I Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Mod

What’s Kraken audience welcome to episode 5 of scary Minecraft I haven’t added any mods this episode okay but wait wa wait let me tell you why it’s because this episode is very special okay I want to kill the Ender Dragon this episode okay so let me

Tell you the plan of how this episode will go step one I want to go to the nether obviously I need blaze rods I want to get 10 of them nine for the pearls and one for a brewing table I don’t want to kill Enderman okay I’m

Just going to I’m I’m just going to trade emeralds for the ender pearls step two I want to extend the grass even godamn further this is going to be the last time I’m expanding this grass so I want to make it big okay I want to expand the grass over here there there

And then I’m hold on let me go there and then I’m going to expand it like over here here and then oh [ __ ] what why are you not disappearing what what over over here and all the way over there okay so this is all going to be grass and I need to

Go to sleep I do not want to risk the night dweller spawning I forgot to mention this but obviously step three is going to the end and killing the ender dragon okay cool B okay so first going to the nether it’s a very tricky thing since I have the temperature mod

Installed right and last time I was there I almost died many times but now I have better armor I have better tools and I think some of you guys suggested a few ways of how I could potentially negate the Heat in there and one of those ways was Soul Sand or Soul fire

It’s just regular fire on Soul Sand it’s blue apparently it gives off the opposite of heat it’s just it’s cold right I’m going to go into The Nether and just check and there’s any Soul Sand around me and if if there is I’m I’m going to mine it also yeah I have two

More water skins I did some fishing and I got two more so theoretically we should be fine for longer Soul Sand that is that is Soul Sand and that is a ghast okay hi I want to be taking this okay I’m just going to get a stack how about that okay we’re

Done actually I am kind of fine also those are hoglins which is wait can I get more what what the [ __ ] what happened I can’t can’t really hold on oh yeah I could I can test this out now I don’t like this no kidding I

Don’t know what I did though why am I losing my mind this is kind of a problem cuz once I go back in I’m going to lose more sanity so I’m going to be really low I only know what else I could possibly do in this situation so I think

I’m going to go in regardless also yeah I guess this works I was so distracted by the sanity yeah this works okay let’s go back in get ready for no sanity H okay well it’s time to fish honestly I feel like I’m ready to just like straight up go to the nether

For more than 3 seconds I got a bunch of Cobble I got food I got a bow I got arrows I’m thinking right what else can I bring that could help me besides like this and actually I need space for this I forgot about that is that enough yeah

I’m going to have a full inventory all right cool that is a pretty solid inventory for the nether H little kitty okay I’m going So the plan is right I’m going to go north well okay let me let me go in and see how how the terrain looks so let me like first

Render distance set to 64 all right let’s do this hyp hyp pig I know what I don’t have I don’t have torches you need torches can you believe that hold on silly me all right I’m back and I got torches baby let’s go uh where go question Good Question Answer Direction uh –

70 63 okay me no longer overheat good what am I doing I don’t know why I started talking like that let me grab this and we’re on our way uh wait these okay why am I losing sanity okay that is why I hate the nether have I mentioned that why is the

Ambient sound so scary I’m going to go East cuz I I don’t want to I want to check all the directions first before I commit to one that is an Enderman mental note that is not the night dweller God I hope the night D cannot

Spawn in here all right let me how am I even supposed to get there oh I hate that no I’m not going there I’m such a [ __ ] dude I just that way no way I don’t want to go through the bazal Delta biome it sucks I hate the bazal Delta

Right that way potentially but there’s no way to get there without going in this Forest I am overheating let me place this these water skins run out faster than I thought they would all right we going back okay well I’m going to go south then I’m going to see if I

Can go maybe I did not I forgot to put the damnn water skins in my c bar so let me just go back in here let me cool down a little bit okay okay okay let’s do this I’m ready I’m I’m so ready this is

So so good I like doing this uh uhhuh uhhuh you know what I need to do I need to go inside this mountain I think okay I’m going to have to mine like that cuz I lava right is there any colder inside the mountain let me use the Soul

