The New Minecraft Cave Dweller Mob Is Terrifying…

Today we’re going to dive into one of the coolest and scariest things I’ve ever seen with this game to whoever sent me this thank you I present you my newest fixation zweller Minecraft we all know it we all love him of course it’s a seemingly peaceful relaxing game with building

Blocks and nothing too terrifying or at all oh yeah that cave sounds nobody knows what they are how they are where they are he that boy really anything else about them but one thing’s for certain they exist and two things they’re terrifying all thanks to Cave Zounds your Mining Adventure could be a

Relatively calm peaceful experience wandering through a m shaft enjoying yourself and then all of a sudden the sound rolls and all of a sudden you’re inside of your worst nightmare all alone inside of your world wondering what in the world made that sound as the world’s second biggest

Horror fan only a mark lier I I hate him but I but I love it it so much at the same time but spoiler alert these little cave sounds realistically statistically technically speaking they mean nothing at all but what if they did what if the cave sound sort of signaled something is

Lurking nearby in the deepest darkest Shadows of your Minecraft world and then here we are disappointing desert or not every single Minecraft world the violins they echo in through my ear years from left to right it’s a beautiful feeling every single Minecraft world Adventure it begins exactly the

Same you find the nearest log you break the nearest log you drop the log on the ground and you do it a couple more times like a true Minecraft speedrunner or something I stopped dead in my tracks I dro the Planks on the table I spin

Them in a circle and then Dro that table on the ground we’re on a roll baby n no no look look welcome to the modern Minecraft there I am something of a true professional myself look at this little trick that I think we’re going to go

Ahead and roll R into the world with set us off right as I stroll around this beach here though the first sign of something going wrong inside of this world pops up a random cross in the ground that’s never a good sign anyways inside of the anyways inside of the

Table with the help of this beautiful bamboo we’ll go ahead and speedrun ourselves all the way up to a wooden pickaxe to break this table pick it back up and put it inside of my pocket and then we set off for a cake because today our true adventure it begins in the

Depths one little time Jump later after walking nothing short of 10,000 blocks I finally done the very first Cave of this entire world so first things first you know how it goes we’re going to slide down to this cave and find the most uh what the does this cave have any stone

At all we’re going to find the most convenient looking block of stone in Min I think it’s time I give myself a little upgrade now here’s the thing M shaft here’s the thing as soon as we enter this cave a secret timer is going to begin or actually two secret timers but

They’re secret timers when it comes to secret timers well um you know how Secret timers can be uh you know secret and timing things and you know h ah man it is sure oh I was going to say it’s sure dark in this cave would have been a brilliant

Idea to gear up a little bit but what does this mean Georgie beans seeks and Georgie beans apparently left us all of our really really good tools so I mean that might as well I look it’s not every single day you encounter an interdimensional demon way what and it’s

Not every single day the interdimensional demon seems to have forgotten to drop a couple different supplies on the ground either huh that’s crazy anyways now that we’re properly geared up a little bit the timer continues this secret timer is a secret timer that is going to be secretly

Timing things the entire duration of us being under the ground it seems that under the ground seems to be like as long as you’re below y 60 or something so technically I guess I could be underground inside of my base and I’m pretty sure theoretically you could have

The safest compound in the entire world then it doesn’t matter if you’re under the ground you’re under the ground and the demon thing it’s seeking anyways for now I think we ought to go ahead and continue exploring this cave because this thing is kind of crazy it’s like

It’s like a started off over there with such a weird curse to the chest with a message and then we have this like whole weird M shaft thing and more M shafts and crazy caves drips on drips and you know how it goes everything like that there something about the M shaft in

Itself that is inherently just like terrifying it’s this ancient like abandoned maze that hasn’t been updated in a really long time and I don’t know it just it gets me on edge right combine it with me doing all of this at night time today and these insanely claustrophobic caves

And I don’t know if I like it I got to be honest and just like that a sound a a sound a terribly terrifying sound place um okay wonderful very nice very very nice so anyways for now I think that was justtin noise though we can go ahead and

Carry on with our adventure might as well go ahead and back backtrack it looked like that thing was a little bit of a dead end wandering around over here we need to pay attention to everything all of our surroundings the corners of the screen everything like that motion

Can come at any minute and could be right behind me it could just be like right around a a strange corner or something it could literally be anywhere okay so now that I’ve good and calmed myself back down from that terrifying scream I don’t know what in the world

That was and it kind of looks like this way might be a little bit of a dead end which means I feel like we should probably I I mean I guess I don’t know I want to get down as deep as possible no and get down as deep as possible I

