Getting The Rare Iridium Milk In Stardew Valley

Today we’re gonna get our hands on that iridium milk and I’m gonna show you the best way to do that before we can get the iridium milk we need to find the secret node number 10 in particular and conveniently it’s the only one I don’t currently have so we need to go find

That one I don’t know why but it’s always a very last one I find in my experience the best way to find secret notes is either clear the mutant bug layer or just going through floors in the mines break rocks kill enemies clear fiber especially seems to be

Particularly lucky for me I do like the mutant bug layer in particular because I can mosey just use my sword to kill the bugs and clear everything and of course the mutant bug layer is gonna fail me because I’m trying to make a video and it’s gonna make it as difficult as

Possible one prerequisite for finding secret no.10 is to complete keys challenge that is once you hit skull cavern mr. key will challenge you to hit level 25 in skull cavern you need to have accomplished this before you can get secret note 10 I’ve definitely done this I just can’t find the note 11

Floors later 7:30 p.m. and wouldn’t you know it no secret note I know I can find it because I found it yesterday I just didn’t save my progress because I wanted to find it this way the natural way I was using mods yesterday and I don’t

Want a cheat to do this well there we go 94 hours later of 30 a.m. in the morning and this should be the final note so you could note number 10 now should you read that someone is waiting for you on level 100 in this goal cavern dot so you can

Probably guess where we’re heading next but before we do that we’ve got a few things together one of those things is more bombs because I’m gonna use bombs to get there bombs are just a very easy way of clearing out a mine floor which kind of bomb is a personal preference I

Use the regular bombs because they’re easier to get out of the way of and you’re gonna take a ton of damage as it is in skull cavern we need to get down 100 floors I’m assuming we’re gonna use on an average of 2 bombs per floor give

Or take let’s already had 85 so there’s 285 bombs but this can also be done with your pickaxe so don’t worry if you can’t afford the bombs it just makes it a lot easier also any stones you may have gathered don’t throw them away we’re probably actually gonna put those

To use in skull cavern they can actually make things very very easy we still have a few things we need to do before we head to skull cavern the first of which is gather some healing items now the very best healing item in the game is the energy tonic at Harveys clinic it

Gives you 500 energy and 200 health but it does cost 1,000 gold this in my opinion is over kill you’re gonna be healing yourself so often getting all that health back and energy isn’t really worth it not for a thousand gold optimally you’re gonna want something that doesn’t cost so much

And doesn’t give you quite so much health because you don’t need to be restoring yourself 200 health why is Gus not here it’s Tuesday the saloon is open this is always here this is what he does he’s not here is he a yoga nope he’s definitely not here with the rest of the

Ladies why can one of my ideas never just be as simple as it should be oh here he is strolling in a 2:00 p.m. for some reason I don’t know if this is an odd day for him it might be the variable where he’s at Harveys clinic

I’m not really sure I’ve never not seen him here before when he’s supposed to be anyways the option I like to go for when I’m buying healing items is solid it costs almost five times s in this stuff I’m Harvey’s clinic but has a much better ratio it heals you 45 health each

Certainly you need to eat one or two of these at a time and it’s gonna do what you needed to do I’m just gonna go ahead and buy about a hundred of these I like having a lot of these on me anyway and I

Just have a lot of money right now so it doesn’t really matter to me there are of course lots of good for jables and stuff around if you don’t have a lot of money you can use those just as easily that’s not really a big deal

Another thing I’m gonna want before I do this to make it a little bit easier is the galaxy hammer I actually like it over the galaxy sword it does a little bit more damage and it’s special move is much better than the swords it will cost

You $75,000 you can’t find it before you find the galaxy sword but it’s worth the money if I had more time in patience right now I would kill 500 dust sprites another 200 that would get me the burglar ring that this means items have twice a chance to drop and if you’re

Going to 100 floors of skull cavern you might as well get a better drop rate also what we’re talking about it I would also make an iridium band because it essentially does the work of three rings in one and that would save room for a burglar ring on my other finger because

Apparently I only have two fingers but I don’t currently have 50 solar essences avoid essences so I’m not gonna bother those make it a little bit easier but that’s not a big deal to me if you want to do this really easy but also quite expensive way you can stop with a

Carpenter shop to buy a bunch of stones because stones will make you these a staircase use this to move down a level in the mines while you can just do that a hundred times of course to do that you will need ninety nine hundred stones so 10 stacks of stones you can despite

