Testing Every Illegal Secret Base in Minecraft

No you found me well as you guys could probably tell today we’re going to be testing the most illegal secret bases ever and these bases are so secret that if my friends can find all of them I’ll pay them $11,000 starting with woo level one baby yeah I had I had like fireworks

Installed in into the ground and I had an entire Arena made yeah so the way that this is going to work is not only are we testing these secret bases but we are the ones is creating them and guys we we kind of need to hurry because we

Only have like 1 hour until my friends are online and I I don’t know why I did that I’m not even wearing a watch but but my friends are going to be online in 1 hour so we need to get going but don’t worry guys don’t worry I got a plan got

Got a little something up my sleeve all right boom this is skidy Industries baby you already know I have an entire plan laid out we have like literally 35 freaking boxes in my inventory right now okay maybe not 35 but you guys get the point but these these are all boxes

Specifically made for each and every level and it goes all the way down to level 10 and this box looks insane yeah if you guys couldn’t tell already each level is just going to get crazier and crazier oh and we also have this super Ruby but you guys are going to find out

About that in a second I don’t want to get too ahead of myself but since we’re only on level one right now as you can see there there’s a big one right there we have to start with the level one water elevator box and oh my gosh okay a

Water elevator this already sounds insan ins boom okay we have a big water circle thing and what is this bamboo um okay yoink all right so I’m going to guess that this is the water elevator but it also came with this bamboo so maybe we need to use that like with the elevator

Thing okay so let’s go ahead and I’m thinking we could place it down like over here in the corner boom oh oh my gosh what the heck am I looking at guys wait I’m like walking on this like there’s no water coming what is this

Okay this is this just just a little bit illegal there’s no water coming out of the side and I’m also just running through this but wait does the bamboo like go with this um is this regular bamboo hello what what do I oh oh okay

Hold on maybe I need to raise it up one okay wait do I oh my oh it just it just went up but wait I think this tree is like in the way okay let’s get rid of this oh oh no guys what have we done it’s a flying water Sandstone Circle

Okay bye water elevator all right well well that one flies way into the stratosphere I’m just going to place a new one but wait I think it needs to be kind of like lowered into the ground yes like this and I think we could kind of just break these blocks and then let’s

Get rid of this lever just for now and then using some world edit let’s just go ahead and dig like a pit going downwards and then we can just use some world edit like that okay there we go now we have a giant pit and I’m also thinking that maybe we could decorate

This we could put some Sandstone like this to match like the bottom of the elevator and then what if like down the middle of the Elevator Shaft wall thingies we could have like water flowing down oh oh no okay I I did not okay all right let’s go ahead and place

These and hopefully this still works boom okay there’s our pool and then let’s go ahead and put the bamboo and 3 2 1 oh oh my gosh the water is like pouring into it as it’s going down and look I could just stand here okay guys this is actually insane just for level

One but I’m thinking the reason that it’s probably level one is cuz bamboo only spawns in Jungle biomes I believe so once my friends see this just sticking out it’s going to be a little sus but maybe we could surround it by a few more bamboos is that how you say

Plural bamboo bamboos or bambai I don’t okay but real quick I’m thinking that we could actually decorate this just a little bit more o okay I think that looks pretty good maybe we could add some stairs just for like a little bit more detail ooh okay that does look good

Let’s go ahead and just copy it with world edit and then we can just paste them like onto each wall boom okay and there we go that looks so good but now we need to make our elevator actually lead to our secret base so let’s go

Ahead and just kind of carve out like an entrance here and then let’s go ahead and set sandstone and then we can just make all of this water but with barrier blocks on top yeah just like that so it looks like we’re still walking on water

Even when we’re inside of the base and for whatever reason I think it’s from all the Sandstone I’m kind of envisioning Like An Egyptian tomb kind of secret base Vibe okay wait I’m actually going to raise the roof a little bit Yeah raise the roof okay I I

Don’t know I don’t know why I felt compelled to do that all right there we go so now that the roof is a little bit higher we can add some like cool little pillar things yeah okay just like that so now I’m thinking we could put like a little

