๐Ÿ˜ฑ INSANE Plot Twist REVEALED?! | Waiting for Stardew Valley 1.6

All righty look at that guys our farm is doing well welcome welcome by the way welcome back everyone and uh also let me welcome our new subscribers for for taking their time to hit that subscribe button appreciate that and for everyone again again I couldn’t say this enough

But thank you thank you again for taking your time to watch the video that would really mean a lot to me how much more if you say hi in the comments as I myself really love Reading and Responding to the comments as well I although I do it

Per batch just to save time so we’ve missed 5 days unfortunately or four days this is the fifth day I’m recording it because due to a certain audio issue and if this video going to make it in the channel then that means I fixed it so

Today is raining and I think and it’s Mar’s birthday nice however although Today is raining I’m thinking to go into the mines hello chickens you look so pretty going to the mines then we are not that lucky but it doesn’t matter as long as we go there we do our thing

Being lucky doesn’t motivate me I don’t even wait for motivation I’d rather be disciplined than being motivated it it’s more effective at least for me being disciplined to do even if you don’t want to do to do it especially that it’s a good thing and I appreciate you all for

Really uh accepting the most recent video the one that is titled not for the fainthearted it’s titled that way cuz I actually professed my faith to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the very first time that video and uh I’ve got a nice response to it and I’m so surprised

But anyway that’s why it’s entitled not for the faint hearted cuz you know every Christian knows about it and with that being said everyone is welcome here everyone this is a place where we could enjoy our favorite games especially stard Valley oh sorry for today guys no strolling outside it’s raining that’s

For our animal friends so we got two sunflower seeds let’s just plant them this one goes here and then uh this other seed goes there all right and by the way if you hear some background noise uh please on mine I’m recording at the in my in our living room and uh you

Know I don’t have any other place to record hopefully in the future we’ll find a more recording friendly environment okay now I don’t know what to do again I am in this state of limbo so uh let me just gather information so we have 2,000 gold oh we can buy a new

Cow but 2,000 gold uh we have a full of energy but uh it says here uh I’m wondering if I may ask guys please help me in the comments allow pregnancy will they get pregnant all by themselves or do I need to do something else that I’m

Not sure about it’s 11:00 a.m. now I think we should head straight to the mines let me just put our my boots here in our collection chest and our eggs inside our egg chest and let’s head straight to the mine guys let’s go oh I always forget these our mushrooms let me

Just picking up real quick yummy common mushrooms so yeah on the days that I was not able to I was able to record but it failed but what I did is that uh the mum forgettable thing that I did or that happened is the start the Valley Fair it

Was fun and uh I think by far that’s the most fun and exciting event in the valley cuz everyone’s there there were some a lot of games Abigail was so happy she’s conquered all the games effortlessly she’s a natural gamer all right we’re in the 18th 80th level looks

Like we’re in a different biome now and I can hear this is my first time actually going as deep as this the entirety of my stard Valley Life he hold on how come I’m not able to hit okay there we go I don’t know what’s under

This I’m I hear something weird it looks like a molten it sounds like a molten lava it be CU you know if if you’re going down to earth there should are lavas down I think the Earth is kind of a hot pot where you know we are the

Ingredients and we are cooked to to we cooked inside the pot we’re seasoned with salt and all those good stuff to have a good flavor for the world to make it more pleasing kind of weird here but that’s what I see it I think oh so Golds

Are here nice there we go we hit twice all two two enemies at once all righty yeah that reminds me actually the teachings of the Holy Bible is that we are Christians are the salt of the earth it’s like we are the one who give flavor

To the Earth and if the salt loses its saltness then what’s the purpose right that means if Christians will keep on sinning we will lose our purpose our salness so that’s why one of the reason why uh the the previous video is entitled not for the fainthearted is you

Know it’s hard not to sin it’s easier to sin than not to sin all right we’re going down to the 83rd level oh boy this guy is what what the wait hold on hold on oh my gosh okay we have a void Essence oh iron bar nice that guy is

