Calamity without Immunity Frames is perfectly balanced. – FULL MOVIE

In this video I will be playing Terraria clamity mod but immunity frames is completely removed from the game which means every single thing is able to onot and obliterate Us in matter of seconds but we could also destroy our enemies if we use the right weapons for the job

I’ll be using the Summoner class ASA minions are able to stick and lch onto enemies dealing consistent high damage however there is one slight problem clamity hard cats a lot of their weapons limiting the options for us to bypass the eye frames therefore I commissioned photonic to create a mod that by passes

The hard code so let’s make a deal please help me get this video to 15,000 likes and we’ll release this mod to the public but hold on before we start I’d like to introduce you guys to Hung Kai star rail anime space fantasy RPG from the makers of genin impact and recently

This game has received the brand new version 1.6 update with lots of new maps quest and events explore a different worlds Across the Universe and immerse yourself in an adventure this game is extremely easy to pick up yet highly tactical allowing you to make unique team lineups and strategies experience

The Magnificent and Rich Shi open world there are plenty of content for you to discover with more than 30 playable H characters with their own unique personality and backstory not to mention you can play this game on your phone on your computer or your PS5 how can you

Even refuse playing this game recently they’ve released a limited five star character ran May a nice element elegant biologist that can buff their team speed and break effect well she can break me and guess what for limited time only if you look into Hong Kai sell on 17th

January you can receive one copy of the five star character Dr ratio an imaginary type character that possesses powerful followup attacks and will gain Buffs depending on the debuff his enemy suffer this will be the first time that honai STL gives out a limited five star

Character so you have to be fast and Don not now TR to be told I myself play this game regularly I’m a high level player and I’ve beaten one of the hardest content in the game so as an experienced player I can guarantee most of you will

Love this game 10 free PS AWA you download the game using the link below and use the Redemption C here to get 50 Stellar Jades thank you hunai stel for sponsoring this video without further Ado let’s start this play through like usual we start off our play through by

Opening our starter bag from it we got the squirrel squ stuff which will be our main weapon for now as you can see we get absolutely sted on a slight touch with any enemies just like th Area players evaporate when they touch woman the first obstacle of this journey came

Into place which was getting cornered by two slimes I had to defend myself by throwing bricks and ensling my squirrel to spit nuts at them surprisingly one of the Slime drop a slime stuff slime stuff is an extremely rare drop and very powerful I also got a rord drive

Accessory by killing a wolf from rer now that I got the slime stuff it feels much safer exploring the underground caves however having a slime stuff doesn’t help me from being an absolute brain I did get some useful accessories like cloud in the bottle using a dangerous

Sense potion I discovered a spider web biome I explored it and found a chest that contain a web Slinger hook and suspicious looking eye this is not bad at all unknown to my knowledge slime stuff is Just an Illusion to safety as the cave still has dangerous traps I

Died to a poison that trap and since I died so much and it was night time I felt the urge to summon I of Tulu keep in mind I had no armor and you can basically say bare naked accessories regardless I don’t think armor really matters too much because everything just

Obliterates us anyway but of course I lost my focus and my hand slipped which led me to get knocked by the small eyes eventually leading me to get brutally slaughtered by the big eye tragic we are definitely not ready yet so onto our Next plan we start by farming Life

Crystals to mix out our HP so we can at least survive one attack and while at the caves let’s also mine down some Platinum ores I found a glowing mushroom Shrine but unfortunately we couldn’t really use any of the loots right now I also found this word being stuck inside

A stone however I couldn’t pick it up then I found a teleportation potion inside a gold chest I drank it and it teleported me to the underworld instead of backing down I decided to explore a bit of the underworld I mined on a hell Forge got a white food doll and even the

Demon sight from defeating demons demon sight isn’t affected by the eye frames but it is still a decent weapon however our hell exploration comes to an end by getting hit by a side projectile though we still have one more teleportation potion that we can use I found a

Hermit’s boots from a gold chest and a blizzard in the bottle things were going well until we died to an ice slime on that day I created a few in houses for NPCs to move in then I crafted a full set of platinum armor because a little

Bit of Defense won’t hurt as it was night time let’s try fighting the eye of Tulu again in this try I did much better but unfortunately as I was so close to taking the eye down the eye simply was too fast which led me to my downfall but

It is too late to give up now and on our third try we successfully brought down the eye of tulo to its Final Phase once more my heart was racing as the eye was extremely fast easily outspeeding us but thanks to rord drive platinum armor and

