I Beat Terraria Master Mode with ONLY NPC Drops

Have you ever thought to yourself what would happen if I unived all my Town’s folk into terara and looted their corpses for my benefit well boy do I have the video for you I played Master mode Terraria but limited myself to only using the weapons that drop after my

NPCs perish there is a total of eight weapons that you can use in the whole game and most of them suck I hope you enjoy the video because uh I sure didn’t also I know waffle time did basically the same video that was not planned I recorded this playthrough 4 months ago

Back in September and it just reinforces that me and him are basically the same person but before the video starts guys don’t forget to use code cbot Gamers subs. for 10% off a fantastic energy drink formula that is cost efficient and for gamers that’s you it’s the easiest

Way to support me and also get some great products they do have a caffeine free option which maintains its tastiness and is still way more cost efficient than your generic sodas it’s literally 40 cents per serving it’s insane because some of my audience is under 18 the link in the description

Will take you straight to the caffeine free products just in case now back to the video so we start off for world as anyone does cut down some trees throw away our cup of shorts and jump over a blue slime straight away I find some living trees they don’t really have

Anything of use I get a finch stuff but I can’t use it this playthrough basically started as just a no weapon run like I couldn’t do anything from the get-go so the first order of business is to get one of any of the NPCs that actually drop a weapon so after doing a

Little bit of looting I make some houses for the NPCs that I will need they are very important so I already have four NPCs I have the demolitionist the guide the merchant and the nurse and none of them actually drop a weapon so I made

Some more houses so as I have no weapon I just have to Traverse really carefully this is Master mode so it’s kind of scary the enemies will kill me very quick and I can’t fight back the die Trader moved in because I got some yellow marag Golds and he actually

Dropped a weapon I need but I can’t actually kill him yet in hindsight actually I probably could have smothered him in sand to kill him but what I wanted to do was find some lava so that I could burn him alive life Suffocation is a pretty horrible death I may be a

Murderer but I’m not a monster I found a few houses I managed to get a magic mirror and two flare guns I continued to mine until I found a little pool of lava in a cave which I filled my bucket with I then went home trapped the die Traer

Inside his own house and smothered him in lava and he didn’t drop it yeah that’s right it’s a chance of dropping it’s a 1 in8 of dropping so I had to wait till daytime for him to spawn again I killed him and he didn’t drop it again but I actually learned something new

Knew by killing him some lava poured and accidentally destroyed a tree if you place lava under a tree it will instantly break it who needs axes when you can just instantly break it with lava it can be a little dangerous but it’s fine it’s fine so what I do is just

Sleep until the NPC arrived to kill him then he didn’t drop it then sleep again and I got the Exotic skimer boom we got a pretty mid weapon it it’s not great but it’s something an hour and 15 minutes into our playthrough we have finally gotten our first weapon I then

Continued to do a bunch of mining I then killed myself with some explosives because that gold looked too tempting and after quite a bit of mining I have some gold armor and some tungsten armor but still no her boots and then random teleported straight onto a sky island

Which is pretty epic but uh it only had a star Fury so H useless I can’t even use it and it was legendary just to rub it in the traveling Merchant spawned and he had absolutely nothing literally useless so I murdered him for stepping foot on my property and not selling me

Good valuable stuff I used a gravity potion and found a lucky horseshoe and a Celestial magnet and another star Fury I then made some houses in the desert and now is time to loot the underground desert and while I was looking through the underground desert I found a temple

Which I would not have seen from the surface and I got a sandstorm in a bottle which is very epic and the first chest I find in the underground desert has some dun rider boots and there’s a bar statue in the house as well which is absolutely perfect and now the painter

Moves in he is another NPC that actually drops a weapon I set the DI Trader on fire just to watch him burn no particular reason and then I put some lava beneath the painter’s feet and he actually drops his cap which is one of the things he drops but it’s not the

Weapon and then the DI Trader just decides to jump into lava like the idiot he is oh no I put on the cap of my Fallen victim and I have a nice good night’s rest waiting for him to respawn so I can kill him once again the

Traveling Merchant comes I kill him in Cold Blood cuz he doesn’t sell anything I want the painter comes back which is his first mistake I then accidentally dropped some lava inside my house and it destroys every thing after killing the painter again and then sleeping the

