How NINJA Mikey and JJ ESCAPE from ZOMBIE Mikey FAMILY ? – Minecraft (Maizen)

Well then let’s get started once night falls the zombie horde will arise our goal is to protect this house let’s get building what a zombie hard we need security measures let’s do it yeah well on that note we’re going to build eight security measures to defend ourselves

Eight really yep we need to start building our first security measure will be Spike trips in lava taada look take this oh thanks this is a spike trap cool I think we should build it a good distance away from the house we can put them down just like

This these traps go directly on the ground oh these are impressive yeah that should do it this will keep us safe here’s how the spike traps work as long as you’re holding on to a copy of the master key you’re going to be fine but

If you’re not oh wow see that out of nowhere spikes stick into your feet seriously check it out that’s amazing when the Zombies watch walk across this line they’ll be absolutely helpless in our Mighty trap so strong now then Mikey our mission is to protect the whole

Entire house so we’ll need to surround everything with a lava fil moat let’s start digging woo just like that great nice work now for the lava okay looking good perfect super perfect this REM nothing will get through here yeah wo the spikes in the lava make an incredible defense

Nothing can cross lava and the spikes will hurt way too much the zombies don’t stand a chance sweet but you look at that this trap is really something awesome okay now we’ll make a pitfall trap h a pitfall trap we’re going to be using these eggs but for now we just

Need to dig a big hole in the ground let’s do it got it let’s get digging there’s lots to do this trap is going to be huge dig dig come on hurry let’s make this hole as deep as we can just like this all right sure H that should be deep

Enough oh that looks pretty good this is one deep B we’ll seal up the top layer with this recovering it yeah let’s go but it’s not a trap well we’re going to place these eggs inside of the blocks on top what are you talking about yeah just

Like that time for the eggs these eggs will make us the ultimate pitball trap oh thanks now then yes what are you doing you’re just covering it with snow blocks you think so Mikey drop your key for a second sure now walk over there no I’m stuck here it looks like

Like you’re trapped can you please let me out number three let’s dispose of the zombies that fall into the pitfall trap what trapping zombies is the first thing we have to do but finding a way to properly dispose of them is just as important yeah and how here’s the plan

We’re going to replace everything in here with glass blocks how’s this good now that we’ve installed all this glass we can observe theom Behavior at any time wo Cool nice that should just about do it m okay now then right we’re going to set up some special dispensers special dispensers what makes them special you can’t tell no idea a normal dispensor only has one hole but this dispenser has three holes you mention it I think

You’re right having the extra two holes means that these special dispensers can launch their ammo at three times the speed of a regular dispenser no way that’s incredible all right then that should do it yeah that’s it Mikey huh look awesome you can see it better from this side

Ready oh wow see each special dispenser launches three arrows at once that’s really something does it have infinite ammo yep that fire forever W unbelievable now when the zombies fall into our pitfall trap they’ll be completely exterminated security rocks security system number three zombie disposal unit is finally complete it’s

Finished all right looks like the night has come already wait a minute that’s a lot of zombies seriously yep now I’m going to draw them towards us us let’s do this thing huh are you kidding is this safe I’ll try and get them to notice me time to use

Our security measures yeah our security measures will wipe them all out wow there’s so many W they’re following me it’s a zombie parade ouch uh-oh I’ve been hit you good I’ll be fine because this place is equipped with traps yeah nice watch this well bring it

On zombie pleas how’s it look I have some time to eat it worked oh look at that W amazing hang on a sec they’re breaking through make them cross it again sure wait what about the pitball Trap drop them down there W more zombies just spawned seriously this isn’t good

Uh the traps are catching most of them Mikey stay further back right around here they’re falling in it’s working that’s incredible got him I want more to drop in even more they keep spawning I think they’re spawning faster and faster what do we do wait Mikey try not to fall in

That oh Mikey is bad I’m coming to save you Mikey oh no the zombies got you they actually got me I’m dead check out the automatic arrows Mikey come look at this that’s awesome it works sweet it’s working not for these two nice job now it’s finally

