ELEMENTAL HIDE and SEEK Prop Hunt in Minecraft

Our friends cash and Nico have challenged us to an elemental hide and seek Prop Hunt challenge can we stay hidden while cash and Nik hunt me and my brother down oh my gosh I cannot wait to be seeker and find all of you guys so easy well let’s find out who the first

Seeker will be Milo I’m going to press this button and find out all right let’s go what does it say it says Milo that’s you Milo you’re going to have to find me Nico and cash if you want to win this thing I’m going to find you first chip

No you’re not there is no way I wish you the best of luck one two three wo a snow biome look these are my absolute favorite this is the perfect opportunity to pick the block I’m going to morph as I have elemental powers so I can pick any element to morph into and

Right now I pick snow let’s type morph snow did that work I don’t feel any different but wao look that’s me I’m a snow block right now that is crazy I look just like all the other snow blocks there must be so many amazing spots for

Me to hide in this biome but wait a minute look there’s a mushroom biome as well and a jungle biome and so many others I think Milo’s still counting so I’m going to have a quick explore look at this mushroom biome it’s so pretty I love the purple grass and wait are those

Mushrooms that is so cool I also like how there’s caves in every single biome there are so many amazing spots to hide in this jungle biome might be my new favorite look how many hiding spots there are there’s even amazing cute pandas and bamboo as well for them to

Eat I wonder if we could climb the vines and hide on the tree but wait a second I totally forgot I’m a snow block I stick out like a sore thumb in this biome that is a terrible decision there’s no way I could hide in here right now I’m I’m

Going to go hide back in the snow biome surely there’s a good spot for me somewhere here okay time’s nearly up I’m coming to find you first chip oh no h i have to quickly find a spot to hide I haven’t decided yet uh maybe here yeah

This seems like a great idea wow this map is really cool I wonder what chip could be right now oh gosh Milo’s making his way over and I’m completely defenseless I think I need a strategy oh I know exactly what to do I’m going to quickly mine this tree so that I can

Make a shovel shovels might seem kind of weird to be making right now but it’s pretty important first I need to make eight Spruce planks and then a crafting table perfect just like this I’m going to place it down all the way over here so it Blends in with the dirt if I

Placed a crafting table with the snow it would look so obvious now I’m going to craft two blocks into sticks Perfect all I need to do now is place two sticks in the crafting grid and make a nice wooden shovel look at how much snow there is if

We mine the snow blocks just like this we get a bunch of snowballs I think I know exactly what I’m going to do with these oh look there’s Milo’s name tag I’m going to quickly hide right in here as a snow block and when he comes by I’m

Going to hit him with them hey wait a second what was that noise what the is someone throwing snowballs at me Milo doesn’t realize that I’m hiding as a snow block this is perfect I can keep throwing snowballs at him to annoy him hey it’s coming from this direction chip

Are you around here somewhere throwing snowballs I’m totally going to get you this is so funny I’m going to follow Milo around and see if he even manages to notice me if he ever turns around I can just quickly blend in with all the other snow blocks I think chip might be

Up a tree or something oh no I’m not very good at climbing trees but hang on a second I just heard something funny from over here was that’s snow block there before oh goodness I think I’m just going crazy oo that was close I think Milo actually might be kind of

Noticing me right now this is funny he only thinks I’m a snow block so we can keep pranking him and he won’t even realize at least I hope he wouldn’t realize oh no he turned around quick let’s sneak and hide I hope he didn’t notice me that is a really suspicious

Snork block oh my gosh this icy tonger is just making me go into same I’m po be have you seen chip anywhere or are you chip Milo thinks I’m the polar bear that is a terrible idea if he tries to hit the polar bear Milo’s in big trouble if

You’re chip I’m going to punch you and you’re going to get angry ha wait that was a mistake I don’t think that’s you oh my gosh that was not me that was a regular polar bear Milo’s so silly but wait where’s he running off to now wow

This is so scary I don’t know where to go I hope there’s somewhere I can hide and wo there’s a pile of snor but wait what’s going on I just fell down into a cave okay Milo seems pretty distracted by the cave now is my perfect opportunity to go and find the other

Hiders cash andiko I wonder where they could be hiding H I remember seeing cash and Nico going in this direction towards the Nether biome so I’m guessing they’re either there or in the forest biomes hey polar bear you should not be out here I think it’s a little bit warm for you all

Right I can raise my voice now I think Milo’s pretty far away from me I wonder where cash and Nik could be hiding I have to remember that they are not going to be cash and Nico anymore they’re going to be hiding as some sort of blocks because this biome is the closest

To the snow biome I’m going to check this one first I just have to think what blocks could they possibly be hiding as wait a second is that oh my goodness it’s an Netherrack block wait a minute are you cash or are you Nico oh wait jump two times if you’re