Goblin Army decides to come so now I have to deal with these little goblins with an exotic skim which is fine it’s not great the Goblins are annoying they’re not hard I threw myself at them with my sword and eventually the Goblin Army is defeated I then went back to the

Grind of sleeping killing the painter sleeping again and then a Blood Moon Rises they really don’t want me to get this paintball gun I managed to get a couple bloody tears and a couple money troughs and a shark tooth necklace which should help with these low damage

Weapons back to the Grind of killing the painter I had to murder so many painters which you know it’s fine but it’s more like a hassle I don’t want to kill all these people I mean I will I finally get the paintball gun which does a total of

12 damage but luckily it shoots pretty fast honestly it’s a pretty good weapon especially pre-boss and then I feel an evil presence watching over me so I get my Buffs in order and I make a platform and this should be fine I have a ranged weapon I have feather fall I have

Everything I need to make this fight work paintball gun shoots in burst and it actually surprised me with how much damage it did it’s decent but you know I just had to keep my distance from the eye I just had to shoot the paintball gun into it and it really was no issue

At all I cthulu quickly gets to second phase and then starts dashing at me but I don’t think I’ve even been hit yet once he does the gamer dashes that’s when I do get hit but you know it’s fine now obviously I didn’t get platinum in

This world so I can’t have the most defense I’m also not entirely prepared for this I don’t have Max health or whatever I do have a b statue though but even even so it’s pretty simple it’s pretty easy and the I cthulu Falls to me

And I had like 230 Health left so that’s the first boss defeated and once again I am not letting myself use the shield of cthulu in this playthrough I was contemplating on whether I should use it or not at this point but soon I decided I should do another playthrough without

A shield of cthulu Dash which is really annoying just because it’s melee damaged after finding the goblin I made some Spectre boots and a horseshoe Sandstorm balloon now it’s time to loot the underground jungle in I find the final Life Crystals I need and some extra goodies such as the boomstick which I

Will never use and then another Boomstick and some flower boots to look drippy and an ankler to the wind it’s whatever I then made a slime crown and challenged the King Slime this bus is going to be very easy I used a feather fall potion so that I can stay just

Below my platform right when he teleports so that he doesn’t teleport onto my platform and I just kind of glided down with the feather fall potion while shooting my paintball gun and it worked wonders I mean this is probably one of the EAS easiest boss fights I’ve

Ever done I didn’t really get hit at all I also made the fly Meal which is a weapon that you can use to kill NPCs now it is the only other weapon I allowed myself to use but only against NPCs so that I can murder them quicker without

Making a mess I then found the Shimmer to get some permanent upgrades and I accidentally filled the whole thing with water so uh that I mean that’s kind of annoying and then after some epic fishing and some bombing of the underground corruption and then summon the Eater of Worlds this boss should be

Pretty easy as well these early game bosses are going to be pretty simple because the paintball gun is I mean it’s a pretty good weapon I can play it a range and I can just shoot things it doesn’t do a ton of damage but you know

It’s not that bad it’s pretty good it’s okay it’s fine it’s good so I just kept shooting at the eer worlds chipping at its body segments the paint gun tollet speed isn’t insanely quick which does make it kind of hard to hit the shots but this boss is super simple super easy

If you do it underground because the spit isn’t that prominent and yeah I just kept shooting my paintball gun until the eer worlds Was Defeated very easy very very simple and now I have the worm scarf which is very pogers now with the nightmare Pickaxe I made my way into

Hell and M some hellstone ore I also found a guide VI doll very quickly now with a bunch of hellstone I’m able to make hellstone armor and a Molten Pickaxe I also found the tavern keep tied up underground I killed him with the fly meal and he actually dropped the

A toss at first try so I got some sand made some mugs and then made some ale but I soon realized just how bad it is it’s it’s really bad the paintball gun is so much better I then decided to do the torch God in the underground Jungle

Which was probably a mistake but it ended up working out after a couple tries I actually defeated it which means I get that torch luck from the Torches and now it’s time to fight the queen bee so I buff up and summon her continue to use my paintball gun because my other

