Minecraft, But You Get Smaller…

This is minecraft but you get smaller today we’ll be shrinking from this to literally this wait is that a creeper we voiced it so big from being a giant to being one block tall to so tiny that i’m at the atomic level my goal is to race the smallest size possible through

Various advancements but as i get to smaller sizes the world is going to be getting a lot harder so what happens if i get smaller than a single pixel and what’s waiting for me at the smallest size stay tuned to find out yo i’m so big okay so today we’re going to be

Getting smaller and it says at the very top drink the shrimp juice so do i just drink this okay oh we got smaller so now we’re half our size and as you can see from the screen guys we gotta now make a splash where as

A big nester what happens if i just jump into this i guess let’s jump did that do anything oh okay yep that’s a splash and just like that we got the next achievement and i’m gonna guess that’s how we’re gonna get smaller this video by getting the next shrink juice and do

We get smaller again here we go getting smaller and we just got a little bit more smaller nice and so for our next achievement we have watch your step and it’s like a cowl and a weird thing uh cal i’m so sorry for what’s about to

Happen but i think i just got a step on him oh gosh okay so do i just jump on this guy oh wait oh my gosh what the heck he’s so small so yet again let’s get smaller shrimp juice here we go oh and we got smaller oh my gosh okay we’re

Almost normal size guys and look at that cow what the heck can i kill it oh wait no i can barely hit it if you made this before the video comment down below flat calories let’s give that call a name he’s just he’s having a bad day i’m so

Sorry mr cow anyways for our next advancement we have on the screen right now where we gotta do sneaky sneaky uh it’s a fishing pole and a emerald why do i even do that all right village i’m gonna commit a crime and i’m a very big

Guy i’m literally almost the size of an entire building what that can i even fit in here oh wait um let’s see if i can get a fishing rod in an emerald somehow oh a fisherman villager so i gotta give one raw beef to get one good rod and

Low-key we could go kill the cow before we do that let’s get some tools oh there it is guys okay so uh mr flat cow how do i hit you it’s so hard to hit this guy oh i hit him get back here oh we got him

Okay rest in peace black cow anyways we got the raw beef let’s go back all right fisherman here you go buddy get one raw beef and then we get a good rod gone right from fuchsia city oh nice pokemon reference i’m not really sure what i do

With this thing but i’m supposed to get an emerald apparently actually what if i just fish this guy i think that’s what i’m supposed to do okay wait i hugged him so do i pull down oh yo that worked and just like that that’s gonna be our

Next advancement and it’s a nice good old pickpocket oh and we got an emerald uh can i buy something with this nope all right uh just ignore that i committed a crime right there but now that we got another strange potion let’s get smaller yet again right about now

And down we go oh my gosh wait we are a block tall things are about to get harder and so yet again we have another advancement on the screen right now where we gotta get on a frog i don’t think minecraft is out of those yet so

Where do i even find a frog let’s i guess go try to find a frog or let me figure that out okay so apparently i’m supposed to ask some fireflies how to find a frog which isn’t even added to minecraft yet and on my way around the

Village we found a bee tour guide like what the heck is a b tour guide hello do i like right click you oh wait he’s talking oh wow a flightless bee do you help me get the fireflies oh butterflies yeah i know where some are but it’ll

Cost you one emerald oh that makes sense okay take that emerald there you go buddy great follow me okay lance real quick follow this firefly and this is gonna take me forever wait how do i get above a block wait let’s go wherever it’s taking me and then we’ll figure it

Out i think it’s going down the mountain so i guess i’ll go down with it oh gosh don’t don’t go up it’s so hard to actually get up somewhere okay let’s go oh we found them okay so those are the fireflies and the bees just gone all

Right bye bye have a great day bye flies i just right click you oh hint frogs love fireflies and fireflies love honey oh so i gotta get some honey now we gotta enter a beehive pretty much oh is that a beehive over there wait never mind there’s literally beehive right

Behind me and i’m gonna guess i gotta build up to that thing because i am definitely not tall enough to get up there oh gosh it’s really hard to build when i’m small okay so how do i enter a beehive do i just like jump into it oh

That oh yo wait what the heck i’m inside the hive this is sick and that is a big b wait it says pollen 0 out of 20. oh my you’re so small you pour flightless b i still need you to bring me palm though wait i’m not a bee though oh okay

