So we tried Terraria…

I have never played Terraria and today I decided to drag along some friends to try this game out for the first time and let me tell you it was chaos what the hell isn’t this the like hardest boss out of I’m getting out of James save me

Watch out James but before we begin let me introduce you to the fellas on our roster we have James the person who was leading us cuz he had some understanding next we have Charlie who had played this game eons ago savic is our next fell and he was absolutely clueless someone who

Was more clueless was Noah the lean Wizard and finally we have me of course I have technically played this game once but I can’t lie I don’t remember any of it those are the fellas and we set out on a journey to just survive guys I’m putting Master mode on now what’s Master

More enemies and they hit incredibly hard I love you do this master murder what bro guys why did you put Master mode I went down right and you know what happened I lost all all my HP all of it you’re still alive be grateful for that

It’s cuz I’m a God oh there’s a mirror oh [ __ ] I did not mean to do that yes be careful the bats will twoot you I’ve not played this oh God yeah James saved me the door is broken the door is broken door is fine the door

The left door the left door why how is Charlie still alive man I’m guys guys there’s an eyeball oh there’s a zombie in our house I’m going to stay up here until you guys deal with that outside sorry maybe I dropped it who gave me who gave me 10,000 Rich mahogany

Tables I accidentally dropped them instead of facing them down we are all dead who left the door open would notic me getting killed by a bat but apparently not there some reason I didn’t clock the fact that it would be able to get me thing about the graves is

So you drop a grave when you die and if a bunch of them spawn then a graveyard biome spawn you get ghost on your hand why you what are you are you dead again who me blue man who is blue man that’s Noah wait not Noah it’s you wait it’s

You isn’t it oh it’s me yeah I got mixed up with is in the game I know I thought it said blue man is joining I forgot I called myself blue man oh oh [ __ ] no no going on a trip I’m coming to Charlie why are you guys moving before

It’s daytime that’s such a bad idea I’m coming Charlie slow down Charlie run char was Charlie I died guys there’s a snatcher underneath us oh the in the cave I saw that yeah that that thing will [ __ ] you up in one hit probably how

Do I get past it you don’t you jump over it we wait till we’re stronger it’s okay I just walk past it oh bye Charlie right by Char why is there so much [ __ ] in this jungle jungle was a bad starting location okay well now I’m [ __ ] his incompetence was put on

Displayed by a jungle slime how are you meant to get better gear if you can’t explore you can explore you’re just bad at it oh are we not meant to go down wait friend we meant to be going across what are you doing going down don’t go

Down but I’m going to try and get you in 20 minutes instant SL yeah what did I tell you there’s a lot you didn’t tell me anything yeah you didn’t I said don’t go down there what sorry I was distracted eating my banana and blueberry squashies from the hit

Popular hit franchise the minions huh you heard what I said I don’t know how he could have made it clear BR okay James come with me we’re getting rid of the we’re getting rid of we’re getting rid of the the graves in this direction yeah digging up the graves okay we still

Have two graveyards to deal with come back here ah [ __ ] no okay she made you watch what Charles boys boys need with Jo only took you like how it’s been 52 minutes savic 52 minutes oh my God oh my God is this a grappling H this ganger as hell guys is honey

Important wait can you not jump in this game Space you can you press the jump but is there heaven in this game Flying Islands oh I’m going how are you building this don’t worry James I’m going faster than you what the hell is this massive pole going upwards I feel

Like Lil n EG right now no please don’t break the bottom of it please bro you you think I’m I’m honored that you think I would know how to do that I not oh I didn’t mean to do that ah why why are you [ __ ] breaking the Rope

Why were you breaking the Rope I wasn’t trying to I don’t know the controls oh we got quiet Navy oh we got quiet neighborhood guys okay how do I get off this how do I not fall through zombies are falling from the sky why are there zombies falling from the sky why are

There zombies falling from the sky because they’re all spawning on the top of this thing what thing are you on the pole I’ve got platform you know the big platform that you built in the sky you know that gen yes idea that’s now just spawning zombies ring from it’s a it is

A good idea I’m building my base up here it’s killing every oh wait torches don’t stop the zombies what do the what are the James can you give me unlimited wood you want unlimited wood get down com hey hey fell hey baby boy so some my wood for me thanks baby boy

You got to stop saying that keep saying it a watch out James oh great I’ve got a bunch of demon I swarming me I’m coming savic oh the demon eyes have gone no there’s still one there and there’s a slime with the slimes with umbrella savic

It’s oh yo clutch savic do you want a bow on some FL uh yes please oh that’s spiked guy there’s a spiked guy James it’s okay I got this i got this don’t worry about it look how low it is now we’re going further we’re going

For the maner the manhole s could you clean up your Graves man they’re getting a bit of a Nuance I’m coming back down to clean them up you stupid child I already did it man I already did it why I was literally coming back down to God

I was that God I was that you complain that I’m not cleaning them up then don’t give me the time to clean them up I’m sorry savic I thought you died oh my god do one of them you can’t do both I can complain for future reference man you’re

Going to be a great Asian parent yeah one you can do one of them PR you can’t do both if I see it if I see a grave I’m destroying it hav that’s my rule of thumb fine Graves don’t matter anyway what do they give you back they they

Prevent ghosts from spawning you I know but I don’t really care if you mine it because I get nothing from mining it yeah but I’m asking could you do it if I if if you die and I’m not in the area that’s what I’m saying you didn’t okay

Fine fine yeah yeah I will mine it I thought you weren’t coming back okay I thought you wer give up I thought you weren’t coming back I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean it Mom and Dad are having a fight again oh forget mom and dad

Having a fight what is this shiny oh S I found another one how did you one I found a grave that’s so deep how did you get this far like oh yeah um I died and then I realized I couldn’t be to go get the grave cuz I realized um if

I did go get the grave then I wouldn’t be able to get back out again yeah I don’t blame you do you use the magic mirror at all though no I just dropped and I just kept dropping down no as then do you use the magic mirror to get out

Oh wait what how do you do that oh you know the big blue things oh that’s so useful wa you must have been playing this for ages how have you not even wored that out yet I’ve been building my base in the sky for the past last half an

Hour the eye of cthulu has awoken why have you awoken the eye of cthulu I wait isn’t that the hardest in the game okay well I’m going back to my base and hiding he’s coming from that direction so I not go that oh there he is oh [ __ ] oh he can he

Can what the hell isn’t this the like hardest boss I’m getting out of I’m getting out of here why would you do this you just not it did not did you do here I was sitting in the house and it spawned what James how does it how does it

Spawn a suspicious looking eye in a chest used it and then a great eye came oh it was you James why is it a 20 second respawn man

We played Terraria for the first time…on MASTER MODE! I don’t know why we did this to ourself.

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00:00 Intro
00:43 The Game


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