LIMMY Plays | A Highland Song & Stardew Valley (4) [2024-01-11]

That’s a lie that’s a lie that’s a lie that’s a lie that’s a lie that’s a lie that’s a Lewis Johnny rabit killer Bey onion than to Subs can I have a Blam at the end of the marbles please if not at the end of improv is fine now because I’m

Not doing marbles on no then H all right then I’ll dat at the end of that it’s going to be right all right okay freeor thanks to the sub you just ch to your BL you just chucked it away thrown it away young tobius framework framework thanks for subs thank you very

Much okay check the time time stamp um 1 minute ago all y checks out it’s an older code but to check exit so would you like me to um so um I don’t know if any have noticed but I’ve taken off the the the

Bigger one just so I can bring it a we bit closer with it covering my face but I’m going to make sure I try not to pop the mic too much sounds much better yep right here sounds much much better the mic again um so um so there you go so everything’s fine

Yeah that’s it don’t to touch it that’s it big ass is the daddy Dr award thanks for the subs everybody got a new game for you um I’m going to put it on the screen so you know it’s coming um so just sorry what I’ll explain I’ll

Explain what do you do you not read my tweets he’s no on the fascist playground Twitter everybody else is why aren’t you too good for it or something didn’t you know there’s no something consumption under something golf Dela thanks the sub best for Life glad to hear it why is this no hold

On wait a minute this is this is a control I know you can’t see anything a second I’m not putting on right now anyway right now I’ll explain there it is this is this is probably a controller game hold on I just want to on if the rhythm of the

Hills is out of Step calibrate them all right so it’s a it’s a it’s a rhythm game right um hold on this is the music of my people the pilgrims aing Spirit be with the on every stream stream Headland and rid and Lawn each SE and land each Mo in

Meal each line down each rising up in the trough of the see I’m having to read it all [ __ ] quick in case it’s right give a second first of all there’s many things to get on me before uh right so I’ll open that up Gaz a away moment G A away

Moment um and then I do that that that that and that and then I do that and then I go like that and I do that and then that should do that yeah that’s fine Hy Dory and that’s it gone see even though I had a button press

There to let me continue when I was ready it still went and played it anyway they just never get it right they never never never get it right um high quality W please thank you reading speed [ __ ] slow allow mild profanity please just mild um audio please master volume [ __ ] righten right

Then cuz by the way I watched the V for yesterday a me playing vibration off because you run the battery down for no benefit I don’t care a bit that in fact see for now uh master volume already [ __ ] done that’s cuz it’s going to have to get started

Again g a look and Waffle kill screens uh thanks to the subs thank you very much um uh where was I right so uh so St valy um I played it off stream last night I thought I’m going to take it up to I thought I’ll take it up to here’s

What’s happened I took it up to the 28th that is the last day of spring and then and I thought right leave it there so we can see that you know the the thing next uh summer coming in I went you know what [ __ ] it and I went to

Summer but I’ve not saved it so that if I was to start it right now if I was to play it right now you would see summer beginning it just it um and it’s uh there’s new things for sale and I and I looked up I a Google a few

Things because see you get the sprinklers you need iron and copper I’ve got tons of copper but the iron and I looked up where iron is and it said you can get it here if you sort of dig there get it there but generally it’s in level

Like level 60 of the mines I’ve managed to go down to level it was something like 20 I went down to last night I thought I’ve got to go down to like about level 16 there’s like tons of iron there like like m craft except slower

You know kind of grinding away type of thing which is fine um I thought I’ve got to do that and then there’s other bits and Bobs level 60 after will be nothing I and um you can upgrade your your ax and all that to corer and that um so like

The watering can if I had a copper water and can which I be I could do that right now really I got tons of money by the way um you are a a larger area that kind of thing and I was thinking about it I was thinking

Um right I could play this tomorrow that is the day get back into it um I was thinking I want I do want to play this off stream though it’s a grinding sort of game it’s a and I can imagine coming on after having imagine played it playing on this

Saturday and this Sunday come back on a Monday and I go right so here’s where well know and you look at it and I’ve got guess bigger Fielder stuff and you know things like that and I can imagine a lot of you going like that I’ve never really got to follow the [ __ ]

Story not much a story mind you so far anyway but um I don’t know I don’t know and I did think to myself is this a sort of streaming game and I did then I thought a it is no it is now I thought she’s sitting here just

Rabbiting away as as I sort of grind away um that’s that’s a stream game it’s fine um like I said before I don’t care too much about um what folk want to watch if I’m really enjoying it but I did think well me just sort of grinding about not

Bit of um no the main thing is see with subnotica subnotica there’s quite a bit of grinding here and there which I did off stream now and again but what I did do was sort of Advance any story there’s something about me going for spring to summer or maybe their whole [ __ ] year

Off stream and St Valley and then come back on and go right so I’ve got this now I’ve got that one I can imagine some’s gone like that um we’ve missed all that we’ve missed all that whereas um unbelievable it’s actually barely about farming Li me says Joes I know I

Know I’m sure I’m missing something right just in case of any uh style ju Val enthusiasts who are like you just don’t get it in fact you’re pissing me off let me just don’t don’t speak anym you break my heart um I get that there’s a lots that

I’m missing in the we relationship things and um there’ll be lots of things going on I get it but I just thought I can imagine playing a lot of this half stream and advancing it quite a bit and coming back and you’ve missed it where I see was subnotica

I would never like with subnotica off stream go into the [ __ ] Aurora or whatever it is um spaceship day all that and then on the Monday say right so I went onto that up everybody at the weekend uh sorry you missed it and by the way there’s a big [ __ ] creature

In the back here oh you had to see that you missed it anyway let’s progress let’s carry on you’d be like that what um but what I did do in subnotica was like let’s say I wanted tons of titanium but didn’t want to just grind away on stream which is fine because I

Can R it away while I’m doing it um I I would I would just sort of like spend a whole [ __ ] night just go I’m going to get tons of titanium I’m going to get tons of quartz you know just sort of going down getting it converting it you know doing that

Um scruffy says you need another game to play off stream to stop you ruining the stream G that’s the [ __ ] thing I already did have one it was uh or and the Willer of wisps and I just I preferred that so uh so that’s it the good thing

Is that means you get to get really you get to live in the moment you get to go like that how long is this game going to last for this game that we’re enjoying right now this could get taken away for us at any moment let’s enjoy it

Also that’s right the stream is so Random it gives you a chance to play the game yourself imagine I got halfway through that game or completed the [ __ ] Community Center but you’d be there no point of me playing it now devs love this streamer and we’re moving on to a new

Game new game new game new game so it’s really really exciting don’t advertise yourself or JK thank you none of that right you look after yourself don’t come in here and promote yourself I promote me in here you might think there can’t be any harm in one streamer saying well I play

Star ju Val why don’t you come and watch me everybody if I was to just let one person away with that you would get five people doing it 10 people doing it 50 people doing it in the chat well I do I play this I play this I play that’s

Coming with me I’m live right now it’ll be [ __ ] bans everywhere this is this is simple how far did you go in terms of rules and policing things and that’s that’s how [ __ ] far you go that that and you keep it like that shaking and you don’t [ __ ] let go like

That ion [ __ ] fist you don’t let [ __ ] go it’s actually easier to R where an ion first than it is to know cuz you what should I do what should well I mean I’ll let them do it so why I’m not let I know but they’ve said it

Three times or as they’ve just said it once I know so what’s the difference well I mean they sort of promoting themselves I know but how but they come in a lot you know they’re just I mean you give them a shout out how know them because well they’re not really in that

Often so it’s like they’ve just sort of turned up look at me and then [ __ ] off and I know but they did that as well I mean they only turned up once you started playing that I know but wa simple as that [ __ ] like that don’t let any [ __ ] away with e what

Simon Tori sweet cup of tea thanks for Subs oh I’ll miss St you but I’m excited to see you ruin Highland song my favorite game of last year it’s highly highly rated this Lord chrisal I hope all the all this if there’s any Scottish voices in I hope it’s all played by English

People the real streer and Gerald thanks for Subs fr musical in what no who would you cast this Freddy um uh maybe I M on side I Mr Benjamin rice ke a look honking farts hold on I’m let me put a we at no no there reason why I’ve got the music

Off B France ax rifle and chst thanks for the bits I’ve gone days weeks playing St just grinding fishing and making see that’s what I want I just want to make a big gigantic [ __ ] fan I don’t care about the [ __ ] minds and relationships there’s M money that not I

Just what I just want to farm watch see thank you very much the no sugar stuff is is um really helped his up there I think absolutely that turn the heat off didn’t I hi um honky F the sub I got the weirdest ad for some anime show before being able

To sub again and be good to see thank you very much I M Bo I’ll get R it at some point but I’m not but I’m not in it rabbit Killer by um hope fatherhood streen you all right infinity and Simon Tony the wonderful thanks to

Subs thanks again right here we go um just something I need today briefly which is my headles if um just got do my he everybody why the world’s richest country treats its parents so poorly my 30 years quitting addiction I quit meat then cigarettes and alcohol then caffeine then eating

After 8:00 p.m. what am I doing I think that just leave the article with that I think that’s it’s done here we go here we go now I’m going to take a huge gamble sounds like go I’m going to take a huge Gamble and say that I have never heard this song

Before in my life B and it sounds like him use digging your scene by the Blow Monkeys you would know who that is you would they know doctor uh what’s it called it called it call like Dr Mark or something Robert I me I’m going to play it right 8s 2000s don’t

Know pinch me buying B naked L way go right let’s get into it master volume I saw I was watching a we better um my uh Star Valley void for yesterday and the game in my opinion was too loud compared to my voice now either you don’t care about

Things that got you deut don’t say anything I’ve been into many people’s streams and the game is far too loud I mean it is [ __ ] loud as the music they playing is loud you can’t even [ __ ] hear them and Ne says a thing because they’re so polite they’re happy to watch a streamer

Fail that’s how polite they are this is the music of my people what are we watching we were watching um I’m going I’m going to I think I’m going to quit this and start it again so I can see the we intro but you can’t hear it

It’s cuz nothing’s actually turn um onef and Gary thanks for Subs if you were experienced subnotica for the first time now you would absolutely play it off stream and ruin it but I played it and streamed it before and nothing’s changed I’m not the sort of person

Who knew I’m the sort of person that plays games off stream and ruins it I would have done it then if I was going to do it and I didn’t other than the grinding but done have plenty of time so Far I don’t think I’ve changed in that respect I’m happy to change you’ve changed I’m happy to change I’m happy to have changed Change by um um t for Fields [ __ ] hate hate the [ __ ] Highlands man f a [ __ ] get a FIFA game on me and L we watching two different two programs miky thanks for sub and you you win the internet for today good sir glad to hear it Gary stop what you’re

Doing this father has just won Halloween his son has just started watching Disney Plus’s new thingy series he made his son a Millennium Falcon that he he can sit in video you know like making it all in the [ __ ] garage and all that like oh look look video another video of me

Making it another video of me making it here’s another video of me making it another video of me making it therey you go we my way in it but anyway I’m just a caring dad that dad like that let down the [ __ ] Team let the side done dads are not to to do these big things and like it’s like it’s a [ __ ] film my father I will never forget my father created me that’s meant to be your memory of that is useless never really there well there but no there there um kind of [ __ ] they to get absolute piss taken out them uh um you don’t want them AR it’s not that you look back at your your D and go I wish my father was there more or spent more time you don’t like your D they’re embarrassing you don’t want to be around them they

Boring or annoying or [ __ ] M says I I I’ll love my dad well you your dad’s the exception you’re in the 1% you’re in the 1% congrats make says my dad is dead no tra dumping Please MX the sub what’s your New Year’s resolution ly 2024 let’s have some more AEL thanks a sub twitch messed up my Prime sub so I get hit with eight ads we try reckon I missed you reading that my B message happen all right Axel the sugar stuff is defin no sugar

Has definitely help me Definitely FY thanks to sub could you give big Tim Rooney a 40th birthday gun show here Tim Rooney happy Birthday F thanks the sub shout out to the D in the chat big shout out to the D in the chat especially the ones that don’t let the side in and you be nice and PES you know one of these ones is in some [ __ ]

Tik Tok thing or a t program what this dad’s done and all that uh well I just decided you know uh my children were always talking about you know one day they would love to go to this or they were into this book or this film and you

Know times are a bit kind of tight so I couldn’t really take them there or buy that so I decided to make them that and you didn’t have any carpentry knowledge is that right I I didn’t I just looked up videos and just you know uh put it

