JJ and Mikey Found THE LONGEST RAILS : Gold vs Diamond vs Emerald in Minecraft Maizen!

Hello guys you won’t believe it today we found three longest rails right behind us what rails I never seen rails before unbelievable and we’re going to find out where do they lead wow I’m so excited yes me too so let’s start with the diamond rails come on I’m coming wait

For me JJ I’m running right behind you keep coming Mikey we must hurry otherwise we will never know what kind of treasure is inside there all right I’m here I’m entering huh huh wait what no way what is it huh wao that’s a long way to the

Bottom of the hole it looks like there are slime blocks down there for us to jump on Wow me first sure yum be careful I guess it’s my turn come see this what is it okay hurry hurry JJ come on wo there oh there’s so much slime I

Can’t believe how much slime there is down here look H wao that’s even deeper than the last hole do you see an exit somewhere down there here I go aim for the ledge Mikey huh oops I missed I know the Slime is fun to bounce on but there’s not much else down there

Let’s get to the ledge I don’t get what you mean okay watch me oh I missed total fail I’ll climb the ladder and try again okay go for it a OH Close was I this is really hard hey nice jump oh I did it I made it to

The ledge wow you’re really good at this I see another room through here come on Mikey wait I’m coming don’t move a muscle okay you you got it here I come come on a a not quite don’t give up Mikey one more time let’s go okay oh you had it so

Close this time for sure I made it thanks for waiting great job now then wo I almost fell let’s move on to the next room what are you seeing there Mikey what is it looks like there’s two holes this time how come interesting what’s down there a little pool of water and

Here lava that’s pretty dangerous are we supposed to choose which one to jump into oops I dropped an apple my bad what I dropped an apple let me try it burned wo that’s pretty suspicious it’s probably safer if we jump into the water instead yeah lava’s too hot on second thought maybe the

Lava’s safer no way that’s crazy J I’ll let you decide this one easy I picked the water let’s go JJ water it is I trust you you’re probably right absolutely okay then let’s go 3 2 1 go go wa huh what’s going on oh a chest let’s see what’s inside all right

Swords woo great find now we have something to defend ourselves with shall we keep going wait guards oh attack slice them up take that nice one thank you let’s keep moving so we can get out of here but JJ look the doors are locked we can’t get through what do we do perhaps

There’s a way to unlock them there’s a chest over here maybe there’s a key inside nope just cookies you want one sure we’ll need something that opens those doors but there’s no key what’s this way oh there’s a room down here let’s take a look good thing there’s a bouncy slime

Floor yeah what happens if we pull this lever I Wonder ah the block lit up could that mean the doors are now open yeah they are they’re wide open wo awesome let’s keep going okay a chest o really here I go ready wo Diamonds oh iron too that’s a lot of treasure a awesome yeah here’s your half of the

Loot Mikey thanks are we done yep we did it let’s head back wow that was something that was really dangerous but very interesting at the same time all right now we’re going to see what’s at the end of the second rails the gold rails wow I like gold oh yes I expect to

Find many gold coins all right here we go let’s do this this one then it must be although I’m still not 100% sure what do you think I I mean how are we supposed to survive the lava for now let’s just be brave and go for it okay

Okay I’m going to go first again no wait should I oh man what should I do don’t worry I’m right behind you I’m doing it I’m falling too fast let’s go wa huh what’s going on oh I see there’s water beneath the lava wow I didn’t even

Lose any health hey look at this there’s a chest let’s see what’s inside oh there’s a gun a laser rifle check this out a helmet too awesome 3 2 1 how do I look now we both have one but what’s it do other than look cool I think there

Might be a boss coming up after this really wa gross come on Mikey shoot it with your laser rifle it’s not doing anything don’t get too close it’s doing something something sh back get him attack go go go keep shooting this could be bad we have to

Destroy it wa nice these guns rock yeah they’re so strong it almost feels like cheating to use them come on let’s go open up do you see treasure in there it’s open oh I knew it let’s open it ready golden apples wow well then the Slime house had

A massive tentacle monster inside but we took it down with our laser rifles let’s head back ready yeah what’s this H what’s all this huh wao bad guys look you’re under attack hi get him nice these swords came in handy yeah just like the portal gun take that all right what’s next more

Locked doors there’s a lever let’s switch it on look the doors open that’s what the lever was for now let’s see let’s move wait look NOP it’s a boss Mikey attack you won’t stop us from escaping do you think it’s the boss or just a mini boss keep swiping he’s

Strong but not strong enough he dropped a key and some golden apples oo let’s keep moving we’re making great time mhm what is that let’s find out oh it’s a chest yay let’s see there’s some boots not bad and some golden carrots but what are these boots for oh it looks like

They prevent fall damage JJ These Boots are great and all but look it’s a total dead end and what are we going to do H can we escape or is this it I don’t know it might be we’re stuck oh no oh Mikey yeah I see a way out look up here uh