Sand okay that seems to be working okay let me pull out the ice box and can I do the thing I can uh-oh why why why is it Rising what the [ __ ] uh not ideal what what what kind of mechanic is that where I instantly just

Gain back the heat that I lost that’s kind of [ __ ] I’m not going to lie I have an idea what if I just try to dig that way as far as I can go how about that H does that seem fun it doesn’t seem fun it seems like something that could possibly work

Though does is this this flame is just useless nice it doesn’t even burn the items why am I I’m going to need to keep my distance cuz I really don’t want lava pouring in on me why is it so hot here bro uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh who I don’t no

No no no no no no no no no no no yes no calm down H okay how do we do this I’m going to go down a little bit I feel like we’re too high up why am I at 90 okay let me go down to Y 60 is okay

Nice oh wow oh uhoh uhoh Bro so what’s not good is the fact that I’m not I’m not losing what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do here I actually don’t know I have the I have the cold packs in my inventory and they’re not doing anything dude oh [ __ ] that didn’t even get me under

100 okay I’m under 100 I don’t even know where to go bro where from here I don’t actually Know dude I’m actually shaking sucks so bad oh yeah sanity right [Applause] Nice oh my god dude holy [ __ ] I thought that was it which would suck it would really [ __ ] suck dude cat I thought it was over I thought it was so over I know man what the [ __ ] I am not going back into the nether to look for a

Fortress you know what I’m going to do I’m still going to go exploring right I’m just going to go exploring in the Overworld where at least when I [ __ ] tunnel into a mountain I stop freezing to death right what’s that Jesus Christ okay yeah that’s what that’s how we’re going to do

This I’m going to go west in the Overworld for like 2,000 blocks Which is far right but at least in the Overworld I’m not going to die instantly I’m going to make a little base and then I’m going to make a portal and then I’m going to check if there’s a fortress anywhere

Around there and if there is I’m going to go to the Fortress and if there isn’t I’m just going to keep going until I make a portal that’s near a fortress wait can I eat this can I farm this huh so if I eat it

Oh right how how do I Farm These how do I farm these I need these so bad can I how does this work how how does farming it work cuz it grows right am I stupid don’t ask for that shut up well either way I’ll need a farm so oh wait it’s The

Future Baby I I I did the farm and I have a stack of them I have a stack of Soul Sprouts that sounds like a drug but yeah no I made the farm you just need heat to make it grow and also editing yo editing right so as I said I I’m going

To I’m going to get ready and I’m going to go on an expedition let’s go golfing all right I think I’m ready um yeah I just slept so it’s it’s the morning I guess I should just [ __ ] I’m going I’m just going okay by bye Cat actually during this entire series I haven’t gone on any Expeditions which is funny I don’t know why it’s funny uh but no but it’s just like I don’t know you’d think I I’d explore the terrain more but as soon as I built that Dome I

Just stuck to it I genuinely don’t know what this world looks like well entirely right I don’t know I haven’t seen any cool places I don’t know I don’t know what’s happening and where it’s happening like look at that that’s kind of cool this is actually very soothing for some

Reason it’s just that I know there’s no like immediate danger here you know like the night spawns during the night which I can just sleep away the cold isn’t really that bad I can just Place magma blocks next to me so I’m just kind of chilling the Sun is setting I really

Want to hold on let me just I’m really curious what this world looks like when a lot of it is loaded at the same time that’s a portal I’m going to check that out and that’s a tree wa naturally spawning tree whoa yeah they they that happens that’s

How I survived at the very beginning oh my [ __ ] God you [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I forgot that’s a thing I forgot that bastard’s a thing I forgot he’s still in the game I hate the fact that he always weighs like 20 to 30 minutes after you joined the game to scare your

Ass yeah this looks pretty PR nice I’m I’m going to I’m going to have to check out that portal in the morning but yeah that’s that’s pretty much it okay I’m going to oh how it’s it is night it’s basic dude come on just let me sleep look at

