Minecraft SpongeBob DLC!! – The Best Day Ever! – Zebra’s Minecraft Fun

Hello heard there is a brand new spongebob squarepants clc in minecraft today we’ll be joining spongebob and meeting all of his friends across bikini bottom helping them have the best day ever we’ll be going on boat races rollercoaster rides and launching a rocket ship so let’s get started Are you ready kids we we got the opening just like in the opening sequence to spongebob that’s so cool but here i am just a little zebra ready to explore bikini bottom aye aye captain i can’t hear you i’m gonna punch him again aye aye cap then we’re going

Oh whoa here we are so there’s spongebob’s house of course the very bottom of the ocean i see squidward already oh there’s spongebob hey buddy welcome to bikini bottom whoa it’s so cool you look so detailed hi you’re a strange looking fish are you from rock bottom you must be visiting

Bikini bottom for the big best day ever celebration uh kinda interesting well welcome new friend would you like to help with me with my best day ever planned i want to help all my friends today so that they can have the best day ever that includes patrick

Squidward mr krabs sandy miss puff and even plankton what do you say absolutely perfect whenever you’re ready let’s get out there and make today the best day ever yeah all right so well we got our jellyfish in that and everything so what do i do

Now do i can i scoop you up what do we what are we supposed to do here’s a map of bikini bottom and what’s neat about this is that we can see where we are and we can see who might need help so over this way we

Have squidward might as well go talk to him is spongebob gonna follow me he is that’s neat this looks so cool i love it and i can’t even go into spongebob’s home is gary in here i gotta see let’s see let’s look around spongebob’s house so this is his living room he’s

Got the nice couch we can even sit on the couch okay he’s just watching that’s a little a little creepy uh can’t do much with that this is the conch shell oh man this is so cool can i go into this one i guess not some

Doors or maybe just off helmets but in here we have the the kitchen looking good i remember a few episodes with this can we open the fridge up ah not quite oh this is the exercise room all i do for this i love pain the response round gets buff

Uh i i guess we just cannot go into that room it makes you very curious under what’s on the other side of it but maybe we’ll find out later what’s up here oh this is the big library room with the the chair and everything there’s so many references here i love it

And i can sort of go up the slide a little bit and this is of course my there’s gary now mama gary there you go i love it all right wake up Oh that is that’s very loud we’ll turn that off for now every we’re gonna wake up the whole neighborhood and then here’s his bathroom okay so we got the whole tour of spongebob’s home i hope you don’t mind me just perusing around spongebob let’s head out of here and go talk to squidward

That was great uh spongebob’s going down too that’s adorable all right we’re out of here for now i’m sure we’ll come back at some point here we are even though have the clams just flying around can i catch them no not quite but here’s squidward hey buddy nice to meet you oh you’re

Very tall so you’re spongebob’s new friend sorry for your loss but it’s nice to meet you and goodbye on second thought did i hear you say you wanted to help with my best day ever can you play any instruments uh mayonnaise baby good enough so for my best day ever i

Want to bring my talent to the people and perform for a huge audience at the oyster stage only problem is i need a band so unfortunately i need your help you should be able to craft together an instrument with some old parts i have lying around my house let’s go let’s

Help him out so we’re going into squidward’s home now already starting in his bathroom or his bedroom sorry what is taking you so long have you found any an instrument to play yet not yet all right so let’s look or maybe spongebob can help me no he’s just gonna stare at me okay

Here’s a crafting bench here’s a nice picture of squidward so i just have to look around can i beat anything up oh here’s a chest behind the uh little painting easel thing we have a metal plate a stick or two sticks and a wooden body i guess for an

Instrument that could be useful for something got the grandfather clock squidward’s bathroom inside of here we got a couple more things a bell mouthpiece two more sticks and a wooden body again maybe we can make more than one instrument this is a nice shower too

Okay oh so it loops around a little bit i do want to look around the rest of squidward’s house spongebob is still following me it’s a little creepy he’s just floppy wherever i go all right so let’s go around here i do see another chest on this side mayonnaise well here you go

Can i eat this no way it really is an instrument look at that all right well we also have strings bell mouthpiece and a metal plate is there anything else around here we got the fridge we can’t access i think that’s everything let’s go back to

Squidward and try to put some of this together if we can so where are you at you’re right over here so i’m going to just use this crafting table oh and it’ll actually tell me so we can make clarinet we can make drums and that’s all i can do right now

Unfortunately i’d have to find more materials but we can at least mess around with these obviously squidward’s instrument of choice is a clarinet That is so cool that we actually get to play it and we also have the drums we’ll definitely have to find the other materials soon uh what is taking you so long have you found an instrument for me to play yet yes well look at that you’ll look almost

Like a real musician let’s head to downtown and perform for some people and get warmed up let’s do it okay so we’re just going right now what do we got to do hello soundcheck let’s start playing and get warmed up okay oh even spongebob’s jamming out this is good we switched to the

Mayonnaise i have a mayonnaise solo this is great so we’re just out here in the public just enjoying some music am i supposed to walk up to people oh maybe that’s what i gotta do you like your music or traveling ben is larry the lobster

Uh steve is that you oh sorry i thought you were someone else uh so is this what i’m supposed to do this person seems to like the music oh yeah we’re filling up the little music meter i don’t know if larry’s too interested in it though maybe it’s not that the

The band type but uh got you over here so just like random fish civilians have them jam out to our traveling it’s not a quartet right because it’s it’s only three people but uh okay we can make oh it’s old man jenkins he’s got the moves even his joint slimber

I wonder if we can ride the boat whoa we can okay well i don’t have my boating license yet so we should probably be careful with that it’s also not our boat instead let’s just dance with you this is so much fun i love it uh so we

