Designing The MOST High Tech Lab! – Let’s Play Minecraft 586

Hey welcome back to some more Minecraft this is Dallas here and we’re at the new slime science center I see my new logo finally came in I’m glad they’re installing it we decided to go with SSC that might be a bit too small so H

I’m going to have to tell them to take that one down we might want to go bigger but as you can see I’m doubting in some details all over it similar to what I did the front of that building oh look at all these towers this City’s coming

Long but do you understand how massive this project is going to be this might be a year or two in the even more than that in the making bigger than the first science lab I just want you guys to really understand that we got a little

Bit more details I’m going to be adding in some more all episode actually kind of like these they look like some sort of gas canister is being held outside for maybe a room up here and as we build rooms in this thing we will be adding windows I just don’t have Windows right

Now because we don’t know where the the rooms are going to be but if we head over here to the front I decided this is where the front door is going to be eventually but uh we take a look in here we’re actually designing the entryway

Today uh so as you can see I’m going with more concrete this actually took a while to think up I wanted it to be unique you know similar to my last lab so we have this big Square entrance but I have this like semicircle meeting in

The corner and I’m going to have a nice big chandelier hanging down the middle and I believe right here we’re going to have a similarly large hallway like the last Labs but they’re not going to be as big as those hallways these are going to

Be a little bit smaller I think that’s a plan so far for the inside of this building because remember we’re going to have a lot underground lots of planning to be done I’ll see you guys in a bit okay little update time I’m really enjoying this lobby as you can see here

It’s really coming together I got some lights in ignore these I got to put iron trap doors over these I think it looks pretty good but you got to go through that process where you power the trapo to flip it up like the sides here and

Then push it with a piston these took forever to do um but yeah this is it so far I’m going to put some lights up here I just love this grand entrance so as you can see I put a giant window right here I’m going to have maybe an office

Of some sort um then we have another level up there and we even have another level up there and this is going to lead down a hallway probably and probably going to have a door here they even have like some sort of emergency stair set

Like these are kind of annoying to go up but they are here because I like having multiple ways to Traverse my building so this goes up to this floor right here which is like a balcony of some sort um I’m probably going to put a door here it

Lead to a certain area and this leads up to here where I think I’m just going to put a dome where these chandeliers can connect and this will wrap around to a door right here I really like the verticality in this because I use elytra Rings a lot and it’s fun to just

Traverse the interior of a building with your elytra wings oh man and it looks pretty big from the inside there but look how small this thing is compared to this whole build oh that’s good my shipment of plaster came in what’s that what do you mean it’s my crate of plaster what are

You talking about these new boxes in Minecraft hold some oh we can just pretend this is a new painting I added in my paintings pack so as you know for the longest time I’ve used John Smith painting pack there’s a lot of different ones some of them are

From other texture packs I just liked it that’s all I care about but it’s about time since it’s the new year let’s change a little bit I decided to add some new textures to it these ones are a little bit blurry but I oddly enough

Kind of like them blurry oh look at that one because it fits more of the Minecraft theme so as you see I got a crate texture I replaced some that I don’t really use that often so when I create these blocks like this and eventually a big Warehouse I think these

Crates will go really well in there this will go well in some science lab we have a few more we just got to find them like that one like see it’s a little blurry but I think from a distance it’ll look really good just some trinkets for a science lab that one

A new cork board with some notes and I got few couple favorites that go on here here’s a bigger bookshelf but I don’t know if I’ll use this one I’m just I’m still testing around with it and this one which I really like they’re like some blast doors So eventually when I

Create an area where I plan to have a lab or a door and I don’t have it made yet I can put that there and make it look like it’s sealed off I really look forward to using these I don’t know what I’ve shown last but this is taking quite

A while this is just a big build so um I’m trying to design the floor in here a bit I got all that finished up there um I’m starting to design down this this way so we have this really unique hallway I know I said I wasn’t going to

Go with much white in this lab but I think I am it’s just white is that lab color I really like this this is a just a hallway that’s going to have some display stuff because this main floor is more to just talk about the lab and show

It off a little and this is the room I’m working on right now I don’t know how this is going to look but I have been designing the way to get down into the main labs and yes we’re going to have a lot of security in this place such as

Right here here this is a metal detector that doesn’t actually work it mainly just looks cool so yeah this is supposed to be a metal detector and then we have a little something there that like flashes you to check what’s on your person I’m going to build some sort of