Together myself and it s of cuts to him doing it the videos all that then you got all these [ __ ] everybody watching it going like that how can you know be like That how can you know be like That I don’t know maybe it’s a generation next thing um oh right there’s two programs we’re watching it’s related to the the Scottish sort of thing is uh we’re watching a program called I think it maybe a BBC Scotland thing I’m pretty it is definitely and it’s something today

With like Great Escapes or something like that Scottish ones different sort of getaways in Scotland and uh different people go to them and there’s a you know they get uh scores at a 20 type of thing five points for four different categories um and it’s all kind of you know next to

Lo Lomond up here up there up there up there air there scenery scenery scenery scenery and I suppose it is a kind of escape and I was saying Lynn I think I would bore the absolute [ __ ] it when grade I I I bore the absolute [ __ ] at me I don’t want to get

Away getting away You’re know getting away as for me getting away from me is having the time to watch these [ __ ] [ __ ] columbos I’ve been watching these 80s and 90s columbos I’m on to the second one though and it’s also [ __ ] that’s my escape the

T he going these things um there’s a we uh like a we hot um then you there is you can get nice experiences out of that and all the rest it but it’s no my cup of tea it’s not I don’t like that kind of thing we just like I’m

[ __ ] I sorry if you are having a good time and all that but I like having a good time and and and other things I like [ __ ] stuff going On I don’t know J NOS fup thanks for Subs thanks again um there was that right but anyway the other thing what we watching something to do with Scotland I it was um it wasn’t to do was Scotland it was um is it Eva Longoria finding Mexico or something

Like that is that how you say her name I can’t remember program um I heard it was on um that thing I never watched um what’s the name it uh something Housewives or Something Housewives best house so that’s she was in don’t grave thanks for sub I considered doing a Columbo watch long for a stream i’ get [ __ ] chocked off of twitch you don’t it’s dead hard to find lots of we clips of Columbo on YouTube and I’m assuming there’s a reason for that no

It’d be too risky Chelsea thanks the sub no I’m the no I’m not the streams with anyon Chelsea Point thanks for gifting me five subs thank you very much and enforce is week I know but no I’d rather just play this game I’m going to play this in a

Second um we watching is e Longoria if that’s how you say her name in Mexico I think she’s for Texas but we uh Mexican heritage or maybe like you know like um I don’t know mo or she’s born there I don’t quite know but um so she’s

Got to Mexico and it’s a it’s like a kind of cooking sort of program and a cultural sort of thing going to Mexico finding about Mex culture and all the rest of it um and they were talking about like the music for there and the people here are

Very you know this sort of thing what’s it called like the Stanley how’d you say his name is it toi manifest in stardom my God I’m sicking that [ __ ] word um toi uh Eva Mexico searching for Mexico so was it like um last year got a different place he’s talking about

H I show you like Mexico and people are Mexico and different cultural bits for different parts of Mexico and all that and I was watching about it last night we I was thinking they should do something like that in in Scotland I tobly like music and the

People here are you know that kind of Thing and just how much is a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t mean I don’t mean the Mexico [ __ ] one but here like imagine going somewhere kind of up north and the the PE this isn’t the way she speaks it like that but the people here are are very hearty

People you know music is very important to the people of you know this [ __ ] [ __ ] they think he a [ __ ] about e so many have done it I I’ve seen things like a book about Scotland in like a gide book and you look in it and

It says H people of Glasgow are very this or the people of Glasgow are are that they’re like this I’m like I the ones that are like that or like that and there’s tons of Cs on there I could [ __ ] take you to them you know like they very chatty or

Something the chatty ones are you know as if if you go to a certain place I I mean I understand the concept of [ __ ] culture when a lot of people do a thing in influences other people to do a certain thing and you just get a general

Culture or people tending to do a certain thing but plenty of people that [ __ ] don’t but um I love all that I love that sort of stuff I love taking a [ __ ] piss at it but I’d like to see a program like got about Scotland going about Scotland and don’t get a people

Just or’s gone maybe because I I’m I’m in glasgo but all that [ __ ] about like this here you know like a [ __ ] um a lighthouse somewhere that’s like what’s that [ __ ] 500 years ago some [ __ ] walking across the field with like five sheep and um a sheep dog get in going his [ __ ]

Cof and shaken into hor or something can’t just want to get up do their work get their money go on some holidays get a get a [ __ ] nice meal watch uh something on the T go to the pub go a club man’s never left Central belt I’ve

Traveled the whole [ __ ] world MC Al Pino I’ve traveled the whole world every country that is Is um SC right here we go scoop skate Chris 44 Chelsea thanks again can you shout out uh Freedom at any point I Will stost thanks and sub thank you very much let’s go everybody for this wondrous game travel the world and still came back to Glasgow that’s right I can’t of tell if that’s a criticism or not you just kind of tell this chart anym is

That I di is that well done to me well done to glasg can I Tell my favorite place in the world glka I’ve been Aline many times many times I’ve been to the the pictures there that that was across for the Frankie and Benny’s right here we go it’s a [ __ ] hole isn’t it I’ve got the opinion it really I was there for a bit I did my shows anytime I went um I went to the sort of beach bit went for a we walk um went to I don’t know the

Pictures or went to get something to eat any time I went Aline what I did was I get the train there and then I’ve got like about an hour go the hotel got about an hour or something go to the sound check thing everything’s all hunky dory hello hello hello right come back

In a couple hours right go away what I do I’ll get something to eat go to some restaurant back to the hotel they [ __ ] all maybe have a nap make sure I don’t set larm make sure I don’t [ __ ] in case I fall asleep or

Whatever well have a na but I mean right that’s one for the blooper wheel have not um and then go and do the show and then after the show leave maybe go to [ __ ] McDonald’s and go to [ __ ] bed or if I’m there a bit early go to the the

Pictures or something go and you know that kind of thing nap and quotes where uh I would say wank if it was a wank but actually it was a nap I’d be happy to say wank whole D [ __ ] wank and Chef field whole day and night yet Grand designs thanks for the Bits there’s a show called man and kils in Amazon with gam McTavish and a block off a Outlander it’s exactly what he described to go in Scotland learing about Pete the locks Shortcake and whiskey I mean thatd be all right and that actual there’s a Lo this is where they

Make this this is where they make that but it was um I don’t know anyway here we go here we go there we all ready this is it this is it now I think the I put the volume at 3/4s I think that will be all right

That’s adequate if it’s too quiet let me know now first of all I’m going to actually quit it and come back in because we missed the we poem thing at the beginning because it decided that it wasn’t going to let me read it in my time 67 milliseconds

Really I don’t know about that I don’t think so a rhythm game the pilgrims aiding Spirit be with thee on every stream Headland and raid and Lawn each seing land each Mo in Meadow each lying down each rising up in the trough of the waves on the

Crest of the Bellows each step of the journey thou goest recounted by one Mary McDonald crofter of South eest said to possess the second site recorded in the circuit 1880 how’d you say that is it o i I’ve never known how you say that you right here we

Are I really don’t think you know when a game is too loud I really don’t I I really don’t think you even no I’m going to put I’m going to put it to there here we go there is a song Moira stop right Now right here we go so here’s what we’re going to do master volume max Ambit music a quarter speech volume full [ __ ] blast brother music maybe about like There right we’ll see how this goes right put the music halfway that rather music a we bit louder speech to the max Right here we go there is a song Moira that’s loud that the sea Whispers to the land a song for pilgrims and for babies going to sleep just get your be with be with thee on every stream I’ll turn a in the trough of the waves waves on the of the

Bows you remember it don’t you Moira and when Belin brings the neep tide home then you’ll be coming back to me this is my country my land MOA what are you about what the [ __ ] give me a chance to how long did it give me what is it with [ __ ] people who

Make games how long did it give me to read that [ __ ] thing that the person was saying out the window Mo commented that that was it did you see that you can adjust the reading speed that [ __ ] the reading speeds right in the middle the reading speed is at the

Default which is in the middle are you telling me that’s the [ __ ] there a normal reading speed Jesus Christ it [ __ ] it was up and it [ __ ] gone it was there then it was Gone just looking out the windy I would have said out the windy or out the window as opposed to out the windy what I’m saying is somebody who says windy would normally say but it doesn’t really matter listen it’s it’s it’s hard this whole [ __ ] working how um typ in whatever

You would call it Scots or [ __ ] knows cuz when I’m when if I’m tweeting there’s occasions when I I want to say couldn’t they wouldn’t they H didn’t they you know that kind of thing but I don’t want to then also takee with every other word that I say maybe you know I

Only also say once I’m starting to say o and then Wy what about when I just said the word down they say d they type that out you know what it’s snowballs if you know what I mean yeah had to they all the way or you

Don’t at all or you do something in between I when I’m typing I do something in between I’ll [ __ ] type you it says C you [ __ ] try son just looking out the wind just looking at the window man well then shut it it’s blowing a h outside don’t make me come up

There I’ll come down then why you think you can come catch me just do that why you think you can catch me mistress moir moolly cockos I’ve got water in in me legs you can’t them stairs will be the death of me and you know it I won’t be using this

Stairs give me a second give me a second give me a second [ __ ] let me [ __ ] s [ __ ] wa just a we bit slower just a wee bit slower I think the volume for is f a one a two a three a four put that up maybe a five no but there come

Out back we go oh look ah look further I should climb my peek and get my B hold on what’s that Sound oh [ __ ] right there’s something outside there’s something outside I was wondering what what that Was KT face and M Caron K thanks the subs GI subs thank you very much ly and from thanks the subs can you pinpoint the exact moment you lost your love for this for what the game I’ve not lost my love for it for streaming I’ve not lost my love for

Streaming for your message the second Already thank you very much looking Lincoln thinks a sub Peter Faulk famously had a glass eye do you think Columbo also had one or was Fox Glass I playing the part of a real one um it was never mentioned in Columbo so um par theft probably so I think Columbo had

One vacus absurd reasoning thinks it subs in 3 quid get the lightning ticked in settings for maximum jump skills There we go calibrate music timing why thought did they H done it 480 it if something goes wrong wait I I’ll do it again but it’s uh fine I’ll do it anyway I’ll do it again oh it’s it’s even see it’s it even bigger hold on 140 [ __ ] two that’s insane that’s doesn’t

Matter cool uh thanks for sub I have been watching the traitor eye absolutely no [ __ ] spoilers everybody about tra us sub hello there in Japan Dash live thanks the sub thank you very much M K conspiracy thanks Subs made in Scotland from GS the we gu bre um by the

Way can I just say one thing I’m going to going to play the game game’s getting Played I think the music dead Load right right leave it there just just a second and it’s for straighten for right I want to say this we thing about the trailers um no spoilers for the traitors don’t say who’s out or anything like that the trails the new series uh I player the UK one there’s

Other on I think it’s Australian one is I think American One D Dem LD thanks the sub Robo thank you very much racket effect thank you very much thanks sub the wa was the white claw um uh I American want to got Allan uh coming constantly saying the prize fund is at $220,000

52,000 dollars um Alan cuming that’s his name he did that after shave called coming remember the we that show going to play it and he shows you at the end of that I’m coming like can’t of believe him this is crazy how did I agree to this was your idea

Um what was I saying I I’m not going to tell don’t NE say who’s you want to be watching it but NE to say who’s who’s been banished and who’s been killed and all the rested I don’t know if he’s watched the trailers is a in my opinion it’s a very good

Format a very good format with the exception of the D stupid tasks uh we challenges where to get this kind of immunity something can uh I to to get the money the the prize fund that’s the only way to get the money but do that nothing actually

Happens in the tasks where like see see a tasking like big brother if it’s a tasking Big Brother it can lead people to dislike people they didn’t try hard enough and I just they don’t care and you know that kind of thing these tasks only quite like that

They don’t really lead to any forward so just forward through it but how is this how [ __ ] [ __ ] is this just did it very quickly tell you the format right and I’m going to play the bastard and [ __ ] game just very quickly tell you the format basically you’ve got all

These people like about I don’t know 16 people and at the beginning of the series at the beginning the first episode three of them roughly they change it for one series to the next thing three of them are uh secretly selected to be tra at random kind of

Right Claud wi come in goes around them as sh shot Taps on the sh you’re a trailer you’rea you’re a trailer right and Ne Ne knows right and then they all meet that night to take off the hoods oh you three you the we’re the trailers and what the day every day

Is all the they go about their day and all the rest of it and they’re trying to work out everybody uh the non- TR are called the faithful and if it’s the faithful job to try and work out who the traitors are and every day they get to like pick

