Terraria Hardcore Mode Is Painful

Terraria hardcore mode it’s basically just normal Terraria with one very slight change and that’s when you die you stay dead for good you do turn into a ghost though when you die so it’s not all bad you know even though it’s cool and all to go Danny Fantom mode we have

Goals for this uh hopefully series and that’s to not die and beat the game pretty simple right now anyway I’m making the world Crimson as Crimson has ior and it’s super busty also I’ll probably be going for Rangers so it just kind of makes sense i’ s like any good

Playthrough I should probably make a house for the guide here don’t worry Steve I’ll build you a kingdom a castle now that my builds in the past have um been horrible to say the least but you know what I’m I’m feeling optimistic about this build hey don’t worry Steve I

Got on their mind I I forgot they can shoot arrows in this version God does Steve even need my help is he just going to start building his own house here you know what makes it worse Steve would probably end up building a better house than I could all right so let’s flatten

This land and you know what we’ll start off with a square like we always do lure then I build up some of the walls workbench chairs over chair doors you know sometimes I forget there’s autop plus feature it makes it so much easier you know what the the house works that

That’s all that matters Steve you can live in this it has it has lights it’s warm it has a chair I guess I did accidentally place this wallet said and I can’t make a Hummer right now to remove it but it doesn’t matter Steve it doesn’t matter you know now that I’ve

Confined Steve to this Square block I feel like I’ll go and get some items now I do have to be careful here cuz if I die the series it’s episode one a solid minute into the video and uh I don’t really want that to happen so yeah let’s

Just play it safe and hope for the best oh and there it seems to be a vulture you know can only see good things happening from coming across this can’t even oh never mind they just touched me I come on come down here buddy what there’s three of them the me like a

Inescapable net for me I can’t even get out of here oh God they were planning for me to come over here they were the vultures were thinking it steps ahead maybe I’ll just have to live in the desert from now on sound and heat stroke

Will be my life from now on I don’t wor I got this I did not have that I almost dead I need to get out of this desert so using my ginormous brain I figured out I could just leave and rejoin the game and I’d be teleported home is it cheating

Maybe do I care nah I am really low right now so I think I’m just going to lock myself in this house and heal for a wee bit so it’s basically day now I think I’m going to go right cuz over in the left there’s the vulture Dan and I I

Kind of don’t want to die luckily I did grab some cactuses so I should be able to make a cactus sword and of course just typical you what even with the debuff it still is better so you know I’ll take it got my sword got my stylish armor with these flared out

I don’t really know Cactus spikes yeah who’s going to stop me man who is going to stop me all right so for now I’ll try and find the keave oh never mind there’s a tree right here you know it’s so bizarre you can’t cut this down with an

Ax you know what that’s dog [ __ ] I’m not even going to lie maybe below there’ll be something better yeah this is the worst world gen ever the doors cut off the entire grounds flooded you know maybe I’ll get something good yeah there wasn’t really anything in that chest

Either I mean the metal isn’t that bad oh oh God it’d be really sad if I died here from Fall damage what a way to go I survived the vult CH and die to a tree the ptsds returning I can already feel it the vultures they’re waiting they’re plotting they know I killed

Their C look at them there sitting plot in but little does he know I have a cactus sword I’ll grab these cactuses so I can get a full set actually you know let’s carefully build over this to impending them oh there’s two of them don’t don’t worry I’m stack now I have

The sword I’ll be fine no I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine slight damage it it doesn’t even fuse me of course of course there’s another two they just keep coming and coming I’m telling you they’re plotting against me oh wait is that one of them shrines down there you

Know my luck might have finally turned around oh never mind it’s just a keave I thought it was a shrine well it doesn’t matter anyway I can start mining here or or not or not it’s just the hole in the ground if I keep maning down the chances

Are I’ll find something you know what our luck is starting to turn around I found four pieces of lead you know how can one man be so lucky all right so I found the cave I don’t know how I meant to get down here though you know this

Feels very inefficient but it works oh no I I hear about a run it’s over we had a good run okay so over here’s a mushroom bomb usually they have chest in this that’s so over there’s a life heart in a chest and directly on it there’s two crabs Spore skeleton another crab

How many crabs is there is there some type of crb spawner over here you know what I’m going to make the cactus armor just to be safe you know what instead of trying to go over here and somehow fighting these guys off I’m going to go

Under the ground and just open the chest why is there about 10 crbs there I do not know you know maybe it’s that statue spawning on all the crops you know that’s quite possibly the worst lit I could have got like they could have gave me a Hermes bits you know it doesn’t

Matter anyway we got a life Crystal so that’s good especially in hardcores longevities everything I had to find another life Crystal you know what they say slow and steady wins three man that is one ugly statue you know what I’ll use our magic miror and head back to the

House cuz I kind of want to make another room here for the merchant you know what the man in trip wasn’t in vent I know I have a Tungsten bow so it’s pretty good door table chair chair I don’t know if that’s big enough for someone to live in

You know what I’ll extend the roof B we bit right so I finished up that room I’m pretty sure an NPC could move in here and I made the house look a bit better you know I just realized I don’t think I’ve made arrows in like years I didn’t

Even know where they were made okay that should be enough arrows I want the merchant arve I’ll buy some torches off the merchant to make them flim in arrows I may have bought a bit too much no no actually that was about right you know I just realized there was a

Cave here would have made my trip earlier way easier uh nothing just typical anyway I’m going to end this here I got a decent weapon some goofy armor I’m not going to lie also a house man next episode I’ll probably fight the aulu most likely if the video is out

I’ll put it on screen right now if not still watch whatever’s there anyway see you

terraria hardcore mode is painful


  1. once i tried Hardcore mode, and world on Master mode – total hardcore – it was soooo painfull. after few characters i give up, cannot win goblin army. was too week and event was still even on new char

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