Him what’s in here okay Golden Apple that’s oo Frost Walker cool I do want to get gold cuz I do I think I think I want to get um oh yeah right inventory okay well that’s fine wait wait hold on I’m sorry if I put on Frost Walker boots and then

Mine the ice with a silk touch pickaxe and then combine it into packed ice that doesn’t melt would that work in the nether like magma does in the Overworld damn now I’m wondering what if it does there’s a bunch of these portal ruins scattered all all around this world right and some

Of them have items that have silk touch so theoretically right I could take these boots look for more ruined portals right and find one that is a tool with silk touch on it and then get 60 yeah okay okay so I’m I’m going to take these

Boots now I just need to find more portal ruins and hope that one of them will have uh a silk touch tool dude that looks badass like the slake and then the mountain I wish I made the Dome up there that would have been so cool oh portal nice well if it doesn’t

Have a s touch thing at least it’ll have some gold for me click fire prop efficiency mending not what I need also wow golden carrots curse of binding okay well no no silk touch pickaxes but uh we did get a golden apple which is which is good enough

This is crazy like this is hold on who that’s crazy looking I’m not even going to lie why is that thing floating up there that’s holy [ __ ] that’s like what that’s like y200 I think God damn look at that pretty damn pretty ah nice all

Right that’s whoa where am I that was in my head whoa I’m in my own head bro I’m the only person up in here bro I can’t even sleep yet come on oh there you go everything’s so [ __ ] laggy just choked on my spit Jesus Christ okay come on silk touch anything

Pretty please no we got a fortune but no silk touch yane with no brim holy [ __ ] this looks nice why is the terrain where my base is at so [ __ ] this sucks why is this [ __ ] yeah was it was good man where’ the chest at brh brh dude imagine it turns out it’s

Not it’s just not possible to get silk touch from Portal ruins oh my God if that’s the case I’m actually going to be really mad also did I just take fall damage on a boat no another another pair of frost walker shoes are you kidding

Me you know what no hold on do I see any other portals around here no okay I’m going to stop what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ I’m going to stop for a second I’m going to I’m going to check out what’s on the other side of this

Portal all right cuz you know you never know maybe it’s just it’s in a fortress who knows I don’t please don’t be anything stupid okay that’s not anything stupid okay that’s actually a pretty chill spot to spawn in but I do not see any fortresses yep okay nothing interesting cool okay we’re going

Back cool oh this would be a perfect place to collect the ice imagine it turns out you can’t even collect the ice I would be so upset oh my God surely you can though right it’s just eyes yeah I get it I’m freezing cool holy [ __ ] three blocks

Nice please no no no God damn it I got God damn I got 10 gold block blocks that’s a lot of gold what the [ __ ] really glistering melon slice I don’t even know what potion you can make with that let me get Sil touch wait let me

Let me let me check something okay hold on guys it’s jover it’s [ __ ] CH bro you don’t get the ice with you break the frost Walker Ice with silk touch you don’t get it just it’s just I’ve been walking for 9,000 blocks okay well I was

Going to say I’ve been walking for no reason but to be fair I got here with one goal and then later I realized that maybe I could get ice but I’ve been looking for portals for no reason God damn it that sucks I really thought I [ __ ] cracked the code on that

One I thought I’m so [ __ ] cool and good I just I just I realized that you know yeah it turns out I’m I’m not [ __ ] H whatever okay let well that’s not how you make a portal let me just make a portal over here yeah see what’s on the

Other side and maybe do some funny things maybe I don’t know we’ll see please don’t SM me over a l Like shut the [ __ ] up oh hell yeah dude finally oh my God okay okay okay we’re making a base here we’re making this couldn’t have gone better let me just go here and then do this and this I don’t know why I’m making this base so whatever shut up no UNC comment about

That if I see one comment about that thing God damn it it’s not it’s not offc Center okay I meant to do that it’s I mean it is off center but that was on on purpose God damn it let me make a let me make I don’t need a double chest I just

