Surviving in a Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft

This Minecraft world is in the middle of the most dangerous zombie apocalypse ever but I have to find the Cure and save the world well zombie apocalypse certainly is not gorgeous I’ll tell you that much oh this Village certainly has seen better days too what does it say

Run from the dead I mean I don’t think the dead are going anywhere it’s the undead ones you got to watch out for well this house seems all right might have some good food or survival tools or something oh there a little bit of bread oh my goodness no stand back zombie oh

Gosh I think he just infected me dude why why did I not close the door in the zombie apocalypse if you’re in the zombie apocalypse close the door it’s not that hard close the door flush the toilet the first two rules oh man I really need a sword all right closing

The door I’m 30 seconds into the apocalypse I’m already infected this is going to be great thankfully my infection levels are pretty low okay we got some arrows some paper and then a book and quill here let’s see the zombie outbreak is upon us well that’s obvious

We failed our only hope is someone finding this journal and creating the Cure oh I see here’s the items for the Cure don’t mind me boys these items don’t seem too hard leave it up to me boys I guess I toss the items in here to

Make the Cure I heard something oh gosh yeah there’s a lot more zombies out here hey boys how you doing oh gosh that’s terrifying there’s another book here I’m closing the door I learned my lesson the first time there’s almost no way to create things like we used to but we

Have found ways to create a a couple of new effective but not ideal items okay some crafting recipes I guess just going to borrow a bit of this wood here um oh no I just got a stick dude can I not get wood right we can’t create things like

We used to it says interesting Paper Plus paper uh do I do like like this maybe I put them in my off hand oh yeah there we go look at that I just made a bunch of bandages Ah that’s cool infection temporarily slowed I got myself food and hunger or uh Food and

Health I’ve got some flint and a broken iron sword and I combine them to make a flint pointed sword it’s like a makeshift fire aspect sword I mean I’ll take it dude any kind of weapon is a good weapon in the apocalypse where are them zombies I’ve got some items to find

For the Cure oh did they already die did the zombies Die oh hey buddy nice job looks like I got a friend in the apocalypse and I got some nice tasty food tooe yum of course the Iron Golem is just thriving out here in the zombie apocalypse the first item on our cure

List is the potion of healing at a swamp so let’s go find a swamp shall we a bit of a good news bad news situation I’m I’m slowly turning into a zombie although we did find our swamp so we’re one step closer here looking for a potion to Healing hey there’s a witch’s

Hood over here witches have potions right what’s up zombie witch you got a potion for me my boy ow and that’s not what I was talking about that’s not what I meant don’t drink that dude I need that potion to Healing ow gosh dang it I’ll need to use my bandages here give

Me the potion stop being selfish yeah oh my sword is not very strong gosh dang it I did not get my potion I need do you have it Mr drown boy hey yeah yeah take that there might be something in this witch’s Hut here hey a crafting table

Okay at least I can craft now if I can find anything decent to craft is that it dude where’s my potion gosh dang it yes a secret tunnel you know Wich is always putting secret tunnels everywhere they go all right well here goes nothing I

Guess oh gosh oh oh no what happened to you buddy not good oh all right quite mysterious indeed there’s a metal door down there um well there are these lever shall I flick them ow okay I didn’t know what else I expected hey yeah give me something decent uh slowness my my

Favorite thank you slowness and speed do I just walk normal speed now yeah come on no just poison what what happened oh yes I got it the potion of healing our first item secured it also opened up this door down here ah zombie just blend

In crafty I am also a zombie did you just walk out he’s like thanks for rescuing me buddy what do you have there dude he’s got like a firework rocket can I borrow that please can I borrow your firework rocket you’re not going to miss that are you a firework rocket according

To my book if I combine this with a stick I get a oh a distraction Contraption what happens if I use this oh wow very distracting oh I see I can use this to like distract all the zombies away from something that’s helpful I like that and get distracted

Yeah can’t come after me they’re all excited about the fireworks very nice I like this the infections getting to me and wasn’t a natural cough cuz I had covid all right back in the village my face is has looked better and smelled better if I’m to be honest oh gosh more zombies

Dude don’t worry what’s up boys check this out distraction ha don’t got to worry about you anymore kind of okay okay okay the very short attention spans got to run close door check one item secured the health potion next up is the desert for an enchanted golden apple so no time

