Stardew Valley But YOU Make The Choices

Hello can everyone hear me am i audible at this point in time Hello i’m seeing hellos okay i think that’s a good thing all right hello everyone okay so i’m really excited about this stream basically we’re gonna be starting a kind of like long-term farm where you guys get to make the choices whether it’s like you know longer goals or adding mods who

To marry all that kind of stuff so i’m gonna just explain how i think this is gonna work and i hello everyone so i think how it’s gonna work is that for smaller decisions you guys can suggest things in the chat and i’ll basically like choose whatever catches

My eye i do want to stress though that i don’t want you guys to like repeatedly spam suggestions or comments or anything like my lovely mods are doing a great job and i don’t want to stress them out and it wouldn’t be as fun for everybody if

Stuff like that was going on but i do see all the chats and i’m like if you spam even if the suggestion is really really good i’m just gonna ignore it and that’s gonna be on you but for bigger decisions i might use polls and then for like mods and much bigger

Things like that i do have a channel in my discord server and it’s called like stardew you choose so we can discuss that kind of stuff there um and yeah that’s oh my gosh thank you so much i think is it milo i i thank you for the super chat oh my gosh

Oh oh my gosh i’m so overwhelmed thank you guys for coming i really appreciate it um i’m really excited about this though i think it’s gonna be fun and i’m excited to talk with you guys and see what ideas you have and everything so yeah

Yes uh oh my gosh so yeah i had a poll going for which farm type to do it’s looking like hilltop is coming out the winner i think that i’ve never i’ve never used the hilltop farm before i honestly like don’t know what that is i’m pretty sure it’s the like mining one

I’m pretty sure but hilltop seems kind of exciting so i’m excited to get into it and yeah i think also like i’m hoping that we can have some like long-term goals i was kind of like lurking and i saw um i saw a couple people say like

I saw i think it was leanne who said like to go see the pirates i was actually thinking that that could be fun and like i don’t know the kind of goals that i want to do i think that would be cool is like for some reason one of them in my head

Was like just to get the frog hat just because that’s so unnecessarily like that takes so much time um and it would be kind of funny or also just we could go so cursed with it and we could like get this a lot of people were

Saying to get the anime portrait mod we could just get that and then like marry clint or somebody have a kid and then like just turn it into a dove i feel like that would be kind of funny too but yeah i don’t know so those are my ideas if you guys have

Ideas i’m like reading the chat and writing down stuff and i’m really excited you’ve had some cool ideas so far um and yeah all the streams i’m gonna leave as vods that are gonna be available on the channel you can watch them after so you should make another empire that’s

Not jam that’s a great idea trinity i would love to not have a jam empire again yeah so i think we can go ahead and kind of get started a little bit i’m let’s see i’ll have to get this set up i i’m thinking maybe it’s boring to make

My name charlie i don’t know if you guys have ideas for like farmer names or farm names that could be kind of funny i don’t know uh let’s see so here here we are this is what i’ve this is what i’ve constructed for my farmer i’m seeing make a tree fruit empire that

Could be kind of cool that could be kind of cool name yourself clint’s wife 374 oh my gosh that’s so funny oh my lord somebody’s saying to name myself barney abigail oh my god that’s cursed like jake peralta i love that so i see random character

That could be kind of cool i might just do that okay this is us this is who we are now and i’m just gonna choose the first thing that i see i see a lot of abigail i also see lemonade which i feel like that’s kind of lemonade is kind of good

I don’t know okay i’m seeing although i’m seeing abby is a good compromise between abigail and yeah i i feel like that’s good and then for the farm i kind of like lemonade farm i think that would be kind of fun and then a lot of people are saying

Barney and i don’t know why so the barney’s gonna be our favorite thing that’s just what i’ve decided oh my gosh slick sloth thank you so much for the super chat i really appreciate it oh my gosh let’s get i’m seeing abagaroni favorite thing should be abigail oh my gosh

I think this is how we’re gonna go and we had hilltop farm winning the poll i think right yeah 31 i’m just gonna go end that now okay so we got hilltop we got everything in order i think we’re we’re ready to get going all right let’s see oh jeez

This is like really nice i didn’t know the room was gonna be this fancy what the heck i got my parsley wow i’m kind of digging this oh my okay so we got oh i’ve never seen this farm before this is so embarrassing okay okay so we don’t have the farming

Space right out front but i think is there i see the quality is bad is the quality bad for everybody or is that just is that just just me it might be did i do did i do an oops hold on uh did i fix it am i seeing uh

No it is fine quality is fine okay okay okay cool all right i panicked a little we’re good okay so we have Oh a mixed seed so i think that we should we should i’ll start planting these parsnips and we can kind of like talk about what our first goal is going to be i saw somebody had said don’t give robin’s axe back and that made me

Laugh a lot and i think that we should do that oh my gosh trinity thank you for the super chat a pinky lemon shrine in the cave since it’s the lemonade farm i think that is a spectacular idea i do think yes we should get pinky lemon

And we should make a shrine a lemonade shrine that was a very good idea okay um let’s see how do we do that so to get pinky lemon we need to get duck mayonnaise so we’re gonna need to get we could either try and do like a traveling cart

Kind of thing or we could get just like a duck it’s a week i feel like it’d be kind of cool to get some animals i haven’t have animals in a while um i see like two people saying it’s really blurry i don’t know if you that is such a loud vehicle outside

If you change the quality at the bottom of the video maybe that changed it i think it should be okay it’s looking okay on my end i’m not really sure oh my gosh bliss thank you for the super chat as well i really appreciate it oh my gosh i’m so overwhelmed by the

Support you guys are awesome okay i’m seeing yeah a lot of people are saying duck duck duck get a pig lots of bunnies and i agree i haven’t had animals on a farm in such a long time and i really want to i want to do that

I feel like that would be fun and yeah our goal is marrying having kids with abigail and then making them disappear i feel like that could also be kind of fun i feel like that could be kind of fun i did i did think i’ve never made my

Kids into dubs before and i was feeling like maybe this is the farm to do it maybe abby has kind of like a you know a little bit of a wild side kind of just just want to do something like that i don’t know i feel like that would be kind of good

I see consume a child i don’t think i can do that but i can definitely turn it into a dove for sure what about spring onions that is a great point i can i can go get the spring onions if there are any once i plant my parsnips okay

So we’ve got some stuff kind of hashed out i think we can try and marry abigail or i thought it would be so funny to like marry an npc though that you can’t normally marry but we can also marry like multiple people right and then just like ruin one person’s life but then

Go go hop off to somebody else i feel like that would be funny i see get ostriches too yeah i feel like maybe we should go for for some animals i’m about to like die right now that’s okay though oh my lord yeah i think that getting

Like a barn would be kind of good maybe i think a barn would be a good move i’m lost right now where where excuse me what the how do you get off this farm oh my lord this is this is this is a dead end too okay um

Can i not i think i have to go all the way around that is kind of the worst uh that’s okay that is okay uh mary abigail have children divorce and have kids with clint i feel like that’s definitely oh my oh mimi thank you so much ruin

Everyone’s life yeah i think that that’s pretty much like the thesis of this run but i really appreciate that but i will keep that in mind those are words to live by for our dear abby here we’re gonna basically ruin everybody’s life and accept i guess clint even though clint

Is kinda but you know maybe anime clinton is a different person i don’t know marion divorce everyone yeah that would be real pretty hardcore to get like the mod that allows you to marry absolutely any of the characters and then just marry everybody into force everybody including like clint and pam

And all these whoa spring onions sorry i got distracted i feel like that would be kind of funny oh my gosh mary sandy i feel like yeah sandy doesn’t get enough love i feel let’s see ooh more spring onions oh my oh my gosh bliss thank you so much again

Uh mary abigail divorced mary caroline become abigail’s step parent ruin lives yeah i feel like it’s seeming like a run where we’re just we’re just gonna hop from person to person and in turn ruin everybody’s life and i’m kind of down for that there we’ve talked with haley that is

The first phase of our plan we’re gonna we’re gonna ruin this town and i feel like that’s a good thing almost let’s see so I’m stuck okay we’re gonna Ah how what even is the first thing that we would do to get a barn i’m trying to think we’d have to get like wood and we’d have to get stuff like that we have to get wood we’d have to get money probably money is the

First thing that we should we should we should talk about here uh how long are you streaming for i’m probably gonna stream for like three hours that was what i did last time and i feel like it worked out kind of well it was like a good amount of time

To be on here so probably that and yeah i think a lot of people are saying they want they want the heart event where you date everybody and then everybody gets mad at you i feel like that’s good or yeah we could get max friendship with everyone and then just

Completely ruin it all and just give everybody like hated gifts every single day that would be kind of funny um oh yeah i should get like potatoes you’re right strawberry i should i should really do that i’m just kind of walking around aimlessly i need a chest though i have so much stuff

We’ll put those there oh my gosh catch all the legendary fish and then make them all into sashimi oh my god that’s a that’s an amazing idea but also a terrible idea and i might just have to do it i might just have to do it that’s kind

Of that’s kind of a good idea oh gosh that’s going to be so painful but i’m kind of down for it oh my gosh i can sadly only stay for half an hour because my country it’s 10 p.m that’s totally okay pumpkin cake i think like i

Tried to make it good for everybody’s time zones but there are a lot of time zones so i feel like you know if people can just pop in and pop out that that’s good enough for me even if people are just saying hi i think it’s it’s cool to see people

I’m gonna buy some potatoes i can i can only buy 10. that’s depressing but that’s gonna have to do oh my god let’s see um oh my gosh i can’t stop looking at our character and just trying to find like what is going on here i look like a a

Fisherman or something but i’m kind of down for it oh my gosh what if you made money in the most absurd ways possible hmm true so true i don’t what what are absurd ways why did i buy these potatoes when i can’t even plant them i’m so dumb uh

Oh my gosh anyone else lose stream audio are we we’re good are we good oh okay we’re good charlie it’s my brother’s birthday can you name your dog vinny i yes i will write that down we can oh wait i actually have a cat is that

Is it okay if if the if that vinny is the cat i feel like that you know cat dog cats are good too i don’t know why i chose a cat i think it’s just because of my cat clifford i really i really like it earn money by

Checking the trash only that is so that would be so bad oh my oh my gosh oscar thank you so much give no one a single gift i don’t know i don’t know i feel like we’re gonna have to give people gifts but if we go

Back later and give them oh my gosh i have no energy if we give them gifts and then we go back later and then give them stuff they hate and we lose the hearts then it’s almost like nothing happened right it’s like a net zero kind of thing

Maybe not maybe i’m just i’m just stupid oh my gosh yeah we’re we have a lot of stuff to do here but i think it seems to me that we’ve all kind of decided that what am i stuck on right now all right it seems like we’ve all kind

Of decided we’re here to ruin people’s lives and adopt animals and i’m all for that i feel like that is the best course of action here so i think would be kind of cool is he tristan so some of the crazy ideas like the trash and the only income source should be

Recorded and used for future videos yeah i think i have so much respect for people that only get money from using the trash can like i think wand of sparking did a video like that i was just like oh my gosh that would that would kill me inside like

I mean i guess with the iridium trash can you get kind of a fair amount of money from it i don’t remember the exact percentage but i feel like it’s kind of a decent amount so maybe it’s not too bad once you like get everything upgraded i’m not really sure

I see if you have children and you turn them into doves on the phone there’s a rare message about it i want that message i do want that message yeah i think i’m okay so i’m set on getting a barn turning all my kids into dubs and ruining everyone’s life i feel

Like that’s kind of the direction this is going i feel like that would be cool get every hat possible ooh i’m also super down to do that there’s just so many good ideas i feel like we’ll find out how it goes i think we’ve got some good goals and i think that um

We can kind of start working on those and stuff i’m just trying to get wood right now for like a barn because it seems we all want animals here and that is a common ground i’m seeing oh is there an old like a unlimited children mod because that

Would be really good if we we could get like a flock of dubs if we just had like 30 kids and then sacrifice them all and they all just fly away that would be kind of funny i feel like we should do that if that exists i don’t know

I’m just so excited to be like playing stardew in all the ways you’re not supposed to be playing where i’m like okay so let’s ruin everyone’s life and like turn all my kids into doves i love that i think it’s great i’ve eaten all these spring onions and that’s that’s terrible

Oh my gosh i’m seeing a blazer hunter how does this work basically i’m i think just like we we’ve got some like kind of grand goals going on some long-term goals like uh getting a barn ultimately marrying somebody and then divorcing them no having kids with them and then sacrificing the kid and

Divorcing them stuff like that and i think that pretty much for the small stuff i’m just like reading the chat and kind of latching on to anything that anybody says that i think is kind of funny or it catches my eye or something and then

You know if you guys have an idea for like something that we don’t have as a mod i think for the next time i’ll add mods just because to like switch out of the stardust screen i don’t have the brain cells for that i feel like that would stress me out but

Yeah i don’t know so we let’s see we got some we’ve got some stuff here we got some forageables and i’m out of energy so i guess we could look for more affordables and see if there’s anything there oh wow it’s a dandelion day i just see

Oh my gosh make grandpa regret giving you the farm i yeah that’s like ultimately what we’re looking to do here right it’s just by your year two or year three or whatever he comes he’s gonna be like oh my gosh abby why why did you do this why did you ruin the town

Why i feel like that’s something to be proud of though if grandpa’s disappointed that means we did our job right we made everybody miserable including grandpa i think go to the mines you know nina i would love to go to the mines but those do not open for a little bit so

We’re probably gonna have to wait on that oh hi sebastian how’s it going i did just move in nice to meet you one day i’m gonna ruin your life and it’ll probably be soon oh my gosh i’m seeing it leap a lot i’m seeing so jojo right and that’s that’s what i’m

Asking like are we going jojo because if we want to ruin everyone’s lives i feel like jojo’s a pretty quick way to do it like i feel as if that would be a pretty good thing to do i don’t know maybe that’s just me i just i know that jojo’s very controversial

And me personally i don’t really want to go to joja in my normal life but abby is not me abby is a different person oh my good sweet lord i could eat something no i can’t eat it does this give me oh i’m eating this no

I’m not eating that one i’m eating this one oh my gosh elaine thank you so much for the super chat oh my gosh please don’t hit evelyn with the slingshot i will not do that that was not on my plans but now it is definitely on my list of things to never do

I got you i won’t do that oh my gosh okay so we we have some good forageables but if we’re going jojo i’m seeing let’s go jojo joja joja joja join us thrive yeah i think join us make people cry do shane at the very least to make him more depressed

Yeah i feel like we should maybe we should maybe go jojo so you know maybe i’ll just sell these daffodils maybe i don’t need these daffodils just get a little bit money just to make myself feel better because i have like zero dollars right now and i’m gonna go to sleep

Okay i’m going to sleep i see oh level one foraging nice i’m seeing pull yeah i’ll do a poll we’ll do a poll i’ll do joja or community center sorry i’m like stretching so far uh joja cece okay we’ll get an official an official count on how many people are saying