Want a a regular chest cuz I got a bunch of items that I hold on let me let me get this coal I know I probably should make uh another like base on the other side of this and then let me place a bed actually and

Then make a little window see if it’s dark but let me also do this so the night will can’t come in through it cool let me go to the other side and make a little base out there as well that is not scary at all also next to the portal

I’m actually not overheating cuz I guess it’s in a really cold place that’s a blaze me likey okay now I got to cool okay and it’s it’s cool inside here where’s my boat is that a blaze spawner right up there no how do I do

This hold on okay I’m not I’m out of Cobble this is big huge huge even giant ginormous biggest big and big I’m going to need more Cobble cuz I don’t have that much on me dude that is actually so awesome holy [ __ ] ah I’m excited I’m [ __ ] excited

Okay hold on how do I do this okay so I’m going to sleep right I’m going to wait till it’s dark I’m going to sleep gain back some sanity then I’m going to go in into The Nether in the morning make a little Pathway to The Fortress

Come back then get more Cobble and then sleep again and then I’m going to go back and actually kill the blazes what a good Minecraft day this has been nice first things first going into The Nether okay let me let me do this let me not fall into a pit of

Lava pretty please still not heating up for some reason watch me just like die instantly in a second okay shut the [ __ ] up me let me go back to the portal for a second I need to cool off oh that is pretty much perfect okay why is it not hot

Bro [ __ ] panicked I just want to know why is it hold on why is it not like insanely hot in here oh wait do I just go for it I feel like I could just go for it oh that’s a blaze spawner oh can I do that holy [ __ ] wait I got four Oh [ __ ] shot me why can you spawn I’m very nervous because this is something I’ve been dreading for so long but I think I can actually do it I got five already okay six holy [ __ ] I just need four more I’m actually going to do this oh that’s not I

Do shoot me shoot me do it Shield nine oh is that 10 that’s 10 I’m getting the [ __ ] out of here no way something’s I’m recording right that’s crazy we’re done I’m I’m out of here damn that was quick all right cool I’m glad this is over I I really am and

I didn’t even need to use my water skins okay wow I’m going to leave this well I’m not going to leave these here but I’m going to leave this ice box and this campfire I’m going to take my bed I need my bed but besides that I’m just going

To leave this base as it is right now okay well let’s let’s head Back we’re back holy [ __ ] I’m actually back what’s good cat I’m glad I farmed these for like an hour straight all right so we have 10 blaze rods now it’s time for part two of this video which is actually three different things that I want to do

First of all as I promised in the intro I do want to expand the grass but I also want to get um ender pearls from villager trading and I want to get feather falling four on my shoes cuz picture this right I go into the end right all Mighty ready and [ __ ]

Pumped up right and then I just get launched into the Strat spere by the dragon and die instantly upon hitting the ground and yeah sure I’ll have a water bucket to try to clutch but I don’t have enough faith in myself to just completely trust that I can water

Bucket clut even though I okay I don’t want to I don’t want to brag but I’m pretty good at water bucket clutching okay watch this I think this is how I’m going to do it so I’m going to go trade with the Villagers get a feather falling for a

Book then unlock whatever villager uses the the [ __ ] what’s it called the brewing stand right as the the work block upgrade him till he’s tells me end pearls then I’m going to get 12 under pearls actually should I get more could get like 14 I’m going to get 14 end

Pearls and only then am I going to go get grass or dirt probably going to expand the wall first and then put in the dirt so yeah okay let’s let’s do this do I even have any emeralds I don’t think I think I’m [ __ ] I think I’m

Broke at least I got like a bajillion arrows um let’s see how many emeralds this uh stack of or almost stack of log will give me okay well I I didn’t even max out a single villager 14 emeralds all right hold on I’m I’m just going to get some more

Wood you [ __ ] stop [ __ ] moving why you wiggling so much just don’t move no no no stop what the [ __ ] stop Jesus Christ 12 you [ __ ] scammer what the [ __ ] is this I don’t got 43 emeralds what are you doing Finally oh my God lock it in I don’t care lock it in shees that was painful time for some tree cutting look all right cool you’re free now wow I don’t know what I’m doing get out of there okay come on in here yep yep oh oh all right that works is this

