The MASTER Wall of Flesh is EASY with THIS! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.6)

Hey hey welcome back my friends to the master Ranger playthrough today on episode 6 we go for the Almighty we try and make ourselves our ultimate prehard mode Ranger load out and then we go for deerclops and the Wall of Flesh so yeah big action-packed episode to come today

Folks but before doing anything we’ve got the Queen Bean treasure bag to open up that we managed to obtain at the end of the last episode so boom oh we got it first time rolling yeah yeah the bees knees look at that we’ve got the honeycomb accessory as well wow

We’ve got the baby Hornet pet okay and of course beades you got to love beades hey folks so then ultimate prehard mode Ranger load out I think for me that is going to involve trying to get ourselves the lightning boots at minimum we have Spectre boots we have

The aglet for once the thing we’re missing is the anklet of the wind of course additionally getting ourselves a horseshoe balloon would be very very nice but we have been well what I would consider to be criminally unlucky in terms of not getting ourselves any kind of double jump accessory whether we go

To find one in today’s episode remains to be seen if we can then we can make ourselves a HHO balloon and that would be quite nice actually getting ourselves the Obsidian Shield I think would be another thing to go for so yeah like I say plenty of things to be getting on

With in today’s episode and I think what we might do is start off with the Obsidian Shield while we make our way down there I do of course want to remind you folks that if you are enjoying the series and you want to continue seeing

More do be sure to head down beneath the video and spend a second to drop a like hit the Subscribe button don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content and if you do want to go one further with your support

Of course use code python when ordering any of my Apex gaming PCs for 5% off or for what 15% off if you go for some Terraria merch from Terraria shop instead all right floody floody time time for a bunch of obsidian I think there are of course a couple of weapons

We can get that are molten related of course we could get ourselves the beautiful molten Fury if we really wanted to we could also go for the hell Wing bow from Shadow chest all right very good 235 bits of obsidian that is way more than enough it’s quite

Ridiculous in fact how about we go ahead and make some of that into one of these bad boys the obsidian skull we push it up here and we make ourselves the Obsidian Shield there it is beautiful two defense plus one we could probably do a little bit better with that thank

Goodness for that we’re about to run out of money there so there we go six defense in one accessory that’s not bad going if you ask me folks so that’s one of our sort of semi super accessories done and dusted the next one is going to

Be double jump how we are going to a achieve this I’ve have no idea we could just go into the jungle and try and find ourselves sort of the regular non Shrine chest maybe we’ll get lucky with some double jump over there maybe we just find ourselves another cave entirely and

Just find some more chests I don’t know man I mean to be fair I feel like going to the Jungle might be in our best interests anyway we haven’t really explored a great deal of it and well you could find a whole bunch of stuffs over

There you know not just chests but Life Crystals as well we still need three to get ourselves up to 400 Health all right two spelunker potions that’s very very good and one mining potion well this is about as far as we got in terms of exploring the jungle previously so how’s

About we explore some more we put this on we put this on oh my word I can see everything including not just one but two heart crystals yeah ah very good lots of stuff’s going on here my friends look at this oh it’s a Bo

Stick I’ll tell you what else we can do we can get ourselves up to the prehard r maximum of 400 Health beautiful and we can then make our way over to that chest on our bottom right yeah don’t mind do buddy uh magic mirror darn it yeah Life

Crystals Galore beautiful we can now finally start using those for heart lanterns whoa not one not two but three chests in my view right now two shrines one regular one what do we got it is the staff of regrowth I am absolutely taking that excellent what’s this one got

Hermes boots okay oh this isn’t dangerous at all now is it just a whole bunch of maneaters guarding this chest there better be something amazing in there boom Oh it’s what we needed okay very very good oh nice a bizor yeah love to see that thing oh whole

Bunch of lizard related stuff coming up here so I think we’re pretty safe to assume that the lizard temple is here of course Another Life Crystal and another life Crystal yeah our Arenas are going to get seriously buffed up now there’s a chest on my top left there another life

Crystal oh we’re getting so many of them at this point holy crap all right what’s this uh Sho bikes ah all right well there goes my last speelunker potion but the good news is there is actually a shrine chest on my right hand side there okay we’re not

Quite throwning the towel just yet folks if there’s a fiberclass fishing pole in here I’m going to be super super happy all right what do we got feral Claws and some wands I’ve just realized something folks another goal we should have been going for is the void bag and actually I

Think I’ve already got enough jungle SPS to be able to do that it’s jungle spores tissue samples or shadow scales and Bones right those are the three components required ooh random gold chest is it a trapped one no it’s normal huh okay huh I wonder if this little

