I Transformed A JUNGLE TEMPLE in Minecraft Hardcore (#95)

This is a Minecraft jungle temple which is actually one of my favorite structures in the entire game but you know what they say anything can be improved upon at least a little bit so today we’re going to locate one of these bad boys tear it down and rebuild it in

Our own amazing design all in Minecraft hardcore we’re about to make the greatest jungle temple in the history of all jungle temples ever made yeah let’s go with that so first up on the agenda we have to go find a jungle temple and I’m pretty sure there’s one on up here

Nope I think I was wrong I guess we keep on going ah jungle come on show fary a temple ow far asy was showing a concussion aha jungle temple perfect but before we start tearing it down I think it’d be smart to get some inspiration from here ah oh ooh

Uhhuh okay I’m over it unless is there a big pile of loot back here somewhere yes there is what do we got gold okay this was a terrible thing all right let’s tear it excuse me let’s tear this place Down all right the structure is all gone now we’re going to lay down a nice foundation for ourselves to do a little bit of terraforming and a little bit later we have lots of phantoms but a nice space to build upon all right don’t die don’t die don’t die all right let’s

Get to building ourselves a jungle temple right after I kill these guys I think I went k for a little too long all right let’s go so the inspiration I’m going for is one of those old school Mayan Temple designs which means we’re going to need a lot of materials as is

The case for most of my builds first material baby pig meat I’m just kidding I just wanted more food what we’re really going to need is a whole bunch of cobblestone and lucky for us down at the bottom of this giant crater I have a cobble Farm just got to

Be careful don’t die okay and if we walk down here bada boom automatic Cobble Farm which I start somehow somewhere I haven’t been down here in a long time does that do it yep that does it nice oh don’t die yeah that is how we get free

Cobblestone it’s probably faster to M by hand but this is easier and I’m lazy Cobblestone check we’re also going to need some more stone blocks like Mossy Cobble stone bricks Mossy stone bricks Etc the more blocks the merrier so let’s grab some shulker boxes and get to harvesting okay first up Mossy Cobble

Which can be easily crafted by taking some Vines and combining it with Cobblestone well I forgot to sleep again let’s take care of that really fast hello jungle Mansion nice to see you after many many months I’m just going to borrow you for your bed really fast thank you where was I oh

Yeah oh wait there was a jungle temple right here the whole time oh this is much closer to home I mean sh sh be quiet be quiet just pretend the whole first part of the video didn’t even happen it was all just a big dream yeah nice oh and free mossy

Cobblestone That’s What I Call two birds one stone but after getting enough mossy cobblestone and terraforming our second area of land I flew all the way to a nearby stronghold to get a bunch of stone bricks all right here we are I have not been in this place in a long

Time well I’ve been in here but not past this wall this is the danger zone but you got to risk it for the biscuit if you’re going to make a cool build so we’re going to need a whole bunch of these normal stone bricks and of course

A whole bunch of the mossy ones as well huh maybe some anite would look pretty cool too who am I to say no to making the build look better ooh chest trash on we go there’s been a weird lack of silver fish in here and I’m a little bit

Concerned for the health of my world is it broken where are they at eh I’m over it okay well now that we have our materials out of the way we can begin building this thing so when I picture a Mayan temple I imagine like a pyramid

Kind of shape so why don’t we start with like a nice big Square layer at the bottom and we’ll kind of build up layer by layer starting from this as a foundation but wait there’s more we’re actually going to put a jungle themed Farm inside each layer making the entire

Temple a giant jungle themed Factory oh this thing is going to be so sick so first things first let’s begin layer one step one take out our stone bricks and our cracked stone bricks and make some pillars going all around the sides of our foundation why you might ask well

Simply because it looks pretty that is the only reason this would be a lot easier if there weren’t zombies on my face and baby zombies and more adult zombies it’s like a family reunion out here pillars check now it seems like a pretty good

Time for us to build up these walls so I guess we’ll just break some of these apart and sprinkle in some Mossy Stone some Mossy stone brick and just kind of go like this and let’s just see what happens and okay I like it but it could

Use a little Improvement I’m looking for a pirate ship don’t ask questions because pirate ships usually contain treasured Maps oh what I meant to say was carrots 1 second Moss that’s what I meant to say all along so allow me to paint you guys a picture here if we were

To build this entire Temple out of our stone blocks it would look pretty gray and boring but if we’re going to be smart about it we can use moss on the bottom and slowly go up from green to Gray in this cool gradient pattern thereby making the build looks so much

More epic I’m also terrible at drawing but just hear me out here it’s going to look Amazing and how’s that for some walls now we can just throw in some extra details lay down a nice flat roof for the top and now we have an entire level one to work work with which does not include mobs go away stop stop stop so

Just to recap here every single layer is going to have a jungle themed Farm inside of it which means we have to go find farmable things inside of this wonderful place and I think I have a good idea for our first Farm bamboo I missed it bamboo now bamboo has a lot of

