I Survived 100 DAYS as a LAND OCTOPUS in HARDCORE Minecraft!

On day 1, I spawned onto  the Beach as a Land Octopus! “Whoa! I have eight legs and ten hearts! This is  crazy! I wonder what adventure I’ll get up to!” But my excitement was interrupted when I  sensed a presence coming towards me with  

My heightened octopus senses. I saw  a Vindicator Chef coming towards me! “AAAAA! Who are you!?” “You don’t know me? Well, I must say I find that  rather hard to believe! For I am Victor Clef,   the Vindicator Chef! The most famous  celebrity chef in the Overworld!”

“Oh… Well, hi then, Chef Clef.  I’m Zozo! It’s exciting to meet   you! What kind of things can you cook?” “I can cook anything and everything! But  right now… I’m feeling like calamari!” [PAUSE] “That’s made from octopus!” “Oh no!” I slithered away as fast as possible. Lucky for  

Me, I was able to take advantage of my  slippery octopus speed to escape certain doom. But I hadn’t been able to fully escape yet!  Some Royal Guards who worked for Victor Clef the   Vindicator Chef came running after me, and with no  weapons, all I could do was slither for my life.

I was able to get out of there – But only barely! “I need to find some way to defend myself,   or I’m gonna go from a land octopus  to an overpriced dish in no time!”  On day 2, I continued slithering across  the beach. My run-in with that diabolical  

Chef had left me exhausted, and sadly,  it’d also left me feeling really hungry. “I don’t want my hunger bar to fall any  further. Time to sample the bounty of the sea!” I slithered over to the sea, where luckily,  I was able to find a fishing rod just lying  

Around. With that, I was able to catch some  tasty fish and bring my hunger bar back up. “That’s more like it! Now  let’s put a roof over my head!”  ———————————————– I searched around until I found some trees,  

And broke them down with my tentacles. I was able  to make a wooden pickaxe, and then mine down into   the ground until I’d gathered enough stone to  make myself a stone pickaxe and a stone sword. With the rest of my wood and stone,  it wasn’t hard to start building my  

Beachside dreamhouse – The perfect place  for a land octopus like me to live! “It’s not much, but it looks  cosy and easy to defend!” And I’d need to defend it sooner  than I thought. One of Victor Clef   the Vindicator Chef’s minions, the  Royal Guards, ran in towards me.

“Ah, there you are! The Chef will reward me  for capturing you. The great feast is only   99 days away, and it’s our job to ensure  that he has all the ingredients he needs!” “I’ll never be an ingredient for your evil  boss! I swear on all eight of my tentacles!”

We squared up and started to battle  – And it turned out that eight limbs   are better than four, cause  in the end, I defeated him! “Nobody gets to cook me!”  On day 3, I slithered away from the  beach and into the Cold Swamplands. “Who knows what interesting  resources I can find out here?”

I pulled out my fishing rod and tried to  fish in one of the pools of swamp water,   when I heard thundering footsteps in the distance. Moments later, a giant Squall  Golem turned up, ready to battle. “YOU! You’re one of the ingredients on Victor  Clef the Vindicator Chef’s recipe lists!”

“Lists? There are even more people  your boss wants to cook up?” “Yep! And they should be honored.  They will find true purpose as one   of the Chef’s delicious dishes. He’s  a genius. If you could taste the meal   he’s going to turn you into,  you’d give yourself up now!”

“I’m never, ever gonna give  up! Least of all to someone   who wants to put me in a crockpot! Let’s battle!” But I may have been an overeager octopus, because  the Squall Golem was way tougher than I thought.  

I was losing a lot of fights and not doing  much damage, so I needed to get out of there. As I was running away, I saw an Armored  Piglin hop out of a hidden trapdoor. “Quick! Get in here with me!”

“My mom always taught me to trust strange  men hopping out of holes in the ground!” I hopped into the trapdoor with the Piglin and  we hid together as the Squall Golem passed above. “You really saved my bacon there, Armored Piglin!”