Got six out of ten they disappeared okay uh hello would you like some drums they definitely like that and maybe we could do the double clarinet just have to play for a couple more people so what about you over here They seem to like it quite a lot and you that should be the last one now get taught the squidward wow you actually don’t sound terrible i think we’re ready for the big performance at oyster stage are you ready let’s go so we’re going to oyster stage now whoa everybody’s watching okay

A little bit of stage right here we got to imagine everybody in their underwear hi squidward this is it let’s go on stage and play the best concert bikini bottom has ever seen let’s go okay so i have to stand here we’re gonna jam out with the mayonnaise did they like it uh

Wow everyone is here and they’re getting down with it you see spongebob’s family is here spongebob has the ukulele I think they like it oh they definitely like it pearl’s dancing There’s even squillium This is great all right great performance huge encore right or is that everyone’s gonna finish with that three annoying songs later oh no that’s even a lot musical medley wow the audience loved it thank you both so much as a thank you take my old

Clarinet i think you are ready to own a real instrument take care of her thanks alright then so we get our own clarinet you receive squidward’s clarinet you can use it to defend the krusty krab what is there something going on with the krusty krab that needs defending

Okay so i guess there’s not really much more we could do there but hey we have another friend on the block we could talk to you real quick of course it’s our good buddy patrick whoa this house just opens up ah stranger danger oh you’re spongebob’s

New friend why didn’t you say so any further spongebob’s is a friend of mine there’s a new ride opening at glove world and i want to ride it so badly more than i’ve ever wanted anything in my entire life but it’s under construction whatever that means but i

Just have to ride it and i can’t wait think you could help me make it happen uh sure but you know safety is important really thank you so much okay let’s head to glove world i’ll meet you by the roller coaster so we’re going to glove world a very boring walk later

We would have the transition snail down so patrick must be by the roller coaster let’s go find him so here we are a glove rod which has all sorts of different attractions i sort of want to check them out a little bit we have the merry-go-round over here can i actually ride these

That’d be great but i think they might just be sort of display pieces in terms of the game i don’t know if we can ride them or not it just looks like we get to sit here and sort of pretend but oh it’s the bubble guy hey there

Uh hello there little one are you having the best day ever i think so that’s cool off to see if there’s any other characters i could talk to like that um there’s the bumper cars ooh there’s patrick over there so we’ll talk to them in just a moment but

Can i get up here i can’t quite reach oh i can go in through this high so the bumper cars is just a bunch of boats you can just zoom your way through all right well whoa whoa okay this this ride is is not not safe what about this one

The mitten oh it’s like a little baby roller coaster let’s try this one out ready oh we’re going right oh i gotta ride it myself this is so exciting got the big the big ascension going down all right well i’m sure somebody enjoys that

Okay how do we get off it there you go oh and here’s the ferris wheel the ferris wheel doesn’t look like it actually moves unfortunately but it is still very cool to see and it looks like a lot of these tents maybe don’t really do much yeah as far as i can tell

A lot of this other stuff is just for show oh but they have a big ice cream van can we get some ice cream anybody in there it must be on lunch break i wonder if can i just make random people dance now not really okay so i think we explored

Most of the attraction let’s go and talk to patrick the fiery fist of pain oh boy that is huge it just keeps going and going and there’s like a big drop oh my gosh hello you made it you won’t believe this the construction worker won’t let me in

He’s keeping me away from my dreams maybe you can talk to him sure okay he’s right here he is huge construction worker sir do you think we can just go in for free do you want to help fix the roller coaster well do you have any construction or build experience dirt house

Dirt wow clearly you’re a pro here’s what you i could do for i can do for you if you finish building all five of the supports then we should be able to get the rest finished and let you you get the first test ride deal deal

Okay so here we go we gotta put together this roller coaster so that’s where one of the supports has to go so these little green spots yeah we need to touch up ourselves and hopefully make this a lot more structurally sound because if not the test rod isn’t gonna

Go so well that one’s a really tall one too so we have our work cut out for us explore the construction area to find building supplies and finish all five supports okay then let’s take a look around i can’t go back the way i came in oh

There’s some jellyfish can i catch them that’s something i’ve been wanting to do all right ready ow ow okay i got you i got you achieving a lot of jellyfishing awesome so we have three set to 16 steelboxer so that is going to be 48 in total i hear some more jellyfish um

Oh here’s engineer number two hi okay let me take some time to examine your support the track is not supported connect the support six blocks higher i’ll get you some building supplies okay so spongebob is doing that for me and patrick is also helping that’s great i

Don’t even know where they are right now but we’re gonna grab some more stuff oh hey guys thank you do i just hey let’s grab it from you they are so helpful all right then so i just i guess i just start building oh there’s also a chest over here have i gotten

Anything from here not quite yet so thank you let’s get to building i’m pretty sure this is what i’m supposed to do uh but maybe i should focus on making it taller like this instead yeah something like this sounds like patrick is getting some more stuff for us which is great

I don’t know where he is at the moment oh there you are thank you so what will we say now that i’ve done that but with eight more blocks so let’s just keep adding some more blocks here and see because i just don’t know exactly what shape it wants me to make

But if this works it works right there we go the track is fully supported there are four more supports to complete so we’ll grab this step from spongebob and we’ll look for the next one over here we do have some more to grab at this point i do have quite a lot of

Materials so i think we can make this work look at this giant excavator that’s cool i think that’s actually maybe that’s not an excavator i don’t know the word for it but you know what i mean anyways over here we have the next engineer i guess i’m supposed to go to him first

