CURSED MICKEY MOUSE vs The Most Secure House In Minecraft!

All right Daisy I think this is the house that my daddy wants us to live in Jeffy are you sure we have the right address um yeah it’s the only house here Daisy yeah but it looks so scary yeah and really old and I think it smells

Like poop Jeffy what if it’s haunted wait haunted Daisy don’t say that well look at it yeah it does look pretty haunted and definitely there’s some ghost inside I don’t want to go in there well let’s just knock and see if my daddy’s inside come on Daisy okay oh

Gosh this thing is really scary um daddy are you in here Daddy did I get you Daddy what the heck Marvin that’s not funny I thought it’ be funny if I scared you guys and obviously it worked well Daddy why does this house look so creepy are you the ghost living in here

No I’m not the ghost living in here but you might have to sleep next to a ghost at night wait what there’s actually ghosts in this house Jeffy I got this house for free because it’s haunted whoa someone gave it to you for free well Jeffy I actually didn’t buy the house I

Actually just walked into the house cuz I saw someone die and go to an ambulance now I sleep in their bed what the heck daddy you can’t just steal someone else’s house Jeffy they don’t need anymore cuz they died wait daddy what’s this on the floor is this bear rug uh I

Don’t know it’s some type of animal but it’s keeping my toesies warm morvin you cannot be living in this house we need to knock it down yeah Daddy I second that we are not living in this old haunted house uh-uh I don’t know guys if you destroy the house the ghost might

Haunt you oh my gosh don’t even think about that I don’t want to get haunted wait Daddy what does the upstairs look like it’s got like three beds for us why is my bed here is this where the guy died uh I actually think he died in

Daisy’s bed I’m not sleeping there Daisy you’re going to have to sleep in there I would rather sleep outside well if you guys think this house is creepy you guys got to look across the street and see that house wait what oh my gosh oh my

Gosh daddy who the heck’s house is that I don’t know but I think they’re obsessed with scary Mickey Mouses wait guys do we live next to Mickey Mouse can we go tell him hi Daddy Mickey Mouse is my favorite I love Disneyland oh you guys actually want to go over

There and knock on the door please please please yeah Daddy he’s our new neighbor so we need to say hi okay but if he’s scary I’m running away well Daddy before we run I got to get a picture and a signature uh we are not doing that Daddy you got any paper no

Jeffy I have no paper let’s just go knock on his door oh oh well I’ll just get him the semi diaper instead that’s disgusting wow you how awesome Mickey Mouse house looks it really looks like Mickey Mouse does he have a fruit punch fountain oh my goodness I think you do

I’m going to go drink some disgusting oh yeah Dad it’s really good you should try some dadd think it’s blood it’s not blood why would Mickey Mouse have blood on his house I don’t know it’s coming out of his eyeballs no it’s not Daddy it’s uh oh God it is

Coming out of his eyeballs um Daisy I think we might have just drank blood no he’s crying fruit punch oh oh see Daddy yep that’s definitely one he is uh-huh that’s disgusting let’s just go knock on the door all right daddy let’s knock all right Jeff you knock all right daddy I’m

Going knock you my pee PE okay that’s disgusting all right Daisy you knock instead get away from the door hello is there anyone there um Daisy you just open the door without someone opening it for you well now we can go inside why are you so weird Daisy this is

Trespassing guys what the heck is that oh my God there’s a dead skeleton I me these are probably decorations I bet this is like a a haunted house decoration place oh I mean it was just Halloween a couple months ago yeah so that makes sense right yeah all right

Everyone follow me guys right everyone be quiet just in case someone’s down here wait what if Mickey Mouse is sleeping or he’s taking a poop I don’t want to interrupt him when he’s taking his Mouse poops we got to be quiet we we got to go look oh gosh Daddy I found a

Door what do I do go through the door okay Oh Daddy I see Mickey Mouse Hey Mickey Mickey Mouse oh God oh God that’s not Mickey Mouse that’s not Mickey Mouse daddy that looks like a rat from New York what the heck is that thing oh my

Gosh that is not Mickey Mouse guys I think we need to go home what the heck is going on here why is he trapped Behind These Bars I think Mickey killed the neighbor that’s the house that we live in oh my goodness that makes so much sense and he’s got really yellow