Staircase like right here and this ladies and gentlemen is where the super Ruby is going to go 3 2 1 boom okay that is so cool looking so when my friends come on line if they can find the secret base it’s their one and only objective

To get to the secret Ruby and once they find it all they have to do is right click it and this will teleport them to the next level and honestly since it’s so like sacred I think it would kind of fit if we had some like soulfire torch thingies around

It and there we go guys I just went ahead and added like a few more details around the room so last thing that we have to do is put our buttons like right there so now if we click it yeah yeah we’re literally taking a water elevator

To the top this is so illegal okay okay I’m just going to break it and we’re going to put a new one okay there we go but I also just realized that all this bamboo just grew and so now the lever doesn’t really stick out as much it kind

Of just Blends in a little more all right guys here we go it is time to teleport to level two oh oh my gosh okay that was so cool that’s literally what’s going to happen to my friends once they find the Ruby and so now that we are in

Level two if we check our back pocket the next box in line is the secret portal box and holy cow guys this box looks actually crazy and it also matches the theme of The Arena it’s it’s purple so let’s go ahead and place this puppy

Down boom um okay it looks like we got a a portal which was actually completely expected I don’t know what else would be in the portal box but yeah this just looks like a completely normal portal should I should I just place it down boom okay um is this just going to take

Me to the nether okay okay so this obviously isn’t a real portal if it’s not teleporting me anywhere do I just like try what nether portals are not supposed to what am I what is this do do I just huh yo what is going on right now

Okay I really don’t like how when I go on F5 it just okay whatever okay wait so if I right click it again I can close it like a door and there’s nothing behind it I could see trees behind it how is this even possible what so wait if we go ahead and

Close the door it is a little sus that there’s just like a nether portal that’s already lit in the middle of a grass field so I’m thinking that maybe we could kind of decorate this like it was a ruined portal we could just put some like Netherrack we could also put some

Lava just kind of oh oh my goodness okay we could also just put some lava around and then we could also add some like magma block everywhere oh and we could also add a chest and I think they normally just have like gold nuggets and like maybe some iron nuggets too and we

Could just put like a few bits of like obsidian and we’re going to put a golden hoe just for good measure but then if we go ahead and swing this bad boy open on the inside here yo I can’t get over this this is so sick I’m thinking that we can

Make this like a nether themed room to make it look like you just got sent into The Nether boom there we go we now have a big room to work with and let’s go ahead and make the floor out of nether brick and I was thinking it’ be kind of

A cool design to have the left side of the room be all red but then the right side of the room room could be like this bluish greenish color oo okay yeah just like that and then right here I was thinking we could have like little

Windows so for the red side we’re going to put lava and then on the right side we’ll have water and oh my gosh wait I’m actually making a mess everywhere boom okay there we go and actually that looks sick but I think it would look pretty

Good if we just had some like iron bars over it and then this entire wall oh my gosh yeah we could just make this all the Nether wart block but then this wall on this side is going to be like the bluish green wart block thing I don’t I

Don’t really know what it’s called but it looks so good so let’s go ahead and add some fences and we’ll put the blue ones on this side and then on top we’ll put some Crimson stairs and this side get stairs as well and we’ll just kind

Of layer the roof like this but then for the center of this like butt crack I decided to go with the netherite block and that looks pretty good but I could actually just make it even better like a so there we go and for the ground we can

Make a line like that that way it matches the top and now let’s go ahead and fill in the walls oh yeah it’s all coming together now we just need to make an area to put the Ruby and honestly I feel like that looks pretty good oh oh my goodness careful skidy careful

Skidy there we go yo this looks insane Andy wait hold on all right guys my brain actually might be insanely big what if we had it like hanging from a chain okay that looks so cool I like how we could just see like inside the base

All the way from over here it’s so illegal but then if we just go ahead and close the door boom there we go there’s uh nothing to see here I went ahead and just made a uh a dirt path leading to this like secret cave thing with some

