The LARGEST Security House With ZOMBIE DEFENSE in Minecraft – Maizen JJ and Mikey BUILD CHALLENGE

Here H what wait I came to Mikey’s today to hang out but hey Mikey Mikey open up pal oh hey what’s up open the door sure oh thank you there huh this is your place by the way why is your house surrounded by a massive fence why yeah for sec

I made it to protect myself from thieves and zombies and any other terrible things that try to get me I see yeah that makes sense it looks like it’ll keep you really safe I know guess what JJ I’m planning on making something way cooler than this way cooler all right

What about this Mikey let’s make the strongest security system ever it’ll be so strong that we won’t be afraid no matter what comes that sounds great JJ let’s do it okay let’s get started on the strongest security house ever built come On all right I imagine that this security house would be really modern and new after all if it’s going to be the strongest security we have to include lasers and traps yeah that sounds good let’s make some strong defenses so we can rest easy what should we make first well since we’re talking

About security I think we should make something that’s worth protecting sounds good there see this Treasure Chest this will be the main thing we’re protecting let’s put valuables in oh like what actually I’ll check in and see what you put in later I’m still pretty curious about what’s inside though it’s

Important to plan ahead but I think I’ll focus on the house for now and the security later all right let’s make this house modern first we’re going to cover the entire floor with quartz blocks amazing it sure is Mikey let’s take a quick look at it now now then let let’s

Get building yeah let’s build up the first floor from around here like this we need to make a couple of pillars very nice this means the frame for the first floor is finally finished and now the base for the second floor is all filled in we did it the second floor

Should be extra fancy let’s do it yeah Fancy Fancy Fancy also the second floor has lots of space we can use up come on H you mean like this yeah huh how’s that something along those lines the first two floors are a little stiff and square so I thought it might

Be best if we added some curves to the third floor plus I was thinking we could include a giant u-shaped window somewhere around here but how I also want to change the color let’s use Blackstone we’ll make sure the u-shape is enormous like this we finished building our Masterpiece sweet next let’s start

Putting glass up towards the ceiling all right how’s that this looks so incredible I want to live in here it looks really good already but we still need to work on the interior let’s go in here is the treasure chest we got to protect yeah it’s the most important

Part of our plan we should build a cage around It wo no one can reach it now yep that’s good now with these iron bars our treasure chest is completely secured we did it I’m glad that’s done with next let’s build up some more of the Interior we’ll install our defenses last so for now let’s just decorate inside the first

Floor we still need to put in a living room and a kitchen you can set up the chairs in there and I’ll build the kitchen over here okay all right I’m using this fire and making a stove now then good job I’m going to put a smoker right beside it and then a Cauldron and then finally I’ll make a fridge this trip wire hook will be our faucet and we’ll just ignore the fact that it’s coming out of the fridge all right it looks like we’re finally finished wow this really is a full-on kitchen now it’s finished did you make a couch over here

Mikey wow it’s amazing we’ll need a dining table too so let’s make one right here I’ll make it like this there because it’s so close to the kitchen we can eat our meals right after we cook them so fancy this house is awesome yeah and here’s the bedroom the bedroom’s

Important I want to make it relaxing let’s put wood in here this room is super elegant yeah that’s true true here’s a lantern oh it looks like it started raining wait you’re forgetting an important part of the bedroom H look what do you do before you go to bed what

Read a book right that’s right yeah book oh yeah I almost forgot about reading how could I that’s a lot of bookshelves okay the bedroom’s done all done next we should figure out a way to get outside isn’t there a way to get outside from here need to get

Outside we could make a secret door okay let’s get inside but we’ll try and go this way all right how was that it’s kind of obvious but it’s still a secret door yeah it still is just through the vines go through the green green means go right yeah green

Means go so you can head straight through the vines to enter green means go go go through the green green means go all right we finished the inside of the second floor where on the third floor should we set up our study how’s that here cool thanks our eyes will get

Worse if there’s no light studying in the dark is bad for you well it seems like we’re all finished in here it looks really great now that it’s done all done do you have any idea what we’re doing next next oh yeah it’s time to upgrade the security isn’t it yep security time

