Waffle I really suggest you support Thunder Cry he’s a very small YouTuber but his videos are so professional okay I’ll check it out see here good thumbnails all right I got him in my history I’ll check them out what’s going on guys it’s Thunder cry back again and yes you heard that

Right Waffle Time actually said my name in his stream and I figured the best way to celebrate that was by beating Terraria using only waffles iron I don’t want to drag this intro on for too long so let’s go if you played Terraria before you already know what I did first

Chopped trees explored caves and looted some surface chests since waffle iron is a hard mode weapon it’ll make most of pre- hard mode and absolute breeze so the basic slimes I’m encountering couldn’t be further from being tough oh and uh I also got my first death after

Only what 15 minutes after respawning I made my way to the nearest Desert and grabbed some Cactus armor not the best but it’s better than wood The Thorn set bonus it gives off actually isn’t bad either so I can’t complain once I dawned my new protective equipment I started to

Dig down I was hoping to find some underground Deads what I think this is my third time finding a pyramid in one of these challenges are they actually rare or do they always spawn underground anyway after I got my bearings I ventured into it I cracked open the golden chest and

Got the sandstorm in a bottle a double jump this early in no Universe would I not take that deeper I went into the world and I ended up where I wanted to be the underground desert with one chest I got the ancient chisel this would prove pretty useful all the way until

Planta I decided I actually wanted to try building houses this time so after building a small Hut I decorated the top of some fencing to be honest it looked cooler in my mind but that doesn’t mean it’s going anywhere next on the list was exploring the world it took a little bit

But I was able to reach the corruption but having such a powerful weapon this early in the game makes the difficulty of this vile Place pretty trivial you know I used to always use the magic mirror as I’m assuming most of you watching use it too but recently I’ve

Just been using recall potions just cuz they have quicker use times yeah they are limited but you find them in so many chests in the world it’s pretty hard to run out coming back to base with 260 health I explored more of my new world almost died RNG e was on my side

Though and I was able to get the ancient Shadow scale mail now armed with waffle and armor I made my way down the jungle hermes’s boots are always a good find those along with a double jump is all I pretty much need for the early game I

Got home and actually made some jungle gear not the full set just the boots and helmet it’s better than Cactus that’s for sure but once I equipped them I challenged my first boss the Eater of Worlds with the iron of waffles I swiftly took down the eater I was also

Lucky enough to get the mask nice so I went home and crafted the rest of my missing Shadow Armor and once that was done I fought the ey of cthulu so once boss number two was down I started my elevator I really hate doing it but I want it done now so I

Won’t have to do it later and then since I made it all the way down here I be began mining hellstone and building a hellbridge back above ground though I made molten armor drank a gravitation potion and explored space the dungeon was also located around this time I

Figured that since I found the dungeon I’d battle Skeletron the waffles I shot out took the hands down pretty easily and it took down the head even easier there wasn’t really anything I needed here but I was able to get a Cobalt Shield when I got it I really didn’t

Have any plans for it but it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it I got pretty tired of waiting so I crafted the go battle standard quickly took the Goblin Army out and found the goblin I made my way

Back down to Hell and grabbed the last bit of ore I needed to make the molten pickaxe before I challenged the Wall of Flesh I crafted some accessories together to get just a bit stronger once I felt ready I took a leap down to Hell and began the fight Oh thank waffle I started getting super stressed near the end but I was able to clutch it but that’s behind me now and hard mode is ahead and wouldn’t you know it the first night in hard mode was a blood moon and a full moon great so I spent this time hunting werewolves

Hoping to get the moon charm unfortunately I didn’t get it tonight but there will always be more full modes hard mode new enemies new items it genuinely feels like a different game speaking of new items I grabbed the items I needed for the Obsidian Shield and went mimic hunting if you guys have

Seen my hidden effects of M melee Speed video then you should know what my strategy will be I already had the feral claws I just needed the Titan glove for mimics I was going to go for the melee speed build something I basically made fun of in that video and for that I