Collect pollen and take it to the queen right okay so we gotta get some pollen and i guess bees get pawn from flowers let’s go get some flowers i guess what is going on right now guys and we’re back and now we gotta get pollen and can

I just like right click a flower oh wait something came out oh we got pollen literally pollen okay so we gotta get 20 pollen collected from flowers and we got two rose thorn swords very prickly oh that’s a cool ability it’s like a little circle thing not sure if it defends me

But i guess that’ll be our new sword and now let’s go ahead and just grab all the poem we can get and just like that that’s gonna be tony paul in it let’s go back to the queen now and give the pollen all right i got

Your pollen that’s gonna be 20 and ah thank you what take my honey over my dead cigar oh my god wait why yo okay rose oh gosh oh my gosh the dorm rose just killed it so quick i literally almost died there and there goes the

Hive i feel kind of bad my goodness all right well just like that we get the queen’s honey and a stinker upgrade wait sword upgrade can i combine these two is that a thing oh it is oh that’s six so we’re now getting our original sword and

Making it better with a poison rose sword careful not to hurt yourself and i guess let’s go ahead and take this honey back to the fireflies okay for some reason the fireflies got stuck down here so i gotta go all the way down here all

Right got the honey take me to this frog please oh they’re going for it going fireflies wait what they do with the honey a firefly honey smell sweet good for water bait oh that might be how we get the frogs okay so let’s go up real

Quick and go to a water source and then maybe we can attract the frogs maybe there’s a swamp nearby too oh look what we have right here guys i finally found a swamp it’s a lot harder to get around when i’m small but i guess we could do

It right here by just placing the firefly honey here oh wait i’m gonna frog yo hang on tight it says wait rock stamina where does it take me but mr frog uh what are we doing oh my gosh i just wrote a frog why is it so big it’s the

Size of a tree um okay well have a great day frog let’s go ahead and grab the stuff we got and from that we get froggy boots somehow which uh just says ribbit so let’s put that on real quick and now we have a jump boost 10. oh that’s very

Nice and of course some good old shrimp juice so yet again let’s go ahead and get smaller oh gosh getting smaller and now i’m literally the size of a flower how am i gonna get around now oh well i guess i can jump high so i gotta find a

Bat now okay maybe the frog can help me oh ride the frog to be led to a bat oh that’s a lot easier than i thought okay real quick let’s get on the frog do i just like get on him like this oh there we go okay we’re going that way oh gosh

Oh gosh okay it’s literally automatically take me somewhere um all right give me one sec i guess we’ll wait okay that took away too long but it literally took us to in front of a desert temple inside of a village maybe we can get something in the temple i do

Need smart armor so let’s go ahead and try that okay so do i just like go in here okay no no no no no wait did i go on it oh no no no no no no no no no no oh wait that even hurt me wait i think i

Was supposed to do that oh that is a big bat wait why is it coming straight for me okay before anything let me grab this chest there’s absolutely nothing okay this is definitely a trap ahoy there little buddy you want a ride for me if you collect me something shiny i might

Just help you oh we gotta get some iron eggs then down i go okay oh my gosh okay this is literally a giant cave okay so we’re supposed to get some iron again so real quick let’s go ahead and get some iron and it’s literally double my size

Can i reach that i can’t reach that wait what the heck is this a piece of iron what do i do with a piece of iron can i graph with this oh wait so if we put two pieces of iron together we get our ingot so we can’t even mine entire iron ores

Okay give me one second let’s mount everything all right mr bat we got some iron 30 pieces of small iron so let’s real quick and make 15 ironing gets that’s gonna be 16 in total and i guess now all we gotta do is just right-click

This dude so here we go buddy all the way up to 16. oh there we go thanks buddy one last thing though we got this annoying silverfish problem can you help me solve it oh gosh something spawned in it oh okay wait where’s the silverfish oh there’s the silver

Wait is that how big it is normally okay twice rose and zord get him oh okay yet again three hearts and oh i poisoned the bad day night okay please don’t die thank you very much you really are a big help little buddy you earned that ride

Hop on oh am i writing another mob again okay anyways uh before we do that we got a silverfish leggings which has the ability for silverfish friends okay so the next achievement i forgot to mention is to take a ride on a bat so let me get