Now let’s make some security for the treasure chest I just need to decide on some security devices that we’re going to use like what what will you pick Let’s dig a hole sure let’s do it now we’ll put in the lava Mikey lava let’s put lava everywhere except on the house

Got it ooh I guess that means we finished our lava mode security how exactly do people get in jumping yeah jumping there see does that mean we’re done nope not yet what else we’re forgetting something really important Mikey we need a beacon and some pink colored glass and finally a few iron

Blocks there it looks perfect this house is incredible we finished the lasers our house is super secure amazing amazing amazing now all that’s left to do is build security for the inside of the house we need to punish any robbers who try and steal from the treasure chest I

Want to set up an elaborate trap I’m going to put a lever system here and whenever it gets pulled the robbers will fall into a pit this means I’ll have to do a lot of digging before the Trap is complete they’ll fall down here and they’ll be stuck inside forever

Whoever’s trying to steal our treasure will hit this switch like this and the floor falls out from underneath them oh wow that’s the coolest thing ever all right that means now we need to start thinking about where they’re going to land when they fall huh what’s this when the robbers

Fall down they’ll think oh treasure and try to open it then bang is that TNT I can’t believe you put a trap chest on top of the TNT awesome it’s not a chest but it sure looks real perfect now then we’re finished yeah the pitfall trip is

Complete we also put in that dummy chest for good measure okay I think we have the best security [Applause] possible now I’ll explain everything yeah explain wo so on on the outside we put in some pink laser beacons careful I don’t want to touch them right or you’ll

Take damage these beams are also a really good way to intimidate any nearby enemies yeah that’s true next up we have a lava moat surrounding the entire building nice any zombies or spiders or creatures that can’t jump will fall straight in like this and if we fall in

The pool’s right there wow so strong we’ll cool off right away okay next we go inside the living room the kitchen’s are over there our couch is the best place to relax under our fancy light source it’s like art yeah like Art here’s our Treasure Chest the treasure

However is still a mystery only Mikey knows what’s inside yeah I think it’s good enough for now great if a thief shows up he’ll think to himself oh if I pull the lever I’ll unlock the cage and I can get a hold of the treasure but when he pulls It ouch perfect he’ll fall through the sand and then think to himself another chest lucky and then he’ll open it but that’s what will trigger the TNT underneath it wo wow just like that well as long as we’re in here we’ll be safe from zombies we could even relax

On the couch if we wanted to this is the best house ever the best H looks like we really made the Ultimate Security house we’ll be fine no matter how many zombies or robbers show up we showed them if you enjoyed this video don’t forget to leave

Us a like And subscribe to our Channel and try to build your own security houses to see how they turn out see you bye-bye run Mikey today we’re holding a zombie security house building competition oh good idea JJ that sounds like fun I’m going to build a security house that can

Hold off any number of zombies all right build here let’s see who can build the strongest anti-zombie security house a competition with JJ yay okay first I’ll build my House’s frame H yeah I want it to be sturdy so I’ll build it with iron I’ll start by laying out the blocks to

Build the frame I want to make a nice big house with this all right that should do it for the House’s frame oh Mikey’s hard at work I’m doing my best mine will be more impressive than yours mhm let’s give it our all next I want to reinforce my house by using security

Lasers first I’ll make the pillars and then I’ll place the lasers here I’ll surround my entire house with lasers like these okay my security lasers are complete basically it’s impossible to reach the area around my house now but there’s just one problem I can’t even get into my own house I’ll

Use slime blocks to build a jump device now I can leave the property to go outside and still get back in from the outside uh how’s it going Mikey I’m putting in Windows so I can see outside this is definitely going to be an amazing security house oh it’s

Really coming along Mikey I need to pick up the pace okay I think I’ll work on the interior of my house next first I’ll put in some glass windows so I can see what’s going on outside the house okay now I’ll be able to see outside from within my

House right this is a zombie security house so I only want to put what I absolutely need in the interior I’ll start by putting a bed here next I want to store emergency food and weapons I’ll put a chest here now how about breakfast bread and H cookies

And golden apples maybe water I also want to put weapons in here how about a flamethrower now to take these and leave them inside the chest all right now I have bread cookies golden apples water and flamethrowers all inside the chest if I want my security house to be as reinforced as

