Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate Deadliest Hunger Games

I’ll be trying to survive for the next few days in Minecraft’s deadliest Hunger Games with enemy players attempting to survive scam players build inescapable traps and craft unbelievably powerful weapons once the platforms are raised the challenge will start the challenge has officially started the last team standing wins I

Got some basic items from Spawn and it seemed like a peaceful start or it was three enemy players then appeared out of nowhere and started attack I’m ping I’m pushing you I don’t oh P me P me I can’t I can’t I’m like oh my God take him out

Early am I oh no yes come here want so dead you’re so dead these players were too powerful to take on in a fight so I kept them yeah get get oh my oh my God he you I’m so so close I’m so close I’m right by Y what he doing oh my

No I’m boosting oh thank you thank you thank you oh he’s dead he’s dead I two times no okay two hearts this was not looking good I’m trying to boost you once more he’s trying to block it off he failed he’s so dead I’m run so far ahead oh my God oh my God wait I might be able to get him and done done there’s a stru here who y the mushroom Village then I ran into a player who I was Allied with in a previous event okay there’s people there people there’s people there’s people yes yes after their teammate died

Decided to run there only one play no literally a child and so we left them knowing we meet them later in the event if you want a chance to me in future videos make sure to join the Discord in the description for announcements about future events that place over there but

Uh I just saw you did you get good stuff did you get good stuff or barely I got like a stone sword and like some wood I guess okay yeah let let’s run let’s run so car and I started exploring the map where we found a spruce Village and we

Instantly headed for the caves after our mining trip we collected a total of 17 diamonds which made us confident enough to head to the corn copia said most likely be players we could either team with or eliminate as we were sneaking up we saw two of the

Players who had chasing me off spawn in full diamond armor luckily they didn’t see us as otherwise the challenge could have ended rather quickly and while we chill at spawn two players who our team of in the past appeared out nowhere damn thank you since I was chill with

These players I went to go see their base which they were building up for the building competition and making a villager breeder which would come in very handy later in the event anyway I met back up with Ked where we met two players just off the corner copia oh wait

People chill CH chill chill chill chill chill chill team of two team of two yeah we are so you want to team up okay fine fine fine yeah sure so we’re Team of four now let’s go yeah yall kind of geared up we got right now yeah we went

To a ship there and so we decided to team up and head for a nearby structure Which had a lot more loot than I anticipated and after a quick loot of this flying structure we headed underground where my team had transformed a cave into a mob grinder and base here Elmo and i grinded levels while car and X went off to trade with

Another player for a few stacks of iron blocks as we’re going for a legendary weapon the Golem sword this weapon had a chance to launch players countless blocks into the air giving the wielder the ability to get out of any sticky situation this was one of four weapons

In event the other three are the ancient blade which gives the own of the sword a massive Boost after killing a player allowing for some major double or even triple kills there was also a grim reaper which has the chance of giving the Wither effect to any player it hits

And every kill gains another sharpness level maxing out at sharpness 10 and finally there was a golden cutless which was equivalent to a sharpness six never right sword with looting four while also dropping gold on any Kill player or moob which the team that chased Your Spawn

Were going for then my team returned with some very interesting news they had killed a hacker the player they were trading with was was hacking on the server and so they managed to take them down and collect all of their op loots including stacks of diamond blocks which

They found in an underground mining system and so day two the never opened and x and I went there almost instantly we found a fortress and started collecting blaze rods the Golem sword had been crafted by a player named Robin once we had enough we headed back yo he just missed the vot

What V is just good and so X went off Mining and I kept grinding levels that is into a player walked into our portal hey m how’s it how’s it going it’s going good you just going through portals how’s he do I don’t know where my

Teammate’s gone he’ll be back in I don’t know if he’s very peaceful though so I’m just you know saying you might want to get out of here before he comes back you guys have bring materials I can buy uh yeah wait I’m happy to trade some golden