Life Crystal though it was close I was able to survive it our first boss is down the shield of Tulu will help to increase our Mobility with the dash it provides I also got a dash that’s St road but unfortunately it isn’t affected by the eye frames our next plan requires

Us to go inside the Crimson underground I bomb down two Crimson orbs and before I bomb the third one I met an arena while making the arena a goblin infe spawn out of nowhere truly perfect timing I bomed down the thre Crimson orb and quickly ran away as the brain of

Tulu is coming for our hours I thought I had a fighting chance against Brain of tulo at least take some of the ice down but I just made a clone of myself as the ice overwhelm me easily without me being able to fight back as I respond I

Immediately had to deal with the goblin invas I find hiding behind solid blocks and letting our slam minion fight the Goblins for us was the best strategy to do even though all of our n pces died we still took care of the goblin infection easily I did not learn my lesson and

Went back to the Crimson biome I did get the roted fork a melee weapon that kind of gets affected by the no eye frames but only the tip of the spear and I also got a crimson Rod I bomb down the third Crimson or and now we must face the

Brain of Tulu once more more our goal here is not to beat the brain but just to take down enough of the eyes so that they can drop tissue samples even though our slime minion was the star of the show our rotted Fork definitely helped

And as you can see there is no way we could defeat the brain of Tulu right now so yes I died however we obtain just enough tissue samples to craft a scap Reaper and yep that is an insane amount of damage our play through has officially started I summon the brain of

Tulu for the final time because well as you can see it is no longer a fair fight fight now it is an absolute Massacre using the boss own loot against them is just disgusting but hey game is game while at the Crimson might as well face the perforators it is literally Raining

Blood some might even call this a blood butt It Feels So peculiar being this powerful in such early stage of the game but remember if any enemies touch us we die so it’s kind of fair I guess the Crimson became even more red with the blood butt we just did using the Crimson

Bosses loots I crafted a full set of crimson armor and as the night arrive I tried going to the dungeon to summon Skeletron but for some reason we are not dealing enough damage to be able to shred it not to mention my Arena was too small so yeah we couldn’t defeat

Skeletron yet I made the helor so we could get to the underworld biome easily then I foolishly tried to summon and fight the Wall of Flesh I thought I could shred it but little to no surprise I was the one getting shredded on the next day I got tired of dying so I

Summon King Slime because come on it’s King Slime we could easily obliterate him with our current gears the sound of King Slime getting destroyed with our scap repper is just music to my ears I almost forgot the purpose of the zoologist NPC thanks to araria which was

To purchase a leather whip I crafted a deathbringer pickaxe and use it to M down some obsidians which I used to craft a full set of obsidian armor it is now much faster to whip enemies down with all that I went to the dungeon once more I thought I could finally get the

Fighting Chance against Skeletron but yeah this happened I did not learn my lesson and went to fight while of flashh my Arena was simply too small and I died this same issue kept resisting multiple times I just am a stubborn person at some point I got into a good position

And was very close to beating down wall of flash however I got overwhelmed by the ey lasers and died finally this happened three times three times I almost took the wall down the third one was because of some random worm knowing this would keep happening I accepted my

Mistakes and made some changes just by making the arena slightly bigger was the way to go as by doing so even though I still got hit by the lasers my minions were able to Target the wall more precisely and there we go we finally succeeded in taking down the wall of

Flesh we got plenty useful stuff from wall of flesh like demon heart and even a Summoner emblem from the treasure bag with menacing rege too at that I don’t understand why we’re so lucky before we die let’s quickly recall back to spawn let’s try exploring the sulfur SE biome

The acan event is currently happening as I was exploring naturally I thought I came at a bad time little to my knowledge one of the enemies Dr a mechanical worm which is a summoning item for Destroyer my luck in this play through is just comical I’m going be

Honest without this luck I’d probably still be stuck in prehart mode I tried fishing but the loots were garbage but for some reason I did not mind considering how lucky I’ve been in this entire play through so far at that night I bought some potions from The Alchemist

NPC and decided it would be a good idea to summon and fight the Destroyer with our current prehart mgan weapon there is no logical way we could defeat this big worm so yes I I got destroyed by the Destroyer it was a bad idea to make mat

Worse I tried going to the dungeon to finally bring down Skeletron only to get myself brought down I knew things had to change so I M down some hell stones in the Underworld biome just so I could craft the molten pickaxe now we can mine down some Paladium ores i m down plenty