Possible I don’t want to use a door as for how I’m going to get inside the house I think I’ll make a secret entrance over here and the secret passage is complete I’ll try pushing the button I’m in the tunnel leads here now when I push the button I’m able to enter the

House hey Mikey how’s it going I’m working really hard on my interior right now it’s going well it’s really coming along Mikey all righty then I need to do more I’d like to work on increasing my auntie’s zombie security measures next see these walls I want to place turrets

Here and now if I pull the lever the gun will automatically attack zombies this is the ultimate turret now that the first floor is done I want to work on the second floor I’ll make a hole leading to the second floor and place some ladders there all right up I go

This is the second floor oh hi Mikey oh hey JJ I’m working on how I’ll fend off the zombies when they come oh you’re really working hard on it I’ll try to keep up now then the second floor has a great View and it’s perfect for getting a

Handle on the situation outside to make sure zombies can’t climb onto the roof I’m going to set up some security lava I’ll place a bucket of lava into this dispenser then I’ll add more dispensers here Here just like this there are buckets of lava in all of these I’m placing them all along the roof next I’ll connect them all together using Redstone then I’ll place redstone dust along the outside I’m hooking them all together with a redstone circuit to activate Them okay the Redstone circuit is complete and with that my security house is complete I wonder how Mikey’s doing oh are you already finished too Mikey oh JJ my auntie zombie security house is complete isn’t it awesome wao show me how it all works Mikey sure well

Check this out look here I go this is a cobweb barrier ah the cobwebs slow you down when you get caught in them so the zombies won’t be able to reach my house interesting the cobwebs are there to slow the zombies down but how are you going to

Get inside Mikey JJ all I have to do is jump over there ready wo H I messed up I got caught W well it’s not easy to jump over that it could be a problem if you get caught when there’s zombies around H I’m sure it’ll be fine

I’m confident that I won’t make any mistakes during a real zombie invasion JJ look at this next what are those these are Arrow launchers how do they work just watch ready mhm woohoo yay wo that’s awesome yeah W how does it work whenever I pull this

Lever it’s shoo out a bunch of arrows your interior is quite luxurious oh JJ you noticed but there’s no need for it to be this nice there’s plenty of stuff you don’t need to secure yourself against zombies in here hm that’s true but I really wanted it to look nice inside

Just look at it JJ I even have diamonds on the wall H over here I prepared lots of treasure too see I’ve become quite attached to to this security house thanks to all the fancy stuff I have in it I like it so much I wouldn’t mind

Living here forever H I see but still it’s certainly a very nice interior I know Right it’s night Mikey the zombies are coming it’s time to find out whose security house is stronger all right zombies GJ wow yikes zombies into your security house I’m going in they’re coming hurry Mikey wo I jumped over the cobwebs nice oh shoot they’re coming for me too I’ll

Use the jumping device to hop over the lasers all right wo here they come there’s so many zombies coming those lasers should oh they’re getting in into the secret entrance okay through the path passage and then use the jumping device to get inside wao wow there are already so many

Zombies here all right now I’ll activate the turrets and let the guns deal with the zombies woohoo they’re shooting them automatically I just have to wait for the guns to fight the zombies for Me all right much better the turrets have taken care of the zombie threat woohoo how are you doing over there Mikey no problems here piece of cake I’m fighting off the zombies with arrows keep it up Mikey let’s both survive this let’s do it okay let’s go up to the

Second floor and take a look around let’s see I might as well take the golden apples and flamethrower I prepared I’ll eat one now all right up to the second Floor wa Mikey’s house is surrounded by zombies uh hang on yikes my house is still surrounded by zombies all right in that case I’ll fight them off with this flamethrower it’s time to take out the zombies woohoo W there sure are a lot of them oh hang on oh the zombies are

Climbing up this is bad this is bad it’ll be okay though don’t forget I still have security lava security lava switch on wao the zombies don’t stand a chance of getting up here thanks to my security lava all right all right now to turn the security lava back

Off uh Mikey how are you doing I’m in trouble zombies got inside my house they broke down my wooden door what get to the roof ah to the roof okay no I made it I never thought they’d be able to get inside save me JJ what do