Working well Mikey the zombies are going down but we’re getting caught in the crossfire will we be fine oh it’s hitting us oh ouch that hurts we’re definitely getting caught in the middle let’s just exterminate the rest of the zombies let’s do it punch that zombie

Into the arrows I’m on it nice job now dash through while it’s clear I can make it yes almost ouch that hurts ouch that was rough what’s the plan I on a sec wait when did they get here things are getting bad real fast who hang on

They’re in it’s time to gear up I messed it up my turn go it worked I can’t really tell did it y great there are way more zombies in here than I’m comfortable with too many no it’s no use hurry the lever lever if we must get out of the way I

Have to reach it get it I hit it go go go you’re hurting how did we even get to this point activating the last resort wasn’t a problem it’s actually just flamethrowers oh what everything’s on fire true Mikey but that means the house is on fire

Too that’s not good get to the roof wa hang on Mikey come on here we go lunch get on Mikey on close one get on the honey blocks okay wo look at that stay on we made it out good job our house is completely on fire our last resort was a big Much nice another wonderful morning time to start the day let’s step outside H what hang on oh what’s going On huh everywhere I look there are freaky looking zombies Gathering what’s happening seriously this looks really bad I better grab some weapons what is this about those freaky zombies are everywhere whoa what’s their deal they’re just hanging out around my house I definitely need to grab some weapons I

Want to defend myself okay okay here we go down the hatch I need to hop across my secret lava security yes this is the place where I keep my Armory open all right the armor comes first let’s gear up I have a full set of diamond armor

On next up let’s check the chest here’s where I keep my weapons let’s see I’ll need my Tesla gun and a laser rifle some ammo some obsidian too not to mention a whole bunch of TNT also I’ll need my diamond pickaxe golden apples and a flint and steel I

Should bring enough for Mikey too I bet all of this will be enough for both of us okay now I’m all loaded up let’s eliminate the zombie outbreak before it gets out of hand I’ll take care of this unfortunately I can’t really see what’s going on from down here so I’ll

Need to climb up a little all right this should do it woohoo pew pew pew you’re going down yeah all right got one there we go awesome they’re going down one by one but there are still so many zombies Left who knows how long this will take

There’s no end to them it’s going to be hard defending this place all by myself uh-oh I totally forgot about Mikey that’s his house over there right is he doing okay I need to make a break for it here I go whoops shoot uh-oh they’re following me I better get

To his house right away please be safe mik key H he’s still asleep Mikey get up hurry up Mikey come on wake up whing oh JJ what’s up something terrible is happened Mikey whatever you do don’t go outside it’s not safe I promise hm what are you talking about huh no play well that’s what I was trying to

Tell you there are zombies outside yikes there are mutant zombies everywhere why I don’t know Mikey but it’s okay I brought you some equipment take this armor oh thanks some weapons thanks I’m scared TNT flint and steel and some obsidian oops be careful right I also brought ammo thanks okay Mikey we have

To work together to slay those zombies are you with me right thanks for the weapons and armor it should be a piece of cake to stop them all well I couldn’t do much alone but together we can do it we have access to your roof right yep cool they look tough

Let’s go we got this hang on easy as pie yikes there’s too many of them but it’s easy just blast them keep fighting Mikey get him use your laser rifle okay yes it’s working we’re actually beating them nice slay them all these guys are really tough there’s no end to them is

There I guess no there are more behind us hang on Mikey they’re endless there’s so many they just keep coming ouch I’ve got an idea Mikey we have to use our backup plan there’s too many to take down by hand what are we going to do follow me comeing

This way to your house okay wao all right for our backup plan yeah we’ll start by using some obsidian look like this oh H let’s take this off why come on there everything here we’re going to cover it up once the base is done see here and and over Here huh like this H not bad are you building us a Shelter oh you figured it out that’s right of course build a shelter to keep us safe no problem you’re on the right track but staying in the shelter won’t solve our zombie problem we’re going to do one more thing outside I guess we can’t hide forever

Now what the answer to that Mikey is right here TNT oh we have lots of TNT let’s use it to make a massive explosion sure with a big enough explosion we can wipe out all the mutant zombies in one go nice obsidian is strong so we can survive the explosion from inside the