Teeth ew you need a brush I don’t know but they look very sharp Jeffy he can bite our heads off wait look there’s a couple signs here oh gosh let me get out of the blood ow Daddy stop it what that wasn’t me that was Mickey it is me

Mickey Mouse Welcome to My Clubhouse come and play you’ll want to stay are you ready to die I like to make kids cry soon I’ll Escape then you’ll meet your fate Minnie Mouse left me so I went crazy maybe cuz you look stupid yeah if

I was Minnie Mouse I would have left you 10 years ago and brush your damn teeth yeah what what they said guys we need to get out of this house right now Mickey Mouse is going to come eat our butts run everyone follow Daisy get me out get me

Out get me out get me out Daddy go back down to Mickey Mouse no you going down there no Daddy you’re bait you’re bait I’m not bait shut the doors up you guys what are we going to do Mickey Mouse is going to come after us and try

To kill us well I didn’t agree with this before but I think we need to destroy this house and make a better one aren’t the ghost going to be mad when we destroy the house yeah Daddy well I’m sorry to tell you guys this but it was a

Lie I lied about that what Daddy you’re a big fat liar I actually paid a little money for the house but we can destroy it it’s fine well i’ rather destroy this house than die from Mickey Mouse oh my gosh I just rhyme all right daddy let’s

Break this so we could fake this oh yeah Jeffy enough with the Rhymes you’re not good well Daddy how about you smell my butt before I mess you up D that’s not that’s not even a rhyme yes it is Daddy no it’s not I’m the best rhyme forever

All right come on guys let’s keep destroying this house we’re almost there working on it now we’s got to destroy the roof no more ghost anymore and it’s like we didn’t even live in a house yay it’s all gone now guys I have a really

Cool idea I say we build a big pirate ship what ew lame we’re not building a pirate ship why not Marvin that’s stupid I could build us a really big pink house well no one likes pink daisy yeah including me I hate pink well what’s your idea Jeffy well I was thinking we

Could build a big pyramid because that’s the strongest shape in existence Jeffy are we in a desert cuz I don’t see any sand well guys you just are mad because you know my idea is the best one here Jey I think your idea is the worst one

Here hey I think a pink house is all the way at the bottom of the list of bad ideas you think a ship is better there’s not even water yeah I mean that’s pretty bad too Daddy well I’ll make some water well guys since we can’t agree on whose

House to build how about we all just build our separate houses that’s actually not a bad idea they don’t need to smell your smelly butt at night well it’s fine because I’ll be alive and Mickey Mouse will come into both of your houses and eat you he’s going to eat you

First uhuh because my pyramid is going to be super secure I doubt that I’m going to start building so I’ll see you guys later yeah bye well I’m building right here nobody even come near me all right Jeffy I don’t even want to hear a peep da you better keep backing up Jeffy

This is where I’m building further no I need you to go way further my pyramid’s about to be freaking huge well you go way further all right fine all right so the first block that I’m going to use to make my pyramid is sand so I’m going to

Go 31 blocks that way this is a very precise pyramid that I’m making 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 all right this is looking like a pretty good size for my pyramid it’s definitely going to be the biggest build here all right now let’s just get

Some Sandstone oh yeah also I need to fill in all of this with sand oh gosh this is going to take a long time don’t worry I’m the fastest block PL are in the world oh yeah look how fast I’m going uh-huh uh-huh and done perfect now

That it’s all filled in I have to go around with Sandstone now we’re going to actually start making the pyramid shape this is going to take a very long time but it’s going to go quicker and quicker the higher I go hey guys how’s your builds coming along better than yours

Hey no it’s not yes it is yours looks horrible Dy it’s because it’s not done yet okay all right this is only one layer so now let’s add the second layer that’s one block in this is basically how you slowly build a pyramid in Minecraft and when it’s all the way up

To the top it’s going to look so good all right this is the last layer that I’m going to add until I start adding some detail I’m going to start making it look really good just wait until this build’s over it’s going to be so pee PE

All right there we go now we have five different layers all right now what we’re going to do is add some water but first we got to break out where we want to add the water all right we’ll do something like this I think that looks

Kind of good now we’ll do the same thing on this side and now let’s just break all these blocks in the middle all right now we’re just going to fill it up with some water because we need to have water in the desert or we’re going to die all