Two weapons kind of suck with a feather fall potion and moving in the right directions and continuing to shoot her with the paintball gun I mean it’s pretty textbook I don’t take that much damage because I have all the damage reduction I need I have all the defense

I need from molten armor and everything so really it’s it’s not a problem this fight is completely fine I just continue to shoot the paintball gun until she is dead and that’s the queen bee defeated what do I get from her uh not much really nothing at all to be honest I

Then spawned in deerclops I’m actually fighting deerclops this time around is there any reason I’m fighting him no but you know there’s a reason I don’t really fight this boss it’s because he respawns after dying so it’s really not a hard fight cuz you can just throw yourself at

Him die and then come back and throw yourself at him again he is a pretty hard fight to be fair though my P gun really doesn’t do that much damage to him and he has 15,000 Health which is a lot so this took a while but I finally

Defeated deerclops and now it’s time to fight Skeletron so I sleep and I sleep and sleep and I overslept and now it’s 10 p.m. and I’m still not fighting him and I still haven’t built an arena I finished my Arena real quick and I summoned Skeletron at 12 a.m. I don’t

Know why I decided to fight him right now I also at the Gold bunny so I’m exquisitely stuffed for 48 minutes and I’m also Tipsy because of the ale from the ale tosser which lowers my defense but it’s not going too bad I am shooting Skeletron hands as you always do and

Just keeping my distance from them it’s really textbook but really what I’m fighting here is time I don’t have much time and I have to do this as quick as possible or I just wasted my Buffs but you know this phas of Skeletron is pretty dang easy if you have enough

Movement speed feather fall potion all that it’s very simple thing with the gun it’s quite hard to hit things from a range it kind of have to be close to hit lots and eventually skeleton’s hands are destroyed and now it’s just his skull and there’s only 2 hours left in the

Night I started using the AL tosser a bit and yeah I realized how bad it is the paintball gun does more than half the aossa does and it shoots 10 times faster and it also doesn’t curve as much so it’s just way better when Skeletron does the spinning attack it’s damage

City it’s easy I don’t take that much damage from skeleton it’s about 40 per hit which is fine and remaining on full health basically throughout the whole fight Skeletron has been defeated and now I can roam the dungeon I quickly find the mechanic Bound in the dungeon I

Free her she’s all like thank you for saving me what could I do to repay you and then I murder her she drops the next weapon which is the combat Ren she does not drop it here though because it’s a one in eight I then find a Cobalt shield

And a bunch of other useless crap and eventually I find the shadow key that I was looking for with the bones I got I made some necro armor to make my paintball gun do as much damage as possible I then kill the mechanic again and I do get the combat wrench this time

I then tested it out on the Eater of Worlds it seemed to be pretty good it’s a melee weapon that acts as a boomerang it’s not bad it’s actually decent and I was kind of hoping it would be because it’s post Skeletron and I needed something that is going to do some

Damage although it might be a little lackluster from what I had hoped now it’s time to create a hell bridge for the Wall of Flesh and there is one more weapon I can actually get the party girl has a one in4 chance to drop happy grenades in stacks of 30 to 60 which

Basically is just a grenade that explodes into Fetti so it’s very annoying to farm but it is another weapon The Stylist moves in who drops the final weapon I can get in pretty hard mode the stylish scissors but while I’m killing them and going to sleep a

Blood Moon Rises which means I can’t sleep so I just waited out a blood moon and then while I’m sleeping to kill more NPCs another Blood Moon happens so sick of it I just decided to fight the Wall of Flesh how bad can it be let’s actually beat this boss you know first

Try this will be very easy I start off with a paintball gun and some happy grenades and then I soon realized this might be harder than I first thought the speed at which I was killing the hungry was way too slow they would respawn as

Quick as I killed them which is a big problem because I can’t actually hit the wall if there’s hungry in the way and hungry do a lot of damage you don’t want them around so this was bad I was trying to use the paintball gun to shoot past

The hungry to get to the Wall of Flesh and it really wasn’t working I couldn’t get past them I could slip a few but it didn’t really do much I could try and get close to the wall and just tank it but but no I can’t I will die so this

Was just incredibly annoying and frustrating cuz I just couldn’t do anything like the damage is so low I can’t do anything and I finally got to about the edge of the world and I mean it was already over so I teleported home and died so yeah not great so I’m going