Literally called in down as deep as possible it looks like it keeps going it better not dead end oh oh oh oh no oh no oh no I don’t know if you saw it but we need to go we need to go that is the dweller that is the

Dweller no no no leave me alone okay I’m shaking I’m I’m fine and I’m calm the dweller spawns in the depths when you least expect it so this little identity the almost SCP if you will that we’re dealing with today is known as none other than the cave dweller up here in

The light this thing is well I’ll admit it up here in the light this thing is still absolutely got ringly horrifying I’m in created Minecraft though that scared me too much all right love this little he not so much buddy is a brand new mob added to

Minecraft as you can see our smiling friend is quite a tall lad almost like an Enderman or something if you will so maybe we like Duck into cover and and be safe maybe even more specifically the version of the cave dweller that we’re dealing with today is called better cave

Dweller by 8bit MAA our version of the cave dweller is essentially an upgraded version on the original OG classic version of the cave dweller this seemed like this beautifully toothed little guy right here has inspired an amazing Trend within the Minecraft Community if you enjoy this dweller stuff and you’d like

To see even more showcase and let me know by leaving a like because oh boy there are so many other versions of dwellers that all do different things and some and some get even more advanced than this one right here instead of like stalking you they have this whole biome

Different items and even more all right anyway now that we finally met our little friend up close and personal what do you say we maybe go back down into the caves or something like that and experience you Clos and bursting one more time all righty then well it okay

All right it begins again I was going to say it’s all righty all right because oh no oh no it’s okay and it’s all no no no no no not again not again leave me alone Georgie no Geor no Georg mean no okay it seems like I’m stuck in some

Kind of infinite trap I don’t know how I’m going to be able to execute this but the sounds indicate this creature from the depths the dwelling monster himself spawning long story short when you start hearing the sounds like that you want to check everything every single Corner every single thing thing this thing

Could be anywhere it could be out of the corner of your eye it could just be standing in the background sometimes ominously it’s absolutely all out terrifying um I I swear I just saw something around that corner I swear I saw something around the corner one

Solid bit of mining later and I seem to have located something that will hopefully be a little bit more safe I figured if we could get out in the nice wide open we could be maybe like just see this thing from a mile away see had coming no big deal looking around down

Here I’m not hearing any sounds which means I think we’re in the clear I guess the only puzzle that I have never mind the only puzzle that I had was how to get down from that ledge to get down to the depths to look around for a little

Bit of sweet sweet Blue Rocks it’s calm it’s nice and calm there’s nobody down here it’s all just me and the wonderful Blue Rocks there’s nothing terrible happening down here ah I love Minecraft it’s so peaceful okay okay okay the sounds Begin Again The Beautiful diamonds begin again

So I figured right now I guess my goal is to just wander around inside of the cave with already a couple of encounters under our belt right here I mean what’s the worst that could happen all right so look from our previous sightings of the dweller yeah no big deal we have notice

That the dweller is quite a tall little being so look at that that little handy trick right there oldest trick in the book no big deal a dweller wants to try and chase me on foot it finds me and it wants to embark on its all out Pursuit

Of Me well all I need to do is wow this is geod City there was one right over there and one here too that’s insane the most terrifying thing is once like time has grown from like your most previous dweller sighting it it seems to

Like the big cave is nice and all but that’s been a long time since I’ve seen our little friend which means he could be lurking literally anywhere oh no oh that sounds bad that sounds I didn’t even see you I didn’t even see you that’s not fair you’re

Supposed to no there’s two of them there’s two why is there two of them this is this is new hi Georgie beans are Georgie beans the cave dweller as you can see here and as we’ve discovered scientifically in survival today a very fast very very Speedy being in a very

Cool but technical video the cave dweller was originally drmed up by an apparently Disturbed lad known as gargan I go ahead and Link this video down in the description this video right here goes into the in-depth process that went into making the original version of the cave dweller fast forward a couple

Months and different takes have been made on the cave dweller including the take we’ve been looking at today statistically speaking our cave dweller little friend doesn’t actually have that much help with the power five Infinity bow if I can hit this thing three times in a row the cave dweller is no more

When it comes to a dropper our cave dweller friend well just like with the breeze you get nothing at all of course other than experience experience and a loving lead scaming wonderful stream I can’t stop hearing it as it so appears the cave dweller is a very tall guy which means maybe what

If maybe I built like a tunnel a hallway like two blocks toall kind of like that I should theoretically be able to avoid this thing right like I seemingly Set It Off by apparently looking in its eyes or something and locks on and start screaming at Sprints but oh ho ho I run

Inside of my little tunnel and I’m safe right so in any other circumstance I would never recommend pulling this one off in survival but but in survival the cave dweller is right there I go ahead and run into the hallway right here and what in the world this thing actually