Oh man there’s this giant construction equipment everywhere this is so cool so i will try to just build all this up as much as i can and hopefully that’ll be satisfactory to uh what needs to be done here i am slowly running out of material actually no i have another full stack

After this so we’re fine i did sort of put this one it’s it’s not the easiest to break i hope i don’t take damage on the way down but i think i’m okay it doesn’t say i have any health bars so maybe there’s no fall damage not really sure all this works i

Haven’t played a custom minecraft map like this really before so this is really neat i’m having a lot of fun with it already okay uh we’re just gonna cover that one up like it never happened i missed one it’s fine hello i have supplies for us and there we go we’ve successfully did

It they’re happy with it so let’s move over this way we have another support to build i don’t know where the third guy is oh no he’s right here okay so we’ll do this one now and i’m guessing it’s going to be more of the same

I guess we could try to you know make it a little bit prettier this time do something like this And then inside of it we could do something like this okay i’m already at the top so spongebob’s got some new stuff for me i’ll definitely check that out soon oh no not where i wanted that oh gosh i’ve made many mistakes we just got to keep the show going

Not going to worry about it there you go excuse me spongebob trying to build there you go that’s not too bad i guess i didn’t build over this one there you go so we’re the construction worker go thank you patrick will this be enough yes it is so two more supports to complete

Number four was over here and then number five is that way so got a couple more fences i also oh i have the hammer i’m so silly i’ve been trying to destroy stuff with my fists when i have the hammer okay these two have some more for me but

We’re looking yeah for engineer number four we need to work on this one now so i have this fence i could also try whoa this one’s bulky i like it so i might want to get set up in the center like that and then we’ll keep building some more of it

There you go looking good now and this one looks pretty familiar to the other set of them so i think that if we do this we’ll be fine yeah lots of building in this which you know makes sense it’s minecraft after all patrick’s helping appreciate it i don’t even know where they’re finding

This stuff because you know i’m looking in the chests they’re just sort of stumbling upon it okay there we go i think that should be enough this one looks super sturdy engineer should be pleased with this one right There you go one more support to build over this way the little baby clams are still flying around i’ve gotten this one already and there’s another one over there but i think we’re fine with this one i might make this one a bit faster i do want to see

What happens if i just do that really fast will he’d be happy with it he’s gonna 10 blocks higher so i see if we just do that would he be happy if we did a bad job 17 more blocks okay so lots of requirements here

I sort of want to go quick with it because you know i think i get the idea with this one you know So hopefully that is enough it’s a little bit of a mess this one come on come on that’s got to be good 12 seconds later oh are we gonna ride it whoa look at this thing we’re ready to go ride the roller coaster i don’t see where spongebob and patrick are they’re already on the roller coaster so let’s queue up here no one else in line

Here they are so we get to go on this one oh boy come on look at this the view we got right now this is only the beginning of it yeah the music is awesome too whoa we’re way up here oh man we got the speed lines and everything this is awesome

Going back up and down i hope we have a late lunch oh man oh no luckily there’s no loops on this thing or anything oh now we’re going really fast and there’s still plenty more this is exciting oh this is the big one we’re going way up you can see the clouds

And way back down oh the turns are sharp they’re keeping pretty far ahead of us i don’t know if we can catch up to them that’d probably be not good we’d crash into them there’s still more we are still going up one more time come on this is it

The last one i think oh actually no it’s not there’s more after this this is a long roller coaster usually roller coasters are pretty short but really exciting you know this is awesome now you see the rest of the park from up here for another huge dip and spongebob and patrick are really

Enjoying it you can see them shouting and cheering okay now we’re coming up on the last turn of it i think what a ride that was an awesome rush for sure and there we go did we just crash oh we did it so how does patrick feel about that one

That was amazing again again thank you so much today is the best day ever you’re welcome so that was a fantastical adventure if i do say so myself roller coaster rockstar is our next achievement thanks again for the help you’re welcome so let’s explore around patrick’s home

Obviously it is not quite as detailed as squidward or spongebob he’s a little bit more of a minimalist we have his sand couch it is sand tv and sand plant and sand lamp and that’s it that’s oh yes well very nice home either way if i walk away i wonder if it’ll close

Oh it does that’s so neat so with another wonderful adventure finished let’s see what’s next for us here in bikini bottom it looks like there’s still quite a lot to see so we’re still standing here and if i go this way i think sort of hard to tell with the map right now

But yeah here’s the krusty krab and the chum bucket so you might as well check out both of these and see what we can do so as i’m moving you can see that the point on the map is also moving so we’re figuring out something i’m gonna put

This away for now so that we can talk to mr krabs and of course the krusty krab which is looking pretty cool you can see the the sign up there it is huge hey there mr krabs spongebob me boy i’m glad you’re here and you brought extra labor i mean a friend great

Busted full customers are on the way to the krusty krab i need as much help as i can get to serve all them krabby patties that’s where you come in serve the customers and collect their money just don’t let them destroy the restaurant and me cash register survive for as long

As you can think you can help me out and so i can have the best day ever sure so hopefully we can make mr krabs lots of money squidward is here too spongebob’s got his super spatula oh now here they come so what do we do we have

A spatula here the cash registers up that way uh i guess i’m just serving the tables uh what do i do oh do i launch it at them i’m really confused i’m really really confused but uh apparently we’ve already made four dollars oh here they are yeah we’re just hitting them with

Burgers i mean i guess if it makes them happy here you go all the patties you can get right into the face if this is working that’s fantastic okay there’s the first group of them gone wave number two started get ready uh so what else do we have we have the

Hydrodynamic spatula the krabby patty tray oh that one’s sort of like a burst interesting the placeless spatula pile of burgers pile burgers that’s not working we’re just gonna keep with this one for now i think uh oh they’re trying to pay now so don’t hit the people trying to pay right