Somebody they have a we vote and have a we chat or run a big round table and and go I think John I think it’s you because I think you’re a traitor because you just seem very confident like you don’t seem you got anything to worry about and

You said to thingy but then you contradicted yourself with well I’m a confident person uh I can tell you that I’m a faithful I’m not you know they have a we chat about it and then they vote um I think it’s John I think it’s them I think it’s him and then the

Person with the most votes they start up in front of everybody and go well it’s been great being here and all that I made lots of good friends I am a faithful and they’ve just banish somebody who isn’t a traitor anyway the purpose is at the end here uh if it’s

Just the traitors who are left the traitors share the prize fund they get the money if if the faithful manag to banish all the traitors I I think all the faithful share the money so you want to get rid of them but it’s not just a banishment per

Day where they try and guess who the who uh who a traitor is to get rid of a traitor every night the traitors get together in a we secret room and decide to kill somebody like one of them just gets a we l going like that you have been murdered

And they’re like that a I knew it I knew it’ be me I was too loud I was too I was too chatty you know something like that so that’s it so two people leave per day banished by everybody and killed by the traitors and that’s it so it’s really

Good because you see them got no no M no for real it’s really good because you see them all go like that I think it’s I think it’s them and you know you see like that last year the UK one there’s this tra who was [ __ ] magic he was a

[ __ ] lion bastard and he was really good at it I’m going to play the game I’ll be S he was really really good at it w is that is that name I um he gone about say people just a right things going I don’t know what it’s just that he said to me

He came up to me he just said the strangest sort of thing and he said this and I’ve been thinking that’s all I and then see when he voted for some see whenever somebody got um voted as a um to get hold on see when somebody um so they go

Around the table who do who would you like to vote for I don’t know banishment whatever the [ __ ] they say um I have put Craig Craig you know I I love you but you know these chats but I I do think that you’re are a traitor you know

That that kind of thing they go around so let’s say Craig gets up Craigs we know we know who’s a traitor and who isn’t he right Craig gets up and you’re waiting for Craig’s a faithful let’s say Craig get something go I am a faithful right and all these people

Who are absolutely [ __ ] sure they were a traitor I like like that see this guy last year one of the three traitors for last year uh in the UK one he would pure act act pure surprised like he’d be like this like like Craig would be up let’s say going like that I

Am a faithful and that guy that traitor BL oh my God like P like like that like it it was [ __ ] magic at it it’s just like the whole thing is just like I’m going my [ __ ] mind here I I could have swore he was a [ __ ] traitor

Like it it was [ __ ] magic at it honestly um anyway so it’s the same again this year they know that banishment and all that but here here’s how [ __ ] [ __ ] I I don’t the the tasks are [ __ ] push that’s crap this is what they [ __ ] done this this is what they did last

Night yesterday’s episode so the way it normally starts is I so yester last night’s episode it starts do somebody get killed the episode starts by revealing to you who was killed so everybody all turns up in the morning they all turn up for breakfast and one of them isn’t there

There and then Claud winman comes in and you know like takes what the picture after the war they been they’ve been mured by the the trailers or something right it got it got to that’s how [ __ ] stupid is it got to the end of last night’s episode again these [ __ ]

Spoilers don’t name any names it got to the end of last night’s [ __ ] episode where somebody who we know to be either a faithful or a traitor is selected for banishment at the game and they they go and they St up where they’re meant to St up and they go I’ve

Had a great time yep yep yep yep y I am and then they [ __ ] went that’s it they went to the [ __ ] credits it’s a oh oh were they faithful are they we know did the program makers not if they [ __ ] forgot that we know just

Like you know like we’re not going to show you the [ __ ] reaction of you know the people but you know like that oh my God it’s they actually a faith oh my God we got a trail you know whatever one it was please complete this [ __ ] episode please complete the

Episode please have an ending to this episode because you know what they had I think in the last episode or maybe the one before it and what they usually have is they show you the [ __ ] banishment I am a faithful or I am a traitor oh oh my

God yeah it’s great being here and all that and oh well time for me to go a faithful has been banished a traitor has been banished and then the traitors get together that night and have a we chat about who they think they’re going to kill and then they’ll go to the credits

So you get to see one banishment you know [ __ ] banishment at least but you don’t know who they’re going to kill that keeps you from The Next program but [ __ ] me we know if they’re a traitor or a [ __ ] faithful [ __ ] show is it it just pisses me [ __ ]

Off it’s not cff it’s not a [ __ ] cluffy it it’s just it’s just [ __ ] I watching Breaking Bad or something and um it’s getting up to that bit where this thing’s about to happen and it just I say it cuts off there something up with the [ __ ] imagine something WR with your [ __ ]

Internet Jesus no I’m going to start playing this game and I will not I will not be interrupting myself okay I’m going to go this it’s half 10 I’m not going to interrupt myself till 11: right 19 thanks to sub Bob be L your face and me go

Stop emotes all right the Baldwin thing has um I think it will run its course in about a week or two it’s not a big enough thing I want to make emotes that you can use elsewhere everybody I don’t want things that like if I still had my Discord I would

Um I’ve got my Discord but I’ve not actually got any channels in it you that you can post and I would say what emotes I said on Twitter what emotes people are oh people [ __ ] P [ __ ] um tenacious thanks for giting that sub Echo racket Dam than again thank you very

Much here we go all right no interruptions okay I hope so I that could be nice but I mean that as well I don’t think I don’t know how many people would give a [ __ ] about that is they back on Twitter I’ve been [ __ ] talking about all week here we go here we

Go so I’ve um I’ve left my house for some reason or by the way I’ll put myself out here because there a thing how’s your voice is that loud as [ __ ] crawl past the window what if I don’t I’ve got to stay low as you’ll see me I told you the

Vibration like a Ninja [Laughter] Right the same Edge Cottage home home I should try to climb higher and get my bearings um what is it I’m doing but just like I’m what was this hold on let’s go to the journal bet I tell you [ __ ] better not say Journal this is all like

Scotland and all that it better say [ __ ] diary it [ __ ] better my front door key my torch torch I I swear to God I would love if it said flashlight cuz that would have done my [ __ ] nothing mommy I’ve got to take my flashlight you know something like

That okay she’s don’t know flashlight is an American American word for torch of course a lot of people say here now because well oh what’s this smell man puts lavender all around the house she says the smell keeps the bgin and the Giants away new discovery lther keeps away

Joints and bgin whatever a bargain might be how’s the volume by the way I want to get it nice and adjusted is how’s the the Ambi I hope you know what you’re doing m is it all right [ __ ] me F it’s a little loud it’s quieter than before but louder than before that right speech in a bit I’m not taking the piss everybody I I know what it’s like when these things are just a bit [ __ ] loud in in your ears um you know what I’m going to

Do nudge that D nudge that D and nudge that down I mean I could put the master down but I’m just going to keep it that [ __ ] hell Sharp right [ __ ] hell this [ __ ] hell that I’m getting it [ __ ] perfect I’m getting I’m getting it s of good and

Decent I can’t up these things this is my Job black Commando Go Mo don’t whip yet Moira not till you’re properly away no no no fall I’m I’m looking at I’m sorry everybody but I’m looking at the sound mixer and it’s like up to the [ __ ] red with like these bits I’m sorry I’m getting it perfect Cuz I don’t think we’re going I don’t think we’re going to hear a lot of Speaking but you know what the whole thing like that the whole thing like that right here we go you don’t you don’t know what you’re Mo uh doing Mo don’t you far too quiet here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to go into this this is this is a

Kind of final thing I’m going to do right I’m going to go into that I’m going to put that right up H speech dinner not uh uh bit there and I’m just going to use the I’ve got my phone right turn it down a we bit going into the menus must have climbed

The hill behind the house you [ __ ] bastard the [ __ ] the the actual speaking they speaking is far quieter than it [ __ ] and it going to be back there though 100 times what you what sit down right health is f right we’re all right I know every stone but after that Hill there’s

Another and then another again and after all that then that’s the sea and I’ve never been there right that we’re staying we’re keeping it as as that everybody I’s get I guess I can’t find it once I’m down the trees right pass between the trees

H i sketched this from out my wind I should try to spot I’m panicking I’m panicking cuz it’s gone too fast and it makes me I can’t read the next B it’s going to get it’s going to get taken away it’s going to get taken away it’s

Going to get taken away quick really quick read quick read quick read quick I slow it doing in the [ __ ] sets um Mark the spot where you think the map is poting to um all right right right hold on then um right between the trees the path between the trees what that

Uh I think it’s there get in now I know where to go it’s time to go what is that was that meant to be a kind of get in that kind of thing I sounded M along the lines are um if you were to say get in like

Something’s not [ __ ] gone in you know like if you you know you’re try to fix something like uh it’s been me and my mom together for as long as I can remember she never let me go anywhere like she was ashamed of me or something so I went up into the hills

Anyway I don’t think it’s that it’s just that if you go about your yourself you know you’re you’re a wi you don’t know how to look after yourself don’t she’s ashamed um is this a native this is a native of Scotland this is a Scottish native G not space olis thanks for the

Subs and bits thank you very much the actress who played Maya in five dates game is playing Amy wine house um what may cuz I was ready to say um I was ready to say the Jess J one but the hippy one the hippy one I can

See her in my head Spanish [ __ ] what she look like again uh wait wait wait wait I can kind of see no distractions I was it it’s no saffron saffron was that’s right that’s right um I sound like you know if if you’re trying to get something a screw

Or a we you’re [ __ ] underneath something you’re try to [ __ ] get in what’s happening through there I’m just [ __ ] sick of us what was that thing that popped up what [ __ ] popped up below me there for a a [ __ ] instant what was that now listen can I just say this is

Great I’m assuming maybe a Scottish Dev and it’s about Scotland and Scottish things so I you know I don’t want to be too critical or anything like that but I I I did get a little bit hypercritical when it comes to things like like them saying damn you know something like that

But just because you’re staying some rural out of the way bit in Scotland does it mean you’re you’re not uh you’re not going to get affected by God damn it that’s [ __ ] man um gosh darn it like that you’re still going to watch American programs like the

Team J T thanks the sub cuz I like that up north see up up here they don’t get live tell you have to send them vhs’s and you know videos vide tapes they think the A Team uh they think they’re behind by maybe like a year or two like my

Neighbors came well behind by about a year they’ve not seen like Rocky 3 yet my mom never comes out here says she has water in her legs or something down them more like excuse me see that’s the thing that’s it that’s your that’s your Scottish sense of

Humor Al has got P running don’t L cuz she’s pushed herself with fear that’s just Scottish right so I’m just going to check here’s a path marked on the map let’s get us confirmed is this it this automatically came up there yeah just going to nudge me down slightly path is

Confirmed on a yeah there you go you slippery bugger cross to the higher Ridge let’s get us done come to the lighthouse merer come as fast as you can where the [ __ ] that what is this impressing menu um it start it start I thought it was menu uh who the [ __ ] is

That press beat Sprint right in woohoo jump to the music here we Go Yes Woohoo I’d Say I would say Yas is a kind of a kind of West Central Scotland sort of thing is it oh don’t what was that [ __ ] popped up in to went away where the devs they got to be in glass they got to be nearby I want to

Meet him well let’s go for a coffee hi ly thanks for bringing these uh things to attention um would you mind me saying right off the bat that you’re a bit of a grumpy fellow you’re all right when me saying that I mean that’s your kind of character that you’ve got it’s not

Character it’s me whatever um I think you’re a bit too critical about these we things we’re actually here to try and help you this is an intervention you what and then everybody comes out we’re worried about you the H near your house is called Lan

M the bald Edge they say this is as far north as the English God before Wallace blunted their blades didn’t hold them off for a long mind the Bold Edge okay so they knew I was going to be playing this they thought that this would be funny I’ve got no sympathy for

Them now I’m going to put the Buton any any bugs I see in this game I’m going to put the but in now they they start did that they drew first blood J T and adorns SP thanks for sub thank you very much glad you’re here for the advance

Steve thanks for the three quids it’s an English company based in Cambridge who made this game no it’s no it’s no oh they knew I was going to be here well there you go devs haha haha I can go at any I’ve got a we shortcut we button to go like that a

Uh wait wait wait wait down from Lon Mall that looks like an anagram at Lim something I’m not D pass around East side of Lo joints to what maybe I can spot that for here I I I missed that get let me what um right the path around the east side of the

Lock um the ego on this [ __ ] thinking everything is about him riken it’s a joke I don’t really think that they made that Arrow to point at my head at this side of the screen see I have to [ __ ] deal with in the chat JJ bit thanks the sub

