Why JJ Venom ATTACK Mikey Spider-Man Family in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)

What Mikey’s house has been robbed uhhuh that’s right even though I’m sure I had the door locked shouldn’t my iron door have been secure enough oh H all my precious Treasures were stolen even my flowers oh even all the food in my fridge all the treasure I worked so hard to collect was

Stolen yeah there doesn’t seem to be any sign of the thief getting in by forcing the door that’s because the thief couldn’t have used the door I’m sure the door was locked uh-oh this section is flooding wo oh huh no kidding why me what’s this huh what Mikey

Huh Mikey does your house have have a basement huh I don’t have a basement what are you talking about yeah but look here Mikey huh right by the toilet see there’s a passage that leads underground what for real but my house isn’t supposed to have a basement there’s the possibility that the thief

May have entered your house through this underground passage H should we try going down there it could be dangerous oh it is pretty scary but we have to go let’s catch the thief JJ yeah let’s check it out what could be down there H be careful all right we’re going

Underground wao cautiously proceed with caution it’s pretty narrow looks like a tunnel what’s inside uh wow what it’s dangerous here Mikey that’s security lava huh the thief rigged the tunnel with security yikes Let’s cross carefully okay we have to move pH I made it across no turning back good luck

Careful I need it a cross okay next up H hold on huh so what could be in there there appears to be a door let’s be careful there might be more security inside I’ll go first thanks Mikey carefully go with caution all right what could be inside okay I’m opening it ouch

Huh what you okay Mikey here oh it’s secured with arrows that fly out whenever the door is open oh hide ouch ouch ouch wo oh I see it’s D dangerous let’s be careful let’s go Mikey go go go I don’t think any more arrows will shoot let’s catch the thief

What does a thief need this much security for what’s that a ladder uhhuh there’s a ladder h w h i don’t know what’s up there but let’s proceed with caution Mikey with caution up we go let’s go will it be safe if we open the hatch I’m opening it what could be

Op there huh huh is the thief up there be careful no nobody’s home but huh Mikey is this The thief’s Hideout oh it must be look those are my treasures and my flowers so this was yours it’s all mine this is all yours no even the food in the fridge wo my food

Oh okay so this must be The thief’s Hideout fortunately the thief isn’t home I still want to catch the thief JJ no matter what definitely the thief isn’t home right now so let’s make a device to catch the thief while we still have time let’s do it we’ll definitely catch the

Thief on that note where is this place where could it be let’s take a look outside how far did we come where are we H we’re above ground actually hang on huh now that I’m looking our houses are right over there look there was a house by the trees this

Whole time seriously it looks like the thief moved in right next to us I’m kind of scared we definitely have to catch that Thief let’s catch them all right then we’ve taken back all of Mikey’s treasure first things first let’s put put Mikey’s treasure back where it

Belongs like this then we’ll put the flowers back too yeah ah and then let’s put all of Mikey’s items back where they belong hm just like that so I predict the thief will likely try to break back into Mikey’s house M again so let’s catch him on security

Camera let’s put the security camera right here Oho yeah okay then next up about your food Mikey yeah the thief will probably take my food again that’s probably right let’s try to predict what the thief will do oh look what I have what this potion is a sleep

Potion let me borrow your crafting table for a moment sure I’ll take these apples mhm and mix in the Sleep potion oh H just mix in the Sleep potion uhhuh huh okay look now I’m holding sleep potion apples incredible even a single bite of one of these apples should knock out anyone now

We’ll take these sleep potion apples and put them in the refrigerator wow we can catch the thief once they pass out H still Mikey just in case the thief steals the sleeping apples eats them and doesn’t pass out let’s build the device to trap them in their own Hideout woo

All right we’re back at the thief’s Hideous H we’ll build the thief capturing trap here what kind of trap we want to be sure to capture the thief so we need to aim for the moment when the thief’s guard is at their lowest when the thief’s guard is at their lowest

Sure when is that when the thief is asleep oh let’s try to capture the thief when they’re sleeping good idea mhm huh let’s dig a hole around here we’ll start by digging here then under here too okay watch if we leave it like this oh we can hide under the thief’s bed wow