Fairy here might just take me towards a chest no it’s another life Crystal darn it another gold chest just sort of out in the middle of nowhere I don’t see any explosives nearby ah okay but there’s still no sign of a double jump you know what I think I’m just

About done exploring the jungle here I’ve been doing it for a long time now and I just don’t feel like doing it anymore so we’ve gone home unfortunately with still no double jump I can’t believe it how do we still not have double jump that is absolutely

Ludicrous so you know what s it this game clearly doesn’t want me to have a double jump and thus any sign of the beauty that is a Hors shoe balloon so sorry we’re just going to let the game win okay we’re going to go into hard mode without double jump and we’re going

To go straight for wings we’re going straight from having rocket boots to wings that is definitely something that has not happened in an extremely long time my friends but there you go when the game want so heavily for you not to have something why didn’t I it any further

All right jungle spawns shadow scales and Bones yeah I’m going to have to suggest that we don’t have enough shadow scales I don’t know how many we actually need 30 we need 30 shadow scales holy crap well you know what that means then don’t you folks there we go easy peasy lemon

Squeezy wow we even managed to get the Master mod Dro from that guy that’s not bad 166 Demonite or as well absolutely beautiful and more importantly 63 Shadow scares I should have made the void bag while I was out there darn it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait are you

Seriously telling me I don’t have a single lens in my world what since when has that ever been the case in any of my worlds ever oh jeez okay maybe we could get lucky and get a deerclops 2 spawning natural really I don’t know for once of my life

Terraria I’m going to have to say please continue raining because so long as it’s raining it’s also going to be blizzarding over at the snow biome yes so we get over there and we just sort of hang around maybe dear clops will spawn in naturally for once I do want it to

Happen naturally so yeah who’s hoping oh well I guess I’ll just go scream myself there it turns out according to the rki deerclops can also spawn naturally at Mid night once again we have to wait for nighttime oh what an absolute load of rubbish this is so we’re pretty much

Stuck until we have nighttime roll around here ah I guess we could use this time oh I don’t know explore the underground ice bio maybe we can get ourselves a blizzard in a bottle so here we go down to the underground let’s go find ourselves some more chests shall we

Although maybe what we should actually be doing is heading back to base making ourselves a speelunker potion if at all possible that is and going at it that way all righty here we go ladies and gentlemen the void bag we finally have it an entirely new inventory to work

With all righty let’s activate this thing and let’s see if there’s any chests to be had oh turns out there is right here in fact all right what do we got an ice blade ah very good another ice chest above me hoping for a blizzard

In a bottle come on please blizzard in a bottle boom ah another ice Blade Two wept chests I mean they’re kind of nice but not what we’re looking for man ah an ice chest on the other hand yeah okay very very good right let’s see

If we can’t open this bad boy there we are wow that was a lot of stuff in that one holy crap holy all right well here we are another chest and it’s an extractinator come on now Terraria I got a good feeling about this chest have you

Guys got a good feeling about this chest I have let’s have a look and see if our good feelings are going to amount to anything boom yeah yeah baby oh it’s finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally time oh my God I feel like like we were

Rolling around for quite some years trying to get some sort of bloody cloud in a bottle accessory and we finally got it so then blizzard in a bottle there’s the balloon there’s the horeshoe ladies and gentlemen finally the White Horseshoe balloon the relief the relief I’m feeling right now is on no known

Scale in the universe my friends trust me right now what we need to do is we need to start farming out some demon eyes so I I’m going to basically just sort of sit here in fact I think what I may do is I may try and increase the

Spawns here by adding in one of those beautiful water candle things hey guys check it out a meteorite is falling excellent that means I could go mine it and top up on my metor shot Supply I wonder where it’s landed this time though last time it landed in a chasm in

The corruption biome so he’s hoping it’ll be in a slightly more easier to find space this time well my friends I never thought in a million years I would spend pretty much an entire night just farming eyeballs for lenses but uh here we are doing exactly that we have wound

Up with 10 nice round number that love to see it so let’s just top up on a few arrows here that is very very nice we’ll stack away a bunch of stuff we’ll sell all the bits and Bobs we don’t need and then we’ll be on our merry way folks

Just to ensure our Victory though I might just go ahead and take myself an archery potion little bit of regen all right one two three okay we got three that’s very very good if we can get ourselves the eye bone pet then we’re pretty much good to go I’m pretty sure

There’s one weapon you can get from deerclops that is a Ranger weapon I think it’s the pumic horn I think it’s called so maybe we get lucky and get that bad boy I mean we do have three attempts at it so you know the odds are probably in our

Favor oh there’s the me you right hey very good all right I mean that’s probably about as far as we need to go the deerclops boy has awoken he’s on the left come on buddy get yourself over here eh yeah slow son of a gun look at this

