JJ and Mikey Found PORTALS inside GIANT SWORDS in Minecraft Maizen!

Hm wo wo huh wo huh incredible what is that what is it huh huh is this reality or is it just my imagination you’re right what’s that about wait these are two giant portals in the form of Swords no way what are they doing here what’s the deal with

Those H I wonder where all these portals could put possibly lead to Mikey how about we go in order from left to right let’s go in I want to know what’s inside well here we go let’s go wa yikes hang on Mikey let’s get inside that security house where is it

Over here there’s wither skeletons everywhere seriously are you okay no hold on I’ll save you this looks like a security system JJ help me ouch what do I do Mikey’s in trouble oh oh no Mikey come back I’m on my way go around the arrows Mikey okay ouch no not

The lava not again I give up I’ll turn off the security system this time please do okay it’s off here we go ouch okay turn it back on come on I made it nice good job thank you what is this place finally we’re safe why is there a house here I don’t know

But it’s full of security systems free armor there’s even a sofa oh and diamond armor awesome sweet should we look inside the chest I bet it’s something good let’s look let’s check it out 3 2 1 open wo a whole bunch of diamonds we’re rich awesome I could use these diamonds

To make some equipment I made us a crafting table Mikey thanks let’s craft diamond swords okay craft a sword and then I’ll take this diamond armor awesome now we’re fully equipped this is some serious bling huh Mikey we look so cool yeah we’re Unstoppable now you’re probably right but we should

Still be careful here very true ha great job take this yeah get him got him we can beat them these diamond swords are the best back off with their skeletons we have enough diamonds to last us forever just give up fighting these guys is scary my health

Bar looks like it’s empty I can’t tell how much damage I’m taking let’s go back to the house ouch I’m getting shot who yikes run for it no JJ that was close oh I managed to survive you’re burning I might i’ have to eat something fast this still might kill

Me no oh no let’s keep moving all right huh hang on this is a dead end what no way what now oh it looks like the only way up is by climbing those Vines but we don’t want to fall down I’m really good at this

Kind of thing let me show you how it’s done what be careful climbing it’ll be just fine we need to get up there to defeat the boss at the top oh there a snowman up here so cute ouch they’re attacking no Mikey got knocked off what

Are we going to do those snowmen keep us from reaching the top H oh it doesn’t look like there’s another way either either what do we do now we can’t make it JJ Mikey H there’s a button here you’re joking what happens if we push it

Try Mikey really if you’re sure 3 2 1 Qui huh it’s a secret entrance wo that’s amazing let’s go in are you ready 3 2 1 open woohoo oh wow wo nice H wow there’s a door oh you can wait here then I’ll go inside on my own I bet it’s full of

Treasure really yeah I’ll wait here okay wo let go of me huh stop it leave me alone what Mikey are you okay Mikey just got kidnapped I knew this Tower was bad news I better go in there and save him it’s up to me to rescue Mikey from this evil

Tower 3 2 1 open H I don’t see anything dangerous in here what is this place wait what huh hey oh no it was a trap the door’s been sealed off I’m stuck I need to hurry up and save Mikey H there are ladders inside the chest

Nice let’s go now then I wonder what the deal is with these ladders let’s see oh another spot to climb up I’ll use the ladders to get to the next floor hopefully it’s not too late to rescue Mikey I wonder what happened to him well there’s only one way to find out whoever

Kidnapped him is going to pay for what they did as soon as I get to the top of this Tower these ladders are super useful I made it to the next floor now then I better H what’s this H it looks like a dead ant can I break through here h whoa hang

On there’s something on the other side of this sand wall I see a chest and a ladder if there’s a ladder I bet that means there’s a way up to reach the next floor but no matter how much sand I dig up more sand keeps coming down from

Above what am I supposed to do H oh hang on this should help if I place a torch fast enough it should open up a gap for me let’s put that theory did the test hey hey it worked that’s awesome wow that’s cool it actually worked now I should be able to walk

Right through the sand wall yes mission accomplished let’s take a look inside that chest oh a golden apple snack time I’ve been low on health for a while so I’m going to eat it right away there we go that’s exactly what I needed my health is already maxed out all right

Time to climb I have to hurry up the tower so I can save Mikey before anything bad happens to him I hope he’s okay I need to get to the bottom of this and find out who his kidnapper really is yes there I made it hang on what’s

That no way why are there so many lasers bouncing around this hallway do I really have to go through them all that looks dangerous h Huh back off what is that some kind of monster popped up out of nowhere it’s slowing down because it’s too tall I’m not waiting around there’s

No way I’m letting that freaky blue monster gets me how am I supposed to get through these lasers oh I know I’ll jump on these things on the edges wo that was a close one it almost caught me one false step and I would have been a goner I’m just glad I made