I’m very confused but just trying to keep that cash register alive and well we’ve made 37 so far quite a profit margin okay here you go you want the burgers take them take them the bus left them okay they just disappear that person’s got hit by the bus oh my

Goodness what if we played them some music though welcome to the krusty krab all right there we go a little bit more yeah i’m not letting them in that’s for sure you could eat the burgers at the door how are they paying i guess they’re just throwing the money at me

Oh actually i think they’re coming in from the side too i didn’t even see the second bus if some of them want two burgers they got quite the half the appetite but if they’re uh oh gosh what did i press i don’t know uh but i guess if their wallet can handle

It then they can have as much as they want oh my gosh they are hungry see what about the tables i guess if i oh if i set the burgers on the table it’ll work as little decoys for them i understand now oh no it’s bubble baths uh oh where uh

I don’t know oh i could put these whoa that’s so interesting okay here goes bubble bass come on throw his buddy as you get out of him give him the whole try get him out of here oh my goodness so now i understand how it works this is

Crazy okay he’s running he’s running i still have five more of these to put down let’s put him outside too this is so cool it’s like a tower defense game okay that’s all i can manage right now we’re gonna be launching more patties at you from over here

So we’ve already made a hundred and fifty dollars number wave number five is started get ready oh i’m ready all right we got the the bun the pickle the patty the cheese the lettuce the tomato it’s all coming together and going right towards their mouth all right so

So far these guys are definitely tough they require a lot more burgers to actually get rid of a lot of them are still getting their their their fill and that’s good this just keeps going and going though doesn’t it all right come on no no no so they’re going right for the tables

Luckily so they’ll get all filled up with that oh this one needs a refill i could keep doing this too sort of get rid of a big group of them and that’s it for now but there’s more comments this is wave six how long does it go on for playing an

Annoying musical instrument can buy you some time but you’ll lose customers okay oh so that’s what they were saying before remember when we got the coronet helps defend the krusty krab they’ll run away but the problem is they won’t want to buy the burgers they’re offended by the music

Even though if i just stand right here it seems like it just blocks them off really well they’re it’s difficult for them to get past it and spongebob of course is launching some krabby patty suit he’s a pro at this but so far they just can’t keep up with

Us i don’t know how many wave this is supposed to go on for maybe it’s supposed to go on forever but standing right at the door certainly seems to be the best bat here come three more buses for wave seven and bubble bass is back for seconds

I wouldn’t say he has a fast metabolism but uh definitely a big appetite okay so they’re just running away at the door because we’re doing a good job i wonder if i can scare away bubble baths with the clarinet all right so let’s just try this a little bit more direct

But that’s not working as well i think this is fun because this also knocks them back a little and it looks like they’ve gone through all of our little krabby patty turrets that we had there we go so while they’re distracted with these tables we need to get rid of them bubble

Bass is back again oh no that was not the best there’s just a huge group of them there that sort of looked like it for a second geez there’s so much going on here but this is where if we are getting overwhelmed we could try to play the clarinet

Since i do have it but maybe we’ll just keep going with this number eight has started we haven’t even finished wave seven there we go oh this one needs to be refilled oh here they come again right now the tray is definitely for me the best thing so many of them

Keep them out the door spongebob keep them out the door they’re all rushing in oh man this is actually so many of them i still think the trade is the best one because it’s launching a lot of them at once oh my gosh that is a lot of them though

So once they start turning onto the the register that’s when we gotta whip out the clarinet and try to protect our run but i can’t imagine this is gonna go on for too much longer right oh i can hold it for even more of a krabby patty burst effect all right uh

Put that there okay they’re rushing back over come on keep them busy keep them busy spongebob’s helping in whatever way he can okay a lot of them are running away now i think we did it wave number nine is starting now this is my chances set these two up

That’s about as good as we’re gonna get for now let’s be a little bit more direct right now as they are working their way into everything how many fish can there really be you know apparently a lot of them a whole big bunch that was not enough for this group oh

Gosh because we’ve done maybe there’s 10 waves in total or something crazy like that i’m not quite sure but we are running out of table patties okay let’s switch back to this one but that just does not deal with the groups as well there we go they are just so hungry

We’ve made over 800 though huge day of profits for sure i’m sure mr krabs is smiling from ear to ear with all the money we’re making them that was the last of my well it’s not the last of it but it’s pretty close to it there we go now i’m

Out i do think we get more over time okay maybe we could give one of them a jellyfish that did nothing okay the jellyfish is flying around now anyone want one of the uh jellyfish patties huh no oh gosh this is so much and bubble bass

Is here i didn’t even see him he ate through the wall oh no no we cleared it clarinet clarinet get out of here that’s not doing enough that is not doing enough this is too much oh no wait did we do it i think we broke the

Register uh attention crusty crew uh the cash just now at only ten percent out the cash register has fallen and the food is now over or that the food service is now over new high score of 961 dollars look at you oh my goodness hey laddie thanks for helping me out i

Can always use more hands here at the krusty krab would you like to help me out again maybe later so that was pretty cool look at us we got the s rank i think it looks like it so we did pretty good there spongebob we were able to save the

Day and make mr krabs a ton of money oh you’re not happy with me huh uh i’m just gonna keep you in there for now so let’s take a look around the krusty krab we got the gallery grub can order here squidward’s not here and neither is the

Cash register now that it’s destroyed but here we go this is the kitchen they make the burgers they fry the fries all the condiments of course a hand washing station you gotta keep those those little hands clean spongebob if not that’s you know the health department might shut down

The krusty krab that would be good got the bathrooms i would get to sit on these uh privacy please this little toilet paper too okay so uh what do we got on this side this should be mr krabs little office right does he have anything cool around here i