Lava and yeah you guys already know there’s nothing there at all but hopefully that’ll throw them off and now ladies and gentlemen we head to level three oh oh my gosh okay we made it woo okay that entrance is so cool and ooh okay it looks like we’re working with a

Desert biome this time so hopefully that works well with our third box the secret bed box and oh my gosh what could that possibly mean all right I guess we’ll find out oh my goodness guys what the heck am I looking at we have Circle we have Circle again but a different kind

Of circle and we have beds yo okay so I need to figure out how this works so let’s go ahead and make a nice flat area like right here oh oh my goodness okay I I accidentally just crushed like six bunnies and so what I think that I need

To do is put down this puppy yeah circle thing but then we take circle thing number two um okay so maybe I try like right clicking this wall now oh okay it just opened so wait I also think that we could just make like a long tunnel like

This and we could even make it like just a little bit longer like that so let’s go ahead and put a door on this side and then we’ll put a door on the other side okay we now have our bed down and wait skidy Industries initi ating armor set

What am I hearing in there what’s going on in there um okay well I think when I put the bed down it like armed this thing cuz I could only place the bed if it’s like lined up with this it wouldn’t let me put it like anywhere else okay

Whatever I think we probably need to lay oh my oh what the yo what is going on oh and it just it just spit me out oh my gosh that was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life the bed just just took me and we’re covered in armor now I

Was like like Iron Man okay wait that was so sick I want to do it again it’s like a ride yeah let’s go woo okay all right guys enough playing with the secret base this is not a toy I’m just kidding it it’s so much fun this is so

Cool but as cool as this may be there’s just just a little bit of a problem there’s a giant box in the middle of like an open field so we’re going to have to find a way to cover this up and I actually have like a,

14326 IQ idea okay so using some world edit we could try to add like a mountain right here okay there we go we have box yet yet again we have we have a Sandy box this time but if we use world edit we could just like plop a ton of sand on

Top and then we could go ahead and just smooth it out and there we go now I think that looks pretty uh pretty all natural but there is still a bed just hanging out in the middle of nowhere so what I’m thinking is real quickly we can

Make like an iron Fortress base and we’ll just have the bed just you know just be part of the base I don’t know why my my voice got so high pitched there I I don’t know why I did that all right there we go that’s a pretty good

Frame and now using the power of editing we we have a we have this it it kind of looks like the same shape as the Crusty Crab but I’m trying to go for like a bunker Fallout Shelter kind of thing which actually makes perfect sense considering we literally do have this

Giant secret fallout shelter door type thing but now we just need to decorate the inside a little bit and boom there we go we now have a full interior but there’s only one little problem that I noticed the bed kind of like sits a little bit on that

Back block like it it’s illegally placed for sure and also this wall right here as you can see is a little bit lighter than the wall over here so hopefully no one notices that but I was thinking just to troll my friends we could put a lever back there that literally doesn’t do

Anything and we could have a secret room back here with a button on it and we’ll just put some signs right here and boom now it’s covered by the painting so they’re definitely going to think that’s going to mean something so now we can go

Ahead and hop into the bed and oh my goodness guys this does not get old this is so cool I’m just laying there enjoyed the ride and I get pooped out and there it goes so since we’re going for like a fallout shelter kind of vibe this will

Be like the very last room kind of like an Armory so let’s go ahead and put some armor stands everywhere and I went ahead and just added a few more details and there we go guys I think we are good to put down the super Ruby and wait I’m so

Sorry guys I know we’re about to teleport but we can even just add a few more details there we go I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself but okay let’s go to level four and as you guys can tell each level is just getting a little bit

Bigger and bigger to make it harder for my friends but now that we’re on level four let’s see what we got we have the secret Beacon box um okay this looks super cool let’s go ahead and put it down oh I can’t cuz the bunny all right

We get a beacon as I suspected but hold on this is no regular Beacon set to jump boost for a secret getaway all right okay so I I think if we set a beacon to jump boost that probably means that we need to make the beacon at least level

Two like this okay there we go all right there we go we set it to jump boost and now I have jump boost all right thises guys what do I do I don’t know what to do I’m sorry maybe there’s like a secret passageway up what wait a minute hold on