Remy does joja then we need to do jojo oh my gosh yeah 90 90 buckaroonies that’s that’s pretty good oh my gosh okay so let’s see i’ve seen a lot of people saying they want to see me do community center i’m actually working on the 100 days community center video that i

Mentioned like so long ago like four months ago something stupid like that it’s it’s it’s in the works it’s coming soon and yeah i feel like that’ll be enough to give you your fix maybe this is the one where we just we just do jojo for all

The wrong reasons because last time it was more like uh jojo’s like very convenient and i feel like it would be it would be good for me because then i don’t have to deal with the community center but this time like i have malice in my heart i’m i’m doing

Jojo straight because i want to make everybody upset maybe maybe that’s why oh my god since you want to ruin everyone’s life why not ruin piers too yeah like pierre is not exempt from this care for vinnie please do we have vinnie already i don’t even have a cat i don’t

Even have a cat yet i can i can water this there’s nothing here to drink the water except like me i mean i’ll live it i’ll leave that there but yeah okay so let’s see oh i should plant my my potates i feel like that’s good who am i romancing

I think the plan is like everyone or at the very least abigail have kids with abigail sacrifice the kids and then marry anime portrait mod clint or something i feel like that’s kind of where we’re where we’re headed right now um care for non-existent cat yeah that cat

Is living the good life even though it’s not even here yet it just knows we care about it oh my lord i think okay we’re gonna water these potats um i’m seeing 51 jojo right now is it really this close i think the fact that you’re sure your

Pants don’t match the color of your shirt is ruining my life so you’re succeeding already look this was a random this was randomly chosen that’s that wasn’t even me but i feel like that’s just a sign that we’re on the right path that we made the right choices so you know

That’s always good to hear we’ve got some more foragables that’s good that’s good oh my gosh okay this jojo community center is at 50 50. we need everybody to be voting here because again oh it’s yep it’s 50 50. oh my goodness well you know i’ll remind you that our goal

Here is to make people miserable and what makes people more measurable than joja that’s all i’m gonna say about it though oh my lord i’m gonna i think did did willy do the thingy thing let’s be right back making more youtube accounts for joja thank you lee plot

Thank you we need to get the the joja love here oh we’re back at 51 on my end ahoy there i’m i’m sorry willie i love you but i don’t want to listen to you right now oh my gosh i say if it’s 50 50 the mods have final

Say for putting help with us that’s true that’s true all the mods are so lovely here thank you guys i really appreciate it it would be only fitting we’ll see i’m seeing 51 joja i don’t know if that’s representative oh my gosh let’s see oh my gosh dr death i’m team community center

Uh oh uh oh oh hi jazz hi oh my gosh if we do the community center it just means that we have to you know try harder to ruin people’s lives and that maybe that’s not necessarily a bad thing maybe that kind of fits into the fits into the theme a little bit

Because then it’s like you know with the jojo i’m not really doing the life ruining i’m just kind of you know buying stuff from big corporation but it’s really jojo that’s doing it maybe i want all the all the responsibility i don’t know i’m just gonna see what you guys say

But there’s more spring onions here and that is very exciting to me uh let me see let me see let me see have you ever done a community center route i’ve only ever seen you do joja i yeah like i said i have the 100 days community center thing coming out which

I’m actually really excited about i think that video is going to be going to be kind of fun um but i think that like my last 100 days was with joja but again i just chose jojo because it was convenient i didn’t choose it for the express purpose of making people miserable so

It would be kind of different i don’t know oh my god yeah okay we’re at like 50 50. i don’t i think we’ve got this is a very a very split topic and i i appreciate that with your fishing rod try to get the painting in the fountain

Oh my gosh look at that painting in the fountain what fountain am i done oh like up at the the the place oh yeah you know i’ll get there and then you’ll understand um were you playing stardew before you started your channel um i’d played stardew before i have a

Very very sad farm that i think i just barely did the community center on but i did that in like 2019 or something and then once i did my 100 days that was like the the first time since then that i had actually played stardew is this am

I being lied to oh no it does go in okay that that is not a painting that’s a piece of wood i don’t know fountain bike i’m at the fountain community center that was a piece of wood that was not a painting oh my god it’s a community center so

Everyone has to celebrate you even though you’re ruining their lives yeah that’s true that’s true that’s true that would be pretty malicious oh my gosh okay uh the npcs actually talk about how great the jojo prices are meaning that jojo makes their lives better in a way really interesting interesting interesting um okay

That is a consideration i didn’t really think about that but we can make their lives bad in other ways once the poll closing yeah we should probably put a time a time cap on this um i’ll close it in like i’ll close it at like 5 30 in like four minutes and then

Whatever it’s at that’s what i’m gonna do unless it’s 50 50 then i’m just going to be torn and scared and frightened and lost with no direction my faith is shaking and let’s see we got everything watered we have some forageables just in case the community center

Is the move we’ll just put this in i’ll just put these these things in here just in case uh i might go let me see i might go do some fishing i am gonna need a chest probably though so i’m gonna take that um community center winning oh it is winning

Oh my gosh i thought that that was joja okay all right well we’ll see we’ll see you know you never know leaf a lot might come in clutch with the those those alt accounts you never know oh my god you could ruin chat’s life by disregarding their votes i could i could

That is the point of this but you know i could oh my gosh what is wizard hello oh my god what’s your favorite game oh gosh that’s so hard i feel like i have a lot of different favorite games for different reasons but probably like the game that that

Resonates with me most maybe like pokemon pokemon emerald or or hollow knight i feel like hollow knight oh my god i wanted the fish over here i think like hollow knight was was a game that made me like almost tear up because it was so beautifully done and it made me so happy

But yeah that’s probably what i’d say about that i i need that all right we’re gonna do some fishing and i’m gonna read what you’re saying uh uh oh i i already voted for joja so alt accounts failed oh no that’s okay that’s okay that hair is ruining my life i thought

It was a hat i didn’t realize it was hair it’s ruining my life a little bit too oh my gosh we got a carp a city of tears music and hollow knight oh my gosh all the music and hollow knight especially like the the mantis

Lords i do dishes to that and it it bumps for sure oh my gosh char oh charlie have you watched in kanto i have watched in kanto and it was such a good movie i really love that movie oh my gosh yes if you haven’t seen in kanto you

Should definitely see it we don’t talk about bruno was like really really good really good i’ve listened to that so many times it’s actually kind of ridiculous but yeah yeah yeah good movie good movie i like animated movies a lot though but i can’t like in the the first song they

Sang i was like already crying because it was just so beautiful and amazing and everything the soundtrack is chef’s kiss it is it is oh my gosh oh community center one oh gosh you’re right oh man all right well i’ll have to end that once i catch this fishy

And then i’ll end that ooh treasure chest treasure chest treasure chest what’s this what’s this okay okay ah oh my god that was really close i am i would love if this had like a prismatic shard inside of it and a dinosaur egg that would be lovely

Okay you know that that’ll do i guess oh gosh yeah community center community center is one okay well you know we’ll find other ways to we don’t we don’t talk about the poll indeed indeed we don’t talk about it we’ll find other ways it’ll be okay oh i almost missed that fish

It’ll be okay we’ll ruin people’s lives in another way and it’ll be okay it’ll be okay but it’s a good thing i saved those forageables because if i did not that would have been a whole thing that we’d have to deal with i kind of wish i didn’t make remix bundles though

When is the next hollow knight video coming out that is a great question i’ve already played way ahead of what i posted last but i just haven’t gotten to editing it yet because i’ve been doing like collab kind of stuff and working on the 100 days and everything but hopefully soon

Probably after the 100 days video is released i’ll probably do that that is that’s just salt on the wound i don’t that makes me sad oh my gosh we don’t talk about charlie’s pole nope no we don’t oh oh lord oh slick sloth a slick sloth oh my gosh

That’s like a tongue twister thank you so much again for the super chat i really appreciate that oh you guys are so awesome that was the most depressing cast ever you guys are so awesome it’s really crazy oh my this is i’m still like trying to let the

The fact that we didn’t do joe just sank in like it just made so much sense to me but you know you guys make the choices and i respect your choices and you make good choices so you know we just got to go with that

What am i doing right now i don’t even know yeah i think we just got to get money and we’ve got to get the stuff for the community center now but that’s not even open yet i don’t know it’ll be fine it’ll be fine i think it’ll be it’ll be good i see

Hold on hold on i’m catching a fish but i see a comment that intrigues me uh starburst animates recommends that you almost complete the community center and then go jojo last minute oh my gosh how actually brutal would that be that would be so bad but it would be so good

Oh my gosh when we’re when we’re close to finishing the community center we can we can reconvene we can talk about that we can we can see when we have our last item how everybody feels about this course of action i feel like that would be so funny

But that would be so funny oh my gosh oh my lord you guys are actually hilarious i feel like it’s it’s such a good thing to let you make the decisions because you have such good ideas except when it’s not going joja but you know that’s okay that’s okay this fish oh

Chest okay okay i’m going okay okay okay we’re good we’re good francis thank you so much for the super chat i gotta read it i gotta read it i gotta read it a moment okay think of the community they needed they need this community center i know it’s it’s it’s a community center

You guys have you guys have won the polls you won my heart you’ve won my opinion you won my vote we’re gonna be doing community center so i i really forget what’s in the community center so i’m just gonna save everything and figure it out on day five or whatever it is

Yeah i feel like that is probably the best plan because imagine if i sold something on accident it wouldn’t even be that hard to get it back probably but it would just hurt me a lot and maybe that’s the point move the chest yeah i i will have to do that

I will move this chest i might have to make two trips home i got a lot of fish in my pockets all right let’s see let’s see yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna have to sebastian walks there so you should probably move the chest um good point good point good point

Um okay i’m about to shift position if if my chair creaks like a disgusting amount please forgive me this is so loud i hate this chair uh okay char charlie what’s your favorite movie okay spider-man into the spider-verse is my favorite movie i don’t know i had

Such a big uptick to that that is my favorite movie and i love it so good if you haven’t seen it you should definitely see it that is probably just the um i don’t know just the the the animation style and the story it was very like it hit me very

Personally too which is probably a lot of the reason why i like it but objectively it is just an amazing movie in general i don’t know that’s a good movie i’m trying to think of other stuff too i can’t really think i don’t know we’ll see uh uh okay

I’m gonna start my first trip because it’s gonna take me a little bit um let’s see uh did you ever play undertale or deltarune oh i’m stuck um i do no i’ve never played that i’ve watched ring queen play it i think and i love ring queens videos they’re so funny

Um but i’ve never played it myself maybe in the future i will i don’t know if people are into that it seems kind of fun and i’m always down to play something that’s kind of fun so yeah maybe in the future i need a glow ring asap this is so bad

Oh it’s okay i’ve been putting off watching uh into the spider verse until i’ve read the penny parker comics oh my gosh i haven’t read the penny parker comics i probably should i feel like that would really probably add to the movie or at least

Like the lore a little bit i don’t know i didn’t even know that existed i’m gonna like look that up after excuse me excuse me okay i feel like that would be good uh oh my gosh into the spider verse is such a beautiful movie as an animation major

I can watch it constantly and claim it’s for research purposes that is a good life that’s a good life i do i know that um another movie i think i talked about this last stream too it i just watched it it’s like fresh in my brain but um the mitchells versus

The machines was actually hilarious but i don’t know i don’t really like watch i usually only watch animated movies but in terms of like real real people real people movies i don’t know what that means i do really like parasite i think that’s probably my favorite like movie movie i don’t know

I don’t know um let me see oh my gosh so many questions i actually like answering questions it’s so cool to like talk with you guys real time it’s very nice it’s very nice um uh gerard way wrote the penny parker comics oh that that makes sense i know

Uh i really like umbrella academy too i know you already know that but umbrella academy is a very good a very good show and i want to rewatch it now just because we’ve been talking about it so much in my discord but it is very good i’m about to die and i

Didn’t even realize it i’m going to bed i’m going to bed yeah yeah yeah yeah level one fishing not too shabby um i just realized i didn’t record a minute of that and that’s okay oh it’s raining yes okay uh i should probably fish for more money huh

Yeah our goals are to get a barn to get to to marry everyone and divorce them and i can’t really do that because i can’t get rocks for abigail to crunch on so yeah probably fishing is the move for right now i think and i get to talk with you lovely people so

You know that it all works out oh my gosh dude oh my gosh so many things um the quality sucks i’m so confused my quality is okay and i think it’s generally okay is it just me or is it is it bad for everybody is it okay i’m so bad at

Like i’m so scared about tech issues i feel like it looks okay oh gosh uh quality is good quality’s fine okay i was like getting scared i excuse me fish i feel like stardew valley is a very like low intensity game too and like pokemon legends arceus was like a lot more um

A lot more intensive so i was like ah stardew will be fine i don’t i don’t need to test it out i did do like um i made it so that the chat would be faster which might affect the the quality a little bit i don’t know but i did want

To have this be a more interactive stream because you know it’s mostly about you guys and your opinions and stuff so maybe that’s why i’m not really sure i don’t know i don’t know anything about technology i’m so bad what’s your favorite type of pasta farfal i really like

The butterfly noodles and i also really like um pastina a lot that’s also a solid choice uh fish fish fish fish oh no no no oh my excuse me okay oh my lord it won’t let me paste the entire script where we don’t talk about bruno yeah that’s probably a good thing honestly

I i would appreciate if that you did not do that oh gosh yeah definitely read over the rules no spamming please i don’t want my mods to get stressed i do appreciate them and adore them oh gosh oh goodness gracious it seems okay though nobody’s spamming much and i appreciate that i appreciate

You guys a lot oh my goodness try to get the painting again it takes a few tries okay fine i’ll try and get the painting i’m listening to you guys this is this is your show i don’t even know what painting this is i it’s you know it’s okay

We’ll find out my cat says hi hello to your cat my cat says hi to your cat i think yeah clifford is a little a little bit of a rascal but we love him all the same if you hear like scratching or like meowing noises in the background it’s

Because the door is closed and clifford does not like when the door is closed so just let you know it’s not a painting it’s a trash can i’m so confused i thought there was a painting in the fountain but the painting is a trash can i’m i am so confused oh my

Oh my oh my what month is it i just started this we’re on spring three but we’re we’ll get we’ll get too far one day hopefully is this gonna be a vaude yeah i’m gonna leave it on the channel if anybody wants to watch it afterward

So if you have to if you have to leave that’s okay it’ll be here oh i can’t get that spot that’s okay that’s okay okay whoever keeps saying that there’s a painting in here i don’t think that there’s a painting in there i really don’t it’s just not happening for me at the

Very least maybe we can get some some good some good river fish i don’t know maybe i don’t i really don’t know where the the the people walk i feel like nobody walks up here i think i actually don’t know that for sure that’s okay i’m gonna i’m gonna take a chance

There’s something in there there’s a decorative trash can in the fountain am i going nuts does it just take is it rare there is but i thought you had the minimum fishing level yeah maybe it’s like a fish you have to have a certain fishing level sort of

