Minecraft, But You Can Craft Structures…

Oh i can’t find anything all i’ve got is eight sandstone and one gold if only there was a craft for this i mean maybe it’ll be wait what this is impossible this can’t do anything yes see it does nothing why is it just this is minecraft but you can craft structures

This is gonna be extremely weird in this video i have made it so that you can craft any structure in minecraft this could be anything from a village to the end stronghold the question is whether i can beat the game whilst building a whole new world can i do it

Stay tuned to find out and apparently only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you do enjoy this video then please be sure to subscribe it is completely free and you can always change your mind later also let’s go for three likes on this video

It’s a lot but i think we can do it all right enjoy the video and we are in straight away we’ve already got trees i’m not really sure how this is gonna play out because i don’t need to find anything i can make it all so first

Things first we’re gonna do is craft a village i’ll put the craft up on screen so you guys can see it but it is weird how this works and we’ve got a little stone cave right here perfect grab our stone and the super slow stone tools right so

First things first all i need to do is make stairs and a chest and grab some more of this oak wood oh this is going to be so strange there’s the chest the stairs even more stairs and here we go this is it boom boom oh oak village spawn egg

Oh my okay i’m going to go up to the surface here because i don’t want to do it inside a cave and have it go wrong so i should just go away i’ll do it on this flat surface boom what happens oh oh my oh that’s so cool we have

Everything right here okay first things first let’s kill this guy come here oh yes and that’s five iron let’s go and then we got the blacksmith chest right here oh are you kidding me we just got full iron armor with nine obsidian oh my goodness

We’re gonna be able to do this so quick and of course free food perfect now the next thing i’m gonna do is search for some iron because i need one more bucket we’ve got a lava bucket and then we just need one water bucket as well because if

I put the craft up on screen now for the ruined portal then we can make a portal straight away oh yes cave i literally need one iron please oh no bye yes oh oh yes we need ender pearls actually with ender poles we can craft two things no no

Please don’t hurt me we can craft the stronghold and we can craft an end city but to craft an end city we need to get to the end so oh my this is gonna be nuts just gotta grab a tiny bit of iron and we should be good to go

Oh and as we’ve got so much obsidian we might just be able to go straight through to the nether if we make a good ruined portal we’ve just got to hope we get a good one and then boom water bucket got it make that chest

And then straight away we can make oh my goodness a room portal spawn block okay oh this could be a really easy way to get loads of golden iron all right give me this portal let’s do this right wait actually i was going to say

Right here but let’s go up i want to see what happens if i place it in the sky does it spawn in the sky boom what have oh oh that is so cool okay we’ve already got gold thank you there should be a chest here yes a chest

And so much iron fortune three oh wow and we have ten obsidian now this is getting ridiculous i can literally go straight through to the nether now i’m gonna do it boom and we’ve got our portal okay oh this is absolutely insane oh oh there’s a fortress there oh i

Don’t need to craft one i think i’m gonna craft one anyway but that’ll be so funny this is how you craft another fortress very easily and you’ve got it but now there are two things i need whilst i’m here that is this nether brick so that we can craft another one of these

Fortresses and some black stone which i don’t really know how to find but let’s look at the sentiment come here buddy come on i need lots and lots of you guys yes here we go yes okay let’s just grab a ton of this thank you

We only need six okay we’ve got it hello blazey goodbye blazy hello again goodbye again yes please rod come on ouch boom oh nothing oh we could get so stacked from these yep diamonds already this is the best idea ever another diamond yes okay we can make a

Diamond sword but i might save it to be honest and get something better later surely we’re gonna get more diamonds no not here come on come on come on give me a blaze rod no yes we got it on diamond oh i love it when a plane comes together and iron as

Well okay do you know what i’m done with this place i gotta find blackstone as quickly as possible because the next thing i want to craft is a bastion i just want free gold and piglens sebastian’s really simple all you have to do is put them together like that and

There’s your bastion i’ll quickly kill this guy no no blazer dang it i think my best bet to find blackstone is just to dig into the walls and hope that i find some sort of vein of it i don’t know how else i do it right i’m going to make a diamond

Pickaxe and a diamond sword just because i can i see an enderman up here though you know what let’s kill this guy and then we’ll just dig into the wall and hope for the best give me an ender pearl first please complete yes oh my goodness if we get one more

Then we have enough ender poles for the stronghold craft which i’ll put up on screen again and the most important craft is obviously the stronghold which is done like this oh this is a weird one that one requires a lot of diamonds though so i might take me a while to get there

Please strip mine just work oh no no no i don’t want to say it hey guys what’s going on my name is west welcome back to strip mining with the west episode 344 9116 no oh we found something else is that really another fortress what is my luck

Find two fortresses before i find one piece of black stone what this game officially makes zero sense but it’s fine when in doubt we just have to dig and hope for the best oh blackstone why is it so far away this is not good no easy does it don’t die don’t die okay

We’re good oh no no no i don’t want to die right now do not knock me into lava please no i’m fine i’m fine goodbye blaze i hate you oh i just want to walk through you and get all of the black stone okay i’m leaving i’m leaving