Guy you are another joke boss in this game really so let’s let just do this thing shall we all right it’s going to be the Snowballs first is it right of course when it comes to this boss it’s all about getting the rhythm going you

Go side to ow you kind of go side to side until he shoots out his snowballs ideally when he’s over the far right hand side here come on now h a little bit of that there’s the Snowballs again right now I feel like we can get into a

Bit of a rhythm there we are more snowballs yeah I mean you don’t say anymore this is Easy Street like truly it is ah good grief let’s be careful though yeah now we got a rhythm folks although he is getting faster and faster and thus slightly more difficult to uh slightly

More difficult to dodge but no matter because he’s dead all right excellent and we got ourselves the master mode drop and we got ourselves the weather pain I mean let’s just do it again and ladies and gentlemen he’s done again okay beautiful this time we’ve got ourselves hey there

It is the ptic horn at the very least oh getting a bit close for comfort the ammo Count versus this guy’s Health uh but never mind he’s dead Okay brilliant and this time oh you know for once in our lives we don’t have the bone pet whatever it’s

Called oh dear all right never mind I’m not really too fusted about it I’m pretty happy that we we got ourselves the pumic horn at the very least what does it even use it uses meteorite shots H not entirely sure I’m a big fan of that all right Tinker boy we have

Ourselves two gold to reforge this that’s oh that’s really poor hey Godly that’s a bit more like it so deerclops is out of the way and you know what that means folks it’s time to go for the almighty it’s time for the Wall of Flesh for the most part I think what we’re

Going to do is just use the Phoenix Blaster this hand gun already does 37 range damage the Phoenix Blaster should hopefully do more we need to get ourselves down to the underworld and we need to start grabbing ourselves a whole bunch of Hell Stone and yeah in terms of

What we can make with the hellstone pretty much just the mol of Fury and the Phoenix plaster nothing else I don’t think is even going to go look in maybe the lava proof bug that though anyway Obsidian Skin Potion is what I’m looking for there we are we grab ourselves I’m

Going to say two of them and then yeah yeah I think we’re pretty much good to go time to get to the underworld I think my friends let’s do it you know what I’m kind of thinking for once of my life I’m going to do this sort of all in one if I

Was to take the Anvil with me obviously we’re going to pick up a hell Forge while we’re down there we need to take ourselves down a bunch of obsidian and I’m going to bring all the Buffs needed for the Wall of Flesh or what I consider

To be needed for the Wall of Flesh all righty I think I’ve got all the bits and Bobs on me let’s get to the underworld let’s do this thing we’re looking to get some gear first and then pretty much go straight for the Wall of Flesh straight

Away all righty well that wasn’t too difficult my friends all we got to do now is start grabbing a bunch of stuffs although with that said do we want to also explore these shadow chests maybe we can get ourselves the hellwing bow uh dark glance not really what we’re

Looking for but still kind of cool nonetheless to sell uh what do we got here the flame lash again not that useful all righty time to grab some hell Stone folks let’s get this thing rolling oh yeah Molten Pickaxe we could probably do that as well if we wanted to get hard

Mode materials hey beautiful there’s the hell Forge love to see it oh nice Obsidian Rose that’s only what the third fireing according to my Tally counter there that’s not bad going all right no I just pressed the wrong button on my mouse I just used all of my bloody Buffs what are you

Doing jeez man why am I so bloody stupid there’s the Phoenix Blaster oh I’m actually annoyed at myself I’m so bloody annoyed at myself with that that’s not okay cuz I don’t have a elevator and it’s going to be an absolute pain in the ass to get back down here again all

Right a few more hellstone bars what can we make now there is indeed the molten Fury we got ourselves the molten pickaxe of course there as well we’ll go for the molten pickaxe just so we’ve you know got it done and dusted I guess uh but yeah let’s continue getting some more of

This hell Stone stuffs shall we we still need I think it was the buget and also the mol of Fury of course so yeah mol of Fury I think was 15 bars and my Anvil who’s disappeared oh this is turning into a disaster session yay I’m going insane I’m going

Insane I’m going insane calm yourself P think come on now accidentally used all of my wall of flesh Buffs my Anvil went bye-byes because of the lava I thought it might have actually stayed there because you know it’s metal just what’s in here oh the hellwing bow okay I mean that’s kind of

Cool I guess come on pthan you got the wrong mindset right now you’re in a ragy mindset you need to stop you need to be in a nice positive mind mindset going into the wall of flesh battle don’t you yes you do all righty Obsidian Skin

Potion about to run out but no worries because I think we’re just about done here for now until we go back down there to defeat the Wall of Flesh because I made a lot of mistakes and I should have done it the first time rolling but no