Thing because i i cannot get it i don’t know i don’t know what’s wrong with me i do know that there’s one in the uh um the little pond thing in the in the spa but maybe i think you’re talking about a different thing because that’s definitely a painting hello catfish hello uh

Oh no no no too far okay that didn’t happen don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t worry about it it’s pretty rare okay if you if you really wish to we can just stand there and try and get a decorative trash can all day you could say a trash

Can is art if it’s a representation of abigail okay i died for that comment but it was a good comment oh my gosh do you play any instruments i yes i um kind of i i play the piano and i did percussion so i kind of play

The drums and like all the percussive things a little bit uh i also played the clarinet but i think that is like i hate this isn’t making me so mad oh okay we’re going again um but i also think that um everybody’s freaking out about this trash can oh my gosh

Oh my gosh okay i’ll get the trash can i’ll get the trash can i’ll get the trash can don’t worry about it but yeah i think the clarinet knowledge is gone so basically just like piano and kind of drums and stuff and i also sing i was really into

Singing like doing all the chorus stuff so that’s a big thing i can’t pick this up uh okay that’s fine that’s fine Oh no i’m seeing a lot of people saying get the trash can and marry it i don’t think i can do that if i marry abigail that’s kind of you know kind of similar sorry that was so bad i feel so bad for the abigail hate it

Just kind of spills out of me now oh my gosh bring it home one day and say darling this reminded me of you it’s trash that’s gonna be me for sure once abigail lives at my house and we’ve got we’ve got a good thing going i’m gonna say that to her oh my

Uh let me see do you play animal crossing or do you plan to yeah i’m actually working on an animal crossing thing right now too um i do like animal crossing it’s just a it’s much more chill because i i don’t know i never really time travel or anything because it just

Feels like cheating so i just i just kind of like tough it out do the thing i have to do for the day and then log off so i feel like it could be kind of boring to watch so i figured making it into a video could be kind of cool but

Yeah legend fishing please i mean i don’t think i can do that i don’t think i can do that if i could i would uh would you rather marry abigail or delete stardew i mean it depends on the intent like if it’s marrying abigail to make her miserable okay so um

I think that we have perhaps got it a decorative trash can okay i’m gonna play i’m gonna put this on the farm i’m gonna go put that on the farm i’m really happy about this actually this is a good choice good job guys good job oh my gosh seeing the artifact spot

There kills me i know i didn’t have a hoe if i had my hoe i would do it i’m so sorry we were not lying i should have believed you where do we put this trash can i feel like we can put it where abigail would

Stand oh no we can’t do that we can’t do that it can be like our replacement for abigail until she gets here can i like open it no it’s just decorative that’s good yeah when abigail gets here we can we can put the put the trash can in there and it’ll be good

I like that i think that looks nice honestly i don’t know it’s just a trash can but it makes me very happy stone owl wait what did i miss something i don’t think i missed anything i think you’re i think you’re lying to me call the trash can jeremy yeah we’ll

Call it jeremy oh my gosh when will you get vinnie yeah where’s minnie i don’t i don’t actually know what day marnie comes to to give you the dog or the cat isn’t it like the fifth also or something or maybe like the 10th i don’t know

When we get that cat though i can’t even go in the mines when we get that cat though you know it’s gonna be vinnie this is gonna yeah i figured that that was gonna happen that’s my bad what’s wrong with abigail i don’t understand basically she’s good at finding eggs and it irks

Me that’s that’s basically my only problem with half a gale you know like the hate that i feel for abigail has been diminishing with each win of the egg festival that i get because now i’m just like god abigail sucks at egg hunting i’m so much better but you know

Still that first time that i that i lost sits in my heart and it makes me sad and i think about it a lot so you know that’s basically the gist of it i also have i i have like an egg percent video where i did like a speed run to hit

Abigail with an egg with a slingshot and i have a little presentation in that video which could be very informative so yeah goodbye khloe thank you for coming i really appreciate it i appreciate it so much oh my god abigail’s overrated so fair so fair

I think so too but it’s okay it’s okay and and then my favorite spouses i feel like i i know that this is like everybody’s gonna leave after they hear this but i honestly don’t see what’s wrong with elliot i think elliot’s a good a good

Good charming lad like i get he’s a little pretentious but also he like writes to you every day when he’s on his book tour and he’s he’s very nice to you and he plays piano and writes books and it’s kind of cool i’m not like wild about elliot

But if i had to choose it would probably be elliot oh this is perfect yes yoba no yoba has our best interest in mind we’re giving this to abigail right now right now right now right now let’s go let’s go yeah i know a lot of people don’t like

Elliot and that’s okay i appreciate that just like how people love abigail it’s like you know everybody’s entitled to their opinions i want to cry i want to cry okay it’s okay it’s wednesday yeah she’s probably in there and it makes me mad but that’s okay

I do also love crowbus yeah i did you i i loved krogus so much that i used the family planning mod because i wanted to have kids but i couldn’t bear leaving crobus so that’s why i used the family planning mod and i think it worked out pretty

Well i i was very happy to i was kind of sad after though because i saw that there was a mod that made the it made the kids like kind of look like crobis and i wished i’d done that but at the same time i also love oog and ooga even if

They’re kind of creepy there there’s always a spot in my heart for them for sure please fish please perfect um i don’t even know what fish i need for the community center i’m just kind of just kind of going and hoping uh hold on i will read i’ll read once i get

This fish this fish is mine easy easy money crow blitz so true they’re my little crow blitz this is stop with the creek i know my chair is creaky okay it’s i upgraded from those plastic chairs that you have when you’re in middle school and now i just have a bigger

Version of that that’s a little bit comfier but super creaky but you know it’s just the way life is it’s just the way life is just gonna have to deal with the creeks ha ha okay okay i think we’ve got oh my gosh we got so many more fish than i thought

We did is this a safe spot to keep my chest i think it is i think it should be fine uh yeah i’m gonna i’m gonna assume it’s fine i’m not even gonna wait for anybody to say anything uh i’ll put this stuff in there and just

Take some of my fishies out and bring them home uh me i’ll i’ll take this wood for no reason i don’t know don’t worry charlie i understand your chair pain yeah i’m just i’m just too too lazy to get a chair like chairs are big i’d have to like get

It and then bring it home and sit in it it would be a whole thing you know it really would be a whole thing charlie name one of your children lavinton writing that down writing that down sorry i just got distracted because i’m writing it down child lavinton

That is such a good idea i would love nothing more oh my gosh a good chair is really important yeah i know but i i should get a new chair there’s really no excuse for it i’m just i don’t know also it just like snowed a lot where i live

So i can’t even do anything like i can’t i can’t go outside all i can do is sit inside and be sad that i can’t go outside because the snow banks are so large and massive that they prevent me from doing anything else i’m gonna just get some rocks i don’t know why

How can one be a real gamer without a gaming chair i know gosh there’s this like really funny chair and i say this all the time i don’t think anybody’s ever understood you guys will know you guys will know this will be an insider secret but there’s this this

Chair that i saw in costco one time that’s not a rock i saw it in costco one time and the box just said a comfortable gamer is a dangerous gamer and ever since then it just makes me laugh so hard i just mention it all the time i’ll be like oh

I’m not i’m not a comfortable gamer right now so i can’t be a dangerous gamer i feel like if i bought a chair it would be that chair just so i could say that all the time unprompted that would be my ideal life okay i’m about to die i’m going to bed now

Uh oh optimal pathing oh oh oh oh okay i have a rocking chair at my desk that sounds kind of fun i do like rocking chairs a lot they’re very comfortable i’m going to sleep now by the way level two fishing yay where’s my scythe you know

I should have had it it’s just sitting oh my god that’s blinding that was so so bright after such a rainy day okay yeah somebody said to sell all the doubles in my fish and you are so right i’m gonna do that that is a great point i think that’s everything okay

Okay we gotta give this amethyst to abigail i feel like that’s really what you gotta do pickaxing that fiber hurts my soul i pick ax a lot of things that i probably shouldn’t everybody gets mad at me all the time there’s one video where i pickaxed like

My dead crops and everybody was like you’re wasting energy you’re being inefficient you could have used your scythe and i was like oh yeah you’re so right i’m sure that’s my bad i don’t know why i do these things it’s just the way that it goes i don’t know

I wish i could tell you i have a rocking chair at my desk too maybe i should get a rocking chair everybody has a rocking chair goodness have you seen a series of unfortunate events ah i think i saw that i watched the movie like

A really long time ago when i was a kid and i watched a little bit of the show but it was kind of spooky for me like the the vibes were just kind of i don’t know not my thing i’m not sure what animals are you getting for the barn coop

Uh all the animals i think is what we decided on someone said ostrich someone said duck duck duck someone said pig i think we’re getting everything you know and just you know live in it i think we also need a dinosaur for sure at the very least one dinosaur but

Hopefully we can get like a whole coop of dinosaurs i feel like that’ll be fun if you read the books you’ll completely sob i did yeah i did read the books as as a kid i think i didn’t i don’t i definitely only the first couple just i don’t know why just

Because i i don’t know i had other things i wanted to read i think at the time that that was popular i was reading like magic tree house or something and i liked that better i don’t know why i thought it was cool because there’s like some history stuff and there’s like

Interesting things i don’t know it’s kind of science-y things in it sometimes i thought that was a pretty cool series don’t get sheep rabbits make them obsolete that’s fair i’ve never had a rabbit actually that is my confession i’ve never had a rabbit in stardew valley like i said i

Very rarely have animals for some reason it just it’s like not optimal but then at the same time it’s like i’m not playing the game in the way that it’s supposed to be played you know like you’re supposed to get animals you’re supposed to or i guess the point of it

Is that you can play it however you want but in my head i’m supposed to get animals and i’m supposed to farm and have a good time but i always skip out on the animals just because the coop in the the barn are such a such a task i don’t know

Oh my gosh all i saw was get potatoes and i realized i didn’t water my plants or my crops we’re going back we’re going back we are going oh my gosh oh my gosh could be cool to make like a zoo like the aquarium video oh my god maybe wait i’m pausing for

This maybe you can still you can get mods to get more animals that is such a good who said that oh my gosh that is such a good idea we can make a zoo oh my gosh i’m excited i’m gonna sit on that on that idea we’ll see how it goes someone just

Said shrek i don’t know what that means but that is a great idea i’m excited i didn’t even think about if there was oh my gosh i can’t even speak right now i’m just flabbergasted that’s such an exciting idea to me for some reason i think that

There should probably be mods where you can get different animals i don’t know i can’t even speak actually i’m i’m just like shocked that that was suggested and that i love that idea so much um a very important question dino nuggies are normal nuggies oh my gosh with the dino nuggies

To be honest i don’t everybody’s gonna hate me and like unsubscribe i already know it but i don’t really like chicken nuggets i had very traumatic chicken nugget experiences as a child i don’t know i went to like mcdonald’s once and had chicken nuggets for the

First time and there was like a muscle ball or something in it i don’t know it was like really weird and chewy and it freaked me out so much and i was like i am never having chicken nuggets ever again and then like seven years later i

Regained the courage and i tried chicken nuggets again and i got a muscle ball again and then you know ever since that i was like nope nope nope i tried chicken nuggets twice and both times they let me down and i maybe i just haven’t had but

You know i do like wendy’s spicy nuggets even though that’s basically the same thing it feels different i don’t know why every time i eat them people are like i thought you didn’t like chicken nuggets i’m like no these aren’t chicken nuggets these are wendy’s spicy nuggets and

They’re like that’s still a chicken nugget i don’t know i don’t know [Laughter] this is such a weird such a weird opinion i don’t know i prefer turkey nuggets i didn’t even know that existed i honestly would love to try a turkey nugget just to say that i did

Uh let’s see let’s give abigail her her rock so she can have a nice little afternoon snacky where oh my god you gotta be joking me right now she’s gotta come out sometime oh yes the timing the timing do you like all i saw was do you like domino’s garlic bread i

Love domino’s garlic bread they’re a little parmesan bites that is good oh okay so we’ve got we’ve got some i don’t know why it checked as if that was going to be enough but we we’ve got some friend points with abigail now we really could

Marry her in a in a good amount of time if we just if we just keep it up hopefully we’ll get more amethyst or something from fishing i don’t know but also the mine opens tomorrow and that is going to be good because then we don’t have to depend on the

The waters to get our gems for abigail we also need to get the community center because the amount of fish i have on my farm is like stressing me out a little i don’t know why yeah i don’t know you’re forget great taste you’re forgiven for the chicken nuggets thank you so much

Wendy’s spicy nuggets mmm so good so good i haven’t had them in so long though uh oh my gosh hello everyone that’s coming in and thank you for coming to everybody who’s leaving i know that people just pop in and out and stuff so i really appreciate it if you come in at

All really it’s fun to talk with you guys and talk about nuggets i don’t know as i fish for really no reason i just need money for my barn and i need what else do i need why am i fishing right now i don’t know i’m just fishing for money i think oh

And i’m stalling until the community center opens i think is really really the essence of what’s going on here what dipping sauce for the wendy’s spicy nugs i honestly i don’t really use dipping sauce i just kind of eat them the way they are because they’re beautiful the way they are uh

These like emojis are getting my attention so fast serious question if you put a coupe near the pond will the ducks swim i am pretty sure they will and i will definitely be doing that i’m going to write that down that is a very good point

I’ve seen that in my own personal farm like a really long time ago and i almost cried tears of joy because it was actually the most adorable thing the way they just piddle pitter patter around piddle paddle i don’t know fish at the mountain lake you’re right

I’m gonna go do that wait let me see can i oh i can’t oh no i can i can we good can i dude i play this game every day how do i pick up this chest i don’t have an ax i don’t have an ax we’re walking away from it we’re walking

Away from it we’re walking away from it we’re walking away from it now there’s too many emojis and i can’t even read any of these messages oh god we’re walking away we’re walking away my opinion on chicken alfredo is that chicken alfredo is very very very very good i do love chicken alfredo

Uh Let’s see oh i need that i would love to have that thank you demetrius for keeping that safe for me i need i need a chest i don’t know why i came up here without a chest it’s okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine oh

Why don’t my ducks swim i put them near ponds i don’t know i don’t know why they i i don’t know i think they just they just do it sometimes maybe they weren’t feeling it maybe it’s like in the summer only or something i don’t really know

I only honestly i’ve only seen that on my personal farm on all other farms i don’t even think i have ducks and if i have ducks they’re nowhere near water so i am definitely not the the professional to be consulting on on duck behavior oh how many hours do you have on stardew

Definitely over a thousand definitely over a thousand i don’t know how many but definitely over a thousand i play this game an ungodly amount and yet i still make stupid mistakes i feel like that’s just the essence of stardy though yeah definitely chill out with the emojis this is not

You’re you’re gonna get muted and you did that to yourself the emojis must be used in a tasteful fashion otherwise i will ignore i am not encouraging that behavior for my mods sanity beat lewis at jojo cart oh beat louis at juno cart if people want me if people want to