Right there we go and now we’re going to do is start adding some stairs going up like this there we go that looks pretty good ooh I think I know the perfect wood that will look amazing with Sandstone aasia wood all right we’re just going to

Do this on the left side oh my goodness that looks amazing and now let’s just do one more Sandstone just like this and now we’re going to do the same thing on this side pretty much around the whole entire pyramid all right that’s one side now let’s do every other side oh gosh

It’s going to take a long time daddy can you help me build my pyramid no why I don’t want to help you you know Daddy you’re really mean you know that you mean I’m really handsome is that what you said no you’re really mean you said I’m really goodlooking no help me build

My pyramid right now no I’m not going to help you with your pyramid Daddy I’ll get really mad and start throwing a hissy fit don’t you dare start throwing a hissy fit Jeffy stop it Jeffy knock it off okay you know what I’m putting my

Ear plugs in la la la la la I don’t hear Jeffy fine daddy if you’re not going to help me then Daisy will help me um Daisy can you help me build my pyramid uh no hey I’m busy why do everyone not want to help me I don’t care if you’re busy I’m

Busy too making a pyramid well help me build my house okay but you help me first no you help me first no I don’t trust you well then no oh whatever guys I’ll just build my own pyramid I don’t even need your help you guys wish you

Could help me no we don’t all right now let’s start adding some details to the front again let’s do something like this something like that all right now I’m just going to bring all these blocks up by four there we go this is basically going to be the entrance into my pyramid

And now we’re going to do upside down staircases just like this oh my gosh now we’ll put a staircase here o we need some slabs to make a little bridge over the water there we go that looks really nice now I’m just going to break the entrance that’s going to go into my

Pyramid now we also need to make this wall way higher ooh and for the walls here maybe we use some trap doors oh my gosh that will look so good oh yeah look at this detail that I’m adding I’m definitely going to be having the most

Secure house ever all right now let’s do the same thing on the opposite side all right go all the way up to the top and there we go oh my goodness now we need some buttons for more detail look at that I’m definitely adding the most

Detail right now to my build all right now let’s continue working on this entrance all right something like this looks pretty good and now let’s put some more trap doors on the left and right just like that and we also need a door cuz we can’t have Mickey Mouse just

Walking right in there we go all right now let’s start working on the roof of this thing let’s start by getting some slabs all right we’re going to go around like this all right now all I need to do is fill in this roof and then the front

Is completed check that out that looks so good all right now let’s start working on the inside a little bit all right the first thing we’re going to do is extend these walls out there we go that’s looking pretty good now we’ll just do the opposite side and then we

Should use some Sandstone stairs and then we’ll do some Sandstone on the top all right now for the middle of these I have an idea to use more trap doors oh yeah look how good these are going to look I’m so good at decorating houses

There we go and there we go amazing ooh now we should add a little bit of carpet on the floor of course we got to make it yellow ooh this is looking super good all right now let’s just do another wall here and then we’ll do that do that and

Do that there we go all right now we should work on the right side wall we’re basically just going to add a bunch of different rooms and then we’ll decorate them after all right now let’s just fill in the rest of this wall just like this

And we’ll do the same thing for the opposite side and then maybe we could add little windows in here like that all right I just added two more extra walls and added some detail and my pyramid is already starting to come together but now what I need to do is start setting

It up for the next level cuz this is just the first floor I want to go see what my daddy’s working on and Daisy W daddy This ship’s coming out crazy thank you very much oh my goodness the railing looks perfect yeah but I got to do it

All the way around the ship yeah Daddy this is going to take forever it’ll be worth it though you like my pyramid yeah it’s coming out pretty cool yay looks kind of basic though heay Jeffy what’s the idea it’s supposed to go all the way

Up like a big pyramid yes but I’m just doing some interior work right now Daddy okay it’s actually not looking as bad as I thought just wait until it’s done it’ll be way better than your ship okay we’ll see about that I’m going to go see what Daisy’s doing hey Daisy what’s up

Jeffy wao you making a pink house yeah oh my goodness well I hope Mickey Mouse comes over here and knocks it all down Jeffy your house is literally made out of sand he can just blow it over sand Stone okay it’s actually Stone um there’s sand at the bottom of that he