Those from Robin it will cost you 99 thousand in your first year and nine hundred ninety thousand the years after that so if you’re gonna do that buy the stones in the FIR before the price goes up oranges go collect 10,000 stones won’t actually take you that long so with that we’re

Basically ready to do this the only other thing I’ve acquired are the lucky lunches because they give you +3 luck which is way more luck than the game can naturally give you those can occasionally be bought from crocus on Saturday so go check him out or you can

Get the recipe to make them so at this point we’re basically just gonna play the waiting game we need to wait for a naturally good luck date then we’re gonna eat the lucky lunches and head to skull cavern before I do that I’m gonna make some of these and destroy them on

My person this is what we’re after the person holding a startup on TV the spirits are very happy today that is most natural luck we can do they used to actually be this really weird exploit where you could go from floor 120 of their minds to skull cavern in an

Instant which was definitely the fastest way to get there but since that’s been patched we mostly just need to stand in the way of Pam Trek leaves the house at about 8:40 a.m. now if you stand in her way she’ll eventually get angry and run past

You to make up for lost time but you like to move faster than she normally does so you can get there slightly quicker and then once you move into the bus stop area you just do the same thing again stand right in the way she’ll

Hurry up to the bus and off we go we’ll get there a little before 10 a.m. and of course before we enter skull cavern we’ve got any one of our lucky lunches to take advantage of all that good luck this does make a considerable difference because we need to find as many ladders

And shafts as we possibly can as quick as we can because making it a hundred floors isn’t always guaranteed there’s a lot of variables at play here but once you enter it’s pretty straightforward if it’s not a lot of monsters attacking you take your time don’t rush it as soon as

They start attacking you be sure to fight them off you can lose all of your health very quickly no matter what your equipment is only two bombs to find the first ladder that’s the ratio I was hoping for but do keep in mind you only

Have one day to make it down 100 floors which is still 2 a.m. before you pass out so hopefully find lots of shafts make sure you’re constantly breaking rocks but never at the sacrifice of your health and on occasion you’re gonna find a treasure floor they’ll give you random

Things this one is cranberry sauce I’m not gonna eat that because if I do what’s gonna remove my buff for luck and replace with mining and I need the luck a lot more than I need Mining skill but already I’m down 11 floors when tempted away there and I’ve only been here for

An hour and some of the smaller floors with lots of rocks I would recommend using an extra bomb if you have extra even after you find a ladder because you might just find a shaft it’s definitely possible shaft and a ladder and if you think that’s gonna be a pretty good option

Well go ahead and take it now in some of the floors that are a little bit bigger and the rocks are a little more sparse go ahead and use the staircases because your bombs really gonna get four or five rocks at a time that’s not really great

Use of the bombs just go ahead and use a ladder to get down the same thing applies for floors on lots of monsters don’t be afraid to use a staircase to save yourself because even there I just lost half my health and if I was there for another few seconds I probably would

Lost all of it but see how nicely that salad works I one of those it brings my health almost back to full anything more would have been overkill another advantage of using two bombs is you’re gonna find a lot of rocks and those are gonna help you make more staircases

Always keep your health topped up though your health really is priority number one stay alive because if you can’t stay alive you’re certainly not gonna hit floor 100 I am one quarter of the way there and it’s 2:40 p.m. I do need to pick up the pace just a little bit I

Need to get lucky and find a few shafts chef’s honestly can make all the difference in the world potentially you could find three shafts right away they’re gonna take you down 35 floors that’s a third of the way there and that could be accomplished in seconds really

Here’s my first iridium note on floor 27 and I’m gonna leave the floor because there’s lots of good flying things treasure floor I’m tempted to skip this floor because of time but there’s two iridium bars and that’s an easy Florida cross through here’s my second shaft to

The run so far I’m not getting nearly as lucky as I was hoping for with all my extra luck I should be finding more of these hopefully this is a good one eight levels that’s almost a tenth of the way in one small bound hopefully we’ll find

A few more of those and then this is gonna be easy also infested floors are gonna be your enemy so you’re past those as quick as you can it never hurts to have a staircase on standby just for those flurries I wouldn’t recommend using your last one

Just for floors like that because I’m starting to fall behind the pace I need to be at I’m gonna start using a few extra bombs per floor with lots of rocks just in the hope that I can find more shafts anytime you bake a rock it has a

