I Added 5 NEW CLASSES to Terraria

Terraria’s base game only has four unique classes but I want even more so I installed five random Terraria classes to see which one is the best let’s check them out off rip I see something like this chance class mod I’m not even going to read what it does I’m going download

It and it says can’t download interesting don’t worry I’ll figure it out Gambler class oh yeah definitely need that one seems like we kind of have a theme to The Classes we’re choosing gambling chance class dealer class just straight up like a casino themed set of classes charger class shoot might as

Well grab this one and the last one I’ll grab is the fist class all right so we’re in game and looking just quickly looking through all these they actually kind of look all nice very surprising we got some decent quality Class mods here let’s start with the one that has the

Least amount of items cuz I feel like that just makes sense and that is the fist class which this easily has to be the most basic class I’m literally just punching things things it’s got to be basic right I have grabbed all the fists here and organized them from weakest to

Strongest and let’s just quickly go through them so there’s no like special animation or anything sadly like a previous fist class I’ve played in the past that lowkey a tongue twister be a boxing glove we got Iron Fist we got winged fist which this one is pretty

Fast it look like he’s jerking his [ย __ย ] uh as you can see these things give you defense when you hold them so it’s very interesting I guess since there’s no armor in this mod that’s how they got to get defenses like that we got stained Iron Fist okay we

Got fist holding a grenade I like this one a little explosion one it doesn’t really seem like it has AOE damage let me put the mummies or the dummies a little bit closer yeah it doesn’t have AOE damage what the heck so really the explosion is just for looks which is a

Little upsetting we got the shock Fist and I like how it’s doing the little shocker symbol this one also doesn’t have any crazy effects or anything but it’s a little bit different at least there’s no like electric attack I’m not leaving like lightning or anything on them we got crystallized Aqua fist which

This one is gigantic look at I can hit multiple no problem we got molten fist this one I expect to light people on fire yes sir we got pirate hook just straight up a hook can I reach multiple enemies I can we got the holy fist oh my

God this one’s fast as hell we got the fanged fist this one leaves a little Venom or poison I don’t know which one we got the shell fist so this one applies confusion so give me like a decently tough enemy nail head come here look at that he’s confused he’s still

Going the same direction we got the melted fist this applies a frost effect okay I like that it had a little screen shap hold up this one got a little combo it’s got like a a straight and it’s got like a uppercut and it’s got like a downwards hit so like jab uppercut

Downwards hit with the screen Shake it’s kind of crazy how we’re deep into the weaponry they’re now starting to get really creative I feel like you could have definitely have a little bit more creativity for some of these earlier weapons we got handgun is literally a

Weapon like a gun it’s a regular gun no longer fists it’s really weird how you see how the hand is all the way like behind me with the heck we got the painted fist which this one applies a random effect okay so this one has the same attack pattern as the other fists

Martian fist this one has a little electric punch okay we got Graces fist I don’t know who Grace is but he got a lot of fist he knows a thing or two about fisting and then our last two weapons here dragon fist damn this one shaking everything and then we got the

Odity which this one says work in progress so I don’t know what the heck this one is pretty decent weapon though that was the fist class which I believed was going to be the weaker out of all the mods and I might have guessed right but now let’s get into the other stuff

So we’re doing the dealer class next here and we’re going to Breeze through the the early ones this one I believe we just throw cards as you can see very simple the earlier ones are going to be very simple we got different speeds different velocities for some of the

Earlier ones that’s like platinum or wood all the way through to platinum or and then we get to the enchanted one so it does got a different card that is thrown and this one pierces is what it looks like which I don’t think the first one did okay that’s good to know and

Then we get to our corruption in Crimson poker Purge cannibal cards I like the names I’m not seeing any cool effects or anything yet and then we got this Domino what is Domino is this like a king slime card this one just seems like it’s pretty fast I’ll bring out like a strong

Enemy just to see if there’s any special effects on any of these cards I don’t think there is we get to the bee holder let me guess this one’s going to spawn bees is it no no Bees this is probably the coolest looking one so far we got the space deck okay

This one is literally like a projectile laser Leaf launcher this one’s got some speed to it and it’s got a little Venom or poison with it so our first one with like an actual effect and then we got the devil’s Gambit this one lights

Things on fire as prual so so far the uh prehard mode ones they’re not really that unique or exciting a little bit upsetting because it seems like a cool idea the Sprites are really good but now let’s get into more of the unique ones here let’s start with this one that

Stands out the Uno one now with customizable wild cards ooh look at that so every card is actually different when you throw them it’s completely random which is pretty cool and it seems like they might have different effects as you see some of them I believe the wild card