Dangerous he’s fast and he he’s not knocked back that easily okay we need to prepare we’re full let’s just throw this weed just throw this St we have a lot of him okay he’s coming to us guys let him come let him come so he will tire out

And once he’s tire out we’ll strike him hard as hard as we can okay let’s run there we go what’s the name of this guy oh so he’s giving uh void Essences like almost 100% H okay man gold here are a treasure let’s see let’s see but I’m not

Really looking for gold yet I’m looking for Earth quartz looks like we’re just going to have to have a a secondary um gold to craft cuz initially I wanted to craft this Mayon machine which we need Earth crystals and unfortunately Earth crystals are very hard to find I just I remember I only

Found like one one since the be since I started the game so that’s really really uh not profitable so uh we’ll see um what is next so I think we’ll just focus on Crafting tappers and uh tappers and also crab pots all right still 6PM maybe

We could do oh we almost died man I didn’t notice the creatures here is really scary and pack a punch you know what let’s just go up I don’t want to take the RIS looks like we might need a lot of armor at this time all right from

That run we got two slimes two void Essences one magma giod White alga Fire Quartz 14 gold wow one iron bar that’s it that was a good run so it’s 600 p.m. uh let’s say hi to lonus first we still have a lot of energy maybe maybe we

Could go fishing right yeah cuz I I frantically ate a lot of field snacks cuz I was afraid to die and do all the things that we’ve got in the mines this is a great gift W I wish they Chang their voice lines right I know there’s a

Mod for it but I’m afraid to install um like all the mods cuz you know 1.6 is coming and I don’t want to break the game when the 1.6 comes and also there was this one one of our valued YouTube um not YouTuber but the subscriber he

Asked for the mod list that I’m using I’ll just post it I’ll just uh comp post it and post it in the description and also response to his comments basically this is these are just Quality of Life mods let’s just uh with all these wonderful produce in our Comm Center so

This is just quality Life mod and some Aesthetics mostly Ellie mod so this pumpkin is going here all right awesome and the corn corn is going also in full crops bundle and we’ve completed it nice and now we have a bee house awesome we have two bee houses now yeah look at the

Cute little guy his wait oh okay all right okay um now for the wild honey go to the CRI and goods mhm there you go and then we have this Fire Quartz for the geologist all righty now we just need Earth crystal which is very hard to find surprisingly I think Earth crystals

Are just you know uh early level minerals but I’m not sure why I’m not finding it please help me out in the comments guys if you know which floor is it very abundant thanks much okay I think that is it all right Leia is still

Here in the saloon let’s say hi to her she’s the only thing that matters to me here this is a really nice gift he’s always saying the same thing everyone else is I’m I’m can’t wait to for the 1.6 cuz there’s a lot of things at contents that are new and hopefully I’ll

Be able to at least reach Grand pot evaluation for 1.6 comes that’s one of my goal anyway I mentioned earlier that uh instead of making a Meo machine cuz it’s for now it’s really unrealistic but it’s going to be still one of our priorities um we’ll be focusing on uh

Setting up our Toppers let’s just do small stuff man we don’t really that need that much money this we are doing well we are not getting hungry so why do complicated stuff right for now let’s take it step by step and also we need Crab Pot CU I’ve chosen the forager

Profession so I think that’s going to be an awesome combination with uh being a setting up a topper and the Crab Pot I’ll just put them in one place near the foraging area that would be cool we have our bee house nice bees are happy they’re dancing so we’re going to be

Selling this sunflower and a corn hopefully I’ll these we’ll have and we’ll have some uh income for today and unfortunately although we’re able to find a bee house and we had fun in the in the mines or able to give mines gift so uh it’s fine we’ll just make it up to

Her and uh yeah let’s just check out the weather for tomorrow okay the bees are going to be happy they have assistance in pollinating our flowers and uh living out the land yeah yeah we’ve set up our Silo all is set up good to go and good

Night everyone so on the 18th day of fall you one we got 253 gold not bad and welcome welcome welcome to 19th day of fall year one all right nice I always hear a roster but I don’t have one I wonder where it came from maybe a wild

