Terraria, But Damaging Enemies UPGRADE My Flails…

In this video I play Terraria using flails only but here’s the twist every time I damage an enemy I get an experience that goes towards leveling my flails with each level increases the overall damage Critical Strike chance size and best of all additional hits that can be dealt just how strong will

My weapons become and will it be enough to take down the final boss Moon Lord stay tuned to find out all right let’s get this thing started so there are two types of flails I can get as my first weapon number one the mace which can be found inside gold

Chests but with this weapon I can use the Torches to turn it into the Flaming mace or number two the ballert seeing as though the ballert has a total of 30 Mele damage which is 12 more than the mace I’ll be going for that instead to

Be able to get this flail I will have to find some explosives such as bombs or dynamites to be able to blow up the Ean Stone in the corruption so that I can reach the shadow orbs and breaking these orbs will have a chance to drop it okay

That’s enough wood let’s go find some explosives and usually these explosives can be found inside pots and chests okay found a house so hopefully inside the gold chest there will be either the mace or just some explosives there we go 17 bombs let’s try to find a few more so that I can

Break some more Shadow orbs ooh wait that’s enough amethyst for a hook but is there enough emeralds here 11 so four more found a couple of rubies so I will be summoning the King Slime for some pretty good experience later on here’s an ice chest ooh the suspicious looking eye I’ll take

That another one down here no oh okay there was the blizzard in a bottle though okay and let’s block this off there we go that’s going to give us some pretty good Mobility now okay found enough emeralds so I won’t have to craft the amethyst hook okay well I think 20

Bombs is enough if I use them sparingly so let’s head back and let’s go to the corruption now okay never mind I just got 13 more now I really hope I’ll be able to get the ballur within two Shadow orbs because I don’t want the Eater of world

To spawn since it would give a crazy amount of experience if I had a weapon to fight it with okay the first one please drop the musket okay not looking good second one no another musket well it looks like I will have to summon the Eater of Worlds

Then which is going to go to waste unfortunately okay last one here we go please yes let’s go okay teleport never mind that spawned way too fast but hey at least I got my first flail now I can start leveling this bad boy up but first

I got to clean out my inventory cuz it’s a complete mess okay inventory is somewhat cleaned out let’s craft the Platinum pickaxe and then the emerald hook next up I’ll be heading down the jungle to find some more Life Crystals to Max up my health and to mine enough

Ores to make myself some armor but let’s just test out the ball hurt against this vulture so one hit from this gives us six points of experience ooh here’s a chest down here band of regeneration I’ll take that oh I think I see the sharpening station yes

It is and that’s going to give us some more armor penetration so we’ll do more damage ooh fur claws but I’m not sure if that’ll affect flails now my ball Herz is almost at level one but we’ll keep track of the stats for now so it is at 30 m damage

And 11% Critical Strike chance but we’ll see what changes after it levels up okay I think it should be at level one now so it now has 32 m damage so it increased by two and 12% Critical Strike chance holy wait that’s four Life Crystals wait and a goblin arm is approaching already

Okay one more max Health there we go and let’s just scrab this for a heart Lantern before I go back up though I will be trying to find myself a pair of Hermes boots oh my no no no no no no that did not just happened it was right there

Well I guess I’m going to have to take care of the goblin army first then but this event will for sure level up the ball of Herz a couple of times there we go Goblin Army has been defeated so from a level one ball Hur all the way to that’s basically level four

Holy so it now has 36 melee damage and 14% Critical Strike chance now let’s go back to the jungle and grab myself the Hermes boots there we go got it back if I can find the anklet of the wind I will be able to make lightning boots later on

Cuz I do have the eglet well I found some Gravitation potions so I can go up to some Sky allion to get some better accessories later on there it is there’s the anklet of the wind wait the goblin tinkerer okay let’s buy the rocket boots and the workshop I’m also going to

Reforge the bolur to Godly if possible you know what no I’ll take demonic Jesus now it’s at 42 melee damage I think I have enough materials now to make some armor so let’s head back oh yeah that is more than enough Platinum to make the full armor set beautiful 20 defense with the

Remaining platinum bars though I did craft three Platinum crowns so that I can craft some slime crowns for the King Slime before I take on the King Slime though let’s drink a gravitation potion and try to find some Sky Allens for some more accessories found the lucky horseshoe