“The name’s Patrick. And it’s not just  your bacon I’m working to save. Victor   Clef the Vindicator Chef wants pork on his  menu, so I’m in just as much danger as you.” “Then I guess we better stick together. There’s   safety in numbers. Come back  to my base with me, Patrick!”

“Heh. I’ve heard worse plans.” From day 4 to day 5, I returned to my base   with Patrick the Armored Piglin – My new friend  and ally in our joint quest to not get eaten. “Alrighty, time to build you a new room!”

So that’s exactly what I did. I  gathered up more wood and stone and started constructing a new bedroom above  mine, perfect for Patrick to rest his weary head. He seemed impressed with my work. “Thanks for this, Zozo. Great  work. If you don’t mind,  

I’m gonna hit the hay for the rest  of the day. It’s been a long week…” “No problem, man!” As Patrick went to bed, I started exploring the  beach, hoping to find more interesting treasures. Instead, I found another little group of Royal  Guards – And they were looking for a fight.

“Only 95 days until the grand feast! We  can’t let this sketchy cephalopod get away!” What followed wasn’t an easy fight,   as Guard after Guard ran over to me,  but in the end, I came out on top. I noticed that one of the defeated Royal Guards  had dropped something, too: A stack of Javelins!

“Finally, a ranged attack!  This is going to be so useful!”  From day 6 to day 8, I was out shepherding  sheep. I lured them back to my base, where I built a paddock around them. “This will be perfect if I need any wool later!”

I was wandering the far reaches of the beach  again when I encountered something I was a lot   less eager to see: Victor Clef the Vindicator  Chef, now carrying a huge, scary machete. “Like my new cooking tool, Zozo? It   slices my ingredients nice and fine. I figured  I’d give you a first-hand demonstration.”

“Hmmm… Maybe not. I think I’d just  prefer to take your word for it.” “Please, Zozo, I insist!  Witness a master chef at work!” Victor lunged forward and gave me a slash with his  machete, knocking off a bunch of my hearts. For a  

Chef, he was so strong! I couldn’t fight back, all  I could do was slither away as fast as possible! “You can run, but you can’t hide, Zozo!  You’ll end up in my pot, one way or another!”  From day 9 to day 10, I returned to the base,  

Feeling shaken by what a close  call that last fight had been. Thankfully, I didn’t have much  time to dwell on my thoughts,   because Patrick the Armored  Piglin was there waiting for me. “Zozo! You’re alive!” “Barely! Victor almost destroyed me!”

“But he didn’t! That in itself is amazing! And  speaking of amazing – I’ve been working on a   statue for you, something to inspire you  to work and fight hard. Go take a look!” So I did. The statue had only just  been started, but it still looked  

So cool. I couldn’t tell what it was  yet, but I couldn’t wait to find out. “What do you think it is, audience? Tell  me what you think down in the comments!” But that wasn’t all that Patrick had  done while I was away from the base.  

He’d also built a storage room, for  us to keep weapons and supplies in. “This is such an amazing upgrade! The base  is really starting to feel like a true home!”  From day 11 to day 12, after all those  days of construction work on the base,   Patrick and I decided to relax together.

“So, what’s the story behind Victor Clef the  Vindicator Chef? How did he end up so powerful?” “He was once an average Vindicator, or so  I’ve heard. But he had such a talent for   cooking that people started doing favors for  him in exchange for a chance to try his food.”

“Yeah, I can see how that’d make someone  popular, but he’s got a whole army at   his beck and call. The Royal Guards, the  Squall Golem, and who knows what else?” “That’s because his cooking made him popular  with rich and powerful people. Lords and ladies,  

Kings and queens, business people, and  military generals. He was so in demand,   that soon enough, he was as rich  and powerful as any of them.” “So that’s how he became so  connected. And I’m guessing   the grand feast is where he caters to  all these rich and powerful people?”