Shelter Wow Let’s go yeah there’s more than I thought wao let’s start building over here build upward okay to escape for the moment now what now we build from here leaving a trail of TNT behind us just like this o yep by placing all of these explosives together like this it’ll combine into

One massive explosive I see keep it up yeah just like this it’s a giant TNT block yeah it’s coming along nicely sweet yep ooh this looking good let’s make it taller how big will this explosion be hopefully huge will it slay them all an explosive this size should have no problem

Destroying all those zombies I wonder what we’ll catch h Huh hang on huh what huh what’s wrong there’s something over there and whatever it is it keeps running back and forth what is that huh I don’t see anything come on JJ let’s focus on fishing I guess but I’m sure there’s something

There are the fish done yet oh they’re done M mm M yum yum yum that’s yummy these are good fish mm but like I can’t stop thinking about what I saw this afternoon oh anyways I’m still a little hungry so I’ll have seconds I’ll just cook one more you overthink things JJ you were just imagining it I didn’t

See anything I wonder why you couldn’t see it oh well woo huh these fish are delicious Mikey Mikey behind you look behind you Mikey that’s it that’s the person I saw this afternoon no way I knew it I wasn’t imagining things I’m scared the way it

Moves is so creepy it can’t get inside the house right oh no Mikey this is bad H we left the door unlocked hurry we got to lock it oh no hurry got to hurry lock the door before it gets inside one padlock this should be okay nice job

PH that’s better is that person still out there h Huh it looks like that weirdo left I wonder where it went at least the door is locked it can’t get inside our house now right uh well I hope you’re right about that huh h Huh what’s that noise huh

H the glass windows all shattered oh no Mikey this is bad the windows are all broken quickly we need to block them all off before it gets inside hey Mikey grab some wood use the wood to fill in the windows lock them all off hurry up oh nice phew is this

Enough I think we should be okay now they’re all blocked up I’m scared it didn’t get inside the house right all clear Mikey that person uhhuh definitely intends to attack us I’m scared let’s stay put we can keep quiet for now let’s make a run for it in the morning M

Sounds like a Plan h Huh what’s that Noise there’s a hole in the wall what do we do we got to get away from here hey Mikey why were you Screaming hang on on no this is bad this is bad no what do I do what do I do oh it’s pounding on the door I got to find a place to hide a place to hide uh no not there or there oh that’s right I put a secret door here okay pH

H somehow I managed to hide this is terrible that strange person broke into our house and then Mikey disappeared that strange person must have kidnapped him oh what am I supposed to do now huh huh this is bad did he break in let’s check the security camera this is

Terrible shoot it’s looking for me oh no what do I Do no it took out an explosive wa no hold on uh okay this is bad du okay that’s really not good oh oh no okay it’s only a matter of time before he finds me here I have to leave huh that’s right I should grab these

I’ll just get myself armored up huh and oh here’s my trusty rocket launcher so I’ll grab that okay now to get out of here I can use this air vent to make it outside the house it’s going to get worse for me here unless I get out uh I

Should take it slowly so I don’t make any noise I think that person should still be searching that room I’ll use this time to flee outside the house here it is okay Open yes it’s Safe now then huh down that way is where my car should be parked so I’ll Escape in that huh oh hang on I’ve been spotted uh-oh I got to hurry to my car uh it’s coming for me how about take that no oh I did

It oh wait my attack didn’t do much one more yes yes yes now while it’s still recovering I got to hurry to the car into the car can I make it yes woohooo it’s still following me but it can’t keep up with a car all right this is my tactical

Retreat what will I do where did Mikey end up huh I should eat while I can I wonder if Mikey’s okay it’s still dark out so it’s not the best time to make my move once morning comes I’ll try to carry out my plan to rescue

Mikey well guess I better call it a nights okay it’s time to sleep H H who’s there who’d visit this late in the day is it a delivery I’ll get it mm oh thanks Yep t wake up please JJ huh H well where where am I hold on oh wait I remember we were abducted by that ghost that’s right and if we stay here only our bones will be Left see oh no oh if we can’t find a way to escape the ghost is still out there how can we escape huh the ghost left oh this is our chance we need to escape but the door is locked we have to get out of here right

