Go for THIS straight away in Hardmode! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.7)

Hey hey welcome back my friends to the master Ranger playthrough and the first episode here in hard mode that is right episode 7 and we’re already in hard mode so it goes well that say we’ve got lots of stuff to be done in today’s episode maybe getting ourselves the beautiful

Onyx Blaster we need to only get ourselves two dark shards 10 Souls of Night and of course the shotgun from the Arms Dealer and then we’re good to go for that one we could also head to the Shimmer and get ourselves a ranger emblem so yeah lots of stuff to be done

My friends but the first thing I mention is yeah chain Guillotines what I was doing since the last episode is trying to Shield off my base from the encroaching corruption it’s literally here and a corruption mimic decided to spawn here I managed to blow it back to

Base and I actually managed to kill it using all of my Phoenix Blaster ammo and as a result I do have myself some greater healing potions and chain Guillotines obviously the chain Guillotines we cannot use so they’re going to be sold same with the breaker blade and actually while we’re here we

Can purchase the shotgun why not I mean it’s there and something I want to try is something I actually saw on the Terraria Wiki it recommended using explosive bullets with the Onyx Blaster I’m very very interested to give that a bit of a go what we need in order to

Make explosive bullets is we need to get ourselves I think it’s some Gunpowder yeah here we go EXP closer pwder from this guy here seems to be reasonably expensive it has to be said but no matter we’ll see if we can still make this thing work we buy ourselves a ton

Of bullets here rather like that and can we do this thing yeah there we are you get 50 per time so 50 per explosive powder B that’s not too bad if you ask me all right just bought myself a whole bunch of silver bullets so I could do

Slightly more damage than that of the musket bullet and yeah what we’re now going to do is is start grinding out for the Onyx Blaster that is right straight away we’re going straight for it ah okay turns out getting dark shards maybe easier said than done yes the corruption

Is over here but there is absolutely no sign of a desert over there and there also doesn’t appear to be any signs of a desert over the left hand corruption either the nearest Desert seem to be what over here and there’s another one over here with the Oasis so H how are we

Going to get dark shards I guess ladies and gentlemen we’ll have to do this the oldfashioned way hey can we get ourselves some vile powder pretty sure we can there we are spreads the corruption love to see it what we also need is a whole bunch of sand and then

We can make our own little custom corrupted desert and that would make things quite a lot easier in terms of grinding bits and Bobs out so then instead of going ahead and decimating our existing deserts what I thought could be a cool idea is if we grab the

Sand from underground oh dear 1,500 Health we need to try and take down with this fella ah jeez it’s like a mini boss while we’re grabbing ourselves a bunch of sand here I do of course want to remind you folks that if you are enjoying this series and you want to

Continue seeing more do be sure to support the series with a big old like on the videos here hit the Subscribe button if you’re new around here and you don’t want to miss out on my future content and if you do want to go one further with your support of course you

SC python when ordering any of my Apex gaming PCs for 5% off or for whopping 15% off if you decide to go for some Terraria merch from Terraria do shop instead and if I may I just want to say a massive thank you to all of you folks

Who have indeed been supporting this series in the form of likes and comments and subscriptions lately I really do appreciate it folks now I must confess I don’t actually know just how many blocks I’m going to need in order for our homemade desert to be counted as a

Corrupted one I have a feeling the number we’re looking for is 250 but I’m going to go for 300 sand blocks to corrup ify just in case all right there we are 300 sand blocks obtained fantastic all righty ladies and gentlemen it’s time to make a homemade corrupted desert let’s get this thing

Over with shall we I think what we’re going to do is just put like a 100 block wide platform and then three layers of sand and then that should pretty much do it all right I think we start off with three layers of these beautiful stone bricks here because they can’t be

Overcome with anything and therefore they can be used to separate evil from Purity areas good grief doing any kind of building work early hard mode oh man is it a pain I literally feel like I’ve spent 34 of my time doing this just getting bid of the mobs oh hey we got a

Blindfold though so you know not quite the end of the world eh oh dear me it begins all right we’re spreading in the sand now and then we can start spreading the corruption and then we can start getting dark shards and yeah I know I know most people would

Probably go for armor first but here I am trying to rush my way towards the Onyx Blaster I really do genuinely want to give a go the explosive ammo combined with the Onyx Blaster so yeah I’m excited I really really am so let’s just keep this thing going we actually

Getting pretty close to having this thing done I mean at the end of the day the corruption is already on our left hand side side there so I might just give this area to the left here I might just give it up to the corruption I mean