I do escape to my security house got it I’m stuck Mikey’s caught in the cobwebs no no Mikey well let’s get started we’re here at a tiny village a tiny village oh there’s a villager living here what are are you doing here well today we’re going to have a security building competition oh cool let’s show how to build the best security systems ever but

How are we competing here in a little while this Village is going to be attacked by Raiders what so how about the security system that best defeats the Invaders is the winner Raiders leave them to me with my security knoow those Raiders will be gone in no time I’ll bite them

Off oh I forgot something important does the winner get a prize oh I didn’t think about that well this time let’s have the prize be ice cream ice cream I love ice cream I’m definitely going to win I’m going to start billing first good luck then let’s get started let’s do It JJ I’m ready ready oh give me a quick tour Mikey sure thing check this out an extravagant two-story house oh it doesn’t look like a two-story house well see two floors no kidding also yeah these are my secret weapons M what PE PE cool right I can hit far away enemies

With these I’ll fight them off with rapid fire that’s a lot of Fire Firepower great right plus yeah that’s not all go on watch this okay 3 2 1 how do you like my Pitfall traps Pitfall traps if they get too close I’ll drop them all in the pits so you’ll

Attack far off enemies with your rapid fire arrow Contraptions and if they get too close you’ll drop them in the pits you got it JJ and to top off my perfect security system yeah Tada Tada oh not a single enemy will set foot inside this

House and even if they do I’ll be there with my sword to fight them off that all looks pretty good protect your villager Mikey leave it to me JJ I’m absolutely going to win well the Raiders could be here soon Mikey the Raiders are coming all right don’t

Panic apples are delicious good luck they’re here where here they come oh I have my secret weapons ready to go oh let’s go go Mikey a little closer take this huh oh they’re here nothing’s hitting Pitfall the pitfalls the pitfall what are you kidding me one fell in at

Least one fell in it worked hang in there I have to knock them in oh what oh come on keep it up Mikey you’re full of arrows no I’m not go go go seriously oh why me hey Mikey you can do it I want to get at least

One huh are you kidding me Mikey you fell into your own pitfall trap this hurts oh no hey time out time out Mikey I totally failed well it was a good try Mikey your pitfall trap didn’t really catch them though but don’t beat yourself up about it now it’s my turn

I’ll do my best to build some amazing security those were tough enemies it’s going to be hard to fight them off even for you JJ well good luck thanks I’ll try let’s get started get to it I’m done oh this time Mikey I’ve prepared four secret security systems

What secret security systems what are they still even for you this is going to be a rough battle I’m worried for you well good luck mine is also a two-story house I guess I’ll go up no kidding all right all right ready to go now to wait for the

Raiders oh they’re coming good luck JJ I wonder which direction they’ll come from oh here they come they’re really strong all right what should I do first how are you going to fight them from far away do you have any high-powered arrow shooting devices like I

Did I’ll hit them with this take that what was that what go go go that’s your first secret weapon they’re going down what no way woo two left my bow and arrows make lightning and explosions wo where are they today are you serious where are they oh shoot I fell off

No another one down behind you look behind you huh yikes overpowered much I hit myself heading back inside it’s safe there wow that bow was too powerful yikes incredible right let me even the odds can I add more enemies more enemies sure I still have secret weapons left to use

Might as well use my second one attack get him what should I do right I have to use this secret weapon what 3 2 1 go yes attack what oh good good good good sweet my iron golem Builder activated woohoo I’ll use this too wo isn’t that a little much iron golems

Attack W oh nice nice I’ll take down the distant enemies and the Iron Golems can take care of the rest no way who ravagers Mikey’s trying to release enough to beat me yeah yeah wow excellent do you give up JJ there’s no way you can handle this many enemies I

Won’t even spawn anymore you’ll stop spamming enemies sure H what now well I’m not giving up just yet Mikey this isn’t the best situation but I still have two more secret weapons remaining I guess I’ll use my third ultimate secret weapon huh take this 3 2 1 Go oh that is sweet what just happened I used the ultimate pitfall trap oh there’s still one left I’ll handle that one myself take this attack how are you so strong hey what’s up with that oh yes woohoo your security house is incredible JJ I lose oh hang on Mikey another raid is

