Stardew Valley – FALL-ing into place [Day 18]

All right whoa hello it’s okay um do I see him really far over I feel like I was really far now I look really high up camera what happened something seems off that’s better I think maybe there’s like a certain shoulder exposure that I had before that I don’t

Have now interesting hello foxy how’s it going welcome to Str uh yes all good how’s your weekend been foxy I am GNA get started with stardo in the fall which should be interesting and I’ve also done a lot of things today I’ve worked on various various projects and such um let’s see

Here I had some goals for the fall I’m just not sure what I want to do see yeah just have to decide what I’m going to do first day of actually no I need to fill that in I think I had some extra stuff here find

Out OMG it’s and Ron hi Tippy how’s it how’s it going oh yeah last day of summer oh yeah last day of summer I sold a bunch of stuff like a lot a lot hello L good morning how you doing L happy weekend to you oops happy weekend to you hello Tippy

How are you fair doing good um I’m hanging in there foxy thank you for asking uh it’s been a very busy weekend I’ve got taken care of a lot of projects and such and uh you know what I think this weekend is just a project weekend you might say because

I’m taking care of a lot of stuff actually this is terrible truly truly terrible hi s ninja what’s what’s terrible besides the weather honestly it sucks it’s really cold it’s like impossible to do anything outside Nita’s first phase oh that oh yeah that H yes you wished you wished

That you could have bought yourself at least a little bit more time just a little bit Unfortunately they said no you may not I understand this uh so how many wishes do you have and do you think that achieving Nita will be possible you know we all say Never Say

Never but it would be uh it would be quite tricky to do so frankly I got to say um farming mining for sure I’m going to sneeze maybe one more no okay we’re good bless you thank you oh thank you aoy hi I was like who blessed me wow

Thanks aoy I appreciate it hello Cole hi friends how’s it going Cole welcome to stream how’s it going also because that sneeze I need to blow my nose ah it hurts give me one second my nose my nose feels terrible um to answer your question no I’m not

Snowed in thankfully I you know I’m not snowed in but I might as well be because the the temperature is literally like in the teens today so there’s there’s no reason to be outside you know but I mean you know if I needed to go shopping which I don’t if I needed to

Go shopping I could uh if I but if I wanted to go outside it would really be unrealistic um I could work out indoors I have I have a rowing machine and a couple various things but I don’t have a reason to be outside right now luck

I’m still snowed in I mean I like the snow so I don’t know hi Darren Adon doo doo whereare uh I’m right here hello yes a weekend stream which actually now I think about it I kind of wish that I had some coffee and some

Vibes but you know to be fair I had a bunch of coffee this morning and I’m about to have some more coffee like tomorrow morning cuz that’s just my thing on the weekends so I don’t really want to I don’t want to super super inundate myself with coffee

Unfortunately um that would be that would be really not good that’d be a little bit a little bit too much I love coffee but you know you got to you got to paste yourself just a little tiny bit also my hands my hands are super dry because it’s it’s cold out and I

Generally don’t I generally don’t like hand cream but it it has gotten to the point where it’s so bad that I just my hands are starting to crack it’s not good I’m one of those guys I don’t I don’t use hand cream until it’s like an absolute necess

Necessity land okay my friend who lives in Tennessee was stuck at home for a few days because her driveways iced over Yes actually we had some ice in our driveway as well but that was because I I don’t know if there’s like a leaking pipe in my neighborhood but like there’s always

Water there’s always water in my in like one of the drains I don’t get it um spinja you have 10 days but you have 10 days until the start of Nita’s Banner so realistically you have until the end of Nita’s Banner right and her Banner hasn’t started correct I believe

Probably so you really have like what 24 days or so possibly Chi hello Chi good to see you how you been um anyway it’s raining over here in Cali and uh with some Thunder storm’s coming on Monday tomorrow it’s also going to rain I love the rain I I like

Rain is such a cozy Vibe and kind of an excuse to stay inside so I don’t mind the rain it’s good um Darren the Jets won again today but it was the worst effort I’ve seen from them in months it’s not a good thing to be honest they didn’t deserve

The win at all but we’re going to still take it of course I saw you in Discord kind of um flabbergasted at what the team was doing or was not doing I guess is the right way to say that well Darren I’m glad that I’m glad that they ended

Up with a win after all was said and done but it seems like that it was a win they just barely eak out you know just bar just barely quite literally how are you guys doing tonight pretty good Chris Ren hope you’re doing well too uh welcome to stream hope it’s

Been a uh hope it’s been a good weekend for you so far um I’ve done a lot of things actually I’ve I’ve applied to a certain i’ applied to a couple things I need to apply for uh I made a I made a short it’s it’s very it’s very rare that

I get content done like within a within a day I literally started that at the beginning of Finn’s stream and 3 hours later I produced a YouTube short which is kind of a rarity for me I don’t I’m not generally that efficient when it comes to editing because editing is

Editing can be such a drag sometimes um but I’m really glad that I finished that so thank you all for those that have seen that if you haven’t seen it um you can go watch it it’s on the channel right now uh I didn’t do any like premieres or announcements or anything

Like that just because um a I said it was coming B it was kind of a precursor to today’s stream so I wanted to just get it done uh and if I have any other if I do anything similar um you know obviously we’re going to we’re going to

Start The Fall season today I’m literally starting fall fall one uh but I’m going to make a push toward winter I’m actually most excited about winter time because winter there are no uh winter there’s no there’s no farming so it is really a time to kind of like get

The rest of the farm settled and like organized so I’m actually looking forward to I’m specifically looking forward to not having to farm and just kind of like doing other stuff so it should be kind of fun editing is s fun though I mean it is it is it is

Enjoyable process and the problem it just takes me so long and it’s the time it’s the time commitment that I just get dragged by unfortunately also hi an good morning also me editing a group project and about having a mental breakdown me it’s fun right right of

Course it’s fun we all love it oh no oh dear yeah no it’s uh yeah smile I believe it’s okay yep I’m there an I’m there are you doing video editing though an um I mean I know you’re doing music editing to a point but I didn’t realize you’re also

Doing video editing too yes good Lord uh Chris R oh I’m good I’m just bowling with my team right now I’m watching The Stream yo Chris that’s so cool wait are you at the bowling alley right now Yo cool um also how is bowling league Chris you

Will have to one day when you have some time you’ll have to sit down and and let me know how bowling is because I went bowling on Friday with my co-workers it was an after it was a it was a holiday party um we didn’t want to do a holiday

Party for like you know Christmas time because everyone’s super busy we didn’t want to do a holiday party for New Year’s because everybody was busy uh instead we did the holiday party last Friday which was you know like the way way way way late as it goes the bug

Returns again hello eyelash bug is that bug hi bug how you doing welcome back how are you enjoying Sky I know there’s the new season of the ninth deer or whatever it’s called it looks really cool I just haven’t seen it yet right um AO to be honest I’m feeling a

Bit eh because one of the YouTubers I watched has left the company which means they won’t stream anymore SL upload they were also the first wave member that of that company oh man so I feel like correct me if I’m wrong AOA but I feel like is it true that vtubers just they

Seem to burn out so quickly right I I feel like every time I turn around there’s always a different vtuber that is either stopped or is not streaming anymore vtubers graduate oh yeah I’m sorry is it retiring they graduate is the official term yeah it’s just I feel

Like I feel like they graduate so quickly you know yeah interesting interesting it’s hard because you you attach and you you get so familiar with the with a vtuber and then they retire and move on it’s kind of hard cookie Gary hello I just watched the short I loved your farm update for

Summer yes thanks cookie it was a it was a fun little thing I I wanted to put together um and I’ll probably do the same thing for fall if I if I play enough of it off stream um I just I enjoy sty too much that I I can’t keep

All of my gameplay to simply streaming so by doing little like summer updates and Fall updates and stuff like that I can still play the game offline but then be able to jump in here too so should be fun should be Dandy uh the game is buggy

I really don’t do much there okay that’s fair bug um I just heard that a lot of people have played it recently because of the new season um but I myself haven’t checked it out yet but I was thinking about it we shall see um AA yeah it’s mainly due to

Personal stuff that happened with their ideas being disapproved after months of work oh no spending tons of money it can be difficult yeah it’s a you know it’s kind of it’s also a very very difficult field to work in AOA because I feel like you know there was a time when v v

Tubing is that a proper verb Ving being a vtuber was very profitable because Ving was like the new thing and everybody was excited about it but to be frank with you now that now that everybody has gotten into like getting vtuber models and it that whole system

Has become a lot easier to access I feel like the the General market of of available vtubers has really exploded but that can make it hard because now now you need to make yourself unique and sometimes it’s really hard to do that that’s just one of the reasons I’m

Not sure though oh yeah for sure and you know people have personal reasons that that they don’t wish to share on stream too which I get totally fair um Chris yes it’s fun so far far I got two strikes I’m up to 112 pins my game right now oh cool awesome well

Chris you have to let us know how it finishes once you get done um and graduating is the term used because in Japan when you debut in a company you’re in the start of a class SL year oh yeah that’s kind of cool how they do that as like a connection right

It’s kind of fun that they um they mesh that together ad don’t know is a YouTuber actually you know Tippy you joke but I was thinking um what would what would it be like if I were to um like animate a b yeah animate my Bongo cat so usually Bongo cat’s chilling over

There on the on the left but like what if I actually got a V2 monel thingy set up so that I could be the Bongo cat um I I don’t know how well it would work I I feel like it could it because you guys

Know me but also like the V2 the the bong cat would be here I don’t know it would be very different um I would also miss I would miss be on the camera for you know all these like shenanigans that I can do on stream with my green screen

I’d cry and start laughing because the thought of it is so goofy what the Bongo cat thing oh no that’s that’s funny I I I will always entertain it of course I will always entertain it um but we’ll see I don’t know I don’t know what kind of software

Or rigging I would need to get something like that done um but I I I I will give it I will I will give it a thought I’ll give it an idea Bongo a great co-host yeah exactly I’m a co-host and who’s my who’s my my other

Person you dress up as a bongo cat for Halloween Darren that would be that would be even more horrifying how how prel do you dress up as a bongo cat all the ideas for making that happen would be horrible in my mind like what am I a

Big a big sheet I would look like a balloon I I think I’d rather go with a vtuber I don’t know I I feel like that would be uh that would be interesting we’ll we’ll see I’ll uh I’ll I’ll look into it inflatable Bongo cat exactly

That’s what’s in my mind I don’t know y’all that would be kind of interesting all right let’s get started with uh let’s get started with actual stardo and see how things go um I’m going to implement a strategy that I normally that I normally like to do

Quite a lot which is um I like to play oh wait what happened to my thing oh hang on uh there we go my overlay got food um I like to play around and then um quit the day because I want to optimize my time as best as possible so ever so often

I’ll pop in I’ll Scout around to get an idea of what needs to be done that day and then I’ll I’ll reset um also the company that fans helped her a lot since before she was an O original like an O being an original person and then

Treated really bad oh no she also decided to go back to school oh and the super chats and support that everyone gave her I’m sure that the super chats were really good you know not just from like a monetary perspective but when someone has dreams and when someone has

Goals of like o the spirits are very happy today maybe we’ll go to the desert maybe we’ll go to the desert today I think that’d be kind of fun is there anything down here nope all my casts are working office lady oh she was in she was an office lady oh that’s that’s

Interesting that’s also kind of cool all right so the wheat’s done no don’t drink the coffee do have anything in here oh I do have some starfruit to take care of so I’ll take care of the fruit I’ll take care of the greenhouse um is the sound okay for you guys I feel

Like I can turn it up a bit the music is uh music is always good um should place the crab pots oh I was going to expand the farm down here quite a bit you can kind of see that I’ve already placed the I’ve already I’ve already placed the sprinklers sort

Of so I need to I need to keep moving stuff down here okay I’ll do that as well our wheat looks so healthy hi Carlos yes our wheat so that we can produce a bunch of beer that’s what we’re doing uh this is still processing so I’ll work on this

Later okay I also need to reorganize those kegs too um I think the animals are okay I think the animals are fine I need to get the rabbit I need to get a rabbit’s tail from this rabbit though sniffer how’s this rabbit pumos I decided to go with the uh I

Decided to go with all default names for my animals so they’re doing their thing Jenny hello just in time hi Jenny where’s my pig oh Pig’s over here pigu hon bility bility his name is Billy but bigger than that bility hi Jenny how’s your how’s your

Weekend been so far um I’m doing a bit of a scouting run today by scouting run I just mean like checking out how things are going I don’t know if you do this but I kind of get an idea of like what I need to do around the farm and then I reset

So I’m not wasting the day and I I run the day through as as quickly as I can to like optimize it as best I can I know in some cases there’s no reason to do that but I just feel better about using my time

Wisely um how does this look up here ooh there’s oh I need to come up here o look at all these trees okay this is what I should should be doing oh dang okay maybe I’ll come up here maybe I’ll come up here and take

Care of the uh take care of my tree stuff yeah for sure also want to get some Tree Tops on those oak trees okay um hi lonus weren’t you like just downstairs a while ago I’ve explored deep into the caves thanks us oh this is a this is a mahogany tree I

Think is it this A mahogany tree it’s like way more yellow than the other ones interesting I’m actually off today I didn’t call out from work oh cool wait were you oh yeah yeah cuz it’s Saturday cuz HR doesn’t work does HR not work on Saturday maybe possibly do I want this

Yeah I do it’s a book all right so pick up the book uh should I hire should I hire Robin to make that fish pond ooh maybe I should also do that do I have enough for that I was I’ve been meaning I’ve been meaning to make one of Those uh yeah I could do that why don’t we make a oh but that requires no that requires me to completely reset that no I could just put it I could just put it anywhere I want frankly where could I put it right now oh I can’t build it shoot

Boo all right I’m going to head out I just came to say bye have a good stream thank you bug thank you for saying hello and I hope you have a good rest of your Saturday as well oh the stable I forgot about that maybe I should get a

Stable I could always build a silo maybe I’ll build this fish pond all right I’ll I’ll debate about that maybe possibly okay uh but I but the spirits are happy today so I kind of want to go mining in the desert because the desert desert mining is super Helpful um what do I need more what do I need more diar since the spirits since the spirits are happy I’m going to go mining first because mining is always mining on a happy day is always better to do than you know on a not good

Day so we shall see I’m going to let this I’m going to let this wheat grow out one one more day so that the problem is that I I built this I built this Farm kind of sequentially so this wheat is is growing slower than the other wheat I

Think it’s because it doesn’t have the I think it’s because it doesn’t have the um the fertilizer actually so that’s the other thing I need to fix I need to put down some fertilizer here so I’m going to let this all grow get it all on the same day the