A second yo we’re flying woo oh my gosh yo this is crazy the beam is literally taking me to the sky oh my gosh okay wait we could descend if we’re shifting oh I just fell okay wait this is so cool we can make like a sky base and wait a

Minute okay I think I have the perfect way to blend in this like entire Beacon just let me cook guys okay let me cook okay so the first thing that we’re going to need to make is a netherite cube all right there we go and now we can put

Iron doors we can fill up the inside with chests but then on the outside we’re going to have a lava mod and now I went ahead and made all of the underground iron block so now what we could do is we could place beacons into the ground like that and we could kind

Of just make like a wall with them and the idea is that it’s supposed to kind of look like a laser wall especially when we add this red stained glass all right there we go yo that looks insane so I’m sure you guys could tell by now

This entire base right here yeah this is just a decoy base but the entire time and what my friends aren’t going to know is that we’re going to make one of these be the secret lift to to like the sky base and I’m thinking of making it

Colored but I don’t know guys that might be too obvious I might just make it like uncolored just to make it look like yeah I just like forgot that one in the back but if they’re clever enough they’ll notice and yeah since there’s no glass right here this is the only Beacon that

They can access with the iron so in the back like right here let’s just go ahead and put a stack of iron ingots and if they’re smart enough they’ll use it on that puppy right there but now let’s go ahead and go all the way into the sky

And I’m thinking we just just make like a little cloud like nothing too complicated and boom there we go you come up like right here you do like a little bit of Parkour on the clouds and then right here at the end of it is the

Ruby waiting for them and I think we’re done so let’s go ahead and right click this oh oh my goodness yeah we made it to level five so now that we are on level five we can now check out the secret laay box um all right here we go

Wait I just picked up secret agent Al hey yo what what am I holding use slash set Alay position then give me a lever and I’ll do the rest okay let’s go ahead and just spot him in but wait it said to use the set Alay POS oh my goodness okay

Wait I could put cords in all right there there we go I don’t did that do anything where is he going I have to give him a lever okay there you go a he he made like a little noise yo wait is he going to the position no way wait he

Just put a lever there oh what a good boy boy here I have some red stone so if we use the place structure command we can literally just poop out a Pillager Outpost and yeah look it literally pooped out like one of the LA capture things okay this is perfect so let’s go

Ahead and put some like Gates right here all right there we go so if my friends are smart enough they’ll notice that they could go through here and get to the LA but then I’m thinking on the roof of the Pillager Outpost we could use this invisible item frame maybe like in

The corner right here and we can just stick a lever on the ground that is so lowkey like I don’t think anyone’s going to notice that but if they do they’re immediately going to know that’s a clue and then maybe over here like in the corner we could have the LA take the

Lever right there and then a little secret passageway opens and for this one I’m thinking we’ll have like a stair case leading down to like some dark little secret room but then using some world edit we can just go ahead and texture it let’s go ahead and add some

Stairs and then let’s go ahead and just put some lanterns off to the side we’ll put one in the middle and then we can just have some like super old and poopy looking fences and we could just go ahead and texture it a little bit with

Some like mud slab and then right in the middle we’ll use a mud brick wall with the super Ruby on top yo I really like the way that this one came out that looks so cool and let’s go ahead and put a door and now let’s go ahead and set up

The Redstone which shouldn’t be too hard mainly because uh you know I’m I’m a genius so you know I’m just kidding guys I had to watch like the super long tutorial on how to make this it was so difficult okay I think did it does it

Work oh oh it actually works okay so now it’s time for you to try so let’s run the command and we’ll take the lever away so that closes there we go and there you go oh oh my goodness wait wait he’s going for it no you missed battle a

Okay now let’s try it there you go come on come on you can do it no how did you how did you even place it that way that doesn’t make any sense at all okay now let’s try it again come on you got it I know you’re thinking really hard yes it

Actually worked he did it wait I I think it only worked cuz he broke the torch all right whatever he he still accomplished the mission that’s a good boy I’m going to name you Tucker I’ll be back for you later Tucker okay so let’s go ahead and go into spectator and we’ll