“You’d guess correctly. Anyone whose  anyone wants a seat at the table,   and they want us on the plates.” “Then we’re just gonna have to destroy  Victor before the feast rolls around!”  From day 13 to day 15, knowing the  dangerous scope of Victor Clef the  

Vindicator Chef’s evil plans, I knew I needed  to get stronger and settle some old scores. That’s why I returned to the Cold Swamplands,   to take on the diabolical Squall  Golem who was waiting for me there. “Ah, there you are, little land octopus. You  gave me the runaround last time. This time,  

I’ll really turn you into squid rings!” “You said it yourself, Squall Golem, I’m an  octopus, so that joke doesn’t even make sense!” “Drat, you’re right! Let’s just fight!” So we did! This time, though, I warmed  him up with some laser-focused javelins,  

Before going in with my sword and  fighting him with everything I had. It wasn’t easy, but in the end, he  was defeated, and I was victorious. But it wasn’t just a symbolic  victory – I’d gained enough XP   to level up and become a bigger,  stronger octopus with 30 hearts!

I also developed a new power  – Invisibility camouflage! “A classic octopus power! This will  come in handy against that evil chef!”  From day 16 to day 19, I decided it was time  to give my weapons a level up! That’s why I  

Searched the beach until I found an underground  Mining Cavern, and slithered down inside. “Wow, it’s dark down here!  Thank goodness octopi are   used to slithering down into cold, dark places.” After a few hours of searching, I  found a vein of iron ore in the ground,  

And used my stone pickaxe to dig it up. “This should be enough iron ore to work with!” But that’s when I realized I wasn’t  alone in the mining cavern. There   was a Fungus Thrower down there, and  you’ll never guess what he was doing! That’s right, he was throwing Fungus! Gross!

“I won’t let you get away with this!” I returned fire with my javelins,  until the Fungus Thrower was defeated. I retired to my base after that,  using the furnace to smelt my iron   ore into ingots and build a brand  new iron sword and iron pickaxe.

“Soon I’m gonna have more weapons  and tools than I have tentacles!”  From day 20 to day 22, I woke up with Patrick  the Armored Piglin standing in my bedroom. “Zozo! Victor Clef the Vindicator Chef  is standing right outside our base!” “Oh no, am I having a night terror?”

“No, Zozo, you’re having a day terror! Get up  before he runs in here and annihilates us both!” That didn’t leave much up to interpretation.  I slithered out of bed, grabbed my sword,   and turned invisible. I sneaked  outside to get the jump on Victor.

I saw him standing there, right in front of  the base, his machete looking as shiny and   deadly as ever. I needed to be really  careful, even though I was invisible. “Hmmm. That Zozo has got to be around  here somewhere. I smell fresh seafood,   but I can’t see him anywhere…”

Then now was my chance! It  was time for a sneak attack! I ran up behind him, turned visible,  and struck him with my sword. He seemed   surprised by my attack, and I hit him  again before he could even hit me back! “You slippery little mollusk, you!”

The battle was on. Victor was still extremely  tough, but this time, I was a little more   ready to face him. By the time he stepped  away from the fight, he looked worn out. “This… This isn’t the best use  of my time. I’m going to go and  

Prepare other dishes. I’ll come back for  you later, Zozo. I’ll serve you fresh!” Victor ran off after that.  I was amazed I’d survived,   but now I also knew – There was  hope for me, a lowly land octopus,  

To defeat the deadliest chef in the land! From day 23 to day 26, I was walking   around the beach by my base, when  I spotted something in the sand. “Hey, what’s this?” I took a closer look, and saw  that it was a Shield of the Deep!

“Wow, this is pretty snazzy! It must  have washed up on shore! I’m so lucky!” I picked up the shield and tried it out. “This shield is amazing! I can’t  wait to try it out in a real fight!” As I was walking back to  my base with my new shield,  

I saw something written in the sand: Z-O-Z-O. “Hey, that’s me! That reminds me, if  you want to see more of my adventures,   you can find them by searching Z-O-Z-O!”  From day 27 to day 31, I woke up to the sound  of Patrick the Armored Piglin in my room.