It to safety moving on I need to hurry and find Mikey let’s see is there anything in here H oh uh-oh looks like there’s a bad guy in there that said there’s also another door maybe I can slip through without being seen door’s right there can I make

It no I’ve been spotted I wanted to avoid fighting my way through but it looks like I don’t have a choice yeah yeah oh they’re strong take that they’re backing me up into a corner got a bolt there one down now it’s just you and me yes woohoo that was close those guys

Were tough huh they dropped something 1 2 3 4 for weird anyways I better take some time to recover before moving on that fight took it out of me couple more bites okay I’m ready to get back at it there’s no time to lose let’s find out

What’s on the other side of this door huh it’s not opening I need to enter the code with a security feature like that it must be guarding Mikey I I’m so close to saving him but I don’t know the Code wait what was on that piece of paper the guy Dropped yes woohoo huh you dropped something let’s take another look at this thing oh it’s a four-digit number I think the bad guy was holding on to the passcode let’s find out if I’m right 1 2 3 4 yes it worked okay proceed with Caution oh hold on it’s Mikey and that must be the head kidnapper before freeing Mikey I’m going to take this bad guy down I’m going to tiptoe right up to him just like this and attack ha didn’t even even see me coming still better be careful he seems

Strong yeah take that and that you monster just as I thought he’s really tough come on come on huh he’s backing off and he’s breaking that glass what’s he up to huh oh no it’s it’s an alarm of some sort but what does he do exactly I’ll

Find out later I got to focus on beating this guy yes that was close but he’s down it’s hard to concentrate with this alarm going off wait what if it’s a self-destruct sequence this could could be bad we got to get out of here fast Mikey wake up

Buddy can you hear me Mikey come on buddy huh huh huh JJ I knew you’d come rescue me but um what’s with the noise we got to make a run for it I’ll explain on the way out I think the head kidnapper set off a self-destruct sequence if I’m right this whole place

Is about to explode what then we got to hurry follow me I’m alive did you land okay yep my turn wo wow all good yep I can’t believe you fell without taking damage there’s some kind of giant tunnel here what could it be for anything good in here

See anything nice the tunnel’s huge huh what I see something amazing come look what’s so amazing huh wow huh check it out huh cool oh wao hey ouchie what was that for hey cut it out get away from me Mikey hey stop it no go

Mikey there are a lot of mean old men on level one that are out to get you get away from me wait open the chest oh chest right it might help you huh apples apples you’ve got to be kidding oh a lever they’re closing in sorry old guys

But I’m getting out of here you are yep wo I almost fell off careful hey what now get off of me Mikey you’re winning oh you’re right I’m stronger than I thought oh I’ll take these guyses down Mikey you beat them yep I’m unstoppable mhm hooray keep going time for the next

Level come on you did it wow now you have even more stairs to climb why are there so many steps come on let’s do this thing you’re almost there Mikey what’s on level two take a look huh there are two doors an iron one and

A gold one only one is correct huh then I have to choose between the two I never said that exactly Choose Wisely well I know what to do really yep the gold door oh this one if you say so I guess I can tell by your reaction that it’s actually

This one I changed my choice to the iron door ready go woohoo I actually made it look yeah these are awesome luxury cars wow expensive fantastic oh there’s chests too wow wo this chest is full of diamonds what about this one wo gold oh incredible does this mean we’re rich

Uh-huh Ultra Rich woohoo let’s go hooray we left the end of the sword now let’s go to the nether sword I want to find a lot of different Treasures let’s go quickly Mikey wow what’s this H let’s open it up 3 2 1 oh oh this stuff’s pretty good we got a full

Equipment set wo let’s equip everything and go let’s do it I’m pretty happy we found some food in here as well awesome uh what’s this do you think it’s some kind of maze a maze let’s go mazes are so easy here we go open there cool wo

Hang on Mikey this will be easy what are they no there are so many it’s a swarm what do we do I have no idea we have to fight them off right all of them uh-oh wa is it clear will there be more of those things huh

Well I guess that’s it they all crammed together at the entrance we’re safe we are for now huh does this lead outside we made it did hang on are we underwater what we can’t make it through that we’ll drown what now look over there I think I

See a door on the other side unfortunately if we try to make our way through the water we’ll run out of air and drown so we’re stuck is there no way out of here H hang on a chest opening in 3 2 1 oh wood wood planks won’t help us

Now hold on NY I figured it out watch what check it out like this now we have doors we can use the doors to make it across the underwater room seriously how are doors supposed to help you’ll see how they help just watch I’m following you sure come on it’s fine