Come down here we can now teleport to the next Arena oh my gosh guys we made it level six and for level six it looks like we have a tiny potion box um okay oh okay we get a potion and what is that ooh okay so we have a tiny potion and we

Also have a diamond chisel and wait okay I think I know exactly where this is going we’re going to go ahead and use the place structure command the same one that we used before but this time we’re going to set our entire Village and wait oh my gosh is someone dying some

Someone’s I’ll save you oh my goodness okay he he died I’m I’m sorry you had to see that we’re just going to go and patch that up there we go we didn’t see it it didn’t happen and yeah like I was saying we now have an entire

Village in Arena 6 which is exactly what we need because okay where is it oh I think it’s this little castle right here hello housekeeping open up yeah this guy’s here and he has a brewing stand which is the perfect spot to hide our tiny potion cuz I’m pretty sure if I

Drink this you guys already know I I’m definitely going to turn tiny and using this chisel I can make like a tiny little base somewhere so I’m thinking let’s hide the potion in here oh my gosh you can see it right there and then somewhere in this Castle guys we need to

Make a little tiny base maybe we could use a cauldron there we go we filled it up and I’m thinking what if we made our base like under The Cauldron and just to blend this in we could add like maybe two more Brewing stands but guys I’m

Going to go ahead and duplicate this here we go oh oh my God we’re tiny let’s go okay so we need to figure out can we fit Under The Cauldron wait yes we can okay this is sick all right so using this chisel we can just go ahead and

Mine out of I think this is Cobblestone right here yeah I got a little base but now we could go ahead and just add a TV and we could go ahead and add a couch yeah but then over here in the corner we’ve got to make this lead to the super

Ruby okay I’m out of your cauldron what whatever so our base is in this block right here so the Ruby should go right like there and now let’s just block that up and I think if we go back down oh my gosh there it is it’s huge but wait my

Entire floor is gone okay it’s fine let’s just go ahead and add one in all right there we go and then I just left a little opening right here so you can literally just jump onto it and now let’s head to level s wait did I even oh

I did reach it oh we made it oh wait I’m still a little tiny yeah I just did that out of sheer wheel yo level seven looks insane and hey who are you get out of my Arena all right so for the level seven box we have the gravity switch wait this box

Actually looks crazy and it also matches the yellow theme ay yo all right but what exactly is a gravity switch yo what am I what am I looking at no gravity flip floor okay we need a test this out let’s just oh okay this looks pretty normal I could stand on it

But how do I how do I activate this maybe we need to oh a guys I’m hanging upside down here what just happened okay so I can still walk on this I’m literally just flipped upside down and my feet are like sticking to the floor I

Think I right clicked it do I just right click it again who we’re back oh okay just knocked over my water but wait guys this is so cool okay we can make like an oak wood BAS B and just put this on the floor and let’s go ahead and see if this

Fits oh my gosh so now I think we should be able to just yeah we could just flip like that we could put another base under here oh guys okay this is way too cool I like this thing okay so I’m thinking the top is just going to be

Like a super newbie looking base just like super ugly but then underneath yo you guys already know it’s going to be like netherite iron blocks it’s going to look so good and voila welcome to probably the new EST looking base ever and I think you’re just so focused on how newbie

This base is that you don’t even realize that the floor is just you know a little bit of a different color and yeah I think this is as newbie as it gets but boom Oh wait I did I miss let try okay there we go now when we flip upside down

This is where the cool part begin oh my gosh all right this already looks insane let’s go ahead and put some armor stands down we’re literally building upside down and boom now we have some armor and let’s go ahead and add some storage and we could have some like like

Miscellaneous items but yeah I think uh I think this is pretty good let’s just go ahead and grab the super Ruby and I think we’ll just casually have it on the table like right there all right let’s go ahead and flip back okay so now that

House is done but we have the entire Arena so I really quickly just want to make like a distraction wait what if I go ahead and just place in a mansion oh what have I done okay that is huge an entire Mansion right there just waiting