“Zozo! I’ve been working on  the statue, come take a look!” I followed him to the statue, and  admired the progress he’d made. “This looks great! I can’t  wait to see how it turns out!” “Thank you! I can tell it’s missing  something, but I’m not sure what…” “Hmm. What if you added some gold?”

“That’s a great idea! There  should be some out in the dunes,   would you be so kind as to go  out and gather some for me?” “Sure!” I traveled to the Dunes and started searching for   gold. While I was looking around,  a group of Royal Guards spotted me!

“Look! That evasive octopus is  back! The grand feast approaches, we   can’t let him get away this time!!!” “I told you before, I’m not going to be a dish at  your feast! I just need some stuff for a statue!” “You can come willingly, or we can  throw you in the pot ourselves!”

“Third option, I do this!” I charged at the guards and attacked with my  sword. They weren’t ready for me to be so bold,   and it gave me the advantage I needed to win!  From day 32 to day 35, I was happy to begin  another day where I wasn’t somebody’s meal.

“With the feast getting closer, they’re  gonna get more desperate to catch me!   I’ll need to be on guard and do  everything I can to get stronger!” “Scuse me, I know you’re talking to yourself  right now, but could you maybe help me out?”

I looked, and there was a  Poison Anemone in front of me! “Oh! Sure! What do you need help with?” “Someone working for Chef Clef kidnapped my  friend, the Killer Bunny! He said something   about making her into rabbit stew, and  I’m so worried! I’m not much of a fighter,  

So I’d really appreciate if  you could lend a tentacle!” “Heck, I’ll lend all eight! Show me where to go!” From day 36 to day 39, I followed the Poison   Anemone’s directions and listened for  the sound of a Killer Bunny in danger. I ended up outside of a small  base further along the dunes,  

And stopped when I heard a  terrified voice coming from inside. “Help! Somebody help!” I turned invisible, and snuck inside. There, I saw  a Strider, keeping the Killer Bunny locked up in a   cage! So I snuck up behind the Strider, and turned  visible just in time to strike him with my sword!

“Ouch! Where’d you come from? Never mind,   an octopus AND a rabbit will surely get  me an invitation to the great feast!” “All this for a party you’re not even  invited to? That’s pretty sad, buddy.” “Shut up! You’re the sad one!” From day 40 to day 43, I continued  my fight with the Strider.

He lunged at me, but I  countered with another attack,   and before long he was knocked down for good. “Killer Bunny! I’m here to help! I grabbed a key off the  ground and unlocked the cage. “Thank you so much! I thought I was going  to wind up as somebody’s soup for sure!”

“Not on my watch! I’m on that ingredient  list too. We’ve gotta stick together,   so we don’t end up on a plate!  Your friend sent me, come on!” I led the Killer Bunny back to the Poison  Anemone. He couldn’t have been happier. “Here, I want you to take this Potion of Healing,  

As a thank you. I spend so much time being  poisonous, it’s given me a real talent for   making healing potions! You wouldn’t  believe how much they come in handy.” “Thank you! You both stay safe! Watch  out for Chef Clef and his goons!” 

From day 44 to day 49, I finally managed to  gather some gold after my side quest was complete. So, I headed back to my base to give Patrick the   Armored Piglin everything he  needed to finish the statue! “Patrick! I’ve got your gold!” “Thank you so much Zozo! I’ll get right to work!”

“Hmm, while Patrick’s working on  the statue, maybe I should start   a project too! I know! I’ll build a  perimeter wall to keep the base safe,   in case Victor Clef the Vindicator Chef  tries to break in and cook me up again!” I built a huge wall around  the perimeter of the base,  

And when I was finished took a  step back and admired my work. “Awesome! I definitely feel a lot safer  now. I wonder how it’s going with Patrick!” I headed back over to check out the statue,  and the gold really added a lot to it! “This looks great, Patrick! Nice job!”