I’m leaving oh this is so good oh yeah okay that was yeah terrible idea wait a second i have over nine got oh my i can make three bastions if i’m good about this we’ve got 45 blackstone here we go just like that we make a treasure

Bastion spawn block it’s not even a bad bastion it’s a good one now my worry is about placing it in the nether i don’t know where it’s gonna spawn or if it’s gonna spawn in properly so i’m just gonna try it place it down oh what no okay

It’s building up it’s all good we’re fine yes we’re killing the ghost that’s terrifying oh i’m so sorry okay that was terrifying but i’m fine i’m fine yo my whoo that could have been so bad right here there’s gold already slightly worried about piglet brutes i

Think we’re okay yeah we’re okay for the moment grab this and this there are absolutely no piglets oh this is so good we’re just getting free reigns of a treasure bastion with no risk oh yes i don’t care about any of the little blocks that are around i just want this

Place because down at the bottom there i can see that gold easy does it i’m fine just need to break these magma slime spawners oh my goodness that’s scared the daylights at me please don’t kill me please oh my get out of here i don’t like you

I’m officially out of food i have a nun and a dream okay just kill all of these guys and we’ve done it i’m safe i can’t die now so many gold blocks okay if i do this again i’m going to do it in the overworld i’ve got to be so

Careful now but it means i can’t trade i’ve got to go find piglets but oh my is that already five diamonds half diamond okay i mean it’s curse of binding but i don’t care thank you we’re half diamond already there’s netherright as well oh my so much iron and so much gold

I have almost half a stack of gold blocks and now i’m gonna go trade because i can’t spend any longer in here but this is not a good place to be i don’t like this oh no no okay i can’t really afford to take damage i have no food okay

Back down the way we came we’re gonna have to eat rotten flesh just to heal otherwise i’m gonna die ouch i’m fine i’m fine i have cobblestone no oh i should have kept some cobblestone and wood because i could craft another village and get food i don’t really know

What i do now i need food oh i’m okay i’m okay i’m okay i’m okay i’m okay oh no no not too hot someone’s too hot it’s okay it’s okay i’m fine i’m safe holy smokes it’s okay all right i know what i have to do i’ve just got to craft another

Bastion and just hope i get some good stuff from it please oh it’s spawning here oh no it’s merged with the same thing okay it’s fine oh i can make food but that is my last hay bale i now have nothing nothing to clutch within the nether i am quite literally

Alone oh man it’s all good free gold and then of course this big boy here oh no there’s a ghost inside this thing and it’s all merged oh no this is bad oh okay that hurt there are blazes inside the bastion no no no no right it’s fine just underneath here and

We’re good yes oh my goodness okay it’s right here we’re fine where’s the chest it’s literally inside please tell me the chest and say yes it is come on oh protection three more diamonds oh my god one more diamond and we can make the stronghold if i get enough ender pearls holy

Moly this is absolutely insane full enchanted diamond and i think i’ve got almost a stack of gold blocks this is not but no food which was the one thing i was hoping for ouch no okay this is really bad i don’t know why i would come into this

Place with no food i’m such a dummy you know what it’s fine we can just head around really easily because i’ve already been here i just gotta head through this fortress bastion whatever this is oh yes and i gotta head over to that crimson biome okay this is so dangerous

I don’t care i just need to stay alive oh no i’m running i’m running i’ve got my flint and steel in hand i need to kill some hoglands okay this is it low and steady wins the race okay where are the hoglands come here i’m out of sprint are you kidding me oh

Hawklin yes come here buddy walk through the fire good oh no i don’t need gold armor on i’m gonna have to kill this piglet i don’t care ah no no no i gotta run i gotta run okay come on guys get on fire again no no no no no this is bad

Yes good what yes come on please food food yes oh okay we’ve done it holy smokes i’m fine yeah i can kill this guy easy here we go yes more food and goodbye no longer are you menacing me oh i just need piglets i accidentally just made 18 crafting tables what am i

Doing but i need a gold helmet so we got it oh hello buddy oh there’s a baby and there’s another one here yes okay guys come here come on there we go there we are get distracted no we got him we got him okay it’s all good the ghost almost

Ruined it for us but we’re fine i just have wait how much gold do i even have there’s one stack there’s two stacks there’s three stacks and i still that’s only half my gold are you kidding me this is insane i just need to learn more piglets over here all right

Guys give me under poles please oh guys please tell me you got something good for me obsidian is good i’ll take that thank you you know what we’ve already got seven obsidian let’s start building our portal out of here and boom oh hello we have four ender

Poles we can actually almost craft this stronghold i just need more diamonds yes this is going to be good oh that was another piece of obsidian we’re almost there wait was that more under poles yeah it was okay cool i can also make a bowl ready perfect

Oh another piece oh hello where did you come from what um okay you just walk straight into the hole and the render pose there thank you yeah although oh my goodness there’s three stacks of gold right there and wait the final piece of obsidian we’ve done it i’ve got ten ender poles

I just needed a diamond one diamond is it we’re gonna let these guys trade a tiny bit more because extra poles are still good right at this point let’s just randomly stick pieces of obsidian on i don’t need it oh do you know what i’m