Crouches down and keeps running at me it doesn’t no my poor friend it doesn’t matter if this thing is Tiny and this thing should never fit into it this mob will actually Crouch down to get into the cave the tunnel and chase after you but hey I mean no big deal because with

A few minor adjustments to this thing maybe make it even shorter we could fit in there with a trap door might be a little bit more tricky but with a trapo we could probably get to safety right right to execute the beautiful trap door one you’re going to need some

More distance on our boy over there however every single time as soon as we actually like lock on it we see it and then it comes running if I go inside of this thing what you going to do now buddy oh oh you’re going to swim into

The glass oh okay so what I’m saying is you crawl huh oh something just happened over there I don’t know what it was but something happened over there I don’t know if it was a loading or what but something definitely happened over there uh every single time this does not get

Any more enjoyable or any less scary or terrifying or better or anything like that I’m cornered over here it’s been a long time since I heard him since I’ve seen him I don’t know what to do uh it’s really quiet I feel like I don’t know

Like maybe the smart strategy is to just build a giant platform up here at the top of this cave maybe this is going to be my new home we to home and then like if I’m all the way up here he can’t give me right like he’s not going to be able

To to teleport so or climb so no big deal right oh and there he is there he is just standing ominously in the background standing and screaming at me silently oh oh all right buddy s just wonderful that feel delightful and even better every single time I look

Away he moves every sing while I look at you nothing you’re just screaming but when I look away oh when I look away buddy you move like my sleep paralysis demons this is leave me alone I’m kind of in a bit of a leave me alone man I’m

Kind of in a bit of a situation if you couldn’t tell I don’t know where he went oh God where did he go well you sound wonderfully delightful delighted to see me wonderful wonderful my friend wonderful I think he’s right down oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sure enough

He’s right down right below me buddy don’t drop on the dripstone oh it’s increased fall damage Geor beans for Georgie beans just slow down it won’t hurt you a bit it almost doesn’t matter almost oh God that is the best sound that I’ve ever heard on a different note the chase

With the cave dwellers sometimes this thing will spawn inside of the cave and kind of just linger around if you don’t like actually look in its direction or notice it it seems like 90% of the oh God it oh god It Dem manifested where in the world did it go the cave dweller

Does different things sometimes it’ll spawn inside of your cave and kind of just linger and like stare at you in the background now sometimes when you look at it it will just immediately start sprinting at you other times it’ll kind of run away something like that like

Almost get scared in a way maybe we maybe we hurt it poor feelings it runs away other times like that instance we just encountered it’ll kind of like freeze up and then you look away and then it moves closer you look away and it moves closer and closer and closer

Other times you’re you’re just all out done for it’ll sprin at you and you’re over you might be able to crouch and fit into tunnels illegally small for your being you might be able to know how to crawl whatever whatever however there is one final containment option that I have

For this little guy today here I have the home but the home sweet home with the dweller it seems like usually this guy will spawn in your world like not right on top of you so theoretically let’s say we had a home sweet home inside of the caves I noticed the

Dweller it maybe like notices me I go inside and I close the doors oh I seem to have terrified that one my bad take number two we’ve got the dweller and I’ve seen it and everything like that but I’m inside of my house I close the doors it runs over

Here H not so fast buddy but watch this if I open this oh yeah it can climb blocks too sometimes it doesn’t seem to always work but yes sometimes he sometimes our friend can climb all in all in broad daylight in the middle of the darkest cave Georgie beans the cave

Dweller is an absolute night for terrifying no good not very Bueno at all but at the same time I love you and I need to look at more dwellers for more dwellers tab like thank you all so much for watching today’s video I hope you

Enjoyed it on the end card is going to be the modded playlist check it out I’d like to S A big thank you to my patrons fire dragon 19 INF for SMC the great Vegeta Michael HCK and Skelly Wampus until next up it’s Ben me wles Good Luck sleeping tonight I’m truly sincerely

Sorry about that

The Minecraft Cave Dweller Mod has been taking off and I have only just now learned about it. This is easily one of the most scary minecraft mods ever, adding a brand new entity to the game known as the dweller. Today we dive into a minecraft java dweller mod but there are dwellers for minecraft bedrock too. This is the better cave dweller, in all of it’s terrifying glory..

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  1. I love this Horror is my entire personality spend most of my time watching Horror movies or writing up ideas for Horror Stories, I love these kind of mods

  2. The cave sounds are not random!!
    Cave sounds are based on the game’s anxiety mechanic. The longer you remain underground, the higher your anxiety climbs. The sounds are based on your anxiety level. I believe you can see your status in debug view as mood

    (I think)

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