Watch me play juno cart i’ll play juno cart but that is true i feel like lewis would be really devastated by that if i just beat junamo cart in endless mode i feel like he’d probably cry a little bit maybe i don’t know okay i’m out of out of space i don’t

Know why i did this to myself here we’ll do this we’ll do this we’ll do this i just need the community center to be open we appreciate you wanting to preserve our sanity you’re welcome i appreciate you guys i don’t want you to be stressed or sad pull i agree pole i

I’m one-handed pole juno mo cart yes no bam i’m such a professional what is your favorite or most hated pokemon i really love mudkip so much i would probably die for mudkip actually my favorite ever in the world i don’t know why i did that in terms of my least favorite

I have no idea i don’t really know i like a lot of pokemon i feel like i didn’t really play sword and shield that much so a lot of the pokemon that i see in the like that are from that generation i just kind of look at and i’m like what

Is going on with you i don’t i don’t know how to feel about you so probably something from that time like maybe like charge a bug like why is there a pokemon that just looks like a like a bus i don’t get that i don’t know

Maybe that’s just me maybe that’s a very popular pokemon and i just have a bad opinion who knows who knows who knows i’m getting lost right now what am i doing did i already today the day i gave a gift i don’t remember i’m going nuts i don’t remember i don’t

Remember i’m gonna go get more fish i don’t know mudkip for life yes mudkip least favorite swampert oh my gosh i cannot believe that i cannot believe i just saw that swampert is my my precious little baby i love swampert so much i just fell out of my chair

That’s such an ominous comment i just fell out of my chair dot i’m sorry to hear that i hope you’re okay i hope that you didn’t damage yourself in any way oh gosh yes you already gave abigail a gift thank you so much abby is very confused i really appreciate the reminder

I don’t know how i forgot that because the days aren’t even that long but somehow i managed to just surprise myself with the lack of brain power that i have every single day oh lord it’s okay we’re just gonna get some fish we’re just gonna catch some fish to sell and

Then tomorrow community center maybe i think and uh what else oh in the mine then we can go mining and that’ll be kind of fun oh my gosh 78 of oh okay we’re juno karting i am seeing 78 of people saying to play juno mo cart 79 even we’re going we’re gone

Hello everyone i’ve never played is this oh my gosh i’m stupid i tried to have the music on and just nothing happened okay that’s because there’s no music on i’m so sorry if this was boring up until like oh i can’t play juno card because i don’t hey I don’t have the skull key oh no everybody knew that except me oh no i feel like you guys knew and you were just trying to try to trying to see what would happen oh that’s so upsetting oh okay oh lord yeah we trolled you i i hate it

Here i can’t believe that just happened to me that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay yeah i didn’t go get it i will tomorrow i’ll go get that mayor shorts that doesn’t come until summer fifth but you know i will be nabbing those shorts and future goal

Future goal right now is to get uh dinosaurs duckies uh pig ostrich and also to marry abigail so that we can swiftly divorce her and ruin her life that’s pretty much where we’re operating right now i every time nothing goes in i could just click that i don’t know why i

Don’t i’m going to bed because i know i’m tired of this day i’m tired of this day i got tricked i got duped and i feel sad and i’m gone level 3 fishing tomorrow is vinnie i hope so we’ll find out everybody’s just saying they trolled me

People do that a lot i’ve i don’t know why i said a lot i’ve streamed twice and people always vinnie vinnie oh my gosh it’s vinnie time i do see this cat here i found it sitting outside the entrance to your farm i think it’s a stray poor little thing

We will take good care of you vinnie we’ve had this water out for days weeks anticipating your arrival yes okay oh jeezum that’s really not what i meant to do vinnie is that that’s how we spell it right yeah that’s how you spell it that’s how you spell it there we go

Let’s go well little vinnie you be a good kitty now yay vinnie i love it i love it i’m so pleased i’m again i’m so sorry that the music wasn’t on i always record with the music off i hope that you can hear it and you’re not bored anymore and

That it’s not too loud or anything uh oh i need to water my water my stuff my brother is so happy right now i’m so glad we are going to take good care of your namesake vinnie will be the the happiest cat in the world all right we’re going to water our

Potatoes there we go yep that’s good that’s good we’ve got vin diesel this is the height of success oh lord okay all right we’ve got the mines open dear farmer abby yeah you were kind of mean to me robin i don’t want to read that because you hurt my feelings

Let’s see so yeah somebody said bring forageables for going to the mine and i totally agree oh the traveling cart that’s a good call that’s a very good call i’m gonna put that there i’m gonna save that for the community center yeah oh i should definitely plant like

The other things i need for the community center too oh traveling cart oh my gosh i’m so distracted oh oh water bowl water bowl is vinnie is if vinnie need water oh vinny’s got water then he’s fine he’s good bring a chest to the mine that’s probably a good call

I’ll do that once i check the cart wait i can’t get down here i already knew that i learned that is there another way around because if i had to go all the way through town every time please don’t cry because i just did that oh okay we’re good we’re good we’re good

Traveling cart traveling cart traveling cart oh i didn’t pet vinnie though i got a pet vinnie for sure once i once i checked this cart cave carrot brick floor quality sprinkler beep ew i don’t want to give that to pierre i could though coconut all this stuff kind of sucks

Should have made paths good point trinity thank you so much for the super chat again i’m logging off i hope you have a good rest of your stream thank you thank you so much for being here for like an hour or something that’s crazy hope you have a good rest of your day

Thank you again i’m just like you guys you warm my heart so much i really like talking with you i really like streaming i’m sorry that i did that that was reflexive and i’m sorry oh my gosh why did you take my soul i’m sorry i saved a parsnip don’t worry guys i

Saved one i have i don’t have many brain cells but the the one that’s in there is doing a good job working overtime let’s see so i need i need the community center which i think i should unlock today and they need to go to mines and then i need

For some reason something inside me says to save these soggy newspapers because i use them to get cloth in my expanded series oh pet vinnie pefini you guys are so right you’re so right pet vinnie where’s vinnie vinnie hello hello where is vinnie what the heck

I’m so lost right now hold on let me i need to put my fishing rod away i’ll keep these where is vinnie in the house and uh oh there hello so cute have a good day i’ll be back he napping he napping make fertilizer for the five gold

Parsnips you are so right yeah before we mine we should probably plant some parsnips with fertilizer and oh i forgot about this cut scene uh hi there goodbye is this the woodland farm it’s the hilltop farm i think it’s a hilltop farm yeah the one with the rocks

That’s not very descriptive the one with the hills then my house is on the top of it that’s the one that is the farm that i am on uh okay so we need what do we need for the community center oh my gosh i have to

Read the stupid thing and then i have to talk to the wizard tomorrow and it’s a whole thing oh my gosh oh give the amethyst to abigail good shout out good shout out i will do that oh okay let me just read this real fast do do do do wow gibberish

So glad i did that am i continuing the expanded series yeah i i eventually yes i’ve been working on the 100 days one so that one’s been kind of put on the back burner a little bit for now but i did record a little bit of it so hopefully

Soon it will be continuing let’s see so we need parsnips like golden parsnips i know that i think we need a cauliflower we have a potato we need a bean or is that just remixed yeah i don’t have a scarecrow so Yeah i think i need a bean do i need a bean i think i need a bean i might just buy the bean and get some more parsnips maybe i’ll get more i get very scared that my thing isn’t going to be golden so there 25 should be fine it’ll be fine

Also try to get as much copper and iron for sprinklers because we need strawberries on the 13th you’re so right you’re so right i will do that we’ll have to oh yeah i have to bring a chest somebody said to bring a chest what route am i going uh community center unfortunately uh

Well unfortunately for me i was kind of going for the the joja personally but the people spoke with the people hath spoken i’m just gonna put these down if this is this is 10 11 12 13 14 i don’t know don’t worry about it that doesn’t mean anything i don’t know why

I felt like that was so important oh i don’t have the fertilizer yet okay that’s okay i’ll just water these i haven’t listened to this music in so long oh my gosh oh let me see let me see let me see i’ll put those in there i need another chest i’m getting overwhelmed

I’m gonna organize this stuff later for now i’m just gonna kinda toss it all because i wanna go to the mines and i forgot to give that to abigail i’m the worst we are gonna do that okay okay okay get a cauliflower from jody or for jody oh gosh did i do

Remix bundles no i for some reason in my head i was like thinking nothing i was thinking nothing my head was empty i didn’t make a rational decision i wish i did though it’ll be okay it’ll still be fun we’ll have fun here here take it

Oh that tripped me up i was like why are you like praising yourself i just gave you the gift the heck nah my name’s abby don’t gift abigail that’s a crime i know i know everybody’s making me do it but it’s also with a good goal in mind if we get

If we marry abigail we could also use her to like collect bombs and then we marry abigail have kids with abigail turn those kids into dubs mary clint or somebody whoever somebody said ever there are a lot of options we’ll get there when we get there and then

We live freely and we ruin abigail’s life that’s the plan hello marlin charlie do you like the music i do like the music i do like the music i just uh i just saw somebody say give elliott seaweed cause he likes it do you think i’m not watching rin queen’s videos do

You think i’m a fool i know what elliot likes what was i even talking about uh you would wipe her memories with the shrine do i like the music i do like the music i just when i record i don’t record the music because uh i don’t know like when i’m editing stuff

Together it kind of bothers me when music just suddenly cuts out i don’t know if that’s just me i’m very like sensitive about that kind of auditory stuff so i generally play with music off when i play games and it’s kind of depressing but it’s also for a good cause it’s for the

People let’s see let’s see oh a geode let’s go okay okay Cauliflower for jody yeah true true true i’ll have to buy one tomorrow or something i’ll kill this slime this sword is so slow it’s painful forget how slow everything is i always get so used to like the galaxy weapons oh my god oh my god so used to the

Galaxy weapons and then it just it goes back to the rusty sword and makes me sad and depressed but we’ll get there one day we’ll get a galaxy we’ll get whatever you want to get honestly if you want to okay this is probably bad to say but if

You want to have the rusty sword the whole time i i will hold this rusty sword for the end of my days would be kind of hard to do anything but i would do it i’m getting oh uh oh i just never finished that so i had to

Talk to clint now because i got enough copper so that quest is complete a rooney oh a topaz and yeah just collecting copper for sprinklers and making my way down to the bottom so that i can finally play judah bow cart i’m still a little salty about that but

It’s okay i have forgiven and i’ve forgotten a little oh my gosh this is a lot of copper imagine beating the game with only the rusty sword that would be pretty good i feel like that would be a cool thing to say it’s like oh you have a galaxy you have

A galaxy sword well i beat it with the the rusty sword i wonder how long it would take you to kill like a serpent oh my gosh please to kill like a serpent or like any of the skull cavern things i feel like it would take you actually forever unless you like

Put it in the the ginger island uh what’s it called like the forge and got like a ton of like attack up rings maybe it would be better i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know please die this is so slow it’s terrible oh insect head only

I do like yeah i remember i used the insect head for most of my run and the first time i played stardew that’s a pretty solid one it’s a pretty solid one let me see we got some crates here mixed seeds wood cave carrot that is not what we want

Please give elliott seaweed at least once oh my lord i would feel so bad though i like elliot i think he’s a he’s a stand-up lad i know that a lot of people don’t think that what i feel it’s just the way i feel maybe i will i mean actually

The goal of this is to make people like miserable right so eventually we’ll probably have to give him seaweed at some point you know like we’re we’re building people up just so we can crush their dreams so you know that really might be on the horizon my energy

I don’t think you can forge the rusty sword oh man i wish i could that would honestly be very good let’s see let’s see spring onions elliot is the most annoying character changed my mind i don’t know if i can change your mind i feel like

I feel like it’s a lot about personal preference i think like the thing is is i get why people hate elliot because he’s kind of like pretentious and you know maybe people don’t like that he’s a lot of annoyingly large words where it’s like why say big word one little word do

Trick you know that kind of thing but at the same time he’s really kind of romantic like he’s the only character that’ll like write you a poem and make you feel happy about yourself at least i think so okay wood oh copper i don’t think i can change your mind

Though i get why you hate him and like honestly i’m not crazy about him but it’s just like out of the other candidates i feel like he’s gonna he’s probably the one that i would choose i don’t know oh my gosh copper copper leave me alone meanwhile harvey says you look radiant

In the moonlight i have i’m gonna be honest i really i chronically forget that harvey is even a marriage candidate i don’t think i’ve ever been involved in any romantic anything with harvey i’m sorry ah crab oh charlie other charlie oh my god i’m dying for you oh my god okay okay hold

On just one moment just a moment oh lord i’ll get there i’ll get there in a moment please please just die just die the sword is so bad it’s actually killing me inside oh there charlie thank you so much for the super chat i really appreciate it i also

Really like your name it’s a solid name it’s a good name i am going to toss these let’s see let’s see i don’t like any character they’re all quite bad that’s kind of like that’s kind of how i feel as well because it’s like none of them i feel like in other games

I’ll play and one character will really stick out to me and i’ll be like i need to marry that person right now kind of like victor you know like i saw victor and i was like i will die if i do not marry this person but i kind of didn’t have

That when i played stardew i was more like i guess i’ll buy some cows and make things make grow crops i don’t know harvey is a sweet a sweet man and i love him yeah i i’m sure he’s he’s fine i’m sure he’s great i just he’s something he just doesn’t do

It for me i don’t know why i’ve never even talked to him i know he likes planes he kind of like i had a cut scene with him once and he was like oh there’s a plane overhead and i was like okay nice i guess i don’t know

I don’t think i’m i have enough of The knowledge to know if i like harvey or not he just kind of is i do like that his love gift is coffee though i feel like that makes me very happy means i have to do less work we’re all happy in the long run out of curiosity are you a grey’s

Anatomy fan i used to watch grey’s anatomy i watched grey’s anatomy in like high school but i’m not i almost just said like a massive spoiler i’m not gonna say that but i used to watch it in high school but i like as the seasons went on i just

Kind of kind of fell out of it i was like yeah it’s okay i also started watching other shows and kind of moved on from it naturally but i did want to be a doctor for like probably like years like a very very long time i

Wanted to be a doctor and i know that’s like a completely inaccurate representation of being a doctor but it just felt like i was living vicariously through them or something i don’t know yeah it’s an okay show though the drama the drama let’s see we got ha please no no no no

I hate that i hate that so much get away from me oh oh oh i just got caught i did not see that guy i was looking chat oh boy leah’s the best agreed leah is pretty cool i like penny a lot i feel like penny kind of gets slept on

Like i think people don’t like her because i don’t know they think she’s boring which is fair but i think she’s cool i think i like how she yeah yeah teaches uh jas and vincent and she just seems like a very down-to-earth kind of person you know

I just like her a lot and there’s a bug here and it’s killing me oh my god this takes so long without the galaxy sword can you please just die please thank you i’m running out of energy big time i need to oh don’t you dare turn into a