Coming huh get inside I’m scared but right it’s safe in here what’s this here oh that oh that’s a shelter there’s a shelter down there we can hide there if it gets too dangerous oh then what’s that H this oh that yeah that’s my final secret weapon oh you see the lever in

There yeah that’s only meant to be touched in a real emergency huh your final secret weapon for emergency use only that’s so cool oh but the Raiders are coming Now Yep this could be your only chance to use it hang on Mikey wait wait wait wait that lever activates my most powerful security

System it’s it’s not meant for this low of a threat it’s really dangerous so don’t touch it a but if you tell me not to touch it it makes me want to touch it even more bam yeah shoot Mikey we need to hide in the shelter right now fun hurry

Up Mikey I’m going hurry go go go seriously why did you touch that get in the shelter Who that’s quite the location for a house Mikey right it’s so hot here hot hot hot look it looks toasty a nether house that could be fun what’s up Mikey isn’t your nether house a little too hot it’s right by a sea of lava wait you even have your

Furnace running right how about we build a secret nether Hideout I’d like that still the nether is terribly hot so so I think we should make a refreshing secret hideout that’s cool and full of greenery can you make a cool place here of course we can let’s give it a shot now where

Should we build it oh Mikey what if we build an under lava secret hideous what is that even possible I’m sure it’ll be fine just watch for now let’s dig onto the lava here here huh it can be done watch oops hi Phil H Mikey let’s block off the ceiling

Okay not bad okay now Mikey let’s carve out this area this will be where we’ll make the secret hideout under a sea of lava that’s it thanks wow wow your area feels cooler already it changed completely totally let’s make wood floors sounds good I’m specifically us using Birchwood Birchwood is very white

That should make it feel cooler yep all right filling this in and now to fill in the ceiling I’m using these blocks to do the Ceiling all right there much better oh it’s much nicer now but not perfect now let’s build the entrance how about a staircase you can’t tell it’s under lava nope H looks like this will work awesome nice job all Right hm cool okay fantastic how’s this look good excellent the ladder’s done and so is the entrance there’s something we still need though Mikey what our idea was to build a cool house in the nether right so I think we should add some Greenery all right that’s why I’m going to make

The staircase much fancier what’s that mean first I’ll use some dirt what could be more natural Than Dirt like This fabulous there and on the side of the dirt I’ll Place Birch trap doors like this okay and now I’ll plant some trees to do that I’ll use some oak leaves and Oak Fence okay like this maybe every other One H wow now that’s nice very natural now the plan is for for this area to be the living room I want to make it very extravagant H let’s put some lights on the ceiling I’ll use beacons they’re really bright yep extremely bright I knew that wow

Here and here okay now lava makes the nether very hot right Mikey so what would you like to do when you come home what I don’t know the answer is swim I know I’d want to take a dip so let’s build a pool we’ll make it in the living

Room this can be the pool Area all right let’s make it nice and wide wow awesome a pool in the nether under a sea of lava yep amazing it’s incredible I brought the buckets go for it two at once ready sure this this will be a moment to remember 3 2 1 huh the water is

Insane you try JJ here I remember now you can’t place water in the nether any water you place evaporates so no pool actually I know a secret way to make water here there’s a secret way to use water in the nether watch how I’ll use commands it’s simple type set Block

Set block then squiggle squiggle squiggle water and that’s it that’s how to make water in the nether now let’s light up the pool Mikey we can use Sea lanterns for it that looks like fun you can really swim in it who would have thought we could swim in the nether yeah wow Yep

Looks like fun lanterns here and here okay now let’s make a place to eat in the pool fancy something like this where we can sit in the pool how is it possible for a pool to be this fancy done this is the table we can sit and soak while we eat

The nether is really hot so we can cool off down here Perfection the pool’s finished next up the living room I want to make it feel like one maybe a table and a sofa we need a kitchen too how’s this another Lantern here whoa that’s a pretty shade of green it feels natural

Too is this good our house looks really Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy wo fancy this is really cool let’s do the kitchen now shall we put it over here I made a spot for it here over here what are those grass blocks yeah okay now to till all the soil we’re so

Fast you bet what should we plant Mikey watermelons yeah watermelons and carrots okay watermelons first this is our line of watermelons this is carrots and this is the wheat area nice job thanks oh a watermelon already grew all right carrots wheat and watermelons I think we’ve done pretty well for