“Can you tell what it is, yet?” “Not yet! But there’s   definitely something familiar about it…I  can’t wait to see how it looks when it’s done!” “I’m almost there!” From day 50 to day 53,   I was starting to feel nervous.

“We’re halfway to the Great Feast, and  I’m scared that Chef Clef is going to try   something sneaky! I’m sure he and his  goons are starting to get desperate!” Just then, Patrick the Armored Piglin  ran to my room to confirm my fears.

“Zozo! There are a bunch of Royal Guards  breaking through the perimeter wall!” “Oh no! Is Chef Clef with them?” “No, but he’s nearby! I can hear  him yelling orders to all of them!” “So he won’t even face me  himself! That cowardly so and so!”

I charged out of my room , and sure enough,  there were the Royal Guards storming my home! “Grab the piglin, then get the octopus!” “No!!! Get away from him!” I tried to stop the Royal Guards, but a whole  bunch of them attacked me to keep me busy

While one grabbed Patrick and dragged him away! “I’ll come save you as soon as I can! I promise!” The Royal Guards closed in around me, but  I fought back, taking them out one by one. When I finally finished, I grew into a bigger  

Octopus! My hearts increased to 50!  And I realized I had a new ability! “Woah! I can Shift Shape now! You watch  yourself, Chef! I’m going to get my friend back!”  From day 54 to day 57, I went into my  room and thought about what just happened…

“What should I do? I need to figure out a  way to get Patrick back…if only I knew   someone who dealt with a kidnapped friend  before. Wait a minute! I do know someone!   That Poison Anemone! I don’t have any time  to waste, I need to go to the Dunes now!”

I ran to the Dunes as fast as  my tentacles could carry me,   and stopped at the Poison Anemone’s home. “Hello? It’s Zozo! I need your help!” “Oh Zozo! Welcome! Anything for the  octopus that helped me get Bunny back!”

“Chef Clef kidnapped my friend! I think he wants  to turn him into bacon! I have to get him back!” “Yikes! That’s terrible! Well, he probably  took your friend back to his base. So you’ll   definitely need to bring your strongest  weapons if you’re going to make it in  

And out of there without getting grilled-  literally. Do you have any diamond weapons?” “Not yet.” “Then my advice is to get mining- and  fast! Then check the flowering grove,   I’ve heard that Chef Clef holds  his prisoners in a base there!”  From day 58 to day 62, I  rushed back into the mines.

“Okay, diamonds! Time to get mined!” So anyway, I started mining, and I kept  digging until I saw something sparkly. “Yes! Diamonds!” I dug up all the diamonds, and was getting  ready to carry them back to my base when a Spider suddenly crawled  out of the shadows and bit me!

“Hey! Back off, creepy crawly!  I thought us eight-legged freaks   would stick together but I guess not!” The Spider didn’t answer, he bit me again! “Oh come on! I guess I have to squash this bug!” I attacked the spider with my sword,  and managed to defeat it pretty quickly.

“I can’t let a spider slow me down while I’m  trying to get ready for a rescue mission!” I took the diamonds back to my base and used them  to craft a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword. “Look at this! I’m so ready  to fight Chef Clef now!” 

From day 63 to day 66, I was trying out  my new diamond sword and practicing my   fighting. I was running all over the  base, really getting carried away,   and before I knew it I ended up looking at  the statue that Patrick had been working on.

“Oh…I almost forgot. I made this sword  for a reason. I can’t forget my mission:   I have to get to Chef Clef’s  base and get Patrick back! He’s   not going to end up on a banquet  table! I won’t let that happen!” I took one more look at that beautiful statue.

“I still can’t tell what it is, but I’ll make  sure Patrick gets the chance to finish it. Also,   before I forget, make sure to subscribe to  the channel for more amazing adventures in   Minecraft! Time for me to go save my friend!” From day 67 to day 70, I traveled to the Flowering  

Grove to try and fight for my friend back. It  didn’t take me long to spot Chef Chef’s base,   it was huge and evil-looking, and I knew  right away that it belonged to a bad guy.   I couldn’t run right inside, there were  Royal Guards stationed all over the place.

