DOUBLE TROUBLE | The Stardew Valley Trials Ep. 6

Hello everyone, and welcome to the sixth week of the Stardew Valley Trials. I hope you’re ready, because this week is the wildest one so far. – My mindset going into week six was a cautious one. I had to be super careful with every move I made, so as to not make an enemy.

It feels like I still have a friend in Therm and Seanie. I feel like we’ve had a fairly amicable relationship throughout the rest of the Cup, And that’s continuing on to now. – Going into week 6 has me nervous. Last week, Nooblit got voted out, but since BlaDe was taking his place,

I didn’t actually have to confront him, but this week? We’re probably gonna have to vote out Matt in order for me and Therm to stay allied with Brandigan and Leapalot. Honestly, the only reason I haven’t told him we are no longer allied is ’cause I can’t bear to break his little heart, man.

And despite the fact that I know it’s just a game, they’re still my friends, it’s hard to do. The closer we get down to the wire, the less I’m gonna be able to rely on my alliances, the more I’m gonna have to rely on being actually good at Stardew.

All the players that are left are pretty good at Stardew Valley, and I am not. So this is bad. – This is getting really stressful. There’s no way that people don’t get stabbed in the back here soon, right?

If I had to rank where people fall on my list of trust, I would say Brandigan won’t do me dirty, Therm probably won’t, Not sure if Seanie would. It would be best if Brandigan or I won today.

– I am really scared because we’re starting to whittle it down to the point where it’s just pals left, and I don’t think I can handle that emotionally. I’m in the exact same spot as the last week. I’m pretty much friends with everybody at this point,

I mean I do have to vote for Haboo every week ’cause my vote has to go somewhere and he’s the best. Our core alliance of Brandon, Leap, Seanie and I is still alive, my little secondary alliance with Matt is still alive,

Though I’m really worried that it’s gonna have to be severed today and I’m kinda dreading that. – It’s crunch time now, and I can’t slip up. I really need to be more cutthroat if I wanna win. I couldn’t do it last week, and hesitating may just be my downfall.

There’s no friends or enemies anymore, it’s more like frenemies. Except for Leap. We’re dog dads for life. But everyone else is suspect. Therm won’t turn on me unless it’s for Seanie, and I’m certain of that, and honestly, I think I need to team up with Haboo.

It’s better to have an enemy who straight up says I’m a threat than a friend who may be going behind my back. Y’know what I’m talking about Seanie? I swear, if he takes another poop during elimination, I’m gunning for him. – Last week was way too close for comfort.

I was literally a hand of Calico Jack from being eliminated. Though I really, really need to get a win this week, it’ll give me a lot more breathing room. I think I’ve only won one official event so far, and the rest has just been elimination challenges, just somehow I just can’t lose them.

I have no idea why. The prize pool for the Stardew Valley Trials will be crowd-funded. I’ve started the pool off at $1,000, but if you’d like to contribute, check out the information in the description below. Everyone who donates will have their names featured in the credits at the end of the remaining episodes.

The final total will be revealed during the season finale. At this point, you guys pretty much know what to expect every week… and I don’t like that. I think that we need to keep the Trials interesting, and that’s why this week will be a double elimination. Within the hour,

Two of you will be sent home for good, and we’ll be down to just 4 players. – Oh no! A double elimination!? A double elimination are you kidding me?! Double elimination! Oh my God! Like I knew that people we’re gonna have to be eliminated, but it just makes it all that

Much more scarier knowing that it’s all happening this week. We’re going down to four people this week. – My tummy did not like that announcement ’cause oh my God I’m shaking. There’s gonna be four people at the end of this, there’s gonna be four.

It’s gonna be the final four, and I don’t know if I’m making it to that group. I’m real worried, I’m real worried about this. Like, obviously, it’s gonna be four eventually, I’m not- give me some time to prepare emotionally, Z. God.

– Honestly this just gives me a perfect opportunity to have two people of their little posse over there get thrown into the elimination challenge. Hopefully I can get a ‘dub this week so that happens. – Two people are going home today.

We’re going from six to four, and if I’m doing my math correctly, that means I am sunk. For real though, we have to accept that somebody from our alliance might be going home today. Maybe even two of us, depending on how things turn out. I think the plan is the same:

Brandigan or I need to win. I trust Seanie and Therm mostly, but Brandigan is my man today. – Hearing about a double elimination week is frightening. I thought I would just have to survive through one challenge, turns out I would have the survive through two, and two people are going home,

Which means we are just barrelling towards the end game, and everything is getting more and more intense. So then, I’m sure you’re eager to find out what our first main challenge of the day will be. I hope that you like speedrunning, because for today’s first golden mask, you will be playing Hot-Footed.