Roster right no wait hold on I think it’s it’s pronounced rooster it’s not roster cuz it’s raw it’s rooster yeah I’m still in the process of teaching myself proper English by the way it’s not my first language or native tongue thanks for understanding guys I appreciate appreciate it good morning

Everyone good morning finally our chickens can go outside they’re going to be very happy as of now they are like they’re full they finished all our hay yes they were not able to go outside right to eat some fresh food look at that they’re having fun a bunch of them

And thank you so happy to see his chicken friends hello big guy how’s your nap oh he’s not happy okay okay maybe we forg oh they’re so they’re not happy we forgot to feed him them I’m so sorry guys hold on let me just feed you there

You go so only one gave us milk all right hold on guys they’re so excited to go out they keep on mooving all right and you are free nice they’re free okay now time to say hi to our props and give them a drink so Caroline would like to

Buy a pumpkin okay let’s take that request let’s see if we have a pumpkin which we do have awesome all right that one go to our list and look at that guys all our jellies are ready uhuh a lot of salmon Berry jelly and I think we are

Ready to sell all of them no not yet I want to preserve all our berries and sell them we only have three remaining so and also there are like nine here so let’s just wait and our corn is ready nice nice nice today is such a bful day although we’ve missed Mar’s birthday

Yesterday but I’m glad at least we have an opportunity today to give Caroline her requested pumpkin uh for her daughter that means Abigail I think so and again guys thanks again for watching me enjoy the game and if you’re new here feel free to like And subscribe so we

Have like 2,000 gold I think I’ll just go ahead and buy more cows to Mar cuz I was thinking of waiting for one of our cows to get pregnant but it seems that uh it’s not happening so we’ll just do what we can do we have the resources so

Why not right all right done watering our lovely plants so we’ve harvested uh this corn awesome we’ve got two sunflower seeds from that oh boy now we have 23 gold ore let’s let’s just go ahead and uh smelt them and looks like we’re running out of wood we only have

Two available looks like we’ll be chopping more trees let’s see first what uh else do we need for the topper so we need more copper and yeah more wood and for the yeah Crab Pot also need more copper and wood it looks like we’re going to camp in uh the earlier levels

So we could get copper and wood but now let’s get copper after or no wood after we give this pumpkin to Caroline Oh there’s lot of for bubles here W Plum a hazelnut ah and we’ve leveled up our foraging skill awesome awesome sauce looking for every buddy to bring me see

I have a lot of SE Sam I got you I got you bro hi Abigail how you doing I wish the season lasted a longer a little longer when the wind really picks up I almost feel like a kid again yeah absolutely well uh where can we find

Carol oh we could oh we could actually visit this is Abigail’s place not sure oh also we could I have this is Abigail’s uh room H he has a guineapig David the guineapig all right spirit board H looks like she’s having doing some spiritualism stuff and what’s this

Skull doing here weird looks like it’s empty Caroline is not here maybe she’s outside with with her girls oh she’s in the museum let’s go all right looks like we have a new bulletin board no what’s this board again this other bulletin board version too so let’s choose um

Require assistant in tracking down a rare and danger Prismatic slime okay I’m putting a little promotion just for fun if anyone can collect a th000 wood in a week okay let’s do this this is doable especially that we’re planning to uh get or to craft a lot of Tapper and Crab Pot

Hey guys hey guys hey kids the future of Pelican Town Vincent and uh Jazz oh Mom’s lentil suit tonight lentil is good I know I don’t know you oh uh do you want some uh Berry oh I’m so sorry you hate it oh about okay it’s not fun okay

I’ll stop uh how about how about you thanks looks like everyone every adult loves black beares except for kids I should have given them ice cream but Alex is close all right hello Caroline hold on please here’s your tested pumpkin for your daughter oh pumpkin

It’s a good one Abigail will be so happy she should be totally a fine looking day now we’re done here let’s go ahead it’s 5:00 p.m. uh let’s just uh hey let’s say hi to Willie all right let’s just uh pick up some clams since we’re here near