Of Paladium only to realize there is no Summoner set for the Paladium armor however I had a genous idea to make an AFK farm at the spider web biome by surrounding myself with blocks I could let my minions do the work for me in taking down the spiders we need the

Spider fangs from the spiders to craft our next Summoner gears this kept on going for a while as we need quite a hefty amount of them I crafted a full set of spider armor along with the spider staff summoning weapon with me in my spider Army I can now confidently say

That we are ready to face heart mode and not to forget I also beat down a few Wall of Flesh so we could get the firecracker whip now that we are all geared up let’s try to fight the Destroyer again on my second try I got

Into a b position and got St locked by the overwhelming attack of Destroyer on the third try it was the laser that Perma stunned me but on my fourth try I got lucky with my positioning which led to my spider minions clamping up destroyer’s head segment and absolutely

Obliterating it trust me I had no idea what happened either but hey we took down Destroyer that’s one mechanical boss down two more to go I then proceeded to beat down another Destroyer because it was lowkey satisfying I finally crafted a spectre boots and before the night ends let’s give

Skeletron another shot I was prepared to run away but holy we just destroyed its SK caps now that Skeletron dead we can enter the dungeon we have to be very careful of the traps they deal ton of damage the main reason we are here is to get some bones from skeletons and for

A Cobalt Shield while farming some bounds we also got the stuff of necrite we also found this huge Arena which will be important for later the staff of necrite summons this many skeletons and apparently they deal more DPS than our spider staff but the downside East they

Can only attack ground the target I drank a gravitation potion to get a shiny red balloon from one of the sky island chest which I can combine with my cloud in the bottle I then crafted the other two mechanical bosses summoning item as the night came I decided to

Summon Skeletron Prime I realized that stuff of necrite is really bad against flying targets and I learned it the hard way I mean just look at how spider stuff shreds the arms very easily then I proceed to slaughter all my NPCs by accident only to yet again die from the

Overwhelming attack skeleton Prime unleashes however third times the charm as I successfully dodg I’ll offer skeleton primes missiles with the spider standing on top of C on Prime’s head they were able to chew and Str the head in under 15 seconds there is no time to waste I immediately summoned the Twins

And damn the twins is much easier than the other two which is ironic considering in vanilla many considers the twins to be the most annoying my over confidence did lead me to dying one sto but on my second try I did not get to kooki and yeah it definitely was an

Extremely easy fight I crafted a pickax ax then I realized I need more Hollow bars so I killed more of the twins I used the bars to craft a full set of hot armor then we proceed to make an arena at the Asal infection biome we Farm down

The enemies here to get some Stardust then I use the Stardust to craft astrom AO summoning item now let’s summon and fight astrom AOS what could possibly go wrong well anything that could go wrong went wrong I find stuff of necrite to perform better than spider stuff against

Aus because Aus is a grounded Target but so far Aus is probably the most frustrating boss yet no matter how skilled you are at dodging no matter how far or close you are to Aus it will 100% and find a way to slam your body into

Oblivion and you will never know when he does the Slime attack because it is basically instant I think I died at least 30 times in total at the point I was able to bring AOS down to its face too now it can release this homing missile that won’t

Disappear unless you destroy it I was not expecting this to happen so I was unprepared and for the first time I died to Aus other attacks instead of his jump slam I think at around the 36 try I figured out a way to deal with the Homing Miss which is by resummoning our

Minions at the location of them I got lucky with my positioning and was able to dodge some near dead scenarios and thanks to that we were able to defeat asro Aus by defeating Asom Aus now astral slime is able to drop the abandon slime stuff simplified it is basically

The upgrade of slime stuff but the Slime is taking TR now we have three different minions available in our Arsenal ready to be used depending on the enemy then I crafted the camitas Clone summoning item and as the Knight finally arrive let’s summon and fight the camitas Clone first

Part of the fight is basically just bullet hell like the usual but an interesting part of the fight is I was able to survive a flamethrower attack from K clone that should have killed me you know what’s ironic lack of eye frames did not kill me but it was my

Horrible dodging skill that did to be fair I had really bad Mobility gears which I do badly need to upgrade I find it interesting that the attacks of bullet hell bosses like C clone doesn’t really get affected by ey frames much my minions had a difficult time targeting