You’re going to be racing all the way through the volcano mine from floor 1 to floor 10. I’ve prepared a farm for you so that you have everything you need, and to make sure you all have the same layout. Your time will start as soon as you step off of the stone bridge,

And your time will end the second you enter the forge. The person who is able to conquer the volcano mines in the shortest time will be the winner. Good luck. – Here it is! We didn’t rid of Haboo last week, and now it’s a speedrun challenge. Who could’ve seen that coming, huh?

The Haboo-centered challenge is here, and we’re all gonna die. IRL probably, even. Did I think I would do good? No, no I didn’t. Didn’t think I would do good at all. Everyone else speed runs regularly. I don’t sweat at Stardew. I play for fun. I’m screwed!

– And there is my golden ticket – a volcano mines speedrun. A while back I participated in a volcano mines speedrun challenge, hosted by Mossy. I spent way, way too much time on it, I think over like, 20 hours.

I don’t know why I did that to myself but I did end up in first place on it by almost like, 10 seconds so that was the only one grinding it but that’s how it be sometimes. I’m very confident about winning this one, obviously I still have my worries.

Brandigan is a very good player, and on a good run, can easily match me, even though I have kinda an innate advantage going into this challenge. It wasn’t set in stone right away. – Volcano speedrun! This is something I’m pretty solid at.

There’s so many layouts for each floor and the monsters hit super hard, but you can breeze through it if you know what you’re doing. Can I do great in this challenge? Absolutely. Can I win the mask though? Maybe.

I’m not a speedrunner, so Haboo has me beat there, but there’s a lot of randomness with each volcano run. I’m not counting Seanie out either, he likes to fake like he’s bad at the game, but the man has a ton of hours in speedruns. – Um… No. This one, just no.

This is the only one so far that he announced it and I was like, I might leave the call, honestly. I might just leave the discord call and resign, be like “have fun guys.” Now it’s back to single elimination. – So it’s a race. In other words, a speedrun. Neat.

Listen, I’m not bad at Stardew Valley but I’m not a speedrunner. I imagine Seanie, Brandigan and Haboo are all gonna win here, somebody at least out of those three. I don’t really know about Matthew and Therm. – I am… Not very good at most things in Stardew Valley.

But more than anything else, I have practiced a lot of skull caverns, despite what happened in Episode 3 just forget in episode 3 that was different. And the volcano’s pretty similar, so I think I’ve a good shot at not losing. But despite knowing that I’m pretty good at the mines,

I can’t help but feel overwhelmingly nervous. Everyone left is good. Am I really even that good? It seems pretty easy, all you have to do is run, break open a couple of rocks, and not die, right? – It’s not just run to the end and just do it as fast as possible.

There’s a bit of strategy, and it mainly comes down to tools and equipment. The main things that I was gonna take advantage of was the slingshot that had explosive ammo in it, the savage ring, and the infinity gavel. The savage ring is the definition of speed;

Every time you kill and enemy, it gives you a +2 speed buff that stacks with coffee and your food buff. Basically you can have +4 move speed for just a short while, which is a crazy amount of speed. And then, finally, the infinity gavel.

The gavel is by far the best weapon in the game, with the club smash core. It allows you to hit enemies in rapid succession allowing you to basically instant kill anything with it, so it’s very easy to get savage ring procs from it.

– The volcano mines are short, and you don’t have to find the ladder, it’s just a matter of getting to the end of the level and walking through a door. I’m sure this is gonna go just swimmingly. In 3… 2… 1… Start. Off we go. I do not have animation cancelling

So we’re just I think gonna run through most of this stuff and try to avoid breaking rocks wherever we can. Okay, we’re gonna need to break through here. No big deal. We’re playing on single player so I’m gonna stop y’know, when I’m eating,

When I check my menu anytime I gotta do anything I can just stop for a second so that’s awesome. Swing through, avoiding everything. Seriously, just don’t want to be here. My heart hurts. I’m sweaty. I don’t feel good. I kinda have to pee.

This is not how I want to be spending my day. We’re gonna have to get through here. Now I’m typing so shaky. Great floor, great floor. We love to see it. This is not such a great floor, we don’t love to see this. Actually no, that wasn’t too bad at all.

Keep it going, we’re on nine here. Wow. This one looks a little treacherous. Yeah we’re just gonna tank it, we’re gonna tank it, we’re doing fine. It’s all good. They can’t really do that much damage. Eat. Let’s eat, let’s eat, let’s go. In we go. Done. This run went pretty well,

But in the back of my mind I was thinking if things went like this well this well for me, how easy much this be for some of the speedrunners? – My strategy was to equip the ring that gives a speed boost and to just try to take out

As many enemies in my path as possible. Here we go. And, start. Lovely, already hurting myself, you love to see it. I was hoping for a speedboost but my ring didn’t get it. This is a lot less damage than I thought. Not off to a great start. Oh… Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh I left my watering can at home. Hopefully I don’t need that. Okay, there’s a little speed boost. Did I not drink coffee? Okay. Lots of things going wrong right off the bat. Alright, really making use of this speed boost. Okay, looks like this might be the right way.

