Terraria, but the world is only 9 Blocks Tall…

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Kinda had to try this at some point after the 3 block wide Terraria world. This one is 1,372 times wider, but quite a bit shorter. I have a workaround for the depth issues too…

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Terraria World Editor Software:
TEdit Download: https://www.binaryconstruct.com/downloads/

The world is in this folder if you want to try it out:

0.05 – Castle Town – (Spirit Tracks)

1.45 – Plack Beach – (Bowser’s Inside Story)

3.17 – Island in the Sky – (Skyward Sword)

4.05 – Brinstar [Overgrown with Vegetation Area] – (Super Metroid)

5.57 – Honeyhive Galaxy – (Super Mario Galaxy)

8.33 – Dimble Wood – (Bowser’s Inside Story)

9.10 – Norfair [Ancient Ruins] – (Super Metroid)

9.47 – Cave of Flames – (Minish Cap)

11.02 – Jungle Japes [Mountain] – (DK64)

13.23 – Neo Bowser Castle – (Dream Team)

15.43 – Tower of Spirits [Dungeon] – (Spirit Tracks)

18.44 – Mini-Boss – (The Wind Waker)

19.59 – Jalhalla – (The Wind Waker)

21.09 – Royal Crypt – (Minish Cap)

22.22 – Hidden Waterfalls [Crystal Caves] – (DK 64)

22.35 – Fruity Factory – (Tropical Freeze)

24.45 – Melty Monster Galaxy – (Super Mario Galaxy 2)

26.58 – Movie Theater [Closing] – (Stardew Valley)

7/18 Zelda
5/18 Mario
3/18 DK
2/18 Metroid
1/18 Stardew



  1. Terraria: Wild West edition

    Jokes aside, it's felt like ages since your last video too, can't wait to see how the suffering concludes at the end 🙂

    (oh no, the Destroyer, oh no…)

  2. This looks like a really great playthrough. Its cool to see the new strategies that come getting through these unique worlds. Youve clearly put a lot of thought into this!

  3. I remember using the ingame clock to time when Skeletron would come down with my hallway setup, since I did not have a good enough reaction time to do it manually. Every 20 seconds (aka 20 ingame minutes) he starts spinning

    Also, I love the addition under the shimmer, that's so neat 🙂

  4. I just started playing terraria like a week ago, I'm excited to watch all of your Terraria content as i've seen all the Stardew stuff and it's really good!

  5. The lucky horseshoe happens to give a slight luck boost as a neat little hidden feature, so despite the inherent lack of leg-breaking terrain, it might still be somewhat useful.

  6. idea for a future challenge: terraria, but the world fell over. make a world, open it in an editor, then just rotate it 90 degrees and see what happens

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