For them but as for me we’re just going to go ahead and flip and let’s take the Ruby to level eight um why do we keep having this problem of things flying into the sky today I don’t want to go to the sun okay we’re good but now we’re on

Level eight and I can’t lie this Arena looks really cool and for level eight it looks like we have the secret lecturn box hey yo okay this box looks actually super cool all right we got a lecturn that makes sense to me secret lecturn open is the secret passcode ooh okay

Wait what does that mean all right so let’s go ahead and place it down and I’m thinking since Le turns hold books hey yo wait don’t even tell me if I triy just putting a book in the Lecter okay it didn’t do anything let me just take

That back if I type open there’s no way this is actually going to work oh my gosh okay wait that was crazy so wait can we make like a okay I literally just broke it but I think we could make like a secret tunnel under it all right well

Let’s go ahead and place another Village hello everyone I I brought you to life and I’m pretty sure that Villages just come with LEC turns in like one of the houses okay it’s not looking like like any of these houses generated with Lecter in them but we should be able to

Just add one and honestly this house is looking uh pretty right let’s just put our Lecter right there and let’s use our book on it and now we can just make a secret tunnel all right so there’s our ladder going down and guys I’m thinking

That we just make like a room where all the villagers keep all their emeralds this is going to be like their secret vault so let’s go ahead and just give this room some pazzazz okay this is looking pretty good I went ahead and added added some

Pillars but then like right here this is going to lead to like the actual Vault and I think for the vault yeah we should definitely just use polish and a site all right there we go and now it’s Emerald time baby and boom there we go we’ve got the

Secret lecturn which we actually need to close there we go but then that brings us down here to the entrance and then in the secret vault I’m thinking that the Ruby could just be kind of off to the side like up here and honestly since the lect turn one is pretty difficult I

Think I’m just going to leave like a booked quill like right there and it’s in the same house as the lecturn and trust me guys that is going to be like just enough of a clue but now oh my goodness we are at level 9 and yeah wait

This Arena looks crazy it looks like we’re in another desert biome and for level 9 it looks like we have the secret Ghost Box all right let’s go ahead and test this puppy out um guys what is that Oliver wait guys this literally just says Oliver what do I do with you okay

I’m actually so confused I don’t know wait hold on I think I just right clicked them on the on the Block Oliver what are you doing wait he smiles when I do it guys I love Oliver but what is he doing I’m I’m so confused what oh oh

It’s a ghost block okay so we could go through any block now okay wait that is so cool so what if we made it there’s like some sort of little water thing over here oh my gosh it leads down to a secret cave okay so I’m thinking like

Right here we could just ghost toy these and wait what there was already a secret room back here okay wait this is perfect guys we can use this cave and honestly for this one I’m picturing like an underground Oasis oh no what did we do oh okay we’re good I thought we just

Broke the roof but yeah I’m imagining that like the outside will be all like desert but then in here we’re going to have like an underground super Lush looking Cave thing I don’t you’ll see all right I went ahead and smoothed it out a little bit but now I’m thinking

That we use some world edit just to make get an entire different world in here and wow okay that looks really good but now I’m thinking we could add some like support beams boom there we go I think these look pretty good and I’m thinking right here we could have just like a

Little ladder and this could lead to like kind of of a little Loft thing and there’s my bed that’s where I sleep at night and I’m thinking just right next to my little nightstand boom right there we’ll just put the Ruby and then over here this could just be like a little

Kitchen area and then I’m thinking over here we’ll have like a little enchanting area but now just for some finishing touches we could put some like glowberries but then we could also add these like Spore things and oh my gosh guys yo this turned out so good Mah but

Wait hold on let’s go through our secret entrance and then let’s swim back up here and all the way in the corner of the map here we’re just going to poop out a desert pyramid that way the top doesn’t just look so Bland and they’ll have like something to search other than

This like little butt crack over here but now if we go back to our secret base okay guys we have to put Oliver into an item frame there you go I’ll never never forget you but now it is time to go to the final level oh my gosh guys we