Could blow it over whatever Daisy I hope that Mickey Mouse takes a nice big creamy poop on your house how about that deffie that’s so gross just go work on your house your pink house is gross how about that mine’s not gross yours is gross you smell like poop over that you

Are poop hey okay that was too far Daisy say you’re sorry I’m sorry go work on your house all right poop face I’ll see you later Jeffy all right time to work on the staircase let’s start by adding some stairs that would be a good idea all

Right let’s just build this out like this and then we’re going to add some more stairs and more blocks and we should probably go out this way so now we’re just going to do some upside down stairs and regular stairs there we go oo

We should have it so you can go left or right oh my gosh I love these types of staircases nice that looks really good we should also add some more carpet here so we’ll just do something like this and then we’ll fill the rest in with yellow

And then I’m also going to add some carpet here H what do we add in these Corners ooh maybe we add just like a little chill area boom now we got some seats I like it all right there we go all right let’s start working on the

Second floor now we’re almost getting to the top of the pyramid all right we’re just going to fill all this in with some Sandstone just like this and then we’re going to fill all of this with Sandstone this house is really coming together all right fill all this in and now I think

We’re going to fill the rest of this roof with Sandstone oh God there’s a lot of blocks to place all right let me just start spamming the right click button until I get all these blocks down all right it’s all filled in now the next

Thing I want to work on is building an actual Tower I need to have Towers on my pyramid so I could actually shoot the Mickey Mouse cuz when he comes out of his scary little house over there I’ll be able to shoot him from my tower so

Let’s just go right here and go up by six blocks just like this all right this is starting to look like a tower there we go I got the foundation done now let’s just connect all these Corners together just like this there we go all

Right now I’m going to do is just fill in all of these walls with more Sandstone oh yeah this is looking really good all right now we’re going to start making the front look way better all right let’s get this Orange Wood back out and let’s fill the whole front with

Orange wood wait a minute I messed it up let’s go one in like this there we go that looks way better all right that’s looking pretty peep pee now let’s just get some glass so we can make a window there we go and now let’s add more

Detail by adding trap doors all right now let’s connect the inside to my actual pyramid I need a way to get in and out obviously all right we’ll add the doors in here like this fix this up and now let’s get out our ladder and

We’re going to put it right here on this back wall all right now let’s start working on the roof of our Tower so we’re going to do something just like this with these walls and now let’s just go around with some upside down staircases why am I so good at building

A Minecraft oh my goodness when I’m done with this Tower I’m going to show my daddy and then I’m going to flex on him that I got a pyramid and he doesn’t all right there we go I’m liking the shape of this now let’s go up one more block

And start doing the inside boom boom boom and now I just need to fence them almost there ooh what if we added some buttons as well like this wo look at this Tower okay this actually looks insane ooh maybe in here too we put some windows uh-huh uh-huh all right now what

We we need to do is repeat the same tower on the opposite side so we need to do the exact same thing oh God hopefully I remember how to build this okay I think I can do it does that look lined up oh gosh I don’t even know all right I

Think this is right now we just got to do the sides again oh gosh I feel like I just did this because I did now we got to fill in all these sides with Sandstone come on I need to hurry up Mickey Mouse is probably on his way

Right now I need to start finishing my pyramid it’s taking too long all right now let’s fill all this up with some of the wood there we go oh NOP I messed it up again dang it all right now let’s just break into the pyramid oh gosh I

Need the doors again all right what else do I need to add oh that’s right I need to add the glass and then we need to add the trap doors on the side just like this all right now for the hardest part which is the roof so we got to start off

By doing the walls going all the way around and then after this we need to add the staircases wait I think they’re upside down staircases there there we go and now we put that block in between just like this and now let’s go around with a regular block around the whole

Top and now back to staircase and then what did I do um oh that’s right I went up by one block nice this is looking really good come on I’m almost there just the buttons now and done both towers are completed wao wait uh-oh I’m forgetting something I got to add the

Fences in between I almost forgot now they’re completed so I’ll be able just to stand up here and shoot at Mickey Mouse this plan is going to work perfectly hey daddy daddy where are you what do you want from me I’m in the back Daddy check out my Towers I just made