Calamitas for some reason which made the fight stretch a bit longer than I expected luckily my dodging skills were sufficient enough to buy time and at last the minions LED on the Cam’s body and obliterated the hell out of it I did not get the weapon I wanted so I bought

The treasure back from the operator NPC to get entropy fil this weapon lets me summon mini calamitas and they kind of get affected by eye frames it is not too effective but it kind of works now let’s head to the Jungle in order to summon planta We Must Destroy one of these big

Pink bulbs man I love Calamity I don’t have to manually find planta buls anymore planta touched me earlier and I almost died but I quickly recovered my Tempo and got back into the fight however a stray projectile hit me out of nowhere and killed me this same stuff

Keeps repeating I was so close to beating planta multiple times but for some reason I always mess up near the end due to a stray projectile or a planta tentacle and yes planta is not our only issue the jungle mobs also basically one- shot us I expanded the

Arena a tiny bit to make it less scamed after multiple faed attempts at beting planta we are down to our last planta bulb I just knew I had to win this or I have to manually search the bulb like a nerd I don’t want to do that I got to

Say hot armor set bonus came in clutch here and there and I decided to just brute force my way through planta by dashing onto her tentacles and it was the right decision to do so as I would have gotten stuck and died if I did not

Use my desk to reposition myself at the correct angle and finally we were able to take down the mother nature herself we open the treasure back and got a Nal burst but since I’m limiting myself to Summoner weapon let’s not use it now we can enter the jungle temple I looted a

Lizard battery cell and proceeded to die to a poison D trap seriously the traps here are extra deadly without eye frames I dodged the last trap and finally we got inside the temple Arena I built a small platform and now we should be ready to fight Golem at first things

Were going extremely well for us as our Arena was high enough that Golem was basically stuck below us for the entire duration of the fight but some stray Missile hit me and took down half of my full HP followed by another one right after so yes I died however on our

Second try I was more prepared to dodge all the Lesser missiles that Golem can unleash and let’s just be honest here Fila Golem has always been pathetic the devs tried buffing him but he still just isn’t going to work I’m not complaining though because it is always satisfying

To shred Golem into Oblivion I got some useful loots from Golem like pixa I crafted the tundra flame Blossom stuff then I went to the Jungle to farm some Plex Cel canisters while AFK farming for the canisters I found a martian prob but but as I approached it my minions

Destroyed it so yeah back to farming more PL s canisters after gathering enough of them we used the canisters to craft the Wither Blossom stuff this stuff summons 4 ding flowers over our head and yes they’re affected by no eye frames feeling confident I went to the

Dungeon to try and fight the lunatic CEST but I definitely was not ready yet our damage was not enough and our Mobility was garbage I bought the steam punk wings from the steampunker NPC finally our very first Wing in this play through I proceeded to F down some ectoplasms inside the post planta

Dungeon and while I’m here I also bought a be from the point shop mod then I bought some pumpkin seeds from the D NPC in which I planted and used them to craft Frost and Pumpkin Moon summoning item on that night I summoned the frost Moon Frost moon was not a problem to

Handle on the next night I summon the Pumpkin Moon I got a dark harfest whip from the floating pumpkin head dark harfest is not a bad whip at all it’s really good at dealing with multiple enemies by the way we’re doing Pumpkin Moon to get spooky wood thanks were

Going smoothly at the earlier rounds until we get to wave 19 and above I got killed by morning wood and to make matters worse they spawn Camp me I couldn’t do anything and I basically got soft locked after dying over and over and over again I decided to safe and

Quit because I am not dealing with this on the next night I resummon the Pumpkin Moon and I finally farmed the sufficient amount of spooky wood needed to craft our next gears yes I was immediately greeted with a solar eclipse but I just shielded myself with blocks

Because I couldn’t be bothered I crafted a full set of spooky armor along with its wings on the next day I meet an arena on the hollowed surface then I AFK Farm some hollowed enemies and used the points to buy Prismatic lace wings from the point shop mode I brutally

Slaughtered the lace Wing to summon daytime Empress of light but what the hell is this blinding light am I in heaven did I die in real life there is no way I’m fighting Empress like this I tried disabling the lights and shadows mode but it still did the same I

Discovered turning the lighting to Retro does the job anyways I thought it would be a good idea to fight daytime emess of of light since we basically get one shot by everything anyways this is probably our hardest challenge yet because this fight requires skill and we can’t just

Brute Force our way to win it I realized that our lack of good Wings might be the issue here so I went to the ocean biome to fish do fish Run for the fishron wings he can drop do fishron was not a problem at all I am pretty used to his