Christopher a bom my speed honestly it’s [ __ ] it’s shot it’s scary is it it’s scary that there’s people like that out there and charge of things like buses and [ __ ] trains and make just there’s people like that out there driving driving mes um they could just go like

That I’m not sure if this is real if this is a game I can’t work things out what’s real what’s not [ __ ] you just going to drive it right into that that concept that’s St in the pavement Stephie thanks this sub Jane thanks to sub out side of I resub not you

Me it’s my 41st birthday tomorrow and I’m dreading any tips on how to maintain that sparkle the baby blue eyes hatred hatred keeps me alive heon lra bomb speed thinks he Subs B solidarity well well done to whoever it is you got solidarity with Green Gob sh BOS man thanks for

Subs is it real an English company based Cambridge my ass is it [ __ ] could be right so um path around the East Side the lock have to find a thing that looks like that uh right uh right that will be that then yes honestly I’m sorry uh is a like a

Scottish collaboration you know Scottish actors and things like that and I’m a Scottish streamer and and I’m like schooling at it but what was that we Lassie oh my my mom’s scared to come out here and and then C uh like you know she go she goes

For oh my my mom said that she’s scared to come out here and kind of speaking like that to yeah [ __ ] bagy ha yes yes like it’s kind of like can we incorporate all the various things from Scotland bringing a bit for glasg bring a bit in for there and it’s

All the same is it I bet somebody said um you you willing to have any uh input to what do you mean well it’s just I think somebody who speaks like the way she’s been speaking can he then change to like somebody uh sort of wasn’t class

Gesa and then go back to you know Highlands type of thing could you just could you just read the words out we can get someone else you know right right sorry I just thought maybe you’d be interested in authenticity and I do have a I do have a cousin who Scotch you

Know I met them at New Year’s Eve at hog hog m 2 years ago um right path I can’t remember what this bit is bald eagle um does that come later what’s that there and we hot there that’s a path there I can’t remember why I’m not is that there above

The that right there there right uh get in [ __ ] get in I can’t remember what the [ __ ] I’m doing um View for the bald eagle right I’ve got two maps I could pin down from here right uh-huh right so Wallace B back the English at the B Edge so [ __ ] so I

Mean so what can I can I is that a jump what is that There wait wait wait so if I do that Peaks Maps there’s a path just past the antenna right and the same post that used to uh be down there washed away so what is what is that that’s it that’s that Inna thing right how did I get to this

Path go is that is that it there is it I don’t know if I can make that I didn’t know if I can make that in time that she just said I don’t if I can make that in time did she say that again just d

Right the built this 10 Shack before I was a be but no one ever comes here um it’s always locked the I’ve got to [ __ ] up craw uh Maps there’s a path just past the antenna now where is that that’s that a it I mean that’s that jump up jump

Oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did they did they this did they that oh right there we go hold on tner look at this thing see the wind the wind is very loud must be for talking to aliens H look at I I’ve done that

Now a path to the valley Beyond um they go there there’s a thin path you’re heading down the west of the lock right go for it then woohoo wasn’t it hard to find at all I guess he dragged and turn it up this way and like a Rudy whale um descend

Into the valley I go for it here goes in wait when the dark Falls over the hills it’s like a veil you can you see your own hands or feet you could be shrunk to the size of a mouse or grown as large as a giant and you wouldn’t he

Know I better find some shelter or I’m dead oh they’re they’re in uh um um um um uh no one’s fixing this old Jetty up anymore um shower um sleep maximum health will decrease well no no um that’s me getting my health back up we all

Right it’s got that kind of um you could be shrunken to the size of a mouse or up to the size of a giant and you wouldn’t know cuz it’s so dark it’s got that kind of mystical no mystical but kind of Scottish Mythological um Fork L kind of you know that that sort of way you know like I to the size of a mouse kind of reminiscent a to a mouse or whatever it is H rabie buns or a giant they have Giants here they know in Scotland Giants I think everyone in Scotland

Does in a way believe in Giants a minute Nightfall and then there’s a we icon there a we red thing up there that sleep go do maximum health will decrease I don’t know should keep me dry at least go all my life Uncle H has written me

Letters and I wrote him letters in return oh it’s Uncle right dear Uncle H so I [ __ ] that up tell me about the castle behind my house tell me about the hill behind my house tell me something else tell me something else the king of the outer wall kept a messenger Bird on

A nearby Rock great big thing big as a dragon it were and when it flew its wings blotted out the son [ __ ] all that by the morning the storm has finally blown itself out let’s go a small tin box right what what what what I take

It looks it’s a page from a book for hold it up inside GS PCH uh Uncle HH has lived in the lighthouse forever and he lives there on his own I thought all the lighthouses were automatic now but either they don’t know about his one or else he’s never noticed

The light comes on by itself he’s no [ __ ] oh I here we go get some T Tech on woohoo T techno is as much aart of Scotland as is that S Yes yes yes [ __ ] yes Woohoo Woohoo woohoo Yes Woohoo the stronger I get the further I can run and climb right I’m getting stronger everybody These Broken Walls must have fallen from somewhere Jump jump right Scotland slothy Pon and beans Corner Willam toble help thanks the subs I like it better when you hate the games I don’t hate it I’m just just some it goes a bit too fast for me don’t let the Cambridge or Elite get

You in little Al I don’t go into either I think the other one I’ve been into it is actually maybe only little I’ve not seen an Ali I think there’s an Ali I don’t you think there like an Al like say partic don’t you think there an

Ali there there’s like two Littles or something there a little it near um uh partic um behind partic train station to the South it and there’s a little somewhere else but no that’s not my nearest an old cigar box take the old cigar box and what’s this inside

Wallace and his arm me oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Wallace uh if I can claim up Peak I might be able to Uncle H sends me letters every month or so when I was little he’d send me pictures never photos sometimes he’d throw in a shell

Or a bit of a crab’s leg like he was some kind of wizard scramble along the B hey right I wizard Scottish was keep going free climbing the french Spiderman what’s his name Alan Robert or something I don’t really know where I’m I’m I’m going here

But keep keep going no don’t need to no we’re going to I’m going to do it cross to the higher Ridge um keep going keep going keep going you keep going I command it he PE climbed got a couple of maps I could orientate from up here um well I’m looking here

At let’s so God I mean I mean not to me there’s the there it is there K [ __ ] K in I could pin down a couple of Ms here I’ll be honest with you um all right another one um utterly [ __ ] get it I must say I don’t utterly get it

With G’s perch up there if there’s something hidden near but I can find it um I don’t completely know what I’m meant to be doing what was that cave uh the H is there and you come down to that you got to stick a bit and you got that

Uh what’s the [ __ ] cave there’s a [ __ ] ke right you come down here there’s that kind of ledge bit there then there’s that and there’s a thing below it and then there’s that it says there like a cave there that’s not a [ __ ] cave um hold on hold on hold on hold on

Listen what what what is this what is this [Laughter] jump Anthony and frog thanks the subs driving test next week any words encouragement you got this V5 in the pocket the the test uh the what it called tester examiner we F we shake your horn put the fiver in your horn shake the

Horn and go pleaseed to meet you right and then I I hope I pass and then you move it on away and then they should take the Fiverr if the Fiverr drops and they just looking at it go go oh uh you dropped a fiver it looks like you’ve dropped just

This FIV here they’ll say that’s yours then just try one last time just say no I think that’s yours and I hope I pass by the way if they go like that no I think that’s yours then take it back and go you know what maybe it is mine What I don’t what the [ __ ] am I page 105 105 Peaks so like there’s this and it’ll be another page of Peaks and then another one another one five pages is that what it is is that what this is um I think it looks good I like that

It’s in Scotland and all the rest of it um um s gone up Peaks know that it’s no right so back to stal Val we go no wait wait wait wait wait wait haveo got something else wait a Highland there was something else was in my I’m not no not not playing DVD

Anthony thanks again Um this this will be my fallback good old ster right and then uh the morrow I’ll see there something else but let’s go into this just now right um I but see just going up to Peaks and running up and then kind of T thing the music check the [ __ ] money I’ve got

Everybody I’ve got 12 [ __ ] Grand now do you want know how I’ve got so tell you where on this uh I played it off stream I played the off stream this is the first day of summer first day of summer I sold all this stuff take a look

Outside right that’s us or is that is that done is that’s done right this is the first day of summer I’ve got 12 [ __ ] Grand H the uh the dance thing I went to the dance I didn’t find a partner so I just stood at the side and they did some

Stupid dance that was it was it was finished in 30 [ __ ] seconds um I’ve got 12 [ __ ] Grand with that 12 Grand I can pay for upgrades to my water and can I could I could get upgrades to I’ve got I’ve got tons of copper um I can get m a bigger

Backpack but I I think how’s the zoom level by the way because i’ I’ve actually increased the the zoom level of the the UI the UA this is at 100% cuz look I can do this I’m going to leave it the way it is nether ge’s a [ __ ] about it um right so I’ve got 12 Grand I I I did that put the zoom buttons in um but I think it’s fine I think it’s perfect there’s no it could

Be more zoomed in let me see all that’s that’s normal zoom level the the UI is zoomed in but um like look this is it this is it m zoomed that’s that’s it 75% this is it m zoomed in though right you can see my character M

But now you can’t see a [ __ ] thing anywhere else so so I just put it way it was Uh I play 80% it would be better game volume’s too [ __ ] no game volume’s too uh it’s too high before right so here’s what I want today I want to get the best crops now I looked up a thing last night these are summer crops now in fact

Let’s go there right now there’s no [ __ ] about if I cuz it’s no opens at n summer crops I looked up crops and a very good crop is the star fruit or something like that I need to get to farming level something or other in order to get that

The next best thing I think on melons blueberries blueberries right but I I want to upgrade my water and can that’s what I want to do and blueberries don’t uh apparently don’t you kind of harvest them for about half the [ __ ] month I need copper bars I’ll make the copper

Bars so I’ll do that right now what I’ll do is there’s got 25 [ __ ] copper on [ __ ] tons go here oh no no remember you’ve got your thing in there um go here have you got any copper in there um there’s a copper bar anyway put

That on you here’s all the stuff I got for like selling stuff and I um do the MS I got no I’m talking [ __ ] do the MS I got basic retaining soil I got spring seeds for something and that I did various be achievements uh I got

Quartz got a geode stuff I’m going to take that amethyst um these are things I can show a Gunter I think that’s it cauliflower seeds I that can be done in Spring um i’ got the fertilizer and I got that in make fertilizer um first things first where’s the coal there’s the coal

There’s the [ __ ] copper I’ve got 61 coer got [ __ ] tons so let’s just get that done um cool no copper there we go that’s it so that gets on with that right um and I’m going to get the best of the best and plant the model I’ve got to make lots of copper

Bars this is a raggedy look Farm Farm’s F uh one that’s there we go get this so nice it’s a new day it’s a new day everybody seeds upgrades a lot yeah so I’m going to uh did that looking great looking really good how the [ __ ] did I do that I think this

Is a this just how I did it can I know is that know how did that a good right get rid all that [ __ ] build or in the Scarecrow whoops um all there we go that’s it that’s what I want pick up that don’t waste valuable [ __ ]

Time I I think I want to upgrade the water no no no here’s what I do um I’ll get this metal bar this copper bar right I’m going to upgrade the water C because it takes so [ __ ] long this is what I’m going to do I’m going to come in

Here I got 12 Grand on me after all is selling I don’t want to miss it in this opportunity get in the mains we’re doing the farming right I’m not going to get distracted do the MS yes if you go do the main she can get this she can get

That get we need to get this done let’s get the job done it takes a day to upgrade what happens is I read about it you give the blacksmith um the let’s say the watering can to upgrade which will water a larger area according to what I

Read you get to keep the the watering can for this day the mor you don’t have it he’s he’s like upgrading it you get it back the following day so basically for one day that will be the morrow nope oh really oh all right that should that should gole B for you then

Spilla loral gical thinks sub bits if you consider the Minecraft linear farming method over this I wouldn’t do it because the Scarecrow looks after the kind of the cirle uh plus once I get sprinklers I want a kind of square you know kind of grid kind of thing Google Bart

Jump on than a Sub pretentious one oh I’ll have a look jump on sounds good go go your B nice one um so when do you know get it when do you um is it’s gone as soon as you get to him I see he takes it for 3 days I shut up flex your [ __ ] Li

Upgrade at the end of the season well it’s done now it’s gone for a few days a few days with well you know what I’m going to do then let’s get it done let’s get let’s get it done out the way in order to make the sprinklers I