Maybe up here? Left is looking better. Yes. Health is low. Okay, one bad direction. Please don’t get near me, Please don’t do that. That would be rude. Come on. Animation canceling please. Thank you. That room should not have taken that long. It’s gonna be a quick room.

I forgot they don’t blow up rocks. Oh a journal scrap. Helpful. Very good, very helpful. Forgot they were enemies that’s cool. You know I can’t ever find the dragon teeth in my own farms and here it’s… Oh let’s go, got a walnut, Okay honestly…

This time feels better than I thought I was gonna have. This room… is not great. Okay, we’re good. Oh, those things hurt. I don’t know if I should’ve done that. It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine. Oh I thought that didn’t open it just for a second. Okay. Did it.

– My real only strategy was just don’t die. I did notice that one of the rings gives you a little speed boost if you kill somebody. I didn’t use this to my advantage at all. I just wanted to not die. Alright, I’m about to throw up.

I can’t handle this, I can’t handle this. I can handle this. Let’s run it. 3… 2… 1… Go. Okay that doesn’t work, I thought maybe that would kill the slime and I would get a speed boost. Here we go, here we go. How do you get it to hit the rocks?

Oh it doesn’t do that anymore. Doesn’t do that anymore. I’m quicker now. Uh oh. Get juked dude, I’m like destroying these fools ankles right now. Oh… Get destroyed, get owned. Okay, we made it, we made it. Level two. Oh I didn’t see that rock there.

There we go, I’m quicker, doesn’t even matter though, because I didn’t do anything with my speed boost. I got a walnut. Got a walnut. Better count for something. I gotta reorder my inventory because I thought I’d be using this more often. Okay. Adios. Gotta watch the health I’m gonna go ahead and

Eat some cheese. Dude that like, berserk speed boost is so clutch. Okay, level 4. My boom arm on my microphone blocks my health bar which isn’t ideal because I need- that’s an important number to know. Come back, I dare you. Suck it. Eat some more cheese.

Gotta be extra extra safe because if I die that’s gonna be really bad. Okay, dragon teeth. Where were these in my 200 days? Okay. Pass away please, thank you. If I had animation cancelling, they would be toast. Mark my words. Wow this is the best I’ve ever done in the volcano dungeon.

Oh shoot but I can never understand how these work. Consume. Move child. Okay, alright. I’m fleeing. Okay. And… time. Oh my God I’m gonna vomit. I definitely didn’t think I’d- That was much better than I thought I would do. – All this pressure of dying made me insanely nervous man.

I was shaking in my boots, I couldn’t even focus on what I was doing. Alright, 3… 2… 1… Go. Just about speed baby, speed. Speed is all I care about. I’m a speedy guy, I’m a speedy guy. Speedy guy, I’m a speedy guy. I am a speedy guy.

Going so fast that I can’t touch my pants. I’m just having fun honestly. Seanie kinda slick with it. I would rather post a photo of my bare butt on Twitter than suffer the humiliation of dying during this challenge. Dang that speed boost is insane. I can’t believe I never… freaking thought of that.

That’s bonzas. Dude I thought I was gonna run out of time. With all these materials this is quite easy. Ah shoot I went the wrong way. I don’t care that I’m taking damage. I should eat a cheese. Famously I never watch my health when I do these things. Still have my speed bonus.

This is surprisingly easy. I hope that other people aren’t having trouble with this, this is insanely easy honestly. Mushroom floor easy. Easy. I thought this was gonna take upwards of ten minutes. This is taking like, maybe three minutes max? I’m already on floor nine.

I don’t care take all the damage that you’d like. Ah! This input dude look at all these little fire guys. There’s a lot of them, Jesus. Okay I want the speed boost! Okay, gotta eat that cheese, eat that cheese, eat that Oh! There’s buttons?

Oh, oh’s it’s just one, it was just the one. Okay. Time! Okay. Easy. Easy, easy, easy. Honestly I have no idea how good my time was. That almost seemed like it was too easy, like laughably easy even.

Most of the floors barely had anything blocking you from the exit so it was just a matter of running as fast as you can. – And just like Mossy’s challenge, the timer starts when you cross the bridge. There was no rules against me pre-softening up some of the enemies across the bridge.