That one pierces all three of the dummies again I’m not seeing like any special effects or anything it’d be cool if they can make it so like each card had a different effect like the red Uno cards like things on fire yellow one electricity blue one freezes things you

Know but at least the Wild Card does Pierce multiple enemies so there’s a little bit of something unique in there we got this one the suits the Sprites are very sick for these and this is I’m assuming you know the Night’s Edge or whatever the hell the name of that sword

Is of the dealer class but where’s the cool stuff man so I’m assuming I’m not going to grab any of the hard mode or stuff even though I’m grabbing them right now it just seems like they do the same old same mode so let’s start grabbing like the most unique of the

Bunch I see a pie let’s grab that why not we got chlorophyte we got augmentation and then we got Arthur’s cards and Arthur’s real cards let’s start with a pie okay so the pie throws cards it’s interesting and then we got the true suits okay this does the little

Curse Flames not bad we get to the chlorop FY cards this one seems to pierce more than three enemies and then we got augmentation this one I’m expecting lightning no lightning I’m assuming that’s not doing doing poison the poison is still from the chlorified cards is it yeah but they do Pierce more

Than three and then we got Arthur’s cards and then we got arth’s real cards so the idea is there with this class but it’s just it’s just not damn this is a big deck of cards that they’re just not unique enough it’s just like the fist

Class we saw before it’s just not unique enough whether this is a work in progress mod or not I think we should just start by making everything unique let’s check out this charger class next I’m very interested in it what can they mean by charging I don’t know they got

Some very basic Weaponry here like slingshots boom we got a slingshot we got rocks ah look at the little bar charging up at the bottom I see what they mean did I just do 48 damage with a slingshot it’s pretty good right away though we can see charge effect plus 5%

Crit chance so what is this class about see I was thinking charging more on the electrical area and there’s a lot of weapons so it might exactly be that but let’s try out some of the these other slingshots like this multi slingshot which shoots like 10 rocks at

Once pretty sick we got some variety some subclasses and then we got some crazy stuff like I don’t even know where to start here super Slimer I don’t know what this uses for ammo I really just don’t know where to start with this mod where where do I start okay I found the

Ammo for the super Slimer bottled slime let’s see this baby in action okay just shoot straight up missing sprits hey but the damage not bad little little just like Gatling gun type of spray lunar tip are these like darts or something so there’s like darts we can shoot too at

This rate I feel like I should just grab all the ammo I see in here we just start grabbing random guns ad ATI blow gun can’t even use it apparently I don’t have any darts okay here we go damn that’s a big ass blowpipe that’s going

To hurt like hell if you get hit by that that did 800 damage by the way I’m noticing the Sprites are pretty solid which is always a good thing when they get the Sprites right we got a little nail gun I don’t know what I’m shooting

With the nail gun nectar nails but this seems like a very interesting class lot of variety what you love to see for any Terraria class is more sub classes and stuff obviously there’s some things that need to be fixed and it probably needs to be a little bit more simplistic for

Dumb asses like me maybe just more organized cuz like I really still don’t know what I’m looking at here in terms of items laser dartling gun o this is sick so it seems like yes this class is exactly what it says charging you charge up your weapon and then you shoot it it

Seems like we have figured that out in terms of how this class Works yo that’s sick now can I shoot early I can shoot early and when I do shoot early obviously it lasts a lot shorter than if I charge it up completely but there is some pretty solid weapons here cool

Laser weapons like it’s pretty good stuff and then as you can see we got some items permanently increased maximum charge increases charge speed so it is legit like a full class it’s even got a bunch of accessories here too uh I’m not seeing any armor unless I missed it no

I’m not seeing any armor so in the future I’m assuming they’re adding armor because obviously wait here we go this armor right here it just doesn’t have a Sprite can I put it on oh yeah okay so there’s armor it’s just not sprited yet

So is nice to see this is a cool class it’s got some potential for sure next up we have the chance class here now this looks like straight up degenerate gambling type stuff I’m relying on dice for damage is what it looks like so let’s just take out a random Dice and

Let’s just see what happens if I left click with it oh Just sh up just throwing dice at enemies what is the niche of this mod on a successful roll inflict double damage so it’s different damage every time is what it looks like it’s uh interesting feel like I need to

See a little bit more to understand it there is a good bit of Weaponry here and as you can see most of them do have a couple unique things like the wooden ones on a successful role inflict severe knockback Okay so we can launch some things back early game we got this one

Which releases a damaging sand ball on successful roll now here’s the thing do I have to like actually roll something specifically like do I need a miss or is it legit just you know kind of like crit chance where every now then a sand ball was spit out I’ve only seen one sand

Ball so far and I don’t know if it was for me rolling like this or what okay yeah it seems like rolling like this is the way so this is kind of interesting then you want to kind of this is kind of what this class is