To need more space I’m actually going to need to create a bridge that covers the entire world and I finally made it to the other side of the end of the world and decided to fight the Wall of Flesh again hopefully it’ll go better this time I basically just used the grenades

And the paintball gun I am out of grenades now so I can only use the painful gun in the combat run and I just kept shooting at it hoping to get past the hungry and do some damage but the thing is the boss gets faster the lower

Health it gets so it’s going to cover more ground and I’m just going to die and then went down into a hellstone house and just died I fought it again and this time I tried to use the combat wrench as much as possible with fire FL and everything and after farming the

Party go a lot for happy grenades I have quite a lot of them just to try and use them and hopefully that’ll be enough but I died to the hungry summoned the world of Flesh again and died to the hungry this is impossible it’s literally impossible summon the wall of flesh

Again this time using a combo of the combat wrench and the paintball gun and I died it’s not going great ladies and gentlemen this sucks I think killed The Stylist and got the stylish scissors turns out they’re pretty trash though they they are very bad I mean they swing

Really quick but way too short range fought the Wall of Flesh again and died to the hungry at this point I didn’t even know if this was possible I was ready to give up there’s no way I could even do this but I made one upgrade to

My shark tooth necklace and I made it the Stinger necklace this spawns Little Bees when you get hit it’s not really a weapon so it’s not against the rules also they’re classless so it’s not even like a class or anything hopefully that little difference of the bees when I get

Hit will be just enough for us to win this fight I then summoned the Wall of Flesh again and hopefully we can actually freaking beat it this time and as you can see the hungry actually died a lot quicker I’ve done a lot more damage to the wall of Flesh already I

Continue to use the combat wrench and the paintball gun and I finally got the Wall of Flesh to under half health I continue to use stuff like the Happy grenades and the paintball gun keeping my distance from the wall in the hungry I’m back to full health which is very

Good he has less than 5,000 Health left and now I’m just shooting the paintball gun hoping that it slips through and does enough damage to the wall now this fight was going on for so long I had to reapply some of my Buffs but I am actually doing damage like the wall is

Taking enough damage here that I will be able to defeat this before I hit the of the world hopefully at this point I’m just hoping I don’t mess this up I really don’t want to mess this up I don’t want to have to do this fight

Again it takes forever and all it takes is one little mistake and it’s over and then I made a fatal mistake I bumped into the hellstone wall and the Wall of Flesh started dragging me with him and I died but so did he oh my gosh let’s go

Freaking the Wall of Flesh has been defeated and I died at the exact same time which was insane I almost had had to do this all again and I’m so glad I didn’t have to I got a bit careless cuz I was about to defeat it and it almost

Cost me the whole fight but you know I’m never punished it’s fine all right before we get into hard mode guys I just wanted to remind you that we’re trying to hit 100K so if you could subscribe that would mean absolutely everything to me it is actually my 10year anniversary on

YouTube I’ve been doing this for 10 years so 100K would be an absolute dream I’ve been doing this since I was was a kid 10 years now hey what is going on guys CJ here I’d really appreciate it now with that done I headed to the Shimmer and shimmered my emblem into a

Warrior emblem because I wanted to use the combat wrench as my main weapon I then went to the corruption and smashed some Alters then I got Cobalt turned that into a Cobalt drill yes I made a drill it actually digs faster than a pickaxe and know it has less range but

It digs faster than a pickaxe so sue me it makes mining these hard mode ores a little easier I then got a Mythril drill and then with that M Adam an TI I got all the old school ores now with these crappy weapons hard mode enemies are

Quite annoying to kill I mean when I’m in the underground corruption these enemies are just really annoying and they take forever to kill but it’s fine I’ll be fine I’m fine it’s fine I’m good I’m all good I then killed myself a bunch of times cuz I couldn’t live with

Myself with the atrocities I had committed on these NPCs but as a softcore player you can’t escape life that easily I use the gravestones to buy some Crimson seeds and made my artificial Crimson biome or so that I could fish up some hop piranhas and also Farm some vertebrae which allowed me to

Spawn the brain of cthulu which I beat pretty easily and got the brain of confusion I then farmed a bunch of pixies to get some pixie wings and I quickly killed the wyvern because the combat wrench does Pierce so he was not that hard to kill I then made all the