Apples for them okay what do you have what do you have that you can offer me we got a we got a blaze W yeah okay let me let me go in our St don’t go in here you have um nether uh yeah yeah okay so

For let’s say five of each five play and suddenly while talking to this player my blood FY teammate appeared out of nowhere and started to Fight No yeah okay oh my God and so we started making strength pots along with speed regeneration and even fire resistance and while doing that an interesting chat announcement had appeared cheat had crafted the Grim Reaper this meant that from now on every kill he got with that weapon another sharpness level would be

Added I’m I’m going to go meet an ally in a minute yeah and so after a few hours of grinding levels and upgrading our gear ELO and I headed to a friend base up in a cherry blossom Forest which way do we need to go it’s okay so it’s minus

100us 800 is that right CU like plus 16 divided by 8 no that’s 200us 200 wait meters yeah yeah he like one right now and when his other layers on he has to okay he has to NE upgrade so we can just wait wait wait it’s G out later was it it’s meat

Boys it’s it’s gone now they they oh they saido XXL what you do I have no idea you have girls yeah not a lot yeah I have one so we could just we have fire R so we could just go in the in the lava this uh wait wait we’re we’re exactly

Here negative 100 okay well let’s build bu portal and you can find oh yeah you might want to put a bit more hiden let’s just get out of here yes yes all right all right so it’s minus uh – 800 this way then minus 14 oh hello oh yo Luke isn’t here right

Now you want to go join cheat no I won wait he wants to go cheat wait yeah he want to go join cheat to kill the people whoot him but when we got there turned out lot the player I went to see was off to spawn of cheat to kill

A certain and team so instead we talked to Inca to explain what was happening Mercy just is a lot o a player head W you got play what looks good on you what if I wait what if I do this oh god oh you got a ghost armored trim yeah

I don’t think weever going to use have Ked needs one you can take one if you want I’m just building for the building yeah it looks cool our our base looks ugly ass did you build this or is it just like yeah I buil this I bu yo look like a

Custom oh you have you have a party at too nice I lost mine yeah I G one back I got one we have the other side ooh this one Dam liking this song this much it’s okay if I just L out here real quick because

I need to go right now okay uh I I’ll probably see you tomorrow in this oh yeah see all right see you tomor do you know what Luke’s actually doing is he trying to kill Che they’re trying to kill Phantom’s team or Avenger oh really yeah to get the resour back

For wait what do they have wa who’s on the who’s on Avengers team not sure interesting okay Luke said yeah I made a meeting with them in chat and then agreed and they went then he went we’ve lost Jack yeah I can’t believe that wait who was was that

I don’t know we got jumped by a four player team two of us and we were out geared wait how did you live I had to give them my enchanted golden apple oh my God yeah oh he’s said he it said he’s at spawn okay yeah I’m going to go help

Him bye bye and while heading to spawn to help out Luke I saw a terrifying chat announcement yo Luke had been killed and the enemy team who had chased me off Swan had crafted the golden colors the leader being a player named Avengers and now very powerful player and so I crept

To spawn to see if there were any players left and after a while I saw a player named licks who had chased me off spawn and knowing his team was the one with the golden cutless I knew it would be best to hide and so let me explain

What’s happened so far so cheat’s team with the Grim Reaper have killed a lot of Avengers team who have the golden cutless which has forced them to go into hiding and recruit some more powerful players and upgrade their armor and gear also the Golem sword has been moved

Around a lot Robin who had been the one to craft it died the power kill meaning he had the weapon and then power kill died to Meer boy meaning he now wields the Golem sword and as for the ancient blade it is yet to be crafted so cheat

Ducky Martin and I met up near a village preparing for some revenge on Avengers y hello straight this way yo cheat that is looking fire I’m loving that you like my boats no L I know I’m dead I’m God I told you Dylan has it Dylan has his

Stuff cuz I saw him cycling through this stuff we need we need to kill him three of his teammate we killed three of his teammate did one of you name a sword me the boy I’m coming for you it doesn’t really matter cuz it doesn’t say like