Same page and then I’m going to cut it and then I’ll just have these like giant giant farming days essentially where all I do is just plant seeds all day oh also this this poor tree this poor tree got struck by lightning I don’t know if

Y’all I don’t know if y’all know this fun fact but if you have a fruit tree on your property that gets struck by lightning it turns all Smokey and then for for the duration of like a couple days or so every time you try and pick fruit it drops coal

So you get coal instead of uh which I always thought was kind of interesting also Imagine s is a vtuber I don’t know I don’t know aoi like I said I would have to uh I would have to have like a bongo model or something like that I I’d figure it out

I’d make it work but it would be different for sure um I think I’ll just have Robin work on a fish pond actually that would probably be best but that means that I need to load up on green algae and seaweed which I don’t have I don’t

Think oh my gosh what I don’t have any green algae or seaweed literally like two of the most common two of the most common things you get Oh no I got oh I don’t have enough seaweed weird dude I did not expect that am I going to have to go fishing

Specifically for seaweed okay then I’m going to I’m going to postpone I will definitely postpone the uh the fish pond until until the winter time when I can actually get some seaweed I was not expecting that okay then I will have Robin just build another Silo I think because I could

Always use more silos um SI silou yeah that’s probably a good idea I don’t really want to build any more farm buildings for now because yeah my Farms aren’t really completely up up and running yet okie dokie all right I think I’m ready to go cool stable’s good although don’t wait

Till you’re six like me even my first playthrough oh man the stable you mean like the horse stable thing oh I uh right now I’m surviving off of coffee cookie yeah I mean I could put the stable down but I’ve just been I’ve just been surviving with coffee most of the time

Frankly just finished my first game 120 pins nice Chris Ren GG’s Chris yeah um Jenny we were doing a bit of a scouting run first now we’re actually going to do the day um which I guess means that I don’t necessarily have to worry about uh yes so I will go to Pier’s okay so here’s what I’ll do I’ll go to Pierre

And I’ll buy all the seeds that I need for the week I’ll also go to Robin and have her build the build The Silo and then I’ll go digging in the desert essentially yep that sounds good to me all right I was going to get things all like

Set up down down below on the farm oh and it’s going to rain tomorrow right oh yeah perfect okay hopefully that works out correctly then if yeah because it’s going to rain tomorrow okay then tomorrow I’ll do the whole I’ll just get the seeds today and I’ll worry about

Farming it tomorrow that’ll be great here’s my here’s my daily coffee coffee grind they call it the Daily Grind it’s just right here it’s great I should double up these kegs to be honest get more of them all right if anything I need more quartz ironically Okay I needed to I’ll get the animals out and then we’ll go from there my void chicken oh look at him wait that was not the Jeff oh look at Jeff and his greatness void chicken that’s amazing hello animals hello everybody good morning good morning everyone it’s like going to work all

Right technically I should make I should make more cheese presses but hello animals I really need this pig to find some truffles before before season sets out um I’ll keep that cheese for eating purposes you say Matt well what other what other purposes are there I mean

Purposes like uh purposes like I don’t know turning the cheese into better cheese all right what are your other two Farms what do you mean by other two Farms cookie oh my other two profiles on there uh one of them was a profile that I did before I

Started streaming so that was just like a secondary account and then yeah I guess they’re both just alt accounts really um at first I did them a lot because because I wanted to um I wanted to have something that was not on stream that I could just do for fun uh but ultimately

I kind of determined that it’s fine for me to just play on this file as long as I as long as I save on my spreadsheet and as long as I save um like little short videos of what I do so yes it works it works out okay so

I don’t need to I don’t need to worry about um you know having a giant alt account pick a potato melon hello people people arrive hi blco blco thank you so much for making such a cool Mario Maker level for Finn stream honestly it was really fun and really neat I enjoyed watching

It real Cindy hyper hello Cindy good morning everybody is this a raid of some sort pick a potato melon hell are picking potatoes and melons I actually don’t know what a potato melon is unless that’s like you know I thought I was I thought I was pretty knowledgeable in

Stardew but if if potato melon is like an inside joke that I’m not aware of then I am really behind all right em hello I think I got the point hi all all right there we go oh it’s Blox fam oh so I bet that’s not even I bet

That’s not even a a stardew valley inside joke I bet that’s a Blox fam inside joke hey Blox fam hi y’all okay that makes sense now I understand what we’re talking about we’re not we’re not talking about anything at all hi Blox how you doing man welcome to

Stream also yeah I suppose it’s Saturday isn’t it how’s your stream been and how are y’all thank you for uh thank you for visiting of course now I’m now I’m glad I’m not you know I’m not missing out on an inside stardo Valley joke I I suppose

How’s it going y’all hello Saul Martin hello Emma hello Blox fam and everybody else welcome to stream guys how you doing um you actually came just in time I’m sort of uh not just starting today but uh yeah basically starting day one and we’re doing pretty good what were

Yall streaming block fam and welcome oh my gosh my void chicken looks so cool I wish I could have more more void chickens look at him look at Jeff he’s so Cool’s so privy um all right I got plenty of time I’m good uh I’m going to run out of

Inventory space in a second yeah I thought so okay uh going to run out of inventory space real fast all right we are running kind of a trying to do a bit of an optimization run today and so far it’s going pretty well speaking of Mario Maker I’m going

To be working on some adjustments right now I’m watching uh watching someone else play provided me with a oh yeah yeah yeah watching Finn play provided you with a lot of information on what to change and what to adjust yeah I totally get that blo it’s kind of like when

You’re when you’re thinking about it in your head you’re like oh yeah this is how this works and this is how we’re going to do it and then suddenly when you get to like a literal play test and someone goes through something you think oh shoot that is not what I meant for

That but thank you for checking right interesting yeah it was really fun being able to watch Finn play I think what we also I was I was talking with Finn and various other people and I think what we decided was our one of our favorite parts was that you had designed it in

Such a way that um it was really there was a ton of variety to it meaning that like you know at any given day or sorry any any given level you could kind of like go in and all of a sudden one level you’d be in

Mario 2D Mario and then all of a sudden you’d be in you know uh Super Mario BRS the original and then you’d be swapping like back and forth between between those kind of like timelines if you know what I mean so that that of itself was a

Lot of fun we enjoyed we enjoyed that in particular um so thank you for putting something together that was so entertaining um I think I’m going to go make some more coffee as well I wish I was making coffee IRL but I’m making coffee in here and then I think oh I

Need some clay for I think I need 10 clay right yeah I think it’s 10 clay no not that 10 Clay is all I need I have a warp totem I have my seeds yeah I’m put these in here the worst part about going to the mines is

When you go to the mines with a full inventory and then you can’t do jack squat so we’re going to solve that problem I’m going to put these Sprint colors up here too okay I think we’re ready to go all right y’all ready all right 3 two one go we on our

Way and this is when I guess this is when I guess having a horse would be really nice but unfortunately I don’t that’s okay so blockx span what was uh what was pick a potato melon what is that referring to if you’d like to inform me

I thought it was a stardy joke at first but I realized after talking with y’ allall it is not all right you you all might think I’m ridiculous but welcome to what it’s like to actually be on my farm right Now last time I checked I’m 90% sure I’m oh shoot I didn’t mean to did not mean to do that I don’t think there’s a way to like pick a specific number so here we are just like if I could just tell him give me

999 I would but I can’t so now he get listen to these wonderful sounds um blco there are still four more worlds that you haven’t seen I’m excited for the possibility of Finn playing again if she wants yeah no I know that she wants to because she really enjoyed

She really enjoyed the process of like you know going through the worlds um I couldn’t tell was she keeping track of like The Secret World stuff because I know that you said that you had to like keep track of the the letters and the numbers and by keeping track of that you

Would find like a secret level at the end but I don’t recall her like I don’t recall her keeping track of that specifically unless maybe she was doing it on the side all right greetings from the Shadows before I return to the Shadows once more Simba

Juda hello hope we doing well welcome to the stream um we’re just doing stardew how have you been and how was your uh how was your weekend I don’t know if she’s done I don’t know if she has stuff written down but I have the code so I give her the missing

Pieces that she doesn’t remember okay yeah I just don’t remember I don’t ever recall her like actually sitting down and and like read reading anything or recording anything so I don’t know if that was something that she had done or not done but we’ll have to we’ll have to

See um Judah it’s been chill nice to catch a started Valley Stream yeah for sure I I’ve uh I’ve been playing this a lot off stream but oh I think the game’s like losing its mind it’s like why are you buying so many seeds but no we’ve been pretty good

Judah and thanks for stopping in um I don’t know if I’m working on any other projects this weekend like I was thinking about doing some more edited videos but we’ll just have to we’ll just have to wait and see this is going to be kind of a weird

Question but I suppose it’s kind of a relevant one um if y’all think about like if y’all think about any of the games that I play on my Channel right now is there any specific is there any specific um game that you would like to

See if I if I had to focus my time on on making if I had to focus my time on making a specific game like like video edited video for a game what would it be would it be uh like lethal company for example or would it be some more stardo

Valley or would it be something else I think I’ll just buy 250 I feel like I could always use more of this fertilizer but it’s so expensive as well it’s very expensive hi Jenny start Valley yeah did you guys did y all watch the short that

I made today did y all enjoy that that process times two 250 * 150 250 time 150 what was that how much did I spend times 150 spent 37 grand time 10 * two then I spent 20,000 on seats okay that’s not too bad and then

I’m about to go buy a about to go buy a silo but silos aren’t really that EXP expensive I should probably drop these seeds off before I go but it’s no big deal honestly all right time to go to Robins okay genin impact Hangouts and

Story Quest yes but I also like to do I like to save genin for streams though for sure Aaron Phillips hello so this going to be a daily thing what is today is it Friday or Saturday hello Phillips no no no today is just a Saturday once in a

Once in a while thing for stardew all right can she make a silo for me thank goodness all right let’s go put put a silo down here in my my Silo section I’ll move it later once she builds it I’ll hi it out now since I

Have some stuff to do early tomorrow but I hope you all have an amazing day and night and take care everyone good night Sydney hyper thank you for saying hello of course and I hope that you have a good evening as well thanks for saying

Hi is there a book still up here oh yeah there is Squish there we go um yeah I can do that too all right we’ll stop we’ll stop by the uh stop by the farm real quick I’ll drop off the seeds and such um blocks fam these things that I

Did like potatoes Roblox pick aide water melons oh pick a potato melon I see what you’re doing now okay well that sounds like fun did you guys have a good time hoping it was a uh hope it was an enjoyable stream I have a bunch of stuff

Up there uh okay I think that’s everything let me drop these off real quick oh I have a bunch of stuff up there too 1 two three 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even 8 nine uh uh what do I have nine of anything yeah nine cherries cool ah

Okay all right now at long last we’re finally ready to go go digging around all right to the desert all right right Silo was only like 100 100 gold right and then desert a desert ticket was 500 my game is starting bad I got a 710 split oh

No 710 split is not super ideal are there any coconuts down here actually coconuts are going to be helpful oh yeah coconuts coconut um if you want to make uh if you ever want to make warp totems for uh the desert eventually you’ll need coconuts I don’t know if you can plant a

Coconut tree I’ll have to see if you can hello Campbell oh yeah see here you go coconut oh wait I didn’t put the seeds away what okay well whatever octo Kitty hello hi y’all all right what do you have for dinner I’m having barbecue wings mac and cheese

Lobster rolls oh my gosh that is some fancy stuff Aaron that sounds really good um I had uh chicken soup I had chicken soup that was it wow we are getting really ouch excuse me we’re getting really unlucky with this where the spirits were very happy today where is this oh my

Gosh spirit’s happy my butt wow there it is finally also you may what was I talking about um there’s a uh there’s a factor so when the spirits are very happy when it’s like a lucky day um you have a higher chance at unlocking like the next ladder level um if the

Spirits are very displeased the ratio like the chance of you getting the ladder is a lot lower so generally you would think oh high chances of you know Spirits are happy High chance of getting the ladder downstairs but apparently not that was funky anyway this is already hello it’s already feeling a

Waste what a funky monster he’s cute uh speaking against do you have a plan that you’re going to you have a plan of when you’re going to archon quest uh next Monday when we return on Monday an me thinks I think I was putting it off slightly just cuz I really wasn’t

Feeling well last week and you know Etc but I should be available and okay to do so that’s right cuz Monday was really weird last week there we go strange bun oh hello it’s over here are the purple slimes did the purple slimes have a chance of dropping

Aridium I can’t remember I thought I read that somewhere that they had a chance I’m not sure it’s going to be like 5 hours at least are you are you sure are you for real jump in I love that um ah jump scared I’m for

Real uh is it one of those things that people are going to say that I have to do it consecutively because I’m not really prepared to do a 5our stream interesting well I will uh I will see how I feel and what I’m able what I’m able to

Do two days in a row Maybe I’ll uh I’ll see how I feel we’ll approach it from there I mean because this is finishing this is finishing finina stuff right and all that jazz y all right well we’ll see levels levels levels levels levels I can’t remember yeah I’d have to look

At the whoa what are these dinosaurs doing down here what I did not know that you were oh my gosh fire breathing dinosaurs what is this I didn’t oh my gosh I didn’t know there was a thing prehistoric rib I didn’t know that was a thing oh my God

Okay I don’t want to die down here jeez man got jumped by dinosaurs apparently I don’t want to die to a dinosaur D of numbers die please die please die please oh my gosh wow all right crazy is that how you get dinosaur eggs I know that dinosaur is

Like oh my see now now okay game now there’s two ladders thanks thanks bro you’re a real one uh if you get lucky they drop a dinosaur egg aha okay so that that’s kind of what I it’s kind of want it’s kind of what I

Assumed what what are you what are y all you mummies doing down here go away I have places to V oh no I’m getting overrun can one of y’all like drop a ladder or something please oh now they’re reincarnating no go away miss miss miss miss you see

That oh my gosh y’all ridiculous they never they never stop dude this level’s going to suck okay I don’t really want to mess with these guys can I craft like oh no not you go away oh good yes please you Seven Levels I hope I don’t take fall damage from

That I think I take fall damage from that I better be careful crack my legs dang all right excuse me gentlemen you may you may continue doing your mummy duties don’t mind me I don’t exist Jess hello hello siron hello Jess how are you doing welcome to a Saturday full of streams and

Stch oh good hard’s good anything else you know what go away I don’t have time for your business listen I know that those I know that it said that the day was lucky but that did not feel very oh shoot uh put this way take this sure I just want to go