Nico oh it’s Nico hey Nico oh wow I can’t believe I found him Nico is hiding as a block of neck that’s amazing but where’s cash oh wait a second did that magma block just move hang on a second that is not normal this must be cash hey cash

Are you hiding as a magma block that’s cra crazy I’m hiding as a snow block oh that was a really bad iy situation I don’t know if chips even there those snowballs might have been a really mean prank maybe I should look in this biome oh no Milo’s made his way into The

Nether biome this is terrible I need to find a good place to hide I’m a snow block so I’m really obvious here maybe this cave would work I think this is the best I can do for now I really hope Milo doesn’t find me H what is anyone out

Here I don’t know if this is the right place to look I really thought I was going to be good at this game oh my goodness Milo’s getting so close I really hope he doesn’t find me but cash he has to be careful if he keeps moving around like that Milo is definitely

Going to find him I don’t have a lot of time left and I haven’t found a single person this is a really hard Hide and Seek challenge wo Milo is getting so close to cash right now this is crazy wait a minute what’s this this magma

Block is moving I totally found one of the hardest get back here I’m going to catch you oh no Milo totally found cash but wait a minute I’m a snow Block in a Netherrack biome I need to get out of here as quickly as I can this is my

Chance to get back to the snow biome and totally hide but wait a second he’s coming back around I think I have to wait a couple minutes longer get back here I totally want to win and this is my first step come here yeah I found you

Cash how does it feel to be a loser oh my gosh Milo found cash so quickly this is terrible that means it is only me and Nico left hiding I need to find a way to get out of here quick I’m going to try going through the back

Of this cave maybe there’ll be a better place to hide over here well now that I know that you were hidden as one of the nether blocks what else else can I find maybe Nico is hidden as something as well yes I’m going to chase this block

Cuz I know that it’s ni or maybe it’s Chip I don’t care I’m going to win oh my gosh they’re chasing around everywhere quick I need to hide behind this tree so they don’t see me but now is the perfect chance to run into the snow biome I

Really hope I can get there before I get caught oh goodness oh goodness I cannot believe I went into The Nether biome like this as a snow block that was so risky I cannot be taking chances like that again and I nearly got you come here I got you I’m nearly the best

Winner in the world come back here I’m totally going to get you oh my gosh 3 2 one yeah I found you Nico now all I have left is to find stinky little Chi hey Milo would you like a hint about where you can find me oh my gosh yes chip

Where are you I’m hiding in a biome where it’s too cold for grass to grow so cold that it can only snow a so maybe the mushroom biome then what Milo it does not snow in the mushroom biome there’s only one biome here it snows in

Oh yeah I forgot it must be the jungle biome Milo are you going crazy right now well I don’t know maybe I am Milo I’m hiding in the the snow biome oh the snow biome all right then you don’t stand a chance cuz I’m going to find you all

Right then well I’m currently hiding on the side of a very tall mountain a tall mountain I can find that easy peasy I wonder how much time I have left hm that’s a really good point how much time do you have left I have no idea wao Milo

You only have 8 seconds what the that’s not very long ship where are you I don’t want to lose and Milo the round has ended you did not managed to find me in time oh no I guess that means that the hia team wins that’s such a stinky

Situation look Milo I was hiding as a block of snow this entire time do you want me to prove it yeah cuz I don’t really believe you still if I type unmorph and hit enter I become me again the one wonderful and amazing chip what the were you throwing snall at me that

Whole time maybe a dang it this is really bad I totally beat you that round Milo so I’m so excited to find out who’s going to be the seeka now yeah and I’m feeling really stinky about it hey don’t worry because this round the seeka is cash and Nico what that’s not fair

They’re double teaming us that’s that’s crazy hey Milo I have an idea what is it if cash and Nico are going to double team us we should team up to defeat them well even though I’m really mad at you from last round I think that’s a good

Idea yeah come on Milo let’s hide as a team all right cash niiko close your eyes Okay Okay chip where are we going to go Milo I think we need to hide over here in the jungle biome there are so many spots to hide all right I think I

Know something really fun that I can disguise as oh me too I have a very good idea my Elemental hideand-seek block that I’m going to hide as is a jungle leaves block a jungle leaves block what the I was going to be a Vine leaves block that’s perfect if I just type

Morph leaves boom I instantly become a jungle Leaf block look how well I blend in Milo you look really cool I wouldn’t even know you were a jungle leaves block do you want to see my block now yeah me too I’m excited to see what it looks

Like here it is wo you’re jungle vines mhm do I look awesome yeah you look great and we totally camouflage with each other this is perfect Milo we can find a group hiding spot where we can both hide together in secret let’s have a look then I don’t think we have a lot

Of time left no we don’t look maybe we can hide among these chickens hey they even even have eggs for us what the these chickens have been busy laying eggs and not playing hide and seek Well yeah if they were playing hide and seek we’d have so much more of a competition