It’s already pretty much there so why deny it any further ah very good so we got regular mummies spawning here which is good news because that means we should have corruption mummies spawn here later down the line hey guys check it out the unconscious man is here and

He’s done all right now we go at it with the V powder yeah wow that actually threads way further than I thought it would okay turns out this is going to be an absolute freaking Breeze my friends look at it wow all right since it is a

Mob farming area we’re going to pick up the water candle we’ve got going on and we’re going to Chuck it way over here that is right and now what I can do is maybe go a little bit further put down e of souls Banner maybe a gnome with his

Butt showing to us apparently hey look there we are oh dark mummies that’s what I’m looking for I think as with most grindy things in this game it’s just going to be a matter of time before we get what we’re looking for so just got to stick it out for now I guess

I can see a megaphone on the left there that’s actually pretty cool don’t mind that one bit get rid of the corruptor get rid of that guy ah yeah hey we got another blindfold wait we could transmute that into what is it the pocket mirror ah okay it’s becoming ever more

Important that we find ourselves the Shimmer biome my friends good grief I cannot wait until we get some more hard mode banners around here cuz oh man do I need them hey that is the first out of the two dark shards we need yeah got him all right very good we even

Got ourselves a pet out of that as well my friends all right excellent right now we need to head to the underground corruption we need 10 Souls of Night hey guys want to know something cool we actually got ourselves the full outfit for the mummy

Set we can now roll around as a mummy and you know what I’m kind of down to do that cuz I don’t very often now do I all righty a quick little stop for even more ammo and then we’re going to head down to the underground corruption I wonder

If I could get away with farming Souls of Night down at the the very very bottom of these corruption chasms only that would be most helpful oh do you know what we’ve got the corruption here yeah but we’ve got ourselves a granite biome here I wonder if we could Farm out

The granite dudes for some Souls let’s have ourselves a bit of a look okay no souls just yet but it’s early days yeah there we are s some night Easy Money ooh adhesive bandages from these guys definitely would not mind I mean the sooner we can get ourselves an ank

Shield let’s be honest the better things are going to be huh depth meter turns out we didn’t already have one of those cool ah there’s bats and all sorts of rubbish all over the place good Lord all right six Souls of Night though we’re not doing bad

Hang on a minute there’s two of these worm mini bosses around here since when could you get two of them spawn at the same time wait is there three of them now I think there might actually be three of these guys now oh my gosh what the hell

Terraria that’s one of them done there’s another soul of night there’s another worm taken out I can’t believe it I never knew you could get multiple of those bleeding worms spawn in here that’s absolutely Lo ous that is all there we go that’s all of them very good

And if we were to go collect those Souls we have enough yeah there we are okay excellent right can we make it at a regular Anvil though I have a feeling the answer may be no but yeah okay the answer is no unfortunately we’ve got the shotgun we’ve got ourselves the Dark

Shard we’ve got ourselves The Souls of Night we are only missing an oric calcon SL mythal Anvil at this point all right my friends time to go find the Shimmer then any of you guys who don’t know of course the Shimmer is always on the same

Side of the world where your jungle is and for the most part if you were to just go to the ocean just before you hit the ocean itself just dig down all right very good so here we go just before the ocean we are now going to dig down

Unlike rule one in Minecraft where you really shouldn’t dig straight down we can kind of see where we’re going in this game can’t we so yeah dig down all you want who cares that’s all right I didn’t want to live anyway stupid explosive chest I’m starting to wonder if I’m a little bit

Too far to the right here maybe I need to head on over to the left a little bit or something I have a feeling it might be sort of here yeah on somewhere around there’s going to be huge circular formation of nothing but Stone that’s

What we we’re searching for so if we can find ourselves an area where there’s literally only Stone and nothing else no sand no dirt no ORS nothing like that then we found it what the the Wizard hello buddy how you doing as nice as you are you’re not actually going to be

Overly useful to our calls in this series are you so yeah you’re calling all but you’re not going to get many sales out of me there brosi sorry oh hey an underground cabin how about that if this has double jump in it I’m going to be so annoyed okay it doesn’t good yo

Look at all this blue glowing Moss ah this looks really awesome you know one of these days I might actually do an underground settlement maybe that’s something to be saved for my next sort of generic let’s play eh where we’re not restricted to certain classes or whatever I have