Would like to apologize without it this challenge would probably be impossible I spent about the next hour looking for mimics and found a total of zero to take my mind off of it I started mining hard mode ores as a result of that I smithed some titanium armor using set armor I

Went down and fought the queen bee a big upgrade I could get was being able to craft flasks which in turn you need the witch doctor for and for those of you that don’t know flasks can add extra effects to melee weapons some notable ones are the flask of cursed Flames

Flask of fire and flask of poison just something to add extra damage to your melee weapons the best part is that they also affect melee projectiles so as I waited for the witch doctor to move in I made an underground mob farm have a confession I’ve uh never actually made

One of these so forgive me if it looks bad it wasn’t automated but it worked a bit it was pretty disappointing though I was hoping for it to work more and ended up just wandering in the caves in search of mimics again I did end up

Getting the glove in my farm though so it wasn’t totally useless what the uh next hour of my life was spent trying to get an aglet yeah you heard correctly the accessory that pretty much everyone unequip first I didn’t get it in any of my Surface test so I resorted to getting

The skeleton Merchant to sell it and once the correct phase of the moon occurred I went and found him after I crafted the lightning boots I went to work on building more houses yeah I pretty much gave up on making good houses I would rather um play the game I

Even started farming for items I needed for the en Shield but once it was night I buffed up and took on the first mechanical boss the destroyer of the worlds luckily I began working on a skybridge earlier so I was able to dodge most of its attacks the probes with a

Real trouble here here though overall it wasn’t too bad and I came out Victorious as always I spent more time getting debuff accessories fought through the solar eclipse and spawned in the twins my movement speed and projectiles worked wonders and I was able to un alive these

Eyes it’s it’s day 87 in this cold Tundra I just need the ice skates but I ended up never even getting them come on world gen that’s cold Another Knight another mechanical boss Skeletron metallic clone wasn’t too difficult and soon enough the jungle grew Restless now that all the boss’s Souls were collected I made my way up to the fire Gauntlet next on the to-do list let’s see here spend 2 hours farming for

The Nazar check I also mined around and got eight life Fruit s plant Tera bulb and figured I’d see what I was up against it was pretty clear that I was going to die but you never know if you can get an unexpected early win I didn’t

But uh you never know in my hard mode travels I managed to get two turtle shells and a good amount of Chlor fight so I made two pieces of Turtle gear and plan to get the last piece soon to change things up I went digging around for the Shimmer some of the smaller

Upgrades would be much appreciated in any bit of strength the strength I’d take with my new found power I took on the queen of slimes I started freaking out near the end but you know I’ll just I’ll just let you guys see what happened double kill again there isn’t

Any anything I even need from her I just wanted to kill the boss speaking of bosses I also broke the destroyer and the twins again turtle shell obtained Turtle armor crafted new armor old boss defeated sold made money with more Firepower in my grasp I started clearing

Out a planta Arena I did some more digging and once I thought it was good enough size I buffed up and broke the bulb once again planta was a pushover and the fight was easily won and then with the temple key in hand I located well

The the temple what did you expect me to say once I got to the main chamber I was actually pretty confident that I could beat Gollum without any preparation I really need to stop blindly challenging golum because once again I failed the first try I started fishing for ecoy and

Armored cavefish for better potions I also took some time to farm some bone leaves in the dungeon having a better Dash and a Dodge Chance wouldn’t hurt at all so with that I found a pretty open area and began the grind I ended up getting the black belt but not the taby

Even though I didn’t have them both I decided to go back to the surface for a bit and make some hallowed houses mainly just for a way to get to the dungeon quicker if I died and then once that was complete I made my way back to the

Dungeon and grabbed the taby I was also able to get some barbecue ribs from the dungeon so with those I also took some better potions and went to a rematch with Gollum I did a couple last minute preparations down there but as soon as I was ready I summoned the protector of