The beach oh I think ot’s going to love the clam wait hold on bro there you go oh a present thank you you’re welcome nice we have some corals and sea urchins so I mentioned that we’re going to go chopping here today but since we’re here

Let’s just go fishing cuz it will take a lot of time for us to we’re already here right let’s just uh be happy with what we are with what what we have in front of us all right we got the seaweed I’m happy with that that’s fine okay looks

Like we got a hit awesome we have an albacore 26 in hey I forgot again we need to get give seaweed to Sam should we go no I don’t think so chances are Sam is already at home and we you know the door is locked so let’s just let’s

Just stay here and for our last uh fish we have an alore 28 in that’s huge and now it’s 10 p.m. guys it was fun fishing let’s it’s straight home and uh we still have like 30% energy left though but we still need to organize stuff before

Going to bed or before painting hey oh awesome we have a cut scene with Abigail this looks interesting there’s a sword behind her and a lantern I guess you’re wondering why I’m in the graveyard at this hour yes I am well I’m here because it’s the best place in town to find some

Privacy and I’m all sweaty because I’ve been practicing my swordsmanship hey what you think I’m too weak to swing a blade uh she’s mad no I just want you to be safe Abigail you don’t have to wield the blade you just have to you know St stay near to me I’ll

Keep you safe sorry I guess I’m getting a little defensive you see I want to explore the mountain caves but I know it’s too dangerous to go there unarm unarmed you’ve used a sword before haven’t you yes it’s exciting yes but only in self-defense yes it’s dangerous

You should stay safe yeah you should stay safe Abigail you know what the word of God says that women were also created just like men to help each other so and also to protect each other so yes it’s an it’s exciting see you understand why I’m out there yeah absolutely I’ve lived

In no Valley my whole life but I’ve never really done anything memorable I want to go on an adventure Abigail ter is so spooked out dad she’s in shock I’ve been looking all over for you your mother wants you to come home and help with a dinner all righty guys welcome

Back to the 20th day so I the cut scene earlier I’m so sorry I I forgot to unpa the recording so the cut scene with Abigail oh man I’m so bad at this but I’m glad you’re still here so what happened is that Abigail uh got caught

Abigail told us that she wants to to also had to her friends she wants to um go adventuring and looks like Perry was actually hiding behind the tree and hearing everything and Perry was did not agree is of course she’s a lady she’s still young and uh of course a father

Would want Abigail all to always be safe and myself is a dad so I totally understand Perry although I I understand also that there’s there’s a time wait let just do inventory there’s a time that a child would grow up and then they will go into an adult stage and they

Will do what they want to do as long as they’re safe I think is at that stage so she’s really want she really want to explore the caves and all that although there’s nothing wrong with it but the way Abigail responded to Perry although Perry was kind of ref remanded her uh a

Little strongly so Abigail was a little rude to her dad AR which I don’t agree at all it’s for me I’ve I’ve learned that there’s you know what’s the most important thing is that yeah it’s good to be always on the right side but you can be right while in the process

Ruining your relationship with someone especially it’s your family and loved ones and friends right so I’ve learned that you know it’s better to prioritize the relationship than being right and uh I think the word compromise comes from comes in so it’s better to compromise and prioritize your relationship cuz

Again you can be right but at the same time not happy because of your relationship has been uh ruined which is the most important thing ever so those are just things that I learned sorry I rambled about it and also I think that’s what the Bible teaches also to have a

Personal relationship with Jesus Christ that means you know to everybody else as well to to to Value it rather than being right although it’s also right in a sense but you know it’s a relationship okay uh so anyway I’ll just go ahead and so that’s what happened and uh all right

Guys thanks again for now for more videos you can look at the lower left hand corner of your screen and if you’re new here please feel free to like And subscribe and also remember to be patient and kind to one another because that is what love is so see you in the

Next video

this is not happening…Waiting for Stardew Valley 1.6 Gameplay

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๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ Verse of the day!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3:16

00:00 Introduction
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