“I guess I’ll have to fight my way in!” “Oh look! It’s that slippery octopus  that keeps eluding our grasp! Quick!   Capture him so the Chef can prepare him!  The Feast is only 30 days away!!! Maybe   he can serve roasted pig and octopus! Ha ha ha!”

“No!!! No one’s going to eat me! Or any of my  friends! I don’t care what kind of huge feast   you have planned, Chef Clef is just going  to have to deal with the disappointment!” “No one disappoints the Vindicator  Chef! Perish for your foolish words!”

With that, the Royal Guards charged  at me! Using my diamond sword,   I fought them all until there  were no more guards left! “Wait a minute…I can shapeshift now! I’ll turn  into a guard, and no one will know it’s me!” I shapeshifted into a Royal  Guard, and headed inside.

“I just have to keep walking and look confident,  and they’ll never know the difference.”  From day 71 to day 74, I was strolling  through the Vindicator Chef’s base as   casually as I could. I even whistled to  myself a little bit, just to look like I  

Was extra casual. But a little while into my  exploration, a Squall Golem confronted me. “You! Guard! What are you doing in this area?  You’re supposed to be patrolling outside   and keeping an eye out for that octopus!” “Oh! Um. I’m on…a special mission!  From the boss! Yeah, that’s it!”

“I didn’t hear anything about a special mission!  That sounds pretty suspicious to me. Say,   what’s the Royal Guard secret handshake? If you’re  really a guard, surely you’ll know the handshake!” “Um…it’s a big thumb’s up?” “Intruder! Intruder!” The Squall Golem attacked me, and  I shifted back into my true shape.

“I knew it! You’re that octopus!!!” “I may not be a real guard,  but I still can fight!!!” The Squall Golem lunged at me, and  I countered with my diamond sword. I   was so much stronger than before! He was big,  and tough, but I still managed to defeat him.

“That was a close one! I hope nobody heard him!” As I was getting ready to leave  the room, I spotted a chest. “Ooh, what’s in here?” I opened it up, and found a  full set of diamond armor! “Hey! This matches my sword! And it’ll  protect me! Functional and fashionable!” “Help! Help! Someone, help!”

“Wait, that’s Patrick! He must be in here!!!” I turned invisible, and followed  the sound of Patrick’s voice.  From day 75 to day 78, I snuck  into the next area of the base,   using my invisibility to stay out of sight. I  found myself in the Chef’s kitchen! And there,  

In a cage in the corner, was  Patrick the Armored Piglin! “Oh no! It looks like he’s  getting ready to cook Patrick!!!” “Let’s see, how should I prepare you? Barbecue  pork, bacon, sausage? Why stop at just one   way? You’ve got a lot of meat on  your bones, I can make all three!”

“Please! Don’t eat me!” “I’m afraid it can’t be helped, I have a lot  of people to feed at my feast, and I have a   reputation of culinary excellence to uphold!  Some sacrifices must be made! You don’t get to  

Be a world-famous celebrity chef without them.  You know the expression, if you want to make an   omelet, you have to break a few eggs! In  this scenario, you’re one of the eggs.” At that moment, I turned visible  again, and drew my sword. “He’s not an egg! He’s my friend!”

“Oh! Zozo! How nice of you to deliver  yourself straight to my kitchen. Good news,   I’ve decided to upgrade you from  appetizer to main course! Hahaha!” While he was gloating, I attacked, knocking the  Chef back! While he was recovering from the hit,   I quickly unlocked the cage and set Patrick free.

“Run Patrick! Run home! I’ll meet you there!” “Thank you, Zozo! Be careful!!” Patrick ran out of the room, and I turned back   to the Vindicator Chef to continue our  fight. But when I looked, he was gone! “Hey! Where’d you go? We weren’t done fighting!” I could hear his voice coming from another room.