You will kinda notice me just firing my slingshot just like “pew pew pew” So when I do start the timer, I do cross the bridge, I just hit them once, I just the savage ring speed buff, and then I’m on my way.

I was just very confident that on a normal day that I would win this. Oh boy. So he said as soon as I step off the bridge though so if I do… It should be. Overall, I was pretty happy with my run.

I though it would easily be good enough to give me first place. I really only made some minor mistakes but my real issue was still Brandigan. If he had a clean run, he could easily beat my time.

– I had a feeling my setup would be a little different than the rest of the players. I don’t want a chance getting a debut that slow me down, so I went with a full immunity setup. I also think the infinity gavel and savage ring are must haves to quickly kill and capitalize

Of the speed buff of the ring. The run won’t start until I step off the bridge, so I tried to lure enemies with my slingshot so I could get the savage rung speed boost. Oh boy I’m nervous. Okay. Okay there we go. Okay, I should’ve hit that slime that’s a mistake.

Oh it’s a regular pickaxe! Oh I should just sure the explosive ammo. That’s my mistake. There we go, nice speed boost. And I go the wrong way. That’s okay, that’s okay. Just keep it going. Oh boy. Okay just run through them. That was messy, I am very sloppy. That’s okay, that’s okay. Okay.

Oh which way is this one? I’m gonna have to heal at some point. Okay it’s up here. Go go go go. There we go, okay. Let’s just play this super safe, I’m probably not getting first, but… it’s okay. Oh I don’t know which way this one goes.

Oh it’s straight in the center, oh man. This is stressful. There’s some magmas. Oh I should’ve slammed them. I’m an idiot. It’s okay, just keep it. Can I run around? Which way do I need to go? Straight, okay. Okay. I really wish that I would’ve used more explosive ammo and

I regret taking so much damage that I had to heal. Great job everyone, this challenge looks a lot easier than it is. Let’s find out how you all did. The person who did the worst, and who will be receiving an extra vote this week,

Is Matt McCleskey with a time of 3 minutes and 49 seconds. In fifth place, with a time of 3 minutes flat, was Therm. Leapalot finished with a time of 2 minutes 34 seconds, and SeanieDew finished with 2 minutes and 20 seconds. But the winner of this week’s golden mask,

With the only time under 2 minutes, is Haboo. – Haboo won. Not much else to say about that. Of course Haboo won, of course. Well, coming in last place was not surprising at all. – Yeah, of course Haboo won. There’s literally an entire video on his channel dedicated to this exact challenge.

What did you guys expect to happen? And while I don’t want Haboo out just yet so that everyone stays focused on him, him winning is not good. I have no clue who he’s going to throw into elimination. – At the end of the day,

I think it was expected for me to win this challenge. Again, it was still very close. Brandigan had a very good run, so hats off to him. And it shows you that I’m honestly not the only good player here. Everyone kinda just puts me up on a podium

“hey he won the Stardew Valley Cup”, “Hey he speedruns”, “Hey he does all this crazy stuff” but there are some good players still here. They’re just not getting the attention because I’m here, which kinda sucks for me, and honestly sucks for them that they’re not getting the credit that they deserve.

– I came close, but that only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. I don’t know, that’s something my grandfather used to say. Haboo winning is pretty much the worst case scenario for me. I know he sees me as a threat, but we have a long history together

And maybe he finds a reason to not throw me in? Everyone, it’s now time to vote for someone you want to send into the first elimination of the night. – Okay so we had to pick someone to vote out, and since Haboo won, it couldn’t be him, and Brandigan got second place,

Which means we need to get him out. So I call my allies Seanie and Therm, on discord, and Seanie doesn’t answer. He says he was peeing, and I believed that. So I’m talking with Therm, and we both agree that it was a tough decision and it was going to be rough,

But we decided Brandigan. Logically, Brandigan was the best choice to get rid off. – Dude, I am so nervous right now. – Yeah. That sucks. It sucks. We stick to the plan, we throw Matt in and then one of us goes in. – What happened? What’s good? – What did Matt say?

– I’m sad. Matt just called and he just said “this is a cope call more than anything” and I was like no – No, what did he say? – Did you tell him about our plan and all because they’re probably gonna say Therm is

Safe, and then would either throw Seanie or Leap in. – We gotta vote Matt. – I think we have to. – Okay that’s what we agree to. Yeah I think I have to go against him, that sucks. It is what it is. – It is what it is. – Adios.

– That’s the way it goes. – Okay, I’m gonna cry. This was too much for me. So what happened is that immediately once Z told us it was voting time, I got a discord call from Matt, who I was thinking about voting for Matt because, like,

I can’t vote for Haboo and then everyone else is in this core alliance I’ve got going. I answer the call and he immediately opens with “this is a cope call more than anything” at this point I am in tears.