Will need iron iron requires me to get iron I need IR don’t know where the [ __ ] to get it other than level 50 or something of the of the uh what’s it name uh the mines I’m only like level 20 I could get down there pretty easy

But um look at that that’s open there everybody that’s that’s the in fact while I’m here I have something for you There you go you take that don’t tell me I get nothing I get nothing there’s a big Ming here well nothing do with me I get nothing here we go right you what do you need cuz I I want to upgrade uh right that there right five bars five balls you

Say well let’s get it [ __ ] done then all right axe as well maybe pickaxe plant the seeds first but they don’t grow wait until it’s going to rain you’re [ __ ] right you’re right leave stop stop stop stop stop stop stop I have a think about this I have a think about

This is it going to rain theor you don’t know why is it raining the M or no raining the M important because then you don’t need the water in can because it it gets water by the rain so right should you do anything with a blacksmith right now can any decisions

Be made right now you could put in the axe put the ax in and just don’t chop anything done you could if you put don’t put the water simply walk all the way back the pickaxe um I’ll do the pickaxe and then ignore everything else cuz this is a day where

I need the water then when I get back and I check the weather forecast on a day that it says the more is going to be raining that’s when I come out here and get that done so pickaxe upgrade tools copper pickaxe on you go couple of days should be ready in a

Couple of days should be should be right and what about what about the good old ax itself see that see I don’t need to chop down tons of [ __ ] trees I don’t give two [ __ ] about that right now I can I can I can only do one at a time

Right um who’s the geode person is it him can he up can can he the geod I I know but I’m right all right in I get it one thing at a time I get it so here’s what I’m going to do then I’m going to go and buy things to

Plant whoops wrong way this bastard in [ __ ] graveyard where you going where’s the right good how’s the Sound you I’m going to [ __ ] in there is it is it left click that is uh right wait a minute planties takes 12 days it planties in summer 12 days and continues to produce after the first harvest um what you Reon I saw that the melon how quick tant uh a

Mix but you need melons for the center blueberries are best but you need melons for the center all right oh that [ __ ] I don’t like thinking about too many things at once for the community center I thought you meant the actual you need to put a a melon in the

Middle of the field and only then can you put [ __ ] blueberries around them um see the community center [ __ ] the [ __ ] Community Center now listen to me I don’t give a [ __ ] about that Community Center right now I’m not contributing a Bast and thing towards it I’m doing one thing and one

Thing only which is money money money money money that’s it once I’ve got about a zillion million billion gold in the bank then I’ll go I’m all right jack now once I’m I’m all right jacked up to the [ __ ] eyeballs then I’ll go let’s reach out into the

Community until then it’s me me me me me me me all the [ __ ] way pull a ladder up no I’ll build my ladder have everyone else is welcome to build their ladders I’ll build my ladder and I’ll do all this and then once my ladder is well and truly kind of used

[ __ ] and I don’t need it anymore cuz now I’ve got a helicopter then I’ll say do you want this I’m not just going to P I’m going to actually G I’m going to let somebody use my um ladder I’m going to get it away I’m going to say have it have

It they might say oh you’re going to you’re going into the kind of Georgia Calla evil uh story line no I’m Da a community center but when I’m good and ready me first it is the simplest way to go about things me first my oxygen mask goes on First and and

Then I’ll put yours on but me first me first me F this stream is red pill based as [ __ ] thank you very much and thank you for all your tweets raising a wellness Point things to the bits went to some work meetings what happened to the other game you’re going

To have to look at the V but you know what see because I don’t pull up the the ladder behind me I’m going to take time out of my busy schedule to tell you I bend it because um I just wasn’t just to kind of climbing up hills thing Lorio spilla thanks the

Subs right here we go melon seeds um right don’t go DFT remember it takes 2,000 and you’re not going to have a [ __ ] penny for quite a while unless you go fishing of course which you will let’s go with um a minute what way is the uh the

Scarecrow let’s St 10 out of 10 that’s your 10 I sh 10 right and I’m going to get 10 of this and then I’m going to get another [ __ ] 10 and another 10 of the melons and another 10 the blueberries and another 10 melons as I tried scrolling down I don’t need

To everything I want is right Here all in it’s going to take half of a [ __ ] season for it to grow but if I need any shortterm funds if the cash flow if I’m no liquid enough I get myself done to the seaside or the River or the stream the but

Whatever you want to call it and I do a bit of fishing we go all in but I do want a we cheeky we two grand um for the watering can just get I really should go in real wait a minute why only got um chi chi we two grand to play With just a play with that’s 100 that’s 10 to 10 can he all be watered with it food um I pay cash just for let’s no go DFT it would be wise for me to just you know put the whole [ __ ] lot into this it’d be wise put everything in there and

In shortterm cash about fishing things like that quests but let’s have a bit of silly money about silly money St something that doesn’t it quite make sense allow yourself a we about a selus allow yourself a we stupidity just to kind of loosen you up a we bit force yourself to do

Something that is a actually the clever way of going about it normalize stupidity I normalize being being DED just to kind of chill you I’m sorry I don’t get it why you invest in that much but know that much when you’ve got that and you know you’re going to have some shortterm money

Anyway it just doesn’t make sense good good good because you’re your mind part of your mind subconscious will remember I’m somebody who’s all right with then things that kind of don’t make sense or none of the right thing it’ll just chill you you’ll become lesser perfectionist you’ll be able to actually

Get more things done because you know I but I I like to put a lot of time into getting things right and getting it all perfect and you know I’ll H your whole life up it will H the whole thing up with paperwork bureaucracy and red tape in your

Heads about Rough and Ready a bit sloppy it’s not done right that’s not done right why is that pipe sticking out there why have you put the pipe around that way when it could have went around that way who cares am I right insane pleasure clown Joon physic

Thanks to subs and bits what are two or three of the biggest gems out of all the games recommended to you um I really like subnotica I really like um Return of the OA Den I really like what’s that cult game um Sage Brush which is a lot different

For the rest exit8 I like that I I really like things today with Cults programs and things like that and that was a kind of low quality deliberate Lo old style Graphics um thank you very much s clar thank don’t let the bastards gr you in that was in I remember that hearing

That in a sec a book I got in secondary school somebody says it in Latin you know that thing and they go what and he says that and uh one of my fellow pupils in secondary school like people had to get up and read bits for some book he got to read

That about it and he said said Latin bit what don’t let the bastards gr you in he’s actually saying bastard gets to he’s actually getting to say bastard in front of the whole class and saying oh happy birthday I can of get a for this Co stream right right so

And I are we about silly money we about kind of be that shows not taking things too seriously that’s what that is that’s money that we would happily pay to relax our shs a bit and just take life a way bit less seriously you’d actually pay that money people go in like

Um H Spa [ __ ] Retreats and [ __ ] like that a lot more than that therapy and all the rest it that there is that’s what that does a lot less cost a lot less I just have not much doesn’t make sense good let’s go back we go lots to get on

Me [ __ ] I plant it and grow Money Trees back we go that’s my that’s my thingy ready there we can do two things at once easy get that I could get two FES on the go um one two three it doesn’t matter just just start planting um right start with the [ __ ] melons

Remember you got to have a middle bit here there’s a a minute is this what’s the what’s the with this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n right so that that’s the middle let’s St let’s stay 11 I’m going to run out a coal by the way am I five coal

Left um right get planting right on 1 2 3 five that’s it that’s what you had before good stuff I’m a guy who really knows what he’s Doing we’re talking about a guy here who really [ __ ] get that Jesus go back up get that put that back in that’s it uh I said get [ __ ] rid of that s it uh ax it um poop it twist it get rid of the [ __ ] candle where where is it pickax

It where the [ __ ] pickax is going oh no I on the way to get it that’s the whole game is R that’s it yep that’s it that’s it R [ __ ] play play Davis you got this remember was it watering nothing will happen here I said walk through the [ __ ] night

Just just melons melons melons and nothing but melons oh that’s right oh it’s about uneven what a shame oh that’s us that’s us all right cool right don’t stop that’s all right right wonder when it will rain whoops great stuff you have to buy some more have I got

Food because I could [ __ ] dat with some did I don’t make like a bar maybe you can do yeah if you miss a day you miss a day right it’ll get done it will get done when you go plun it there hook a [ __ ] that’s it that’s it that’s how it’s

Done and uh I nice and uneven like that in fact um if you’re going to get the if you’re actually want to be sensible about the [ __ ] whoops scarecrow then you really should be doing up here if you use your [ __ ] brain that is do you well and that that gets bopped

And and you go plunk it them the middle and there and there and see these mix seeds you’ve got get them done as well that’s it no shy looking Farms B looks right now Cosmetics can come later um how are you for food not very good check the

Box how you for food uh get that fish and give me that and give me that and give me that and make right eat that fish [ __ ] stupid eat the fish yes that’s all right what’s the time you’re you’re going to be all right you’ve not got

Long but I want you to make the there’s a field snack everybody right get [ __ ] watering and get watering there this is that wait wait wait oh you Bast you it’s all right it’s all right it’s all right everybody you see what I was going to do was um I was going to

H multiple things I was going to do actually I was going to um check to see the weather to see if it’s raining the morning and then that’s right you can’t you can’t even you can’t did the [ __ ] walk and can yet anyway careful careful careful careful that’s good that’s good that’s

Not what I’m do eat that [ __ ] thing fireflies yep very interesting fireflies yep don’t tell me they do something really good not interested everybody one thing at a time is how I play my games one thing at a time is how I live my life could still fertilize it I’ll

Fertilize it when I’m good and ready if I don’t have the time to do it I don’t have the time to do it but I’m [ __ ] watering this cuz it will not grow unless it’s wild fertilizer I want to get as much money if I don’t [ __ ] water it it does not

Grow it’s not I can’t I can’t quite see there but oh it’s a whole [ __ ] thing right what’s the time right day that’s before one get in the middle of your name getting of there and I’m feeling oh [ __ ] forget it what I’ve gotten me I can eat

Anything right now I can eat there might be something in the Box ah you know what just leave it for the day leave it for the day right just leave It now this is this is irrelevant the weather sunny the sorry extra wood liner in so oh thank you very much Robin I don’t I’m suspicious of robing everything that she does any nice we [ __ ] gesture T ster cre Johnny Wim thanks for Subs um I very suspicious start the B very suspicious she’s sure not through colors as far as I’m concerned all never gets in touch with me H going that how things I how are you by the way just to let you know here’s some opportunities for you to help me in my business

Enough I’m not against business well I’m against though is coming to me as some sort of friendly neighbor when really all you care about as a business just put a [ __ ] flyer through the door saying I’m a business I’d like you to buy my things please and then

Separately come at him and go house things how are you do not mix the two and she’s done that no see even if she’s just been decent I don’t know I can’t tell that’s Robin for you and I will not beat myself up about [ __ ] feeling that way she brought

That in herself cell you stay at this Farm look at it you you you say to me the state of this farm when you see the money rolling and then see you you’re wanting a we [ __ ] hand out or you’re want a tap a f or something I’ll say oh wait a

Minute no no no ah you only want this money I’ve remembered you only want this money this look at the state of this [ __ ] a th000 [ __ ] gold here I was about to give you oh look at the state of that you don’t want that I’m all right everybody another another we energy

B probably not no no I’m right H I’ll fill that up again and so that as we see that this is my humble patch of stuff this W get harvested for half a [ __ ] season until that’s like um what would that be then like the 17th no no

28 24 uh like 16th or 17th or thereabouts 16th is that right but maybe the 15th 16th so I can I can fertilize a bot one can of right right right cuz of no grown yet maybe so I’m going to go in here and I’m going to take out the samp that I’ve

Got basic fertilizer there’s another one called that there’s this one here that I kind of make but but fertilizers that not good for repeat crops um well D it anyway who KS it’s getting done fost Harvest that will be maybe it’s a waste maybe it’s a waste y That’s

Fine anything up here that didn’t oh good there well everything’s fine better than nothing that’s right uh that’s the energy near life [ __ ] gone the Flies are making it sound like my um [ __ ] I’m going to eat that go eat it when you go it the fles make it sound like this

Place is hum in a [ __ ] [ __ ] I it’s same it’s me I’m going to day I should have done this before um M melons let’s see what does somebody want here uh wheat you’re not getting wheat don’t have it no growing it shove it up your Ass give me a cheeky we just take me a d to that I want I need some money to play with um I know I can get I’m going to plant them just a little chick before that’s all everybody he it really zoomed in look there we go is that better

Everybody for everybody just watching on the on the phone actually makes me feel sick Ones all right there we are I zoomed in on the ones it that’s that and that what’s that that cherry bomb thing um how zoomed in am see it be nice if I had a percentage so we could 200% right there well I think see plants wise going to leave it