Cool uses in the game but specifically my favorite thing is the new bamboo wood I never actually get to use it because I don’t have any bamboo but that changes today so our first step in this process is getting a whole lot of bamboo I find it very strange that there’s not really

Any bamboo in the jungle itself so we got to go find ourselves a bamboo forest oh I vividly remember using this portal to go get bamboo for my zoo over there so let’s go in here follow this dirt pathway avoid dying and if my memory serves correctly we should be at a

Bamboo still a jungle where’s the bamboo aha there it it is yes come here my children I want all of you oh you’re so delicious and that should be good I think I lost the portal ah I’m just kidding I’m the smartest person in the

World back we go well kind of first I had to hop into a separate creative world to figure out how to make a bamboo Farm I think I figured it out yeah totally okay so we’re going to need some Redstone stuff like dust and pistons and observers we’re also going to need

Hoppers water buckets and a few other random things that will make sense later all right Showtime first off we had to make four lines of these automatic bamboo chopping machines I think I might have underestimated how many materials we actually need for this Farm but how this machine works is when bamboo grows

Up to that Observer The Observer tells the Piston to shoot out and chop it down and break it and give us the free loot so essentially if I just line this whole thing with bamboo oh I just realized I didn’t need to put these Corners there

I’m kind of dumb sometimes then we can just chop out the floor and make a giant water system that puts all the bamboo loot right into the center Science and there we have it one centralized point for all the bamboo to come down to then I can go down one put a hopper and underneath here put a little chest in here to collect all our bamboo needs that’s not what I wanted to

Do there we go nice and as we left the farm run for a little bit let’s move on to level two so Layer Two is going to be very similar to layer one we got our pillars our Mossy walls and our wandering traders who suddenly despawned oh no uh New Year same

Farsy dude stop it you about despawn too oh no he’s gone too so tragic but if you do recall most of those Mayan temples have a giant staircase on all four sides so we’re going to take some of these chiseled stone brick things and raise raise this

Up in kind of like a staircase pattern like this and bring it all the way to the top and connect it right here to the base and then last but not least put some actual stairs here in the middle so we can climb up into our Temple and

After we do it on all four sides it looks significantly better minus the fact that we have a floating staircase over the ocean I kind of got to fix that but first I want to move on to our second Farm which will be a melon farm I

Actually have a giant melon farm back home over here but this requires way too much manual labor and today is all about automation so let’s get some food and try and figure this thing out okay so let’s put down a piece of grass and get

Some melon seeds how do I how do I get melon seeds is it like this aha boom and boom okay so what I’m wondering is if we use Observer similarly to how we use them in the bamboo Farm will The Observer know when the melon grows let

Me just do a little test and I grow you it does all right that’s really good that’s amazing news so hypothetically melons can grow on any of these four sides and if I were to put pistons on all four sides come on baby grow prove my theory Correct it did it it did it it did it fary is a genius now I just got to make a whole bunch of these and figure out a collection system which is going to be very boring so BRB okay we got good news and we got bad

News the good news is that this Farm’s looking pretty good the Pistons are working and it should all work flawlessly but the bad news is I don’t know how to collect all the loot because this is a ceiling and I don’t want to break it so I didn’t really plan this in

The most efficient way possible I mean I could just raise everything up by one but I’m really lazy so I don’t want to do that instead let’s find a new and probably more complicated solution perhaps we break the entire floor here in the middle and rebuild it one layer

Lower and hope it doesn’t mess anything up down here fingers crossed and now if we put the water here on this lower layer everything should flow in the middle yeah this totally works right H it’s still not really in the middle one second again why is life so complicated

Sometimes almost done and Bingo one centralized point for all our melons and Hoppers to collect all the loot yeah okay you can grow now so I can make sure it works before I move on please grow I just want to go do something else right now I’m so sick of

Melons and about 30 minutes later we have melons the farm works but I carried on adding a few more details around the place like jungle fences lanterns and a nice Foundation for our third layer oh and we also got to fix this stupid floating staircase thing we talked about

Earlier and perfect but before we move on to level three I got to take care of something really important last episode I said if the video got 8,000 likes I would round up an army of polar bears and fight them 100 polar bears to be

Exact so yeah we have places to be and I’m out of fireworks so I need to walk there cool okay we’re going to need a whole bunch of leaf beads walls and a splash potion of damage I did the same challenge last episode with bees so I

Kind of know what I’m doing now on we go so simply put I had to fly to the snow biome and find as many polar bears as I could all right good I see a lot of these guys already I’ll take you and you

And you and you and all of you but the million dooll question that we’re all wondering is can you breed polar bears to make this challenge a lot faster so we’re about to find out oh I can’t put leads on the wall okay that’s annoying

All of you stay here if you move you die all right I would assume I need fish to breed polar bears right so I’m just going to smack you with a shovel and smack you with a shovel ooh underground treasure loot question mark or golden