Impressive right wo so what we’ll do first is hide under the bed and then we’ll build a cage under here to catch the thief in so come on down Mikey come on in okay oh so now do it like this um uhhuh we’re going to make a very deep hole like

This just keep digging and digging like this a little Deeper about like This H next up directly under the bed oh let’s section it off like this woo now let’s build the cage uh-huh let’s widen out the sides then what we can do after that is oh first we’ll have to climb up like this yes we’ll CL up this narrow section on the side

Okay now we’re almost done oh wow looking good okay Mikey we’ll be waiting here yes amazing and I’ll tell you what we’re going to do when the thief comes back uh-huh first we’ll play some TNT here and once the thief falls asleep in their bed oo then we’ll we’ll light it

Once we do uhhuh we’ll blow up the bed and the thief should fall right down there into the cage we built below the bed that’s our Thief capturing device I think it’ll work mhm nice idea mhm this will absolutely catch the thief mm let’s wait for them to come back okay we’ll be

Waiting here under the bed for the thief let’s wait are they coming we’ve been waiting for quite a while I wonder what kind of person they are H oh the trapo opened oh the thief is coming they are huh huh that’s the thief that’s what he looks

Like huh that’s the thief wow that’s him what’s he doing ohuh JJ do you see him I see it but I can’t believe it oh Hey he’s taking your items Mikey huh what no way H are you kidding me he’s stealing them no he’s definitely stealing them wao no way he’s taking my items no huh wait those are my treasures they belong to you to you Mikey he’s stole your gold your Diamond H even your

Emerald are you kidding me wow wow it’s already morning it’s so beautiful all Right oh a villager good morning it’s going to be another wonderful day huh why don’t I go for a walk I should enjoy the sunshine while it’s here a wither skeleton wait hello what Huh okay what just happened uh-oh I’m starting to feel a bit Dizzy Huh what is this place hello I was taking a walk when all of a sudden a wither skeleton popped up and self-destructed right in front of me I can’t remember anything after that how do I get out of this cage I’m trapped is this a toilet it looks like I

Might be able to escape from here let’s see oh an Escape Route wa there’s a ladder here let’s see where it goes oh I made it out of my cell I still have no clue where I am though h Huh huh a wither skeleton wait no but this is a

Mirror hang on why is there a wither skeleton in my reflection huh wait a minute I have a bad feeling about this am I the Wither Skeleton no way it can’t be that’s impossible the only explanation I can think of is that somehow a wither skeleton switched

Bodies with me if that’s the case I better tell everyone in the village what happened I escaped the cave and made it back to the Village I better tell the villagers who I really am so they’re not scared of me hey where did everybody go oh I found one behind the house

Hello don’t be scared it’s me JJ somehow my body got switched with a wither skeleton oh wait where are you going I guess he believed me and went to tell the other villagers what a relief oh good he’s coming back hello everyone wait what hold on are those

Swords uh-oh I guess they didn’t believe me after all wait we can talk about this I can’t expect them to believe me as long as I look like a wither skeleton it turns out the villagers didn’t believe me but Mikey is my closest friend if I

Talk to him I’m sure he’ll realize I’m telling the truth the villagers are sleeping now’s the best time to find Mikey and tell him what happened without being seen let’s do this ding Dong h Huh oh G is that you oh oh it’s a wither skeleton it’s me I got turned into a wither skeleton please just open the door and hear me out okay Mikey no way a wither skeleton rang my doorbell I’m not opening this door no

Matter what I’m going back to bed wait Mikey come back this is devastating Mikey didn’t believe me but I’m not giving up yet I need to convince him that I switched bodies with a wither skeleton I’ll try to convince him one more time hopefully he’ll hear what I have to

Say huh wait a minute what no way is that JJ it is that must be the wither skeleton that stole my body I think he’s tricking Mikey and pretending to be me open the door Mikey listen H hey huh huh I yikes a wither skeleton JJ Mikey

That’s not me he’s an impostor JJ I need your help should we run what should we do huh you got to be kidding I’m not the enemy Mikey F listen go this JJ is a wither skeleton you can do this JJ I need to run away there’s no way I can