Wao they look kind of cool yeah Daddy they don’t just look kind of cool they are cool they’re all right daddy they’re amazing well I I don’t see any pyramid yet Jeffy we need to keep going well Daddy I had to stop and do the towers in

The inside but now I’m going to work on the top okay okay it’s not looking too bad all right let’s continue making our pyramid finally all we need to do is just continue this Square pattern getting smaller and smaller until it goes all the way to the top trust me

This is about to look crazy I just got to do this and keep going all the way around and then right here we’re going to go in by one block and now we need to do this like seven more times oh God look at Mickey Mouse looking at me stop

Staring at me Mickey Mouse you’re scaring me so stupid wo Daisy’s house is looking really good Daisy you’re adding so much detail this looks crazy I know I want it to be pretty wow well my pyramid coming out prettier no it’s not it’s just going to be more satisfying to look

At because you see all the squares getting smaller Jey I don’t think it works like that um yes it does I’m literally making rectangles right now um that’s not a rectangle it’s a rumus okay come on I’m getting so close to the top just a few more layers to go hopefully

If I did this right the top layer should be one single block but I don’t know I might messed it up oh God it’s looking like I messed it up oh no okay it’s two blocks that still looks pretty good right wow this is actually starting to come

Together and now we got to add some detail so let’s go from right here and go all the way down with some staircases and then we’ll do the same thing over here there we go and in the middle we’re going to put our Acasia stairs oh my

Gosh that looks so insane let’s do this on all four sides wait a minute this side’s not even oh no I forgot it’s not even wait a minute it kind of looks even I might have messed up the pyramid this is not good because I’m already way too

Far into this thing all right this is what we’re going to do we’re going to go down like this okay that works perfect and now we’re going to go down here and then in the middle we’re going just going to do two times the wood stairs like this that doesn’t look too bad

Still I want it to just be one but we’re getting two so now let’s just do the same exact thing on the opposite side there we go wow my pyramid looks pretty awesome and now to make the top even cooler let’s just put these going up

Like this ooh maybe we do some corner pieces like this as well and then for the top top we just need some slabs and boom oh yeah ooh I want to go inside and see what the top room looks like I haven’t been up here yet also I want to

Connect this to the ceiling cuz it’s going to look way better there we go ooh look at this okay let me just make some walls here make some walls here I don’t know what room to make this I think I’m just going to make it my bedroom this is

Definitely by far the coolest room in the whole entire pyramid house all right this is definitely going to be my bedroom so let me make that real quick all right boom beds wait let me make this look a little bit better there we go that looks really good we should

Definitely get some carpage as well and put it around my bed like this okay there we go we got a bed now maybe over here I’ll put like a little hangout area or wait maybe I put a TV okay something like this looks good and now we just got

To add a little couch over here so we’ll do something like this there we go that looks really good we’ll also put some more yellow carpet going here um what do I put in this section ooh I should add an Armory area yes that’ll actually look insane all right so we’ll do something

Like this and then we’ll do another section over here just like that oh yeah all right this is looking super good so now it’s time to add some armor and wo look how much armor we have I’ve never even seen this armor wait what since this glass it actually won’t even go in

The armor stand that’s broken what about this oh that works this armor looks so weird wait what the heck is this cheese armor oh my goodness I’m putting this on right now since mouses absolutely hate cheese I’m going to wear it so it doesn’t eat me let’s go now it won’t die

And done check this out the armor section is looking perfect I’m definitely going to wear this when Mickey Mouse comes and attacks me but I think what we need to do next is add some defenses to my base we can work on the rest of the Interior later we don’t

Have time for this now what I need to do is add a bunch of awesome defenses I’m going to go X Daisy if she likes My Cheese armor hey Daisy you like my cheese armor uh Jeffy want why are you wearing cheese because mousies hate cheese Jeffy mice love cheese what no

They don’t what are you talking about Daisy they always die in the traps with the cheese next to them they go to the traps because they want to eat the cheese it’s the Trap that kills them oh I didn’t even know that well you know what Daisy I’m going to just bathe

Myself in poison and then he’ll still try to eat me and then I’ll kill him I mean that’ll work wait a minute I have even a better idea Daisy check this out oh cheese oh God I just ate the cheese and I’m flying I’m flying I’m flying I’m