Yeah it’s fine wow it’s kind of scary when you’re this deep underwater I’m scared hurry our Oxygen Bar is almost empty but when we stop behind the door for a moment it’ll go back to full oxygen and we can breathe through the door amazing we’ll just place the doors

As we go there nice nice nice can you breathe like this yeah I can let’s go hurry up wao what’s this wall the whole thing is completely made out of Bedrock I want to see what’s inside is this the exit show me the sky huh JJ we’re not

Outside why yeah you’re right we’re inside plus it looks like we’re surrounded by Bedrock which happens to be the strongest block in Minecraft it’s impossible to break so we’re trapped what’s a sand for sand huh wait a sec there’s a chest over here sand is useless hopefully there’s something good

In that chest we can use open oh huh is that a diamond shovel a lever gunpowder we’ll never escape with that stuff H is there anything else we can use huh huh look over here Mikey what look huh this wall is the only part of the entire room that’s made out of

Cobblestone instead of Bedrock really yeah crazy hang on I think I figured it out I think I know what we can craft to bust out of here what first we need to dig up all this sand great all right that’s enough sand now let’s use the crafting table mm I just

Need to arrange it like this okay oh I just made five blocks of TNT nice and then do you know what happens when we pull this lever Mikey it’ll activate the TNT wait don’t we need Flint or steel it’s okay ready oh wow Huh hm Mikey look at this wall it’s strange what are you talking about this is no time to talk about wall design we need to think about the boss H what now look behind the wall there’s a chest seriously h no way you’re right what’s inside let’s find

Out Mikey open wo H those are Min guns wo wo it’s exactly what we needed so awesome we might be able to beat the boss with these we’ll blow the mountain boss away yeah we’re almost to the summit woohoo so close we made it to the top hooray the

Boss watch out it’s him it’s okay Mikey take it down with your minigun yeah wo he hitting it shoot take this go likey we really did it woohoo hooray come on let’s go am I close to the end I’m still Unstoppable okay wait what’s this huh hang on

What never mind check it out all right here I go hey what I’m dropped I can’t get out H where’s the exit here’s the thing Mikey help you’re stuck really for now you are but it’s up to you to break out how do I

Do that do you want a hint yes the room is a little bit off you might notice a few mistakes inside H maybe you could fix them I’m supposed to fix the mistakes mhm in that case I’ll start with these lamps one of them is turned off what happens if I turn it

On oh wow good thinking you’re on the right track buddy hang on one of these trap doors is flipped up I’m going to put it down great work there should be something else what do you mean h something else this looks interesting H the middle one is tilted can I move it

So that it’s straight sure 3 2 1 huh another secret door opened up that wasn’t there before was it you did it Mikey do you like the vent wow I can’t believe how high we are yep watch your step you don’t want to fall all the way

To the ground oh cool I made it out yeah good job keep climbing those stairs Mikey is this the end I can’t believe I made it to the top already oh we made it to the next area oh what do we have here what’s this well let’s switch to these

Boots oh that’s oh cool yep change your boots okay there These Boots are a real Lifesaver huh oh you’re right awesome there are a lot of spider webs here go a spider we’re pretty tough yeah oh there’s a chest good ey 3 2 1 open oh there are bows what’s happening uh-oh a Spider oh no a spider attack while we had our backs turned I’m okay I had my potion of healing Mikey no help me another Spider Run Away scary use your bow and arrow Mikey I got another thing from this chest this shears I think we use these

To clear out the spider webs you’re right now I’m going to slay this spider from a distance e freaky take that wo what’s this H hold on the floor is lava y see the steel frame I think we need to walk across it oh just don’t

Fall that would be bad be careful Hogle first leave it to me there must be a great prize for reaching the other side you think the goal is over there good luck W this is easy I’m behind you wa this is scary seriously let’s go slow it’s easy no problem wo you’re brave

Yeah hey look up there’s something coming Mikey n it’s really tough watch This nice shot don’t let your guard down that was close wow I knocked it off but my Health meter is low that Goblin is staring at me can we make it that far right off the corner no I fell how did you fall in seriously Mikey oh okay I’m ready let’s fight that’s

Definitely a boss let’s push him into the lava first ready we outnumber him two people should be enough but it’ll still be rough try not to get knocked off stay stay close behind me Mikey okay let’s go let’s do this first we can defeat it hit it to push it back

Punch it and rush in go I’m right behind you hi it’s close to the edge push wow that was dangerous all right we beat the boss nice job we did it let’s check out the treasure oh is there anything good I hope so 3 2 1 wo there’s armor and

Golden apples awesome let’s see woo wo it’s so cool cool I guess I’ll eat my golden apple too H yum wo

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found PORTALS inside GIANT SWORDS in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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