Being stupid if i grab a tiny bit of wood stick these together make that smithing table i can make another right three protection helmet wait what did i just uh that didn’t make sense but i can also make another right sword oh yes i’m blocking this off because i don’t

Want this ghost killing my piglens oh 14 under poles i’m leaving i’m leaving get me out of here goodbye guys smack me what you like i’m leaving yeah go for it suckers yes i’m out oh this is good what why level am i at i’m at why 25 okay i gotta

Find one diamond and it connects to another ravine anything come on please surely there’s one diamond oh this is it that has to be yes we grab all this and we can actually make the stronghold now with 11 poles to spare as well i’m out of here oh

We’ve done it wait did i just dig up into a shipwreck yep that’s exactly what i just did all right well that’s pretty weird okay oh and this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for here we are we’ve got to grab some cobble just three we stick it in there start

Smelting it up there’s our three stone boom make the diamond block we stick it at the top with two other diamonds the re-ender poles three stone stronghold spawn block yes yes yes we’ve got it we can spawn the stronghold but i don’t have enough police rods all because i wanted to make another

Fortress in the overworld so we’ve got to find a lava pool and then we’re done oh this is ravine with lava in it yes it is we’ve got this boom stick those two together diamond in the middle lava bucket lava bucket nether fortress spawn egg yep we’ve done

It this is it i’m so near the end game and boom oh there it is it’s spawning in yes this is so good i only need three blaze rods so we’re fine don’t care about anything else in this place just this hello come on please spawn for me blazey

Oh hello there’s one wait did we get a police rod i hope so yes another one i think yeah we need one more that is it come on please give it to me no we’re so close to doing this and i have absolutely no food

Oh we got it we got it i’m out i’m out ah okay i need food so bad come on piggy no piggy yes thank you oh i’m not gonna die anymore and we’ve done it okay you know what i’m gonna do i’m gonna spawn this stronghold

In the sky once i’ve grabbed some wood i don’t be an idiot we are gonna do it right here are you ready boom where is it oh oh it’s behind me holy smokes okay we’ve done it can i see the portal room oh i don’t care i’m going in hopefully we’ll

Find it quickly come on oh this is so weird there are no mobs because we’ve just spawned it in right if this is a dead end i’m just going out to the outside of it so i can see everything come on are we going anywhere oh this is

Huge ah at that end okay i called it that’s fine because now oh there we are that’s what i’m talking about i’m gonna build with my gold blocks come on i’m so rich oh yes we just wander over dig on in boom hello world break you

Oh this is so weird seeing the outside of the regular world from inside the stronghold okay whoa a four eye that means we only need eight eye vendors okay boom let’s do this slowly place them all in easy does it one more to go get rid of the lava and oh my goodness

Right i know i’m very stacked but i’m not being an idiot not today we’re going to make some wool with our string and we’re going to make a bed boom spawn point set let’s do this oh yes come on dragon oh what have i done no no oh i’m okay

Yes come on dragon break that first one got it second one got it third no gotta get the easy ones right now yes then we gotta grab the caged ones there’s only two gotcha oh you think you can heal buddy no no no i’m gonna stop that right now

Destroy that low one yes destroy that one got it oh my goodness i’m on a roll no no no don’t hurt me don’t hurt me give me my food we’re going up oh okay okay i’m fine i’m fine i’m fine we just got with our gold blocks because we’re bougie

Yes there we go we got it this one that one come on now that one we can reach it no i can’t miss yes we got it okay hello dragon you’re ready to die let’s do this i crafted you no no get away from me that was so close i crafted this dragon

With my bare hands i’m the best craftsman in the world oh she’s perching you know i’m gonna get a bed bomb i’m gonna do it come on let’s get two beds boom stick that there let’s pull on in oh no no bad pull bad pull whoa

Oh oh my goodness i almost just killed myself oh okay we’re good so much damage done to the dragon ah okay we’re fine come on dragon yes you and me this is the end i’ll hit you in the head yes so many shots i’m going to get a low and

Then i’m going to finish up with the bed come on yes yes that’s it oh no no okay i’m fine you know what we’re going to smack her in the face come on yes yes yes Oh my goodness i crafted the oh structure xp falls down oh wait my levels that is that’s exactly the same as last time um wait a second i’ll grab this egg give me my egg now before we actually go through i have something very important

To do and i need this for it 13 and stone okay that’s all we need come here one yes there two yes i’ve been waiting to do this we make our chest we stick end stone above and below and end city spawn block are you ready for this boom oh

Where is it oh it’s behind me off we go that’s what i want right there come on this is it yes i can’t put it on because of the curse of binding that can be fixed perfect oh yes on it goes and now we fly yes um okay

Minecraft, But You Can Craft Structures… (Challenge)

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This is a Minecraft (1.16) challenge in which I am trying to speedrun Minecraft and beat the enderdragon, however, you can CRAFT STRUCTURES! This is not a Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter, but a ‘Minecraft but’ challenge… This was stupidly overpowered.

#MinecraftBut​​​​ #MinecraftChallenge​​​ #Minecraft


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