a member fun as well so we’ll have member goals that we have to reach it’s going to change the way we’re playing this uh save it’s going to be

Fun we’re going to have a laugh can’t wait guys we’ got some surprises as well and some giveaways to run during that 12-hour stream so stick around but thank you all for joining me today it was a little bit of a rough start I apologize for the uh audio

Problems and the delay on the stream and also for sounding ill but at least we got through it thank you for all of the new members for all of the people who have subscribed and smash that like button I really do appreciate you all and I’ll see you next Saturday guys the

Live stream Squad let’s go I’ll see you then take it easy and stay cozy

➤ Can I get 100% perfection in Stardew Valley using the hardest settings possible? With a 50% profit margin making money super hard to make, on the hilltop farm layout with monsters spawning at night and remixed cc bundles! How long will it take?

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