Apple and a gold block Don’t Mind If I Do all right come on please breed oh it doesn’t work it doesn’t work I’m going to have to go to a different approach here craft a whole bunch of leads and get all these polar bears the oldfashioned way

Okay it may not be 100 but it looks like I have 75 if my math is correct which to be honest is still a lot of polar bears so let’s fight let me just get geared up get all the Bears off the leads and now for the Moment of Truth we throw the

Potions and they all should attack me and be really angry or not they don’t seem to hey okay one of them is mad I got to break your chain hold on okay we’re good we’re good fight me this is very not what I expected all right fine

We’ll do this a different way I’ll smack every single bear till they all hate me yes get smacked grow your hatred towards me they just don’t care I wasn’t prepared for this outcome well all right guys I guess you win I guess we’re going to be peaceful for the most part okay

Except for one of you guys is being really mean I think it’s you you’re in timeout anywh who I guess we beat the challenge but that being said if this video gets 8,000 likes I will take one of my favorite hardcore builds blow it up and rebuild it and make it much more

Epic I might D like the video but now getting back to our Temple it’s time to make our third layer good and now as I carefully slide down here without falling all the way down we can begin working on our final farm and I got a pretty good idea for

This bad boy sheep in a Vine that’s the farm I’m just kidding I meant this thing the cocoa beans and even though cocoa beans aren’t the most important thing in the world I’m choosing them because over here under my Mansion I have this very terrible ugly cocoa bean farm and I kind

Of hate it so I’m going to get rid of this and we’re going to make a new one see you oh later okay cocoa beans check we’re also going to need a whole bunch of jungle wood to grow the beans on top of now we just got to figure out how in

The heck we can Farm cocoa beans automatically I’ve never done this before so it’s going to be it’s going to be complicated where are my shulker boxes did I forget them somewhere oh no did I build around the shulkers where are they hello zombie you’re not a

Shulker box there they are you are a shulker Marg Perfect all right let’s figure this thing out so my first question is do cocoa beans work with observers and pistons like we used for the other farm so if I went like this and then like that and then like this come

On no well that complicates things a little bit um well hypothetically speaking of course if I put Pistons down here on each side like this do the Pistons break the Coco they do okay I have have an idea now we’re going to need slime balls a whole bunch of

Redstone and some Faith from my loyal viewers follow me the idea here is to have multiple logs hooked up to sticky pistons which will all be connected to one single power source at the top this lever all right a little bit later this thing looks really good so very simply

All we do is put cocoa beans on all these pieces of wood then when they’re all grown up like they are now I hop up here and we simply flick this lever which activates a Redstone Contraption down here that makes all the Pistons extend and

Unextended yeah 3 2 1 go and that should have done the trick let’s just double check to make sure yes oh wait why are you guys not moving wait I don’t understand why the water is not oh I I see there’s issues I guess I’ll try to

Figure this out but uh in the meantime it looks like it mostly works the only downside is I do have to come put these beans back manually cuz there is no way to automatically place them so I guess it’s not a perfect Farm but it’s a farm

And I like Farms so we are good and last but not least I wanted to add one final layer for a very special edition how is that for a temple oh hello there stranger oh More Strangers so many people here to visit my new build

Welcome do you like it okay I don’t want that raid effect thing so go under there okay bye but anywh who the plan I want to do for this final level is I want to bring all the loot from all three layers up here to a centralized Point using a

Water elevator which if you recall is the exact reason I brought Soul Sand and kelp earlier it was all pre-planned all along but okay let’s figure this thing out so I’m going to break all the Hoppers and chests I placed then we’re going to use the glass I brought to make

A little water elevator going here and if all goes well it should fit perfectly right up here oh I’m a genius you guys have no idea I was doing this look at it absolutely perfect and now water elevator time Oh that’s a good sign but wait we got to give it the proper test come on work work work yes they’re coming up all right sweet now just show me the melons and we’re all set come on melons oh we got one I don’t know why

That took so long but we have all three Farms working so we are successful and last but not least for the cherry on top we’re going to make a little collection system so all the loot goes into Hoppers boom boom boom boom boom and that should

Do it just one final test to make sure it works and yes it does all right upgraded jungle temple complete but that’s going to be it for me so make sure to like subscribe do all the good stuff I’ll talk to you guys next time so until then goodbye

Today we found a jungle temple and transformed it into a giant jungle pyramid in Minecraft Hardcore! We then made farms inside each layer, resulting in a mega automatic farm! This build required over 100 days in Minecraft of grinding cobblestone, stone bricks, and redstone! I also attacked 100 polar bears as a challenge…

Watch The Whole Hardcore Series HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6gJkISajekAYxbVRE8bHuJKolT_PW8rc

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FarzyMC
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Extra Farzy Content: https://www.youtube.com/@ExtraFarzy
Vlog Channel: https://www.youtube.com/NickFarzy
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farzymc
Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/farzy

This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, Sandiction and aCookieGod! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better!

For business inquiries, use this email: farzy@thestation.io

#Minecraft #Hardcore #LetsPlay


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