I Found My Friends Minecraft USB

This is my friend Donnie and I found his secret Minecraft USB that contains whs that were never supposed to be seen by anybody so I’m going to be taking pictures of absolutely everything to see what he has to say so now all we have to

Do is steal his USB let’s do this okay so I’ve gotten an Uber and I’m on the way to Donnie’s house right now he’s expecting me so hopefully it should be relatively easy to get into his office steal his USB and check out everything that’s on it um yeah let’s do this let’s

Do this thank you okay we’re here here we go he’s expecting me so yep welcome finally it’s a good time okay we’re in this office right now uh I’m going use the restroom was it is it upstairs or where’s it at oh okay cool Cool wait is this it I don’t know if it’s the right one we’re going to take it a check out okay let’s go let’s get here so as you can see I have my windows disc drive external hard drive and then we have USB drive F and that’s Donnie’s

USB stick and it doesn’t really seem to take out much space but we have okay we have worlds that’s his worlds that’s perfect and we have a chrome HTML thingy and then uh two jpegs before we open the worlds folder let’s check out the okay cool no yeah that’s disgusting that is

Disgusting let’s just go to the world’s folder and oh we have Donny Cherry world and it was last modified on the 20th of December so not too long ago now we need to create our wall of evidence we’re going to be taking pictures of everything Donnie doesn’t want to be

Seen by the public and then displaying and I’m thinking we’re just going to place it right around here and it’s just going to be one giant room where we’re going to place all of the photos taken with this camera right here there we go now we have our house of uh evidence oh

Ignore this one piece right there boom we need it simple okay we don’t want Donnie to know and we’re going to have all of the different pictures to be taken all of his different worlds that he doesn’t want us to see all over this room and then we’ll bring him here to

Surprise him first world on the USB let’s go okay what do we have we’re in this looks like an oldp possibly and it it’s like uh yeah we’re just in a village can I go into game mode oh oh okay okay okay yeah so this is like an

Oldp that uh we all used to play on an old world if you may I think this was liger house this is when he was incredibly Rich liger being one of our friends this was a good ERA oh in the world bro what happened bro there’s just fire everywhere there’s skull that has

Completely infected the entire world what did what happened what in the world happened here thanks for being such good friends just click the button and collect a present there’s only one per person so don’t use it more than once but this entire thing that was filled with presents is now just completely

Covered by skull my house my house is right at the top of the hill look at the trees oh no bro oh oh my what is this bro it’s all dead it’s all dead tree what is that what is that okay I know Donnie did not build that Donnie can’t

Build bro this is this is scary man what is yo what does my house look like oh oh it’s not bad it’s not that bad my house doesn’t really infected or affected in that case you know what that means we need to get our camera out what are we

Taking a picture of that would make him embarrassed that we found this okay got that and now that we have our first picture we’re going to add it to our little art gallery that we’ve made here and as you can see I added a couple different areas to put the

Pictures starting with the left hand side right here and all we have to do is take this little picture frame place it right here and this is going to be the backboard and now I’ve created a link I’m going to place it right here and we’re just going to make the picture a

Little bit bigger boom just like that yes we have the picture of Donnie absolutely ruining his own world and he’s trying to hide from everybody supposedly we need to get his reaction and uh fill up this entire Art Gallery with all of the embarrassing things that Donnie has made and done in Minecraft

World here we go so what is going to be on this one and it doesn’t really look like much at all first let’s figure out where this world came from so it looks like an old SMP it is in fact actually I’m pretty sure it is an old SMP now not

All these smps did we play that much on what was that oh what was that that a trap it didn’t even work the Trap didn’t even work what the wait what I’m so confused I hardly remember this world at all this is like an old house that we used to have right

Here I think this was rage rage’s old house what is this is this a trap it is a trap chest wait what why are there so many things that are just this is this was already blown up I did not do this you guys saw when I first loaded in the

World only thing that I blew up was this and that was on accident wait a second at every single front oh except for this house that house had it this house has it there’s little pressure plates what do you what are the odds that Donnie made a bunch of traps these are the

Simplest traps I’ve ever seen in my entire life there’s another chest right here is it trapped that looks trapped it looks a little bit red right wait is it what is this world look at this you just touch like bro wait are all of the chests trapped is this one trapped too

No it’s a normal chest right here bro this is blowing my mind why does he have a world that’s full of like super simple traps is this what we need to take the picture of I just need to take a picture of all of the things that he’s like what

Is these are these oh they’re not wait it it is wait it is I was going to say they didn’t go off no he just built it wrong so the TNT didn’t go off I’m going to prove to him that this did not work I want to make sure