Attack patterns and I was able to dodge all of his attacks easily face two was a bit scary but I am not worried at all so yeah the ocean pig is down the first treasure back did not drop the wings so I had to summon and fight another

Fishron and again it was not an issue to beat down this Haram piig Abomination on the second treasure back we got the fishron wings now that we obtain the fishron wings we should be ready to fight the Empress of flight again I mean the wings did help make our Mobility

Faster but that still won’t help with my lack of dodging skills I think I did at least around another 20 tries fighting Empress of light also Empress of light has a soft damage cap so we couldn’t sh through her as easily as other bosses on her second face it almost feels like she

Is spamming every single attacks from her Al at every moment possible but at some point I almost killed her I was extremely close to beating this woman down but right on her last percentage of Health I died I was still pissed because of that but at last after countless

Death I lost count on how many times I died I decided to not use my Whip too much and let my minions do all the work for me so I can focus more on dodging and this exact strategy helped me win the fight against daytime andpress of light we obtain the terraprisma from

Beating daytime emess of Light which is very powerful and Kaleidoscope we from her treasure bag our gear progression is going crazy once more now we head back to the dungeon to fight lunatic CST with our current gear scst became a huge joke just look at how fast Tera Prisma was

Able to shred them I was surprised too I did not know they could do it this fast the fight barely lasted for 10 seconds that is just met disrespect defeating difficulties causes the celestial pillars to spawn in our world they were extremely easy to deal with Stardust

Pillar is our main priority because we need the fragments to craft our next weapons using them I crafted the Stardust Dragon stuff because of the dragon’s ability to lch onto enemies our DPS just skyrocketed by a ton naturally Forex pillar did not stand a chance I

Used to be scared of the solar pillar but now everything just gets shredded by our Stardust Dragon I took the last Celestial pillar down and by doing so the moon Lord will spawn in the instant moonlord spawning mechanic Calamity implements catches me off guard every single time I ended up dying because I

Was underprepared why is it instant let’s craft a celestial Cil so we can summon the moonl Lord again on our second try I almost defeated Moon Lord but I died to a stray projectile out of nowhere third times the charm as I found out flying Circle helps a lot in dodging

Moonl Lord’s attacks and damn the Stardust Ron really stretched through moonl Lord’s help bar like it was nothing I did still get hit multiple times but I was lucky enough to not get St loock by any all these factors let us to win the fight against Moon Lord

However we are not done yet as it is Calamity we still have plenty of post mooner content that we must do from the Moon Lord’s treasure B we got some good loot I consumed the celestial onion to increase my accessory slot using the luminat moord drop I crafted a solar

Pickaxe then I went to an asteroid in the sky island to mind down the luminates there using them I crafted the Stardust armor now our DPS is just absolutely insane and illogical it is literally lagging our game afterwards we head to the underworld to farm some Unholy Essence which was surprisingly

More annoying to farm than I expected using the Unholy Essence I crafted the profane Shard then I went to the profane biome on the right side of the underworld this was in order to summon and fight the profane meatballs and let’s just say that our DPS is just way

Too insane right now I think we are breaking the game’s FR minute per second mechanic if the game was not lagging I think we defeated the mid balls in under 5 Seconds by defeating the balls we unlock the gate to enter Providence Arena We Stand By The Altar and proceed

To summon Providence the profane goddess at first I thought I’m not dealing good damage against her but as the fight went on her damage reduction also goes down and we are back to oblit trting boss once more I mean at least Providence put up some fair and decent fight against us

However I am very used to dodging her attacks she’s always been my favorite boss yet now reduced to ases by our Stardust Dragon Providence loots were very nice especially the shield while we’re here might as well summon and fight snos the info of theer I thought I

Could save us a bit of time this way but as I got SOS to half his HP he dashed through me and instantly destroyed me in a single attack the same thing also happened on our second try but on our third try I circled off signos keeping a

Safe distance between me and him and that resulted in me successfully defeating sickness sadly the dazzling stubber stuff we got from Providence earlier and the cosm lamp we got from signos to not get affected by the eye frames now we must go to space to Summon Storm weer only to instantly get

Consumed by the worm the hardest part of storm weer is the lack of gravity in space I was not used to it so I died like two more times fighting this space warm the occasional extreme like we get to experience was another issue that led me to dying however once I got storm

