How to Hide the Echo Chamber! | Terraria 1.4.4

Echo coding is great with it we can make nearly anything invisible the echo chamber is also great we can use wiring to toggle Echo invisibility this has a lot of applications for thematic Maps Adventures or puzzles but sometimes you don’t want to have to see the echo

Chamber you can echocode it and hide it that way but what about when it’s turned on you can see it well actually you can still hide it find a dark area as dark as possible and place the echo chamber in there seal up that area so that no

Lights get in as soon as the echo chamber is in total darkness the glowing Cube becomes invisible allowing you to hide the echo chamber

The echo chamber can’t be hidden, since it glows and shows invisible items…or can it?

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1.4.4 Playlist:

Art and animations by MythicalWater

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Music (in order played):

This is Not a Ballad – True Cuckoo

#Khaios #Terraria #1.4.4 #LaborOfLove


  1. The Echo Chamber is that little kid that says "You can't see me if I can't see you!" before covering their eyes in some futile effort to go "invisible" from onlookers.

    …Except this time, it actually works.

  2. Its so annoying though, i made stuff invisible but when i see them, if i walk to close to them or to far away, it disappears even though its supposed to be visible

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