It’s like, I don’t think I have the strength to pull the trigger on this one, and I definitely can’t say it to his face, so I lie through my teeth like a terrible friend, and he’s saying I think I’m gonna vote for Brandon, and I just go “Yup I’ll vote for Brandon”

And then I dragged my sorry butt over to my alliance call to be like “yup voting Matt for sure.” I feel like a criminal. – Let’s see how all of the votes fell. With only one vote… Brandigan. You are safe this week – You traitors. – Oh my God!

– But there was an otherwise unanimous decision to vote in Matt McCleskey. Matt, with five votes, you will be one of the people in the elimination. Haboo, as winner of the Golden Mask, who do you want to face off against Matt? – Man oh man, who will I put up for elimination?

When I heard the betrayal in Matthew’s voice, I knew what happened. A friendship, a comrade, a tie, was cut from the group. Matthew. – What’s up? – Since you’ve been betrayed… who do you want? – Oh my gosh. – Who do you want to face? I’ll let you pick.

– This is so much power. – Is this for real? – Yeah. – Oh my God. Hab why aren’t you sending me in? – Give me Seanie! – Oh my God. – Go right ahead Matthew. We’re putting Seanie up. – No! – I can’t! I’m gonna leave the call.

– And so it will be Matt McCleskey and SeanieDew. I’d like to apologize to Evelyn in advance for this challenge, because today, you’ll be playing Drive-By. You’ll each be given a slingshot with full ammo, and your goal is to be the first person to pelt 10 different villagers with it.

You can go in any order, and it can be any 10 villagers that you want. You’ll also be given 10 fences that you can put down anywhere, but you will not be allowed to break them, so be careful not to get trapped. As soon as someone hits their tenth villager,

They are the winner, and the other person will be eliminated from the Stardew Valley Trials. Good luck. – Welp. I suppose I deserve this. This is the consequences of my actions finally catching up to me. Brookelle. Partyarlie. KingNooblit. Matt McCleskey. One by one, I pretended to ally with them all. And then,

I betrayed them. This is not how I go out at the hands of Matt McCleskey. Seanie will fight to see another day. – When Matt found out… wow. Y’know, he was not expecting that. The tone of this game just changed. We are not here to have fun anymore.

– In our alliance group chat, I was rooting for Seanie but secretly, I really hope Matt can knock him out. That’s because our current alliance is gonna end soon, one way or another. Therm won’t ever ditch Seanie, and I still have Leap that I want to look out for.

If that means bringing in Matt or Haboo, then that’s what I gotta do. I just need to stop hesitating. – I had to know schedules of all the NPCs, where they’d be at certain times of the day, in order to shoot them with a slingshot, and I picked Seanie, so I screwed myself.

– 3… 2… 1… Go. – False start? Okay there we go. – Three two one go. – Oh sorry. – Okay it was lagging for me, but you’re good. – Oh my God. – Oh! And nobody’s home, nobody’s home. Oh no. Dude where are they? Am I… Am I dumb? What the heck?

Oh there it goes. Oh my. Dude. – Ten! Oh Ten. Wait… No! You! Oh my God you can’t pelt him! – Don’t know if I hit her so we’ll do it again. – And that’s ten. Congratulations SeanieDew, you’ll be sticking around a little longer. Matt, unfortunately you have been eliminated from the Trials.

– My reaction to losing especially in this week, I can’t say I’m surprised. Both challenges, both the speedrun and knowing NPC schedules are my Stardew weak points. Y’know, I’m actually surprised I made it so far in the Trials considering everyone else’s strengths in Stardew, and I’m much more of a casual player.

I’m known for making fun of the game, not for being good at it. But it was a lot of fun to make it this far. Maybe I’ll keep up next time. Good-bye, Stardew Valley. – Matt was a bright spot in the Trials. Him leaving is not the greatest loss in this game,

The greatest loss is what dies inside us still here when he leaves. It’s gonna be ruthless from here on out. o7 dude. – Unfortunately Matthew kinda got rolled and eliminated, so I’m still on my own, but I still gained some traction, and finally put Seanie into the elimination challenge for the first time.

Winning is really my only chance for survival from here on out so I better start winning some more. – Seeing Matty Mac struggle in that challenge, I like, have you ever hit a spider with a shoe that’s like, on your floor,

And it does that little wriggle where it’s like not quite dead and it’s just like “please stop!” and I’m just standing here looking at this wriggling spider thinking I did this, this was me, I’m a monster.

And like, I do wanna see Matt get put out of his misery here, but I can’t see him leave. I don’t wanna see anyone leave. I’m just holding out this feeble bit of hope that Z is gonna do this stupid surprise and be like “no one goes home.”