What all right okay Mikey let’s start climbing wo wow let’s hurry to the top yep we need to give it our all yes huh haha oh no that’s bad enemies we have no choice get them all right take that and that last one yeah we did it nice job

But we still haven’t escaped and it looks like we have a way to go there are boats in here grab one and hop in maybe that’s how we’ll get out of here it’s worth a try let’s go wait watch out we must be getting close to the exit

Careful boat speed up when they’re on the ice this is tough all of a sudden it’s hard to control huh yeah but we’re making progress I wonder what’s next let’s find out shall we G your boat straight ahead and row whoa didn’t see that coming same this

Way through the Gap made it now straight ahead I’m going to fall hang in there I got through how about you oh I fell I’ll wait up for you heads up though this room looks like trouble really that scared me have you spotted the exit not yet I want to get out of

Here there’s lava everywhere let’s be careful in this room and oh a chest what have we got here tons of potions of healing we can use these to recover our health whenever we take damage awesome looks like we’ll have to do some lava parkour so take it

Nice and slow let’s try to get over there it burns and the lava try not to fall in Mikey are you okay my bad I slipped I’ll eat my golden apple if you eat that it might heal you fast enough to save you okay now with without

Touching it jump over the laser are you okay Mikey just barely I need so many golden apples we got this it burns this isn’t good now here hot one step at a time right ow good I cooked way too long that was close take it easy that was close

Too close it’s hot you okay Mikey use a golden apple hot lava ouch I have one left eat it oh there’s a door open it done W okay charge let’s break out of Here no another dead end but we’ve come so far oh we’re never going to get out of here H why is there lava here wait hey Mikey yeah yeah remember what was in that chest potions of fire resistance hear me out what if we used them and tried walking

Through the lava that’s crazy talk what if it’s an endless wall of lava it could be but it’s a risk we have to take fine let’s make it quick right drink your potion and run come on huh that was easy good thing we risk did the lava was hiding a secret entrance

Yep it all worked out that looks just like me and that looks just like you what is this place it’s so creepy I don’t know why there are clones of us but I don’t want to stick around and find out we have to break out of

Here but there’s another dead end I see something oh a chest let’s see what’s inside there’s a key I found another one oh where over here H all Right yes we have two now okay can you pull that lever for me Mikey done wao the Wall came down this way everything’s coming together oh look another chest and it’s got GJ look out the fat guys are here quick Mikey get to the chest there’s a super powerful

Weapon inside a yeah now we’re talking it’s called a bio gun it’ll make quick work of those guards let’s move out nothing can stand in our way nice this bio gun is so strong for real he’s down come on right behind you no easy peasy keep moving woo uh-oh this looks hard

Ow hey are you okay I got ambushed and knocked off that was close H nice shot it’s a good thing I drank that potion of fire resistance earlier yeah I’m still alive for now I’ll use a potion of healing and top it off with a golden carrot pH that’s better and what

Do we have here I see lasers lava and a challenging unforgiving parkour course I can do it I messed up get out of there I’ll be okay I drank a potion let’s get out of here before our fire resistance wears off touchdown you’re good at this yes great jump now let’s go

Ready wait Mikey stop what is it we don’t have a minute to lose hang on take a look around you see these raised white tiles they’re called pressure plates and they’re scattered around the room trip one up and you’ll ignite the TNT so don’t step on them got it I won’t even

Touch them I’ll go around them good luck and watch out for the lasers you don’t want to touch those either this is tough keep going slowly this course is extremely dangerous ouch are you okay Mikey yeah it was hot but I’ll be fine yes uh what is it now let’s check out

The Treasure 3 2 1 open wo more diamonds and the ultimate cookie yummy let’s head back ready yeah hooray the last rails are left these are emerald rails I’m going to take the trolley now hey Mikey catch up with me I’m almost there a come on it’s this way let’s see what’s

On the other side of this door H I wonder here goes knows nothing no it can’t be those cows are being roasted alive who would do this Mikey and why it’s even worse than I feared every night a cow is taken away and brought here to be roasted that’s awful I know I

Can’t believe it oh those poor cows what a nightmare Mikey behind you it’s the person from before run for your life hurry I’m coming good keep going this way okay got it but who is that exactly it’s the guy who’s been sneaking in at night and kidnapping cows no way

We have to get away from him come on up here I see something a little further ahead I’m right behind you good he’s watching us I bet he’s going to chase after us too what do we do keep running Mikey are we going to be able to escape

I really don’t want to get eaten well we’ve been spotted so he’s sure to sound the alarm we’ll just have to be fast is this the exit is it let’s find out h Huh what is this place what is it wo wow there’s lava underneath us and

There’s a door over there huh Mikey let’s be careful not to fall into the lava while we cross I don’t want to fall in okay let’s go okay right wao that’s scary W all right wow hold up Mikey stop H stop Mikey what’s wrong right there that looks like some