That he knows that we know that this trap did not work we’re going to spectator mode just to double check and make sure that there’s no other remaining TNT and after just starting to look around it may be hidden so I could turn on a texture pack x-ray texture

Pack just to make sure I’m not seeing anything the world seems to be safe let’s move on to the next one wait a second I found TNT but it looks like it’s just like sitting there wait whose house is this oh oh oh oh I’m dumb it’s

Literally just this right here I thought this was just a normal pressure plate no it wait what can you even it doesn’t work it literally doesn’t neither none of these work on this house ah dude anyways ‘s let’s get out of this world next World from Mr Donnie bobes we have

Ooh our old smpp so for those of you who don’t know we had anpp maybe this was probably about a year ago that we’ve played on this one so what made Donnie scrap this one cuz we played on this one all the time and I mean I mean we we I I

Love this one my house looks amazing look at this it’s right there that why is there there’s like a sign on top of my what is that oh my oh what is this yo what is this is this like meteorites what is this a meteorite

Or something did he shoot it at my my house it says Linux yo obviously this is my house why is there wait did he try to hit my house or make sure that it hit the right house and it missed maybe he forgot to have a saved backup of this world and maybe

That’s why he remade a new one because he ended up missing and this was the the earliest save of this world that he had or maybe he just couldn’t be bothered to fix it so he made a new world I I have no idea but that’s hilarious I need to

Mark my house to make sure that he knew which one was mine when aiming an asteroid at it I want to take a picture and then somehow involve the sign that says Linux and then the asteroid completely missing my house so let’s go ahead and grab the camera real quick you

Guys know the drill and then you can just barely see the sign right there maybe like that cuz then you can fully see the house yeah let’s take a picture this looks hilarious okay we’re going to the next one what is here oops LOL what just happened what happened

Okay this one’s pretty self-explanatory what is going on here wait wait wait wait I can’t even remember which world this is most of his smps I have been on for the last 5 years is this another version of the world the same world earlier in the video it might have been

The first one that we looked at with all of the skull I think this is the same exact world but a different version that he did not save or couldn’t roll back if that makes sense why is there lava all the way over here it’s not even near

Where everything was going on was it reefers oh my wait this might have not even been Donnie sometimes right guys when you make a Minecraft world that’s public on a server if you leave it unwi listed meaning anybody can join anybody can join if they get the IP address so

Someone could have gotten it logged on and absolutely griefed this entire server and we didn’t have a backup of it maybe I don’t know is my house intact so my house is right up here did it get attacked I don’t think so it looks fine wait a second wait a second wait yes

Both times my house has survived oh my goodness lager’s house yo liger you guys saw how beautiful it was right at the very beginning of the video it’s destroyed it’s gone wait there’s TNT over there someone was using TNT as well I guess that makes sense since there’s holes everywhere bro once again

We grab the young camera and let’s take a little photo what looks best probably like this right a quick photo oh yeah oh yeah how is he gonna explain this okay next World another day another dollar we have a really wait I’ve never even I was

About to say this is really old because I remember like this house but this is like cherry blossom I’ve never seen this world in my life I don’t think at least unless I’ve been I was on like a really really early version this looks completely normal wait this is my house

Wait this like an alternate universe those wait it’s not my house it’s similar to my house but it’s not my house is this like an alternate universe of our smpp or something maybe he made it maybe this is a backup what is is this what is whose house is this I i’

I’ve never seen this what is different why would he why would he lock this world off of all worlds like what would I take a picture of in in this scenario is it like let’s go to spectator mode see if there’s any TNT oh what is

That what yo wait wait wait wait guys where was it where was the secret entrance wait you can’t even get in and out I guess Donnie only plays in creative mode so you can just fly in and out what is this we have like a secret little laboratory down here what is this

Is this going to blow up okay good definitely not whoa wait wait wait wait wait wait okay so Linux that’s me obviously right rage is one of my friends kipley one of my friends wait it’s just us three what is this there’s logs there’s logs of what

Kip’s doing kipley ensures that armor is Enchanted with fire protection and Diamond Sword is at hand kly constructs a portal near base making the nether the portal location strategic allowing for easy return kipley enters nether immediately encounter harsh surreal landscape what is bro bro bro what is it

What is what is in this then another 1 two three wait what bro what rage morning 1 two midday afternoon wait wait wait wait Linux Linux began the day mining for resources near base what is this Donnie what is this when when was this when was this version Linux morning one midday