Downstairs friends I’m going to go have you ever if you ever come down to Tennessee let me know I’ll cook for you thank you eron Phillips I appreciate the offer my friend I will you know but in the meantime Aaron please have good sleep I hope that you’re feeling okay

And uh we will see you later on whenever the time comes dinosaurs are valuable yes I’m sure that they are as I get run over by as I get run over by mummies well I will I will approach the dinosaur egg the dinosaur egg when I get

There can y’all give me some aridium please oh my gosh speak of this speak of of existence amazing two glorious see I partly wanted to drop I wanted it to drop ridium specifically because I just wanted to confirm SL validate in my own head like Matt are you sure oh

Shoot they they came fast faster than I thought those are hard all right unfortunately there’s no elevator to this so you just kind of like you just got to go so oh oh okay good shoot I was like I want to go further I thought I was stuck

I thought I was trapped there we go should I pick up those diamonds yeah I should pick up those diamonds all right all right all right fine fine I’ll pick up the diamonds convinced me back I say you you just got a go you just got a god fast god fast

Yes oh my gosh there’s another drop um kind of low health I don’t want to deal with that no I know it’s 1 a.m. realize that it’ll be fine it’ll be great with stairs yeah with stairs that’s true I don’t know man I I should have done the stairs earlier but I didn’t

Really think about it please I’m going to I’m going to lose I’m going to lose uh maybe yeah I’m going to lose there’s no way I can make it to my room in time Shoot you know Jenna worried oh no my animals to oh I’m done poof oh well I’m not going to restart the day just for that o um I mean chance to find gold doubled yes I never I never buy I never sell my metal bars so yes that oh

Boy Okie do zup hello good morning how’s it faen oh I realized I did not enter my stuff oh shoot not that go away also good I’m watching two streams right now o are you double double timing the stream fun all right day two 883 oh shoot does that mean it’s going

To bump my stream oh yeah sorry I forgot that I I can’t use my I can’t use my number pad when I’m streaming because my number pad has a bunch of keybinds on it sorry all right 117 4563 okay than I previously had whatever this number was uh 19,0 980 plus

37 okay I spent $58,000 yesterday it’s a lot of money uh 99 * 2 uh 250 fertilizer fertilizer Silo a desert ticket so then that must have meant that today I had 45833 103,000 is approximately I didn’t sell anything yesterday so zeros and then it was sunny and I guess

Guess I could show youall what I’m doing Sunny 58,000 for wheat no no 58,000 58,000 for wheat plus the fertilizer and the fertilizer was the majority of that cost um I didn’t rumage rumage any garbage cans sorry I keep pushing my keep pushing my key lindes oops zero not 10

Zero okay and then today it is raining and I’m going to go farming mostly and then maybe some foraging and Mining possibly uh yes that’s today okay the spreadsheet yes bro get a stream deck for keybinds why do you have so many wheat seeds because uh because

I’m a wheat farmer just kidding because I’m uh feeding a bunch of animals honestly got some coffee right we are we standing up here it’s going to be clear and sunny tomorrow the spirits are very happy today I mean that’s good glad the spirits are happy

But like I don’t know I don’t can’t do anything about that I left the barn doors open they’re going to be grumpy sorry animals going be all upset with me just going to close the door and pretend that nothing happened no the animals yeah I know I I literally I was

Scrambling to get home in my haste last night night and I left the barn doors open I got more idium cool a lot of idium actually open the bond doors prehistoric rib Gunther can tell you more about this prehistoric tibia can I put together can I put

Together a skeleton eventually o I bet I can you got a stone owl luckiest streamer yes I got a stone owl like really really early on wait do I have that in my spreadsheet I might have that in my spreadsheet somewhere in my notes

Um did I did I document when I got the stone no I don’t think I did Pierce closed fishing Greenhouse complete fishing competition one bottom of the mine reached garbage hat leaf hat giant cauliflower meteor strikes Gunther with the rusty key I don’t know when I got the star I don’t

Know when I got the stone ow but I realize the stone owl is very difficult to get yes I’m on year two uh year two fall year two fall yeah day two um I used to I used to keep pretty close track of things like that like when I would get certain

Things I don’t have track of that yet right now okay so here’s the deal let’s grab our wheat seeds and our fertilizer and and our Sprinklers and let’s go craft ourselves let’s craft ourselves some stuff shall we oh God I put the I put the Coconuts here

Great oh yeah this is a letter someone dropped you off at the clinic last night you pass up from exhaustion I build $1,000 to cover your medical costs oopsie okay I guess that comes as a medical cost oh well uh 1,000 passing out you know $1,000 $1,000 can cover my medical expenses for

Passing out but you know what you know what $1,000 you know what you know what I can’t pay money for the trust of my farm animals I’ve permanently broken their trust oh they’re so upset with me Wahoo start are they grumpy no they’re they’re fine everybody’s happy

They got fed last night they could care less moo anyway life rolls on hi neuras it is stardy Valley today hello friend how you doing boo all right 2 three four five six there all right cool all set how’s it going it is going very well

Actually uh I think all my wheat is finally done yeah or at least my weed is close to being done so we’re just going to we’re going to cut it all up and we’re going to get it processed and that’ll be good to go how

Are you doing numus oh look at all this Perfection good old good old golden Scythe as well all right Oak resin is ready ready I’ll be able to make more kegs later that’s the point hello more kegs poor Robin is out here working in the rain listen I did not tell Robin to

Work in the rain this was voluntary on her can’t I can’t even get to these trees we go okay now to uh to spend the rest of the day to spend literally the rest of the day putting this little farm together unfortunately not unfortunately it’s fine but it’s just going to be a

Process process that wheat yes I will for sure enjoying the rainy weather here oh good you guys are having yeah that’s right AOA was saying y’all were having rainy weather in California um also we’re having rainy rainy weather in stardew so makes sense not that California and stard are

Explicitly linked but I like to pretend seeds rainy weather is such a nice Vibe though very nice to chill too it’s rainy in car it’s rainy in California which means it’s a free car wash for me that’s what we care about right there that’s the point all right do I have

Enough uh did I put my oh I dropped my bait off earlier oopsie I’ll put these I’ll put these in later it’s fine yep yep yep um okay let’s get this party started it’s 10:30 a.m. I got plenty of time I’ll get it figured out fun fact uh I was today years old

When I learned that you could use the copper hoe to dig farther like you can do this whole move right here saved my life I had no idea obviously I’m sure that the gold ho and all that does better but I had no idea that’s the whole point of the

Upgrade I wasn’t keeping track of that stuff no way all right let’s see how many of these can I make I think I’m limited by my quarts right now yeah for sure okay I wish I was a tiny bit faster at doing this but I think for yeah

I’m just glad that it’s uh just glad that it’s raining so I don’t have to water all of this did I want to go any farther up I can’t remember I had this like kind of semi planned out earlier can I go any farther than this uh no I don’t think I

Can yeah I don’t really want to go any F farther so we’re cutting it off there basically whatever I can get whatever I can get automatically sprinklered I will if I can’t get it I’m not going to bother like these are fine you’re just like hey cool Brown hoe

Yeah essentially kind of no I know I realized it was more than that but you know at the time okay and I think I wanted to just take the middle section here and go out yeah three oh shoot uh maybe not wait oh I can’t remember now I think I wanted to do

This all right I’ll figure I’ll figure out this bottom section in AIT in a second no Strawberry Fields Forever all right you want switch or PC switch right now I realized that PC’s is a little bit easier because you can like specifically hit certain points but I’ve

Always been on switch for this profile so I don’t really have a I don’t really have a choice I think there is some there are some more farmable tiles down below there but I don’t want to I’d rather just have things um sprinklered irrigated you might say that’s what I was looking for

Honestly no I got I have 500 hopefully hopefully this is enough fertilizer that’s what I was kind of stressing about so what’s the optimal count here I forget ah shoot maybe I can worry about this section later is this this doable one two is that right I think this is

Right yeah it’s not perfectly it’s not perfectly lined up like the others but it’ll do it’ll do it’s going to be off because it’s an odd number of spaces over here uh no that’s not right no that is right actually probably going to end up doubling up some of the sprinkler stuff

But that’s okay no that actually works I think pretty sure yeah that works out Ah that’s the one disadvantage of this sometimes all right I’m one sprinkler short all right now to fertilize everything um so part of part of having the uh to answer some of y’all’s

Questions part of the deal with having the um the wheat Fields is that wheat is one of the is one of one of a couple but one of the um crops that you can grow between summer and fall so what I ended up doing was I made this huge huge huge huge wheat

Field and with the plan of knowing that the crop would stay from Summer to fall which means that it also keeps all your fertilizer I’m pretty sure from Summer to fall as well so I spent a lot of money on this fertilizer um so in order

To keep it because the crop is still on the ground I believe I’m pretty sure the fertilizer stays over I’m pretty sure but yeah otherwise I’m pretty sure that I think the fertilizer would have been Ked is this stardo no this is Dark Souls yeah Dark Souls looking kind of funny hi

Good luck what’s going on just going to toss this because I’m about to have more wheat than I’m ever going to know what to deal with all right May the Harvest begin and and to be honest with y’all obviously wheat is one of my favorite things to harvest because you

Harvest it with a scythe so come on huge swads that alone that alone is the reason to plant this so fun to dig up SW yep it kept all my fertilizer so oh this is Patrick hi good luck how’s it going man PC has more meta for speedr running

But honestly they aren’t very different otherwise oh yeah well you know and and PC also gives you a lot of other functionality like because you have a mouse um often times you can and use the mouse to like place you can place things in certain places I’m not going to I see

That there’s some things that are toast but I’m not going to worry about digging them up right now they’ll just they’ll just come out in the next Harvest and it’ll be okay honestly I’m more worried about the fact that I don’t think I’m going to get all these seeds

Planted it’s a lot of running back and forth it astounds me that you’ve made so much progress in under two years yeah I you know a lot of it had to do with like um I was very I was very into like Min maxing my my efforts um you know like I

Went to the I went to the level of literally like you saw at the I don’t know if you were here at the beginning of stream uh earlier octokitty but I literally would take I would literally take time to start start start up the file I would

Load I would load the save and I I would only spend a little bit of time just specifically scouting out the area like getting an idea of what getting an idea in my head of like what I needed to do that day like checking on things and you

Know seeing what needed to be done and then only then would I quit it so that it wouldn’t save I would restart the day entirely so that I knew that whatever like I had a task Lisk in my head of like what I needed to do that day and so

Like really the definition of Min maxing and you know pushing the potential for every every minute in this game um so yeah you know my two-year save file is ridiculously progressed but it’s also because I’ve spent more time in this game than actually exists in the safe

File just for all of my farting around in uh in scouting work essentially I don’t know if anybody else does that but that was just me all right I don’t have that uh I don’t have that thing also now y’all understand why I I bought so many seeds for

Real um I definitely thought I definitely bought too much fertilizer but that’s okay you never have too much fertilizer I’ll use it I’ll use it another season oh man I don’t know if I’m gonna get this is gonna be uh I don’t know I might faint on the farm

Again you know what I need you know what I needed to do I needed to um honestly it may seem silly but I needed to have more coffee if I had more coffee all of this that I’d be doing right now would be just going so much faster oh

No okay I got this i got this I don’t got this oh no I really just I I really needed more coffee man that’s that was my limitation ah crap and these dumb trees are in the way all right you’re like oh Matt you got it no

I don’t look at this still got to do these okay you know what oh that was a mistake that was a big mistake it’s going to be a half planted field I’m going to fall asleep oh no do I want to redo that I don’t I don’t need to be that

I don’t need to be that particular yeah all right faint it again okay my funds did not change that’s fine all right well actually they did change because I’m going to I’m going to get another thousand bill for passing out again oh well it’s fine all right I

Didn’t spend any money I didn’t I didn’t earn any any money either so it’s fine but it definitely it rained okay it rained it rained yesterday I just I only did farming I didn’t have any time for anything else uh yeah all right so now we’re on day three let’s

See yeah we’re on Fall three okay that’s fine done he farmed so hard he passed out yeah exactly Honestly though it was the uh it was the lack of coffee man like that was that was the downfall if I had more coffee the speed the speed benefit would have been

Great ah see it now I missed out on some fertilizer too that’s okay I’ll give this I’ll just do these things and then when it comes to planting time I will give this this particular field an extra day I guess I don’t know it’ll be out of

Sync it’ll be out of sync a little bit but that’s fine oh well should get my animals first where’ my coffee go oh cuz I didn’t have any duh all right kiddos oh look at him look at that big pig look at that big pig so big all

Right Adrian’s Game Room what’s up Adrian six I’ll keep that in mind in the future have any other cheese left over I don’t all right oh I missed I missed these sections here ah Biff all right time to repair time to repair things that I missed here oh well it’s

Fine actually put this up here that’s okay overall overall did pretty well y’all know y’all know if I was playing this by myself if I was playing this by myself I totally would have restarted the day I I total I’m going to be I’m going

To be real honest with y’all if I had done that while I was off stream I would have restarted the day I would have been that guy but I didn’t want to do it because I was like y’all have already seen this I don’t want to do it again oh

Man that’s just that’s how I operate dude that is how I operate in this game sometimes wild all right it’s cool I will suppress my I will suppress my need I’ll suppress my Min maxing needs on stream oh dear all right let’s let’s get this Farm

Fixed oh good oh it’s a maple tree never mind maybe not so good also I’m like dead dead with no energy because I fainted last night that’s we’re going to have this mushroom for dinner watching this on my new gaming PC that you just built nice what’s your graphics card

Adrien so what were you doing like last night oh I don’t know planting wheat I mean you joke but you’re right I was planting wheat last night actually wait a minute isn’t there a recipe for like a really good mushroom meal or something like that I don’t know

What it’s called yeah the life Elixir red mushroom purple mushroom moral and shantol I don’t have those things I probably do but I them uh yes look at all this perfect few missed few missed spots that’s okay they’ll catch up oh yeah I need to dig out this spot okay no problem

There you go oh my tree returned cool all right neat during the uh during the fall or during the winter sorry I will organize all of my stuff that’s actually part of that’s part of the reason that I’m looking forward to fall so much I’m sorry winter is because I just just

Can’t wait to have some time to finally like reorganize all the stuff that I’ve been meaning to reorganize for so long uh oh coffee beans duh and also some ancient fruits here too good excellent all right I’ll get that Ancient Ancient fruit wine going later it’s funny how games like fortnite

And lethal you’re so chill out of the meta and such meanwhile games like Star doing satisfactory you turn to a hard Gamers Trends yeah I try not to take I try not to take fortnite and other games like too seriously but it’s funny doing like yeah stardo and all those things I’m