That’s so true oh my goodness Milo I have two stacks of eggs I think this could come in handy when we find our hiding spot what so we can make an omelet or something no Milo eggs can be thrown but wo look we can climb up the vines even when we’re disguised as

Elemental blocks I nearly lost you just then chip because you were so well Blended in this is so exciting oo I think we should climb up these Vines and hide on the top of this tree yeah they’re never going to see us up here especially since we’re so green look

Milo I think they finished counting they’re about to start looking for us they so silly they really think we’re in the desert biome yeah they totally do that’s ridiculous I hate deserts she we got to be careful not to move otherwise they’re totally going to knowwhere moved

Into these blocks Milo you’re so serious look they’re even running through the chickens now’s the perfect opportunity to hit them with the eggs yeah let’s get them this is so fun hey n you got egg on your face oh no wait Milo they’re looking in our Direction quick freeze we do not

Want them to know that it’s us shooting them with eggs I’m frozen but I think they might be coming up to get us Milo be quiet Nico’s right on top of this Leaf block next to us what the chip I’m really freaking out right now me too

Don’t worry Milo I think if we just stay totally still we should be definitely fine oh wait oh no Nico dropped down and it scared me I messed up oh no he’s on my tail I have to run chip run fast I’m going to try and keep hiding without you

So we still might win oh gosh need get away from me please I’m just a little leaf block I just want to hide and have fun oh chip I hate to tell you this bud I think cash is chasing me now what where are you Milo I don’t see you or

Cash chip this say bad oh gosh where are you oh I see cash where are you Milo you’re disguised too well oh cash is running into the trees but you’re running down here with the chickens good job losing him for now at least yeah I lost him you better to keep running this

Well oh I am Milo Nico is hot on my tail but luckily I have seven more eggs to try and distract him with oh gosh chip you better use them quickly oh look cash is so close to you Milo ah cash get away from me I don’t know if he’s seeing me

Right now I’m trying to lose Nico in these mushrooms but oh no he got so close to me I cannot believe he didn’t find me I think I can do a trick shot running through this bit oh my goodness I think that worked it might have

Brought me some time what you Cas just got me what oh my goodness Milo I can’t believe you were caught cuz you’re so mean and Chip you better keep running oh gosh I’m in shock I don’t know what to do right now Nico’s getting so close to

Me and I’ve tricked him so many times maybe I can try again if I just go through the oh no oh goodness maybe I can hide in here I did it before but I don’t know if it’s going to work ow Nia got me am I chip again no I’m back to

Being a normal human that’s so annoying I can’t believe we just lost that round I’m really grumpy chip this is all your fault but it’s not over yet we still have one more round to totally get our revenge we better get our revenge I’m really really

Fing yeah me too this could be the round where I finally beat all three of you there’s no way you beat us I’m still really mad about lost round oh yeah I’d be mad if I lost like you too so I think we need to press the

Button so we all have a chance to win who is it going to be I think it’s going to be you what it’s me I can’t believe I’m the Seeker time for you to try and find us we’re going to be the best hiding team that’s ever lived let’s go

I’m going to find all three of you I’m starting counting right now you better get hiding 1 2 3 99 100 wa that took ages I don’t see any of them do I really have to look through this entire map to find them that is so annoying but not

Only do I have the elemental ability to hide I also have the elemental ability to hunt them down every single one of these items is a different elemental power that I can use to totally find where everyone is it’s really going to help me out they have elemental powers

To hide with and I can use these to totally win h H I’m in the lava biome right now so I guess I may as well look through here there’s got to be people hiding here right this is where cash and Nico hid in the first round so maybe

They’ve all come back here to hide H I don’t see anybody that is really really weird there must be something in here right oh look there’s a nether pathway but I don’t think any of them are in here it’s just a weird little hole that someone’s dug wait maybe someone’s

Hiding is this block no that’s so annoying they must be hiding as one of these blocks somewhere could they be fire maybe no I don’t even see them this is ridiculous I think it’s time to use the first of my Elemental abilities this is the Horn of the forest it is aligned

With the tree element so any animal in the forest if it’s nearby Nico cash or Milo it will make a noise to alert me as to where they are I really really hope this works this is one of only four Elemental abilities I can use I’m going to run this ability

Right now oh it plays a tune but wait a second I hear a wolf howling it’s not coming from the farest though it’s coming from this direction I better go over and investigate I definitely heard the sound over here it must have been coming from something but I have no idea

Uh these mushrooms are so annoying I wish they’d get out of my way they must be in the jungle biome there’s loads of animals in here maybe it was from these pandas hey pandas did any of you create that noise H they’re all facing away from me so that is really suspicious and