Ourselves let’s put our finished crops here all that’s left now is the bedroom Mikey what should we do we could build it over here I was thinking Under the Staircase that works too let’s sleep there if you sleep in a bed in the nether it’ll explode so let’s build them

Out of wool mine will be here I made a pillow out of snow amazing maybe a bit bigger I like to read in bed so I’ll put a bookshelf here too wo perfect okay this house is amazing it really is fantastic we forgot about the kitchen let’s make one yeah okay a cauldron

Right here oh you can still put water in the cauldron even in the nether apparently now for a faucet and a furnace okay finished fabulous oh and the fridge nice okay now we’re done we’re done now we can show off our super cool fancy secret nether Hideout let’s start

Outside this is how it looks from the outside it’s right in the middle of a sea of lava you can open it from the inside too this button lets you Inside we’re in once you’re inside you’re on a staircase it’s lined with trees lots of greenery it feels so cool inside and now the living room the table is made from wood it’s nice mhm and this is our pool we use commands to put water

In the nether we can go for a swim whenever we want oh an apple we can eat here yep while we’re chilling in the pool oh thanks just going to eat apples while cooling down in the pool and once you’re tired you can sleep in a poolside

Bed there’s even a bookshelf with books to read fantastic okay next up is the kitchen this is where we can cook and over here is the farm we’re surprisingly self-sufficient in the nether this place is so cool you’d never know you were in the nether yeah a our cat was stuck poor

Kitty here we have watermelons carrots and wheat and all of our harvested crops go in here how’s that for the best secret hideout in all the nether today we built a secret hideout in the nether it’s cool with plenty of greenery if you enjoyed today’s video

Please be sure to like And subscribe to the channel bye-bye byebye Mikey hm what what is it tell me what’s going on what listen Mikey yeah I was thinking we should build a you know what today what do you mean wait you don’t remember no I have no

Idea I was just thinking we could finally build a secret hideout a secret hideout yeah where well it’s a secret so that means no one can find it right I was thinking we should build it right under there right under this big mountain that your house is on

Really underground nice yeah let’s do it in that case let’s get started we’re building our secret hideout underground but where maybe here this looks like it’d be a good location for a staircase that leads down into the bunker that’s good all right how’s this it’s good wow

That should do it now for the underground area we want a massive Hideout one that’s good enough to spend the rest of our lives hiding inside yeah let’s make it the best secret hideout ever we’ll have to make it really large Digging It Out by hand

Will take a lot of work let’s use TNT oh yeah let’s do that let’s use Lots I want to dig down nice wo wo wow sweet okay it seems like it should be large enough now there’s no need to make it any bigger yeah I agree now we’ve cleared away an enormous area with TNT yeah this place is huge nice next we’re going to get started on

Building the interior I was thinking of a more modern design like what like quartz blocks quartz blocks nice idea the theme behind our project is an undetectable underground hideout it’s a place where you can spend your entire life in a high class fashion let’s see what we can do to make it happen Okay all right for now this place it’ll be our temporary entrance you mean like the front door yeah now for a staircase nice nice nice H there the stairs are finished we’re finished this is great wow fantastic work this is the living room the living room what else do we

Need I don’t know a fountain maybe oh that’s not a bad idea I think we should build one later first we still need places to bathe and sleep come on let’s do it in that case we’ve already cleared so much extra space with the TNT we can

Just add a bath and bedroom somewhere around here let’s go a high ceiling could work out well for us how high should it be H I’d say about this High we can put the floor down here sounds good wao Mikey that’s already starting to look like an actual

Bath house let’s make it extra big sure even bigger n that looks big enough it’s fine okay JJ let’s make an entrance here H good idea like an off liit Zone that’s awesome that works now we just need to build a ladder down here there we go Mikey this should oh

That’s something else this is where we can prep for our adventures how’s that good idea we need some chests yeah let’s add some I’ll Place some trap chests alongside the normal ones there’s going to be a lot oh wow wo diamonds this way we can Harvest them whenever we need to

Wow that’s pretty extravagant isn’t it it’ll be good sure so this is the adventure prep room right it wasn’t part of our original plans but now we have an easy way to access the tunnels how convenient nice is it really convenience we’re all hooked up have you