“Oh we’ll fight again, Zozo. And next time,  it’ll end with you on a serving platter!”  From day 79 to day 84, I ran out of the Vindicator  Chef’s base and started my journey home. Meanwhile, in his back room, Victor Clef  the Vindicator Chef was whipping up a  

New culinary creation. It wasn’t  a dish this time, but a potion! “This may not be my most delicious  recipe, but it will bring me a truly   tasty victory. Potion of  strength, let’s see how you do…” He drank the potion, and became larger! He  flexed his new muscles and cackled evilly.

“Hahaha! I’d like to see you try and defeat me  now, Zozo. With this new power, there isn’t an   ingredient in the land who can escape me!  I’ll cook anything, and anyone, I please!”  From day 85 to day 89, I arrived back at my base.  When I got there, Patrick was waiting for me.

“You did it, Zozo! You saved me! You’re  amazing. Thanks for saving my bacon back there.” “Of course! You’re my friend. But the fight  isn’t over, Victor Clef the Vindicator Chef   got away from me before I could try to finish the  battle. I don’t know what he’s planning next!”

“Me neither, but I do have something that I  think can help you! On my way out of the base,   I found this book, it contains a Fire Aspect  Enchantment! You can enchant your sword and   use it to set fire to a target. Let’s see how  the Chef likes being cooked for a change!”

“Awesome! I’ll try it out!” “While you do, I’m going to  finally finish that statue!” I used the Fire Aspect Enchantment to  enchant my sword, and it worked great! By the time I was done, Patrick was finished with  the statue, so I decided to take a look at it. “Wow! It’s amazing!”

“Can you tell what it is now?” “Yes! It’s an octopus!!! Thank  you, Patrick. I love it!” “I hope that the confidence  from this octopus statue,   and the power of your new enchanted  sword, give you the strength to defeat  

The Vindicator Chef! The feast is getting  closer and closer, and we have to be ready!” “But what else can I do to get ready?” “I’ve heard there’s a Potion of  Power hidden out in the dunes,   the area is protected by Royal Guards, but  I know you can beat them and get inside!” 

From day 90 to day 94, I followed Patrick’s  instructions and traveled to the Dunes. Once I was there, all I had to do was  look for the cluster of Royal Guards,   and then I knew I was in the right place. “Infernal octopus! You won’t  get away from us this time!”

“Well I’ve gotten away every other time,  so I think my odds are pretty good!” They didn’t like that very much,  and they charged at me to attack,   but I set them ablaze with my newly enchanted  sword, and burnt them all to a crisp. “I hope the Chef likes his guards well done!”

There was no one around to hear my hilarious joke,   but I laughed at it anyway. Next, I headed  into the building, and looked for that potion. “A chest! I bet it’s in here!” I broke the chest open, and I was right!  There was a Potion of Power inside.

“Should I drink it right now? No,  I’d better wait until I really   need it. This will be my secret ingredient!” From day 95 to day 97, I traveled back to my base. “The feast is only a few days away! I’m  running out of time to prepare! Let’s see,  

I’ve got the enchantment on my  sword, I’ve got a potion of power,   what else can I do to make sure I’m ready…” Just then, I heard someone  at the entrance to my base. “Uh oh! I wonder who that is?”

When I went to check, I was happy to  see that it was the Poison Anemone!” “Zozo! I heard you’re getting ready to take down  Victor Clef the Vindicator Chef! I want to help!” “Really? But you’re safe from him, he doesn’t   want to cook with a poison anemone,  you’d make his dinner guests sick!”

“That may be true, but he’s targeted my  friends. Once you go after people I care about,   that gets me pretty steamed! No pun intended. So  I brought you this. I never had much use for it,   but I bet a warrior like you  can get a lot out of it.”