Boss summons and spawned the twins now the damage was not great I was using the combat wrench to get some cursed Flames off on them and then sometimes a paintful gun when I needed distance this fight was taking forever I decided to single one out so I was singling out

Spasma ISM cuz I thought that would make it easier when spazmatism is shooting his fire I can’t actually get close enough to him to do the combat wrench but eventually spazmatism Kills Me In Cold Blood and I pay for my sins of my past so the damage was just not there so

I decided to fight the Destroyer instead this was not a good idea cuz the damage was very low and I was taking too much damage and eventually I died I also got the tax collector and with him I can get a new weapon The Classy cane this thing

Is garbage it’s so bad I don’t even know why it exists but that is the last weapon I will be able to get pre-plan Tera so there’s no other options here I have to use these crap weapons to beat all the mechanical bosses and plant Terror fight the Destroyer again and get

Destroyed I decided to fight the twins again and spasis got really low but he killed me and it was past middle of the night so it really wasn’t looking good at all I challenge the twins again and this time I actually killed spazmatism but doing that last bit of damage was

Really hard and it took forever by the time he was dead the night was almost over and rasa still had so much health left but I thought to myself maybe it’s the armor I’m wearing I was currently wearing adaman armor but since it was raining I had the thought that maybe I

Should use Frost armor for that extra debuff and the bonus to ranged and melee damage at the same time so while it was a blizzard in the snow I teased a few golems and then mined a bunch more Adamantite until I was able to make the

Frost armor I then fought the Wall of Flesh again and this time around it was much easier I then decided to fight the Destroyer for some reason even though the Destroyer is immune to basically all debuff so then I decided to fight the twins again will this new armor make

That much of a difference turns out maybe the damage is much higher I’m doing so much more damage to them so quickly when spazmatism turns the second phase he does hurt me quite a bit and now I’m just trying to keep my distance to stay alive but after keeping my

Distance from the bosses eventually spazmatism has been killed and R ner is almost half health and there’s still half the Knight left so I know this is possible at this point the armor and the new emblem has made that much of a difference and I mean r ner is not that

Hard you just kind of got to kite him and make sure you’re not getting hit by the lasers by going in certain directions he does mess me up towards the end I get down to as low as 20 Health which is very scary but red ner

Is so low a matrix dodged those lasers and the twins have been defeated just like that not even close not even close I wasn’t worried for a second that was so close man that was insane now with my shimmered Adam Manti into orac Calcom I’m able to make an orac Calcom set this

Should give enough extra damage to defeat the Destroyer because the pedals Pierce infinitely it spawns in a ball so I do a bunch of damage from the start but that’s kind of a problem because that also spawns a bunch of probe but I got hit directly with the destroyer’s

Head which caused me to die after finally adding a second layer of platforms and extending my platform I know crazy C dead ebot actually repairing his Arenas but it didn’t do me any favors because the Destroyers soon destroyed me and also destroyed my NPCs which I can’t blame him he’s doing my

Job for me but since I have defeated one of the mechanical bosses I can actually go down and get some life Fruit and with that I can Shimmer it and turn it into an agis fruit and now I’m ready to fight the Destroyer again I feel vibrations

From deep below so it’s going to be a free summon but I realize I can’t really wait for it because I have a limited time frame with this boss and I need to summon it as soon as possible but mainly using the combat wrench just because it

Has the piercing ability and just hoping that the pedals from the oric Calcom armor do enough damage to the destroyer and it’s not going too bad I’ve got the Destroyer under half Health with more than half the Knight remaining which is a good sign but I do get pretty low I

Get down to the under 200s but I get a heal up and I’m looking a bit more healthy I continue to attack the destroyer and making sure that I take out the probes just so that I don’t get overwhelmed with lasers and everything and so that I get those hearts I can

Pick up now I actually fought this on a full moon and with rain so I had werewolves attacking me and nimbuses which was incredibly annoying but even with all that I actually ended up defeating the Destroyer that was incredibly difficult and I never want to do that again now the hard mode Goblin