To waste I guess let’s hit it wait I did get a crafting table so I guess I can go and get some of this uh wheat from the village hopefully without you know dying oh no oh oh no guys guys no no no I I don’t want to kill that one he’s a

Normal villager dude I could probably cure him ah these other zombies though I can take you out yeah oh careful buddy all right all right this is getting nasty let me grab some of this bread here before we head out on our desert Journey can you guys not H gosh I’m

Playing zombie Ring Around the Rosie right now ah that’s probably enough bread let’s hit it dude I need this cure I am not looking good I do like how I run though ah what’s up husky boy yeah take that oh snap that’s kind of cool I could light

The fire on the ground cuz of my flint and sword don’t cross this line or you’re around okay or you can go around it wait hold on can I make a fire around me can you not touch me if I do this ow they go through the fire okay okay I

Really want to avoid taking out that villager don’t worry buddy I’ll cure you yes okay I found that desert temple that’s probably where we have to go to although there might be some helpful stuff in here paper that’s good I can craft some more bandages with that is

That a a zombie bunny oh no I’m not just curing the villagers I’m curing the world anything else useful around here some bread we take those a chest ah more paper all right that’s fine let’s go get this Golden Apple I can’t waste time my infection levels are Rising by the

Second what’s up Temple boy I like your orange you’re looking pretty good my man do you happen to have a oh gosh I don’t have a pickaxe I got to use my little Zombie Fingers oh interesting got to be a little careful for traps but I’m looking for that enchanted golden apple

Hello ouch no no I got to take out a zombie bunny I’m going to feel bad dude oh gosh dang it I I have to I’m going to die if I don’t oh gosh these guys are very scary I’m so so sorry bunnies I’m sorry I got to do it for the betterment

Of the world what do they say you can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs well you can’t cure some zombies without taking out some rabbits or something oh stop stop it o a furnace that is really nice I can’t take it with me but uh I got some coal as well

Although I cannot make a pickaxe so it doesn’t matter much Enchanted oh gosh what did I do oh I set off a trap oh no no no no run run run save me copper it’s the cops oh oh something exploded I lived I must be explosion proof oh hi

Bunny are we friends no we’re not friends okay what just happened dude what just exploded oh it was these TNTs over here that exploded it did drop blocks though anything useful Cobblestone yes dude I got Cobblestone I can finally make a pickaxe man I’m not

Sure what use I’ll have for it but we’ll grab it anyways I use sticks like this and boom I got myself a pickaxe ah feels good man and we’ll grab one of these furnaces and uh grab all this TNT as well and then we’re going to run okay

Okay I’m out I’m out Golden Apple acquired no don’t eat it no that’s a bad idea it does look delicious though well that doesn’t look good they’re growing they’re evolving oh gosh they’re gigantic dude I can’t even hide in the upstairs man they’re going to get me oh

Wait I have an idea what’s up zombo boys hold on hold on go over there be distracted for a second I’m going to set something up just going to do a little bit of this there we go do a little bit of that come over here Mr zomos I got a

Nice little present for you it’s like a firework except you die instead run run run come on light dude yes got him that was awesome oh they dropped something what is this oh it’s a zombie head all right well uh looks kind of small they had kind of massive heads

But who am I to judge the size of one’s head there’s one more that’s fine I can take them out by hand technically by Flint pointed sword but you know yeah yeah got him not too shabby oh oh goodness what are you doing in here man

Come on did somebody not shut the door again that’s our first rule okay well item two is acquired I’ve got these three heads can I do anything with it cloth plus head does something I don’t know how to get cloth though these aren’t cloth right just bandages yeah

I’m not sure how to get that but we’ll figure it out I’m a smart cookie I’m like the god of cookies they should call me a cookie God uh oh wait next up the Pillager Outpost for a goat horn zombie pillagers this might get dangerous hello Mr Outpost oh gosh yep ah zombie

Pillagers no dude oh man they do a lot of damage not cool it’s fine it’s fine I’m just a little naked zombie oh gosh there’s even a boss dude I think he’s got my goat horn though I definitely need that we’re just going to set a distraction over there and we’re going

To sneak in the back my pickaxe coming in handy dude well we have some pumpkins here I guess I can grab anything else of use iron oh my goodness that’s a lot of iron heck yeah I can make like an iron sword and stuff now wait hold on I got a

Better idea ow oh gosh oh gosh no no no no no no don’t don’t don’t kill me don’t kill me ah no no no distraction you know the best distraction you got to say it out loud as you’re doing it okay here’s a perfect spot I’m going to make an army