You ah okay thanks giant bat you’re definitely not the most annoying type of mob in the entire game or anything wait a minute large horizontal area yep here it is all I needed to do was turn right at the bottom of this mushroom biome instead of going left like I did wow all

Right very very good so that means we now have access to the shimmery Shimmer of the epicness ah a nymph helpful we got ourselves a metal detector of epicness that is something we didn’t already have okay very good all righty my friends let’s start off with the

Blindfold shall we it should give us I think the pocket mirror yes there it is absolutely beautiful so let’s just do a bit of a count here we’ve got ourselves the blindfold that’s required got ourselves the Mega phone that’s needed the pocket mirror is also needed so

That’s what three out of 10 no wait four out of 10 because we got the bizaar earlier in the series as well ah turns out there’s an underground cabin over here all right what’s this got it has has another band of regen not actually overly fussed about what may or may not

Be inside those chests anymore since we’ve got what we need but you know I mean it’s free loot and if it’s for free it’s for me all right the other thing that I wanted to transmute into existence is indeed a ranger emblem so hang on I just need to deal with the

Trash first right there you go get out of here son right uh let’s transmute that one more time should become the ranger emblem next as far as I know there it is is beautiful now of course if and when we get access to a whole bunch more of these ank Shield

Accessories that of course will come back here and transmute any of the duplicate ones so we can get the remainder I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to put all of the ank charm accessories in here for now uh just so we can easily keep track of them as we

Go along all righty ladies and gentlemen final goal for today’s episode will indeed be the Onyx Blaster we’ll go for the armor and potentially our first hard mode boss in the next episode but yeah I just didn’t want to push it too far in today’s episode we’ve definitely been

Absolutely surging through this series in terms of progression rate but that’s only because well I’ve been playing this game for over a decade I pretty much know the quick ways to do things so you know doesn’t really make sense for me to keep doing things super slow not in

These playthroughs here the series in which I will take my time will be my normal let’s play series but when it comes to these playthroughs I only have the goal of completing the game and getting an ultimate load out done so not really much point in dling is there but

Anyways here we are angry Ranger emblem taking our Phoenix Blaster from 43 up to 49 damage now all we need to do is go smash some Alters dig up a bunch of ORS get ourselves an orac Calcom SL mythal landle whatever it is we wind up having

On this world and then the Onyx Blaster will become a reality my friends it’s going to going to be so so cool I’m so looking forward to it needless to say though we will go ahead and keep one demon Alo behind I’m going to leave that

One down there so let’s go and see what we have Palladium oricalcum and adaman a nice mixture of the original ores and the overhaul ores another alter and another alter oh look at that there’s like three four five more over here well six maybe even seven if you

Actually go digging for them otherwise one and another one I’m so glad these don’t wind up spreading random blocks of evil in your world anymore oh good lord okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let’s just try and get to one side of them here oh that is absolutely terrifying

There’s like literally what 15 Wes over there oh my word okay okay why don’t you go ahead and calm yourself there Terraria let’s see if we can’t take down all of these guys before we get to the far right hand side of the horizontal section here and we inevitably Corner ourselves look at

All of them there’s a whole bunch of them that are one shot holy crap needless to say if you haven’t realized already when you do destroy demon alter they will spawn one or two Raves each and yeah doesn’t seem to care about the mob cap they just spawn in nonetheless

So if you want a whole bunch of WS so you can Farm yourselves at some accessories there you go Alters another alter and another one and another one and another one and another one another one and finally another one okay there we are I think we’re looking pretty good

In terms of hard mode or distribution in our world so I think we’re going to head back to base before we get absolutely raed to death so all we need to do now is get ourselves enough Palladium for a Palladium pickaxe and ladies and gentlemen just like that I I think we’re

Just about there I mean that’s not really too difficult to achieve getting yourself enough padium for a pickaxe three ORS per bar means we should have 20 of these bad boys and ladies and gentlemen here we are the Palladium pickaxe beautiful it’s a bad one with

Minus speed well what a load of poo that is all right let’s get to start something slightly better we want plus speed ideally come on plus size interesting hey agile I’ll take that all we need to do now is get ourselves enough our calcum so we can get

Ourselves an anvil perhaps a pickaxe as well and well actually that’s about it really so let’s go grab ourselves some come on the quicker I am the less chance I’m going to have of people spawning all over my butt here uh right now we need to go what to the underside here there

We are look at it beautiful oricalcum we got to sort of speed this along a little bit here but the thing is we need more our Calum than we needed padium so uh you know make your bets now how long are we going to last I have no idea the