Chance of spawning a shaft and I need as many of those as I can find right now this floor would be a nightmare if I didn’t find the way down because it’s 3 iridium bats chasing me those aren’t a lot of fun to deal with curly on floor 64 and I’ve got 578

Stones to show for my effort so I’m gonna make more of my staircases another trick if he ever being swarmed is just open the menu as long as you’re not in multiplayer it will freeze the game and give you a second to breathe and think about your next maneuver if your

Multiplayer good luck you’re probably just gonna die gory 66 we got herself our much-needed shaft hopefully it’s a good one not three levels which consists of 469 the third treasure floor of our run for energy tonics those are probably worth more than a gold value than they are now

Actual energy value but we’re gonna use those anyway should we need them because they were afraid any way and another treasure floor these are showing up everywhere tree sapling definitely don’t want that not really treasure somewhat valuable but now to iridium nodes that’s probably thanks to my good luck the

Treasure floors might actually be due to my good luck I can’t remember if they ever factor well here’s another one I’ve mega bombs I definitely put those to good use mega bombs can be used if you have a bigger radius but you’re gonna get hit by your own explosion a

Lot more because it’s a lot harder to outrun it or 81 another much-needed shaft this should take us most of the way down nope only another three levels 84 another 16 to go we’ve only got a few hours left 10 floors left we’ve got three hours to go and I’ve got three

Staircases so I’ve got to make seven floors naturally and I can use three staircases probably four I’ll gather another few hundred rocks by the time I get there actually here’s a shaft this might actually do it if it’s 9 floors I’m there eight levels so I’m one shy

And it’s a treasure floor so we’ll just collect the treasure and move on down a prismatic shard that’s kind of fitting by 1150 p.m. we’ve hit floor 100 which is where we get this cutscene well well well you made it did you get down here come closer now don’t be shy I don’t

Know about that when I find a strange blue man a hundred stories underground I have to ask a few questions first I heard you were attempting to deep dive in the skull caverns today well you gave me a note that told me to try I had to

See for myself well you got down here awfully fast impressive very impressive you passed my test with flying colors kid wear your color is blue I’m very pleased that you challenge yourself and came down the honorable way instead of skipping all the levels by crafting staircases yeah you get a different

Dialogue if you use the stairs that shows you the real deal kid you’ve got principles this guy has no idea who I am you understand the importance of challenging yourself and holding yourself to the highest standard even if no one is watching ya again you don’t really understand the situation that’s

Why you’re special kids see you lead by example I like that and you give me free stuff so I like that now go over to the table and drink this special milk off for you if this is every real-life situation for you to drink the milk but

Here on the stone table we find iridium milk it’s called iridium snake milk when healthy swig of that and you’ll become even more powerful so without any further questions asked is there’s nothing odd about this situation it taste is awful and the texture is even worse but your health is permanently

Increased by 25 and that’s exactly why we want the iridium milk extra health good luck out there kid I don’t need luck I’ve got mods and with that the whole works disappears but we’ve gotten our iridium milk our health now goes up to a total of 165 I’ll be liked it by

The rare Iridium Milk is one of the best and also most challenging items to acquire. I go through the steps from Secret Note 10 to the 100th floor of Skull Cavern with all sorts of helpful stuff along the way. Stardew Valley gameplay with my commentary as always.


  1. It's good to see how this channel made more sense in-game of stardew valley in its earlier years. The recent ones are just like….. Idk. U learn less about the game, is what I mean.

  2. I thought you got that cutscene for the challenge in Qi's walnut room to get to floor 100 in the impossible skull caverns because I had that quest active while I was doing that and I forgot about the secret note XD

  3. I went into this cave with a bunch of bombs and a blue man told me to drink his special milk. It was purple. It tasted purple. He said it came from a purple snake. It was purple snake milk.

    I didn't even question any of this, I drank all that man's purple snake milk, after all, I needed to bomb a lot of things to earn that man's snake milk.

  4. It’s so weird to watch this guy make a tutorial video, even if it isn’t exactly serious. I’m so used to his mod videos or marriages.

  5. my favourite skull cavern healing item is gold quality cheese made with large milk
    ive got 4 cows each producing large milk once a day, all guaranteeing the high quality cheese (4 a day, which i think is enough if you aren't making a run every day, ive never needed to use more than 10 in a run before to get to lower levels)
    i think it gives ≈200 energy and ≈115 health which i think is very good

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