When someone dies oh okay yeah it just says me boy I’m coming for you as a sword I don’t know wait how much damage that who yo wait what sharpness is that what I’ve got nothing my PL for chest three and then three and I think we I

Think we need to get your some better armor what’s we all got wait really oh my God so Che Martin and I headed to their base where we could start to gear up the assassination of Avenger but when we got there two players were waiting for us so we began to Fight Nice Nice These players were very good pvpers but luckily I had chat and Martin on my team who are also very talented pvpers with the Grim Reaper now chat had the Grim Reaper and Martin had the Golem sword this was also a very powerful team gone from the event meaning it was my team

Sheats Alliance Chan’s team and Avengers team left after this fight I had almost 50 gapples which would come in very handy for the upcoming War guys I’ve got a levitation pop who wants to fly with me yeah I’ll fly with you I’ll fly with you in this let’s let’s

Fly yo levitation what oh wait no we’re going a bit High how you even Higher real how’d you get that maybe I should have luse that it said on cration oh yall had fun that’s that’s that’s exactly some in this event there is a secret option to sacrifice a teammate to bring back a player and know this deadly information I decided I had nowhere else

To turn but I need some help being revived cuz I’m dead right now my friend he’s willing to die for me but I need you to come kill him for me he won’t know you’re coming to kill him see for me to kill your friend you know where my base is

Got to bring me back we need to get revenge hey just been looking around the farm and missing uh old friends all of his teammates have died to powerful teams leaving just him on his own how have you been uh been good been I’ve been kind of good I’ve also been missing Luke

Anything to bring him back yeah I agree with that was something so you would you do anything to bring him back I I mean anything power I suppose I hope you enjoyed it good know what and even though I felt tremendously guilty for killing inid having Luke back

To take revenge on Avenger was definitely worth it but for now the end was about to open and cheats Alliance and I were going there straight away oh yeah wait um what technically knocking people off the thing is Portal Ching pvps will be on in the end so I’m just I

Got go go go I don’t have a very fast pick I don’t have a very fast pick let go come on yeah oh my God it’s so yes nice yo he’s getting by after killing the ender dragon Luke ducky Martin and I headed to the outer Islands to look for

Shul shells which were a recipe for the ancient Blaze duy have you got any have you got any of those like funny things you know funny things what do you mean that ancient pieces no I’ve got nether go oh that’s not that’s not what I need

I need ancient pie goys I want I want a legendary weapon you see Mar’s got one so I want one you know y i just to be Criminal That’s a great song I think it’s copyrighted Smo criminal oh yeah I have To criminal don’t hit me don’t hit me this one at the end bro you could probably kill me with just that it does really good damage and it launches people yeah yeah that’s got wouldn’t work on me no no wait oh my gosh candy I’m candy K okay I’m killing I’m

Killing did not forget the McDonald’s incident I was say can we P that yeah EAS me and are staying back never I’d never why did you waste all of those blocks just just to teleport okay yeah we do that’s really scary my oh my God what happened did you did you look at

End I don’t know I’m getting out I want to get away from the edge don’t know did I look at one that was really scary where we were actually get oh Enderman needs to be Nerf they needs to TP Less oh Jesus what oh yo I forgot I had that in the end I forgot I added that datag yeah I added a um yeah yeah it spawns sharpness 10 brw it just it just revamps it just revamps them so like it they look better you know where I’m going up already

Let’s get sh shell St do you have all the ends even ends even a thing they’re not no the Golden Cut which we’re going to get back don’t once we’re back in the Overworld we started the hunt for Avengers somewhere that’s that’s a great answer

Luke thank you so much I know so much now and after a long journey we found him while creeping up to Avenger we Splash strength and got ready to attack planning on stealing his golden cutlet and getting revenge for Luke hello got the we got the squad and what happened next was nothing