Can sit in his chair i’m the boss now huh all right we own the krusty krab oh his safe is back here too which doesn’t seem to have anything that we can access we don’t want the code so there we go there was a krusty krab but now we have to go

Across the road to of course the competition we have the chum bucket and it looks like plankton’s little robot friend i forget their name at the moment oh hi spongebob and friend i heard you’re going around town helping people have their best day ever so i

Wanted to ask for a favor ponton has gotten himself trapped in some crazy contraption in his lab he’s the smartest guy i know but sometimes he just doesn’t use his brain i tried to get him out but i can’t fit through the maintenance event do you think you could help him

Help me by getting him out my processor is about to short out from all his screaming oh no okay so we’re gonna help you out use the live maintenance shaft located behind the chum bucket so we can’t get inside right now we can go around this side i think yep here we go

Oh and into your whoa we’re going way down this looks like a trap to me there’s a button to press oh we can go through what is all of this is this like a parkour challenge what did that button do i’m not sure there’s a lot of ladders everywhere am i

Even needing to do any of this i’m not quite sure oh no i’m not sure if i’m very oh i see that’s what the buttons are for the buttons sort of let go of the hatch i think so that we can access other parts of the parkour so we have to hit those

Whenever we pass them because if not we just won’t be able to get up any farther once we fall to do the whole thing over again we don’t want that so let’s try again yep just like that spongebob though handling it like a champ over there

So what happens i i see some buns maybe that’s not what it does though i’m not quite sure oh no it’s just these levers okay i’m overthinking it Okay we’re going up here here’s another so luckily those sort of work as checkpoints now if we do fall we can just climb up there ah what was that the wrong one is this a guessing game spongebob is way ahead of me already i didn’t realize that they could do that

That’s so neat ah okay so i’m just trying to figure out which one is the right one here am i supposed to know maybe this one now there you go ah come on it’s okay it’s okay luckily it’s not too much of a penalty we just climb back up and try again

Okay 50 50 shot you are kidding me oh come on i should have went with the left one it’s always the left one right gotta trust the lefties let’s try it again oh spongebob fell too i know the feeling buddy i know the feeling this is it

We got it oh man i almost thought i was gonna fall again let’s see we could hit this big blue button that breaks open this great help please someone anyone help me oh there you are you trapped i got you buddy few fools you really thought i would get

Stuck in my own trap this isn’t even the real me this is a hologram but thank you so much for making this the best day ever i couldn’t think of anything more enjoyable than seeing your faces trapped behind bars have a great day thanks so i guess we got trapped by plankton

Spongebob but why just for fun is this what you just do on weekends uh well i can start hitting some levers maybe that could do something what if i hit them all oh that one broke see some of them are breaking so maybe just with enough fiddling we could get through this

If not i really have no clue you got any idea spongebob or you’re just gonna stand there i can’t talk to holographic plankton okay that was another one broken trying to click them all but i keep missing there’s another one and another one i almost have them all switched does that free us

It doesn’t okay you can throw some krabby patties at you i i don’t think that’s doing much oh i did something i guess i just didn’t break that one i don’t really know what happened but we’re free we can run away but to where uh

I don’t really see much of a way to go oh we can isn’t this where we came through i guess not whoa so this is more of plankton’s lab interesting what do these buttons do so far not much what about this one this one’s like a big generator

That turned awful light okay but there’s a light on in here so maybe i just have to follow the different lights this seems to be doing something And then this one we did it okay so it’s just different little trials that planted it to set up for us what is this is this ice no it’s not glass this is like a hall of mirrors oh man This is definitely a maze so we can see some things around us like there is a ladder up there a passageway down that way we got this spongebob we just got to use our wits hmm okay oh that’s so tricky because it doesn’t look like i guess it sort of does huh

So i think the only way i didn’t go was down this one so let’s try that and this seems to be leading somewhere but it doesn’t i can’t go into the glass or anything but there’s still a side path over here aha here we go we’re making some

Progress now so we’re on the second level now the red level so i guess i could use this to reference what’s going to be happening ahead of us but right now i just want to sort of look through get a good lay of the land

You know if we ever get hungry or stuck in this we do have some krabby patties and a jellyfish if we wanted some jelly for shelly but you know we’re gonna get we’re gonna risk getting stung there so that’ll be more of a last

Resort if you ask me if only we had the con shot right well this one feels pretty sneaky and it is awesome so what about over this way maybe i’ll get lucky and choose the right way in the first try oh what is it oh that was just a bubble

So this one just leads in a big circle okay so if we go left instead and maybe over here oh there’s some ladders back up but this is like a totally different section right i don’t recall maybe not though i think we may have just found a shortcut is all

It’s definitely hard to tell let’s go back this way real quick because this should bring me back no no to the beginning over this way maybe i have no clue i might be a little lost spongebob i’m sorry to say this is where we just went down from

So what’s this way then oh okay hold on then up here and we’ve gone to the gray area this is new There are a lot of ways to go i don’t know which way to go first but this seems fine enough to me okay look at us we did it we survived the big maze but there of course is still more it looks like we have another platforming section or something what do

These red buttons do no that was wrong right away i don’t know what’s gonna happen or gonna explode uh is that a good thing a bad thing i’m not quite sure i’m just gonna hit every button in sight we’ll see what ends up happening from that so i do see one

Right over there and there just trying to find out what’s the best place to jump first so i could try that one and i can hop up here so i’ll get a little better this parkour stuff as we go along right i think this is the last one so if we

Hop up here lots of buzzers but did that accomplish anything is the question i mean there could still be more hanging out that i missed i’m not seeing any of that huh something is definitely up oh here it is behind the staircase that was the sneakiest one right there