Beat my original form especially when there’s a wither skeleton inside I don’t believe it Mikey was too scared to listen to me I can’t blame him not when I look like this I need to come up with a strategy to get the message to Mikey that I’m the real

JJ here’s my plan I’ve got a cake with Mikey’s name on it this will get his attention for sure here Mikey nice Mikey look hi a wither skeleton what’s that it’s a cake Mikey here’s the deal I’ll give it to you if you listen to what I

Have to say does that sound like a deal to you huh you’re offering me an entire Cake no way I’m not falling for your trick never take snacks from strangers I’m not eating that cake no matter what you still don’t believe me I don’t look like it but I’m actually JJ you’re a wither skeleton GJ’s inside my house right now I’ve got a big problem on my

Hands I was so sure that Mikey would fall for the cake trick oh well H what’s he doing h Huh huh what’s he up to what’s he doing I don’t get it I asked JJ to make me a hidden door why is it working JJ’s usually real good at making stuff like

That H Mikey H it’s the Wither Skeleton mind if I take a look oh you’re right your door isn’t working yeah I’ll fix it what let me take a look oh there’s your problem H up here something’s wrong I need to adjust your Redstone circuit that should do it all

Better why don’t we give it a try sure okay your hidden doors fixed watch this see that it’s fixed awesome huh hang on a second does this mean that no way is it really you JJ you switched bodies with a wither skeleton you finally believe me I

Don’t know how but that Wither Skeleton is walking around in my real body the fake you wasn’t saying anything I knew something was wrong the good news is you know who the real JJ is now the bad news is you might be living with a wither skeleton what really that must be the

Wither skeleton that stole my body so I’ve been living with a wither skeleton this whole time we have to get your body back JJ how are we supposed to do that I’m so happy you figured out the truth Mikey as for the plan I think I figured it out there may

Be a way to get my my body back great okay here we are we’ve arrived at an abandoned laboratory it’s been here for a long long time Legend has it there’s a machine here capable of switching people’s bodies we just need to find a way to activate it and swap my real body

With the Wither Skeleton who stole it here’s the plan I’ll enter the abandoned Factory through this hatch I have a super important mission for you Mikey bring the fake JJ here I’ll need his body for when we swap back otherwise I’ll stuck like this forever I’m on it be careful in there

Thanks you got this see you good luck you too thank you I’m heading inside wao yes for now I’ll leave the fake me in Mikey’s hands I need to focus on finding the machine that can give me my body back wao I fell really far is this

In wa zombies how’d they get in here there’s so many even though I’m a wither skeleton I have a feeling they’ll want to fight me I thought we were allies oh well I’m just going to ignore them for now okay this way yeah I need to make it

Past this lava parkour it looks like the zombies are having a hard time keeping up with me like I said I’m just going to ignore them yes w it’s a good thing I made it through without taking any damage I wonder what goes on in this place there’s a massive

Door in front of me I bet it leads to the operation room with the body switching machine oh wow a chest 3 2 1 open there’s been a killing spree in the city huh it’s scary we should be careful the culprit has been put on the most wanted

List you already know who the criminal is huh I wonder what this Killer looks like H this is the culprit huh huh huh this image was taken from a security camera the culprit a turtle named Mikey is holding the chainsaw used in the crime the Bounty for his capture is $1

Million if you find him contact the police huh I a culprit no no no way Mikey they placed a Countrywide bounty on your head for going on a killing spree why me I didn’t do anything they do have a picture of you holding a chainsaw from the security

Camera though oh you mean this chainsaw so this is what that’s about why do you have that chainsaw Mikey I was going for a walk in the city yesterday when someone passed by and gave this to me after he handed me the chainsaw he told me to look up at the security Camera I didn’t do it trust me I’m innocent oh I see so that’s what happened I believe you Mikey this is just that’s my guess but the culprit must have handed you the chainsaw to try and frame you for the crime all right let’s catch the criminal and prove your

Innocence huh someone’s here Mikey hold up you probably shouldn’t open that door what why not I have a bad feeling about this for now uh excuse me I’ll use my computer to look outside using the security cameras mhm okay huh uh-oh sheesh the situation outside looks bad we’re surrounded by police hold