Okay and all I’m looking for now is the shiny Red Balloon and there it is let’s combine some of my accessories now let’s make the blizzard in a balloon turn that into the White Horseshoe balloon ooh perfect we got armored then Spectre boots take out our egglet for the lightning

Boots actually you know what since it is night time I think I’m just going to go and summon the eye of cthulu instead and then once I defeat that boss then I’ll summon the King Slime okay let’s do this 3 2 1 whoa whoa whoa whoa wait what hold up my B

Hurts one swing hits two times so if it goes forward and back then that’s four hits in total oh my God that’s insan insane look at that that’s 100 damage per hit and if it crits as well that’s like well over 200 damage holy that was fast okay well it

Does look like I have enough time to summon the akulu once more just for some more experience and you are finished okay now let’s go craft some slime crowns well actually I can only craft one cuz I have 20 gel but once I defeat the King Slime it’ll definitely

Drop more gel okay let’s do this oh my God and now my ball hurt is at level five and will I be able to get the King Slime mounts unfortunately not but that’s okay I can craft two more slime crowns now okay that’s one and that is two so that’s going to

Bring the ball hurt to level six let’s go craft some MPC houses now five should be enough and then let’s go take on the Eater of Worlds oh also got the slimy saddle nice and to be honest I really don’t think I’m going to have to build an

Arena for this boss fight cuz this ballur is just going to shred this boss there we go I’m pretty sure I can just stay in one place uh maybe not okay I can heal up with a potion come on drop some more I need some more Health okay never mind nope I

Actually have to dodge some attacks okay almost done here one more little chunk there we go and that just gave our Ballo HZ a full level and and it does look like there are enough Shadow orbs left to summon the boss one more time all done level eight now with enough

Demonite ores and Shadow Skill let’s craft the nightmare Pickaxe ooh legendary I’ll take that as well as the full Shadow Armor beautiful so my weapon now has 34% CR Critical Strike chance compared to 19 the next boss that I’ll be taking on is Skeletron so let’s head to the

Dungeon to build the arena arena is all complete let’s wait until night time to summon the boss all right let’s begin holy yo the hand is almost dead from just one swing oh too close run run run okay one more swing should do it for this hand oh there mind I missed there

We go just ahead now Jesus okay all done just like that now that I have access into the dungeon all I’m looking for are two items the Cobalt Shield of course and the shadow key with the shadow key I can go down to hell open some Shadow chests and get myself

The sunfury flail there is a flail that’s inside the gold chest which is the blue moon but it’s not necessary to get since it’ll just get replaced with the sunfury almost immediately okay there’s the shadow key and there’s the Cobalt Shield let’s start mining to hell

Now all right finally made it to Hell let’s go search for the sunfury okay there’s two shadow chests right here ooh Obsidian Skin potions I’ll take that that’s going to make mining hell Stone a lot easier two more over here oh there we go give me that so this weapon

Has a whopping 70 melee damage but let’s reforge this to Godly come On okay I might have to settle with demonic so it’s now at 7 76 now let’s go mine some hellstone to make molten armor and the molten pickaxe and then it’ll be time to take on the wall of flesh okay that should be more than enough hellstone

385 let’s make the molten pickaxe and then the full molten armor sets beautiful and with the set bonus it increases our melee damage by an extra 10% so in total the sunfury now has 88 melee damage and just remember guys it’s at level zero right now I’m also going

To make a Target dummy just so I can test out my weapons so let’s bring back the bow Hur it’s at level eight right now so from one attack oh my God wait that was six attacks in total so we can also expect that from our sunfury once it hits level

Eight as well I think it would be good to level up this weapon first just a bit before I take on the wall of flesh so I think I’m going to go summon some more King slimes as well as the a cthulu okay that’s done okay let’s check out our level now

Level two is that enough for the sunfury to double hit oh yeah it’s not at 100% just yet but I think maybe level three or four it should be good I think it’s good enough though so let’s go take on the wall of flash 3 2 1 clear out the hungries first

Beautiful oh my God it’s already at 50% Health wait a minute what kill it kill it kill it one more oh oh that was way too close and just like that I’m in hard mode now will there be The Warrior’s emblem in this treasure bag nope there

Will not be okay but let’s check out the level on the suniry after that fights it’s at level six holy 106 melee damage this is a pre hard mode Weapon by the way now that I have my hands on the pammer let’s go back into the corruption and break some Demon