Afternoon evening night conclusion Linux conclusion wait I have to see what’s in the conclusion I have to see linux’s day in Minecraft was Dynamic mix of resource Gathering construction the Strategic use of time the well-rounded engaging gameplay when do I ever have engaging gameplay wait does that say by Donnie

Bobs yeah it says bye Donnie Bobs wait for a second for a split second I thought maybe someone else built this for him and then wrote and was keeping track of what we were doing no this by Donnie BS bro what is this world I must

Have played on this so long ago cuz I don’t remember this I the only thing I don’t remember is this uh Kip’s house there’s something in the sky you guys see that what is that this world of all worlds has been the craziest what is he

Hiding what is Mr bobes hiding and why did he get rid of this world I guess I guess if like we’re not playing on anymore then there’s a problem right click button when ready to drop wait a second when ready to drop what what does this do what click button when

Ready to drop hold on hold on hold on hold on let’s just say he wants to spawn a million Endermen right let’s place these Endermen and we’re going to click the button to see what happens I cannot believe that this is real okay we have like 100 something Enderman let’s

Click oh my gosh he could tactically just drop anything on us in an instant I imagine this this was for a video where like if we do something wrong we say the wrong word we’re mean then something spawns there he drops it I don’t know I really don’t know I don’t understand

This man and this probably was an early version of a video what do I take a picture of what’s the what’s the most embarrassing in this world there’s nothing really embarrassing it’s more creepy yeah I I guess I’ll just next World here we go boom

Wait is this the same world wait I think it is I think it’s another version of the world wait what oh my gosh no it’s not so for the same world where Donnie missed the asteroids on the side or whoever missed the asteroids this is the same world where he tried splitting the

World look at this but this is where he went wrong and you guys have probably never seen this for the light of day Donnie is the server Runner right and all of us myself rage kipley we all came together when Donnie tried splitting the world and we connected it with

Everything everything started depleting so we figured let’s just keep Building look at this chest room boom we got cows sheep farms everything our our nether portal we moved it down here we built it down here we were literally at war with this man you could literally see it go

Back and forth look this one’s not really connected cuz nobody like lives at this house technically we all kind of just steal stuff from here rage used to live there at one point now rage lives there but look at this it’s insane right and we even have like a little stairwell

That we made I guess we could just take a picture of all of this to show that you know we came together higher power didn’t get us stuff like that you know what I’m saying how do I get a picture of all of this I guess I could just go

Really really high let’s look up our camera and let’s go ahead and take a picture let’s try to get it like to where it can get all of it involved so let’s go right here Ando take a little picture yeah that looks good we brought the crack together no I I’m another day

Another world what is going on here okay so it looks pretty normal we have our little house right here why would he save these worlds I don’t really understand we’re on another world right it looks like this entire Village that’s next to the spawn is completely untouched oh my gosh this was from

Forever ago when we tried building The Lochness Monster In The Water yo those of you who don’t know Donnie he’s an evil man he’s a Ser of Our Own owner and he likes to develop weapons and stuff like that I think this was the first version of his secret evil laboratory

That he made we’re going to be going through it we’ve never been able to go through Donnie’s laboratory until now what is this one of his testing Labs there’s probably not going to be anything in here right now yeah yo I’ve been locked okay actually I have been in

Here cuz I’ve been locked away in one of these rooms before I think Don has something set up if you go too deep in his laboratory it just teleports you out cuz I just got teleported to somewhere random okay well I I don’t know what’s wrong with this world wait what what is

This what is that what is going on okay so the thing is right I keep saying these are Donny’s mistakes but they don’t all have to be Donny’s mistakes this would make complete sense for like liger yeah wait did liger do this maybe Donnie just couldn’t be asked to clean

It up so you just threw it in a thing to hold against liger like he just threw on his USB liger being one of our friends on the smpp this is his house um those of you who don’t know and it looks like the source at least this one is coming

From from liger house so the odds are right we’ll take a picture of this but I have a feeling a weird feeling this is going to be Liar’s fault somehow this looks like something liger would do he would definitely just sit there and try to make a bunch of flying machines not

Knowing what will happen after you make all of them yeah look wait this is’s coming from my house this is my house right here and it’s destroyed yo what is going on bro why are there a bunch of fly okay whatever regardless right there’s a bunch of flying machines we’re

Going to take pictures what is this there’s water coming from this one this one must been going straight up I don’t know why there’s water stopping it at all also this house is completely broken oh it ripped off parts of the house what what is going I have no idea

What’s going on in this world I love an explanation um so let’s go ahead and take a picture and let’s figure out what’s going on uh what’s the weirdest angle that we could take I guess just anywhere really right like right here this is like a get it all in one photo