Away uh wait Mikey look huh right here there’s a hole maybe if I if I get down on my hands and knees maybe I can fit through H okay let’s give it a try can you Fit I’m out I made it awesome now get me out of here please no help me wait I see a key H I can’t let the ghost see me it’s gone right I’ll grab the key I got it Mikey I’ll open the door oh good okay yes it unlock the door come on

Mikey thank you I’m out that’s better let’s run before Mikey R it’s behind you what was that oh man sheesh we made it now we can take it easy that was a close call seriously but at least it’s trapped now M what it’s behind me watch out oh no no

Just keep running faster you okay it’s fast it’s coming wait that’s poison watch out careful the ghost it’s coming around no it’s coming run run come on hurry go it’ll catch us this leads back to the surface go go go hurry hey that’s our house come on Mikey faster get

Inside the door yes that was closed pH okay let’s go up to the second floor all right we’re safe huh it’s the ghost no way huh it keeps ringing the doorbell it won’t stop it’s still after us but whatever happens don’t answer mhm it’s getting dark yeah we’ll survive

You’re right the ghost is persistent Seriously it’s morning the Sun is up huh huh he leaving did it give up oh I wonder why huh weird oh huh huh it’s gone it went back to the cave it’s gone that’s good it gave up on us wait it’s too soon to relax huh well

The ghost might come for us again tonight you might be right let’s set up antio security good idea first things first Yep this cave the ghost is hiding out deep inside right what about it this is the entrance to it yeah here we’ll use Lasers like this so maybe we can seal it inside the cave oh oh yeah nice I bet it’ll be hard for the ghost to get through all that it won’t be easy with these lasers mhm H all right for my next idea yeah there’s still a possibility that the ghost will escape

Uh-huh so let’s build a trap with these dispensers what is it let’s build it over here we’ll place them here and there then we’ll fill the dispensers up with fire charges oh cool and now that bees are full yeah we’ll line up a whole bunch of them

Like this I’m see yeah that should do it more Here and there wo now we’ll Place pressure plates over all of them see sounds good wait let’s add a few more rows okay all right let’s cover these ones too oh wow Yep this trap is great M when you step on them Fire charges launch up out of the

Ground get that ghost and burn it up yeah oh hopefully that takes care of the ghost nice right but what do you think it’ll do when it’s on fire uh jump into the water aha exactly M I imagine it going like this it’ll will break out of

The cave mhm and then the fire charges will burn the ghost uhhuh then to put the fire out it will dive into this Lake right yep but what then well we’re going to secure the lake with these Tada wow sharks yikes a whole swarm of

Them in the lake wow so that’s your plan the Sharks will attack the ghost yep amazing this lake is dangerous careful not to fall in yeah they’ll eat you up in no time flat well if the ghost manages to survive being ravaged by sharks we’ll need more security like

What well we still need to secure the entrance to our house one thing we know about the ghost is that it loves ringing the doorbell almost non-stop let’s get started today I’m going to play a prank on Mikey I have a pretty good plan taada I transformed

Into an Enderman let’s see how I can help Mikey out will he realize the Enderman is actually me in Disguise now let’s go see what Mikey’s up to is he around here oh there he is I’ll follow from a distance okay time to go inside so this is Mikey’s house I’m home

Looks like he went inside so this house belongs to Mikey let’s take a look I sure am getting hungry H I’m sure I had some meat in this chest open huh how can this be it’s empty all the meat I collected it’s gone what am I

Going to do I’m so hungry but I don’t have any food it seems Mikey’s in trouble he must be really hungry all right then I’ll give him some food what should it be oh I know a bunch of cakes I wonder how he’s going to react act let’s try knocking huh who’s there

Huh an Enderman oh why me I’m so scared this is like a Nightmare wait what are those cakes huh why are you giving me cakes thank you you’re a nice guy there’s so many here are these all for me you shouldn’t have huh it’s just as tasty as it looks hold on I still don’t understand why an Enderman would give me cakes h i