On you oh we’re on top okay oh it’s literally leading me again okay where’s this guy taking me oh wait i just went black whoa oh and he dropped us another street potion so i think we already shrunk because everything got bigger but challenge complete again it made us a

Little bit bigger this time i’m gonna guess because the world got bigger so i guess this is the right size now okay so for the next thing we gotta do is timber and that’s literally it and i’m gonna guess that’s the tree right there that

Is one big tree holy uh so do i just chop this down um i mean that’s gonna take a long time let me just mind that i guess the tree’s too strong or you’re too weak find another way wait ask the ant queen if she can help there’s even

An ant queen oh i’m gonna guess she’s over there oh there’s an ant what’s up buddy are you friendly nope nope nope he’s not friendly okay oh wait i just killed it wait gave me a claw it amp pincer new cross unlocked and sworded ant armor oh wait i just realized this

Is not a normal crime table it’s a small crafting table so these are boots and boots how does one make a sword do i just do this oh that’s a sword an id sword sharpness 2 sweeping edge 2 better than an uncle sword oh like aunt and

Uncle okay that’s a dumb joke okay so what does this do exactly um it doesn’t do anything special i don’t think but we do need some more ants for some more armor so and get over here oh gosh stay back okay how do i make the chest plate

Let’s try something real quick oh an ant chest plate oh and there’s the helmet okay i’m gonna go put on the boots just so we can get jump boots 10. and i guess let’s now try to go to the queen all right let’s be a little bit careful

Because we definitely don’t have enough food for this oh gosh oh oh no no no no that’s not good oh gosh oh gosh i am being terrorized by ants let’s not fall okay and we felt this bad this is about this bad i’m about to be dead oh my gosh

Okay we should be good okay let’s take off the froggy boots put on normal stuff and i didn’t realize at the top we actually gotta fight off the ant army okay let me look and i guess how are we gonna fight 30 of them oh my goodness

Okay uh let me get the sword ready and here we go oh gosh go on okay okay okay we’re actually doing pretty good there that’s 3 out of 30 right now oh there’s even more why okay come on okay that’s two more down okay last one and that’s

Gonna be 30. does anything happen do i just go up i think i’m just going to go up oh wait the message upside so now we gotta talk to the ant queen and is this thai queen oh no it’s literally random stuff a web shooter best way to get

Around oh and a buzz saw great for cutting down trees we might need that for later so i’m gonna keep that right there for now but where exactly is the ant queen oh she’s literally down there nice okay she’s got a crown and all that

Good stuff let’s go all the way down and uh miss ant queen well what exactly do you want you’re gonna fight me you’re such a strange looking bug and strong as well tree you could check our treasure room for something that may help may have stolen that already oh good though

Uh i guess it’s nice meeting you and queen and now that we’re done there let’s get to the tree and never get near ants again okay wait what smells like rain look out wait what survived 56 seconds oh yeah always have rain we watch the rain so intense okay nope nope

Nope we gotta dodge it let’s not get hit this is what happens when you’re inside are you serious right now okay okay the tree should help us at least holy this is so much damage 23 more seconds and then we should be good do i have any

Other food i guess i have apples i could do all right well that finishes up let’s go ahead and get the buzzsaw i should have probably used a web shooter to go around but we can use that later and apparently this is great for cutting down trees oh gosh okay why it’s still

Raining guys guys no oh wait the last raindrop dropped an item okay that might make up for it what is this from the raindrop we got a storm bow infinity power one powered by lightning oh no i don’t have an arrow oh wait never mind

We got arrow from it okay my bad okay so what does this do exactly oh shoots lightning yo okay so we have a lightning bow nice okay let’s not waste all our arrows even though it’s infinity and now with the buzzsaw i gotta actually cut

Down the tree so let’s go did i cut it oh wait it might be lagging well this is the tree before and this is the tree afterwards oh my wait literally phone inside that’s sick yo okay we cut down the tree and with that being done we got the next achievement

Which was black bunion chop a giant tree we did that oh wait oh that’s sick what the heck let’s get all the wood we can get we have way too much wood what the heck okay and now that that’s done we get some more shrink juice let’s get

Shorter getting smaller and wait what enter the creeper is this how i get smaller you’re so small everything seems to be moving super slow oh wait it stopped on me oh guys i am now pixel-sized so we gotta enter the creeper and how exactly do i do that is