Like must be must be efficient satisfactory like for real though satisfactory is a real problem it’s funny enough all right hopefully I can find some pig truffles but the whole point of getting a pig was to get Pig truffle for the uh the Blasted Whatchamacallit Community bundle still

Need to do that also I have no idea where where the heck a fiddlehead fern is where’s a fiddlehead fern I think this pig is only going to give me I think he’s only going to give me a truffle if he’s happy which he’s not like he’s not maximum Hearts yet so

I don’t think I can rely on that right now um let me uh let me make let me make that sprinkler while I’m thinking about it and put it down there oh was I’m probably going to forget toxic toxic nerd emoji on farming games zeron hi Mixel what’s up yes you can say

That uh the spirits are technically happy today but the spirits were also technically happy yesterday and they didn’t seem to do very much so I don’t know how I don’t know what that’s about to be honest um okay what else do I need to do today honestly I need to organize my

Stuff is what I need to do all right excuse me sir um actually I probably need to plant more coffee coffee trees to be honest H you likely can’t get a fiddle head fern for a while yeah it’s okay my roller skates were supposed to come in today but Amazon sucks and now

They’re coming on Monday I guess I have to wait until a bit before they before it to fall flat on my face you think should practice roller skting my house before going outside or then immediately going out to the street and hope for the best no good luck I would definitely

Practice in your house first um because I didn’t even I went roller blading recently and I didn’t realize like how difficult it was even though I had been roller skating for a long time um the most dangerous part about a street or anything is just Hills because it’s very

Difficult to stop you’re talking about roller skates which are the like the quads the four quad Wheels right is that the ones and are you talking about Inline Skates um Adrian my last game PC had an RX 580 and the new one has an RTX 470 yo

The 4 tx70 is a lot better congratulations that’s a huge that’s a huge win in terms of uh in terms of performance power all right I really need to get uh should probably get some more coffee should probably get some more coffee planted to be honest

Um yeah cuz coffee you can only plant in the spring or the summer huh okay quads yeah so what I would do is put your skates on put your skates on in your house and just practice practice moving around in the in the house with them um specifically like practicing how to

Break and stop because that’s that’s the hardest part and that’s the that’s the part that will get out of hand the quickest and when I mean out of hand meaning like that’s what you’ll lose control of the fastest um practice like learning how to stop get yourself you know position and such

That’s what I would definitely recommend doing um also do y’all do y’all do anything with these minerals in particular like do you am I just supposed to turn these in because I I I’ve already turned them into Gunther and they’re really just they’re honestly clogging up my inventory more than anything

Else turn them in all right I will get them things out of here feed them to Abigail I mean you could I’m sure Abigail will take them just sell them okay yeah they’ve just been like sitting here in my inventory kind of just clogging things up really

Uh squid squid ink I’ll keep the uh oh yeah Gunther I need to do that one oint artifact ccas oh there’s a truffle oh the dang Pig did it holy cow wowe wow we actually did it hooray this darn blasted Pig oh nice we got a truffle nice job Pig you dang did

It cool I can put this in the community bundle now awesome truffles are amazing for money they are it’s just kind of a debate of like whether you what do you do with them do you decide to use them for also I need to get the ghostfish I think the

Ghostfish I’m going to I’m going to guess is a fish that you get in the in the mines at level 20 or whatever and you just go fishing in that little thing a bobber I also need a red snapper and a tilapia and I need a sturgeon sturgeon Shipyard and that’s it

That’s that’s the community bundle no that’s the that’s that’s the fish tank I still have the bulletin board so I need the rabbit’s foot which is why I have a rabbit I need the red cabbage and the coral which I’m growing I’m growing red cabbage in my Greenhouse right now I do

Have a sea urchin already available so that that should be fine fine um Chef’s bundle I’m working on this switch switch controls are so weird okay uh Chef sple I’m working on I I just got the Truffle like just now fried egg is easy I can cook that Maki roll I have to

Make with like seaweed sashimi and like a couple of other things which I’ll figure out um and then the fiddlehead fern is the thing that I’m fiddlehead fern is what I’m not I’m not sure about I don’t I’ve never seen that before I don’t know where to get it so I don’t

Know I’m at a loss but I’ll figure that out okay just a bunch of organization today I guess um look at oh wait no I have a ghostfish never mind okay I already have the ghostfish cool so that one’s done so if the ghostfish is done then I need the

Sturgeon the sturgeon the red snapper and the tilapia but I think those are those are season you can’t get the fern until summer okay that’s that’s fine game three is starting good you just got a strike nice Chris Ren uh what what weight bowling ball do you use just out of curiosity

Yes maybe I should uh maybe I should go do the um H these trests are triggering my OCD why why are they triggering I’m sorry Jenny it’s just because they’re stuffed to the gills with all sorts of crap honestly oops I’m sorry uh what else do I want to do right now

Um I should probably spend this time I have a lot of Oak resin I should probably spend this time getting some more kegs I don’t think I don’t think Jenny’s chest looks like that from it’s just stuff with too much stuff that needs to be organized I don’t have time for

Organization organization will come on uh organization will come in the winter when there’s not other more important things to be doing I don’t mean to I don’t mean to belittle organization but I got other things to do um also I feel like I’d like to I feel

Like I would like to know because I don’t really want to be wasting my time I guess that’s what they all say I know uh can y’all do me a little bit of a favor can you look up um what season what what season what area and what um

Time of day are red snapper tilapia and sturgeon found in I think I’ve looked them up before but I just haven’t I just haven’t gotten to it can y’all let me know what that is I feel kind of bad because I just missed I just we just ended summer so if there is

Anything summer related this means that now I got to wait an entire new season to get there but you know is what it is oh no of course red snapper is the beach in the summer during the rain oh that’s so and I just passed the summer well crap well crap

I knew I knew it I had a feeling I was like oh no it’s going to happen isn’t it uh all right well tell me no more I guess I won’t be doing that maybe I can buy a red snapper from Willie hey Willie hey Willie do you got something

Oh look I got seaweed oh oh so I can make the oh interesting all right saddening information time oh tilapia is during the beach is on the beach during the fall okay cool oh the traveling Merchant you’re right you’re right oh Snapper is also doing the fall oh perfect oh sturgeon is only

At the mountain lake so the mountain lake tilapia ocean summerfall from 6 to 2 so we need that um what what season is the sturgeon on though sturgeon is only Mountain Lake OH winter okay well that’s next season that’s fine so I’ll work on going to the ocean

From 6:00 to 2 p.m. is that 6:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. so is that the morning so so one day when it rains so one day when it rains I need to go fishing in the morning is that what we’re saying yes confirm okay Bingo all right let me grab my

Bait uh let me yeah see so I’m like I’m sort of organizing I’m sort of organizing here I’m I’m doing this I’m doing this for Jenny do you use the do you use the sort button the organize button at all is that is that of help or is that of of

Not all right I’ll put these I’ll I’ll you’re you’re you’ve successfully no you’ve successfully made me feel guilty and now I feel like I need to organize my stuff so you could say mission accomplished your your chests are coordinated color coordinated oh I see yeah mine are not oh dear that’s

Funny I’m going to keep that for eating purposes I can see that oh dear this is what I’m saying if y’all if y’all are available for Co-Op then Jenny you can be the chest you can be the chest organizer for sure do you play jav of Minecraft not as much to

Nowadays Adrians I just I haven’t played in a while oh wait I forgot to forgot to put the cheese away um yeah actually so now that I’ve got um now that I’ve gotten a bunch of things squared away specifically I pretty much have all the sprinklers that I wanted to

Make so do I want do I want to make some more cheese presses actually I probably should let’s make um let’s do two more cheese presses CU I feel like I could use two more of those um I’m going to need so many preserve jars it’s not even funny but what I’ll

Do for the rest of this is I will make I’ll spend it making kegs actually 18 19 kegs were going to be like the big thing that I was going to have to work on for a lot of this but i’ but i’ be like who took my goats milk My

Goats oh I needed to okay I’m going to waste a I’m going to waste a cheese but that’s okay all in the name of organization there we go uh use these three okay there we go all right so those are processing um okay and now we’re going

To go upstairs and we’re going to make a bunch of these honestly I’ve been a very uh oh hey there’s coal oh that’s going to be it’s going to be really nice I can tell I can tell already it’s going to be nice okay let’s get these set

Up had a cheese press my tire you’ve had one cheese press the entire time I need to put them vertically now because vertical is just the way to go I think we talked about this on stream the other day I realized my um I kind of realized my Discovery with having

Needing to put the kegs in a vertical format instead of a put them in vertical instead of um horizontal for reasons because they’re just a lot easier to load that way cuz like having no don’t drink the beer ah oh no I did not mean to do that shoot no now I’m moving

Slowly whoa beer yes beer uhuh that was my mistake I did not mean to now you’re tipsy congratulations yeah oh dear we have a problem I put signs in the back of my chest color coordinate them so you know which items go in which chests Jenny

You’ll have to can you please um send me a screenshot of your organization I would love to see I would love to see the lengths that which you go to just because I want to learn for myself I want to know all right I’ve been meaning to do this for a

Long time I think now is high time that I finally do it I was always telling myself I’m like I’ll just wait until winter it’s fine no do it now do it now not my OCD not my OCD chest or I mean you’ve been telling me about it you should show

Me all right maybe if it rains if it rains again sometime soon maybe we’ll go uh why do I need this torch in here I don’t need this torch if it rains sometime soon maybe I’ll go uh fishing for those sturgeons bler Sab good morning why do you have so much

Bread juice because it pays a lot the town of stardew Valley loves its beer apparently ah shoot actually no that’s fine placing these is so tricky okay okay I think I think I need this yeah I need that one section there we go no no just put this over here For Heaven’s Sake

Put it right next to the right next to my sword placing kegs you didn’t think it would be that difficult until it is okay your bag is unorganized too I know my bag is always my bag is always is a mess and that’s just because it’s always

Filled with like you know all sorts of stuff and I try and I try and organize it a little bit but it’s it’s never easy to organize because I always got so many different so many different things in it from different projects it’s kind of just spills over all the

Time okay so now in theory freaking there we go now in theory we can just do this that’s so much better so much easier to load cool all right wait did I say Matthew I’m so tired h j I love wheat I love wheat wine the wine that is made from wheat yes

Exactly all right see the problem is is that like I always try and put my stuff like I always like having my my items here at the top but for whatever reason my stuff always gets out of whack and I don’t know why I don’t know why that happens

Um yes plus there’s no like organization button for the bottom so I don’t get why that doesn’t happen oh yeah I forgot I like to take one wheat out of here so that out here I can put a little marker so that’ll show that it’s done when it’s finished

Okay all right time to close up shop that long last oh oh no a joa team member medical team was dispatched why is joa Corp why is jojic Corp taking care of me no not joa Corp yikes hey look a diamond cool can I put that back in oh yeah it’s working on

It not the JoJo yeah exactly this why I’m like oh CR what did I do all right oops inventory is full um toss this okay And is there anything else that I want to do tonight no other than like turn in a bunch of stuff yeah okay tank that in there put in the mayonnaise and such I might as well sell the beer to be honest all right I’m sorry

Jenny I’m sorry it is it is just a big old it is just a big old mess those in there there we go at least they’re in order at least see and why why is it that why is it that I just put my I just

Put my tools at the top and now my tools are back at the bottom row again what is going on why does it why does it do that I don’t I don’t understand I don’t get it that’s that’s part of what doesn’t encourage me to organize my stuff ever

Is because it always always just gets kind of thrown in there anyway I don’t know see I try and keep some semblance of organization some also wow I used up pretty much all my wood for those kegs man it’s the row rotation the row rotation

Mhm at that point just let me die in the field I’d rather die and pay the UN [Laughter] Um I don’t have any coffee left actually that’s probably what I should do is I should make my I should make work on my coffee stuff H but I don’t want to don’t in order to make the garden pots don’t you need cop you need oh you need oh it’s

It’s only refined quartz oh oh you know what to say well let me do that then do I have any quartz I do all right uh sure why not okay let me check down here the row row row row rotation okay it’s actually one of my favorite

Sounds in the game funny enough uh okay I think that’s everything do I want to make another row of actually you know what would be really cool I know it’s getting late let me move this this singing stone up here yeah and then let me make let me make some rows of

Uh I’ll make coffee row coffee row over here that’ll be fun why not all right I’ll take those sure all right that’ll work fine but I need to get more quartz in the morning which is fine I’ll deal with that later I’ll be over for the coffee gler don’t worry

You you don’t have long to wait I’m gonna get it soon oh look my cat’s on my bed cute I just touched the screen and move some items around can you touch the screen on switch maybe if you have the third row is your hot bar it’ll be the top row with the

Chests oh okay so so should I just always keep my tools at the bottom then what oh I see okay oh because the chest is almost like coming down from the top interesting okay good to know pretty sure you can that would actually help a lot wait can I test that

Real quick pardon me y’all no I don’t think so oh wait that’s because my joycons aren’t sorry my joycons are not uh hang on excuse me why y’all are ridiculous when I say y’all I mean joyc con’s being silly okay now can you do that I don’t think you

Can yes stter doesn’t touch touch have touch control what touch control are you talking about Jenny are you talking about like on a steam deck or something how do you do that because I don’t have that function interesting how many years has this been since 911

Uh 911 was 2001 so 23 years is well technically 22 but it’ll be 23 in September I was in kindergarten at the time Oh you mean you mean you’re touching the stream right now clawing at the screen just move it just move it over get it over with oh

My gosh that’s funny yes I too would love to Claw at the screen and get everything fixed 44892 44 all right 1174 174 592 okay this was fall four no fall three oh yeah that’d be fine that’s tomorrow okay uh sunny today sunny farming forging forging through my chests

Apparently yes all right we’re gonna go to sleep because I don’t have any reason to be up Audrey hello I only be on here for a few minutes I’m on my music break sure hello Audrey hope you’re having a good day so far and thanks for visiting

Us in the music break oh hey look at that stuff cool uh 20 38 actually yeah this was fall three so uh 20 384 0 0 1680 102 22166 okay and then actually those numbers are going to be different for tomorrow oops Behold The Almighty Almighty power

Of spreadsheet May the power of numbers compel you yes yes totally not clawing around the big screen wish I could move items around if only if only this isn’t within my power 6758 6758 uh 1 96738 1 96738 okay all right I will how are the spirits feeling

Today it’s going to rain all day tomorrow oh the spirits are very happy today why are they always happy darn you Spirits be angry I don’t know if that’s something I wish but you know it’s funny all right cast go Inay all right I’m kidding only kind