Don’t worry spongebob i got it but yeah it was right behind that staircase okay so now that we found that what is with this one so we have all these different little vault kind of things and these buttons that sort of correspond with the colors maybe or that turn on one light

And another and another and another that’s not really doing anything uh what if i just yellow brown brown yellow I don’t think that did anything um Huh any idea spongebob he’s been mostly watching us through this adventure oh i just had to turn them all on at once was that it i’m a little confused but hey if it works nothing down there okay now it’s with all this stuff i keep looking around for hints right

Oh is this like a block puzzle that we’re supposed to push it through this whole maze so we can grab it pull it push it and then grab it oh would you look at that so grab it from there push it and then push it out i got it i got it then

Grab it there and then push it out and it should go to the hole where do you think you’re going you’re supposed to be trapped down here forever don’t you dare try to and take the elevator or else i’ll have to stop you myself wait i’m just a hologram well

You win this round but know that you haven’t seen the last of me while you were frolicking i’ll be planning my revenge while you are sleeping i’ll be planning my revenge while you’re eating i’ll be planning my revenge while you are crafting i’ll be you guessed it crafting my revenge

All right then so i guess we should prepare for the revenge of plankton you need to go to college after all so achieving a lot plankton’s prison that was an interesting one so i think we only have two more people to help which i think is going to be sandy cheeks and

Miss puff i’m a little curious you can still see other characters places even if they don’t have missions for us like there is the amusement park that we explored earlier in today’s episode but we have spongebob’s grandma i want to say hi to grandma hi grandma how are you doing

I love the best day ever grandma squarepants okay well good to see you i can’t go into your intimidatingly large house but uh it is a nice little home you’re doing great love what you found the lawn which i could go inside but i can’t so i

Guess we’ll head back over the other way and see if we can’t catch up with sandy cheeks so here we are as you can see there’s still quite a few more things to explore so i’m gonna hop on the boat we have rock bottom and kelp forest over this

Way spongebob’s gonna ride with us which is just great looks like he doesn’t mind running passenger seat uh but from what i can see yeah we’re going the right way we just need to follow this path and hopefully eventually we’ll get to where we’re going help forest rock bottom and bikini bottom

So it does split up a little bit where could sandy’s house be is it going to be here I think so Um i mean i think this is for sandy oh there she is all right yeah we got here hi sandy how are you doing how did their partner see your spongebob’s new friend huh well nice to meet you i heard y’all were helping folks have their best day ever would you like to

Help me get my latest rocket up and running of course yeehaw that makes me happier than a pig in a mud so my rocket has five systems that need to be turned on before it can be launched do you have any experience with machines and contraptions uh i can learn

Perfect so all you need to do is figure out how the systems work and power them on then meet me at the launch controls and we can power up the rocket i’m on it see let’s go for this sun so sandy’s here with us so power them on

Uh so power up all five systems to prepare the rocket for launch i see all these here so if i press this big red button the redstone goes through but not much happens here so now it’s going through there’s a whole system here to figure out we want to push that out

And then this how do i push this one i’m not quite sure uh oh like that okay so trying again here comes the minecart but it doesn’t make it past that one so to do that one is there any other switch there is some redstone to mess with over this way i’ve

Never messed with redstone before so this is all an experience for me um it seems like it goes back that way so what i might have to do as you can see they sort of swap over so i could hit this wait for the minecart to go over swap again

And does that make it power system activated so that’s one of them done right and now we have to go over this way i see this is very interesting oh no we are on the map right now by the way okay we’re just like right next to cindy’s little dome whoa

Look at this so what exactly is happening with this one that needs to be changed messing with these oh no no no not what i wanted uh doesn’t really seem to do much right now i’m just trying to figure out what her end goal is

Maybe for her to get higher up in the air i guess so there’s only really a few different controls to mess with okay that seemed to have done something i don’t know what but i had them both up and press the button the life support system is activated good enough for me

Let’s move on down this way oh no this is like connecting them all so we have one there one here is there another one under this way i guess sandy activates that one once all the other ones are ready yeah that seems to be about right so we can head this

Way now instead what is this about uh we have to have them all facing the same direction what would that do let’s take a look in the inside you can see for ourselves uh we need to match these down up into the top right so down up and then top right

There we go navigation system activated we’re figuring it out so what’s going on with this one if i press this button it pushes something forward same thing with this button same thing with this one gotcha so what does that do oh so it’s pushing one down the line so

We should be able to push it over like this push it over like that and we just have to continually do that huh there we go hopefully that works uh until we reach there got it did i hit this one now i have there you go fuel system activated so

That was one two three four of them right well what’s going on with this one there’s a metal plate i can stand on and there’s definitely some things moving around when when we do that okay so they’re all moving okay that was it engines is the mounted attached to cd

At the launch platform i gotta be honest i don’t know what i did with that one but uh just pressing the button once and the other one it seemed to do something okay let’s talk to sandy over here well color me and press you did it while

You were doing that i did all the final checks on the rocket but since you did all the hard work you could do the honors of pushing the big red button thanks so big red button right here let’s launch whoa here we go we have liftoff that’s definitely gonna make it out of

The water we did it thanks for your help i couldn’t have done it without you you’re welcome it’s long gone the redstone rocket okay so that was quite an interesting experience here’s some krabby patties for your trouble uh so there we go there was sandy’s mission not quite done though because there of

Course is some areas to check out down that way and i also want to take a look inside sandy’s home if it lets me i don’t know if it will but you can already see inside of this little hamster wheel you can see the picnic table