Alters let’s see what we got bladium or calcum and titanium okay I’m good on Palladium onto or calcum that’s enough or calcum and lastly onto the titanium okay and that should be enough titanium 323 now I can craft the full titanium armor sets from 32 defense all the way

To 56 and there’s not really much of a difference for our damage 109 and 108 we actually lose one damage from equipping the titanium armor now I do want a pair of wings so let’s go up to a sky island and kill some wyvern for their Souls of Flight oh God

Holy look at that damage okay I am so excited for the Destroyer fight oh my God I might be able to kill the boss in like a few swings ooh Titan gloves that means I can and will be making the mechanical glove later on okay that’s enough SS of light let’s

Go craft the angel wings there we go sadly I’m going to have to say goodbye to the sunfury because I’ll be getting my hands on on a hard mode flail I was thinking of getting my hands on the Drippler crippler but it’s only possible to get

That during a blood moon so the second option is the da of pow which can be made by combining a Dark Shard and light Shard with seven Souls of Knight and light well the desert over here is hollowed so that’s perfect but once I do get the light Shard then I’m going to

Have to manually put down some ebbon stone blocks to make it corrupted oh there’s light Shard oh there’s the Dark Shard okay that took forever to get okay that’s seven Souls of Knight and that’s seven Souls of light okay let’s go make the Dow of pow 123 melee damage that is insane oh

Yes 142 now before I take on any of the mechanical bosses I am going to level this weapon up with the Pirate Invasion I also just realized how big the sunfury is at level 10 oh my God look at that that’s basically the size of my character now

Holy all right the Pirates have been defeated let’s check out the da of pow oh my God level eight from one Pirate Invasion well I mean I have one more so might as well I think it’ll be at level 14 once I defeat the Pirates one more time Jesus this thing’s a meat

Grinder and three swings just takes out the pirate ship okay Pirates have been defeated for the second time was I right about it being level 14 okay that was close level 13 basically but damn this thing has 172 melee damage now let’s test it out on this dummy so one hit from

This oh my was that four hits oh yeah four going forward and four going back so that’s eight in total that has to be well over a th000 damage from just one click oh yeah look at that imagine if all the hits crit as well now before I

Go any further into the game I did grab myself a DPS meter so I can keep track of my damage cuz come on who wouldn’t want to see the amount of damage I’m dealing when I swung at that dummy matter of fact I can test it right now here we go 3 two

1 2,000 damage per second now once I spawn the Destroyer I’m just going to immediately head over to the clumped up area and hopefully just one shot it all right it’s finally night time let’s do this thing 3 2 1 no other way go go go go go oh 60,000 damage per second

Holy and this thing is officially bigger than me wait wait wait hold on level 14 well basically level 15 that gained three levels in a matter of seconds okay the next boss that I’ll be taking on are the Twins and of course the spasm tasm first okay that barely reaches oh my God spread the this thing up okay that’s one down wait I’m dealing that was 4,000 damage per second it is at level 15 now and last but not least Skeletron Prime and for this boss fight I’ll be

Taking out all of its arms first to maximize the experience gained okay lasers down Prime Vice is down saws Down there we go just ahead now all done now having some Hollow bars and all three Souls from the mechanical bosses let’s craft the pickaxe axe the full hollowed armor as well and we’re going to make the mechanical glove let’s turn our sorcerer emblem into the Avenger

Emblem and there we go so this accessory increases melee knockback gives 12% increased melee damage and speed and increases the size of the weapons so let’s check out the da of pow now oh my God and let’s test it out on the dummy as well oh my God wait I’m pretty sure I

Was dealing about 2,000 damage per second but now oh my God that’s that’s more than doubled the amount let’s go into the jungle now to try to find the planta oh is that it yes it is looks like I’ll be making the arena right here then right next to the

Temple okay the arena is all complete I really don’t think I need that big of an arena to beat the boss all right here we go 3 2 1 oh yeah 4,000 damage per 5,000 per second oh oh my God one more hit yep just like

That honestly I think I could have beat the boss even without the arena now there’s only one thing that I want from the treasure bag which is the flower pow and it is a flail that can shoot projectiles please give it to me yes let’s