Bug don’t you dare don’t you dare don’t eat her i think i have an algae oh my god it’s 1 30 a.m why didn’t anybody say anything why didn’t anybody say anything why didn’t anybody say anything oh my god nobody said anything oh somebody said something somebody said something hannah

Banana i’m sorry for accusing you you definitely said something i’m running home now go to sleep for your own sake i always do this i always do this i always do this no no no no no please please no there’s no way oh man oh no oh level one farming though

So now we can make our scarecrow which is gonna be good and oh level one mining too we’re killing it we’re killing it i don’t know how much money we made though 490 it’s not like the worst but it’s also not the best i did check the cart assuming that it

Was on friday uh yeah i checked the cart yesterday there was nothing good gotta pet vinnie yeah good morning vinny oh it’s clint oh i have to talk to you actually i have to go see clint today that’s what i get do what is this oh yeah i have to talk to

The wizard too oh my gosh i have so much to do linus stealing from me straight up thievery oh my gosh at least it’s raining though i appreciate that i don’t have to water things and i keep making this mistake oh god oh god oh god how do i get around oh yeah

There’s this little bridge okay i also have a sword now so i don’t have to pickaxe the fiber anymore i know that that doesn’t make you guys very happy understandably wizard time yep you should have just passed out probably i don’t know for some reason whenever

That happens to me i just have this like crazy idea that i can run faster and just get home faster i don’t know put my things away first that would have been a good idea huh that would have been a really good idea i’ll put it away when i am

Heading to the i am not partaking in this cutscene i’m out of here hello hello let’s see oh i have courts now too though which means that i have some crunchy snackies for abigail uh okay everyone’s saying to empty my pockets and i agree i think that i really should

Do that so i’m gonna go do that uh let’s um i’m gonna hydrate real fast uh okay okay okay okay i gotta go this way oh my gosh oh my gosh everybody’s saying to use a scythe i don’t want to carry the scythe though just takes up a room in my inventory and

I don’t like it it makes me sad let’s see let’s see let’s see what do i got to do i should probably donate this stuff too i should probably oh i can make a scarecrow now so i can finish planting all my stuff sorry um my brain right now is so frazzled

Let’s see we can grab this and what else do we even need i think i have everything else okay so we’re gonna make a little scarecrow and put it down Here oh my gosh i think it’s is it dominica i i don’t know i don’t know how to read that i’m so sorry thank you for being credible charlie thank you so much for being incredible i really appreciate it you guys with your super chats are gonna

Make me cry i didn’t expect anybody to do that ever i i honestly you guys are amazing and i’m gonna plant these parsnips for you in your honor oh and i need fertilizer i might have to buy it oh no i can make it i can make it okay we’re good we’re good

Change my mind sword is better than scythe yeah i i don’t need to change your mind i agree i like the sword better oh my gosh charlie again thank you so much thank you i really appreciate it the charlie power charlie squared you guys are too generous oh my god

Charlie use the super chats for a new chair oh gosh one day it won’t creak and it’ll be great you guys won’t be subjected to that anymore maybe i’ll become a comfortable gamer so i can be a dangerous gamer one day i just start playing stardew super hardcore

It’ll be great today’s not that day though i can’t even like get out of my house even if i wanted to i need to make fertilizer where’s my sap sap up you should make furnaces oh that’s that’s yep that’s that’s a good idea i should make furnaces uh that’s not enough fertilizer but

That’s okay we tried our best oh my gosh i’m not trying to i’m not trying to oh goodness let’s see we got some we got some chores to do today we gotta go see gunther we gotta see gunty guns and then we have uh we gotta go we give it oh the community

Center is unlocked now so we could totally do that too oh my gosh is it okay if i call you uh char or char yes i i am chill with that my friends always called me charmander they call me char or sometimes shar or sometimes chad i don’t know why

But i just kind of accepted it honestly oh hannah thank you so much for the super chat uh i got up my switch to play while you’re playing how long will you be streaming for um i’m streaming i stream for like three hours at a time i think

Good lord these time zones really fry my brain like an egg i it’s been like an hour and a half i think so probably like another hour and a half yes that’s how math works yeah i think like another hour and a half oh louis hello

Why did i come here first i need help i need help i need help oh no everyone’s gonna start calling me chad now okay yeah we’re just gonna skip that i can’t ever hear the chair but you deserve comfort thank you i appreciate it i’m glad you can’t hear the chair

Whenever i talk with people over discord i’m i think like most of the stuff i say is like sorry if you hear my chair like it’s just really squeaky and they’re just like i i don’t hear what you’re talking about and i’m like i’m so sorry i’m so sorry for my chair

I’m so sorry but it’s okay i’ll complete my quest with clint thank you scarlet rider you are so right i’m gonna go do that oh what time zone am i in i’m only an hour ahead of est so it’s not that bad like eastern standard time but

It’s it’s bad enough hello hello okay it’s bad enough that it messes me up like it’s just so close that i think it’s kind of the same but then it’s not and it confuses me like every time i try to schedule a stream it just confuses me okay now the

Chat is just filled with chads i’ve got to accept that i did that to myself i think i also can’t open these geodes right now i just don’t have the brain power the space or anything charlie is as tall as a mountain park car and named chad got it oh my gosh uh

The discord lore i actually forgot about that that’s so funny let’s see let’s see we’re gonna give abigail a little snacky here take this oh i already gave her gifts this is why you’re the worst abigail this is why you’re the worst it’s not even in your control but it’s the worst

Oh you should have made your name chad i could have chadley barley oh my gosh oh my gosh people call me charles barles now which you know that’s just that’s just the way life goes i yeah it’s you know whatever you want to call me i’m down with it i’m okay with it

I’ve made two furnaces it doesn’t really bother me much i don’t know i like i like when people have funny nicknames for me it makes me laugh i appreciate that and i’m gonna make some copper bars uh we have to reach level 40 before the 12th

Maybe i should go to the mines then i can sell these now these topaz yeah maybe i should go to the mines ignore my atrocious chest layout i don’t know what is going on here let me see i’ll bring these little leaks i think i can oh i can see now what i

Need to bring to the community center none of these fish none of these fish need to be in the community center is that a joke that is disgusting is that true actually oh my god what am i missing here oh a daffodil no no no no

Oh okay at least we can do this we can get our seeds if we want to i don’t know just mess around do you do weekly saturday streams or do the days vary i just started streaming like two days ago but the plan is to do um streams on wednesday and saturday weekly

I was thinking like wednesday is is charlie day or wednesday for whatever i want day and then saturday is stardew day uh but that’s pretty much yeah it’s uh i think like 4 est seems to be okay for a majority of people so i’ll probably stick with that for now

But yeah i’m going to be doing it weekly i feel like it’s a good way to like still be making content but also you know not have to like spend so much time editing and everything and we’ve unlocked the the thingy the crop bundle or whatever whatever that is

Oh my god name one of your children after a subscriber on this on the stream i would do that i need to have a child first though oh you’re so whoever said that about the fish bundle yeah that that’s definitely why it wasn’t showing up i’m i’m dumb i’m dumb okay so now

The fish things should be should be all set ooh oh sorry yeah wow sorry it’s just so instinctual it just comes out of me and i don’t know what to do about it i’ll say hello somebody said what’s the plan for today chandler goldie why

I think my plan is to try and get to the bottom of the mines because we did we did want to what do we wanted we wanted to get we wanted to play judahmo cart and we couldn’t because we didn’t have the key but we’re going to get the key and

It’s going to be it’s going to be great it’s going to be a good time when we get that key and we’re going to play juvenile card ah oh indie usa thank you so much for the super chat you guys are so generous i channika banika that is my new name you guy

I am not going to be charlie barley by the end of this it’s been like one week i’m going to be chandler channika monica chad all of these different names i like it though i like it it keeps it fresh charlie barley that get boring after a while

Oh i didn’t even know i found a staircase thank you guys so much though i really appreciate it and i’m gonna buy a chair i promise this is all chair money i need to be a comfortable gamer so i can be a dangerous gamer it is how it goes

Could you name your kid charlie i will name one of my kids charlie if you so decide i will do that i’ll write it down it’s gonna be probably a bit before we have a kid but i have a running list of all the things people have been saying

So i will write that down we will have charlie the child and it’ll just be me i’ll be turning myself into a dove so even i have to suffer through this experience it’s not just you guys it’s not just the pelican town villagers i am also suffering

And i think that’s the way it should be if i’m gonna inflict the suffering oh my gosh that’s a staircase name one clint jr that’s so funny that is so funny i’m gonna write these down and we’re gonna we’re gonna come back to that when i have a child definitely clint jr charlie

Wait that’d be kind of cute because then then we’d have one named after clinton we’d have one named after me it would be like it would be our namesake so it would be beautiful can we name a cow slurp we can definitely we can definitely do that once we get a cow

We can name it whatever you want it to be named i really need to get like the the coop and the ah we need to get a coop and we need to get the barn but i don’t know i think you need what do you even need to get that

I don’t think i have enough money in the slightest i need to eh eh i don’t think i have enough money in the slightest i think i need to save up some money do some mining and then what else do i need i need like wood and

Stone or something like that i should i should look this up i should look this up i just got distracted because somebody said to name a child barfelina oh my god barfelina that is definitely a suggestion we will come back to that oh my lord you guys are so funny

Just arrived what important stuff has happened well um uh what have we done we’ve done we i died once i passed out once uh we’re we’ve befriended abigail a little bit given her some amethysts and some rock snackies and um we are what are we doing we’re trying to

Get a barn and we’re trying to get a coop and that’s pretty much where we’re at right now also trying to like befriend the villagers but not to be friends with them but to actually like double turn double take double double two-faced whatever whatever that’s saying is we’re gonna go

Behind their back and then we’re gonna make them very upset it’s gonna be great that’s the plan at least and we also got a decorative trash bin a trash can that is the biggest thing that you missed we got a decorative trash can i don’t know how i could have forgotten

About the decorative trash can it’s terrible absolutely terrible okay let’s see we should we could put some fish that didn’t do anything we could put some fish in the community center if any of these are efficient to be a hello none of these actually that’s depressing what even is in like

There are no other fish that exist the heck oh we get a catfish i think it’s too late wait sun fish i lit what oh wait am i going crazy that wasn’t pulsing for me before maybe it was i’m just blind i don’t know that’s okay that’s okay

Yes double cross that’s that’s what i was going for double cross yup oh gosh yep yep yep yep yup i still think dollars is the best description of money in a game ever it is for sure i love gallers i think it’s so funny sometimes people comment and they’re

Like i don’t know how no one’s ever told you this but it’s gold not collars like it makes me laugh so much it’s like oh i’ve been told many people have told me i just don’t listen because i’m the worst that’s so funny okay i need a catfish i

I did not get a catfish is this no that’s not that’s not i haven’t even fished in the ocean yet i’m not doing very good in that department i do have a carp and a bass end of that and i need a sturgeon but that’s not here yet and a bream okay

So we should probably do some fishing in the ocean at some point i feel like that would be ideal pet vinnie i will pet vinnie i think i did actually already but yeah definitely definitely chill with the pet vinny spams i think i did i think i did it this morning

Catch an eel at the beach yeah i i don’t have my fishing rod so i can’t go straight there i don’t know if i would have the time but i don’t know i don’t know yeah it is scholars it is gallers it is it really is

I don’t know why but for some reason my brain just gets so unsatisfied with the way that people name currencies and games so it just decides to make it something else like i don’t know i okay when i play legend of zelda one of my friends always called rupees rupals so i

Just call them rupals now i am so excited to play a zelda game and call it rupals and just see the absolute like chaos that erupts and just see everybody so mad at me being like it’s rupees it’s rupees how did you not know oh my god

I don’t have time i didn’t have time i don’t have time that’s okay oh hi willy hello we’re gonna try one we’re gonna hope for the best the next rainy day we have to get a catfish and an eel so true so true maybe we can get one now

That’s neither of those things i i guarantee that this is not a catfish or an eel catfish aren’t even in the ocean so why did i just do that a herring i am now a fisherman oh my gosh your chaotic evil side is showing yeah i definitely do have that side

I feel like it mostly comes out when i’m on other people’s streams but i i just love the idea of doing this community farm and we just think of like the stupidest things ever and just do that chadley badly go to bed okay okay okay oh yes the rare ocean catfish look

I’m trying my best here i’m trying my best i i don’t even know if i could catch a catfish oh ooh juked absolutely breaking ankles let’s run home let’s run home we can make it we can make it i don’t want to bet any money that i’m

Going to pass out because i’m going to make it we’re going to make it it’s going to be fine it’s it’s uh 1am it’s ok i know see we’re fine we’re fine you guys freaking out over nothing and i already pet vinnie you’re a freaking odd over nothing

And level one combat let’s go she’s cracked at stardoo she can make it yeah i’m absolutely cracked i get to sleep before 150 every day except that one day wait vinnie the heck oh vinnie’s up there have i been watering vinnie i don’t think so but we’re gonna do it today

We’re gonna do it right now there you go hello hello put herrings back in the water but i caught these herring they’re mine now oh traveling cart traveling cart good call mushroom good call we will check to see if she has any goodies i also see walker just says now i got a

Dumb idea i would love to know your dumb idea that is the point of this is to do the dumb ideas oh no queen of sauce i need to cook you’re so right you’re so right where’s the water here oh my gosh eat my kid i can’t

But i can eat some delectable stir-fry now i know how to cook it let’s see we need the water i think it’s down here i don’t know why i ran the other way i’m just so used to that it’s so far away going a whole trek just

To fill my trap in my garden what is this watering can not my trash can oh let’s see i put the herring back in the water but angry this time but i need the herring do i need the herring i don’t need the herring but i

Could sell it for money i could do that You can gift abby oh yes i should do that i should do that because it’s sunday you guys are so on top of it i can only have like one thought in my head at a time i’m gonna do that let’s see where the quartz is oh let me sell these i’m gonna

I can also sell whatever i’m not using for the community center which i think is most of these things i don’t need any of this so oh yeah i’m going to sell all this oh my gosh megan thank you for the super chat that’s so generous of you thank you so much

You guys i’m i’m gonna cry you’re gonna make me cry and you’re also gonna improve my posture probably because i’m gonna get a new chair i’m gonna get a new chair and it’s gonna be great i got stuck i’m going the wrong way again i’m going the

Wrong way this hilltop farm i’ve never been on this farm but it’s it’s grinding my gears right now let’s see i just i could really easily just clear myself a path i don’t know why i don’t i’m just stubborn that way but there now we have a nice little way

To go down we don’t have to bother with all this wood and bumping into things it’d be terrible it’ll be terrible if you cry on the plants to water them i mean if i could i would i really would let’s see cactus fruit bass cave carrot tulip escargot oh that sucked

Absolutely none of that is worth buying that’s okay that’s okay that just means that something really good is gonna is gonna come soon we’re gonna be like whoa that’s so good that’s so crazy that we just got that from the traveling cart and it’s gonna be amazing