Army spawns and I have to take out the goblin warlocks which is pretty annoying but eventually they are defeated and now it’s time to fight Skeletron Prime the final mechanical boss for this boss I’m just going to use the paintball gun keep my distance use the frost armor to get

The frost bur effect and also use the combat wrench every now and then to get the cursed flames debuff on him with the flask now I just have to defeat this boss in the time frame I have I have to beat it before daytime which is difficult because he has 53,000 Health

Now I wasn’t necessarily targeting the hands I kind of just wanted his head to be destroyed the Skeletron Prime is incredibly low now and just like that he has been defeated and the jungle grows restless and then the Pirates spawned there is absolutely nothing I could want

From this maybe a discount card so I just waited the Pirates out until they finally died then I actually challenged The Flying Dutchman which was a mistake cuz it was taking absolutely forever like the Cannons can’t be inflicted with debuffs so I couldn’t even use that to

Do damage I was just very slowly chipping at the Cannons but I started to get a rhythm on it I wasn’t really getting hit much at all and eventually I actually defeated the Flying Dutchman and dropped a discount card and a lucky coin and now it’s time to just go down

Into the jungle clarifi and life Fruit and then another Pirate Invasion happens just what I wanted after dealing with them I then go back to the Jungle to finish up my final bits of harvesting after getting full health with life Fruit I then headed to hell to farm some

Red Devils for a fire feather so that I could make some New Flame Wings and also made a fire Gauntlet and now I started to make an arena for plant Tera in the underground jungle now I’m already to fight planta so I break the plantera’s bulb inside the arena and summon her I

Start off by mainly using the combat wrench as my main weapon and then I quickly switched to the paintball gun as well for that range damage now the damage to planta is quite slow I’m not doing much at all I’m not really doing anything to her it’s chipping away but

You know this is nothing but in these challenge runs that’s kind of just what I have to deal with I’ve gotten very accustomed to doing basically no freaking damage so as per usual with pla I just circle around her and she can’t hit me in first phase I make sure to hit

Her with the combat wrench to to get the cured flames debuff on her now maybe I should have went Crimson just for iore it might have been better the defense drop on such low damaging weapons might have been better to be honest they did buff cursed Flames so I don’t know but

Eventually planta gets down to second phase and that’s when the circling strategy kind of flies out the window now I just need to keep my distance which is fine cuz I prepared for that and I made a very big arena for her now this boss fight was taking so so long

That my Buffs ran out and I didn’t actually realize so I didn’t reapply my Buffs but it it was fine I mean I’m on full health I’m not taking any damage this boss fight is actually pretty dang easy this shows how easy planta can be

If you just have the arena space and you move in the right ways I didn’t even need a dash for this and after a long 5 minutes of fighting plant Tera she finally fell to me and that’s big news because now we can finally get a new

Weapon but before we do that I need to get every single NPC that exists in my world so I make a surface glowing mushroom biome for the Truffle and now we have every single NPC in our world and finally the princess arrives and after killing the princess many many

Times I finally got the resonance scepter and because this weapon is a magic weapon I had to make a switch to Mage all of a sudden so I made a Celestial emblem now it is so nice to have a weapon that actually does freaking damage I went and fought the

Wall of Flesh and I destroyed it so quickly you don’t understand how it felt to use a weapon that freaking did something like this weapon is not bad it’s actually something I can use I then went to the postplant Tera dungeon there are only three things I could possibly

Want here ectoplasm a tabby and a black belt and I quickly got just that so I was able to make a full set of spectre armor with both helmets and master ninja gear and I got both helmets so that I can switch to the hood anytime I need a

Life steal now fully maged up I am ready to head to the lizard temple clear out all the traps and challenge the Golem will Golem be difficult this time around I mean not really but the resonance sepor isn’t actually amazing compared to other weapons but it it’s not bad it’s

Actually doing quite a bit of damage it Circle attacks anything in the circle that hits the circle so it can hit its hands and body at the same time now the resonance scepter actually uses quite a bit of Mana so I do have to be cautious

About my Mana I don’t like using the Mana flower because I just I think it’s cringe I think it’s a waste of an accessory slot I’d rather be conscious about drinking the Mana potions than to waste an entire accessory slot and just like that the Golem has been defeated