That I’m just going to leave it that and then I’m going to put keep my mind at peace I I don’t know I [ __ ] right click I don’t know what I was thinking here I don’t know what I was thinking I don’t know why I right clicked there because I

Wasn’t trying to go I think maybe I was thinking G in there I forgot that right anyway put that away uh put the stone away the stone I can use for something remember thing you was selling something kind [ __ ] remember now though mix seeds give me

Them anything else I can plant while I’m here uh keep the bars put put the bars away just now uh until you get the thing Bob put that away saap away uh geod he can of do that until right H amethyst I don’t know I think maybe I do

Something with amethyst like I make something I’ll put that away just now the wood mayap we see the acorn uh keep it torching I plant I’ll just stick it on the ground bug meat I can make bug steak copper put that away clay put that away take all the tools

The seeds keep that one makes I’m bit to day something give me the thingy back have I used it no there it is these uh mix seeds I’ll put there and there fatze fertilize water water um I think I’ll do a whole like an extra we Lane of

That bring it right up bring the bring it right up to the [ __ ] top almost right on your doorstep why not why the [ __ ] not that’s that’s what I say now you’re about to drop de with exhaustion those forti sprinkles are a waste of time oh they

[ __ ] well there might be a waste of time once I get more my upgrade uh to the watering can whenever that whenever I get R to that um but that will D me that’ll D me don’t get me um I’ve got hardly any energy left what a think of day

Is say about some of this was that even for open the game up so much I I don’t I I just just so that I don’t um have to day anything eat something it’s too risky to go away eat something I don’t think I’ve got anything to

Eat tidy this up I’ll get rid of that I don’t know why that sap I don’t know why that sap got it is there see that torch put a torch somewhere would you put it there that’s it plank it there um I’m happy with this I’m happy with this way life

Yeah um I think I could just finish it finish your [ __ ] day Liam and Martin Jack and Grim thinks are subs and bits if you hold down left Mouse button using until you could charge the thing up really oh glad to hear it Jack G thanks to

Bits I’m not sure which upgrade you can do it but at some point if you hold down the button for water can it expand to my Tails right maybe that only when it’s upgraded right so it comes later foraging it would be dangerous for me to travel too far I’ve just not got

Any any [ __ ] food but I’ll tell you this need to get [ __ ] tidied up but a [ __ ] chop everything done let’s get rid of all this [ __ ] can’t really do any you know get you know I kind of level up you know level up the uh make

Some snacks I don’t know if I’ve got I’m about to drop D can make that yeah by the way I have I can make a bee house no right now though but you know is a there a sprink claw I need iron taper place on a maple Oak a pine tree

And wait for the reservoir what does it get sa is it is it for like collecting sap I and maple syrup oh and then with that I’ll get the can make the bee house except uh get honey so can I just go like that right I think that that’s

Me finished there’s really like I said I just go like that [ __ ] it sleep that’s you it’s not going like that um you’re not tired yet if you want to waste the day it’s no wasting the [ __ ] day there was an earthquake all right your coer pickaxe is [ __ ]

Ready now remember I’m not earning a penny and unless I go fishing let me this is embarrassing I lost my lucky purple shorts I’m telling you because I think I can trust you if you find them bring them back to me discreetly I’ll pay well um right H where are

They what I’m going to do see I need [ __ ] food right go fishing here’s what you’re going to do first things first pick up uh go pick up the pickaxe no first things first go fishing worms missed them um cuz I need food and I need money I

Need to get to that two grand I need that Pronto Pronto you ready to paid the money no for the for the uh for the um the watering can that’s my main one that I want thank you thank you see if I can steal these and sell

Them I just want to get up to cheeky right he Ops at nine right so I’ll just get on a bit of fishing oh I [ __ ] [Applause] up that’s [Applause] it [ __ ] for that I flound on everybody [Applause] is that in the bubbles close off oh that’s far too hard [Applause] that I should be able to get uh a decent good right just very [Applause] quickly AO cut scene good stuff fish go crazy for it right uh make sure you wash your hands right right

Oh I’m a fish we catching a lot of fish yeah H yes oh it’s too difficult yes yes yes man after my own heart you can always trust a fisherman yeah that’s my Pap used to say at least over I catch every fish he going to give me a special prize right what’s

Wrong business has been tough lately right I started about the same time that old Community Center f r my fish just don’t sell that they used to he’s been working double time everybody no time for me on projects but they pick back up in here might have the time to show you

Something she’s back there an old friend that seen better days right someday lad you’ll see what I mean I look forward to it right now don’t to business um I’d like to sell you this oh you [ __ ] Danel right right so now I’ve got the money now I’ve

Got the money to get the um um the water can upgrade but I don’t want to get it right now because what you [ __ ] ding there’s a [ __ ] bubbles there because there because um right see that fish get it [ __ ] eaten no bad oops a another the bubbles no do that raw

Fish so I’m going to get that pickaxe and see what happens with that upgrade the pick the pick has been upgraded it simply needs to get picked up that’s all I need to pick up the [Applause] pickaxe that was a good one yeah good one good

One um I’m going to eat it or sell it MoneyWise see for now it’s coming up for [ __ ] 12 um it’s coming up for 12 just eat it it’s probably worth a fortune money will not matter in the future will not no don’t I don’t mean in

Real life I mean in the game [Applause] midday get a better Rod I could but I’m keeping this for the the thingy remember remember I’ve no water the [ __ ] I’ve no W yet want the [ __ ] plants H wrong place hi there and I I I don’t know if I

Checked the weather forecast but um good that’s that that’s your copper pickaxe everybody um did it said it’s a sunny the M didn’t it or was that yesterday why did you upgrade the pick pick the berries um uh right and that whole place I just looked I didn’t see any berries youve

Wasted Ed my time whoever said that didn’t see him you probably talk about berries on another screen time wasters there was the bush well it’s gone there on the bush I what that like that there that’s all I saw these these ones that look like that

Didn’t mean to come down here by the way I know exactly where to get lots of stuff this look look at this look at this what uh nothing spice Berry Sweet Pea I bet I bet these are things that you could put into the community center and everything but I’m going to do

That can I pick this up you know how there’s uh where’s the where’s the bit where’s like um I think it’s the eat that I keep that other one though it’s down here there’s there’s always these two patches down here that are got tons of [ __ ] stuff oh well I went past

It I will have the time and energy for watering thought it was about there oh well forget it right there’s lot of a lot of water to get done there a St fiber is that’s it this look to be a bit special I get something a we bit special

Something bit fancy I was Ry oh wait a minute like pickaxe what what do you do then can I hit the big Ones yeah [ __ ] off oh wait wait wait wait what you do what good is a pickaxe oh you need TNT for them right that’s it prioritize the mix seeds that’s right so if you do run energy or time you done mix seeds and all your actual High income ones less energy I see

Right next next up everybody the water and can will be getting upgraded cuz look at this Haven to day this is a joke and I need iron iron why because you need iron to make the uh Sprinklers and do you think I’m going to be spending my time do this no chance

But then again I’m going to get the upgraded watering can in the meantime we’ll see how I’ll see how the upgraded watering can goes um cuz I’ve not I’ve never actually seen it you know if it does like two blocks I don’t quite I don’t I don’t know how how it

Works Energy’s going Down does it maybe maybe it only uses less uh energy no no think so have you got any food have you got any [ __ ] food you need to you need to [ __ ] have a backup plan for this I need a whole chest full of food that’s what I

Need I’m going to miss a [ __ ] I’m going to miss you [ __ ] D [ __ ] you really did prioritize [ __ ] [ __ ] H plants it’s going to rain all day tomorrow if only see if I had put if I could have [ __ ] W that and then put the it’s all right it’s all

Right how long’s it going to be weather uh how long is it going to be weather right that one for the Boer wheel clear on of the M right while I’m here oh wait uh all right I see very good right let’s go it this is

Us have you got the copper bars now you [ __ ] know you D cun so back you go back you go there they are uh anything else you’d like to sell maybe maybe that quartz I mean you’re not D it with the quartz right now maybe take that geod

Way as well you never know we get for that what that sweet pee no energy get to somebody I’ll sell it they better not cancel football who’s that it’s Mike at pictures just S at the long a picture we don’t fuss or patronize we simply how much you want to borrow

25,000 25,000 how much is that a month that’s much better than what we’ve been paying we don’t f up green algae George green algae a 45 [ __ ] gold piss off it’s not worth [ __ ] getting out of bed for I’mma getting out of here Tashi Lo L Massi bar thanks for

The subs favorite Coy streamer thank you very much glad to hear it what if I [ __ ] go chase yourself am I right we don’t fuss or patronize um don’t fish in fact you know what fish while you’re waiting for the shops to open uh get down to the river fish and

Eat fish and eat save up the Fish minute GE call is good cuz you’re doing this for food not for money whoops supressed I got distracted that hits 9:00 I stick in the uh water and can I want to get to use it tomorrow [Applause] though so if I get a better fishing rod

That green thing is bigger is that right a [ __ ] Bast at you is it nobody can bit is that it is that all that it will always be that hard fishing skeleton increas bar size what hold on um can I get him doesn’t ask Shot you can upgrade to a bigger green are you sure hello there upgrade tools water and can thank you couple of days is fine are we D we to been able water is the ideal but it’s all right no call F again what did day what did

Day what about the gwood well I should have done the G first I done the G first and it right that’s that’s all right I can do with this thought something really [ __ ] bad happened I thought you know like at um I got I just bought the WR [ __ ] thing oh

Peacefully wait a minute I’ve got a bad feeling about this place that’s a green algae 45 gold every penny counts every penny counts or you can’t oh you [ __ ] I’m going to I see I’m going to make that [ __ ] pie for that I’m going to cook alive C

Life I’m going to cook alive alive all alive alive all all right Leo where is Charlie thanks the subs glad I’m your favorite ly streamer Hy thanks for the three quids new sound all around you can hear to getting hot never stop just for me and you are you the person that came

Up with that same sort of shake part yesterday is that your thing I would honestly rather you kept the money was it was it the same person yes Joe the part of drought [ __ ] well continues it has not stopped so we did do with this [ __ ] pickax wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait no right no this is us then right this is what we’re do right move what we got we’re running out a [ __ ] room room do you know what I want you to day just go him but the mains are just up just go home go home I’ll I I’ll explain

Later but the mines are right there go home put the stuff safely away I will talk to you when you get back keep going up you go right come here I don’t know why you went in there the box is out here remember I really don’t just don’t understand you

Sometimes what’s going in that [ __ ] heat of yours H Driftwood it trash bring that back out Bring It H there your stuff keep that that’s getting bended sell that I don’t give a [ __ ] if it’s for the community center I don’t care about that copper stick that away GE

Stick that away for now keep the can on you the algae you might use it keep the P for food put the wood away fiber away mayap SE that that other than that um let’s [ __ ] go right come in here and I want you to stick that sh

Driftwood in there and sell the sweet pee and it goes simple as that and I’m going see that I’ll keep that there right put that fish there here 2:00 you sure this is getting yourself enough time to do some mining I don’t think so you get good rewards for fixing

Up the community center well I did do some I did do the spring one I did the spring one it says it’s going to fix a bridge or something no it gave me it gave me a collection of things but your bags are [ __ ] tght come along this way tons of

BS tomato hot pepper blueberry and melon well be able to get that uh they to and then hot pepper and tomato day that that’ll be it I’ll get a a greenhouse hot pepper and tomato uh have we didn’t for money right where are you George where can we find you George George what he what do he even look like what one are you oh you’re that [ __ ] where’s he he’s in the um he’s uh like here is in all oh there he is jie J it yes it is look [ __ ] smiling for once here’s your payment

Did I get it there is thank you m shorts uh if I find them I find them mate if I find them I find them animals they come later now that’s that’s cost me time Energy’s didn’t fine though uh why am I here chil Tomatoes how many will I need just the

One wi hi hi r one pepper oh yeah [ __ ] bastard where’s the tomatoes oh there we go sing me just the one keep a we B of play money how long does that take to grow right go up to the MS you can get that later right that comes later later later

At any point in the season you can do you can do that you got bags of time for that up to the main it’s 5:00 oh a train oh there’s the emo hi there how are you emotional right you know I feel things as well not like you do right

Okay you’re what disaffected I we had had people like that in the the 80s as well disaffected youth they called do a latch key generation maybe an American thing actually 916 senior thanks the subs Merchant thanks the sub I’m a big fan of the salt and toast tip I’ve just bought