And we can enter it here we go so here’s sandy’s house can sit at the table i mean luckily i’m fine without water i don’t know how good spongebob’s gonna do here oh no uh i’ll just leave that for sandy it’s a new pet for uh

Oh i can’t run on this that oh here we go look at us this is so cool all right well we can keep fit under here and is there any way inside the tree itself it doesn’t look like it so i think we’re gonna leave that there and boat on over to

What i think is over this fight right if we take a look at the map there is whatever it’s called i forgot it’s caught at the moment but it’s that episode where oh no oh no spudger took the boat or the bus down here yeah look at this wow so

Is there anything to do around here is the question oh the boat’s stuck and now is not the good time to lose the boat so i’m trying to be careful Huh well it’s certainly relaxing down here if we’re not stranded i just don’t know if there’s much to do oh it keeps going down so what will we find on this way then uh not much at the moment i think that’s it i might go back up this way going on

Quite the off-road adventure with this boat i like it so i think yeah we just went into a big circle that was still really neat so got to explore that let’s go and talk to miss puff though she should have our last mission of this game

So that was the kelp forest but over this way is rock bottom huh interesting i thought rock bottom was the one where spongebob rode the bus and it led him to the very bottom but maybe i’m wrong that could still be the case you can see

On the map way down that way so we might leave that for the end of this episode i want to go over to the town look around here a little bit so we didn’t see larry before i don’t think laura has any missions for us oh but here is the

The shady shoals rest home so this is where we should be able to find uh was it merman and barnacle boy right let’s see if they’re here hello oh is it the best day ever already yes it is let us end hey there mermaid man uh alex is that you oh sorry i

Thought you were someone else all right well hi there particle boy don’t stand so close no one likes a creeper sorry oh what do you got going on on the tv not much not much all right well i hope they’re having a good time here and there’s still plenty of other things

To explore around here like the palace of pranks which i think we sort of played our music around in i don’t know if there’s any other buildings to go into so it’s definitely worth looking around a little bit is that a weenie hut juniors it might

Just be and we have oh the theater this is so cool so am i allowed in the theater looks like i am so maybe some stuff we should save until later i want to go and do the uh miss puff mission for right now right over the spy

Let’s do some of the mrs puffs boating school so i’ll hop out of this boat so we could go and talk to her and start from there this is looking great though so of all these different obstacle courses to make our way through to prove that we are a

Proper boater hello what a terrible day what’s wrong oh it’s spongebob and his friend great i’m just in a sour mood because my boat is completely wrecked and surprisingly not because of you spongebob but that means i need a new one i have no idea how i’ll be able to afford one

I don’t know one scary road later uh what is going on here are we ready we got we’re just raising everybody oh my gosh we got uh whatever his name is we got mermaid man and barnacle boy their invisible boat uh the burger car whoa which one are we racing in

Here we are the rock bottom race track everyone is already in their vehicles go join spongebob in your vehicle and win that race uh it’s somehow much creepier than i expected looks like the other races are already at the starting line well i guess it’s better than that he

Isn’t driving so we’re going in that one but we have doodlebob we have the the bubble uh the flying dutchman that is so cool oh this is awesome this is my favorite part so far so we have to win the race ready set go so we gotta get to this thing is slow

This thing is so slow i’m trying to keep up the oh this is the speed boost i think we might be better in third person here this is great oh man out of the way everybody we gotta win oh my gosh it’s the giant worm i love all this episode references but

Uh oh gosh they are super far ahead now so we need to catch up don’t go through the kelp i guess or whatever it is to coral oh no huge jump down this way oh man this thing is not very aerodynamic somebody got hit by something other can

I hit you with the here you go get out of here get out of here oh man now we’re going way up here that’s gonna be lap one done catching up there’s pseudobob gotta get these speed boosts if we can’t win we can’t get that boat back i guess i

Guess there’s maybe a grand prize or something they never really explained it to us but not again not again i’m gonna wait right here flying dutchman’s gonna crash but not me i learned from my mistake the problem is some of the racers got ahead of us there and now they’re really

Far ahead so i’m just trying to do whatever i can it doesn’t look like there’s much in terms of shortcuts or anything get out of here they’re passing me no problem they have no no no no no wait wait get back in well i didn’t mean to

Do that uh no how do i get in what what happened ah that’s not what i wanted but it looks like the flying dutchman won that one that was a real good try but you didn’t win but since it’s your best day ever how about you try again sure

I’ll give it a second go but now i know a little bit better about how to race so we’re coming up on the last lap now doodlebob and merman man are ahead of us right now but if i could just get that speed boost maybe even that one

Unfortunately i missed it but come on we’re almost at a doodlebob hopefully doesn’t use any dirty tactics to get back ahead of us but if i could just no whoa come on i almost hit that speed boost that might be it for us i don’t know if we’ll be able to beat out

Mermaid man now that i’ve gotten hit like that this is a tough race it is not easy to stay ahead with this burger car or crabby car i guess crappy cart something like that oh i tried to go around it but the handling is not very

Good i think i may have lost again jeez this is definitely gonna take me a couple of tries there’s gotta be a shortcut around here somewhere though right you’d think yeah it didn’t quite make it the flying dutchman won again i don’t think he did though did he

I don’t know i didn’t even see him in that race okay we’re on the last lap i just got hit by the giant eel or whatever it is luckily i was able to make some good moves around the alaskan bullworm and not get hit by that while everybody else

Did so i think we got to the final stretch to the finish line hopefully nobody passes us we did it all right rock bottom racing is completed hi guys so you got second you got third uh hello you did it you actually won and now i

Get to take this beauty home are you ready to leave i’m happy to give you a ride not yet i wanted to check out your new ride oh this looks nice look at you i’m glad we were able to win something for you and this shows you