Enough yo okay well how many hold on cuz I wanted 40 ender pearls oh God okay so I need what 56 emeralds right and there we go okay come here uh click I want to buy two more can you yeah no what the you want to restock you want

To was that it was that okay good luck okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah y That’s what I’m saying let’s test these puppies out nice okay so here’s how this is going to go I’m going to go get dirt like a full inventory of dirt then I’m

Going to come back I’m going to remove the wall I’m going to place in the dirt and then I’m going to place the new wall and then yeah okay oh I didn’t know I have okay well that’s going to help me a little bit but you know I’ll still use

This I think I might cover like eh trying to think right like yeah all right so I’m going to go down to like here uh let me let me get rid of all these spikes and then I’m going to I’m going to start putting in dirt I mean

This is going to be boring I’m just going to do it probably do like a time lapse thing oops All right so I I sampled some grass from all around here and I’m going to start putting it in like randomly around here so grass just grows quicker hell no I’m going to try to make a gate that looks uh somewhat decent whoa so okay don’t laugh hold on and

Then right that looks decent I feel like that looks okay what is bro doing yeah no this is this looks fine okay it looks good enough damn hold on let me let me hold on all right and now oh dude [ __ ] yeah this looks awesome now I

Just need to plant trees and stuff and it’s going to it’s going to look amazing okay let me get back in all right so in the past few hours I’ve managed to plant a bunch of trees all around here and also burn my bed um I also continued the little pathway

Towards the uh the Dome this place looks better and better uh I do want to put in some grass and then see how it looks from inside of there and then from like there that’s looks nice you can’t really see how big this terrain is UN I left this sign

But yeah it looks better than can I wait hold on I’m going to do a side by side of this right and then the how it looked earlier wa that’s a that’s a big difference yo yo that’s crazy no but it does look better I want to go over there

And see how this all looks oh dude that looks so good hold on let me let me put on some shaders dude yeah yeah this is damn this was just a regular ass Hill earlier like it looked it looked like this and now it looks like this and you

Can see that and you can see that holy [ __ ] I love these shaders completely reimagined I really like how this world looks with these shaders on damn bro look at bro how is this real oh the sugar cane in the the water my PC is going to explode if I keep this

Up but you know that’s that’s it amazing how good shaders look okay ah I’m going to go to the end okay it’s going to happen it it I’m doing it matter of fact I’m doing it right now I I just got a pack again I fixed all my armor and my

Tools I I probably won’t need a fishing rod yeah I need to get uh get food two stacks should probably be enough I need to get arrows okay I’ll take four Stacks I am terrified of this this is like what if I what if I just spawn on a platform

And immediately get get [ __ ] dropped into the void I do want to get more golden apples I really don’t have any use for this gold besides golden apples so let me just let me sleep real quick can I actually hold on I put some

Emeralds here can I can I just buy a bed how expensive is a bed okay I’ll just buy another bed how about that cool what else do you need obviously just a bunch of building blocks right garlands I should probably take garlands oh and a campfire just in

Case cuz like a campfire increases both the temperature and also it increases my sanity which is something that I want to keep high up in the nether cuz I’m going to be around Enderman which I’m pretty sure also decreases my S the end is just hell for sanity okay it it’s dark

There’s a bunch of mobs and it just sucks okay so we got campfires crafting table sure I’ll take uh my magma blocks cuz just cuz I’m going to be traveling around I’ll need a bed as well my trusty Oak boat uh garlands right that’s what I

Was talking about so let me craft I can craft two which I think should be enough and yeah and I guess all that and some building blocks okay and I guess these last two slots are going to get filled in by blaze rods and E pearls so all

Right I guess what I’m going to craft the first two of these oh I need okay well I’m just going to I’m just going to do this one last thing goodbye cat let me feed you a little fish all right yeah bye it was it was nice hanging around with you man okay