But not today not today today’s not the day we will give abigail a gift though chanaka banika please marry abigail that’s the plan hopefully i i hope let’s see how are we doing we’re at zero hearts we are so good we’re killing it hello penny nice to meet you

This music slaps i haven’t heard this music in so long okay okay going around so we only i feel like we’re making so much money but in actuality we do not no come out oh every time i get here right on time that’s amazing it’s just meant to be this this run

It’s like yoba yoba wants this okay i’ll let you go after you thank you get out of my way get out of my way get out of my way thank you buy as many potatoes as i can the profits will be worth it yeah but then i’d have to water them and

Be like a whole thing i know i probably should i probably should you’re so right wait what’s this invasive crab species i think we’re going to the mines anyway so i’ll take that i’ll take that yoba blessed me i am blessed by yoba i should mine yeah i’m heading to the

Mines i gotta oh i can’t get that i never have my hoe i yeah i also need strawberries we’re gonna have to get strawberries once we once the the festival starts if we make it there i don’t really know i’m i need food i think is what i’m yeah

I’m gonna take these leaks and um this leak and these dandelions and i think that’s good check spring onions for food i probably should honestly and i’m gonna go the right way this time take a bomb to open the dwarf’s cave i won’t be able to talk to him though

And it’ll just be sad i will eventually though don’t you want a deluxe barn all the strawberry monies yeah i do i think i i do want a deluxe barn i need to really grind to get some money i feel like it’s going to be a lot to upgrade

All the the barn and the coop and everything like that but it’ll be worth it because we’ll have an ostrich and we’ll have a dinosaur and we’ll have vinnie and we’ll have lots of happiness and prosperity there’s a lot of spring onions thank you to whoever

Said to come down here that was a good call maybe make a chest for the minds yeah maybe that’s probably a good move i know that somebody did say to make a chest last time and i said i would and then i didn’t because i forgot so

I will do it this time i’ll do it this time i’ll do this time you can only buy 18 strawberries with the money you have now yeah i’m i’m not not doing that well in the strawberry department hopefully though i can get some gems and then

Once i have those gems i can sell those gems and with the money that i get from selling the gems i can get strawberries let’s see i don’t i don’t have enough wood do i no i have seven wood that’s that’s not enough in the slightest

I’ll just cut down a tree real fast an acorn are you considering the animal retexture mods in the google slides oh yeah there’s yes strawberry okay so there’s um in the discord there’s like a slideshow of some really cool mods and i really personally want to retexture the

Animals so that they look cool and not the way that they always do they’re so cute and i think like there’s also like the medieval buildings and stuff like that like the whatever mods it is that change the way that the building i did not even get enough for a chest i’m not

Even paying attention uh yeah but they changed the way the buildings look and like all the the machines and they look so cool so yeah definitely if if you’re on board with that i think that we if everybody is in agreement i think that we should definitely do that for next time

Or whenever we have animals because they look super cool hello vinnie making sure i pet you let’s see we’ll put this away this way enough for a chest now chest we’re ready we’re going To was my favorite number um 11 i think i think 11 is my favorite number maybe like 19 also a good number i think those are my two favorite numbers chonkly bonkly thank you so much hannah banana appreciate it also goodbye to noreen and then jeremy i think yeah my phone is dead because of

Your stream i’m so sorry that i killed your phone i’m so sorry i hope you have a great day guys or great night or whatever it is thank you for coming i appreciate it if you want to know about the mods to suggest them in the discord yeah the

Discord is in the description of the stream so if you wanted to join and like talk about mods or contribute mods or anything like that it’ll be a fun time and let’s see we gotta get the skull key so we can play juno cart i can’t believe

That i didn’t know you needed that like it just seems like juno cart was always available i don’t get it ah oh yeah i didn’t put the chest at the at the front i’m i’m dumb i’m gonna go put it out there now there now i’ve done it uh hopefully i feel like

Wow there’s a lot of things going on right now yeah i feel like when you kill the monsters in the mines they always drop the staircases more than if you look for the rocks so i should probably be doing that more i already have a staircase though i don’t know what i’m doing

Chadley when will you install the mods um i’m thinking i’ll probably install the at least like the ones that we’ve kind of agreed on today for the next time i think it would just like stress me out to have to do it right now uh yeah i also think like

If we’re doing like the animal retextures and like or any like portrait stuff or anything like that then eventually like it’ll be we won’t even have animals for a while and we won’t even be able to marry anybody for a while so it’s not absolutely essential that we do that today i feel

Maybe that’s just me oh my gosh i hate these bugs when i don’t have a good sword oh wow put a chair next to linus what does that mean this is does linus need a place to sit doesn’t linus have like little logs that you can sit on

I don’t know i don’t know goodbye to everybody that’s leaving thank you for sticking around and hanging out i really appreciate it i can’t believe you’ve been playing for two hours and you’re only on day seven oh my god oh my god i can’t believe that either

This is i do this every time i try to like optimize my days and then i just end up taking forever i should probably just like go to bed right now chundley bundley oh no what have i begun sharply barfy oh no oh no and then just jelly high says i love

Slime rancher i do a slime rancher seems like a lovely charming game thank you for not calling me charflee barfly much appreciated slime rancher seems cool though i’ve never played slime rancher before i it seems like a nice game seems like a nice game

Am i i’m gonna can i i can throw away the rusty sword right like that was just a joke and we’re not actually doing that right sorry i was hydrating i’m not seeing anybody saying anything against it so i’m just gonna toss that goodbye oh i’m so sorry

Let’s see we’re on level 21. um what did i walk in on why are we inserting the word barf into words that do not contain the word barf yeah there’s yeah we’re just basically anything that starts with c and b is what i’m being called now uh charlie barkley chanukah banika it’s

It’s kind of a mess welcome though to the stream oh gosh throw it out please okay thank you good i’m glad everybody agreed because i did not want that rusty sword anymore and i’m sure you didn’t want to watch me use it anymore just painful for everybody bam

Get out of town shannan a banana oh quartz for abby true to true i should have grabbed it i think i did actually i have two this bug is just slowly inching towards me that’s okay that’s great bam oh no that didn’t work i was trying to be cool and it backfired

Please die please die eat something right now i’m trying i’ll eat now i’ll eat now it’s my birthday in 55 minutes i started watching the stream when i was 18 and i’ll be finishing it when i’m 19. happy birthday well not yet but happy birthday meg thank you for

For gracing me with your presents on your birthday that’s so exciting that’s a good age to be fosho die not you meg the bug i’m so sorry oh please i hate these crabs so much i hate everything so much i hate these bugs i hate the crabs i hate everything

I hate the slimes the way they move just makes me mad but i would love this bomb so i’m gonna get rid of that geode we’re also sending money so shackly back lease doesn’t get messed up oh my gosh thank you i’m i will be purchasing a

Chair i will show you guys once i get a chair that doesn’t squeak and suck you’ll be so proud and i’ll be so my posture will be so good it’ll be crazy oh oh oh oh oh oh nothing’s happening i need this i need this oh ah there it comes here comes

Look at that what game is this stardew valley started valley oh my gosh hey please go go go go okay yeah the stream ends in 53 minutes exactly streaming for three hours we’re getting some decent progress i mean we finished one of the little bundle thingies and

We’re at 25 in the mines and we’ve given abigail so many gifts like so many gifts too many gifts more than she deserves but i’m gonna go to bed right now because i just feel like it and i’m taking way too much time we should have a stream to celebrate the

Chair once you get it yeah we can just i’ll sit in the chair and it’ll squeak so little you’ll all be so proud that’ll be so funny you guys are celebrating my new chair stream a person of good taste what’s my favorite farm map in stardu i don’t know i think like

I don’t know i don’t know if i have any sort of preference i do actually i do have preference i like the forest farm a lot that was actually embarrassing i like the forest farm a lot i had you guys voted on which farm to do for

The 100 days community center and you guys chose the forest farm and i was like forest farm i don’t even know what that is i’ve never had that before but i started playing it and it is beautiful oh finney’s on the bed hello it’s beautiful i really like the way the

Trees are and like i don’t know it’s just nice it’s nice i hope really dex just says did chat make you abigail yes they yes i am now abby and i now have to marry abby so yes i think the answer is yes do i have a mullet do i maybe

Maybe i hope not that’ll be unfortunate robin here don’t care oh i have to water my crops that’s not not what i wanted to do i have to give abigail a quartz too hydration reminder thank you i will hydrate i will do it goodbye mushroom thank you for hanging

Out i really appreciate it i hope you have a good day or night i get lost in the music sometimes i haven’t had the music for so long it makes me feel like a real farmer oh my potatoes are done i didn’t even realize that

Did i get oh my god oh my god oh oh no everything’s falling apart i only got 11 potatoes that’s kind of sad i don’t need golden potatoes right oh i do need golden potatoes uh oh do i do i what am i doing right now there’s a quality crop bundle isn’t there

Oh that’s just because it’s a potato not because i need a gold one fearless thank you so much for the super chat i appreciate the gaming chair money i hope you have a good day thank you so much for hanging out chunky bonky love that thank you oh my gosh

I think i’ve started a bad thing everybody’s calling me chonky bonkin and all cherokee bear key it’s terrible i think i could just go back to the mines i’ll give abigail a thing go back to the mines oh my gosh wait the what loser inc thank you so much oh my gosh

I’m gonna cry here’s a hundred dongles for a new pog thank you so much oh my gosh i’m like in shock right now thank you i really appreciate that i’m gonna like pay my rent and eat food and get a chair i’m gonna live my best life

Thank you so much i really appreciate it oh my gosh i you better be in a new chair next dream i will be i will be oh my gosh i’m my heart actually thank you guys so much i’m gonna cry real tears right now live oh my gosh

You guys are too generous you’re too nice to me i really appreciate it oh my gosh i left that there so long ago hey chunky bonky start a chair cult oh my gosh i feel like i’m obligated to like to get the chair that makes me a

Dangerous gamer like if i didn’t get the comfortable gamers a dangerous gamer chair i feel like i would be doing something wrong you know i’ll definitely do it thank you so much again loser inc i’m like oh my gosh i’m freaking out a little bit just can’t believe that you’re so generous

Oh my gosh you guys are crazy oh my lord streaming seems to be good for you i do i really love streaming actually i wasn’t i was scared about all the technical stuff because i’m not a very techy kind of person but i just really love talking with you guys

And like playing games like it’s kind of fun and i don’t know it’s very chill it’s very oh i can’t pick that up that’s okay it’s very chill and i don’t know i really do like it i’m excited that i’m gonna be doing it regularly too because it’s like creating content but also

It’s a lot more chill and i get to talk with you and interact with you it’s not so focused on editing and all that stuff even though i probably will edit this into like a video at some point in the future i think that would be cool too we have

To show off all your good ideas for for like ruining the villagers lives how could i not oh my gosh slick sloth thank you again can’t compare to the 100 dongles honestly i’m just anything that you guys give to me i’m so grateful for i can’t even believe it thank you so much

You guys are really too generous it would really be a crime if i didn’t have a new chair by next my next dream oh my gosh also bye walker thank you so much for hanging out i’m so oh my gosh i hope you have a good day and charlie

Charlie charlie barely that’s me now oh my god everyone here so sweet actually all of you guys are so like amazing and good to me and cool and i’m so grateful for that i am so happy that i get to do this with you guys thank you so much oh my gosh

Am i gonna reset in this world what does that even mean like delete this no i’m not resetting oh like reset if like i get you i catch your drift um i don’t think anything i can’t think of anything that would make me like reset a day or anything i

Just feel like i’d i would probably just be sad if something bad happened but you know our goals here are much more long term so i don’t think there’s much that could happen that would really faze me enough where i was like i have to do that again especially because it’s

For only on day eight so you know oh oh i hate these floors so much they’re so bad i expect this next stream title to be staring at my new chair for three hours honestly it might be probably will be if you all just wanted to stare at the chair

I have to oh oh my god oh my god i just got attacked i just got attacked i just got attacked it’s so far away but i can hear it oh goodbye out of here oh my gosh sorry i just got here what was chosen jojo community center it’s community

Center we’re doing the community center slowly but surely i think right now really we’re just trying to like be nice to abigail and get to juno cart and i think get to ginger island but that’s a more long-term thing so yeah are you gonna mod this file oh

For sure i’m gonna mod this thing right up it’s gonna be great with things that you choose of course i think it’d be so funny to just take some mods that like nobody’s ever really seen before and just do do something funny with it like

I like the idea of just marrying an npc that you can never usually marry i feel like that’d be a lot of fun oh my gosh hello i hate you guys i hate i feel like i say that about every enemy that i come across i just hate this i hate these guys

They all just move in different ways and it kind of freaks my brain out uh who’s my favorite stardew youtuber i i like all the people in the stardu community they’re all so so kind and good in their own ways i think that they’re all worthy of watching and supporting

Uh hello is that staircase is that hello what the heck was that there’s nothing just actually going crazy what is wrong maybe if i go this way there are so many rocks i’m actually going nuts right now ha ha oh no no no no i gotta put the torch down

Oh i’m not even dying i don’t know why i’m freaking out so much oh my gosh so much is happening one moment eh there’s so many rocks here this is actually scaring me uh chunky bonky child names for charlie and cherylina oh my gosh oh my gosh i know you’re right but thank

You borgs thank you so much for the super chat that is so generous of you and i love your patrick profile picture patrick is a good profile picture and thank you so much hannah as well i will be streaming i do i’m going to be streaming on wednesday i’m gonna be playing more

Pokemon arceus it’s like killing me inside that i don’t get to play that unless i’m on stream but i think it’s so much more fun if i get to play with you guys so i’m gonna be doing some more of that probably borgs this is pure chaos borgs

I don’t even know what borg’s is but i’m all i’m all for four borgs oh my lord oh goodness i need to eat right now i these levels just like ruin me emotionally because there’s so many rocks and it’s so dark and it’s terrible and there’s these guys that just appear

Out of nowhere and they just blend in with the floor what is a borg i don’t know what a borg is oh my gosh please i need a better weapon so right now yeah let’s let’s settle down with the boards i don’t want my i don’t want my mods to go crazy

I want we should be respectful of the mods because they are all very very good people i don’t even know what a borg is this means nothing to me i think you guys are just having a good time oh my god please go away a seaweed for elliot you know i feel like

We’ll get there one day not right now today is not that day but one day once we’ve gotten far enough to make everybody like us then we have to make them not like us right that’s the thought process at least a couple people said like

I i don’t know a couple of people were saying that they wanted me to do like go for perfection on the community farm and i’m just thinking now if we did that we probably wouldn’t be able to like i mean we’d have to get perfection and then make everybody hate us like we’d

Have to get perfection and build up all the like standards of perfection and then we’d have to tear them all down which honestly i think would be kind of funny because then it would be like we didn’t even deserve to have perfection i found a dwarf scroll

I would love to say hello to my little door friend where is this where is this staircase what the oh there we go i’m taking this torch chunky chair could you pass out you just gave me a heart attack i thought it was like 1 30 in the morning it’s only 6 30.