That we are actually at rock bottom here so we won’t have the travel to export later uh so let’s go back home thank you miss puff and where did you go uh you were there and then you disappeared but i know we could talk to spongebob

We did it we managed to help everyone have their best day ever now let’s go celebrate with everyone at gulagoon it’s time the party party time so there we go 12 seconds later we are having a huge party for the best day ever i’m glad we were able to help

Everybody here in bikini bottom to give them this glorious glorious dye let’s go and talk to spongebob i’ll be can you bottom one of the thank you and tell you that no matter where you are from you will always be welcome in bikini bottom but enough of that

Ready to get back to the party sure so i guess we could all just hang out them and dance when everyone’s dancing even squidward this party is just a cruel reminder that i’m single and likely to remain that way forever sometimes we have to go deep inside ourselves to solve our problems thanks

Again for today today has been great you know home is where you’re surrounded by other critters that care about you and i feel right at home that’s great we got out of my gary danson it’s like i always say if you believe in yourself with a tiny pinch of magic all

Your dreams could come true we have plenty of other people dancing got kevin see cucumber let me know if you ever want to join the jelly spotters uh plenty of people out here dude this is great we got our grandma squarepants so you’re the one who helped spongebob

Today i’ll be sure to make you a batch of cookies as a thank you and of course his other parents we got harold squarepants uh thank you so much i know i speak for everyone when i say we consider you a member of the squarepants family thank you so much for helping spongebob

You’re truly the greatest friend in the world we got doodlebob even dancing hey all right uh it’s fred my leg that’s perfect we need to say thanks to him thanks uh we got squillium fancy son wow i had no idea you were such a success thanks he really can move too uh

Of course it is the famous smitty worm man jansen i’m number one you really are you really are oh yeah best day ever thirty three point thirty three percent best thirty three point thirty three percent day thirty point three point thirty three percent ever thanks that’s karen that’s her name okay oh

It’s the king jellyfish All right well what about you we got perch perkins what inspired you to help out everyone today thanks i guess he’ll never get his proper interview willie here’s miss puff thanks again for helping me i was worried i was going to have to move to a new city

Starting boating school with a new name well luckily you didn’t have to do that oh it’s you it’s a mystery of the seahorse all right uh mary i don’t remember mary yes you better not be selling any chocolate oh it’s a chocolate ladies what i can’t hear you it’s mary’s mother

Oh my gosh mr krabs well this was fun but if i don’t make some more money today i’ll surely break out it in a rash wait let’s go i guess i could go and do more with him uh here’s pearl did you know that no one says cool anymore that’s such an old

Person thing now we say steve as in that nose job is so steve thanks and then of course betsy krabs well done today thank you scotty likes have earned a glass of lemonade all right um and then we have you to talk to you chocolate all right it’s the chocolate guy and of

Course larry the lobster hey i want to go lift some weights and what about you bartender did you enjoy your best day ever would you like to meet all those people who made it possible yes please so here we go here are the credits to this spongebob dlc for minecraft this was so

Much fun i truly had a blast playing through this and as far as i understand there are some other dlcs just like this there’s one for sonic the hedgehog one for minions one for the new uh buzz lightyear movie so if you guys want to see more minecraft content like this be

Sure to let me know i know a lot of you’ve been asking for more minecraft so stay tuned because i definitely am going to be working on some other more typical minecraft stuff some survival stuff and such that’s coming eventually soon i’m working on it but also if you

Want to see more spongebob stuff we had a full playthrough of spongebob squarepants battle for bikini bottom rehydrated we played that game 100 and there is a brand new spongebob game releasing later this year we’ll be playing that one too so plenty more awesome spongebob games and content on

The way and minecraft as well so this is the perfect combo so that being said that is gonna wrap it up for today’s episode of zebra’s minecraft fun thank you guys so much for watching i’ll see you next time bye bye

Checking out the Minecraft SpongeBob SquarePants DLC on Minecraft Bedrock Edition! We join SpongeBob and meet all of his friends across Bikini Bottom to help them have the Best Day Ever!

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Zebra’s Minecraft Fun is a series where Zebra Gamer checks out the latest and most exciting content added to the Minecraft Market Place in Minecraft Bedrock Edition!

More information about #Minecraft Bedrock Edition and the #Spongebob DLC:
Minecraft is a game about placing blocks and going on adventures.
Explore randomly-generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles.
Play in Creative Mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armour to fend off the dangerous mobs.
Are you ready, kids? It’s time to join your favourite under-the-sea chums on an adventure in Minecraft! Visit Bikini Bottom and help make today the BEST DAY EVER for SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, and friends. Complete with 40 skins.
Created by Spark Universe
If you’ve always wanted to wander around Bikini Bottom, drop in at the Krusty Krab, and perhaps even take one of the boats at Mrs. Puff’s Boating School for a spin – now you can! In this immersive DLC, you’ll dive into the world of SpongeBob in a way you’ve never seen it before. Drift through blocky Jellyfish Fields, pop into SpongeBob’s Pineapple House, visit Sandy, or relax in a blocky Reef Cinema as you explore this expansive map. You’ll be rewarded for your curiosity too, because on your travels you might just find collectibles and items that’ll help you on your very important mission: helping SpongeBob make everyone’s day in Bikini Bottom the best day ever!
Working alongside SpongeBob, you’ll defend the Krusty Krab from a hoard of hungry anchovies, put your building skills to the test for Patrick, help Sandy master the explosive powers of redstone, face off against Plankton’s tricks, and more! Jump, race, puzzle, and build your way through six epic quests, including one combat-based mini-game that’ll have you flipping defensive burgers like a pro.


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