Like of course he’s not gonna, ’cause he’s a sadist, but still. a man can dream. – Seanie won. Matt lost. I should feel good because my alliance is still all in one piece but I feel kind of… Anxious. Like I said, things are different. You can feel it.

And there’s not even a second to breathe and figure things out because we immediately have to start a new challenge. – But we’re not done yet folks, we’re getting right back into it. The Golden Mask is once again up for grabs, and anyone could come out on top.

I hope that Matt being eliminated didn’t leave you too disoriented, because you’re going to need to be on your A game for this next challenge. Today, you’ll be playing Not So Eggcellent. You are each going to compete in exactly one egg hunt.

The twist is that before you start you’re going to rebind your WASD keys to make you move in a different way. Pressing W will no longer make you walk up, instead you’ll go down. A makes you walk up, S makes you walk to the right, and D makes you walk to the left.

The person who collects the most eggs will be the winner of today’s second Golden Mask. Good luck. – Not so Eggcellent. Ha ha ha. So we’re doing an egg festival but our controls are wrong. Left is up, right is left, I don’t even know. It’s really really disorienting to figure that out.

I know a decent route for the festival but the game is so different when you can’t trust your hands, y’know? – Oh my God I forgot there was another challenge! I was so nervous coming off the elimination challenge I could barely focus on anything else. I was so shaky the whole time.

I was so tense and I just felt so bad about all the things I’ve done to get here. My mind was racing, I was definitely not in the state to do another challenge right now. – Egg festival? Oh no. Imma be real with you guys, I’m terrible under pressure when I’m not prepared.

I usually panic and my chest tightens and that’s why I always try to be prepared. I didn’t have that chance this time, but maybe I can push through this. – I already struggle to walk straight sometimes, and now that my key binds are changed. Yeah. Better luck next time.

And I swear to God if anybody actually beats Abigail I’m just gonna- I hope the cutting out like, makes that funny I have no idea you don’t need to add that. I thought it would be funny. – Imma be honest.

I did kinda play up like, oh I have no shot, I’m gonna lose this challenge. But once I heard about the control swap thing, I kind of suddenly felt pretty good. I actually felt pretty good about my chances. – It’s a cold world out there, man, it’s cold.

The cold, cold world over there I’m still recovering from my elimination challenge man. Holy s–t. Okay. I’m good. S–t okay. There one over here? Yep okay. Okay. Okay. Go back, this way. Up a little, up little more, down to the right, down, right, okay up to the right, isn’t there one down here?

Yep, okay. To the left… up Okay. The right, up and right, up and right, there’s not one over there I’m an idiot. Up, there’s one- oh yeah, there’s a couple over here, okay. I need to go this way. Up. Up up up to the right, down up, up, up

Oh no to the left, left left left and up and then left What! Oh my God man that’s impossible. I know that I did not do well but I doubt anyone did well really this challenge seemed almost impossible for me. Maybe I really am super in the dark on this one.

Hopefully I didn’t do too bad. – I spent some time practicing and like, halfway convinced myself that I knew what I was doing, but that was a lie. – Let’s do what we can. Keep our expectations realistic. Let’s try not to cry. Okay. That’s down, we’re gonna go over here. Two. Three. Four.

Five. Six. Seven. Seven. Seven eggs. Y’know what? That’s not too bad. I will take that. I only picked up seven eggs, and that’s not going to be enough. I can feel it. My only hope again is to not come in last.

It’s depressing that that continues to be my hope in these games but if I have to scrape my way along the bottom until the very end, I will. – I started off great, but that quickly went downhill. I missed my second egg, and the panic started to set in.

I see Maru and then Abigail and I didn’t even realize that they don’t steal your eggs. Oh I missed one. Oh no Abigail! Come on. Oh no. That was terrible. I looked like a lost puppy who still doesn’t even know how to run properly.

It was a mess, and this was by far the worst I’ve ever done in a challenge. – The controls didn’t actually mess with me that much, I just kinda had to get into a different mode where I had to like, map it out in my head and think about it in a more

Spacial sense. Oops already missed one, already missed one that’s fine we’re gonna move on. We don’t have time, we don’t have time to worry about it. Okay. Okay. Okay, kinda had a bit of a brain fart there. Up, that way, yep. Up, yeah. Okay. Yep. Alright.

Oh it’s Jas, dammit, I didn’t know it was Jas. I thought it was an egg. I could’ve gotten another one. How many did I get? Did I even get enough to beat Abigail? Oh my God. – My only plan going into this was what I did to cram for tests in school.

Repeatedly say the answer, or in this case keybinds, over and over and over again until I had it in my brain, and once I started, I was back to walking like Pam after a Friday night. I’m- ah f–k God! I’m bad.