Wonder whatever thank you Mr Enderman even after giving him those cakes Mikey still hasn’t caught on okay let’s find some more ways to help Mikey look Mikey he is surrounded by creepers let’s get a better look yikes that’s quite the pickle he needs help but what should I do first things first let’s

Turn back into an Enderman there we go all right that’s better there’s way too many creepers what should I do how did this even happen I can’t get down from here and I can’t get away this is really bad I have an idea I can use my Enderman power to

Teleport Mikey over here huh leave me alone creepers please just let me down from here there now to teleport him someone anyone save me I’m going to be trapped up here forever or Worse the creepers will explode and then huh wait where am I how did I get over here Oh huh oh there’s an Enderman here hang on could it be are you the Enderman from earlier did you save me you’re so kind thank you what a Relief Mikey still thinks I’m just a regular Enderman I wonder how much I can do before he figures out who I am well only one way to find out let’s keep going Mikey came down and to this cave looks like he’s searching for diamonds he hasn’t found anything yet though

Still nothing I thought there were supposed to be diamonds down here where are they I see some iron but no diamonds anywhere W Lava no way I can’t believe it there’s so many diamonds over there but I can’t get across this lava the diamonds are Out Of Reach getting those diamonds is going to be tricky good thing there’s a friendly Enderman here to lend a helping hand let’s

Transform and see what we can do to help Mikey out with this it’s an Enderman oh no I’m doomed this should be easy enough I can use my Enderman ability to teleport across the lava and bring the diamonds back okay let’s grab the diamonds one block at a time W and

Again this allows me to safely go over The Lava all done I’ve used my Enderman powers to carry across this huge pile of diamonds I bet Mikey’s pretty happy now you gathered all of those for me wow thank you so much I can’t wait to mine them all this is all the diamonds I

Could ever need he’s so happy it was all worth it thank you Mr Enderman this is my favorite kind of prank finally I can craft some Diamond equipment for myself this is so exciting I’ve wanted one of these for a while now all right finally a diamond helmet it’s perfect thanks

Again Mr Enderman I still don’t understand why you’ve been helping me hey I know what you really are uh-oh you must be a kind Enderman let’s be friends pH I thought he had me figured out there he still hasn’t realized that I’m not a real Enderman and now he wants

To be friends with me let’s be BFFs well Mikey still hasn’t caught on that it’s me and now that he’s decided to be friends he invited me back to his house thank you for everything today Mr Enderman you got me my diamond equipment and you’ve helped me in lots of other

Ways too I want to pay you back for everything you’ve done H what do Enderman like oh I’ll get you some watermelon from my farm just a minute I’ll go gather some now zombies lots of them oh that’s not good right when I was about to get some

Watermelon too I’ll transform into a mutant Enderman and fight all those zombies H let’s see there it is okay that’s much better how am I going to beat that many zombies huh you can transform I’ve never seen an Enderman who can do that H uh you sure are a strange Enderman all

Right it seems like he’s about to figure me out I better step outside hey where are you going it’s dangerous out there let’s get a better look at these zombies wow it’s really bad out here Mikey’s house is completely surrounded by this huge horde I think the best solution is to

Eliminate them with a rocket launcher but Mikey will probably figure me out if I start shooting Rockets oh well I can’t think of a better idea wa what’s that noise awesome let’s take out every last one of them those zombies are getting wiped out I can’t believe how

Quickly I can get rid of them there’s only a few left awesome this is pretty cool what is even happening that’s the last one okay the zombies are all gone let’s head back to Mikey’s house no way you got all of them that’s crazy but where did you get

That rocket launcher could it be I know what you really are oh has he figured it out you must be the world’s strongest Enderman tomorrow I’ll introduce you to my best friend his name’s JJ hey Mikey what are you up to open up Mikey oh JJ how are you Mikey uh do you feel all right huh well yeah I suppose I feel all right you sure you’re definitely okay what something looks different huh I’ll hang this on the wall there I put a mirror up here take a look Mikey look in the mirror sure

I feel the same as always nope what no wait is that me Mikey you haven’t stopped eating cookies since I got here it’s not healthy let’s fix that okay it’s dangerous if you keep that up I’m worried I’ll do my best to get Healy m first things first you need a balanced diet