Kind of trap no kidding leave this to me I know what to do at times like this it’s easiest to just Dash right through at full speed watch this uh here I go come on oh Mikey are you okay Mikey it’s set up to blow out air

When you step on a pressure plate the wind blew you off into the lava oh this is hard I’m being blown back be careful Mikey it’s impossible no no it’s too hard this is pretty hard still Mikey I just thought of something what do we do

We’ll be fine if we don’t step on the pressure plates which means huh all we have to do is walk over the device itself oh if we hop on top and walk across like this we can get past it no kidding it’s so easy this way good job

Okay let’s go Mikey oh Mikey I slipped this is hard don’t let your guard down pH okay let’s try to move on let’s do it nice and easy careful walk across all right oh wo okay wait up I made it what’s this huh there’s a door here but it’s locked again to keep

Us from opening it it won’t budge H what should we uh hang on there’s a really buff villager over there W let’s try talking to him H this buff villager will trade oh 10 Stakes for a key but where are we going to find 10 Stakes there’s

Nothing like that here what do we do well you’re right about that there must be huh H wait there’s a chest up there looks like there’s a hidden chest for real maybe we’ll find 10 Stakes inside but how will we reach it huh right how

Do we get up there huh oh there’s a ladder over there we can use or crossing the lava again mhm be careful now from here get a running start here and yes made it wo you’re good come on up I’m coming no why me no yeah I made it nice all right yeah

Now it’s time for some Parkour try not to fall off wo while jumping to the other side okay oh no no this is too hard for me Mikey oh wait down there I’ll open the chest to see what’s inside H I’ll wait all right I’m going to open it

Open there are 10 staks in here and also nice more armor looking things W so now oh I can get down here all right wo wow I’ll give you some armor too thanks all right let’s try putting them on all right wo yep I guess these are pants

Very nice mhm great wo okay now to trade with this really buff villager H I have 10 Stak so all right I got the master key wow I should be able to unlock the door H open it there it opened I wonder what’s inside okay H what’s this open

Hang on there are two katanas in here this is great so cool look how cool this sword is well that’s how parkour goes the sword makes it pretty easy how when you swing the sword to boost your jumps you good yep okay now let’s wao look out for

Those slimes they seem way stronger than normal get back they’re so tough I know seriously wao there’s no more we beat them we beat them all wo what a fight I know time to go all right woah try to hit the slimes before they see you they attack on sight

Smart strike first perfect nice okay now we can climb up this ladder let’s go well huh what’s that du they look like ghosts I wonder if there’s some type of Guardian Spirits for the tree yeah this tree is super old they’re trying to stop us I wonder it’s probably tens of

Thousands of years old oh a chest let’s open it oh we found a key nice yay ouch here I come that hurt maybe the key goes in one of those slots over here here there oh ah huh what a path opened up it opened right up and led us into this

Maze you can easily clear a maze by always following the wall on your left if you can do something as simple as that solving the maze will be no problem at all wow see how easy it is just follow the left wall I get it you’re

Touching the wall on your left side as you walk yeah just like this this way let’s go do you think this will lead us straight to the goal I want to clear this and go back to climbing the ladder don’t you want some of that treasure that’s no good it’s a dead end

Are we okay look I think this might be the end come on this way the stairs lead further up past the maze terrific let’s go what’s beyond these stairs what are those they creep me out huh slimes enemies JJ I got you slimes they’re tough oh wow

They’re all over us are you going to be okay Mikey Yep they’re gone these slimes are kind of terrifying they play R I’ve got this wo I’m being attacked they’re strong all clear nice I took a lot of damage we can climb over but it’s

A dead end nope it’s another path I see let’s go this looks like another parkour course so if you ball then you have to climb back up a why wo it’s a lot easier to make get across the parkour course if you use the sword okay nice there this

Way W good job let’s keep moving forward Mikey GJ it’s a dead end really let’s see what these pressure plates do I’ll try tossing a cookie on one wow no way it opens oh I think that might be a boss I see it it’s scary attack this boss is pretty strong it has

Powerful offensive techniques we need to knock it into the air and keep it from dropping to the ground we got it nice job it dropped a key for what I’m not too sure Mikey maybe here oh it’s a lever open wo good thinking amazing h Huh where’s

This what is this place huh the what are those things there’s so many spikes huh be careful oh alies ow we need to avoid touching them we have to be careful H there’s a door over there so oue oh are you okay there’s a door so let’s get to

It ow that hurts ouchies it’s hard to avoid them that hurts are we okay avoid touching them oh careful no ouch that hurt Mikey okay let’s reach the door over there let’s go ouchies ouch we have to force our way through W ouch wo that

Hurt oh he a door so now let’s move open what’s this look there’s a chest is there treasure inside let’s check let’s see what’s inside it must be incredible and uhhuh open wo diamonds I’m so happy look Mikey there’s elytra too really H oh wow

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found THE LONGEST RAILS : Gold vs Diamond vs Emerald in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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