Kind of picture there we go yeah that looks pretty weird we’ll just let I won’t even bring it up to him of what this is let’s just see what he says and now the our Museum of evidence is done let’s see what Donnie has to say for himself and you’re probably wondering

How am I going to get Donnie to TP to us watch this hello y yo what’s up bro who what you talking about huh nothing just come here I need to show you something real quick who that was a play to get you to TP to

Me come here I made you something no no come back I made you something what yeah wa wait wait don’t go in before I even shown you man just cuz you have creative doesn’t mean you can fly over check everything out before people I’m going

To let you figure out what this is okay okay go from left to right go ahead I was in college it was a mistake okay that’s all I want to say no that what are you talking about no it’s Minecraft get there wa what is this do these pictures remind you of anything

Specifically this is the old wall That’s R’s house and this is Kip’s house and there’s Ren’s house oh oh my God you know what this is I know what this world is it’s the old world but it’s when I made a mistake with a mod does it make you feel embarrassed at

All that you messed up a little bit cuz I forgot to make a back up yeah well how do you explain this one oh yeah that was from probably like a year and a half ago where did you get these from F what is this world why is there a

Bunch of stuff all over the place you see this it didn’t even go off the TNT didn’t blow blow up and all of them are stepping on pressure plates so this world was um basically I made a bunch of traps and then I forgot to record the

Video and then I forgot where the traps were and then uh I didn’t want to clean up so uh I delet the world you didn’t delete the world I back of everything but what is this okay this one you’re not allowed to see this one how do you

Break this wait what this I already saw it where do you think I got a picture from this one is the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever done I spent 4 hours making a nuke mode or it was like a metor right mod and then it missed your

House by like f wait I got it I got it right I got it right on oh dude that’s funny I literally guess that you made a why did you have to label my name above the house cuz I want this one I wanted to eat okay what is this one then explain

This what happened to all of our houses I don’t even know I think I just had an outbreak I don’t remember what this is I I think must have been angry I don’t know oh you did this you built this oh no this was after The Purge everyone did this this was

The gosh I thought you just left the server unwi listed I think I’m insane oh yes you are cuz what is this maybe I don’t even I’ve done that before explain this please why is their chest full of stuff like every little detail of what me rage and Kip are doing in our

Day-to-day for like two weeks straight what world was it on no I know this oh my God okay so this was in 2020 I was sick I had Co when everyone had Co I had Co and then um I I’m made a mod that makes villagers follow you guys around

And take notes of your logs that’s it it’s not that serious it’s not that big of a deal I was sick I how was I supposed to know what was happening on I wanted the updates when I got back let me reiterate you’re sick okay you said the right thing you’re sick

What is this one then why is the why remember remember this one you tried hiding it from us when the world was corrup you you didn’t say a single thing you were splitting the world in half and we we built it back together oh yeah I

Forgot I don’t I don’t know why I did I think it was a mod oh it was you remember the video where I did Don splits up the W and he treats everyone on one side good and one side bad yeah I was testing the mod and it wouldn’t stop

Breaking the wall so I just left it so you know this all was not my fault was like oh my control why are you laughing you’re just having a good time we’ll explain this one huh why were there weird little machines all over the place that doesn’t even like a dony

Troll that’s like the not do this one what do you mean wait why do you have this world then oh no see lier did this look where it’s coming from look where who built it lier did all of this I I said that I literally said it was

Probably lier way this I did not why why did you save it then cuz I couldn’t be bothered to back your up so I just delete everything so you’re not even mad that all of these worlds I took I am I am look cuz I’ve saved something of yours look follow

Me you’re such an idiot you’re such an idiot what is wrong with you nobody’s going to believe you nobody’s going to believe you it’s all liive stupid nobody’s going to believe you you actually had me I thought you actually had something on Meck nobody’s going to believe anything that you tell anyone

Get out of here record it all bro I’m already don’t kill me I’m leaving I’m still recording to I’m deleting this recording as well you’re not getting this your house is next no no please please where did he get them where did he get it I did I didn’t I didn’t get

Them from anywhere I got them okay wait uh all right cool cool Co no no no no no I got from a USB in your PC you still okay you know what dude flights from London to Arizona what are you talking about flights from London to Arizona

What are you talking about see you soon see no you’re not stop Ling see I’ll see you I’ll

I Found My Friends Minecraft USB

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  1. It so nice to see all those old minecraft worlds again it’s so nostalgic I even like how lyinx keep stealing stuff from doni as a revenge for trolling him

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