Flying uh Jeffy I think you have the Cheese Touch oh my goodness I have so many overpowered Buffs right now he that’s really cool but Jeffy we don’t have any defenses on our house well guess what I’m about to add some traps right now well you have to hurry he’s it’s going

To come soon don’t worry I got this check it out I got some bear traps those are cool I’m adding lava oh gosh oh gosh I’m stuck in the bear trap all right well I’m going to go add all these I’ll see you later bye oh yeah now I move

Super fast and I could jump really high all right what trap should I add since Mickey Mouse loves cheese I should definitely bait him using some of the cheese so let me just get some glass real quick I have a perfect idea and then boom I’m going to put some cheese

Up there okay now I need a sponge cuz we are not going to be using water cuz instead I’m going to put lava everywhere oh my goodness this looks so dangerous if I was this Mickey Mouse I would not go near this lava uh-uh there we go oh

My gosh this piece of cheese looks so good Mickey Mouse is definitely going to want to eat it all right now let’s do the exact same thing to the opposite side there we go now we’ll just add the piece of cheese and boom cheese and now

In front I’m going to add a bunch of these different bear traps they do so much damage all right now let’s do the same thing on the opposite side all right this is looking pretty good what other traps do I got all right now the

Next thing I need to do is add a lot of cobwebs I cannot have Mickey Mouse jumping up on top of my pyramid that is just not going to happen and then we’re going to go over here and place him in the back we need to make sure there’s

Cobwebs going around the whole entire pyramid this is the most safest secure pyramid you’ve ever seen in Minecraft this looks amazing okay this is looking pretty good ooh I can make this a base too where I could shoot Mickey Mouse all right let me just build this up to a

Regular block real quick there we go H what other defenses could I add I should probably secure my front door more because these are literal sticks all right I have a really good idea we’re going to add literally five iron doors to get inside my house you’re going to

Have to press five buttons I don’t even think I’m now can press one button okay there we go now let’s secure the top oh my goodness this is actually insane this might be too many buttons okay I think I did it now let me just fill in the whole

Top just like this and now you have to go through all of these doors to get inside of my house that might be impossible to get inside that looks so good ooh there was something else that I saw that I really want to add grass fals flooring all right let’s just get a

Little bit of lava and right in front of on my door where Mickey Mouse is definitely going to show up I’m going to put a fake floor down all right let’s just place a bunch of lava oh God I just lost all my speed and jump oh now I feel

Really slow and fast well here we go here’s what the fake flooring looks like and now we’re about to test it out but I’m going to get Daisy to test it out oh Daisy what’s up Jeffy wow your house is looking really good you adding cheese as

Well yeah I’m using it as a tra to him into the lava yeah it’s really smart but Daisy check this out I want to show you something all right Daisy I heard from God that if you step on this grass block right here the whole world will stop

Moving wait really I want to see yep go try it nope nope you went past it back up there you go right there yeah je got you you went in lava and fell for my trap you told me the world was going to stop moving yeah and

Guess what that was a bit of a lie I can’t believe you lied to me well I think my house is done and I added so many traps what about you um I feel like I could still add some more well what are you going to try to add I think I’m

Going to add even more spikes wao wait I want to add spikes too thanks I just stole your spikes you’re welcome oh God why is this floor key burning oh I think it’s cuz it’s grass what stupid all right we’ll use Cobblestone instead or we’ll use Birch because it looks like

Sand there we go that’s a lot better unless the birch turns too but we’ll see Oh Daddy wa your ship is coming out so good I know I’m just doing some interior decorations Daddy this is actually crazy what the heck yeah it’s pretty cool I’m coming downstairs daddy wow you got so

Much space in this thing yeah I know I got a bedroom all the way in the back and then I got a little like living room area chest crafting area well Daddy you need to add some more defenses to your house like what um taxs taxs check those

Out they’re Nails on the floor well I don’t want that on my floor cuz this where I’m going to be fighting people all right well I guess since your ship is big enough you don’t really need too many defenses yeah I’m in water that is true dang it my Birch just burnt again

Okay that’s it we’re using Cobblestone and also for my last and final trap it’s the most best one in the world check this out a springtrap this is so much fun but it won’t be fun for Mickey Mouse because he’s going to fly in the sky and die so