Some crumpets a crumpet enjoy yourself I salt on um my tip is if you’ve got H salted butter on you know just which most butter is really on toast or whatever extra salt on it actual salt maybe even salt crystals if you want to really treat yourself I I don’t have

Bread anymore right but Sal uh butter toast salted buttter your usual that you like we bit extra salt like that and try it and you go like that it’s [ __ ] better there’s a reason why salt is so popular everybody just a we bit M salt in the porridge or not of course

L is not a dietician you know I’m I’m a human being look everybody we’re at level this is level 15 look the question is can I get done a level what is it it’s five at a time until when you get the uh the whatam weall it a lift

Enter the lock mechanic no no what oh there we go I have that thanks the Lucker is on the day the ease is Def ah right that the the fortune tail thing I thought that was just a lot of [ __ ] just a meaningless [ __ ] lot of [ __ ] get them [ __ ] kill for they

Turn it to the [ __ ] flies yesterday uh right we’ll get the copper kill do that there we go level 17 if we can get to 20 20 past eight energy is all right I’ve got PL tons of food anyway see while I’m here is that a [ __ ] ladder get in a Highland

Song my mother was always too scared to come up here can yes H [Applause] yes um I would eat that we B Energy a good bit of [ __ ] energy I think that could have sold for quite quite a lot h is 20 this is TW there we [ __ ] go a steal [ __ ] Sal

Everybody Steal 10:00 time to go [ __ ] home in here anything here there we are I didn’t have to do that could have just hey D can I so can I just replace the rusty sword with that shter sword um I’m assuming it does more damage though I

Kind of I don’t really keep my distance anyway Le I don’t think I do we getting that fish sold I think I think I’ve got enough uh no I’ve not getting a lot food but [ __ ] it pretty easy to do a bit of fishing wa what what is this right

Um I’m looking forward to my can I get a torch I mean I can just uh carry the the we handle a little bit a glowing ring all right I like the sound of That uh stick that in Stick the [ __ ] fiber in that quartz I make that bug me I think you can make like a a kitchen or something can you oh and uh the seeds um Point put fertilizer on it because I’m going to um get it to the community center I think that’s Me very good 125 a PO very Nice after The Boys of Summer have gone right weather report clear Sun of the morrow Fortune tayor neutral the neutral day right so I can um I can go like that right still righte extra speede less speed plus two speed 48 damage and this is so this is better in every [ __ ]

Way better than every way all right so bad luck would be like it’s absolute bastard to find the [ __ ] the chest isn’t in here anymore that quartz I’m going to hold on I just got a feeling that I want to hold on it keep uh put Stone put that away keep

That for your stuff put the copper away put the coal away uh did I get wait wait wait wait may as well do that Then uh just need one me though there not [ __ ] any Jesus Christ you never [ __ ] learn green I’ll I gave that way that’s not done uh oh give me that that’s two two of them I just think the the quartz got a feeling I I I I um

Go there’ll be something dead important that I make with quartz maybe maybe it’s cuz I’m I keep thinking subnotica I can’t want these plants it’s good in the way cuz it gives me a day off it’s still in there [ __ ] hell are you taking a puss son no

No that’s actually see see what I said that’s actually what one of my bosses said to me he didn’t say it like that though I’ve told that fascinating story before claw hammer slightly TV 916 thanks for Subs thanks again glad you’re enjoying the [ __ ] porridge thanks for the salt crystals fund your

Contribution porridge in the morning eggs for lunch I’ve not had any [ __ ] H eggs in house for a while so it’s basically porridge for breakfast porridge for [ __ ] lunch it’s locked uh off course porage porage porridge L said is it isn’t [ __ ] normal to have the same food every

Day I mean do you not think that’s weird I like it’s a blessing that I can have good food habitually I don’t care about that I’m like [ __ ] porrige that’s I could eat that for the rest of my days I like it and it very [ __ ] good

Perfect eggs for lunch which is like fat and protein it’s perfect that’s it and then and then you know varied [ __ ] uh dinner that’s because Lynn takes care of that um if it was me making dinner it would be the same [ __ ] thing every nightless is a takeaway about fashion for Oh and the fish you’ve h of the expression to have one’s cake and eat it I’ve just had one’s fish and treasure chest and ate it nice one get in oh by the way the sewer is locked I wonder if um you know I get that Rusty key the [ __ ] it

Is that open not like that other actually where the SE comes at yes you’re all right in fact I don’t want to talk to you oh that’s right I can get I’m got to check that um all I need for that is lots of wood let’s get that [ __ ] built at

Some point I’m going to bring all the wood in for that it’s 20 9 what is it you’re doing again why is it you’re here why are you [Applause] here good then he want it pain in ass pain in a [ __ ] ass no wor it yeah

[ __ ] I I just hear a we sound I’m like uh how you doing for you know what you’re all right for money wait until you need to sell these fish until then stack them up because you need them for food there’s times where you really need food you never

Really desperately need money right [ __ ] now so just that’s it walk away let me what’s your opin opinion a Lester I’ve not got one have I been a leester that they sh leester or I think no was that other place I went to that that go um hold

On I got anything for you know no um it was a place Northampton did it go no no no no notingham was it think I did a show and not oh he’s getting on with that he’s getting on with that there’s nothing there’s nothing for me here

Nothing it’s all 11 you know what you could go back to the MS the Glee Club I thought it was it was funny that I was looking at the window oh the I was TR to tell you theun last story about the boss uh asking me if I was [ __ ]

Joking cuz I didn’t understand what he was talking about he said something like you know you he didn’t say you in the [ __ ] wind up that wasn’t the sort of way he spoke he didn’t I don’t think he just came up with are you [ __ ] joking

Or are you [ __ ] serious but you said something like I can’t remember what you said but it was something like that it’s just an example just I’ve got a habit not knowing what the [ __ ] somebody’s talking about when what they’re saying is apparently quite straightforward isn’t to

Me well then the home website home cops is company that had like did the homelands Dance Festival they had home London London they got home Sydney uh big beat ROM which also had all these other sort of things I think they had the tunnel as well in glasgo and um we

Making the website and I was like links at the top there was like buttons at the top like home something something something and there was some other ones at the bottom that that and that and my boss not the boss of the whole company but you know manager whatever the [ __ ]

He is um he said I can’t remember what talking about sitting there he’s like right he want some changes and all that um the the like that that button that button that button I don’t think they should be there uh put that to the top

And that and that uh keep that where it is right and there was there was um I got a bit confused right I cuz I was like I know he wants that up there and he wants that kept where it is but he not he not mentioned one or

Two other buttons and I think I got confused because he said that’s to get moved but that’s the state where it is and there was something else that didn’t get mentioned I wasn’t sure I didn’t I didn’t just I then he just got out to him and what about them um we is

That where it is or you want name moved as well or it was something that confused me I don’t know what the [ __ ] it was see if we could play it back see if you could actually play the whole [ __ ] thing back I could probably watch the conversation and

Go God I was full of [ __ ] [ __ ] um or I could watch it back and go like that I had a [ __ ] point that wasn’t clear what he was [ __ ] talking about but anyway I said whatever I said right um I think he then just went no no

That there and and that there I went right and then maybe said another thing I went so so you you want that brought up as well as that or is that to get swapped you want that and he he said I think he did say something like are you [ __ ]

Serious he said something like that and I was I don’t I’d only been there for about a year or something like that and where was he I don’t know I was [ __ ] this boss is a [ __ ] prick honestly tons of people [ __ ] left started up their in company including us

Because of this [ __ ] guy um he didn’t often go like that are you [ __ ] serious or but he’s like are you [ __ ] joking he said something like that right but see because I’ve got a history of being daed as [ __ ] when it comes to things like that I get a bit [ __ ]

Defensive about it I’m not like I know I’m pure DFT I just feel like [ __ ] killing some [ __ ] and I I can’t remember what I said but I I was like I was like no I was like no I I thought you wanted that there and that there I I I didn’t

Go like that I don’t think about like that no I don’t know but I I kind of went no I was a bit kind of and and he he just sort of carried on I think talking right and I was sitting there like that like that and what happened again I

Got on with I think I then knew what he was talking about I’m not sure and then I think I was [ __ ] human and that was it he kind of went all right just kind of bit quiet I think he [ __ ] s it my face must have been

Bright [ __ ] red um and then I stayed late I remember it all [ __ ] dark walking like Anderson Anderson sort of finishing area at glazar and then leing walking and then motor stops beside me and it’s him driving up the road he said hey how’s it going are you where is it

You’re heading I’m just going to get the bust at the thingy hey come on I’ll give you a lift and he gave us a lift I think it was that day and I don’t know if he said sorry for that but I think he was trying to be all kind

Of nice and all the rest of it um and I was having to re chat about things and that was it but I remember saying to folk after it I would rather he St as a 100% [ __ ] because you had a habit of being

Sort of a [ __ ] and then nice and then no and then nice and then no and you could say but was that not just him like like so he’s been a dick he’s been an [ __ ] and then he’s trying to be he’s trying to apologize and some sort of

For but Geral is just [ __ ] a [ __ ] and him he feels apologetic just go a [ __ ] I’m just going to consistently be a [ __ ] so that people don’t get confused about what I’m all about even when I want to apologize just be an [ __ ] again deliberately so you don’t confuse people but

Um that’s [ __ ] raging [ __ ] hay the [ __ ] ha the [ __ ] Brian man fast figs Ben Chloe thanks of Subs you need to slow done and breathe I’m all I’m all right Steve thanks your commitment R so thanks for sub can I get a 100% effort famous L Yeehaw

Yeehaw new thanks for GI that sub by thanks for the sub pack lunch recommendations Um you also have to have a sandwich don’t you I would to have I would to have one of these this stage I get H coronation chicken uh tuna and um what else is kind of stinking eggs egg salad and um cheese a cheese H cheeseboard Richie thanks for the sub

Thank you very much uh right into the [ __ ] Ms we go so I’m at level 20 let’s see if we can get down to 25 right let’s me instantly done to 21 or that there good stuff we’re looking for lles everybody oh wait look how quick the death is quick death

There we go 22 just did that right here get nice and deep done I got Co everybody there’s a we B copper there for nothing it’s a cozy game I like my [ __ ] ladder know if that’s all right I’ll go get that copper up there about quartz what’s quartz uses for oh wait

What’s that Omni jeld Oo CIO watches teams already eight what’s it use for in this game this [ __ ] new Columbo that I’m watching well not new Columbo just 1989 it’s fun I didn’t recognize a guy um he’s like this this killer and it is um kind of young like a know 20 something like director or

Something or filmmaker I was like I kind of recognize him no I thought I recognized him I kind of be all shown him but I was like uh can I recognize him I looked him up I thought cuz he’s got this kind of floppy hair right and

Then he’s like this film sort of maker and everything I thought he’s a bit arrogant I thought I wonder what the real life guy is like how has life T if he is um it’s just a d thing I just look I like looking people up obviously oh Good all right that’s probably better I looked him up and he he’s white but he played ending guy in um uh short s he says he regrets it and all that he should have done it and all this uh sort of thing it was originally

When he took the role it was not meant to be he wasn’t meant to be an Indian so you know had to sort of you know uh uh so uh Brown face type of thing it was originally meant to be some sort of white guy and then the producer

Went or the director went actually now that you’ve you know taken the role got change a plan it’s going to be this and he says should have done it all the rest it um but he’s also when I looked up him and I saw pictures of him I was like wait a

Minute like these days cuz like he’s all bald now at the top it’s like ah you’re him he’s you know succession you you know the sort of like advisor or whatever to Roy what’s his name I can’t remember his name Logan Roy Logan um who’s got a kind of he’s old but he’s

Got a kind of big heit dead skinny neck dead skinny neck it’s him Hugo is it hi same guy hold on I don’t want to show I don’t want to show this but uh what’s his name again uh Hugo succession actor all there we go I want to show the

What’s his name but um who plays him Fisher Stevens right there we go Fisher Stevens Fisher Stevens Columbo we late in Columbo there he is that’s that’s some in Columbo if you could show a bigger picture that’d be great [ __ ] bollocks that’s a bit old this [ __ ] Google image stuff is

[ __ ] now used to be right in the middle you just wasted my time my time is very precious I really don’t appreciate that one more level for 25 oh [ __ ] uh wait a minute how’s my [ __ ] energy oh I don’t like this very risky everybody unless I just happen to see ladders

Here I’ve got a bad feeling you [ __ ] it put a torch in I don’t have one on me there’s nothing I can do I have to just cut my [ __ ] losses and leave cuz I’m no [ __ ] run energy down here you clowns bags of energy got no [ __ ] energy got nothing I can