Apparently I’m stupid so yeah at least I had the foresight to pick up a hell Forge I mean that’s not nothing I guess uh right can we get ourselves another Anvil yes we can let’s place that bad boy down and let’s get ourselves the rest of the hellstone upgrade shall we

What do we got 40 bars on the dot what we’re looking for of course is the molten Fury there it is absolutely beautiful what about the bug net where is the bugnet there it is okay beautiful all right in terms of upgrades not doing too bad in terms of me being stupid

We’re doing very bad okay Obsidian Skin oh for God’s sake it’s just one thing after a bloody another at the moment can we like stop running out of things and stop having like little bits and Bobs getting my way constantly that’d be great I’d appreciate it and yes I know I

Know before you say I do have an Alchemy Station and I’m not using it because well I don’t have any space for at the moment so yeah all right it looks like we got three things to reforge here uh no the pickaxe can stay as it is that’s

Totally fine wow this thing is incredibly cheap to reforge there is no reason why we can’t get ourselves something very very good come on now powerful that’s minus speed ruthless minus knock back that’s Sol it we’ll go for it that’s four gold and this is out six go oh ruthless again

Wow that’s not bad is it intimidating lethargic cited a Sonic all right we’ll go for it what about reforges on our accessories maybe the Horseshoe balloon oh menacing very good uh violent Shield of cthul we could probably do with something a little bit better than that

A couple more defense that’s not too bad mag luminesence guarding again we’ve got 34 defense plus whatever our food is going to give us and of course iron skino all right let’s get down to the underworld let’s see if we could do this thing folks real quick I’m going to do

What I usually do and just sort of open up these houses as I go along so I don’t get you know stuck on them and then yeah I feel like then we’ll be truly ready for this thing I mean obviously we do still need to get ourselves the little

Voodoo doll thing as well so that’s something we need to do come on now I’m going to be needing one of those Voodoo demons to spawn in sometime soon and then yeah we can get on with this thing anytime now game eh anytime now Voodoo Demon please anytime

Now this has taken ages if you can’t tell I’m starting to get little little bit deflated now ever since I had that big old mistake period earlier in the episode yeah I’m just kind of fed up I just want something to go right finally right got to be very very

Careful here do not want to have this accidentally fall in the lava there we go go voodo doll is done and dusted we have maximum health done and dusted let’s get ourselves over to the far right hand side of the world and let’s have the Wall of Flesh done and dusted

We are going to use the Phoenix blaster for the most part so bada bing bada boom and in you go ladies and Gentlemen let’s start off with some of these bad boys shall we you know the old classic got to love the old classic don’t you beades and we’ve

Already run out okay right now it’s time to get on with some stuff some stuff and things my friends already down to 12,000 Health what a bad little start if you ask me we don’t have to worry about lava we don’t have to worry about full damage

You just have to worry about dwindling this guy’s Health down like an absolute professional and obviously dodging the freaking lasus and all that in fact let’s get rid of the mini map there there we are now we can see what we’re doing yeah baby all right ideally what

I’d like to do is get this thing done before we start hitting the houses we’re already down to under a half Health wow absolutely wrecking shot here I did switch out my tiger climbing gear for the beauty that is the worm scarf we don’t want to be you know giving off on

That bad boy no way in fact right here we go 3,000 Health 2,500 2,000 oh yeah little bit of Health here 1,800 come on ah keep it going now keep it going now oh this is easy easy easy like I say necro Armor Plus the Phoenix

Blaster it’s a de code in this game holy crap holy yeah okay that’s brought my mood back and that is time to wrap up the episode as well thank you so much for watching I can’t believe we just did that if you have enjoyed today’s episode

Please do be sure to drop a like hit the Subscribe button of course and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but here we are episode six and we’re already beginning hard mode that is absolutely ridiculous but there you go my friends

Necro armor preh hard mode Ranger load out and the Phoenix Blaster what else can I say other than it really is legitimately a che code in this game it’s so dumb thanks for watching have a great rest of your day thanks for all of your lovely support and I’ll see you

Guys in the next episode bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – After a quick dungeon raid, we gain access to one of the most powerful loadouts in pre-hardmode Terraria… the Handgun with Necro Armour! It’s INSANE!
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This is Episode 6 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
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  1. The pew matic horn is an underrated weapon. I did a run where I could use just crossover weapons, and it carried me from deerclops to destroyer. Try it out against the early hardmode enemies. 🙂

  2. Hey Python I've been a viewer of yours for almost 8 years now and its really great to see that you're still doing great. if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have discovered my favorite games of all time. you have been the reason for some of my fondest memories whether it be watching you're terraria calamity series on long nights or being a viewer of one of you're livestreams. I've always had such a great and memorable time watching you're content. keep up the good work Python

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