Go 210 melee damage all right I have a flail that can do ranged attacks now but with the temple key now let’s enter the temple and take on Golem okay this is a pretty good sized Arena let’s clear out all of the traps first and a onlevel Arena should be more

Than enough let’s begin 3 2 1 okay one f is down head is down okay just the body now all done so from defeating Golem once it’s going to bring our flower pow to level five 93% so basically level six and I got four more so we’re going to check

The level at the end of this all right that was the last one and um judging by how big it is Holy I’m going to have to say level 17 level 18 let’s go with level 18 oh wow wait okay level 14 I was expecting this

To be at a much higher level because judging by the size of the dawa pal since it’s at level 18 and it’s this size and then the flower pow is way bigger I thought it was at least level 18 now let’s reforge our flower pow into

Godly okay there we go 255 melee damage now and the next boss that I’ll be taking on is Duke fishron for the chance to get the Flareon okay here’s one there’s another Please Don’t Run Away there we go let’s get one more before I leave and there’s the last one okay

Let’s head towards the ocean now all right here we go oh my God okay if I leave it out on the ground it shoots the pedals way faster oh God I’m low okay let’s not choke this third phase where you at one more hit there we go all right second one is done

All right all finished now hopefully within the three treasure bags I can get the Flareon first one okay tsunami second one I’ll take the fish Ron wings and for the last one there we go the flon and what’s really good about this weapon is that it’s able to summon homing bubbles

Now to level up the Flareon a bit I’m going to summon the solar eclipse because the spawn rate of this event is absolutely insane it’s already halfway into the day though so I won’t get as much experience ooh okay I’m starting to throw two fls at the same time now which

Means double the amount of homing bubbles solar eclipse has finally ended and that’s going to bring our flare on to two level 14 okay let’s test out our damage on this dummy 3 2 one oh come on reach 10,000 oh my God 10,000 look at how many flails I’m throwing

Out I think that’s five so that’s five times the amount of bubbles that are coming out we’re almost nearing the end everyone but it’s now time to take on the lunatic cultist here we Go okay now how fast are you going to die I’m going to say 15 seconds nope I was wrong oh that was like 8 seconds holy onto the Celestial pillars now and that’s going to be a really good source of experience Vortex pillar is down okay solar pillar is

Destroyed now I will be making the solar eruption as my last weapon I know it’s very controversial about it being either a spear or a flail but in my eyes I believe that it’s a flil so I will be making it okay and we got c on it on the first

Try nebula pillar is finished one more to go all right that’s the last pillar destroyed so from destroying all four Celestial pillars it brought my solar eruption to level 20 yo this thing’s huge oh my God wait how much damage okay 5,000 would the Flareon be better

Though I’m pretty sure it would be but H we could just test both of them out okay solet eruption first not bad not bad now the Fon oh who oh this is so much better oh my God okay Dodge the laser okay that hand is

Done the heads down oh my God wait wait look at M’s Health look at that look the health bar oh got Shredded all right that’s going to be it everyone thanks for watching if you’ve enjoyed the video don’t forget to leave a like comment if you have any other mods or video ideas you want me to try out and of course subscribe to the channel thanks for watching and I’ll see

You all next time Peace Oh

In this video I play Terraria using flails only but here’s the twist, every time I damage an enemy I gain experience that goes towards leveling my flails. With each level increases the overall damage, critical strike chance, size, and best of all, additional hits that can be dealt. Just how strong will my weapons become and will it be enough to take down the final boss Moon Lord? Stay tuned to find out!

If you enjoy watching the video then don’t forget to leave a like, comment and also subscribe to the channel!

Mods used:
NPC House Builder
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite
Vein Miner
Signature Equipment

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#Terraria #Necr0 #Terrariachallenge


  1. I have an cool Idea necro ! Because you are making a lot of video about this mod, why not making a calamity infernium mod playtrough with this mod if it work because it can get really crazy then !

  2. a proposal for a new video, it combines the mod of leveling up the weapons and the mod of using all the weapons at the same time, and you spend the game using only gem staffs

  3. The solar eruption and flaron are apart of the subclass subclass chain weaponry, a subclass of ranged melee, this subclass of a subclass is rarely used with only two othwr weapons in it, the chain knives and chain guillotines.

  4. I get that killing king slime and the eater of worlds is the fastest way to level up a weapon, but it's not very exciting seeing you do it every episode.

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