A okay let’s look in your house may I come in uh sure thanks what huh Cookies Cakes burgers and steaks this lifestyle is bad for you it can’t all be burgers and snacks no what should I do let’s go to my house huh Mikey okay I’ll show you some healthy

Foods healthy foods awesome thanks follow me sure this is my house thanks for having me look Mikey this is my yard I grow my own food oh carrots and beef fruits yep that’s not all inside here I have some healthy ingredients for salad oh this goes here sure some seeds leafy greens

Dandelion okay wow check it out Mikey here wo this yeah is a salad salad a tasty salad hooray you’ll need some carrots and some beetroots okay here Mikey have some thanks sure so Mikey stick to eating healthy food here I want you to eat nothing but vegetables for a while snacks and

Burgers are off limits until you’re better I can only eat vegetables understood it’s a no snap all veggie diet I got this good luck thanks okay okay all right the field looks good time for lunch I guess I’ll have some vegetables too oh right I wonder if Mikey is

Getting better I should go check surely he’s eating veggies instead of burgers and snacks let’s sneak a Pee oh good he’s eating salad lunch time yep that a boy veggies are yummy yep but they don’t fill me up at all I know snacks are off limits but a little couldn’t hurt that’s the stuff huh it’s so Goode so yummy yeah stop it it’s so good Mikey

JJ hiding it won’t help you’ve been eating cake I said no snacks but I can’t stop myself I’m I’m so hungry Mikey you have to snack in moderation I guess I’ll hide your unhealthy foods for you what your Burgers confiscated a your cakes too no it’s all coming with

Me oh and these steaks too I’ll confiscate especially this cake okay these jars too Okay all right now you stay over there Mikey I’m going to hide it all gotcha thanks for doing this JJ I’ll do my very best from this point onward okay now the to make sure Mikey sticks to his clan I’ll make a hole in the ground and

Put a chest here this is where I’ll hide all of Mikey’s unhealthy food and just in case he does find it I’ll put a lock on it all right this is good if Mikey can build healthy habits I’ll give him back all his Food I just can’t get full on salad push through Mikey a it’s tough maybe I’ll sleep okay I’m calling it a night sleep it off Mikey good night night Mikey wake up morning morning what’s up starting today to stay healthy yeah every day we’re doing 10 laps around the

Village wo 10 laps that’s easy piz of cake ready go this way 10 laps is going to be tough okay oh Mikey you’re really into this amazing easy as P can you keep up this pace you’re doing better than I Expected one lap down nine to go Huh time out I used to do 10 laps like it was nothing it’s weird the more you try the easier it gets right I’ll keep trying keep sticking to your Healthy Habits Mikey okay lunchtime let’s swim sounds good I hear that swimming burns calories really well oh sounds easier than running I’ll

Try do your best I will Yep wo wo this is awesome okay I’ll go for a swim too all right wo let’s swim a little more Mikey it’s already night no amount of salad can fill me up I want cake but I have to resist time for bed at a boy Mikey sleep away the Cravings let’s do this for a month Mikey it’s been a month how’s your progress ta well how do I look wo you’re so healthy look in the mirror you did it I did yep oh yeah I feel so much healthier now thanks JJ I’m glad today I’m going to hang out with Mikey but he already has a visitor who

Is that oh wo huh wo oh you’re really giving me these delicious apples thank you so much she gave him something wow these look great who is that person she’s acting suspicious what was that I’ll follow Her seriously who is this lady NOP I got to hide H did I just see that she was a witch the entire time this is bad I need to stop Mikey Oh wait Mikey no don’t eat them yum what delicious Apples Mikey did you eat the apples oh hey JJ a nice person just came over and gave me some apples did you want some too I’m too late those were poisoned apples huh what are you talking about your friend is actually a witch that’s not possible she was so

Kind besides if these were poisoned don’t you think they would have taken effect by now huh huh they really were poisoned huh look at your body what are you talking about there’s nothing wrong what are those I’m turning purple Mikey we need an antidote I’m Too Young To Die JJ JJ find

