The Story of Minecraft’s Villager WAR..

All right guys everyone calm down no one make any sudden moves that tickled damn what is this guy made out of fine take your emeralds you’re gonna regret this pleasure doing business with you yeah and that’s what happened and he gave me my money back well it’s not all

Of it but it’s pretty good wait he just let you leave yeah why i don’t know that doesn’t sound like him what if he’s planning something no i think he learned his lesson he’s not gonna mess with me ever again listen up everyone we’re going to war report to the courtyard immediately

What are you all doing didn’t you hear grox you said to go to the courtyard report there at once let’s go i’m glad you all made it here with such short notice as you all know recently the castle was broken into and i was robbed

We’re not just gonna let him rob me like that so i have a plan turn your attention to the screen ah this is the guy we’re after hey yo yo switch it this is the guy who robbed me he had two accomplices this wandering traitor and

This giant zombie but our main target is him listen up ah we’re going to his village and we’re going to kill him so go get your stuff um excuse me who said that it was me sir basically laura grox he stole 64 blocks of emeralds at our current rates we make

About 10 000 blocks of emeralds a day so i really don’t think it’s mathematically effective for us to be chasing this guy you know i really don’t all right does anyone else have something they want to say about the plan no okay then get your stuff we’re going to his village

All right this is the village lord grox um we weren’t expecting a visit from you today consider it a surprise visit i’m looking for someone who lives in this village he took away some money from me i think you know who i mean yes i do okay bet

Go get him and bring him here while he’s gone who wants to play simon says yeah so basically oh hey how can i help you grox is here at the village looking for you guys wait what you’ve got to run i’ll tell him you weren’t home thank you

I owe you big time for this all right everyone jump hey i didn’t say simon says yeah i’m killing you when we get back lord rox i’m afraid they weren’t home what let me see looks like he’s telling the truth they aren’t here but something seems fishy to me all

Right so it looks like you weren’t lying they really aren’t here but i have a feeling you told them we were coming what i would never do that alright villagers listen up take out your tnt okay so here’s the deal first we are blowing up this guy’s house because he stole my money

Then we were blowing up the whole village because this guy lied to me wait what okay yeah this looks nice that’s what i’m talking about good work [Applause] all right since you lost simon says you need to go light the tnt don’t worry you’re gonna be fine just

Light it and run back to us oh dang he’s dead for sure well that’s probably good enough let’s go back to the castle all right it’s been a few hours grox has to have left by now yeah let’s go back what the heck i’m so sorry i can’t

Believe he did this to your village he’s gonna pay how he’s got an army we can’t stop him i have a plan meet me back here in 30 minutes with a sleeping potion can you do that okay all right did you get the potion yeah i got the po

What are you wearing oh this thing this is my disguise do you like it but anyway did you get the potion yeah i did one sleeping potion all right come on i’ll explain the plan on the way dude what are we doing here they’re all staring at us what they’re not staring

At us just don’t worry about it stick to the plan and we’re gonna be fine hey we need to uh speak to your leader that’s not happening the boss didn’t say anything about having any visitors today oh he’s probably trying to keep it a surprise you’ve all been working so hard

He ordered us to deliver a cake hear that guys we’re getting cake thank you how did you get in here quick throw the potion all right why did you just throw a potion of jump boost at me what that was supposed to be a sleeping potion oh

Crap i grabbed the wrong one all right quick plan b use the shovel the shovel all right he’s knocked out open the chest all right all right help me pick him up dang he’s kind of fat all right is he in shut it all right let’s go

Wait a second yeah what’s up what kind of cake oh uh chocolate let’s go i love chocolate okay yeah enjoy man have a good day wow that was a close one okay why did we just kidnap this guy now we just have another enemy now we’re gonna go make a delivery Hmm what is that thing huh i don’t know but we should tell grox oh what the heck i guess throw him in the dungeon let’s go okay looks like the plan’s working i don’t get it why did we kidnap the pilger leader just to give him the gracks

Because now we’re gonna go back to the pillagers and let them know who took their leader um excuse me everyone i have something to say uh hello guys i have to tell you something right now now is not the time can’t you see our leader is missing yeah

But i know who took your leader hold up wait you know where he is tell us all right so this evil player grox kidnapped him i watched him do it but i have a plan to stop him but i need your help what do you say we’re in

Alright so my strategy to beat grox involves you guys being good at building so i have to test out what you’re capable of for your first challenge i want you guys to build me a giant subscribe sign okay you guys did pretty good on this you might have what it

Takes this will definitely get me some subscribers too wait guys no we’re trying to kill gracks not subscribe all right that was a massive failure let’s try again i want you guys to build this a castle as cool as graxes okay now this is what i’m talking about

You guys built this yo what’s up let me get the house tour yo we’ve got hot tubs in here okay let’s go yo no way you guys built me these cars for real these are insane and we have a private movie theater this place is lit

Alright that one was amazing i think you guys might have what it takes to build our ultimate weapon if we build this right we can defeat grox easily surprised to see me grox i came here to get my revenge it was a bold move for you to show up at

My castle but i don’t think those crossbows are going to work against my guns oh trust me we planned for that all right boys bring it out What is that thing you may have seen something like this before but never one this powerful this machine is strong enough to destroy your entire castle if i give him the order to pull this lever your entire castle is gone for good hey chill all my stuff is

In there i suggest you guys put down your weapons dang all right guys put down your guns where am i wait a second that’s the guy who kidnapped me guys i think he’s talking about grocks no i’m talking about the villager standing in front of you guys i don’t

Know what’s going on but all pillagers return to the base immediately uh yeah gross you knew i was just playing around right make yourself at home you’ll be staying in this prison for a long time

The Part 3 of story of Minecraft Villagers Uprising aka me taking down @GroxMC Really grateful for grox’s help on this one! Massive inspiration from Grox’s I made 10,000 Villagers worship me!
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