There an entrance somewhere oh we gotta go inside the mouth so our next achievement is on the screen right now which is just shocking discovery i guess i’ll suck all the way up to the creeper all right up we go let’s not fall oh here we go okay probably not a good idea

To go inside the creeper’s mouth but is that its brain oh wait what oh what just happened i’m at one heart okay wait okay i fell in deeper and what the heck wait what’s in this chest what is the creeper right in his body um right i guess i’ll

Take it why not and wait explosive grain oh am i supposed to hit these oh what if i throw this into its water oh okay wait so this is its stomach so if we get the explosive grains and throw them down that should upset his stomach right all

Right let’s real quick grab everything we can another one right there these guys are very small i don’t know what explosive grains are but you know what it’s kind of like making soup so it’s all good all right last one let’s put that in oh gosh oh it just shot me all

The way up oh okay where are we going where are we going oh we got to spray wait what is that thing the creeper conscience what is this oh no no no no no no we gotta fall back we gotta fall back okay okay let me real quick make

Some cover eat the bread we’re running oh gosh it’s sneaking creepers no stay back stay back one bad explosion and this entire place goes cold lightning get him holy lightning is doing actually pretty good damage couple more shots and down goes the creeper and now we gotta

Find a way to charge the creeper oh wait i could use this again all right let’s aim at the brain and oh wait why this thing survive escape before it explodes okay let’s go escape through its mouth let’s get out of here and the web shooter will probably work again yes

Okay let’s get out of here oh my gosh finally can use this thing let’s land out of there and my goodness is this about to explode oh gosh oh gosh yep i am glad i am no longer there and now that we’re done with that let’s go to

Drink some shrimp juice and see what happens next yet again getting smaller and wait why did it just go black alone oh wait what the heck yo are we going through dimensions or something you’re the size of a german you’re flying between blocks look out wait where is it

Taking me now wait germ rolled wait what is this where germs are okay nope nope nope i’m going to get those bacteria let’s go up real quick and wait who are you hello you’re funny looking german are you a virus we’re trying to remove the viruses can you bring me some of

Their dna uh sure sure i’ll we’ll go ahead and do that right now oh gosh okay we’re fighting germs apparently in this video how do we get to this size oh wait we got them two dna strands interesting new crafts unlocked dna sword bow pickaxe and armor i don’t know how the

Dna crafts are so okay maybe we need some more stuff real quick though you have to have some food let me check your chest holy why does my man have so much good salmon okay don’t mind me i’m gonna take all your food real quick oh wait my

Crime table update so now i have a germ table so can i make a germ sword oh i can a dna sword shortness three sweeping edge two slice through organic matter like you made it okay wait so is this gonna be really good against these guys

Oh whoa i literally won’t hit it oh that’s good okay let’s go beat some germs up and then we should be good okay 34 dna that should be more than enough let’s see what we can make now oh whoa a dna chest plate organisms protecting from other organisms okay let’s go to

Make all that we can with the dna armor and put on the dna armor oh there we go i’ve unlocked the soul walker ability press j to use it okay so let’s try that real quick oh wait what the heck we’re literally walking on cells that’s sick

Yo okay nice all right now that that’s done um i think i have all the dna items except i need five more dna okay let’s go get some more and then get the penguin okay take a little bit longer than i expected but oh well why why are

You closing the door so quick my goodness do you not want to see me what the heck okay we got the 15 dna for you here you go take all your dna and uh do i get something oh wait we did first part of the cure this is great just one

Moment here it’s only one third of the cure but it should help so one thing i ended up forgetting to mention is that achievement is this right here we gotta discover the cure and we have one third of the cure also i’m being beat up by

These guys okay wait what the heck is that thing hello hey kid want a trade uh sure a little bit suss but what’s up man oh i could have gone nether quartz the entire time to get dna i feel so dumb for fighting all the mobs but one

Diamond equals one another right and we gotta get four now the right blocks for the second part of the cure not a skim it’s worth my price okay how do i even get diamonds oh wait i just realized something guys there’s still one thing we haven’t made and that’s gonna be with

Three dna and that makes us a dna pickaxe which is efficiency two perfect for the smallest crannies whatever that means so is this going to give us another right or diamonds please because i literally don’t know what to do after that so any other right oh that’s a sick ability what the heck