The lizard people I actually did get pretty low at some points but at the end of the day it was Gollum and as long as long as I have potions it’s just a matter of time until I win and when I did with another boss down I was one

Step closer to winning I actually noticed that the beetle scale mail gave melee speed something I’ve never noticed since I always go for the increased defense of the beetle shell I only had a few more things to do before I took on the cultists and one of them was getting

The celestial shell I was able to get the Sunstone super easily from Gollum so all I needed now was the moon charm I failed at getting it earlier in hard mode now it’s time to finish what I started once the night was upon me I spent no time dilly-dallying and hunting

Those furry Abominations adventuring across the world I wasn’t finding any which started to worry me as time was just slipping away I eventually found a good spot near my base and slapped down a water candle after some time the moon charm and then the celestial shell were

Mine I didn’t want to reforge it because it literally cost a fortune to do so instead I ended up just throwing in the Shimmer hoping to get a good natural reforge I was getting all of my prefixes to Violent for maximum melee speed I never thought I’d be doing that but well

Here we are once I got violent I made my way over to the dungeon and challenged the cultist this was probably one of the easier fights of the Run maybe just before the Eater of Worlds and having the flask of cursed Flames didn’t hurt at all if anyone out there is sleeping

On the flasks just don’t the closest pillar that spawned was the vortex so I started chipping away at it until I died I died too many times during these so I’ll just show all of them so you can experience just a fraction of the pain frustration I

Did this is it the final battle with all my Buffs I was Stronger than it ever been before so let me just show you how awesome this fight turned out what what I literally lasted only a minute I honestly don’t know how I’m going to do this I felt like so in shock

After how little damage I did and how quickly I was taken down I thought to myself maybe it’s my Mobility so I went to fight Duke fishron hoping for his wings that was disappointing after how the fight with moon Lord went I debated not even finishing this was it even

Possible that was the strongest I could get I actually thought about ending this video video without beating the game I had fragments from doing the pillars so I made some spawners and decided to test around a bit try some strategies and see what works I stayed close enough to hit

The eyes reliably and also close enough to where I could see the top eye charging its laser if you didn’t know this top eye does a little Sparkle animation whenever it was about to fire something I actually noticed while recording this so every time I saw that

I’d either use a recall potion or just ground myself and fly over him I only took some spare basic Buffs I had seeing how close I was I became filled with confidence maybe this run isn’t lost after all so the last thing I did was fish for some prismite to get some life

Force potions once I stocked my potions back up I summoned Moon Lord I won’t show the full fight since it took 18 minutes but if you want to see the full fight I’ll leave a link to it in the description without further Ado here is the final fight of this challenge a Oh and as is tradition in these Challenge videos I built a little Victory haul to celebrate I decided to go for a waffle like design for obvious reasons I use Sandstone bricks since they kind of look like the texture of waffles kind of maybe uh seemed right in

The moment I grabbed all my armor and accessories and began placing them in I also rigged up a teleporter system so you can visit it as soon as you spawn in so with it all complete here it is the waffles iron only Victory homeall and with that this challenge is

Officially over I really hope you all enjoyed it took me a while to make this but it was really fun doing it I’ve only ever used waffles iron in my melee Speed video but once I saw Waffle Time say my name in his stream I instantly knew I

Had to make this video so thank you waffle time I also want to thank Terell Jones for suggesting me a waffle time to begin with so huge shout out to you Terell thank you again I hope you all enjoyed the video and I can’t wait to see you all next time peace

#terraria #challenge #waffletime

Who would have thought that Waffle’s Iron could beat the game? Definitely not me, that’s for sure! In celebration of Waffle Time simply saying my name in one of his streams I decided to make an entire challenge video around it. So enjoy!!

Thank you Waffle Time and thank you Terril!!

Full Moon Lord fight:


  1. Waffle is literally such a lovely person like 😭😭😭 great editing man! your narrating kept even my short attention span ass brain interested, looking forward for more videos <3

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