Finally made it level 10 baby we can now finally open the invisible box oh my gosh guys this thing actually looks crazy all right here we go okay wait what what did we get so it looks like we got a super sick pair of sunglasses wait

Yeah yo I look insane let’s go but we also have a splash potion of invisibility but it yeah I don’t know what this does but it has the skidy industries logo on it so it must do something cool I I hope okay wait so

Should I try to use it on this cow right here okay yeah I literally didn’t do anything all right maybe I need to take the sungl what yo what did I do guys we can make anything invisible but if I put the sunglasses back on I can see what I

Made invisible okay well now we need to fix the wall all right now we fix the tree okay so I’m thinking since when blocks are invisible you could still Collide into them so I think it’s going to be our best bet if we make a treehouse rather than like an entire

Base on the ground and also I’m going to have to hide these sunglasses somewhere on the map and if someone finds them they might just put them on and they might not even notice the Treehouse like it might just be too lowkey all right so I’m thinking for this treehouse we’ll

Have a trap door on top and then we can use barrier blocks to have like a hanging ladder and I’m thinking right in the middle of the trunk we just have the Ruby waiting so the only way that they could get inside of the tree is if they

Parkour up to the Top O I’m thinking they could start from this tree and make this jump and then they come up here and oh I missed and then they oh I made it and they come around oh my gosh okay that is perfect so let’s go ahead and

Put on the skidy industry sunglasses yeah and now we just need to make this entire tree invisible oh wait there it goes maybe we just do like one more right there and I think I have to reload the chunks yeah oh my gosh guys it’s literally just gone but if they’re smart

Enough they’ll notice that they can’t walk on top of this dirt block and then the sunglasses we could put them maybe like down here in the water wait yes we could literally just make a path and then we’ll put a sign to block the water and an invisible item frame and then

Boom they just are waiting right there and there we go guys that is all 10 levels complete and now it’s time to bet $11,000 to see if my friends can find these rest in peace my bank account no I’m just kidding I I’m definitely going

To be the winner of this wait what we’re starting all right gentlemen welcome to level one where you going quiff where you going bro there’s nothing good luck everyone I just muted bro screw these guys I got to win hey yo no it was too

Easy it was too easy I don’t know quiff maybe the there’s more than meets the eye bro there’s more than meets your eye there is I’m wearing sunglasses hold on a second why are these trees here no one’s checked over here in this field no you’re just trying to bait us there’s

Nothing here but they are getting close oh my gosh oh my gosh no way oh I found it go go go go go oh my level two welcome to level two gentlemen all you have to do is find the Ruby yeah yo I got a weapon now Danny is actually

Sweating right now I could tell cuz he’s muted up guys guys it’s over there it’s up it’s up I’m going to kill him I’m going to kill him too I put a random button there just to throw them off and yeah it’s definitely working die you freaking nerd yo stop cheating man

Gentlemen gentlemen break it up break it up I I’ll give you a clue it’s not the lava that that was just a waste of time okay logically oh my I went free oh my gosh wait did qu get it wait we just found oh my goodness they got it welcome

To level three gentlemen bro the guys are following me oh my God I heard something wait oh my gosh didn’t he fell for the painting I guess that wasn’t really anything I was thinking the lever would do something maybe the bed yeah let’s go baby oh my God I’m actually

Dying dude all right we’re level four we’re level four oh my gosh we can actually speedrun okay something I did do was I changed this level a little bit I put the iron inside of these chests so now they just need to figure out that the iron goes into the beacon yo what

What can we make what can we make I’m thinking of pressure plate but I can’t place anything yeah wait no this will make sense I’ll give you a little clue you don’t need to craft anything this is a little bit dodgy right no no yeah I already at five there’s something down

Here how are they not noticing wait bro what if we have to put the iron in here bro I just unlock jump boost oh I got speed I got speed I’ll give you a clue you all were uh very warm before so it has to do with this someone stay

Outside yo Izzy you want to stay outside and then see if anything changes wow I did not think that this would be the one that they get stumped on yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo oh my God we’re going up oh my gosh they finally found it we’re