Of awkward no audio lurk I’m here for the Bongo no audio C and obviously the spreadsheets hi Joey I wave at you if you don’t have any audio hello friend hope you’re doing well um 1 2 3 four five six 7 eight oh it’s windy today o okay I forgot about this music

I’m gonna I’m going to scratch that idea we’ll do this later put the jam back in the can okay all right there we go ha our our coffee Supply will soon be working at Double capacity cuz obviously I drink too much coffee in fact we might need to increase

This even more but we’ll see we’ll see what happens all right um look at this I’ve got a void chicken I kind of want more void chickens put the void chicken egg in there get to get more Jeffs all right all you people good morning everyone

Oink should I should I bother with uh I don’t know the the ultimate question that I have is should I bother with pigs I feel like pigs are pigs are fine they’re just I don’t know they will not produce any truffles they will not produce any truffles in

The winter because they don’t go outside during the winter I don’t know it’s it’s a debate that I have with myself often if you don’t have the farm space then no if you do have the farm space then pigs are amazing okay that’s fair all righty

R good thing I don’t need to mess with that wheat on a daily basis anymore thank goodness I can’t wait to go fishing tomorrow honestly that’s one thing that I really enjoy about this game that I haven’t been able to do in a while that I just have not I have not

Gotten to do any of is go fishing it’s one of my favorite things in the game um the honey is available cool but I think today today in particular we’ll go mining again cuz mining is helpful wait until spring wait until spring for what he doesn’t want good luck yeah exactly should I

Leave no no you’re fine good luck I realized I realized what that was referring to as well it’s funny all right wait until spring for the pigs oh yeah yeah for sure I don’t know would it be intelligent to like I don’t know rotate out livestock like that you

Know like do some people do some people like to um organize their stuff in a way that like they have pigs during the pigs during three seasons and then the other animals during the other Seasons I don’t know I don’t know specifically if people do that darn these

Things all right cool all good anything going on in here oh my gosh Lord have mercy yeah everything’s going on in here okay eventually I’m going to need to get a bunch of kegs to make all these things work I’m looking specifically at all that star fruit that is available now all right

Uhuh okay um where did my star fruit seeds go I think they’re outside oops I need to go get those don’t sell them you’re oh my gosh these animals Moo so angry they’re not angry they’re just so loud there we go okay Sor I got go catch up myself on some FNAF hopefully when I leave you’ll be less fortunate when it comes to rain apologies for bringing water no no no good luck it’s totally fine thank you

Friend and enjoy your uh enjoy your lore diving do I have enough seeds for this I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure that it’s more worthwhile for me to buy the seeds he so okay now here’s here’s the other question and I’m curious of what y’all’s I’m curious of what y’all’s opinion is on

This originally I originally I made a lot of effort to continuously um I kept putting these star fruit seeds in the SE maker because I thought oh well clearly it’s an investment to uh like take the seeds out and you know recycle them in the seed maker but realistically I also

Realized that um the profit of a star fruit is way way way beyond the cost of the seeds the seeds are only like $400 a piece but a starfruit earns like way more what’s the spreadsheet say so like a star fruit by itself earns I don’t know what is it

Like a crazy amount starf fruit it’s like really good money so to put them in a seed maker would just almost make no sense it would be better to yeah 1500 I think no 1,500 is the season Revenue I don’t know what it is $400 for seeds yes

Yes so I don’t know I feel like I feel like it would be better for me to just uh buy the seeds from The Oasis constantly at the same time I kind of like the I kind of like the process of throwing them in the seed maker but you

Got to go to the desert which takes some more time yeah that’s true I mean everything’s going to take time right oh well what did I want to do here I want to put something in there I can’t remember I’d invest in the ancient fruit never had to replant at a similar price

That’s fair too regular a regular starf fruit sells for 750 yeah so the idea of like if you spend if you spend the money on you know you have the ancient fruit obviously I I know I guess I’ll keep putting these I guess I’ll keep putting these through

The uh seat maker cuz then you get ancient you can you have a chance of getting ancient seeds I suppose I don’t know it’s kind of like kind of goes either way I suppose okay uh let’s let’s go downstairs to the mines I don’t need these things I don’t

Need the beach totem until tomorrow uh I’ll put the coffee beans away oh that’s what I was doing I was putting the honey in here torches are fine those are fine those are fine all right Spirits are good let’s go let’s go to the desert again regular ancient cells for 550 yeah

I mean I would mostly do these things for I I thinking mostly for Greenhouse purposes you know yeah I’m thinking mostly for Greenhouse purposes so I just like growing I’m going to be growing starf fruit and such in the greenhouse all the time but I guess it I guess really the

Seed maker is kind of the way to go because ultimately you do okay I’ll spend some money on this might as well I don’t know how many I need like 20 30 30 why not all right it’s fine see the other thing here is that money isn’t

Much of money isn’t as much of a limitation to me I don’t mean to say like I’m rich but like I I I can always I can always sell some more stuff from my inventory to get some more cash if I need it the limitation is more of like

Time and time and farming space so if there’s anything I can use money to make up for like buying seeds then I would rather do that you know he please give me ridium okay that was an aridium but all right seems special cross but those change depending on your play style oh

Typically longer grow time equals more money yeah but I mean I’m kind of I’m kind of presuming that the um oh hey Diamond uh I’m kind of presuming that the the the greenhouse is kind of like not a cheat not not a cheat thing but just like a instant easy access to uh

Continuous starfruit production even out of season I’ll just go through that little ladder down there cuz I mean that’s the point of the greenhouse right oh no not that okay nice sweet gem Berry star fruit most available in terms of like raw money I don’t really the gem Berry doesn’t

Really make a difference to me because it just sells for raw value I’d rather I’d rather have like ancient fruit and star fruit where I can turn into wine but the biggest limitation of the wine is that you only have so many casks so really you’re limited to your casks as well

I’m going to die here okay Oopsie I did not mean to do that whoa emergency surgery on you yeah that was fast be more careful next time oops $1,000 I’ve lost seven no no I refuse no I am restarting the day I could care less no sir I’m not letting that happen that’s like my best sword

You’ve lost seven items nope I I I refuse I refuse all that oh my gosh all right seven stacks of items that’s ridiculous that was like some of my best stuff sheesh objection yeah that’s how I felt blo for real jeez man all Right all right you yes no problem you only lost you only lost enough material to to lose a skyscraper jeez man all right give me one second guys I need to text my brother okay I will definitely be more careful next time brother brother yes my brother okay

Okay I will and now here we go back into the process of things Again okay H drawing if I didn’t if I didn’t say hello before oh did I put the egg I did not put the egg in there I want another I want another void chicken have an army of void Chickens Jenny did you say whether you were uh whether you were a dinosaur egg person I think that’s what you Mentioned hello animals where where my sound my sound card ah my sound card cannot keep up with the cows moo I uh I would love to get all void chickens I don’t know if I would I don’t know if I well I’ve never owned I have

Never owned said uh said dinosaurs so I won’t say I’ll never say never in that in that in that regard but uh we’ll see dinos are a tad cumbersome to get yes as I’ve learned but uh seems like they’re pretty cool also I would love to get a certain type

Of chicken but that’s also a spoiler for certain reasons and I was only privy to it because of the darn Wiki but you know it’s okay not that I would ever really want to fulfill those requirements anyway if you know what I’m talking about you know if not then it’s okay

Don’t worry about it all right there’s two special ones that I mean you’re talking about the void chicken that I have the black one and then I’m talking about the other one that’s a specific color that comes with a special circumstance that is I guess a spoiler

Maybe is it the hard one or the the not hard one I don’t know which one you don’t know how little that nrows it down no I have the I have the void one I have the black chicken right and according to the wiki there’s one other

Special type that comes from a heart event from a specific person but for spoil reasons I wasn’t going to say who it was now I know what you mean yes the heart event one okay also I think the Wiki’s wrong that’s fair uh in what specific in what specific area like what what

Metric I feel like I need more wood chippers to be honest we’ll always need more wood chippers but I think I need to buy those from Robin I’m pretty sure I’ll put the quartz crystal away for now I don’t have a reason to keep these things uh put my seeds

Away let see all right okay all right put these in here put my coffee beans away although I will need I do want these to actually for tomorrow for later tonight I mean okay uh the neon Ultra Delux special the neon Ultra special Deluxe collector’s edition chicken yeah that one that guy that’s

Right um I will get the starf fruit later I guess I just I guess I need to remind myself not to spend the entire day out in the mines but that is kind of what I want to do anyway uh okay well all right I’ll put the cheese in

Here and then we’ll be on our way and way we go basically I have a 5year farm and I’m nowhere near it nowhere near what nowhere near the farm or nowhere near what part yes the very special chicken I mean you’re going into skull Caverns with pretty subpar tools like you’re not

Helping yourself out too much I mean I have gold tools I don’t know it’s like subpar you mean like non- aridium I I would have gone aridium a long time ago but I have no I have no ridium to spare like unfortunately I just don’t I don’t have

It all right let’s pick up the things what did I get last time 30 yeah 30 even if you have aridium it’s still tough is there like so then if not aridium are you referring to like special stuff that’s like uh I guess unique items that you find from other sources oopsie all

Right the one thing you get through the micro transactions yeah we love those hey Geode nowhere near getting the Neon Delux special edition microtransactions chicken I think that’s a pretty exclusive thing to get that one’s kind of hard not going to lie it’s very rare after all it is the Ultra Mega Ultra Mega Ultra I can’t even say it yikes

Have you obtained the EA chicken no I have not obtained the EA chicken I don’t think the EA chicken is available in my country I am just kidding but yes oh hey a warp totem sweet that’s helpful cool we love those oh boy this is going to be nasty

At all those numbers numbers numbers numbers numbers numbers oh see there’s some meridium okay well it’s a work in progress that is dude they’re so tough my gosh all right uh oh hey there’s a thing down here uhoh excuse me oh no no thank you J no

Cart dude these I know slimes are suppos I know slimes are supposed to be the easiest enemy but they’re not they’re so hard they have little weird trepidations to them yikes man have you played per who the what actually I know the the jellies are one thing the skulls are

Another yikes man that was too close like you know what we should do we should just put the cheese closer to this there we go okay go away be gone yikes okay more cheese I like my sword I like my sword a lot but my sword will not it’s not perfect in this

Scenario I’m sure that there’s better ones okay that’s I’m talking about with the skull covers you mean like equipment wise syp yeah I mean I get it I just Oh shoot that’s not good okay can y’all not can y’all not do this I’m like literally trapped trapped in this dang corner go go Away sheh oh not you too thank goodness all right you know what I’m about to leave just about to dip that’s not good I’m literally on like no Health you guys can’t see it I I need to move my camera I think I just you know what I’m

Just going to leave this is this is ridiculous I’m done I’m out I’m not going to use a warp totem today gosh dang it’s a mess Retreat y’all didn’t see my health y’all didn’t see my health cuz it was behind me right here but I was like I had like that much

Left we can’t end on a loss yeah I know that’s how I felt that’s how I felt Jess not discourage you just saying like why Macy is so difficult no no no I’m honestly I’m really glad I’m glad that stardo has something of a like a higher

A higher skill cap kind of thing cuz I think it needs something like that you know I think it’s unfortunate when there’s not um you know when you feel when you when you get the feeling that you’ve done everything that you’re supposed to do I think that’s really sad for a game when

That happens but you know that’s not the case here oh wait did I have some there we go take my coffee okay um I guess I could process some geod tomorrow as well I should probably do that that would be fun I say I say fun but that would be

Helpful it’s 5:00 pm everyone get inside quick I how the animals like scramble to get indoors run uh do y’all find not that sap is like completely useless but do y’ all find sap kind of useless at times all right Beach totem rain totem all the different totem

Totems all right it’s 510 actually I could spend some time doing some other things to be honest uh started takes a while to complete fully yeah for sure um actually because it’s it’s also a lucky day again I think I will spend some time uh taking care of well first of all

I’ll take care of this stuff real quick okay there we go and done okay cool all right cool let’s uh let’s go spend some time in the mines again but not but not those mines the other mines not the desert mines let’s go check out the Cor actually o

Hello there’s some good stuff here I really wish that wild grass would grow on my place here but apparently not oh those just maple trees ah boo I always I always need more wood constantly all right let’s go digging through oh oh he’s stuck behind a wall okay got it yikes

Also I feel like fiber fiber can be so hard to find sometimes that I actually really appreciate finding it down in the mines does the red mushroom give you energy or is it the sappy one no it’s minus 90 energy never mind forget that honestly I’ll just recycle that for

Now get rid of the sap I don’t need that get rid of the s time I don’t need that actually can I craft a mega bomb yes I can all right I’ll use that in a second actually you know what why don’t we just use that now run

Cool don’t eat that no I did not one of them works really well the other one does not literally only keep your sa for torches yeah that’s true love that sound oh y’all that’s the other thing that we should do is uh we should go and um I forgot I have have

The rusty key actually can we do that sometime on the stream today I don’t know oh hey I got a whoa hell a bunch of stuff I’ve literally never been down to the down to the Rusty key it’s the sewers that I get to unlock so we’ll get to go do that

All right so how about this uh tomorrow since it’s going to be a rainy day we’ll go we’ll go fishing fishing at the ocean in the morning and then we’ll go get my geodes processed and then we’ll go use the rusty key and check out the sewers I think that’ll be perfect

That’ll be a really fun day actually all right sewers my sweet boy arrives shortly yes I think I know who you’re talking about because again the wiki being the spoilers that it is unfortunately but it’s okay I understand hello oh hey what up do I want anything else here no I don’t think

So coffee is so overpowered not overpowered just so necessary it’s just aquamarine I think okay back had a little bit of a headache but I’m feeling better now welcome back CHR Ren are you guys still out bowling right now all right yeah I don’t really have a better way of getting fiber Unfortunately okay I’ve grab another mega bomb here um do I want to use this no I don’t really I don’t really feel need to use it I’m just going to leave goodbye can buy fiber seeds I’ve heard that that’s a thing but I don’t exactly know where to get those

Well actually no no the reason I know is because I know that they come from uh I think they come from lonus if I’m correct if I remember right but it says like you get them through lonus and you get them through a special request but I

Have no idea what a special request is unless that’s a unless lonus has a different fiber thing that I’m talking about oh my gosh I have so much junk oh there’s more truffles over there huh all right all right well there’s two truffles over there whoa okay apparently my pig really likes

Me I will go get those real quick um all right so I’ll bring this over for Gunther I will bring this over for Gunther I will sell these things and put the crystals away okay slime Gunther slime egg that’s what’s that’s what’s also really interesting about this is I don’t