Of Golems go Golems join us in the battle against the zombies we’ll use their own iron against them welcome to the world buddy you ready to fight some zombos yeah get them dude we that guy didn’t drop the goat horn he did drop zombie cloth oh if I

Combine this with the zombie head oh let me try this again and go o I got a zombie disguise look at me dude I kind of already looked like a zombie but now I definitely do and apparently now when I squat no zombies can see me they just

Think I’m a normal little zombo all the way up to the top and yep there’s my goat horn let’s head back to base oh gosh I’m going to die okay well all right that’s fine that’s fine I almost broke my little zombie bones stay alive little zombie Boys The Cure is on its

Way no not the band oh my goodness well as you would expect there’s more zombies back at the home base but now I’m just like one of you guys I love eating brains I’ve got a beautiful green complexion don’t you just love eating brains okay fine I didn’t want to talk

To you anyways looking mighty green today my boy you look like apple flavored Jello-O or something very nice this is so freaky dude pardon me excuse me if they saw me I would die for sure he’s just staring at me I don’t like this I don’t like

This no uh too much okay just going to go in here for no reason ah no baby oh gosh the baby snuck in here not cool man go outside with your father I die I can’t raise a zombie child for 18 years I can’t be responsible no oh gosh all

Right well I guess we’re having a whole family reunion bro this is not a housewarming party boys okay just going to try to pick them off one at a time I guess I’m still a normal zombie I don’t know who’s doing that with the sword that’s wild how somebody’s doing that

That’s not me for sure I’m sorry Mr farmer it’s for the Cure it’s for the good of the people all right I think I got all of them oh gosh oh gosh no no no child zombie child all right we got him ah stop bro I get it I’m in the zombie

Apocalypse well there’s the third item down just one more to go I’ve got to find a nether portal for some crying obsidian and then hopefully have this whole place cured oh gosh do I got to sneak out of here too nobody come inside I’m not welcoming you home okay I’m just

Going to moonwalk out of here just a casual zombie Moon walking out of here okay oh man that’s looking spooky dude and there’s the crying obsidian I was worried I was like I don’t have an iron or diamond pickaxe but uh looks like he’s got one I’ve just got to take him

Out hello zombie boys are we cool are we chilling are we fine oh we’re fine ah we’re not not fine we are not fine oh gosh they all they all have gold on them get him stand back monsters oh gosh oh gosh wait wait wait if I just squat um

Okay yeah they have no idea I’m here just a normal zombie with a sword you know how it goes oh gosh the big gu is coming over after us though all right that’s the last of them uh are you friendly he’s friendly you want to trade buddy boy I’ll give you some golden

Apples you want to give me that little obsidian you got there look at all the gold yeah very nice huh oh he traded it yes thank you buddy that’s exactly what I needed sorry I took out all your minions uh they punched me first I guess I’ve

Got everything let’s get back to base it’s time to cure this world once and for all let’s grab these items and let’s hope this works potion of healing the golden apple the goat horn and the crying obsidian maybe it needs a little kickart a little fire yeah dude the

Zombie cure I’ve got it ha and it looks like this door opened here I guess this is where the last people that made the Cure came uh hello got some stone blocks is this a stronghold oh snap looks like we’re going to the end my friends the

End of the zombie apocalypse that is but hold on you can’t end the apocalypse without a snack right let’s do this oh snap looks like someone else has already been here maybe the last people that found the Cure came here but they did not make it out alive the zombie Ender

Dragon come on man are you causing all this mess come down here I shall cure you don’t worry here it comes here it comes come on cure Dragon I will cure your zombie disease uh although I can’t really patch that up I’m not a doctor or

A surgeon but I’ll cure you dude we’ll stop this virus once and for all yes did we do it the zombie yeah the zombie is taken out my friends does this mean we did it can I hear myself now back to normal let’s head back to the Overworld and check this place out

Yes everything is back to normal except the houses and stuff Jeremy you’re alive cows looking quite milk uh don’t don’t quote me on that one the world seems back to normal except for the green Sky although I kind of like it thanks for watching see you next time

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Surviving in a Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft

🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.👕


  1. I am going to leave this comment here just cuz I have nothing else to write and I like looking at my comments 1 year later and seeing 1 year ago

  2. The cat is sad coz it’s not getting likes
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