Going to the Skylands wait are those clouds that’s a budget Cloud yo yeah what type of cloud is this yo chill you you oh my see you Nerds come back here you idiot gentlemen welcome to level five I’m running I’m going to win I’m going

To win yeah I believe it I believe it oh quiff already teamed this one right here he he found the levers oh my gosh oh my gosh he’s running right towards it I’m going to right click him and give him my lever okay oh my did he get it he got it

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I got it I got it oh my gosh I’m a genius wow very clever Mr bionic that was good yeah what can I say I’m smarter than I look uh that’s that’s true all right so anyways welcome to

Level six I mean logically everyone goes inside the blacksmith oh where did he just go where Izzy just said oh my and then and I think Izzy actually just found it oh my God no way okay wait oh my God Izzy welcome to level seven hurry up Izzy hurry up

Use your brain Izzy I have a potion for you wait what a potion come here come here no no right here he wait take that oh my gosh tiny potion drink it drink it drink it drink it okay so they discovered the potions oh my God oh my

God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I can’t reach it I’m in oh my God you made it go little quiff go go quiff dude okay dude that was so close Iz he almost got ahead took

You guys long enough to get here by the way okay I feel oh oh that was very simple oh my gosh wait what just happened he went down somewhere here Mr quiff welcome to level eight oh my gosh what is going on dude it’s a little bit

Of a bug I’m sorry okay so level eight is pretty hard as you guys know they need to find the lecturn which is right there and they need to figure out that they have to put the word open into the book what’s inside of here what’s El Bic

Just found it okay okay okay this is getting juicy a book A book a book A book I got a book oh my gosh oh my gosh he knows I got to sign it okay I just gave him a little bit of a clue okay it looks like quiff just abandoned the lect

Turn but bionic still trying it use that brain bunk KY I hate you shut up man okay there we go I just put a sign saying keyword open gentlemen listen up I have added a clue somewhere in the map good luck finding it do you see anything

Anything that could give a clue no but he was over in this direction was he I’m pretty sure you’re pretty sure boy yeah I’m I’m pretty sure oh my gosh it’s literally right there is see oh my gosh wait does he see it yo why are you guys

Talking about me man he walked right past it so we know it’s supposed to be a word and I guess it’s not any of these maybe it’s just open yo what if it’s just open he’s literally typing it in right now yo seea oh my gosh B got it yo

Level 9 you guys are smarter than I thought welcome to level 9 okay hold on we all know there’s a secret room okay they literally all just went for the pyramid exactly like I thought but if you guys remember on this map you have to go into the water Buck crack and then

You have to walk through right here yo it probably has to do with a cactus it probably has to do with a cactus come on come on come on no nothing about that one is weird oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh yo bionic actually might find it oh

My God quiff is following me bro that little rat this is a bait this is 100% at bait no don’t turn around bionic there’s nothing there’s nothing over here man oh my yo Qui actually found it please bro you’re so close he got it he

Got it he got it welcome to level 10 okay you have a head start you need to make it worth it okay welcome to level 10 the last level okay don’t worry don’t worry I’m super smart at this I can’t believe quiff made it before everyone

Else I’ve still got a bit of a head start I think it might be that over there see you wo oh my they they actually made it they actually showed up this just got juicy there’s nothing so far was this a dead end really bro I can’t I can’t find

Anything he just said that out loud why would you say that out loud why why why why would you say that out loud that’s such a sus thing to say out loud okay I thought was muted but okay GG boys GG no did he win what is happening I’m just

Too small I knew it was so sus oh my god let’s go congratulations qu you win 1,000 pennies hey yo pennies uh yeah that’s what it said in the fine print you scammer thanks for playing woo

Testing Every Illegal Secret Base in Minecraft
Let me know which secret base is your favorite!


  1. Hello Ryan, Nice strawberry USB Drive, I wonder why you made Preston thicc, little weird but ok, In 2017 your crush was Susie, Also nice "impossible" parkour. Your base in 2017 wasn't so protected. Had a nice puppy in your house.

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