Less than the the start of the inevitable War oh my God a lot ofage over that get him this is for my family he still alive this is crazy seems them how are he still alive oh yeah he Eed a bunch of apples yeah he e it oh my God

Unfortunately Avenger’s teammate had just sacrificed himself to save and bring back Avenger meaning he is yet again a threat as even though he no longer wielded a legendary weapon he still had some of the best pvpers as teammates and this was now officially War Avenge the alliance verse our own

And so to prepare this war we all headed to Luke’s old base where inkid had won the building competition meaning he was gifted a ton of neite ingots which he left to Luke in his well and so Luke geared himself with almost full neite armor and when we got back to spawn my

Teammate X realized he couldn’t play anymore of the event and decided to do some fights with some of the players yeah you’re going to me but I don’t care he had killed spectus oh my God after lus killed X oh my God a lot of neite was

Revealed ducky then gifted me two never white ingots which I instantly turned into a never white chest plate and never white leggings so now Luke wielded the the golden cutless cheat the Grim Reaper and ducky has the ancient blade Avengers team was still preparing for the upcoming battle but Chan’s team were

Only a few hundred blocks from Spawn have you found him oh do you think he’s up there I’m going up I’ve got some hello there While cheat Robin and lius plan to take down tenart and chance I decided to go after Yousef No I got I got him I got him oh my god let’s go HT oh nice oh that hurt dies what you going to do oh it’s hel broke his toet broke I Al 10 heart was tanking a lot of hits from cheat scen Reaper who was eventually eliminated along with his teammate

Chance this then left me and Yousef who are still Fighting Yes GG once I killed him there were only a few teams that remained sheat ducky Luke and I stayed as a team of four with a total of three legendary weapons while lonus and Martin split off to create their own team still wielding the Golem

Sword and the last of a full team of four was Avengers team who held some of the best pvpers on the server and so the final fight was about to commence they do have a big damn it I Robb this grave nice hello I’m being beaten can somebody help no okay

Hello while fighting Martin cornered me near the border and even managed to pop my totem and used the Golem SW ability to launch me away then got to a stage where the original Squad was back together but not as one team it was me and that’s Martin and Avenger hitting

The wrong people it’s really sorry I’m really sorry no that’s Avenger oh no come here that’s anent bad oh my God come onever here yeah only one player remaining it was looking like I was about to get my first ever win in a how many ends does this

Guy have I don’t have end pearls I have which oh no yeah fin fin maybe I hope I hope where he going I’ve got no kills this event this is definitely a deserved win I did oh my God bro oh he’s he boots did he never have boots or what oh my

God no I definitely had boots I definitely had those oh he’s Gone and that brings the story to a close so I hope you enjoyed it subscribe

Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate Deadliest Hunger Games! This was INCREDIBLE!
#minecraft #minecrafthungergames #minecraftchallenge

🐦Twitter – https://twitter.com/ItzInviz
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📺Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/itsinvisibleman
🌍Discord – https://discord.gg/qWfAvvNYrS – TO BE IN STREAMS + VIDEOS + EVENTS etc.

Idea inspired by: @SpeedSilver

I Use Epidemic Sound, get a 30-day free trial here: https://share.epidemicsound.com/bsncbx

This is a new Minecraft but, 1.19 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to survive as long as possible, while other players try to do the same. Traps, betrayal, misunderstandings, tense clutches, all to be the last player standing at the end of the event, and it’s super intense and we had a lot of laughs. This challenge made me paranoid.

If this video gets 10 likes, I’ll do something similar.

Some aspects of the video were recorded after the event and altered for storytelling / entertaining purposes.

Thank you to people in the event for their POVs.

Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is not a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin. This is a survival, hunger games, PVP, 1.19 sword PVP but there’s legendary weapons.

#Minecraft #MinecraftHungerGames #MinecraftChallenge


  1. This was such a fun event to play in and the final fight was crazy

    Though I wished that I skipped school to go be at the final fight, but inviz said no so I’ll blame him

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