A way to cure me ow please let’s find the witch she has the Cure let’s go she ran off into the forest Hurry she went in this direction but where I don’t know I don’t see the witch anywhere we got to find her quickly and get that [Applause] antidote but where yeah it’s her huh it’s the Witch you tricked Mikey into eating poison apples give us the cure cough it Up she’s making a run for it Mikey after her don’t let her get away hurry wait up we can’t cure you if she gets away oh no we have to get the antidote and cure my poison please run faster come back here hey give us the antidote stop running away from us

Don’t lose her huh the path split which way did she go JJ we lost her what do we do oh H I’m not sure let’s try the right really okay where did that witch go I hope we find her h Huh wait huh huh it’s a dead end

Seriously what do we do oh but the witch isn’t here at the dead end that means oh JJ the witch didn’t go right she went left let’s go come on JJ uh Wait Mikey there’s a button in here huh what let’s push it it’s a secret entrance wo the witch might be inside mhm Mikey there’s the witch oh come back hurry Mikey uh Hey give us the antidote stop running wait up stop almost there there’s there’s nowhere to run

Hand it over we’re not leaving without the Cure huh no way the witch is crossing the broken bridge What the witch fell into the canyon huh a series of random kidnappings everyone should be on the lookout I can’t believe it wow a massive kidnapping spree that is not good

News wait now that I think of it I haven’t heard from Mikey since yesterday is he okay I better head over to his house and check up on him let’s go take a Look this is his house h I saw Mikey last night but not since I hope he’s feeling all Right Mikey it’s me JJ open up are you in there h no answer should I just let myself in that should be okay I mean we’re friends after all I’m doing it Huh where did Mikey go he’s not here not only that but his house is a wreck what happened in here oh what’s this it’s a notebook let’s see what it says we have taken Mikey you have until sunset to bring 1 million diamonds to these coordinates or else oh no this is bad

Mikey has been kidnapped and they’ve set a ransom of 1 million diamonds how am I supposed to gather that many up by the end of the day what am I going to do do I do I even have a million diamonds saved up I better start by counting how

Many I have who knows maybe I have enough I’ll check the safe and find out let’s see where’s that key oh that’s right I HIIT it here now that I have it I can pull this lever open up this secret underground passageway and head on Down this is it the chest where I keep all my savings but 1 million diamonds how could I possibly have saved up that many I mean that’s a lot of diamonds only one way to find out if I had enough I’ll be able to get Mikey back safely here goes nothing

Open what I only have 10 are you kidding me that’s nowhere near enough how am I supposed to get my hands on another 999,999 diamonds Before Sunset oh I have an idea I know exactly what to do I’m going to need these this is the only thing I can think

Of that even stands a chance of saving Mikey I’ll put these in here and now I’ve got myself one of these next I’ll fill up these slots and there done I’ll never be able to gather a million diamonds in time there’s no way so I use 10 of my savings to craft a

Sword and some armor that I can use to rescue Mikey myself what were those coordinates again right that’s where I’m headed no time to make any stops got to rush to the meeting place run run run run actually while I’m here I should pick up some food there that’s more than enough I’m

Off it’s time to rescue Mikey the Sun is setting I got to hurry good thing I left when I did these coordinates were really really far away judging by the angle of the sun I’m almost out of time but the location must be around here somewhere hang on who’s that could it be one of Mikey’s

Kidnappers what’s he doing no he’s keeping watch I can’t let him see me but I can’t let him out of my sight either oh oh of course that must be the entrance to the secret hideout I’ve got to follow him and rescue my keep the sun’s almost down after all here

Goes wow look at this it’s clearly the entrance to their secret hideout it’s a little scary but I’ve got to go in I’m Mikey’s only hope I have to save him while there’s still time I can do This slow and steady I can’t let anyone see me now that is a long staircase I’m going to make my way down carefully I wonder what’s at the bottom of this thing and I hope I can get get to Mikey before he gets hurt there’s no time to waste oh there’s the bottom

How NINJA Mikey and JJ ESCAPE from ZOMBIE Mikey FAMILY ? – Minecraft (Maizen)

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Maizen –


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