On wait a sec help how help Mikey they’re planning on breaking into our house it’s like they’re here too crazy they’re knocking at the door they’re over here they’re knocking so hard what now they want to arrest me and I didn’t even do it for now let’s close these okay Mikey

Mikey they’re going to arrest you for a crime you didn’t commit let’s make a tactical Retreat for now but how are we supposed to get away from here we’re surrounded no I’ve got this Mikey come here here this is our toilet but we can escape through here let’s use the sewers

To head to the city Mikey got it let’s go the saer I’ll never forgive that guy for framing me we’re definitely going to catch him that’s the spirit but first we should probably disguise you uhhuh you’re a wanted criminal now Mikey oh that’s right put these clothes on H

These should be enough to disguise you Oh well you look like a completely different person I don’t think anyone will know it’s you all right Mikey let’s go search for the culprit let’s follow the sewers until we reach Town let’s go first let’s go to the scene of the crime huh they say criminals often return to

The scene of the crime come on let’s go wow there are wanted posters all over with your face on them but it wasn’t me oh why me it wasn’t me no well Mikey for now let’s head to the scene of the crime this way this way follow me come

On hold on it’s the police ow it’s okay Mikey you’re in Disguise now the police are more likely to suspect you if you look nervous try to act casual oh got it hm let’s go as long as we act casually no one should notice Us okay they haven’t CAU on yes yes yes go go go let’s go there’s the scene of the crime let’s hide in the shadows look there’s the victim the poor guy we can’t let this go H is the person who handed you the chainsaw here do you remember what he looks

Like I remember his face H oh oh that person that one so that clown looking person is the culprit let’s catch him sneak in Closer H oh hey hold on he ran away after him we got to catch him we can’t let him get away the culbert ran into this Tower H there’s something that looks like a hideout at the top of that Tower you can just barely see it let’s go still to

Reach the tower we need to make it through this lava parkour course lava H let’s do our best to cross it w close one you okay I’m okay go go go made it oh okay what’s with this door H it’s pretty creepy it is creepy but we

Have no choice but to press forward H I’ll open it Open what’s this huh H oh hang on there’s a ladder up there but we can’t reach it oh H just a moment check this out it’s a TNT elevator wo this device uses TNT to launch you into the air oh let’s use it to reach the ladder H okay

Let’s head to the top and catch that criminal M here we go I wonder what’s up there wo yes I reached the ladder nice hurry up Mikey here I go okay wo I made it I made it incredible Mikey let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go

What’s do here I think this ladder might take us to the top of the tower it’s the enemy Hideout so be ready for anything be careful okay oh look oh this is the enemy Hideout still I think it might be trapped it’s pretty sus still let’s hurry up and catch the culprit let’s

Break in come on no Mikey I feel like if we go through the front entrance we’re sure to lose instead I’m going to start by trying to hack The house’s Network H okay how’s this I’ll set my computer up here time to hack The house’s Network I’m going to access the security cameras

Inside the house oh I’ve gained access to the security cameras hold up the culprit is waiting for us with a pitfall trap behind the door also he has a chainsaw Mikey that criminal is sure to catch us if we try to break through here what are we going to

Do what now let’s try entering from the the back of the house right this way through the back H I brought a really good item along with me H oh look it’s dynamite W nice nice nice I’ll attach the dynamite to this wall M now to destroy this wall and

Break in from here let’s push the culprit into the pitfall trap as soon as we’re inside it’s set okay get ready we’re going to catch him okay now now look down yes nice ha wo we did it we did it we caught the criminal call the Police what you haven’t caught the culprit yet JJ it’s worse than that they don’t know who did it like they have no idea not a single lead they haven’t found any clues huh huh oh hey hang on huh what’s up wait a sec of course that’s it what is there a

Clue this house yeah is covered in cameras you’re right that means if we hack into the security feed we can watch the footage from last night I’ll get the computer set up okay do it all right focus focus yes

Why JJ Venom ATTACK Mikey Spider-Man Family in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a nice day!

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg


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