Have a slime hutch on my farm anymore I deleted it I actually deleted the Slime hunch because literally like the last time we were streaming y’all said you’re like yeah the Slime Hut the Slime Hutch is pointless I lit I deleted off my farm after spending money on it which I

Sounds ridiculous yeah I got rid of it because it was a waste of space I was using the space for other for my wheat part of my the only way I fit the wheat on there was because I got rid of the Slime oh it was great so anyway it still

Makes money yeah I know but I got rid of it because I want because I was tired of seeing it it was this big purple castle and I was tired I was tired of seeing it there um but anyway after I got got rid of the Slime

Hutch um I realized that the only way that you can technically get uh realistically the only way that you’re supposed to be able to get um the uh it’s okay they’ll live all right I also need to grab my I’ll go down there and get my I’ll get my thing

Later else I want to do anything oh I want to put the fiber away fiber away and I’ll put the put these bars over there because I’m need them um okay technically I can take care of the star fruit but I’ll do the star fruit I’ll do the star fruit tomorrow

Morning I won’t worry about that stuff for now okay uhhuh did I water these I think I watered these yes I did all right those those will go tomorrow hey look we made it without dying imagine it’s been a minute since we’ve done that woo all right aridium band Squid Ink ravioli good

All right 720 just barely just barely that’s fine uh okay I will go for a little bit longer um let’s do Rusty key things today that should be fun zero what was up next 720 forging no is it forging no it was mining 20 0

720 but then also I paid how much money I bought 30 30 * 400 is like 12200 12,000 something like that 12,000 12,000 yeah uh 30 30 starf fruit seeds it was oopsie it was sunny outside and I went Mining and farming really technically shopping you could say I did

Not socialize I do not socialize I’m not a socializer listen I know there’s a whole curve of the game where you like you know you give things to people and you you befriend them and all that jazz but just that ain’t me I don’t do that all right 55

296 and then 11 19747 6 1197 476 okay we’re on Fall five and it’s time it’s time to do all the stuff I wish I could I wish I could do the coffee like that but okay um it’s going to be cloudy with winds tomorrow and today it is feeling

Neutral all right that’s fine drink my coffee before going out I watered everything already okay I got some aridium sweet uh my farm animals don’t care about the indoors or sorry the other way oh gosh not the fruit again not the fruit again all right let’s do this round

Again the uh what was it the fish that I need come at from 6:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. something like that all right I’ll try and make this quick actually technically if I wanted to if I wanted to be m m maxing this which I

Do how much time Have I Lost I’ve lost an hour let’s change that up actually easiest way to level up friendship is to give gifts on their birthdays harah I uh oh and there’s a calendar that you can track all their birthdays with you know so what’s interesting is I

You know I know that you go to the wiki and you can find people’s favorite gifts and stuff um I I think realistically I’d love to do that kind of stuff but I would wait until like after I don’t know a couple years being on the farm I wouldn’t right now there’s like

Too many things that I want to optimize for the farming bit um and also for a lot of those things like for a lot of things like uh Sprinklers and um you know all that other Jazz that you can use for automating your farm and like

The deluxe Coupe and stuff yes that kind of stuff I’d love to uh I’d love to get that all like squared away first where’s my water can there it is this is what I do Syra this is this is how I enjoy my game call it ridiculous but that’s

Me why do you think I why do you think I I think it’s worthwhile to drink coffee and you know Zoom around all right uh oh actually wait a minute is it wheat day it is wheat day oh shoot it’s wheat day all right well tell you what

If it’s wheat day then let’s just get ourselves let’s get ourselves all fixed up and ready to go yeah all my wheat is grown so wheat day exactly wake up babe it’s weat it’s wheat day yes okay I’ll go uh all right yeah that’s fine let me grab this take care yeah

Look at all that wheat all right sounds good put this away put this in there and then at this point bunch of coffee beans ridiculous uh I’m gonna have I’m gonna need a lot of space though all right let me just put this stuff up here just kind of like throw things in

I don’t need the coffeee beans I’ll get the star fruit seeds later the problem is is that I need more space in my inventory than I need for other stuff oh I don’t have my fishing rod I was doing a little I was doing a little

Checklist in my head also do I have a bobber I don’t think I have a bobber no I do that’s up here uh increases bite rate yep that’s what I want all right Bango it’s wheat day yes all look at all that stuff cool um all right so doing this with a

Fishing rod is kind of weird do you have to pick up the bait and like there it is okay sorry I didn’t know how to do it okay man I haven’t been fishing in so long feels great proceeds to get seaweed proceeds to get seaweed jeez fishing is truly one of my favorite

Mini game things nice sometimes that’s also hard to decide whether you get whether you decide to go for like the perfect fish oh dude hello geod sure absolutely sweaty sweee sweetie wake up sweetie sweetie did I hear wa I’ve walked down that path before so it’s not

Bad rocks back and forth yes which path are you talking talking about Jenny down the path of uh down the path of like ending days because it’s not perfectly optimized yeah look at that I think I do have um treasure hunter or whatever it’s called so that kind of makes sense oh

Shoot I just hope I get this blasted fish on the right more geod eh all right y all said the red tilapia red til no red snapper and the tilapia is fall between 6:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the ocean wow we’re really getting a bunch of

Geod reset an hour because it’s not a perfect day yeah yeah I’m doing it oh good baby cool resent entire optimized correctly I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done that to be real to be fair ah oh hello see cucumber see cucumber is that an add on YouTube

Shorten my feed it might be it might just well be yes summarizing my other stuff I actually kind of want to um I kind of want to be that guy and go buy some trout soup from Willie so that I can get my fishing skill up real quick

And maybe that might help things I don’t know I don’t know if that really makes that much of a difference I’ll think about it oh yes red snapper woo all right that’s what I need perfect all right so now for tilapia tilapia reset cuz I die in the

Skull CERN uh yeah I just did that on stream literally oh reset because I messed up and gave the person the wrong gift I would do that 100% I would do that yeah you give someone the wrong gift you spend a lot of time trying to get those

Gifts right throw it back throw it back man make sure that you save your seaweed that stuff gets real valuable later on yeah as I learned srap like I was trying to at one point I was trying to make a fish pond and it was like you need

Seaweed and I’m like dude the only way to get that is from fishing like it’s not just available anywhere you know manam actually what I think would be a really cool kind of um profession is the uh the profession with um The Crab Pot one can we do this

Nice where like crab pots become less expensive I got the tabia let’s go cool awesome That’s All She Wrote folks and now my inventory is completely stuffed full well actually it doesn’t have to be stuffed full can I just um can I just sell my fish o wait oh he sells crab oh

Oh interesting uh y’all oh the fish double bed that actually looks really cool I like that bed I might buy that bed this is a reminder for later um I might actually take him up on this these crab pots okay my question was my question was

Um should I just in order to free up some inventory space now should I sell him my fish here like do I get the same value from selling it Willies yeah I’m going to do that obviously not the ones that I was looking for because my problem right now

Is that I need to free up space I need to free up space for these geod I’m about to crush remember we got to do those too but I’m I’m debating on I’m debating on taking him up on this offer for these crab pots because I do

Want to line my I do want to line my property with more crab pots um and honestly like I’m in the business I I have so much like beer and and wine and cheese that I could sell for money that money money isn’t much of a

Limitation as much as I’m trying to save my I’m trying to save my iron bars for making kegs don’t put crabs on the crab pots on the farm because they get trash right because they get trash yeah but like but the trash gives you um the CDs the wood

The the garbage and all of that when it goes in the recycler gives you coal and and wood and I need like I need so much coal and so much wood it’s it’s almost ridiculous see there’s a trade-off there there’s there’s a trade-off there that I actually really I really need

More wood and more coal very Niche idea but okay no but it it it has literally been saving me what’s up here uh high quality vegetables no where I might find Thrifty shopkeep might find 25 gold star vegetables yeah 24 days that’s easy to do sure Pierre you got it

Man do you chop down free and do I chop down trees and Cinder snap you can just buy for coal no coal costs like 150 coal Co no 250 per piece per piece is ridiculous no I’m not buying coal from Clint I learned early on that Clint is extremely

Expensive 250 for coal yeah exactly I thought you just send money as an issue not when it’s 250 per piece that’s way too much Clint a scam yeah Clint a scam true but lobster and crab are also better than crish yeah but also I don’t want to

Have to go down to like where like if it’s if the if the crab pots are on my farm I will I will always do that as like my daily rotation if the crab pots aren’t on my farm there’s no way I’m going to go bother like taking my time

To go do it you know with him at another place you know what I mean there we go see so now so guess what that that was that was three pieces of coal that was three pieces of coal for 25 gold literally a a a 3% of the price 3% of the

Cost now of course I get a stone but you know I got a rock put it on the spreadsheet yeah okay but also I want to ooh there’s some meridium that’s great um here while we’re doing this I’ll uh nice perfect we just gotten a rium bar I don’t know what that is

Stone something another something okay I’ll take the minerals I don’t mind fire C is kind of me all right thanks Clint I think I processed 10 geod there so I’ll put that in the spreadsheet as well uh I just want to point out that the spreadsheet is never

Going to be entirely accurate because there’s things like um o okay this is helpful I want to put this up Here Cool any rewards in particular uh are these all decorations ooh a triple shot espresso is that a recipe or is that no that’s not a recipe burnt offering oh no what is that dwarvish translation guide teaches you dwarfish did I just learn dfish that’s cool can be places a decoration can be

Place as decoration okay dude I just learned dorish whoa cool that’s neat all right let’s go to the sewers I can’t I can’t decide whether yeah I guess just walking there will’ll be fine I’ll pick up these things on the way there we go dude I get to give I get to give

Pierre some 25 vegetables do I have 25 vegetables no I don’t not on hand ooh trash can rumaging put that put that on the spr oh I just got a field snack from the garbage Perfect all righty R cool now you can talk to the dwarf I don’t think I’ve met

The dwarf actually oh wait sewers first I don’t think I’ve met the dwarf I’ve seen him like pop up I’ve seen him pop up in different things but I have not I have not talked with him personally oh my gosh there’s so many things here I need to get I need to chop

Down all these trees these trees demand to be cut but I need to know what’s in the sewers first I need to know what this is whoa can I drink the coffee can I run faster in here yeah I can hello oh what are you statue of uncertainty the statue can help you

Oh oh in in whoa that’s interesting you can you can change your professions whoa okay well I don’t know that I want to change anything right now but huh that’s neat if you ever wanted to do that I guess that’d be kind oh are you the hello are you the person who

I’ve been thinking whoa kobus hello a human visitor this is most unusual oh is that it I’m kobus Merchant of rare and exotic Goods a merchant you say why can I only talk with him one at a time whoa whoa Whoa whoa the star drop hello return scepter oh my gosh what how much is this dude I know my goals now is that $2 million gold handle Quivers hold this scepter to the sky and return to home at will so this is like an infinite so is

This like an infinite uh infinite thing to always return home whenever you want oh man I’m speedrunning that that’s so helpful what the heck man I wish I was rushing toward this sooner to be honest with you okay well first of all aridium sprinkler for 10,000 I think that’s a that’s a

No-brainer oh wait that’s whoa wait that’s 10 gold wait that’s that’s 10 solar Essence for only 80 gold wait that’s such a deal oh I see interesting what kobus is incredible what the heck y’all and yeah here’s the void egg so you I guess so you can either get the

Void egg from having the witch Bazinga your Coupe oh it’s 80 oh it’s one for 80 okay that makes sense that makes sense okay I was GNA say like that seems ridiculous commi this chat looking like $2 million after a long day hi commie yes for sure I want the star drop

20,000 woo oh we just eat it instantly power you found a star drop it’s strange but the taste reminds you of cats I’m not tasting cats but just reminds me of cats ah yes of course reminds you of cats that’s my favorite thing your maximum energy as level is

Increased oh perfect okay thanks robus um I’ll take an aridium sprinkler sure does he does he get more aridium sprinklers later and obviously my goal will be return scepter holy crud that’s amazing I’ve already got a void egg I don’t really need another one thanks

Kobis um can you go fishing in here did it I thought I saw a I think I saw a um Whatchamacallit like a little a little bubbling spot where fish will Co up well fish fish will pop up oh my gosh what on Earth lives in

Here oh dear what am I about to pull up oh just a fish okay interesting what’s this oh oh we po oh we pop out here oh okay cool crous new favorite place ever what the heck you can get a rare fish too I’m sure that I can get a rare fish

But I will do rare fishing things when the time comes for right now because I’m here I’m going to spend the day chopping wood because that’s part of my dealio um am I out of oh boy uhuh kind of out of inventory space per se I put a whole bunch of trees here

Because again wood is a crazy resource commie how are you doing firstly I hope you’re doing well and good to see you happy uh happy weekend um I had some free time this weekend so I wanted to play some stard with y’all there’s one place that I didn’t

Visit in the sewers okay thanks for letting me know SRA um where was it that I that I missed obviously like I talked with kobis and I went up and I went up the ladder I didn’t know where the ladder would go but I’ll go check back there in a second

I don’t know if y’all implement this it’s right next to the big dog statue okay go I can see I don’t know if y’all use implement this uh or utilize I guess is the word yeah s is this what you meant by like chopping down trees and Cinder snap down here I’m assuming

So okay yeah all right let me go uh let me go visit I’m so glad I met Cris he’s so cool although I will admit I um you know when I was joking around saying kind of joking when I was saying that like money wasn’t an issue uh it was like you know

Oh you know I’ve got oh is it this thing there’s some kind of force to blocking your path okay is that what you mean interesting okay a force field you say all right so is that kind of like a mystery for the future dude stard Valley has so many layers dude it’s

Incredible I really need to get a better axe I think I don’t know okay interesting question for my stardo players um if yall had to choose between you have aridium you you have five aridium bars and you can only upgrade one tool what tool is it is it I mean

Obviously pretty much the two main choices are going to be a the pickaxe or the or the wood axe pickaxe yeah okay just for getting through the uh just for getting through the mines faster yeah I think I’d agree with you there 100% yeah for sure all right I’m on board

Okay well now that I know about now I know that now I know about about kobis uh desire for gold I really want that return scepter I want to work toward that then axe then watering can then hoe I would agree I would actually say well

For for my for my purposes I would probably say watering can comes last because I mostly have all my sprinkler stuff automated but it’s the hardest part is getting all the getting everything dug so I would probably do ho first but you know that’ll come later wow y’all this opens up a whole

New thing um so to be perfectly honest I was kind of dragging my feet about like I If if we go back to my um if we go back to my place now uh you might notice that i’ I’ve sort of been dragging my feet when

It comes to I don’t know like making star fruit making star fruit wine making ancient fruit wine and like all that stuff um now I almost feel like there’s an urgency to start processing that because like I really want to get that return scepter I feel like that’s so