We’re going to add a line of those around all of our nails oh my goodness this might be the best trap yet there we go we’ll Block in this maybe we’ll put a few more here too or maybe we just put some random ones like this so Mickey

Mouse can constantly go flying and he can take a bunch of damage all right there we go that looks really good Jeffy Jeffy what kind of armor and weapons do you have wait daddy hold on before you walk over here do not get spring trapped into the air wait that’s what this is

Yeah Dad step on it all right here we go what wa daddy you just went to a clou wait Jeffy look at my awesome sword wo oh my goodness no way you have a sword what other weapons do you have I have a bow and I have guns wait what there’s

Guns in the game yeah Jeffy no way oh my gosh and I have Diamond apples what Diamond apples those do not exist what do you have um I have nothing right now okay I got Diamond apples I got golden potatoes who what is this I can send my

Enemies flying all right I got this thing guys what’s the best sword in the game uh the Wither sword wait what about that Galaxy sword it does 37 attack damage oh you could use that one that one seems pretty cool or the electric sword that actually electrocutes the

Enemies all right give me an assault rifle give me some Advanced bullets oh my gosh guys I’m getting so much good armor and weapons right now test my guns out let me test mine out a no oh oh yeah take that Daisy guys I think we’re ready to fight

The scary Mickey Mouse everyone go to your bases go go go go all right guys now all we need to do is wait for Mickey Mouse to come after us come on Mickey we know you’re in there I’m going to blow his house up

Daddy do it Jeffy get rid of them uh um I ran out of ammo already yeah I got the wrong ammo dang it what an idiot but Jeffy I think the doors just opened up wait what the doors just opened oh my goodness there’s a bunch of Mickey Mouses shoot

Them W they’re going flying in the sky oh gosh chevier traps are working oh it’s like going duck hunting I’m hitting them in the sky daddy there you go I’m reloading take that Mickey Mouse is guys they look like baby Mickey Mouses oh they are dang it I got the wrong ammo

For this gun too oh gosh just isn’t good Daddy I need help Jeffy what ammo do you need um this one says basic ammo um I have basic ammo well that’s the one I need well come over here wait how do you reload R uh R for reload oh there we go

I got my ammo back ah oh gosh get away from me Mickey Mouse guys they look so terrifying I don’t like this ooh this sword has a special ability where I can spawn in an iron golem wo let’s go wait what the heck why am I flying I ate the

Diamond apple and now I’m levitating oh my gosh oh my gosh guys there’s so many flying Mickey Mouses right now it’s your traps Jeffy they’re actually kind of overpowered oh take that Mickey Mouse oh God I fell I fell oh my gosh there’s some Mickey Mouse is stuck inside my

Cobwebs die oh gosh there’s more guys I’m levitating so high in the sky right now these Diamond apples are overpowered I want to see I’ll get you down uh oh my gosh I need help guys what I’m floating really hi yeah I was too D you have so

Many over here I’m going to go kill them I’m shooting them this is easy come here Mickey Mouses oh yeah I can make them go flying into the water daddy now you’re making my life more difficult oh come here Mickey Mouse Haya take that a oh my gosh hey Daddy stop shooting me

What are you doing you have cheese take that Daddy I’m going to throw grenades on you then why because that’s what you get wait Daisy what are you doing on top of my house I floated over here oh gosh why I’m back down here I come ah Bullseye do you have any basic

Ammo Daisy um yeah here you go all right give me all the basic ammo in the world thank you you’re welcome the assault rifle is so much fun wait guys look I think we killed all the little ones you’re not here anymore let’s go you’re right I’m coming over oh gosh guys we

Have the big Mickey mous is now shoot them shoot them shoot them ah take that big Mickey Mouse this rifle is so cool like you yeah these rifles are so overpowered oh God he’s flying ah shoot a midair ah take that ah I’ll give you

20 bucks if you get him in the air Daddy I already did look I just killed him like a trick shot killed him do trick shots wait a trick shot daddy you hit one all right watch this I’m about to do a 360 I’m floating in the air I’m going to

Get him in the air take that a I’m shooting so many I’m going to put him into my lava watch this I am the Mickey Mouse Killer take that Mickey Mouse oh God there’s so many more get my lava get in my lava yeah this stick is like a