Let’s let’s go can you tell I’m stressed cuz I’m stressed I’m I’m [ __ ] I’m tweaking bro hardcore man I I know like I’m overprepared right but it’s still I don’t know anything and everything can happen oh I was actually going that way cool thanks game I can’t with these bees man goodbye

Home all right so I’m on top of the hill if I increase my render distance you can still probably see my base yeah damn okay hold on let me let me hold on hold on let me let me put on shaders okay one last time damn oh okay cool

Oh glad I have feather falling for okay I’m going to throw it again is that my [ __ ] base where the okay that that’s a smoke from the campfires at my base oh I don’t want to lose that [ __ ] okay wait is it like in the middle

Of that Lake that would kind of be a pain in the ass I’m not going to lie I kind of don’t want to okay okay cold temperatures what the [ __ ] in okay okay okay I was going to say increase I dare you but then it did

See what you made me do You Made Me Mine copper thanks temperature mod okay so is it like under here under where I made that joke like was that Herobrine or am I tweaking I’m probably tweaking whatever man maybe I’m not tweaking maybe I’m maybe I’m a genius well this

Go stop I’m just going to mine right where it dropped I was like there right like there and it pointed that way so I must be like on top of it so let me let me O Okay well to be fair I’m going to mine down like right now so this doesn’t

Really matter it’s going to yep all right let me let me let me let me do what let me put a torch here I’m going to do this I’m going to place play it safe now as I’ve learned um strongholds uh which are made out of stone bricks

Can actually spawn in deep slate but apparently I don’t need to worry about that oh [ __ ] off Cave noises well it’s not even cave noises it’s just cave dripping sounds now me you see me I I have horrible luck with finding the portal room I don’t know what’s up with it but

I just I can never find one let me hold on let me god damn that’s a lot of bookshelves I could a [ __ ] you oh feather falling four nice blast BR don’t really need that armor trim sweeping Edge three again I’m not going to take

It right now but you know good to know two episodes ago I’d kill for this but now it’s kind of useless well not entirely I’m I could still take all the bcks and then resell them for Emerald profit but you know I’m on a more important Quest right Now and I’m back here and I’m almost out of torches thanks game [ __ ] J if you’re about to tell me that this is where I came from right here and that the portal room is right here what the [ __ ] man it’s a it’s a two ey guys speedr Runners right am I right

Speedrunners H I love speedrunning I do it so often that I’m not even like worried at all about how this is going to go cuz I’m just so confident in my abilities to kill the ender dragon and not fall into the void or die from Fall Down damage while doing

It all right let’s hold on let me let me just uh let me do this again then let me maybe Place some torches around here and let me think about what I want to do I’m going to place this in I’m going to hopefully spawn underground I’m going to

Dig up and what I’m going to do right is I’m going to make a little safe space under one of the pillars first with torches and like a campfire okay a 250 wow what a coincidence let’s just [ __ ] do it no no I’m [ __ ] ready for this okay

This doesn’t work with my [ __ ] purple blob of a character but I’m going to kill the [ __ ] Ender Dragon I’m going to okay perfect perfect spawning in underground ideal very ideal optimal okay so again oh I can’t go under the pillar what am I doing I’m hold on I’m

I’m trying to dig underground hold on I forgot those pillars are obsidian all the way through okay okay okay okay okay so let’s [ __ ] do this I should probably be wearing a Garland to counteract the fact that I’m constantly losing sanity from it being so dark in here

Perfect perfect what is my aim wow insane no why is it looking like that at me oh is it going to try to go at me go on go on got [ __ ] shot at oh okay well not ideal but nothing really happened I’m going to have to go up

These iron p pillars if it perches okay that’s ideal [ __ ] out of here oh wow I’m losing sanity way faster than I thought I was going to lose it why is there an Enderman up there let me go in my hole and get back some

Sanity so let me just do this right let me damire a holy [ __ ] it’s trying to get me do more campfires equal more sanity gained back okay I think it’s time I pop my head out hopefully not get immediately [ __ ] trashed please don’t knock me off I know