But i could pass out if i tried oh my gosh and yeah the time does freeze when you eat if you i do need to eat but it does freeze which is good i know people do that on purpose when they go to school caverns sometimes to like do bombs more

Efficiently or something i’ve seen people do that oh i know you’re right but thank you so much for donating and for hanging out i really appreciate it i hope you have a great rest of your day thank you again and again cool patrick i love the patrick

Please be a sword oh let’s cover pass out chonky chair i’m not passing out chadley what’s your favorite food oh my gosh nobody’s ever going to call me by my real name again ever my favorite food though oh that’s a lot of copper this is a good floor i think my favorite food

That’s kind of kind of tough i really like noodles i feel like spaghetti is good i know spaghetti is a thing that everybody likes i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know there’s so many good foods and i feel like there are also so many foods i haven’t tried yet too

I don’t know it’s hard to say hard to say it’s 8 30. we’ve gotten some good oh my copper please okay we’ve gotten some good mining done we’re on 436 so it wouldn’t really be that much of an l if we went home now but for some reason i just really i just

Really want to play juno cart but i’m not really getting that far in the mines i feel like it must have been like a neutral luck day or something probably which makes me sad but it’s okay got some cave carrots that’s all we really need

Uh i think i’m gonna leave i’m gonna go home there’s no point who’s charlie i only know chunky bonky charlie hooch if you watched my the overcooked video i did with rin charlie who chunky bonky whoo that is the perfect reference be a pirate that is also a sub goal that

I’m going for i need to finish the community center so that i can get to ginger island so that i can be a pirate again i’ll have to whip out the pirate speak hey charlie had a great time hope you have the chair of my next dream i’m

Bonked can i go to sleep thank you slick sloth for hanging around and thank you for donating and everything i really appreciate it and i love having you here just hanging out i’ll probably see you in the future hopefully i hope you get some good sleep too

That would be ideal i have not been getting very good sleep uh i’m gonna sell that i don’t want that and i’m also gonna make some copper bars just cause i want to do play juno cart on another save file for us at the end of the stream

I yeah maybe i don’t know i don’t know juno card is kind of like an investment for me though because if i play juno cart oh i didn’t say hello to vinnie but i did now if i if i like i feel like i’d want to play until i beat it

But then also with endless mode you can you don’t really ever beat it so it would just make me feel sad if i didn’t get further than lewis but we will definitely play that sprite we will definitely play juno cart for sure that’s kind of like the big goal that

I’m going for right now besides making money so that we can get like a barn and a coop is to just unlock junomo cart so that i can do that i feel like that would be a lot of fun it would also be probably embarrassing but that’s okay that’s okay

None of those were golden and that’s not okay don’t like that i feel like i don’t know probably everybody but i don’t know the quality crafts always make me so upset because i get everything else that i need for the greenhouse but i never get the greenhouse by the end of year one

Because i never get the quality crops i feel like i could easily fix that by just going and getting more parsnips so i might do that i might do that because we need to finish the community center so that i can be a pirate again that’s all i want

Oh my goodness which farm is this this is i i we have started a new farm this is our farm our community farm where we’re making the weird goals that we’re going for and pretty much just ruining everybody’s lives that’s kind of what we’re doing right now

Quality crops are easy when you overlap everything yeah i i don’t know i don’t know i don’t really like the crop like i don’t really like making the crops or growing the crops not making the crops i don’t i don’t like growing the crops as much as i like taking care of

Animals or like going mining or something i feel like that stuff is so much more fun to me i don’t know like every some people get really i cannot pick that up some people get really into the crops and like the numbers of it all and i respect that i feel like

I’m just not that kind of person like people who min max and stuff it’s so impressive but also i don’t have the brain cells for that and i’m not afraid to admit that i’m going to donate this because i don’t want my thing in my hotbar get more parsnips i will

Get more parsnips don’t you worry after i donate this right i always put them there i don’t know why i feel like that’s a good spot chunky bonky do you call yourself chunky bonky or chunky chair well i don’t even know what that means

I wish i had an answer for you i don’t even know what that means my chair is so squeaky though i don’t know if you hear it squeak squeak so terrible uh let’s see we’re getting more parsnips i’m gonna get like 25. i feel like that’s a good amount and i don’t need

These so i’m gonna sell those i don’t need these potatoes either i think uh i might need one yeah i’m gonna save one and then that should be good wait abigail i almost forgot i just always ignore her i just always forget oh my god get back here get back here get back

Here this looks delicious you’re weird that’s okay I can usually get quality crops by year one but i never do parsnips because i forget yeah that’s the thing that always gets me is like i’m just so happy with the 15 parsnips that they give me that i forget to buy more parsnips and then by the end

Of the season i’m like oh wait i suppose i’m supposed to get five quality parsnips what’d i do that for just mess myself up yeah that’s i’m sure that’s a common problem oh bye sophie and mia thank you so much for hanging out i really appreciate it i

Hope you have a good day i’m gonna plant these and oh i need to get more sap so i can make fertilizer i need those quality parsnips i also need a hoe i did not think this through uh abigail belongs on an episode of my strange addiction

Yeah why does she eat rocks i feel like something’s wrong i feel like didn’t concerned ape knows about that right like and he just decides not to fix that because i that’s a bold decision and i think that says a lot about abigail’s character i don’t know

I don’t know i don’t know the fact that she eats rocks is really off-putting to me but i guess for other people it’s not as off-putting just like i can’t imagine eating a rock the texture of eating a rock it’s a rock i’m sorry this just makes me so angry it’s a rock

I don’t know it’s okay though because this time we’re gonna marry abigail and we’re gonna make her life worse than we ever have before because we are going to break her heart and and turn her children into doves uh where’s vinnie hello oh we didn’t water oh oh my goodness

There we have done we have done remember the good old days when you blew abby up oh i do remember the good old days when i just blew her up instead of being her and marrying her if you really think about it though this

Is a great plan this is a way to get it’s like psychological we’re getting in on the inside like a bomb you know she really should not have been completely undamaged by that bomb but she was so this is maybe more effective in my opinion and i need fertilizer

Yes i’m gonna cut some trees uh not only does concerned ape know he actually added the dialogue can you go to the mines and get me something to eat see that’s like what but what how do people not find that off-putting that’s so funny i do love that though

That’s so weird i’ve never i don’t talk to her so i’ve never even seen her say that that’s hilarious i’m getting rid of this okie doke you’re gonna marry abigail what i know i know as you know i didn’t want this this is not what i wanted but it’s

Just the way that it happened it’s okay it’s okay we’re gonna be okay it’s okay one day we’ll be together with like clint or somebody and we’ll forget all about this abigail fiasco just trust me oh my gosh goodbye hannah banana thank you for hanging out i hope you have a good day

Or night i don’t know i never know what to say because there’s so many time zones so many places you can be i hope you have a good time have i ever played roon factory i actually think i have i think so i was really into harvest moon as a kid

I really love harvest moon still it’s like definitely one of my most favorite nostalgic games but yeah i’m pretty sure i played rune factory right that’s just the one that has like it’s basically harvest moon but also monsters and it’s 3d i think i think i played that

Obviously i don’t remember it very well though i wish i had a better thing to say oh my goodness uh we have let’s see we have 30 sap we can make 15 fertilizer i’m not sure if that’ll be enough but we can try let’s see uh

I feel like abigail should have to visit harvey’s more often yeah i mean that’s what i’m thinking is like that can’t be good for your body like sure eat rocks if you really want to i guess but that can’t be good for you like how do you dig you can’t digest a rock

I don’t know i don’t know about that that’s just kind of that’s kind of weird i really feel like this is a conversation we should really be having more often i i feel like abigail eats scented candles that makes a lot of sense to me

I’d get on board with that i feel like she would she’s the kind of gal oh my god abigail is the eater of all things weird things she should not eat i left for 30 minutes and two days have passed i don’t want to talk about it i’m

So how how fast do days normally pass for people this is like how i play all the time i try to i try to take take advantage of my time i don’t know maybe maybe i’m doing a bad job maybe i should be sleeping i don’t know

I just really like if if i finish cutting these trees well i mean today we’ll probably go to bed early because i don’t have any energy so what else am i supposed to do so then we’ll be at day 10 and that’s not too bad right that’s pretty bad i’m i’m sorry i’ve

Been i’ve been mostly just reading chat and talking with you guys and being called weird names and it’s been fun and i’ve been getting distracted but i am on task now it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay i’m gonna go to bed like in two seconds

Don’t you even worry what was i doing oh i was putting fertilizer on two seconds let me just fertilize these little parsnips down here yep yep yep yep yep okay that was oh that’s okay i’m going to bed dude please don’t eat grass i wasn’t planning on eating grass

I appreciate the reminder though i i definitely will not be doing that so thank you let’s see it’s wednesday it’s the 10th we can water our things we can go to the mines and oh parsnips okay just golden just five five golden parsley you one golden parsnip no no no no golden no

No no no no no no i’m depressed i feel like i should buy more from pierre this is terrible this is going terribly oh my gosh well i’m gonna buy more i’m gonna buy more it’s going to be okay we’ll get it we’ll get it uh oh my gosh What does that even say well i hope you have a good rest of your day esme thank you for hanging out i don’t know what that says i wish i could pronounce that i don’t have water oh my gosh poof thank you for the super chat you should beat prairie king

I could do that i could definitely try to do that but then the days are gonna just take much longer oh my god pierce is closed today you’re so right jitterbug you’re so right that’s the worst that’s the worst oh that sucks that’s okay

I’ll go to the mines i yeah i could beat the prairie king but then every day is gonna take forever because i’m gonna lose and then i’m that’s not what i wanted to do and then i’m gonna want to keep going until i win and then i’m never gonna win

And it’s just gonna be terrible and devastating for everybody this chair this chair okay i’m going to the mines i’m going to the mines and it’s going to be fine let’s see oh i already have a person up there okay okay okay i also have a bomb

I can get in to see the dwarf with this bomb right i think that’ll be fine just the cherry bomb remix bundles no i didn’t get to remix them i wish i did but it’s okay i think the remix bundles are kind of interesting though goodbye lemur thank you for hanging out

I hope you have a good rest of your day the remix bundles are kind of cool but also the remix blender bundles can be really bad like there’s a remix bundle where it requires you to get a scorpion carp instead of Like whatever it is that you usually do and can you imagine i could i think i went like crazy last time i tried to catch a scorpion card if i had to do that in order to finish the community center i think i’d cry i think i’d cry real

Tears so maybe we dodged a bullet there i don’t know that just seems like terrible to get that bundle i’ve gotten the the um what’s it called the quality fish bundle that one’s not too bad but if i had to catch a scorpion card i would cry

I mean if we if we decide to like make this a perfection thing anyway i’d have to catch a scorpion carp but i don’t want to do it i don’t want to do it they’re terrible they’re the worst definitely the worst fish the hardest fish like the glacier glacier fish has

Nothing on the scorpion carp oh goodness losering thank you so much for hanging out and thank you again for the donation that was so generous i’m still kind of in shock i hope you have a great rest of your day oh my goodness you i’m really glad that

You guys are enjoying the streams because i’m enjoying the streams i’m having so much fun just talking with you guys i cannot i’m not having fun not finding a staircase though where’s the staircase is it here no oh my god let’s see it’s got to be one of these right nope

This is actually the worst why can’t i find the staircase it must be here already it must be here already there’s gotta be what the heck i’m getting attacked and i can’t even hello hello hello oh is it down here no no no no it’s not no it’s not no it’s not oh It’s right here that is actually the worst at this rate it would take 100 days to get to ginger island i don’t know what the what rate do people usually play this game i don’t know i’m trying my best i can go to bed right now if it makes

You happy i think i i just really want to get to the bottom of the mind and i want to get a lot of money i’ll go faster next time i feel like it took a lot of time to explain what was going on and kind of establish like what

We were shooting for now that we have that all ironed out i think that it’ll be faster next time okay i promise i don’t know what pace people usually play this at like this is when i do my 100 days like this i literally spend every single day to its entirety which

Is why it takes me so long to edit like do people go to sleep early i can’t imagine it just seems inefficient to me just like why would i go to sleep if i could go to the mines i don’t know you’re doing great charlie thank you i appreciate it oh my gosh

I kill the bat kill it i i look so happy over there though i don’t wanna i feel like he’s having a good time he’s just resting i’ll kill this bad though i just got here don’t know what’s going on but i love it welcome to the stream i am just

I don’t i don’t even know i’m just trying to get to the bottom of the mines get some gems to just grinding okay i can’t pick that up that’s actually terrible that’s okay somebody is very sad that i didn’t pick up the omni geode i probably should have

I don’t know why i didn’t either let’s see okay now i have to kill this bat and that’s very sad to me but it’s gonna be okay get down here please oh my gosh playing hollow knight while watching yes i love hollow knight so much is actually my favorite game

Ah oh stark is staircased i love watching people use the entire day i’m glad i’m glad to hear that there we go i don’t want this but that’s okay i actually think i should probably use a slingshot i never use the slingshot and everybody use whenever i watch people

Who use the slingshot they are so effective like especially in skull caverns you can get really far i wish i could do that the explosive ammo is kind of expensive too maybe maybe that’s just me i feel like i should also upgrade my pickaxe at some point

So that i don’t have to hit each of these rocks like seven times you know i could probably do that i should probably do that then i would go down faster in the mines too ah get a slime hutch i could get a slime hutch i could get a slime hutch

And i don’t really know i don’t know what the point of the slime hutch is actually i think like i had a slime hutch in my other 100 days video and like the slime eggs and stuff kind of sold for a lot of money but i just feel like there’s much more

Better uses of that space on your farm i don’t know maybe that’s just me and i don’t know the potential of the slime hutch i’m sleeping on the slime hutch it was kind of cute to have slimes though as pets i just wish that i could have

Named them or something and made myself more attached to them i am going to grab these the slingshot is so useful in late game yeah i i get that feeling i i’m not gonna throw it away i’m gonna keep it i should probably learn to use the explosive ammo

I’m sure it would help me get down in this mine too if i got enough ore i have a slime hutch so i can have all the buildings on my farm yeah yeah that’s fair i do do you have like a well do people buy wells from robin actually

Because i don’t think i’ve ever gotten a well that’s not like a building but i’m just thinking that like what does i mean i guess though it could be useful wait i’m not leaving when i’m one floor away i guess it could be useful if the water

Is really far away but it just seems kind of like a waste of materials i don’t really know well let’s see we got to get the entire case and i don’t oh yes perfect i’m leaving i’m going to bed or else i’m going to get yelled at pick up the coal uh

Yeah i i’m a little far past that i don’t think i can’t go back and get the coal am i getting the coop that is the plan i yeah that is the plan i don’t i really should check the materials i’m gonna check the materials right now how do i

Make a chicken coop let me check a coop i need four thousand dollars 300 wood and a hundred stone four thousand okay i almost have enough money but also i need money for strawberries i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know hmm i need to find a more efficient way of