I still ended up with eight eggs which I think is a good number. It wasn’t enough to beat Abigail but hopefully everybody else struggles just as much as me. – Let’s find out how you all did. The person who did the worst,

And who will be receiving an extra vote going into the elimination, is Brandigan with 4 eggs. Seanie, you came in 4th place with 5 eggs. But our top 3 finishers ended up with 7, 8, and 9 eggs. The winner of the Golden Mask… is Therm.

– Haboo’s gonna get all the votes, which is gonna leave me with just my alliance buddies, and I’m gonna have to pick one of them to send down. So now I’m left with the hardest choice of my life.

Seanie for me gets an instant pass ’cause again, we are blood brothers in this event and we are making it to the final two, I don’t care how it happens. So then that leaves me Brandigan and Leapalot. It feels like I’m answering one of those absurdly hard would you rather questions that’s like

Would you rather explode or die? It’s like, I don’t freaking- neither please? I actually, i’m not kidding for a second; I thought about sending myself into the elimination challenge. – We hopped in a call and Therm says he’s gonna flip a coin for who goes in but I’m

Confused ’cause there’s three of us, and that’s when he tells us what I already suspected. Seanie is safe by default ’cause he was his teammate and all. Man, that sucks but I understand. So there’s only one thing left to do. I call Haboo.

I tell him it’s basically me or Leap going in against him, unless Leap, me and Hab vote for Seanie, there’s a 50/50 shot I’m going into the elimination. But if I do that, it ruins not only my chances with the jury, but Leap’s as well.

I don’t want Leap to take that chance for me, so let the coin flip. Me, Brandigan, Leapalot, and Therm all join a call and the mood in the call is instantly very awkward. Therm said he was gonna do a coin flip between Brandigan and Leapalot,

Which I think was a smart thing to say, but not a smart thing to do. Brandigan and Leapalot leave the call in somber spirits, but I keep talking to Therm, and I told him could very easily just say it was a coin flip to save face,

And then really just put in whoever we thought was more dangerous. Just like that, we left the call, knowing exactly who was going into elimination. – I’m gonna flip a coin between Brandon and Leapalot. – Oh God. – It’s in the air. It’s Brandon. – Good luck Brandon. – Thanks guys.

– I- good luck, my friend – Good luck Brandon – Therm! – And so it will be Haboo vs Brandigan. We’re taking a trip to Ginger Island, because our second elimination today will be “The Pirate’s Projectiles.” You’re both going to play a game of darts in the pirate’s cove.

In this minigame, you get points based on which slice of the dartboard your dart lands in. If you land a dart in the outer ring, your points are doubled, or if you land your dart in the inner ring, your points are tripled.

The hard part about this is that your cursor is always moving, and so you have to actively try to move your mouse to counteract it. Once you hold in click, the circle will shrink, and when you let go, your dart will go somewhere in that circle.

The person who is able to win a game in the least darts possible will be the winner. Good luck. – Darts was the elimination challenge this time around. This one is less about a player’s skill in Stardew but more about how stable you can get your mouse to be.

Thankfully I do have a little bit of practice in it due to the amount of perfection runs I’ve done recently, so hopefully that can transfer over. Brandigan did not have the confidence to start with here, but he’s good. He is good. I cannot imagine the stress, but he’s tough, he’s got this.

I believe in this. – Brandon was experiencing this for roughly the first time, so it was so tense that he clearly just did not believe in himself, and, like, heartbreaking, let me just say first of all. Just hearing him say like “alright, well, I’ll do my best” in a dejected voice almost

Made me unplug my computer. – If Brandigan wins then it’s kinda just me and Therm versus Leapalot and Brandigan. If Haboo wins, then me and Therm are really the only alliance left in the game so we’ll a numbers advantage no matter way. – So now I’m stuck with the pressure of going first.

Deep breaths dude. You can do this. It doesn’t help that I’ve only ever played this mini game once before. I can barely remember it. The strategy seems simple enough; hit the 3x multiplier on 20 until the last dart, and then hit a 1 for what, six darts total?

– o7 boys it’s been fun. – Okay. Brandon clutch up, let’s go it’s not over. – No I’ve literally done this once in my life I’ve seen Haboo do it more than me. Oh my God. – That’s fine. You technically needed the one. – True, true. – Could be helpful.

– His hand is shaking I can tell. – It’s so shaky. – Calm down, you’re fine. – Laser. Let’s go. – There you go. I hope everybody wins. – Again. – Again! – Laser! – I don’t feel good about this circle. It’s treating me bad. – Yeah this circle is… doesn’t even matter!