Helpful pickaxe only makes sense to me you can move more easily and get iridium that way yeah for sure that’s true commie I like that idea too well I will um once I finish these trees I will go do that let’s let’s assess what needs to be done

And then actually we might be able to figure out if we can get an aridium pickaxe because I think we have some aridium I’ll be at maybe not five but we’ll check I would not set your I would not set your eyes on the return scepter until the community center is done I

Mean yes I mean yes but also in my the way I see it the return scepter is like a great monetary goal because the only limitation the only limitation with the with the golden scepter is gold like you just need more gold but the community center is kind of like all these all

These things require specific items that require specific conditions like you know I have to fish during specific Seasons or I have to get certain animals and stuff like that like I’m waiting oh oh it was wheat day oh uh well that’s okay I’m not I’m not

Gonna We day I’m not gonna I’m not going to go back I can’t I can’t do that to myself man you can’t reset you did too much just do it tomorrow yeah I will I will I will that’s fine in fact actually I think that’s probably going to be

Better because I think that will uh I think that’ll actually catch me up to the other field so the field this field over here was one day behind that field over there was one day ahead so by skipping a day on that left side it actually catches everybody up to

Together so I I I think that’s fine all right I got a five I got an aridium sprinkler now that’s nice I picked up a crab pot I think I I think I yanked them out of the water accidentally yeah so um we’ll use this time for Jenny’s favorite thing Organization all right where’s my wood oh put everything in a different spot now okay carp uh flute fire Crystal I don’t really need gold wood snacks bobber I can put back here uh should I load my inventory up with uh Community bundle stuff you know what we’ll do community bundle

Tomorrow how about that I think that’ll work nice take the bait take the this in here um put all the seaweed in here uh was there anything else that I needed nope not for Community B not for Community bundle reasons oh yeah I put the mushrooms in Here oh that’s right Pierre needed what did Pierre need like 25 25 vegetable crops well it’s a good thing I save everything because I’ve got I can send him 25 cauliflower how about that how about them apples Marina can y’all do me a favor can y’all can y’all confirm for sure 100% that

Pearl says that in Octo expansion I’m like 90 99% sure that she does but every time I think about I’m like no surely she didn’t say that I’m I’m pretty sure that’s a quote from her but I’m always like wait is it did she say that how about that map Marina it’s

Funny um I have one aridian bar so we are a long way we are a long way to go from uh our humble um pickaxe but we’ll get there eventually well actually make that two radium bars it’s a work in progress um okay so yeah I think

Tomorrow will be a nice uh will be a nice day to work on stuff we’ll plant the rice in that season uh I need to put the wheat in my inventory just to remind myself that it’s wheat day otherwise I might forget it’s wheat day

Uh I also think I need to get the star fruit set up in the greenhouse I forgot about that as well uh okay okay let us also take care of some ancient some ancient fruit stuff those preserves are done um I love how the game pauses When I

Close or yeah when I’m closing stuff it’s just so helpful uh I’ll put the rium sprinkler in here for now just for the heck of it um okay so Community bundle what else did I need the ghost fish yeah I got those so I got the three

Fish so now I just need the sturgeon I think the sturgeon’s from the mountain lake right did y’all I think y’all said the sturgeon was the mountain lake did that happen in a certain time of year maybe um also I could request if I’m heading up North I could

Also request for Robin to build the uh the fish pond why don’t I do that I think it requires 10 seaweed I’m pretty sure is that right I think so I’ll look it up in a second uh it’s 11:30 11:30 what else can I do

Um anything in here that I want to get rid of I could proc I’m going to process all the bug meat into bait in a little bit once I run out of bait if I do all right let’s uh uh do I have any coffee left I don’t have any coffee I desire

Coffee okay uh let me get the star fruit let me get the star fruit oh my gosh never mind this is such a this is always such an undertaking and it’s dark I can’t see anything fine I’ll just get the at least at least I’ll get the trees cleared

Inventory full of course it’s full always full a process I don’t think Pearl says that no expansion but she does say that for spot Fest results if her team is more popular thing oh I think you’re right commi yeah no you’re exactly right commi that’s

What it is I I remember it’s actually I don’t think it’s going to be on this switch cuz this is my OLED I think this is my OLED and it doesn’t have the I don’t have any yeah all my Splatoon 2 clips are on my old switch where oh my old switch is

Downstairs but like I’m 90% sure that I have a clip of uh I have a fortnite clip in here oh interesting um yeah of pearl saying that specifically yeah yeah I remember that that’s why it sticks out of my mind so often like I I tell you what if I’m like

If my brain is ever in an idle moment if I’m ever in a moment of quiet sometimes in in the back recesses of my mind I’ll just hear this this small voice say how about them apples Marina I don’t know why her voice is just always it’s just always there Pearl you

Dork oh she’s funny oh my gosh man it’s it’s great it’s a great thing all right I have enough I have enough time to take care of this there we go okay I will okay I’ll take care of the starf fruit tomorrow always something and then I’ll take these

Things uh at least the coffee and the seats yes okay in an idol moment or an idol moment uh the ladder the ladder apparently yes you’re right that’s an accurate statement well done I uh you know in my brain sometimes it’s 100% it’s 100% when Pearl wins popularity

That’s so great I love that she does that I love that that exists um okay so I think I’m ready maybe okay I’ll build some I’ll build some kegs tomorrow morning wow dude we got a lot to do we got a lot going on hi Darren what’s up

Oh oh hi Darren oh good morning can I uh can I spend a quick moment to go sell my preserves do I have enough inventory space hopefully I’ve just had these see now here’s the thing I I just I have all this I mean okay you can blame you can

Blame me for Mis for organization but I do just tend to have this junk just like sitting in here like I got all this pale ale just kind of farting around I have a solar Essence in here for no reason I’m going to just I’m going to sell all this pale because I

Have no reason to have it sitting there is Matt going to make it is Matt going to is Matt going to faint again on the property hopefully not so we’re selling 16 16 of the what is this 16 salmonberry jelly 32 strawberry jelly blackberry and Plum I’m selling 96 beer 120 pale ale

I’ve just I I think I’ve always had it there because I’ve always thought at least with like the beer and the pale ale that at the very minimum like there’s a chance that I could take it and uh turn it into the casks to process

It further but to be honest and to be realistic I suppose ultimately um I’m going to faint in my house uh at least it’s in my house um really I’m in the bed I’m in bed I’m in bed help I’m in bed that’s literally the definition that’s literally the definition of like

Hitting your head on the hitting your head on the bed post like as you’re going to bed ow jeez man it’s terrible all right there’s there’s 100,000 basically right there yikes yikes that’s hilarious I love it I love that we’re so close we’re we’re really we’re really Min maxing today aren’t we

Yes we are I could not have done that any closer uh Z 7 oh see Daisy 75 475 100 and then the total is 99 280 99 280 okay now money spent was uh 30,000 30k I think 30 no um 20,000 for the starfruit 10,000 for the idium sprinkler I didn’t buy

Anything else so that’s 30k but then I opened up 10 geod with Clint which are 25 each that’s 250 so total spent was 30,000 250 yes I didn’t buy anything at Willies I wanted to buy I really wanted to buy those um crab pots I guess it’s a good

Thing I didn’t because ultimately I’m trying to save my money so uh so um star drop uh plus rium sprinkler spinkler I love spinkler um radium sprinkler and geod okay it was raining today that’s why I was even able to leave raining and then I was foraging fishing socializing and shopping and

Then today I’ll put Metrobus in the sewers sewers s sewer sewers star drop also I run through two trash cans I I got a field snack that was cool that was fun I never get those so hard to like find stuff in the trash cans all right

Cool all righty R uh we shall see the stard valley sound effect dropped you can hear the dog wag his tail against the ground when he sits poor doggo little dog um I’m gonna read back I was in the middle of the day so I get didn’t get to

Read some of Y y’all’s messages um because you can make money anytime but you can only get certain Community Center gifts out of sometimes oh okay okay no that’s fair um like like for example the fishing right true you’re doing so much better than I

Was on here too well thank you s I appreciate it Idol idol thoughts Idol moments uh Darren not much just watch today’s Battle of Alberta that’s when Edmonton and Calgary play each other both cities in Alberta that’s like three-hour Drive between them they’re bitter Rivals um oh I see hockey team

Y Edmonton and Calgary gotcha how’d the game go Darren or are you currently watching it Tyler whites hello Tyler hello good morning how’s it going um I’ll do one or two more days I’ll oh you’re playing you’re playing power world how is it Jenny it’s like it’s like the rage right now everybody

Freaking loves it so what are your what are your thoughts good bad ugly fun game weird game are you going to play it for like just today or is it like you know long-term game playing for decent time 12971 297 364 yeah I mean you could also look at

It this way the return sepor is $2 million right in my total earnings total earnings not even like what I’ve spent I have only earned 1.3 million and that’s like without any money spent so you know you want to talk about like you want to talk about like

Expensive 2 million is a is a big 2 million like free free money that is like in my bank account but not that I’m using for things yeah I I can imagine that’s quite the uh that’s an over taking and now our team stream sponsor rage Shadow Legends unfortunately

Not no I’m enslaving Pokemon it’s a fun and weird game I can see myself playing it long term okay um how does it compare to like uh like if you had to choose a game to play what about like I guess is Pia is Pia still on people’s list is

Paleo still on people’s uh radar you know for playing games all right I’m going to put my extra I’m going to put my extra coffee seeds in here coffee beans take out these things I don’t need them uh my casks doing Pia is interesting Pia is different Goose hello got to find

Unconventional ways to make sure blend shaped sliders are set correctly uh uh what’s this one fresh lobster for a marvelous Beast I’m creating who Gus propriety of the star drop Saloon 800 gold okay I think I have lobster and I’m literally going into town today so that’s perfect also Goose what are you

Referring to specifically anything in particular what did I use all my did I use my hardwood for something interesting all right hello everybody good morning I hope y’all are happy and everything good morning cow move all right okay power can have I can have slaves do my

Work oh my gosh you are for real that’s incredible paleo is okay okay but Power I can have slaves jeese all right I’ll keep the cheese with me that’s fine drink a coffee where’s that rabbit I need to pet the rabbit so that it’ll give me a bunny a tail

Eventually all you chickens can just chill um all right all right spaghet time to run this day through uh okay my inventory is filled with Community Center stuff what do I need to do today you mean it’s foot yeah it’s foot that thing

Um what do I need to do and where do I need to go I need to give I need to give the the cauliflower to Pierre I need to give a lobster to Gus and I need to commission Robin for a p fish pond I need to visit the community

Center and yeah it’s wheat day now Pierre’s is only open at 9ine as is Robins as well so what I think I should do is I should I should take care of the greenhouse first I’ll take care of the greenhouse first and then I’ll take care

Of the uh why is this stuff getting out my way I’ll take care of the greenhouse first and then after the greenhouse at the end of the day I’ll take care of the wheat day that’s a actually wait a minute do I even have a lobster oh hold

On do I even have a lobster I have a ton of crayfish I don’t know if I have a lobster oh uh I’m not sure I have a lobster I have have crayfish but I’m pretty sure Lobster you need um I’m pretty sure Lobster is requires uh stuff that I don’t

Have let’s go check the fish chest um I have a midnight squid nope I don’t have a lobster I’m pretty sure I have crab but I got Lobster I think Lobster requires a crab pot in the ocean and I don’t think I’ve ever had Crab Pot in the

Ocean I’m pretty sure so unfortunately I cannot do that quest for Gus I wish I could but that’s just never something that I’ve had oh well we can’t forget wheat day again yeah can’t skip wheat day don’t skip wheat day folks you don’t want to do that oh my gosh these animals y’all

Such a Ruckus all right um Mo okay I think that’s everything I don’t got any Fiddle Head friends oh I need to put the sea urant in the community center as well perfect moveo they say oh my cabbage is ready my cabbages well guess what guess what I also needed for the

Community center red cabbage so that’s great timing actually it’s perfect all right going to go for the night I hope your wheat is profitable thank you flourishing on your wheat Empire thanks s thanks for your input inventory full what do you mean inventory full um s thanks for your input and your and

Your thoughts on stard and all the sorts uh I hope you have a good night as well and I will um I’m not sure if I’ll be around tomorrow for stuff but I’ll be around for um fin stream at least so we’ll see you when I see you but take care friend

Yeah this is so much more profitable when the that’s interesting I suppose you know you could always look at it as like the cost the problem is that with the seed maker I always need to be running the seed maker like constantly uh so eventually uh I do want

To build I do want to build a shed is there something over here is there a done fruit no it’s fine um I’ll put the seeds in here because I don’t need to put them anywhere else uh I technically need to process my do I want to process the ancient fruit now

No oopsie I did not mean to do that put that apricot away that apricot out drink my coffee Tyler mom got her first orders few Cuts customers for her new Cookie Company whoa she’s only doing local but that’s cool is she making uh local uh local local Cookie Shop things that’s a pretty

Fun thing to do like a bakery of sorts cool CL things are going well um Goose nothing fancy just painful process of converting VRC models used on V V VC face what in lord’s name is VC face is this for um what work is this for goose what kind of

Stuff I’m back I didn’t learn anything hi good luck welcome back good to see I know more about fflur than I knew about three-step equations that’s okay three step equations are difficult FNAF not so difficult um we are going to take this ancient fruit and I’m going to go make a run up

To the farm um before I go start Valley sewers let me check just to make sure oh yeah okay good thing I checked fish pond fish pond requires five seaweed and five algae of all things oh of which I have but it’s down here I think something like that yes there it

Is okay good all right that was a good that was okay glad I checked did you check a spreadsheet yes maybe maybe all right do I have Oak resin with me I do have Oak resin with me always use a spreadsheet always oh too bad I can’t hold it oh well

Hooray now she’s just making stuff for in our kitchen for our church members and stuff that’s cool though she’s still getting orders though Tyler that’s neat um it’s Saturday so technically Saturday shouldn’t looking for a bream to pickle I don’t have a bream maybe I do but I hav’t looked in a

While where’s my cauliflower can I give up here that’s very kind of you no wait what how do I oh no no wait oh you have to oh oh okay never mind apparently you have to harvest them and you have to put them in the produce okay never mind forget

It I just gave him a cauliflower dang it here Pierre have this oh it’s very nice of you no that’s not what I meant a all right well whatever it’s fine I’m sure he’s very happy about that all right ghostfish going In cool what is this o dish do SE sure thank you ocean fish have a tilapia and have a red snapper har time to level it up ooh five Beach warp totems yes please sounds great okay so now the only thing I have left is I just need to get that