Oh my gosh okay that’s all the netherlight will ever need that should be enough to get all the stuff we need so real quick let’s go to make some another right blocks all right jeremy got you all the nether right blocks you need so four netherlands blocks and now

We have the second part of the cure which is not a scam apparently there we go oh two ports of the cure not bad kid i hear that king backed on top of the bedrock might have the last piece your dna pick actually break bedrock you know

Oh wait i gotta go all the way up above bedrock right okay wait we can do that i mean i do have the cell walker so i think all i gotta do is just go straight up up and go so what’s gonna be waiting for us above us oh it’s breaking bedrock

Oh that’s sick oh that explains uh king backed right holy that’s a huge castle oh and that’s king backed what the heck is this guy it’s a big old bacteria nice all right so let’s take this guy on storm bowl this might be the best way fighting him holy this

Is so much damage fall back a little bit oh my gosh lightning is following him that’s sick a couple more shots and down goes king back and down with them he drops oh king back’s crown and finally third part of the cure but that’s gonna

Be all three parts of the cure which i’m gonna guess i gotta combine these or something what do i get with the crown of king back though oh i’ll unlock the germ nesters press o to use it okay oh absolutely germ nesters oh wait they even have the sword that’s sick anyways

I guess i’ll be using these guys for future bosses but now for the cure okay so do i put these together or something oh i do okay so that makes literally the cure but it’s a bomb morning tendency to explode guys do i use this oh gosh this

Might be a bad idea okay let’s try it oh wait what wait i think we literally just cured everything we got the achievement germacide which kills all the virus and oh that was sick okay um so how do we get smaller again then oh wait there’s a

Shrink item right here okay let’s real quick grab that and yet again some more shrink juice which minimizes thirst apparently all right let’s drink that up and getting smaller again oh where am i going wait what the quantum realm we’ve got ant-man here what’s up so yet again

We have another advancement which says help the hero okay uh so what’s up batman accesstorio i need your help oh take the suit okay real quick i guess i’m putting away my germ stuff and now we’re getting quantum stuff we have to find the wasp bring me some materials

And i think i can locate her oh okay we gotta grab some stuff around here then okay uh definitely a weird dimension now i hope it’s with the movement in the quantum realm okay yep this place moves really weird what the heck okay so we even have redstone ore down here all

Right let’s use a dna pickaxe and i gotta get 32 redstone should it be too difficult right 35 there we go it literally just floats me around this is sick oh here we go 35 redstone and great i need some ironing gets next right okay so i’m kind of like getting his

Groceries all right already gets and then we can find the wasp oh i’m right here okay not bad i need 16 of it actually okay there we go another match let’s go and grab that oh wait otto cooks it so we got the 18 iron so let’s

Go back all right mr raymond here you go all the irony gets you ever need and now we gotta get gold i should have gone earlier but it’s all good let’s go back all right let’s grab this gold does it make it to golden gate sue oh we did get

The golden against nice okay and that should be definitely enough okay before we go back actually i feel like he’s gonna ask me for diamonds too and there’s diamonds right here so they pick x give me those diamonds all right let’s go down real quick pick these up too all

Right amen here we go did all your groceries take all the gold ingots and of course i knew it okay you needed diamonds i got your diamonds finally a few diamonds two diamonds here you go and great one one sec he said whoops any chance you know how to build a

Nanotracker new craft unlocked right okay so we got a brand new craft on the screen right now i guess we gotta build this thing so it was actually pretty easy to make good old nato tracker just saying locating and ant-man says all right hey you’re pretty smart kid let’s

Go find wasp all right hey man bloods go wasp is 60 blocks away from me oh wait six blocks seven oh wait she’s right here wait what is she doing in here whoa wasp there’s gotta be something around here that could get that boulder off

It’s too big to break by hand i i literally just broke it um okay what am i supposed to do then man what oh there’s a particle accelerator maybe i wasn’t supposed to break that but i mean the pickaxe is good it’ll let me break it so you know what let’s grab the

Particle accelerator one sec all right there we go love this thing because now we can go ahead and just do this and oh gosh oh we got wasp free nice thank you nestor we still have to destroy the villain see you there wait where’d you