Who’s surprised I mean it’s it’s the Golem it’s easy and I fought the Golem a bunch more times in the hopes of getting the eye of the Golem which I eventually got which allowed me to make the Destroyer emblem I then decided to fight the queen slime I I I’ll go back and

Fight it now now that I have a weapon that actually does damage I didn’t want to fight this boss cuz it wasn’t mandatory I wasn’t going to fight it cuz it wouldn’t drop anything for me except maybe Crystal assassin armor but that wouldn’t have done anything for me it

Would have dropped the mount that’s about it but with the resonance scepter she got absolutely smoked it it was nothing I bought some Steampunk Wings and decided I’m going to fight Duke fishron now now my DPS isn’t amazing I’m doing about 1,000 to 2,000 damage per

Second which it’s not bad but it’s not great I it could be much worse I I’ll take it now having a dash against Duke fishron makes a massive difference he is way harder without a dash so having Master ninja gear makes this pretty textbook I just Dash whenever he dashes

At me it’s very simple he gets the second phase but still no problem the only problem will be third phase once he gets the third phase I Dash straight into a water tornado which messes me up and then I’m scrambling a bit I’m just barely alive on the skin of my teeth and

Then I Dash straight into Duke fish run but we almost killed him so I summoned him again and this time around I actually killed him with only about 100 Health remaining and I got the fishron wings straight away that’s freaking epic cuz the fishron wings slap and that’s

Just about the only drop I ever would have wanted from him and now I farm some Prismatic lace wings so that I can fight the empress Al light now I mean this boss should be fine Empress light is pretty easy for me I know her attack patterns and everything I just have to

Lead my resonance scepter so that she goes into it which is no issue the damage isn’t amazing but as I said it could be worse but after just hitting her with the resonance scepter she eventually gets to second phase but this is just more of the same stuff basically

Second phase is a little more hectic but it’s completely fine emperess is super simple this fight is a lot harder without the soaring Insignia obviously but just like that the emess of light has been defeated with quite a lot of my health left and I got the empress Wings

What is with this playthrough and the boss is dropping the wings on the first treasure bag now I probably prefer the empress Wings because of the fast Ascent time and with the soaring Insignia it pairs perfectly now there’s not much else to do but to fight the lunatic cultist now the resident scepter

Actually kind of shreds him because he’s in the one spot he does doesn’t move so it lingers and it does a lot of damage so with the soaring Insignia I’m just flying forever shooting the resonance scepter right at the lunatic cldis Spector armor is doing extra damage to

Him I’m doing like 3,000 damage per second making sure not to hit him when he has the duplicates and the lunatic cultist has been defeated now it’s time for the lunar pillars the Stardust pillar lands right on me so I decide to just do that one first I really don’t

Have a preference cuz none of the fragments are going to do anything for me I’m not going to make any of the weapons I farmed some star cells until the pillar’s barrier drops and the pillar has been defeated I then went to do the solar pillar which I decided to

Cheese cuz uh I’m cringe like that but unfortunately the resonance scepter doesn’t work through it it doesn’t actually go through the wall but if they pressed up against it then they actually take damage from it so that’s what I did until finally The Shield was down and I

Could kill the solar pillar next I did the nebula pillar and there’s no cheesing this I just got to fight it head on thing is I do have the Spectre Hood so I am able to life steal off of them if I need it but even so I do die a

Couple times before the pillar barrier drops but eventually it drops and the nebula pillar has been defeated and now the final one is the vortex pillar and this one was really no issue the resonance scepter just kind of destroyed them and the barrier drops and I defeat

The vortex pillar and now it’s time to fight the moon Lord and make some super healing potions and prepare for impending doom the moon Lord spawns I get some top eye damage in and then start working the other hand now my strategy here is basically the same as normal I’m using

Sa and Insignia and master ninja gear to keep my distance from him and shooting my resonance scepter leading it so that it goes into his eyes now it’s not doing terrible damage this is a postplant terror weapon pre Golem weapon it’s quite underleveled at this stage but

It’s not too bad is he taking lots of damage no but getting there but I made a fatal mistake I hit the sky limit right as the death laser came out and I got obliterated so let’s try that again it starts off kind of bad I get hit pretty