Ever seen a house that’s fancy before I mean it’s kind of dangerous come on up Mikey coming I’m here don’t forget to shut the trap door when you’re done wow good luck zombie zombies the zombies won’t be able to climb up very nice now all we need for the bedroom is a couple

Of beds I’m way ahead of you nice we can fall asleep while watching the fish that’s right I’ll get going on a couple of side tables go for it next we’ll need some light on the sides that is really something what’s that awesome lovely yeah I think we should

Make a carpet oh I totally agree let’s see see we should use white carpet sure it’s amazing yeah it’s something else fantastic oh Mikey we need some bookshelves oh that’s right bookshelves to read at night yep that’s right wo fancy really fancy H we should build a desk let’s do it along

Here okay there now we need chairs I think campfires make the best chairs true let’s put them two squares apart that looks perfectly balanced awesome there okay I think it’s dark enough in here for us to light up the room with a couple more lanterns I’ll make a

Sofa oh a sofa is a great idea I’m using snow hi class this area could use some enchantment tables JJ this rocks wo wow okay the bedroom and the bath house are officially compl Complete all right Mikey it’s time to move on to the living room what kind of stuff should we put in there we’ve got a fountain it’s kind of dark in here why don’t we put in a big chandelier ah why not let’s make a chandelier do we hang

It let’s use beacons as the light source oh good idea okay time to build a chandelier out of beacons all right the roof seems pretty high up oh that looks nice the fanciest chandelier ever now for the beacons like this there the giant Beacon chandelier is done nice wow it’s so much

Brighter it is that design is really cool oh hang on a sec Mikey I forgot something what it’s so dreary I wanted to fill the house with a bunch of different plants right what do you think about decorating the living room with plants sure I’ll start by using Oak fence and

Greenery what this should be good just like that there we go there wow wo wow awesome wonderful we still don’t have anything in this middle area though oh I have a great idea for it yeah what do you think you could pour in some water please water yeah pour it here

There it’s spilled over somehow how what’s this this is it’s like it’s just a cool spot JJ well I guess it’s nice having water here oh wow that’s cool yeah fancy everything’s nice and green now extravagant okay are we finished now there’s one more thing I have to do H

Here what’s this Storage storage really oh Mikey I just remembered we forgot to add something really important oh follow me here hurry what’s up you meant this right a flower bed by the entrance it’s vital I guess that’s important too wait was there something else uh-huh what was

Today’s theme we had a theme for today what was it I’ll tell you an undetectable underground hideout right let’s see here it’s still pretty detectable right now we need something to close it up properly I know let’s make a secret entrance yep we’re going to make a secret entrance huh perfect

It’s done let’s try it sure pull the lever 3 2 1 wo now open do it all right wao it’s finished we’re all done yay that means it’s time for a tour Mike All right let’s go inside first off welcome to the living room oh wow from here you can pick between the right and left staircases H there’s the fountain and here we have Mikey’s fancy centerpiece yep we have plenty of trees and other Greenery they’re all lit up by

The lanterns cool here’s our little storage area nice look you can get there by dropping down directly beneath the fountain is an elegant bath house so fancy wow fabulous yeah you can warm up or clean yourself off while chilling next to the bamboo forest yeah the sofa here is another

Great place where you can sit back and relax here’s the study space Oh Let’s study there are bookshelves up here there are a couple of cats too here we are the bedroom it’s lovely here we have an aquarium full of coral and tropical fish it’s great you can sleep down here

Peaceful it looks like the day is over without fail we managed to complete our undetectable underground hideout woohoo we did it yeah and if you thought our building was cool leave a like And subscribe to the channel you can try building your own secret hideout too bye-bye for now bye-bye

Thanks for watching my friends! If you like this videos, please like and write me an interesting comment so that I have a good mood!

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

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  1. Guys, you may think that this channel is smart and that their set up in good but, they copied EVERYTHING from Maizen, they don't use their own minds, their are just copying and I know that because I watch Maizen. You should watch Maizen instead because it's way more interesting, btw sorry for this channel

  2. Are you thanking them? Thank Maizen instead, IDK why they would even copy someone else's channel and get so many compliments and get all the credit

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