Making money because i’m not making that much and like selling the forageables isn’t really going to do much i could get more crops these don’t really sell for much the seeds sell for like 3 000 which is pretty good i don’t know i i’m gonna i’m gonna make some copper

Bars though because i think that oh but sorry i’m not even speaking what i’m saying everything is just like jumbling in my head right now but if i want to get the pickaxe then in order to get the pickaxe i need like the the money like the 3000 i think

It is to upgrade the pickaxe so in actuality i need 7 000 plus whatever i need for strawberries which is really bad i need money i think i need a fish or something but fish don’t get that much money or maybe they do and i’m just bad at

Selling fish i’ll fish i’ll fish i’ll fish befriend caroline i am gonna do that i will befriend everybody ooh dandelion yeah i’m gonna have to befriend everybody i think and i should probably get started on that i feel like it’s always good to start that as soon as possible

But i haven’t really been talking to people i’ve mostly just been ignoring yeah i think maybe it would be best to wait for the strawberries and then once i get the strawberries and harvest them i’ll get the money for the coop and everything i think that’s probably the best plan

Even though we do want chickens and stuff but yeah i don’t even know what’s happening i just see charcoal barkhole oh my goodness am i getting all the animals in the game yeah i think pretty much like people pretty much everybody was like get an

Ostrich get a get a get a dinosaur get a duck in it get a pig so i think i’ll probably end up just getting a bunch of different animals which i think could be kind of cool because usually i don’t have animals that’ll make me happy

And we can name them and it’ll be fun yeah the seasonal seeds sell more than just selling the forage that’s what i figured i i wouldn’t be opposed to selling them i probably will because i wouldn’t use the forage anyway i already like i already did the bundle for that

So it’s probably fine yeah we only have like 13 minutes left here but i think if i try to think how long this takes if i i can catch a couple fish and i can get some good stuff like some good money from that and then i am sluggish from over exertion

Oh goodness oh goodness yeah there probably isn’t much that i can really do before we end for today in terms of money but that’s okay i feel like we had a good time and that’s all that matters i do need to donate the cauliflower after the egg festival to get the speed

Grow reward and use it on the strawberries That is a good that’s a good shout i’ll do that can you please make yourself feel sluggish i don’t want to be sluggish that would take so much longer and then we would have to like oh we would have to crawl all the way home and then people

Would be like why are you on day 11. it’s been three hours and i’ll be like well i had to crawl home it just doesn’t sound like a good time to me i did catch two fish though and i might have more no i don’t have more

Yeah i’m not sure i’m not sure i think we got a good amount of stuff done though and i think also like it’s the first day on the farm the new farm that generally is more of like a figuring out what’s going on kind of thing and i feel like now

We have a better idea of what we want to do on the farm and the things that we want to buy and all that kind of stuff which is really all you could ever ask for what is i don’t even know what you guys are talking about i’m uh i’m just gonna

Continue doing what i’m doing how is it even possible to spend three hours on 10 days i don’t know i’m a really bad starting player i guess i am not giving robin her axe back because somebody said not to and i listen i will comply oh my gosh

Oh gosh i could also get more parsnips today and then i’ll go to bed right after so that nobody’s upset with me because it’s been 11 days then it’ll be 12 days and we won’t have to talk about it anymore oh my lord what farm type am i on i’m on um

The hilltop farm i’ve never played on this farm before i’m thinking like it could be cool to decorate this farm in an interesting way i don’t know i think there’s supposed to be like um there’s supposed to be a little cave where there’s like geode nodes and stuff

Like that but i have no idea where it is i’ll have to find that at some point i also need to get pinky lemon so that i can uh so that i can make a little shrine because we got our lemonade farm here i need to get myself a pinky lemon

Shrine going on we have a lack of pinky lemon in our lives and i think that that needs to be addressed if you give her the axe back more money for strawberries but somebody told me not to give the axe back and if i’m making everybody sad

And miserable then i can’t give the axe back or because robin’s gonna be like well thank you so much you’re the best person in this village or this town but i could also just keep the axe right picture this i keep the axe i make a

Shrine for the axe and then every time robin has to come and build something on my farm or like upgrade something she’ll see that i clearly have the axe but that i’m just not giving it to her and then i’ll get inside her head it’ll be psychological you know

Yeah like to 250 that’s not even that much you know i feel like i could live without it i could live without it oh my gosh i’m just running into nothing left side of the farm has the quarry yeah i figured i figured i’ll have to

Get to that side of the farm eventually it’s there’s so much debris though is terrible psychological warfare that’s what we’re really going for here that’s the big plan for sure the worms i know i need to carry my my hoe around i’m just going to take 20. i feel like that’s fine

Yeah that’s that’s that’s my that’s my thought at least like we could get the axe right now and get that set up and then nobody can say i didn’t do anything in this three hours because we have a shrine and you know what a shrine a shrine marks progress yeah like

Oh my gosh i’m sorry i don’t want to watch you kids play around the sewer i’m out of here before you go charlie can you change the colors of your chest i can change them i i mean i there’s i haven’t organized them at all i can definitely change them for you

Though i can just choose some random colors and if that makes you happy i can do that i can do that radioactive blaze if you have any color preferences i don’t i should definitely organize it though i’ve been mostly focused on like making money and trying to get to juno cart

Ah oh my gosh the stardew economy is screwed why do seeds cost fifty dollars i think that to myself a lot like all the prices in this oh my gosh all the prices in this game are very concerning to me like sixty dollars for a green bean

Stock like i could go to walmart and buy that for like or not a stock but i could get like seeds from walmart for like less than a dollar i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know i think also pierre is kind of kind of i think pierre is definitely like milking

Us for our money if i’m being honest purple and green or green and gray if i got to choose okay i respect that i will go purple and green this chest seems more green to me so i’m gonna go green nope that’s literally blue and then purple beautiful and then

We can start our shrine i’ll get oh hello vinny uh then we’ll get our shrine going we have a sign i think this is a good area for it honestly like right next to the house right where there’s no way that robin can ever miss it there can i even beautiful it’s beautiful

That is perfect that is absolutely perfect we can even get like some some fancy pathing to put around it some texture if you will please ignore that i’m just putting random stuff in chests i’m just i don’t want to take too much time so here we got this oh yeah that is really

Look at that that is the beginnings of a beautiful beautiful shrine i genuinely oh put it on the table that is a good call i’m gonna go do that we’ll put it right in the middle of the table this is like what even is this small crystal i don’t want that i want

Robin’s axe perfect just right on the right on the table you should put louis’s shorts in the same shrine i should just make the shrine like a collection of objects that i steal from all the characters i don’t know what else i can steal from people though i can like

What even is there what else is there i mean i could put like lewis’s golden statue there and lewis’s shorts and like i guess like the like pinky lemon and feroqvon and all those statues are technically stolen property maybe i think that would be really funny yes linus’s basket linus’s berry basket yes

I am definitely doing that it’s gonna be good prismatic jelly this is yes i’m writing this down and we’re doing this every time we get an item for someone we’re not returning it and we’re just gonna add it to the the shrine of thievery that’s what it’ll be called your thief collection exactly

This is this is the best plan ever i love it we’re definitely doing that the bracelet can you oh can you keep haley’s bracelet like if you abigail’s necklace oh my gosh there’s so many things we can steal from people we’re gonna have to expand this because you can get like caroline’s necklace

From the from the spa area that will have robin’s axe in linus’s basket this is beautiful this is really beautiful i’m actually yeah yeah the pirates lock it too there’s so many things we can steal oh my gosh this is great this is great we’re actually doing that i’m writing

That down there’s no way that’s not happening now let’s see oh we have three three minutes either we can i’ll uh here i’ll just like mine a little bit and then we can be done for the day i don’t know we are all so smart we are all thieves and that’s okay

We are all thieves together that’s gonna be so funny though imagine if somebody imagine if they visited our farm they’re just like wait a minute that is all our possessions why do you have these that is so funny i can’t wait to do that oh my gosh prismatic jelly despawns does it really

If you put it on a sign though oh my gosh the creek if you put it on a sign though it would stay on the sign i think because i i took um wait for the mr chi quest you can put like a chief root on the sign but the

Chi fruit goes away after the quest is over maybe it’s not the same thing though i’m not really sure we’ll have to test it out we’ll just steal everything and try it all that’s really the best course of action for this so many good ideas though oh my gosh

I don’t know i don’t think we need the burglar ring like usually i would be trying to like farm these soot sprites right now but i don’t really think we’re going for any sorts of mob drops i don’t know somebody just says imagine nile horan i don’t know what that means but

I am all here for it i love nilhorn just imagine nile horn you should you should get all the quest items people ask for just put it in the chest in their house that is so evil i love it that’s so evil whoever said don’t forget to get jody’s

Cauliflower oh we’re gonna get jody’s cauliflower but jody sure isn’t i can tell you that get it oh my gosh oh my lord stealing’s not okay borrowing is fine exactly exactly exactly it’s just a prolonged borrowing of their items because they need to be in our collection that’s like the worst justification for

Stealing ever but that’s just the way it comes it’s gonna be fine if we steal together it’s not technically stealing playing started with over 300 mods while watching how do you have a computer that yeah that can run 300 mods what the heck i play like star to expand it and my

Computer is like let’s settle down there i’m borrowing but you need it more so true so true goodbye to everybody that’s heading out i yeah i know it’s it’s eight o’clock i’m sorry or it’s seven or i don’t know there’s no point it’s different everywhere but

I’ll just go home and i’ll go to sleep now and we can wrap it up here thank you guys for for hanging out though i always have so much fun talking with you and doing stupid stuff like this i cannot wait for the the beginning of this

Oh my gosh a warning if you don’t have a new chair next stream there will be a problem i i’ll do my best i’ll i’ll do it i’ll get a chair and it’ll be great and it’ll be amazing and my posture will be pristine and it really it’s gonna be life-changing i promise

If you’re in the discord i’ll put something in the discord so that you can see my new chair once i get it but yeah thank you i’m glad you guys had a good time i had a really good time too it was fun for the five minutes i was here

I’m so sorry daniel i’m so sorry i’m so sorry charlie will not have scoliosis precisely all right goodbye cole barley oh my god yeah so that’s the end that’s all i have for today i can i have a cheeky little screw here we have a little

A little screen for you to look at as as i leave and as you leave and i hope you have a great rest of your day a great rest of your night and i hope you enjoyed and thank you guys so much again for coming and supporting me

And yeah despite the creaky chair i really really really hope you enjoyed and i hope you have a good day all right goodbye everyone bye bye bye you

Welcome to the live stream! Today we’re gonna be starting our lil “community farm” where you make all the choices and decisions for me. Whether it’s marrying Abigail, adding a cursed mod, making the ultimate goal to have a farm with 50 goats, I just have to go along with what you guys decide!

Chat Rules
1. In this stream even more than others, I’d like to stress that we don’t repeatedly spam suggestions, comments, or questions. I’m reading all the chats so if something catches my eye I’ll say it out loud, but if you spam repeatedly I’m gonna ignore the suggestion (even if it’s really good). My lovely mods don’t deserve to deal with that and it makes it less fun for everyone else.
2. Hate-speech, slurs, threats, harassment, or any other kinds of disrespectful speech directed toward others won’t be tolerated. Please respect others 🙂
3. Please keep the chat PG-13 and don’t discuss any inappropriate topics; we’ve got people of all ages in the community and I’d like for everyone to be included and comfortable!
4. No links or self-promotion in the chat please.
5. Have a good time! 💥

(This may change in the future as I get a feel for when everyone’s available and such)
► Saturday – 4pm EST
► Wednesday – 4pm EST

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  1. Truly truly loving the posting of the full streams. Streams always seem so much more chill and comfortable, and are perfect to just have on and watch while playing myself or doing stuff during the day

  2. Fun fact: if you dont have ur axe on you but you have robins axe on you and you tap a tree it will automatically switch to robins axe (this is only on mobile)

  3. I'm a new subscriber and loving these VODs to watch while I work. I've played this game a ton before the last big update and am just getting into all the new content now that I'm watching your videos! Excited to see what's new in a game I already know really well!
    EDITED CAUSE I LOVE ELLIOT the first time I ever played this game I was gonna date women only and the first eligible person I met was Elliot and I immediately forgot about everyone else and pursued him INTENTLY. I love him sm. Elliot and Harvey are my faaaaaave spouses

  4. Dang, I cannot stand for this Abigail slander! I resonated with her character almost immediately when starting the game – much to the amusement of my sister, since she figured Abigail would be my favorite (regardless, I find the concept of your hate amusing as a viewer, so I don't mean this as a criticism lol) About her "eating" rocks, I'm pretty sure it's because the game only supports a single line for "Liked" gifts, the the Universal Likes are almost entirely food

    In other news, I didn't even know people disliked Elliot – I've only been playing the game for about a month; I never really got pretentious vibes from him, but maybe my perspective is twisted since I'm a writer myself? Either way, I'm not sure if there's anyone I actually dislike in the game anyway. I found it surprising, in a refreshing way, when I realized that certain characters would be rude to you until you get closer to them… honestly, I like the entire cast of characters in this game

  5. 54:15 Pretty sure it's because his gifts are really hard to get. Lobster and Crab and Crayfish are rare in Crabpots. Squid is one of the hardest to fish up.
    1:02:09 Pompeii is my favorite!
    1:20:58 It is so cute when Moonlight/Vinny pounce! 🥰
    1:30:46 I use big words and I'm not pretentious. I use them because I know them and they fit better for what I'm trying to get across. The only reason I don't like Elliot, love him the rest of the time, is that the Gifts he likes and loves are difficult for me to get.
    1:31:53 Because of this, I am doing him next after my second 2 Year Evaluation. I did Alex with Jewel (Nightshade River Farm) and then Sebastian with Raven (Nest Hilltop Farm) now.
    1:45:23 Wrong! Largemouth Bass, Chub, Bream, Bullhead, Sunfish, Carp, and Shad belong to the Community Center.
    2:43:57 I dislike people in Chat because I usually finish the Community Center Fall Year 2. They are making me feel like a failure even though it's a 'go at your own pace' game.
    2:44:40 I go to bed from 10pm-12am. I am fishing on my Farm or at the Mountain Lake till that time when I finish Foraging.
    2:44:47 Because the Mines are a horrible horrible place to be when you are abysmal at Combat. Even with the Galaxy Sword.
    2:50:28 I get more money from Fish than I do anything else.
    3:01:35 I wish they had a feature where you could go to jail for committing crimes like this.

  6. Can someone help me? I started a new SV playthrough and all of the materials it takes to craft something if a chest was 50 wood it made it so that the chest now costs 100 wood…can someone help please?

  7. the only 2 guys ive ever wanted to romance have been sebastian and harvey because they look so pathetic and i (a lesbian) love pathetic men and want to keep them as pets

  8. I wasn't here for the stream sadly. But im so glad that the community center won that poll. Doing joja she would not have been able to make everyone miserable. Morris would've been the happiest man alive.

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