Go oh my gosh she just zoomed out of here okay so they both pretty much disappeared i’m gonna guess i go over here because there’s nothing where they want so hello doesn’t seem like anything’s here oh wait this is it that was a little too easy let’s walk in oh

We’re fighting bad scientists it’s literally rick okay what the heck all right let’s go ant-man wasp let’s take care of this real quick okay let’s go and dna sword oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i’m not even sure if we lost wasp i’m pretty sure we lost wasp that is not

Good okay okay throw some lightning the lightning never failed me a couple more hits oh and down goes the mad scientist and is that a car huh oh gosh i am so confused guys what the heck is going on oh my baby this is your baby it’s a car

Oh no we need pieces of atoms to charge the van otherwise we can’t leave it your particle accelerator should help oh that makes sense now why we got protons and neutrons and electrons okay quick let’s get some electrons get some protons and we actually need five protons so it’s

Gonna be a little bit of me grabbing these when idea let’s go let’s go quick look nice all right that should be enough five protons five neutrons which is kind of crazy that we’re charging up a car with the atom things and it’s called now we gotta do electrons all

Right so there we go and oh thank you nestor and good luck oh wait so i don’t get to ride the car uh they literally just left in the car okay all right and now we got at least another shrink juice which is a little bit confusing because

How small can we get after this i guess let’s go ahead and see right about now getting smaller again and negative one wait what yo oh no you got too small that’s an advancement on the screen right now again oh my gosh wait how am i supposed

To fix the error wait i’m not sure what happened i used to be a villager try fixing some errors maybe that’ll fix things okay do i break it like this no that doesn’t fix an error how do i fix an error wait what if i just kill the

Weird stuff did that work oh that didn’t work yo what is that thing okay no let’s get rid of you guys real quick and i guess i literally just gotta kill all the errors final one and now i’m gonna fix the giant ears you fix part of the

World try fixing bigger fixes okay okay that’s a lot of them maybe the lightning bolt will be better oh we already got two out of ten five out of ten right now final one and the corruption’s almost gone almost fixed there’s try one more maybe a super glitch wait hereby what oh

There he is okay it’s kind of cool how the corruption’s slowly going away but i’m gonna guess i gotta defeat this guy to end it completely okay let’s end this finally get our dna sword do some good damage and actually what if i’m talking about the chainsaw all right that’s all

Oh my gosh that’s just so much damage go on chainsaw and don goes here brian and just like that the entire world is back to normal that is very sick and it just became day again all right so now that that’s done let’s go ahead and grab what

The villager gave me and again an ender shrink juice wait this is a different one no shrinking required yes let’s go ahead and drink it getting smaller yet again and oh you somehow shrunken to the end nestor you have to help us sugars have taken over my family’s home but

Meet me at that entity oh okay uh guess let’s go over there real quick let’s put on the chest plate so we can move better and i gotta save the village a end city village all right hello oh i gotta kill the jokers okay best way to kill stuff

Definitely the chainsaw go on chainsaw no the chainsaw isn’t effective okay let’s go again oh the bow’s actually pretty good for this get him lighting okay that’s gonna be two down three number four and where’s the last one now oh there it is come on and down goes all

The chokers there we go and the enderman says thank you take this it might help there we go down we go where is the thing that you gave me wait save the end get rid of the dragons what tiny ender dragon oh he gave us an elytra and we

Unlocked the electro boost ability let’s go to use that and where are the dragons exactly oh there they are okay tiny dragon there tiny dragon there and might be a good idea to break down crystals first so real quick let’s break all that in crystals okay final one crystal let’s

Go to break that and wait what dragon dragon dragon what is a dragon dragon dragon the three dragons merged together oh that’s not good is that going to be the final boss in this weird dimension i guess it’s going to take you down oh wait what if i try the chainsaw oh that

Did a good bit of damage oh it’s doing bleeding damage oh let’s go all right couple more hits go on lightning a little bit more chainsaws this might be it oh and down goes the dragon yes just like that that’s gonna be it for the dragon dragon dragon well with that

Being done yet again we get another shriek juice how much smaller can i get guys is this gonna be the end i guess let’s see getting smaller again what are you doing oh no you’re too small oh and challenge complete i reached my final real life height really the game masters

Had to do me like that and besides that guys hope you guys all enjoyed having a great one and news video just like this one

Minecraft, But You Get Smaller…
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  1. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

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