Boom stick it makes him go flying see you guys ah there’s a lot of them don’t worry I got this Marvin dropping nades on them bye drop it like a t oh my gosh guys there’s so many more spawning oh my goodness I’m so high in this guy right

Now this is not even funny every time I shoot my arrow I keep flying me too no they’re going inside my house hey get out of my pyramid house I know it looked really pretty but it’s not for you I’m placing an iron golem out here guys I’m really high in the air

Just keep shooting them oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m about to blow them all up oh my gosh guys I need help I need help reload reload reload no the Iron Golem got mad at me now I’m in here swinging Daddy I’m just shooting nades on him oh yeah keep going

Keep going keep going guys look up oh my gosh what Daisy what are you doing up there I don’t know how to get down the potion will wear off soon don’t worry just aim for my water oh that’s a good idea yes we killed them all oh God I’m

Flying again guys that was so easy we have such overpowered weapons uh-oh oh my God they just doubled in size they look small from up here oh you’re right they do look kind of small you’re still up there yeah I’m coming down I’m ning them I’m ning them they’re

Super ugly they’re huge oh my goodness oh God I’m flying so high in this sky right now what is going on I’m coming down oh I’m placing an iron golem as well oh he’s going to die I’m going on my pirate ship wait really daddy oh yeah

It’s safe up here can I come in your pirate ship come over the water slows him down oh my gosh Daddy I don’t know if I want to go in your pirate ship there’s so many of them over there ah they reaching me everyone use the nades

It’s the best weapon it kills the most of them I don’t have any ah oh yeah that was a midair shot nades nades nades oh God I’m flying again I’m literally so happy in this guy right now guys are they dead I can’t even see them anymore

A lot of them still Daddy I’m just shooting nades like it’s nothing up here I know I can see them I don’t even care where it lands I’m just shooting them they’re Landing okay how high am I going guys I’m in the clouds I’m in the clouds

I can’t see the floor anymore oh I’m coming back down what if it’s my armor I’m going to take my armor off don’t go n okay that did nothing what the heck it must be these Diamond apples but I haven’t eaten a diamond apple in so long

The effect just lasts forever Daisy oh God I landed right to fire ow we still got a few left I’m going to mess you up my freaking electric sword ah ah ah ah yeah guys I think we did it there’s no more left let’s go what do you mean

Jeffy I see one woohoo where daddy where daddy where why am I dying daddy why am I dying you have cheese armor on you’re attracting all of them bye daddy a take that Daddy I’m going to get you I will shoot you all the way from up here I’m

Going to fight you in the air no yeah got you Daddy Daisy sorry you’re not sorry come here Daisy I’m going to mess you up with this gun ow wait I ran out of bullets no ow ow you’re welcome but if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make

Sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye

Today, Jeffy, Marvin and Daisy get hunted by CURSED MICKEY MOUSE in Minecraft! Will they be able to build a secure enough house to survive? Or will MICKEY MOUSE tear it all down? Watch to the end to find out!

#jeffy #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. I like pink and I’m a boy, so it doesn’t even matter boys can my girl colors and Jeffy plays f Marvin you’re dumb you don’t you’ve got the worst one you’ve got a pirate ship that’s the worst, but for real Jeffy got that tapas he was the best one. Jeffy was the best and I don’t like Daisy or Marvanne. They had the worst ones Jeffy’s better than Daisy and Marvin Daisy, a mother, and a daughter.

  2. Yes You fast ugly phone I told you to do that again so you Then you go Buttermilk eggs bread Is a mama got that cause? If you see it's back. Good to mama, let's see you look up

  3. hey Jeffy I bet you're going to be so happy I'm not ready to tell you this but if you subscribe I will but you did already okay so my favorite color is red yellow pink

  4. Got to go see a scary Mickey Mouse no no don’t you got you something behind you gonna be so scary it’s so scary God your dad is a hottie Mickey Mouse FaceTime screen please tell me an uncle please send me a message oh love your videos don’t go down don’t don’t look behind you want away from your daddy please cause I only want you bye-bye bye❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉😮😮😮😮😢😢😢 boo boo boo boo boo boo boo

  5. 💗💗💗💗💗💖💖💖💓💓💓💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💘💘💘💝💝💝💘💘💘💘💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💌💌💌💌💌💌💌

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