Telling me I don’t want to actually land my projectiles kind of weird I don’t know bro this mod does seem to have some dope ass armor sets like I like how you’re legit like a dice Cube and then you got this one which is like a shark

Armor set card shark okay you got the high roller set you got the dealer set we got a set made out of paper and then here we got like you know the molten helmet and the hollowed hat pretty sick yeah there’s three types of weapons I I

Was just reading about it uh apparently dice are for like crowd control so this is for fighting multiple mobs obviously which I still don’t really understand how the dice damage works like is that legit what I’m doing is just like throwing it at the floor or am I

Throwing it at the enemies I have no idea whoo look how much damage it’s doing to that back mannequin hitting that thing for like 4,000 sometimes and then you got these cards de of cards which is like single Target damage pretty much which that’s kind of very

Similar to that other card class and then we got these uh capsules which these are like flip of the coin could be good could be bad you see unsuccessful roll inflict double damage on an unsuccessful roll inflict half damage so look at that we can sometimes do 60 to

120 or we can do one damage so it is very interesting to see that and then all the sub classes but on top all that of course there’s accessories and things but there’s also bosses in this mod which kind of unique for a class mod I

Kind of want to see these bosses let’s go and make sure we’re in master mode I want to see some full potential in these bosses here we got this one mimic dice oh yeah what does he do he ain’t mimicking much oh there you go he’s

Starting to move is this King Slime AI King Slime AI minus the teleporting okay it’s a little bit of boof is the way I would explain it it is a dice though and I don’t really expect much movement from Dice after that there’s sandpaper shark and this is literally just one of those

Sharks that spawn during uh sand storms okay the bosses are a little bit upsetting I’m not going to lie to you very generic not really much behind them and I was kind of excited to see this the haunted slots here we go okay it’s a little bit different shooting out poker

Chips and stuff see this is the type of quality I was expecting was a little bit of something I like the idea of this I kind of wish it was bigger oh look is shooting out little ghosts all the people dead from gambling all their money away a cool idea obviously could

Be worked on I I still like the idea of a giant haunted slot machine though I’m not going to lie and then there’s a pillar there’s a gambling pillar so that that class is got some unique stuff to it definitely got some potential but let

Us move on to the final class here and that is this Card Master Class AKA The Gambler class another gambling themed class but this one as we can see he’s got some cards look like we about to play Pokemon we about to play Yu-Gi-Oh something all right this Mod’s a little

Interesting to use as you can see we got a little card deck up here and I went to the config and I tried to change like where it is but the game kind of ignored what I chose so this is what we got to do here I’m going to make the UI big

Again so we can actually see the cards we’re going to grab some random cards let’s grab this one let’s grab this one let’s grab I don’t know uh this one let’s just grab all the the cool ones and we’re going to equip them into our card slot make our UI smaller again boom

Equip them to to our card slot then I’m going to press this button boom look at that it gives me a random set of cards in my hand and I use them and it’s random every time and as you can see they disappear after a while so you want

To go through and use them quickly which is an interesting a unique idea to say the least kind of a little bit annoying I’m not going to lie but it’s interesting it’s definitely an idea to expand upon and make cooler especially given that there’s a large variety of

Cars it seems like look at this there is a a good bit of cards there’s even a Duke fishron one you even got cards that instantly kill you when you use it and I believe some of these cards are like buff cards so there’s ones that just

Don’t do straight up damage so it is kind of cool it is kind of like playing Pokemon and or Yu-Gi-Oh where you play the little other cars down and you get little Buffs and [ย __ย ] from them so pretty cool I I kind of mess with it I

Got to get into it and read a little bit more into it in the future potentially a play through with this mod something cuz there’s obviously untapped potential I’m looking at right here uh it does have armor sets not too many not too many like newly inspired ones some of them

Just put helmets on Armor uh it does obviously have some accessories but it’s pretty cool this might be my favorite out of all of them if I were to rank them I think we go Gambler class which is this one and then we go charger class

And then we go chance class which is the dice and then we do dealer class which is these cards and then we do the fist one it’s kind of funny how there’s three pretty much card classes that we installed yeah shout out to the mod developers that made the mod if y’all

Want to see me maybe play as one of these classes and do a little playthrough on stream and then we highlight it to the channel I could I could possibly do something even though these are not the most like developed classes compared to some other classes out there that are fully complete and

Stuff but maybe we could play up to like Wall of Flesh like I’ve done before for like other classes that not fully complete yeah thanks for watching watching the video make sure to leave a like subscribe turn on the bell all that good stuff and I’ll see y’all next time

I randomly installed 5 new Terraria Classes, let’s see which one is the Best!
Shout out the mod developers that made these mods!

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