Freaking sturgeon did y’all say that it’s in the mountain lake at a specific at a specific time a day or just like anywhere anywhere anytime okay look at him go with his little bundle all right I still need the rabbit’s foot uh I forgot to bring the Truffle

With me that’s okay it’s not like I was going to not like I was going to complete the chef’s bundle today anyway so it’s fine all right let’s give her the sea urchin and the red cabbage Mountain Lake in the Winter thank you o Kitty that’s right it was in

The winter time thank y’all for checking that oh my gosh I got a seed maker perfect look at them with their little bundles all right so again I need I’ve got the Truffle I need the fiddlehead fern no idea where that is maki roll which is just making some sushi out of

Seaweed and such and then a fried egg which I can also make so it’s really just this truff this this fiddlehead fern I don’t know I don’t know what that’s about do I get to watch them put the bundles inside I am quite Frozen right

Now I want to watch them put the bundles in Man my game’s like Frozen Frozen Hello uh my game is like Frozen Frozen uh uh okay I might need to uh restart the game that’s really strange huh hi Mr King awesome hello Julius John hello neev Turtle hi Nev hello summer good morning or as I should say

Maybe uh good night it’s quite late how are youall doing and uh where are you streaming Mr King awesome good morning oh terrible yeah uh this was a um I might need to uh I might need to restart the game because this is like broken broken broken broken can I move

This I can’t even open the thingy it’s Mr King’s fault he froze the ah it unfroze and I just ate my algae no oh I need that oh oh now I can’t I literally ate the out I ate the algae that I need to pay Robin ah what

Why uh okay do I want to Res no we can fish one up in the lake you know what I like those odds you know what I can’t do those odds I don’t have a fishing rod I don’t have a fishing rod no oh you know what I’ll I’ll just

Restart it that’s fine no biggie hello Mr King awesome how was Roblox and what games what many games did y’all play Dive in and get it I’m sorry I need to jump to the bottom of the lake and pick up some algae off the bottom scrape the bottom with

Algae yeah exactly hello Linda hello everybody hope you all had a good time playing some Roblox uh it’s stardy Valley for me today because it’s Saturday it’s the weekend and I have the free time to do so um but I hope yall have uh hope you all been having a good

Stream hope you all enjoyed Roblox um I can do a raid song although I’m a bit tired I will uh manage let me just load my game in again dive in yeah I wish I could dive in and get some algae that would be nice darn feels bad bro feels bad man all

Right anyway I’ll do a raid song featuring Ro because Ro likes to be part of raid songs now he’s great he loves doing that May you may ask my question have you been wanting to get a question Tyler I didn’t realize that you were trying to ask a question yes if that’s what you’re wondering all right people people to do things if I can hear them if I can hear them correctly you know part of the

Problem is that they’ve been so quiet lately it’s been really hard to hear come come on if they enjoy singing then I enjoy singing too you okay are you okay bro don’t trip all stuff there’s so much junk over there I need to clean up my closet you sure yeah yeah I’m good

Okay to all right we’re going to come up with a Redux so I can sing a different song who knows who knows when that will beers welcome to to the we hope you brought along your favorite ice cream although you shouldn’t be eating ice cream this late because very late at

Night and you don’t want to upset your breakfast in the morning and you want to sleep so you shouldn’t eat ice cream past 10:30 and it’s 10:52 a.m. at my house it’s te not morning but I say that all the time so thank you for coming by

And I hope you enjoyed Roblox thank you Mr King awesome for coming by and either way come and play even though single player stard is that’s okay it’s glad to have you with us anyway I’m going to restart the day because I’m a m Max and

That’s just do but thank you for coming to our raid thank you for the raid Mr aome all you friend thank you guys thanks so much for being Here hooray thank you Mr Kum I appreciate it I hope y’all didn’t um I hope I hope that didn’t bother yall too much that was kind of like a loud whistle tone I apologize if that bothered anyone but thank you and uh thanks for coming by Mr

Awesome King and all y’all people Jaz hands thank you people my question is if I can put the name of her business because she has Instagram oh yeah sure I didn’t catch that you were asking a question Tyler but yes you can feel free just hands hey look we can now minmax even

More ain’t that great cookie Gary good to see you how you been I think I know what I want to do as Well all right let’s put my things in There so now that I know that I have to go officially like get up new stuff that’s going to be different I don’t have lobster I don’t got no lob Lobster LP Stu fish all right let’s put my stuff away in fact I don’t even need this stuff put the bars in There I’m I’m seeing my Raiders like in my in the corner of my eye over there they’re bothering me they’re like Hello what are all these people doing on my stream excuse me my uh I’m talking about my Raider like my singer guys Untitled Goose game we love Untitled Goose

Game oh gosh they vibrate man they’re so loud all right 1 2 3 four 5 six uh here we go no no plid plastic duck Sim no way Jose just popping in say hi before I go to bed enjoy the St do thank you Kiri

Also hope you have a good night as well thanks for saying hello I appreciate it where’s this rabbit why is the rabbit all the way over here sniff sniff sniff well welcome and farewell sh sh cookie is their business name that’s cool I appreciate a sh is it

Like a play on sugar cookie per se all right dang these okay 1 two 3 four five cool and let me take these things oopsie no more space uh there we go ding okay uh yes all right this will be the last this will be the last one y’all and then I’ll need to go uh is there anything else that I wanted to do in

Particular let me I don’t know wheat day that’s what I needed to do I needed to do wheat day that’s the answer to that question all right I picked up oh I need the Truffle that’s right truffle trouble and I needed to put away a bunch of

Stuff well now that I know that now that I know that Pierre won’t accept my cauliflower I guess I’ll just put it away oh there’s all my hardwood I wonder where that went okay I also need the I got the Truffle I need the sea urchin I need the sea

Urant uh once I get done once I get done with Robin and such I think I want to go up North and I want to cut down all those trees I think that’s like my next that’s the other thing I want to do so sea urchin comes with me oh I need the

Fish as well I got the ghost fish I got the Snapper the tilapia okay um I could technically make a fried egg right now if I want to maybe I’ll do that as well um put this in here for now seeds yes yeah let me make a fried egg as well should do

That no don’t eat the algae oopsie what did I do oh or totem I think I just need one egg is that right I believe need to go to the kitchen how do I there we go fried egg Bingo all right all done okay I was going to take care of this

Place yeah that’s right cabbages okay cool all right uh this will be the last this will be my last day guys and then I’ll have to go to bed I’ll have to leave for now but um I appreciate yall hanging out and uh like I said probably no stream tomorrow

Because I’m busy working on stuff but we’ll be around for various things and if yall enjoyed the uh if youall enjoyed the summer update for um that the summer update short that I made I will will uh look look to possibly do a fall update with anything that follows haha

Um honestly playing this with y’all today was probably the most important part because we got a lot of things we got a lot of things in motion um but we’ll see how uh we’ll see how stuff go oopsie we’ll see how stuff goes later honestly like I’m probably I’m probably

Most excited for winter because winter is like winter feels like the time when I’m going to do all this re re uh organization and such so I’m really looking forward to that if anything um I wanted to do keg related things so let me get these here and then that should be

Everything I’m not going to go to Piers this time I’m not going to go to guest so really I’m just going to the community center and then Robin yeah that’s pretty much it okay on we go oh that’s what I’m buying that’s what silly Duck game is O silly Duck game

What silly Duck game is this it’s called animal party just kidding Good brought the fried egg in the Truffle this Time all right hopefully my game doesn’t crash like last time it was just I don’t know man it was having an it was having an issue I don’t know what it was I have a question do you ever think you would do a Nuzlocke stream um I haven’t really been interested in Pokemon games in a while uh I think they’d be interesting to do a Nuzlocke but I don’t know what I don’t know which game I would do it on in

Particular I have to see there we go and Lake fish I’m working on all right maybe I just didn’t like the fact that I was doing two of them at once but you know what I don’t care I’m going to do it anyway deal with it deal with it stardo sorry seed maker

Cool all right Chef’s bundle fried egg truffle and now I just need to make this fiddlehead fern and the maky roll and then that’s it all right cool and that’s it Oh see now I’m not frozen I don’t know man that was just weird super strange that it did that all right to

Robins I can go to the beach if I wanted it’ be fun return totem good thing she’s open it’s always it’s always a question fish Pond all right now hopefully I can find a space for this I’m pretty sure I will but you know it’s always a oh shoot oh

No this was kind of the space that I was relying on was this little quadrant here oh no uh oh good just place it over here I’ll move it later it’s fine just I’ll deal I’ll deal with the repercussions later I’ll deal with the movement I’ll reposition it another time oopsie that’s

Funny oh my gosh look at all these trees oh yes dude a Bonafide Forest out here honestly this is what I needed though big time all right plastic duck Sim is the game the name of a silly Duck game I have seen that I know you’re

Talking now that I now that you say that I recognize what you’re talking about are you doing stardew on a computer I’m doing stardew on the switch and then I’m streaming with a capture card I literally can’t get back here these trees right hello I’m stuck there we

Go I’ve played stardew on the computer um both are good I I don’t know I prefer both games for different reasons you can technically optimize a lot better on the uh you can technically optimize on the PC a lot better because you have the opportunity to like squeeze squeeze

Different things into different spots better than you can on switch for sure um but at the same time I also prefer the way that the screen moves on switch like the screen follows you quite well but on the PC it’s just kind of like one big huge window which which is fine but

I just prefer this all right right time to cut down more is this a mahogany tree I think it is yep it is honestly I should buy uh I should buy another wood chipper from Robin that’s what I should do cuz I don’t think I don’t think the

Wood chipper is something that you can get from a recipe all right might have to invest after I get Minecraft on my PS5 stter stard is a lot of fun um there’s some of it it is fun for me because I I have a lot of knowledge in

It and so I know like how to play how to optimize and such it can feel a little daunting sometimes because it can feel a little bit like you don’t know where to go or what to do but you start to get better as time goes on and that’s kind of the fun

Part I’m going to leave that tree ah there’s all the oak trees it’s hard cuz I want to I want to turn the oak trees into tapped trees but if you keep all your oak trees up and you never chop them down then you never have a chance to like get

Different seeds so you know you never propagate your Oak up all right I think that’s pretty much it um no don’t I drink a shoot that’s too bad shoot I drank I drank two coffees at once now I go triple fast just kidding it really feels like it plus plus

Speed this really feels like extra speed what’s going on am I really fast am I double fast no way it feels like it I feel like I’m zooming did not expect that all right that was uh that was really good all right cool that was exactly the

Point of having so many crazy trees up there so I’m glad I did that oh technically I have some pine cones I should have planted but that’s fine I will deal with it okay now the other thing I got to do oh yes the wheat okay got oh my gosh all right

Got it up all right it’s only 9 o00 it’ll be fine okay now on this side oh shoot I forgot my darang it I forgot my stuff I have the oak resin I need The it’s wheat day oh all right I no way man it’s wheat day I forgot oh no I was like why do I have white I missed wheat day again all right well that’s fine I will I will sort out weat day later I’ll sort out we day

Later y’all shut the animals in good night sleep tight animal a all right I need to I need to go as well um so y’all thank you for the uh thank you for stardo strar um I hope you all had fun I hope you all had fun uh watching all the

Shenanigans and seeing all the going on I will keep you all posted I’ll keep you all updated with everything that that’s happening um streamwise and such uh a lot of this right now is mostly going to be just of The Fall season it’s going to be the same kind of cycling I’ll be

Farming my wheat I’ll be sorting out some other the stuff but a lot of this is going to get reorganized so a lot of the things on the farm right now are just kind of like for function um I do have kind of a plan to get things a

Little bit more uh designed you might say uh so I will do that I’ll do that at a later time maybe later in the fall or honestly the winter is when I was kind of hoping to get everything because the winter is when everything is uh you know no

Farming so anyway I will continue pushing through the fall and then maybe next stream we’ll do winter or something like that will be kind of fun uh but I will let you guys know if there’s any crazy updates I will send them on uh YouTube I’ll post another I’ll post

Another short with all my stuff but thank you guys and I will catch up with y’all uh Monday Monday we’ll do Monday we’ll do more genin so thank you guys for hanging out thank you guys for hanging out today with stardo and I hope you guys have a good rest of your week

AKA Sunday AKA tomorrow and all that and I will uh I’ll see you guys next week stay warm okay I know it’s Frid out there it’s in it’s in the teens where I’m at so take care y’all thanks for lurking an and also hi and by lazy sorry

That you just got here I’m always late it’s okay thank you lazy for trying to jump in I appreciate it thank you the back noise you’re welcome you know stard do make some of the best background noise I got to say all those little Pips and Bops and stuff it’s it’s perfect

All right y’all I can’t ra tonight Tyler because I gotta go I gotta go chat with my brother real quick so I need to I need to leave y’all but thank y’all for hanging out and I will see you all soon okay bye people have a good sleep have a

Good night take care stay safe stay warm R says bye bye bye you guys have a good have a good time see you later Ro I can’t see the stop button have a great Sunday lzy

Hi everyone and happy weekend. I had a great week last week playing a variety of different games with ya’ll, and this weekend it turns out I have a little time to continue playing some more Stardew! Since we last streamed, I got through the entire summer season and we’re already into Fall. If you’d like a recap, check out the Short I posted earlier today. Otherwise feel free to join me for some Fall season vibes tonight as we continue pushing toward Winter. See you all there soon

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#StardewValley #StardewLivestream #StardewSwitch
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My Equipment:

Custom Built Desktop PC –
AMD Ryzen 3900x @ 4.2 GHz
Gigabyte (Nvidia) RTX 2070 Super Graphics Card
Asus Prime x570 Pro Motherboard
Corsair Vengence PRO RGB White 3200 2 x 16 GB RAM
Samsung EVO Plus 1 TB M.2 SSD
Corsair Crystal Series RGB 460x White ATX Case
Corsair RM850x White Power Supply
Elgato HD60Pro Capture Card

Main Monitor – Acer Predator XB271HU 27″ 1440p G-SYNC 144Hz IPS Panel
Second Monitor – AOC G2460VQ6 24” 1080p Free-SYNC 75 Hz TN Panel
Mouse – Razer 2013 Deathadder Wired Gaming Mouse
Keyboard – Asus Strix Flare RGB Keyboard (Cherry MX Red Silent keyswitches)
Main Camera – Nikon Z6 Full Frame Mirrorless Camera
Main Lens – Nikkor 24-70mm/4s f4 Z mount lens
Webcam – Logitech C920 Pro HD Webcam
Action Camera – GoPro Hero Black 4+
Mic – Blue Yeti Black Edition


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