Eat 45 minutes wasted look got plenty energy that’ be a disaster care about this wdom experience my water and can is where the black Smith who will probably give it back tomorrow upgrade it to Copper next time I go to the mains I need a [ __ ] Mammoth um amount of

Food Li it’s quicker to get back to the farm if you go left at Robin’s R back to to right right thank you very much K Jam thanks the sub do you know if you til your headb pretend you’re shaking a salt shaker in your mouth you will actually taste

Salt right K Jam I take it if You’ got hard on in hand right now or all waiting for that ey ready to send me one videos he spu on the [ __ ] screen Daniel playr thanks sub what your tomorrow’s Harvest impro Tri oh really hope it

H i gets made made one day I really enjoyed that h w stre s the bits this is boring show us your Willie twitch twitch themselves will ban you for that part even if I do nothing they’ll ban you the only way you can H get R is if

You got uh oh sorry no Willie Bobby your cat’s called Bobby you see in here in uh this part of the world a Bobby is another words for a [ __ ] you had Bobby my cat she’s called Bobby we an i at end so that’s away from Convent the whatam call

Um I think that shit’s or very good I’m building up a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] here muscle I could could I had that muscle no right um right stick stick the muscle in cockos and muscles alive Alive I was in a a hostel in Melbourne that had a kind of big busy bit in the middle like kind of Pop sort of thing until quite late there was a group of guys singing that again and again and again and again you know what’s it called it

Goes there’s a we bit that goes something like that and then Coos and muscles live they they kept singing it cuz they just they must have liked to sound it um I think they just kept doing that bit again and again Coos musles alive alive Coos and musles alive alive oh

Quiet for a wee bit Co must the remember coming back for teen the park and there was a [ __ ] guy up the back that kept initiating a group of them singing um I got Soldier I’m not a soldier I got so but I’m not a soier I I got soad a I got

So so I got and then like one would keep going and S you know when people are claing and then like that uh there was a guy we we were camping there know that time but um when we camping there was a guy going up the campsite constantly going like he shamon [ __ ]

He he shamal [ __ ] constantly constantly it was like oh he was running up to somebody’s [ __ ] tent D it and then know he just you know walking about you know when you get back part in you can even stop [ __ ] saying it it was like that if I if I

Want I can of course can I can me how’s the M by the way uh tell me anyway that’s right I remember now yes let’s go to sleep for the night that’s all right the money will come in eventually I can always go fishing money is not a problem thank

You let’s [ __ ] date right now without further ado too wait a minute what did I just see there what’s that topaz I don’t remember wait I don’t remember having that nothing else so [ __ ] did do right you know what you’re going to do what oh wait I go set copper and go that’s

It blop your H Again just relax that will take care of itself just chill out CH it just relax do not bring the JS they’re there I’ve got them on me anything else that I’ve can I know that I just want to get rid of that [ __ ] quartz he maybe take a coer that should

Got enough for 92 grand for something uh basic retaining you could have kept that see that retaining so wait a minute can I put that in at any retain so I don’t I can right so that if I really want to think ahead I could stick that in when it’s

Raining and I know it’s going to be sun of tomorrow and it would stay W get the quartz in the fness uh right a chance to stay what a chance about some sprinklers I can I need iron I don’t have any so I’m just just going to remember remember the chest is in

H just some see that wood there bring that wood will you the wood real oh there’s Iron I keep thinking that somebody a in another room what’s up what Daniel What right ass say let’s go as an exciting day I’m going to get my coer watering can cockos and muscles some of the [ __ ] hostiles see that one see that [ __ ] one that was in what was it called uh wake up mbone I think it was I think it’s all red let me

See minute hold on Earth crystal um I’ve got Crystal handy no I sold it or did I I don’t know I’m not I’m not doing stupid Quest that was That’s like [ __ ] almost 20 years ago wake up Melbourne let’s see it’s still there wake up International wake up well has been

Practicing together that’s a band hostile wake up accommodation Sydney Byron Bay yeah there we go I see was it the one that was all red still gone after all this [ __ ] time oh they’ve not got one inm in melbour see byen B byon Bay was nice that was anywhere I was but just

The whole place by and B must have been must be shot was it wake up in Melbourne 20 [ __ ] years ago remember 20 years ago it didn’t look like that it was all red I think it was called that um what was it I they had [ __ ]

Doms was that that one had [ __ ] dorms like you know like bunk beds bunk beds bunk beds bunk beds like say like say uh four three or four bunk beds like as in the double bunk beds as in 12 or six yeah four six or eight beds we an

Onsweet [ __ ] toilet that’s good is it the toilet’s right there that’s good is it onsweet toilet that’s nice is it that’s a nice idea is it was it St ker um maybe I think it was near know the beach but there was a kind of out slightly the

Way that’s nice is it so that means that anybody who’s there in a [ __ ] [ __ ] the toilet is right there so that door opens that’s the smell of [ __ ] I don’t actually remember many people using it uh if you need a [ __ ] [ __ ] if you’re a particular inhibited about

That and you don’t want the whole [ __ ] dorm room hearing you splattering and farting away tough you have to go like downstairs to [ __ ] find a toilet somewhere else but basically have to put with other people doing that not only that see the [ __ ] toilet door I can’t of quite remember

How much you could see it was a kind of frosted [ __ ] glass thing Cay thanks to the raid hello Raiders thanks to the three quid nad’s H in killed I’ll take a look flip Conor thanks for Subs Happy New Year to you as well like so it’s frosted [ __ ] glass

Like it’s not like you could see everything but you can see the person S A Dan something you know like and you’re like would anybody really want you like imagine you’re in for a I can’t remember if there’s a shower in there I think there was just put a bastard and [ __ ] door

On it what was it again nads I don’t think it was called Nomads but maybe it’s changed no Nomads uh St kilder remember St kilder the best eggs Benny in St kilder one place said no I it might be that but I think it was M oh I that see that

I think that’s it is that the is that the pub bit there was a bit see whever you were uh wherever it was you could kind of see up to where the rooms were this is like in the middle a pretty sure that’s that Li that really

Looks like it I can’t remember exactly if that’s it but I remember it was red and and shiny so I [ __ ] 99% sure it’s that uh has that got a we bit I like kind of like that there and you could sort of see up to where the rooms

Were but look look at that look not that but you know there a group of folk and like say I can’t of quite remember let’s say the [ __ ] toilet’s there do you really want to be there while some [ __ ] smelly bastard stay a shite right

There have you ever went into a pu a restaurant and you’ve un it’s unfortunately a bit busy and you have to sit at the table that’s right next to the toilet and that door’s just wa wa I don’t remember that actually happening though but it’s got the

Potential cuz n wanted to [ __ ] sit there uh doing a [ __ ] shap there somebody right there practically [ __ ] the [ __ ] cubicle next to you the whole Dawn is practically the cubicle next to you you’re not getting your Crystal get it yourself um all right so here we go can I wait for this

Earth crystal Earth crystal Earth crystal say you’ll be mine there we are thank you um what can’t put that there while I’m here process these jods what’s that three copper okay and another what’s that petrified slime oh and This gold purest gold Wait a minute um is this something I could maybe go to the I can’t um I there datat to museum this I and new reot everybody actually got something for a [ __ ] change and this as well my reward please melon seeds the sixth yes I think we can do that thank

You wait a minute did I find a book or something there or no don’t are you there how you there how you there that’s the M by the way or is or was it plant them very good idea plant the the melon seeds very good

Idea I know that’s kind of spoiled it no spoilers please Frank thanks for sub always believing you are go oh God B thanks the sub it’s your birthday tomorrow M thanks thanks the sub surprise surprise to you as well happy birthday when it comes to more war be thinking about you went way

Everybody I going the wrong way see this [ __ ] this needs to get [ __ ] cleared out this all belongs to me this is all mine [ __ ] way right let’s see what this does then right um first things first see these melon seeds getting [ __ ] done like so um give me

That do not [ __ ] this up again we a lack of energy you got you got enough food have you got enough F have you got any food right anyway here we go water and can let’s see what this does let’s see what this Does oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t all right wait a minute think about getting used to it right all right so it’s got to be a better technique this maybe just do three at a time like that a that seems better that seems

Better that’s the spirit actually not sure if that is the um does this save team don’t know if this does same [ __ ] time probably probably does save a wee bit saves energy right I’m still going to get the old [ __ ] sprinklers on the go that’s for sure oops it’s not use as much

Energy sprinklers are happening everybody sprinklers will be our Real you know what was a instrumental first and then a dam SK ass seal to come up with lyrics and a you know Melody or whatever I think seal was homeless at the time sleeping on couches all the rest it no homeless uh as far as um I don’t was

It you know Beni another the rest it but um don’t Know and look what I’m new he had that right good run in the ’90s and is that I think coming up to the end of the [ __ ] day um I’ve got M I’ve got M seeds it’s not over yet not even nearly there go do that that’s it you’re a

Legend put one there and there and there fertilizer you’ve not given up in the fertilizer dream have you have you hey wait a minute I’ve got fertilizer there uh there we go and stick that there along with the other uh wait wait wait wait wait go right H uhhuh yeah right and

Then y yeah uhhuh that’s all right maybe 85% what is all I’m going to I’m going to get sprinklers I’m not going to do all that [ __ ] it’s going to just St all by itself have I got enough I think I could make it’s one iron no no no it’s one iron

Bar um for uh what’s it name one iron bar and one copper to make a sprinkler I’ve only got one iron or all right sprink CL I and each iron bar is each bar is made up of five of that type that’s going to be a lot why not use all the fertilizer

Because well I could but it’s it’s a oh [ __ ] I didn’t notice the one last we thing one we thing is going to take quite a journey don’t remember watching ad damski on um top of the pop so he’s 909 and he’s whatever else it was and

Thinking I want that I want what he’s got probably was even plugged in and now with the your computers you can have a 909 a million 909 but no the real deal they’re in your horns uh where you going I’m going down here I just like when the um the high hats com

In I like the We There we go yes the we kind of Rim shot kind and then the um I’ll come back here I’ll I’ll be back um that makes it sound like in at 808 hi you know that oh [ __ ] up now tell you what how’s about how’s

About shut up and don’t bless you with my thoughts and my time don’t prioritize people who don’t prioritize you J thanks for the sub thank you very much could I Told You So Firefly get to [ __ ] kill you can be all right get oh they nice get that Punted that sounded like to be kind of baby kind of laughing sound at the end of delirious by Prince That don’t believe Me I’ll put That uh oh it sell that oh keep keep keep keep keep keep all that keep all that keep all that good job go to sleep that’s you for the night that’s it that’s say finished for the day 500 that was [ __ ] 450 Rainbow Shell wait a minute somebody F all

Right should be back now everybody should be all right now it should be bner is That what is That should be fine though what’s that there we or something anyway I’ll leave that there this is a new day and we just ignore it we uh that’s me finished that for the day hey [Applause] [ __ ] RSM kjd p g thanks to Subs glad you like the immortality

V kage Wy thanks for the sub I’m surprised [ __ ] got away with that uh um that’s it’s permitted hyr I will I’ve managed to no even get halfway through my water unfortunately everybody thank you very much for the subs res Subs the bits and the tips mods thank you very much for

The moding and everybody thanks for watching thank you very [ __ ] much a pado goodbye I can do that for you H thanks for watching Everybody um I hope you enjoyed that we but uh um thing at the end there cuz I’m enjoying it I think I’m going to stream it tomorrow as

Well if you don’t mind yes on a Friday I’m enjoying it I’m enjoying it you enjoy the drum machine part um I’ll get some bets tomorrow I uh was I going to say tempting to sort of I’m temped to um here here’s the [ __ ] thing with st

Val I’m tempted to go to off stream just to sort of pass a b of time at my time another the game’s time um go to the Ms and just go deeper and deeper and deeper but uh just don’t touch it do not touch it I I don’t think

I I’ll end up been it again but um feel like doing that going deep and deep and deep until I get to like the IR on day that off stream but the the problem is the time will pass you what if I was to do like say another 10 days or 12

Days or something um up until you know I’m ready to harvest or go down the MS or something like that nothing you would really miss I don’t think I don’t think thank you very much everybody and uh and I’ll [ __ ] honestly might as well do some not

Stream you never get any progress having to stop for CH tangents ah you’re right I I will everybody thank you very much and I’ll see you tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday Frid as usual

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00:00 Intro & chat
00:35:50 A Highland Song
1:44:55 Stardew Valley


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