I wasn’t sure what to expect, but my jaw dropped  when he produced a full set of Netherite Armor. “Woah!!! This stuff is really rare!” “Is it? I don’t know much about fighting,  I’m an anemone without many enemies,  

You see. But I’m glad! If it can help protect  the creatures on the Chef’s ingredient list,   then I know I’ve done my part.  Bunny would be hopping mad at   me if I didn’t contribute something,  and I’d be pretty mad at myself too”

“Well you’ve helped a ton. Thank you! For  a Poison Anemone, you’re really nice!” “Well even though I’m poisonous, I  try not to be toxic. Good luck, Zozo!”  On day 98, I spent the day getting all of  my gear together. I had my Netherite armor,  

My sword, my Potion of Power, and all of the  strength and encouragement I got from my friends. “I feel like I finally have everything I  need! The only thing left to do now is get   back to the Vindicator Chef’s lair and put a  stop to this! Only two days until the feast,  

And the only thing I want  to be served is justice!” As I was about to leave, I couldn’t help  but feel like I was forgetting something. “Oh! I know! Don’t forget to search for more  Zozo videos, and leave a comment about who  

You want to see me play as next!” On day 99, I made my journey to   the Flowering Grove, back to the lair  of Victor Clef the Vindicator Chef. “No guard outside, guess I finally  defeated all of them. But I don’t  

Know what’s waiting for me inside…I  think now is the moment for my secret   ingredient. Let’s see how much  Power this Potion really has!” I grabbed the Potion of Power  and drank every last drop. “Woah! I definitely feel it!” Immediately, I started to transform into an even  bigger, stronger, tougher octopus than before!

“I’m huge! And my hearts have increased,  I have 100 now! Okay, it’s time to go in.” Feeling powerful, I let my  tentacles carry me inside the base. “No shapeshifting or invisibility this time,   I want the Chef to see me coming  and know what he’s up against!” I found him in the kitchen.

“Woah! He looks a lot bigger than last  time! Good thing I’m much bigger too!” “Well look at you! I guess  I’ll be serving very generous   portions of octopus at the feast tomorrow!” “No one’s going to be eating anything! Except  for you, and this humble pie I’m about to serve!”

“I’m not familiar with that particular cuisine.” “It’s an expression! It means  I’m gonna kick your butt!” The Vindicator Chef lunged  at me, knocking me back,   but my new armor protected  me from taking any damage. “Now it’s my turn!” I drew my sword, and used the fire enchantment,  setting the Vindicator Chef on fire.

“Ow ow ow! You cut that out!” “It’s not fun being cooked, is it!” “You can’t do this to me!  I’m famous! I’m a celebrity!” “I don’t care how famous you are, you can’t  keep hurting people, especially not my friends!”

He tried to attack me again, but he was  too weak now, and in just one more hit,   I finally managed to defeat him. On day 100, I traveled back home. “I can’t believe I did it! Everyone is safe now!”

When I arrived home, I saw that Patrick  was throwing a big party for me! First, I spoke to Patrick. “Congratulations, Zozo! I knew you could do it!” And then, the Poison Anemone. “You saved the day! You saved everyone!  What are you going to do now?”

“Honestly? All that fighting worked up a pretty  big appetite. I kind of feel like having a feast!”

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a LAND OCTOPUS in Hardcore Minecraft! Chef Clef wants to serve me at his fancy dinner party, but I’ve got other plans- he’s going down!

#minecraft #100days #landoctopus

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  1. 2022, zozo: 😎, 2023, zozo: 😼, 2024, zozo: 🕺, 2025, zozo: 🥋, 2026, zozo: 🥊, 2027, zozo: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦❤🎉

    1988, zozo: ❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😃😃😃😃👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🕺🕺🕺🕺😼😼😼😼😼😎😎😎😎😉

  2. Me gusta cómo hacen sus videos así porque son bonitos y cómo hace crecer me gusta cómo se resolvieron así me gusta cómo lo haces porque tarda tanto y quiero que tarde tanto porque me quiero que quiero que venga más que tarde más más que tarde más rápido más que tarde más así como que estoy mirando esos videos pero más más lento pero un poco más rápido poquito apio chao chao chao chao😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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