Low I’m down to about half Health but I get a heal off and then Dodge the death laser and hit the top eye and that’s basically what I needed to do was just keep attacking the eyes as soon as the top eye open do as much damage to it as

Possible and keep my distance that’s the most important thing keep my distance make sure that he’s not doing damage to me the projectiles when they’re spread out are much easier to dodge and this time around I’m making sure to keep myself lower to the ground so that I

Don’t hit the sky limit again and die and eventually after lots of resonant scepter shot and quite a few death laser Dodges the top eye has been destroyed I then start working the left hand eye until it is destroyed and then I go to the right eye luckily they were pretty

Close to being destroyed so that was no problem and now it’s just the core with the true eye of cthulu’s attacking me once the core is out it’s basically just textbook if you just keep running away from the Moon Lord and fire back at him it’s like no issue at all and luckily

The resident scepter has a lot of range and his core goes into my shot so I just kept that up kept keeping my distance from the Moon Lord till eventually got so low that I just went close to him just to finish him off cuz I was full

Health anyway and just like that the moon Lord has been defeated and we are the victors of NPC drops only Master mode Terraria but we’re not done yet there’s one more challenge I want to do now I want to fight daytime empress a light with only a resonance scepter now

I’m going to use Spectre Armor I’m not going to use nebula armor I’m just going to do it with spectre armor and a Celestial starboard so with the movement of celestial starboard I’m able to dodge all the attacks eventually I do die to an ethereal Lance I then got it down to

21,000 Health until she killed me so we’re getting pretty close this is definitely possible and after several more deaths I finally started to get a flow on her I knew just how to move to dodge her attacks and make sure that they don’t collide with me the damage is

Not quite there this fight does take quite a while I’m only doing like 2,000 damage per second at most and eventually kind on the skin of my teeth I get it a second phase now the absolute Precision of the celestial starboard did help a lot here I’m able to just really duck

And weave where I need to and just like that the daytime Empress light has been defeated with only a resonance scepter GG ladies and gentlemen and to commemorate such an achievement I decided to make a Hall of Fame of all the NPC drops that you can get including

Ining Cosmetics but there was one that I didn’t quite get yet and it was the Ivy from The steampunker it’s dropped from the steampunker if her name is Whitney but she just wasn’t spawning with that name Cynthia this is for the gum but finally Whitney the steampunker spawned

And I got the final drop and put them all on display there you have it Terraria Master mode with only NPC drops I hope you guys enjoyed if you did subscribe down below it’ mean the world to me and I hope you guys have a fantastic day

Use code “CJDEATHBOT” for 10% off your order at Gamer Supps! https://gamersupps.gg/collections/caffeine-free

Hey gamers, today I bring you my 10 year anniversary video! This was a Terraria Master Mode playthrough I did of NPC drops only. That means I can only use weapons that you get once an NPC perishes. I can’t use any weapons they sell in their stores or anything. There was a total of 8 weapons I could get, only a few of them were even worth using. Can we beat the Moon Lord with only these weapons? Will I succumb to the overwhelming guilt from unaliving all of my townsfolk?

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#terraria #cjdeathbot #challenge


  1. I love watching the difference between two players in the same challenge, it really shows that even with so many constraints player preferences still shine through in interesting ways.

  2. YOOOO I went on youtube and when I saw that you posted I a new vid I was so exited I'ma watch it while I wait for a new upd in a game keep up the fantastic work man!!! also your about to hit 70k subs THATS INSANE!! Also happy 10 year annaversery!!!!:D

  3. 23:22 Wow, the flying dutchman drops lucky coin, discount card, and a cutlass. It's a 0.0449 % drop rate.

    Also happy 10 years, i'm a new-ish subscriber but i love your unique content and simple editing

  4. Lmfao didn't Waffle literally just upload the samething 2 days ago. Are like all the terraria youtubers working together, to subvert the youtube algorithm hell machine. Just how deep does this rabbit hole go? Working together as one to fight the youtube menace not reccomending me trash or someone watching what would be DMCA'd as they "review" or "react" to the "content" all while shilling 5 products. But its ok because youtube likes them they make trash daily and have 5m+ subs adn youtube makes adrev monies . I wonder which terraria youtuber next will upload HARDCORE MASTER MODE NPC DROPS ONLY lol.

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