Wefer to the lower grounds the fight became easier we finally get to his second phase where he starts raining down projectiles but it really wasn’t a problem as our Stardust Reon was able to obliterate the warm in a short amount of time I then did the heart mod Goblin

Infection for the first Shadow flame accessory which I used to craft the static curse I bought a runaway probe in which I used to summon the Martian Invasion most of the enemies in The Invasion are embarrassingly weak and easy to handle except for one the Martian saucers these saers are even

More of a threat than some bosses I did take a few Maran saucers down but they’re not dropping the senos stuff I wanted I defeated at least 10 saers and no senos stuff was dropped my luck truly works wonders then I realized I could just buy the Martian saer summoning item

From this NPC so I can Farm it without the hustle of summoning an entire event I finally got the S stuff and I use it to craft the Stellar too stuff this stuff summ an orbiting sphere that shoots light beam and the beams are affected by eye frames which results in

Insanely High DPS now we head to the dungeon to summon sisas void at least that is what I I tried to do but using the summoning item summon cess right on top of us instantly killing us however I figured out that dashing immediately after using the summoning item lets us

Survive we still take a considerable amount of damage but it’s better than instantly dying cess void is an ironically one of the harder bosses I face during this entire challenge play through due to the fact that it has multiple phes where it gets completely immune to all attacks and once we

Slightly graas even the tiny fraction of the pixel we simply just perish I never once expected that one of the three Servants of the that is usually the easiest to Def would be the hardest one in this challenge run I died so many times over and over and over again at

The point I go to sisa’s Final Phase I was so close to defeating it it was doing its death animation but one of the orb grazed me so I died dodging the balls while getting sucked down by sisas is much harder than you think okay but after multiple trials and errors I

Finally was able to dodge all of C balls during the black hole phase successfully defeating it while at the dungeon we might as well fight poter gust we can summon him by defeating like 50 dungeon spirits it and Bam there we go poter gas is here and yeah he’s way way much

Easier than csas this is legit a work in the park it barely took us 10 seconds to defeat it I still died at the end though I defeated a few more poter Gus because I need a specific weapon drop from him which I finally got after like three

Poter G the weapon is theal subjugator this weapon cost halfa minions a lot to summon the minions and of course they affected by eye frames legit some broken right here now that all the three Sentinels are down we can craft the cosmic water and by using the worm we

Can summon and fight the deor of God I was expecting a huge challenge against deor turns out I was very wrong because AAL subjugator is melting through the water like hot knife through butter this is very ironic his servants give us more of a challenge than him to be fair any

Of his attacks can also oneshot us too but like his attacks are just way too easy to dodge it only took us less than 15 seconds to defeat the for of gods it has a cool death animation though I even summon a couple more theor of gods just

To see if I was tripping or not and yeah I was not ripping we are just that powerful with the AAL subjugator this is actually insane I beat down a few more divers to get possibly one of the most powerful weapon in this entire playr so

Far it is the staff of mechor it summons a mini deor and because the segment can hit multiple times the DPS is just Insanity funnily enough the stuff of mechor used to have a bug where it has zero ey frames too so this used to be

Normal back then now we wait for night time to summon the three Moon events for the respective materials they drop Pumpkin Moon for nightmare fuels Frost moon for endot energy and solar eclipse for Dark Sun fragments we need these materials to craft ascendant Spirit Essence there is no good Slayer armor

For a Summoner but we can craft the feir Monger armor the armor is pretty neat but I think Sila might be better I also improve my accessories such as crafting nucleogenesis and elisian tracers next I crafted the dragon Foy summoning item then I went to the Jungle to summon the

Small tiny bird Dragon Foley we need to defeat this bird to get Fen feathers to craft Sila armor and yon summoning item I honestly feel a bit guilty for beating down the Tiny Bird now that we got the eilen feathers we can craft a full set of Sila armor it summons a damaging

Crystal on top of us and honestly I prefer this rather than Fe bonger due to a recent update we don’t need to go to the Jungle anymore to summon yaron just look at how fast St of meor was able to shred yaron we are blasting our way

Through yon’s ball sack like it was nothing it is destroying yon so fast that our frame minute per second also gets obliterated and because of that we also skipped yon second phase transformation segment entirely I am not quite so sure how and why he did not do the second phase transformation but but

Hey free chicken nuggets baby ain’t no way I’m rejecting free nuggets I think we are now powerful enough to face the final boss but before that we have to mine down some AIC ores and a few Brimstone slack blocks from the brimstone crack biome which we can