Laser! – Wow. – That’s fine if you miss this one. – Yep. – Right. – The next one though. – Why am I so nervous? I’m not even participating? – This is how it is every time Seanie. Par for the course. – No! – Oh that didn’t count! – What?!

– I’m even upset! – Sorry guys. – No, just focus up. – Laser, okay, let’s go. – Well sink me! – Sink me brother! – For my second time ever playing this mini game, I don’t think my score is half bad.

But when it’s against somebody like Haboo, half bad may not be good enough. – He did close it out with his ninth dart which is a respectable attempt, but it definitely left the door open for me, an dafter I got rid of my jitters, I started throwing.

– You already have the better strategy. – Wow. – Nice, dude. – Firm handshakes Brandigan, I am sorry. – Hey it’s all good my man. – That’s so sad! – That’s crazy. – You guys are so mean to him! Why? – What? – You voted him out! – We voted for you.

– Yeah you threw him at me. Just like everybody else. – o7 boys. – o7. Brandigan, since Haboo was able to win in eight darts, you have been eliminated from the Stardew Valley Trials. You had a great run, and we’re sad to see you go.

– It came down to one dart, which may not seem like much, but I was basically one mistake off from being forced into playing another round, and on the other side of the coin, Branigan was just one less mistake off of tying me.

I have a lot of respect for Brandigan as a person, as a player, he’s definitely the one that I feared most throughout the entire Trials, but at the end of the day, one of us was going home here. I’m sorry Brandigan. You played well, and you made top 5,

So please don’t hard on yourself for this one, it was a fun one. – I knew going into the Trials that if I was going to win any elimination that’s not lucked-based, I’m gonna have to go through TheHaboo.

It’s a fitting sendoff though, because I wouldn’t want to be eliminated by anyone but the best. I tried my hardest, but there are some things I’m just not good enough in, but I don’t need to farm sadges from you guys.

I’m super happy with how far I made it, and to top it all off, Leap is still in the game. Thanks Z. It’s been a wild ride and I guess it’s goodbye for now, but I don’t end whoever makes it to the final two,

Because you’ll see me again soon when you face the jury. The cool thing about the jury is, they don’t forget. – I don’t know how to feel, like I’m happy. I’m happy ’cause I’m in it, y’know? like I’m in the competition, I’m in the final four, but at what cost?

So at this point, it’s kind of become just purely everyone versus Haboo, because Seanie, Leap and I still have our alliance and Haboo is kind of on his own here, but he can’t lose in these elimination challenges. Again I feel safe. Alright well, I’m gonna go make pizza rolls and ponder.

See you guys in a week. Adios. – Now we’re down to four people and me and Therm are sitting in a pretty good spot to be the final two. We’re the only group of partners left in the game so we already have a numbers advantage in any voting.

Having Leapalot around is nice too, because we can either use or not use his alliance with pretty much no consequences either way. Like if I betray him, there’s no one really here to come back and backstab me now that

Brandigan’s gone and I don’t really have any fears that Leapalot’s gonna ally with Haboo. That just doesn’t seem like a combo I can really see happening. I’ve been using Haboo pretty much this whole time to distract attention away from myself, but it’s gone on long enough. Next week, he’s going down.

Most weeks I’ve just been trying to flow to the middle of the pack to avoid any suspicion, but next week? I’m winning this challenge. And Haboo is getting on that bus. It’s time for this blueberry to get plucked. It’s time for me to show my true Stardew Valley skills.

Here’s hoping I develop some of those before next week. – It’s me, Haboo, Seanie, and Therm. I am the only one who hasn’t worn a mask now. There are two eliminations to go. Brandigan, my teammate, is gone. The alliance? Done for. Right?

At this point, Seanie and Therm aren’t going to vote against each other. And at best, y’know, I could win a mask and knock someone out, but Brandigan left me a parting gift. “Call Hab.” He said. “You can do this.” Brandigan had prepared for his own exit here.

It’s time for me to make a deal. We are down to just four competitors. You all have done incredibly well to make it this far, but only two of you will make it to the very end. Get some rest, because next week will really test your skills. I’ll see you soon.


14 competitors, countless challenges, and one massive cash prize. For eight weeks, Stardew Valley’s biggest content creators will need to fight for power, struggle for survival, all while making friends and enemies along the way.

In the sixth episode, the free-for-all continues, but with another chaotic twist. Who will be able to claim the golden mask (…or masks?)

The prize pool for the Stardew Valley Trials is crowd funded! If you would like to contribute, use the GoFundMe below. 100% of the donations go into the prize pool.






Lee (atwentysomethingloser)


Matt McCleskey



Seanie Dew






Huge thanks to SoupRS for the inspiration for this series! I’m a huge fan of his Gielinor Games, you can watch them here:

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