One of them just made a weird sound it could really be these guys let me clear away the grass and the flowers to get a really good view I’ll place them down here H they’re all three it could be any one of them is it you um okay no I don’t

Think it was maybe it’s you ow nope that was not Milo will cash is it you this one looks really angry I don’t think it was him either what it was none of the pandas that’s that’s crazy oh goodness that was really embarrassing I can’t believe that didn’t work oh I have an

Idea I better climb up this tree so I can get a really good look over at everything I do not want to miss a single thing especially if people are running around in a really sneaky way every time I look away that would be terrible all right I think I’ve got a

Really good view from up here but I’m going to climb to the very very top this will let me see absolutely everything all right I can see the whole map from here now I’m going to use my next ability the icy chill to find exactly where they are this ability will summon

An icy wind right where everyone is hiding hopefully it’s an icy wind I can see and not just a chilly Breeze all right I’m going to use this ability in three 2 1 boom H I didn’t see anything except that mushroom had a little bit of blue around it that’s very interesting I

Wonder if that could be from the icy chill oh I I think I might be on to something I’m going to go investigate but wait a minute there are so many mushrooms I don’t even remember which one was the correct one um I guess there’s only one thing I can do time to

Take down every single one of these mushrooms until I find whatever one cash nio or Milo is disguised as take that mushroom and maybe you what it’s not any of these ones I am getting some nice rther and I could make some awesome leather armor maybe it’s you I can’t

Believe none of these mushrooms have dropped single mushroom yet wait a minute this mushroom’s looking into the wall That’s so silly could it be this one what no it’s not that one either oh come on guys you’re being really good at hiding and it’s really annoying but wait

A minute why is that mushroom nodding hang on a second that is not what normal mushrooms do at all I think I better take a closer look wait where did it go hang on there it is the mushroom just took damage that is not normal hey hey

Come back here start running away from me all right I think this might be one of my friends I’m going to take him down and see if it really is another hia wao look it was Cash disguised as a mushroom that whole time yeah that’s right I

Totally got you cash now it’s on to finding Milo and Nico I’m already off to such a good start you made that way too easy I’ve already had a look over in the mushroom bi am but I have not been to the other Forest at all yet there must

Be something over here or somewh one I do not want to use my blazing glow ability or my Desert Winds just yet I think those are really precious so I should probably save them for when I really need them I don’t have that much time left though so I better hurry I’m

Going to check if any of them are hiding as sugar canane sugarcane is part of the forest element because it’s a plant and there are lots of plants in this biome I don’t think any of my friends are these plants though no they just dropped items

This is weird they are not hiding in the swamp biome at all I mean I’m going to get rid of my leather and all my raw beef I do not need any more of that and they definitely weren in the lava biome oh maybe they’re in the snow biome hang

On a second if they’re in the snow biome I have the perfect perfect ability to use to find them the enemy of snow is fire and this blazing glow ability is part of the fire element so it’ll totally destroy the snow and ice element all right I’m going to use this blazing

Glow ability to hopefully find where Milo and Nico both hiding I’m going to use this ability in 3 2 1 H I don’t see anything except wait a minute there’s glowing shapes over there and it looks kind of like mushrooms wait a minute I think I saw two that must mean Milo

Somewhere in this area as well this is perfect but wait a minute there are still so many mushrooms only one of them is the correct one to find H are you the correct mushroom oh well how about any of your friends I’m going to go through

All of them to try and find the right one once I’m looking for them no mushroom will be left maybe it’s this one what no that’s crazy hang on this mushroom has started to move could it be you oh I’m going to give this a try

Right now I think I found the right one bye-bye mushroom look that was no mushroom that was Nico I really did find him I’m so good at this game I really need to find Milo now though I do not think I have much time left and Milo’s probably off doing something crazy right

Now I did not see Milo with any of the other mushrooms so he’s probably totally run somewhere else I need to look everywhere for him if I can’t find Milo before the timer runs out I’m going to lose this Hide and Seek challenge that would be so embarrassing I better try

Extra hard to find him I only have one ability left I think I need to use it quick this ability is the Desert Wind ability I really think it’ll help me out here come on Desert Wind activate at H I don’t see anything right now but wa that

Mushroom just went flying oh my goodness that’s no mushroom that’s Milo all right Milo I’m coming to get you but what I only have 20 seconds left I don’t think it’s either of these mushrooms no it’s that one over there it’s running away oh Milo I’m coming to get you you are not

Going to run away this easy oh gosh I don’t have enough time but yay I totally got Milo the countdown is going but I won I won the hide and Seek challenge I totally destroyed you guys I’m the official hide and seek Champion I’m so angry but I guess you won fair and

Square oh my gosh woohoo

Today Milo and Chip are going head to head with Cash and Nico in an Elemental Hide and Seek Prop Hunt! Who will win and what will they do to stay hidden?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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