Reason I want to get an all calcon pickax of course I think it goes saying is in the next episode we’re going to be going for Adamantite Ranger armor now of course we could if we really wanted to try to grind out for the frost armor instead the frost armor of course being

A melee Ranger hybrid set of armor it might not be the worst idea in the world considering it comes with the frost Bur buff For Your projectiles Right H I don’t know let me know in the comments area I’ll leave it up to you guys do we

Make the Adamantite oh good grief do we make the Adamantite Ranger armor or do we go for some Frost up no don’t this is why I don’t have the magic mirror on my hot bar because of stupid stuff like that ah what a load of poo wait the me bosses won’t spawn

Underground right right it’s going to be a terrible night I think that is a sign that the twins are going to roll on in right I don’t want that to happen I really don’t anything I can do to stop that happening I’m going to do it all

Right I think it’s four orils per bar 12 bars for the Anvil and then 18 bars for the pickaxe I could be wrong with that but yeah that means 30 * 4 which is what 120 we have 100 uh maybe this vein here will tick us over ah jeez oh dear ah oh

Good grief right home time home time getting a bit close for comfort there all right 123 or more let’s see what we can do here a it’s not looking good if I’m honest with you my friends a blood moon going on I’m surprised that the boss hasn’t spawned in yet uh is

That still to come I don’t know no I really don’t but what is to come is the Onyx Blaster there it is absolutely beautiful and there’s the pickax as well I was right it was 18 bars so a grand total of 30 is needed 30 is the magic number it would

Seem horx plaster aren’t you pretty so let’s go ahead and do ourselves a bit of a favor here we are going to try to maximize oh good sweet Lord now this isn’t looking very good like get out of here get out of here I’m not getting

Killed in my own base I’m I’m dead in my own B you son of a gun I was so hyper focused on creating my explosive bullets I wasn’t paying attention to what was going on all right come on I don’t think we’re going to be able to do this cuz we

Literally just spent all of our money we have but three copper coins left all right real quick let’s go ahead and test this let’s see what it can do boom holy crap that is some insane knockback all right let’s go ahead and test it whoa yeah that is actually kind of crazy

Wow one shotted that guy or one bursted that guy what about this dude boom Oh that’s hilarious absolutely wrecking shop I imagine this could probably make quick work of the twins but you know don’t want to be getting ahead of ourselves here my friends we do have another hard mode

Boss to do before then and also oh good grief we could oh sweet Lord I could also do with getting rid of that uh Little Candle effect and maybe getting rid of this clown that’ll be kind of cool yeah wait what is that a KO Cannon sadly that’s melee damage we’re not

Allowed to use it so my friends I think on that rather amazing note of finally getting the onx Blaster it it’s going to be time to wrap up today’s episode thank you so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s episode our first episode in hard mode Master mode then do

Be sure of course to drop a like beneath this video I’d very much appreciate it folks hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now thank you for watching have yourselves a fantastic rest of your day

Thanks for all of your wonderful support and I’ll see you guys uh in death it would seem thanks for watching I’ll see you guys in the next episode bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – Terraria Hardmode is here and as a Terraria ranger, I can think of no better gun weapon to go for straight away than the beautiful Onyx Blaster! Let’s get it!
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This is Episode 7 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. Python if you have a zombie arm you can turn that into a whopiee cushion and combine that with a cloud in a bottle for the fart in the jar and thats the 2nd best double jump behind the sandstorm in a bottle. And then make that into a green horse shoe balloon.

  2. I’ve literally been sick all day, and just been waiting for this episode to drop, and it’s finally here. I’m totally stoked, can’t wait to see what amazing stuff you’ll discover. Keep up the great work, we all love it❤

  3. I think you forgot but the arms dealer sells the ammo box if you click on it you sometimes don’t lose ammo when you shoot and the shimmer is always on the same side as the jungle before the ocean biome and dig down and then dig opposite from the ocean biome I think.

  4. Python if u need any arena ideas I know some really good ones and useful tricks that will help you beat any boss one trick is use heart statues preferably as many as u can use activate them and it heals you same with the mana stars statues and there’s a block that makes you run really fast it starts with A I think there’s also campfires that heal you and light lanterns that heal you with all this you will be golden for the play through

  5. Might be time to expand your base now that you're in hardmode – maybe add in a surface mushroom biome since you'll need the truffle to make shroomite later on.

    Also, frost armor does sound like a good idea.

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