Combine to craft an altar of the aurs now we must proceed to put an ash of anihilation on it to summon the final boss of Calamity Supreme calamitas we have finally come this far my butt cheeks are tight and ready to get anihilated by Supreme calamitas triple

We slam combo one thing I noticed is that Supreme camitas projectiles aren’t too deadly with no eye frames they’re not too different from the original I was still able to take one or two hits from them I think it’s because the projectile size is small and fast enough

So players like me won’t get hit multiple times we couldn’t defeat camitas instantly as she has some Toho bullet hell faces here and there these faces make her invulnerable to damage for the Supreme clamas fight it is more of a skill-based matchup if you know

What I mean proper spacing and all it is not that easy okay we easily took down the brothers before they’re able to shoot out faster projectiles that could easily kill us so that’s a good thing I’d be lying if I said I did not struggle because I died quite a lot

Against Supreme clamas as to be expected honestly at some point I took her down to her Final Phase but I died near the end but you know what it is fine because one thing’s for sure thank God this is not infernum infernum calamitas is a nightmare for me anyways I survived

Through the last bullet hell face and my staff of meor was able to finish Supreme climas off and by doing so we finally succeeded in defeating Calamity I Exum my staff of meor into metastasis at the Supreme calamitas NPC improve proving its damaging capabilities let’s end things off by defeating dyon because why

Not and Dam our metastasis is obliterating the hell out of them the amount of things happening on my screen right now is way too much that it causes my frame rate to go bad insane RS was the easiest to beat because he stays in one position consistently so it’s

Super easy for my minions to chop his nuts off in a short amount of time tanatos mechor almost caught me by my legs and bite my ass off but luckily we’re just slly a tiny weeny bit faster than him therefore we could Escape before he did that and destroy him in no

Time Artemis and Apollo were the last we must face and before they’re able to do any of their flashy kaguni no Jutsu Shenanigans our arsenal of weaponries were just fast enough to handle them all the three max are down and with that we successfully defeated the dadon exox

Thank you for watching and so I wonder can we beat Calamity without eye frames

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Can I survive Terraria Calamity mod, but Immunity Frames is completely REMOVED from the game? Find out more in this video!

0:00 – Intro
3:08 – Eye of Cthulhu
5:57 – Brain of Cthulhu
6:37 – The Perforators
7:23 – King Slime
7:57 – Wall of Flesh
10:22 – The Destroyer
10:53 – Skeletron
11:35 – Skeletron Prime
12:05 – The Twins
12:38 – Astrum Aureus
13:55 – Calamitas Clone
14:52 – Plantera
16:15 – Golem
18:39 – Empress of Light
20:32 – Lunatic Cultist
21:18 – Moon Lord
22:30 – Profaned Guardians
22:47 – Providence
23:12 – Signus
22:39 – Storm Weaver
24:55 – Ceaseless Void
25:55 – Polterghast
26:28 – Devourer of Gods
27:48 – Dragonfolly
28:05 – Yharon, the Jungle Dragon
28:43 – Supreme Calamitas
29:59 – Draedon Exo-Mechs

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Music used in this video:
1. Super Mario Bros. 2 – Overworld [Remix] by Qumu ( )
2. Stardew Valley OST
3. Mittsies – Luminescent
4. inferno (Fire Force but is it okay if it’s lofi hiphop?) by Kijugo ( )
5. Faruzan’s Theme But It’s CITY POP | Genshin Impact by Sumes Music ( )
6. Slime Rancher 2 OST
7. Cult of the Lamb OST
8. Doki Doki Literature Club OST
9. Calamity mod OST
10. Hollow Knight OST

#terraria #calamity
Terraria is an action-adventure sandbox platformer game developed by Re-Logic. Play Terraria Now:
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The Calamity Mod is a large content mod for Terraria which adds many hours of endgame content and dozens of enemies and bosses dispersed throughout the vanilla game’s progression. The Calamity Mod also features several harder difficulty modes, 5 new biomes and new structures, a new class, a new leveling mechanic, more than 30 new songs, over 50 recipes for previously uncraftable vanilla items and other assorted changes to vanilla gameplay.

This is not a 100 Days of Terraria Modded or a Terraria Mod Playthrough or a Modded Terraria Class or a Terraria Modded Boss video, or a Terraria Calamity mod Guide but I hope you guys like the Terraria Calamity mod perfectly balanced full movie video…


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