I’m I know I’m trying to kill you but that doesn’t doesn’t mean you have to kill me nice one okay uh uh uh uh uh uh what else what else what else I should yeah I should light up this area so I can run around why wa what is

Happening why did I just why what the [ __ ] why did I just lose so much sanity I really I don’t want to deal with the [ __ ] mobs I think I’m just going to have to wait it out here wait I have a [ __ ] brilliant idea let me just oh did it just no

Okay watch this right I’m such a [ __ ] genius oh my God he’s so smart and so handsome I know okay it’s purging perfect how [ __ ] tall is this thing okay that was the last one oh oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why am I losing so much sanity

What the [ __ ] what is happening why wait wait is it huh I just lost like 30% of my sanity in a matter of like 5 seconds and I don’t know why it just H can I just not stay in one place is that it oh my God

Why is it does it happen when it’s per ping I am lucky to have this bow and a trillion billion arrows okay this isn’t working how many arrows am I on I mean it is working I just have to stop shooting it when it’s like 7 billion blocks away die

No okay thanks for doing this very kind of you it’s going to perch it’s going to perch oh my God okay okay this is where I this is where I hide into my hole most intense dragon fight okay that wasn’t fun why’ you what [ __ ] what the

[ __ ] is happening no no stop stop stop the fu all right I’m going in sub big boy no not ideal okay never mind I’m not going in I’m I have to go down where’s my damn house house I’m calling this thing a house now interesting okay are no you’re

Kidding this [ __ ] is smart it’s covering up all my entrances okay let me cover this up let me go back in here okay that’s gone and it’s perching so let me stay down here for a little bit it’s flying again okay it’s like cool okay okay no I got it no it’s fine

It’s fine I no I understand why this is happening no I totally get it is it happening because I’m near the dragon when it’s far away it isn’t happening okay let me stop Shooting holy [ __ ] big come here okay okay have it your way how did that not hit yo what’s happening where am I that’s such a stupid transition yeah sand desert wa oh [ __ ] that’s going to be a problem

is it me or is it getting kind of hot in here
inspired by @Calvin9000
Mods I used:
From The Fog
All this for forge 1.20.1

Music Used: (as always, thank you so much copyright free fellas)

A Turn For The Worse, Apero Hour, Backbay Lounge, Crypto, Floating Cities, Giant Wyrm, Gregorian Chant, Thunderbird, Leaving Home, Midnight Tale, Nervous, Magic Escape Room, Bump In The Night, Long Note Four, Thunder Dreams, Samba Isobel, Shadowlands 5 Antechamber, Sneaky Snitch, Symmetry – Kevin Macleod (incompetech.com)

Journey To Titan, Synth Oculus, Cyberpunk Industrial, Spacewave Gaia – Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

Grand Opening – Lud and Schlatts Musical Emporium

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

also that one song when im filling in grass: Flutey – Castle Crashers

On the off chance Kevin Macleod sees this: dude genuinely thank you so much for all the copyright free tracks. Also Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio the synthwave stuff you make is godly. And obviously big thanks to Schlatt and Lud.

Ha Ha Minecraft Herobrine Scary but Funny?! Hillarious!
Again i doubt this does anything but might as well.


  1. I honestly loved this series so much, timelapses, villager mayhem, herobrine just chillin, the challenges you overcome, it’s so engaging and it’s so nice to see you having some fun while doing it and just finding beauty in your world

  2. Bro the herobrine is just tryna kiss ya i knew he was a stalker, remember all the times where you saw him looking at you?? Mm see im right weirdo. Better get a restraining order

  3. Hey I have a mod reccomendation, it’s not like a scary thing more of qol but “distant horizons” let’s you have way bigger render distances Because it makes the far away stuff simpler, I would recommend checking it out

  4. ily man ive found you when you had 17k, and now you blew up and u is a big 130k boy😎 im so proud of u cause u deserve it and your vids are so fun to watch!!!

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