Security office here and I believe this is where I’m going to build the stairs to get down into the main Labs I reserved this little doorway right here this is going to be another emergency staircase that goes all the way to the top in case I’ll ever need to take it work continues

And it’s update time because I’m doing really boring work and I don’t really want to show you what I do because it’s really boring this is a dome up here I think this looks nice could do something with that up there but I have been mainly working on the actual lab section

So of course there will be Labs up top but um yeah so the hardest part is trying to picture a layout because that’s what I’m trying my best to do right now but uh yeah going to come through here this Security office by the way you like hand them your stuff here

That you’re walking in with and they’ll personally check it and you come here and grab it tor type of deal I’m going to put like a big monitor wall back here we’re going to make lots of new monitors for this place too but uh yeah I’m going

To have the hallway coming this way and I believe the main lab door or the way down as you can see I dug a lot is going to come down this way now I got to figure out what I’m going to do all over here but yeah I think this is a

Reasonable depth so I have this and I like this a lot these like big blast doors um and we got a little compartment there for storage that’s where I’m storing stuff for now this goes perfectly out into our future Bay so we can eventually have a ship docked here

Unloading supplies for the science center and this is like some sort of you know where we store all the storage I’m going to have a mine cart running through here and that is why I’m building my staircases sort of like this so we have a staircase this is going to

Be a minecart staircase now the fun part begins I am I believe I think I’m at the ground level I don’t want my lab popping out anywhere outside this is the future of slime Sign Center now we start all that up there that was just small stuff

I have all the creative freedom in the world with my layout down here but I think I want this first hallway to be pretty long I got to figure out where I’m going to take these tracks tough decisions I need to start combining all this chain mail I come down here quite a

Bit when I I need to repair my tools of course and I am all out of space down here it’s kind of ridiculous how much loot I have and it’s mainly filled up with stuff like this stuff that could be combined I throw all my golden iron in

Here no not iron not iron armor just gold and iron tools look at all that that’s from Over the times from coming oh wow I forgot I got a all that diamond drop from one zombie I think that needs to go in the museum oh wait there’s another how many

Diamond drops have I gotten I don’t know how laggy armor stands are but I would love to display an army of chain mail what one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 son of a dog biscuit definitely need this

I didn’t think of this it’s probably going to exit right in the middle of my building oh maybe not one86 607 1186 607 shine through my beautiful light oh wait never mind this is bedrock Edition where you can’t see campfires or beacons more than 30 blocks

Away if you ask me that seems like a priority to add to the game I feel like as the years go on the Minecraft Deads just care less and less you know what I mean maybe it’s Microsoft controlling them who knows okay now that I have a

Boost um I’m still working I think I just showed you this so yeah I was going to do this a straight Hall but I think I’m going to go into a crosswalk here and this is going to be the main hall it might be as big as the last Labs but

This one see oh crap I forgot I have instant mine the thing that lacked in my last lab the main hall is things it was too bland and bare I want it to look like so much is going on I also want to light this place up enough where I could

Have villagers walking up and down the hallways I just finally want to have a lab that feels alive so I’m going to get a bit of this hallway made and show you definitely won’t get it done today I mean look at all we’ve done today I got to get this video out

Man I always forget how awesome the atmosphere is in the nether just an idea for Minecraft you hear those faint wind noises that’s what the Overworld needs and look at this all of this black stone mixed with gravel and basalt in here I’m looking for basalt I forgot these chests

Existed oh my gosh there’s so much material here excuse me what was that constipation I understand just stick your knees up a little you know Jesus I think this time I’m going to do a proper nether slime science division like I’m going to have a whole division dedicated to like a big

Room with a portal in it and then through that portal there will obviously be a really cool other side but now that I think of it this portal right here is down in the subway the hog in so that means the portal in my lab will literally just appear right over there

So guess I’ll worry about that when that time comes Jin and tonic please I love coming in this entrance what’s this Oh I thought about doing a glass floor here to look because it’s perfectly symmetrical with the staircase I might still do that I don’t know um

But yeah work continues down here I am building the t-shaped hallways as you can see I’m doing a bit of an elevation change so where this diorite is this is where the railroad tracks are going to go and so some we’re going to eventually go this way because I think further down

The hallway I’m going to lead them down to a giant archives room similar to what we made in the back rooms in the old lab but we’re going to do a proper one this time really big with piling boxes then I’ll have some sort of track selector

Here and it’ll go this way and these are really going to go throughout the lab I want to create a mine cart system where it looks like like mine carts are just going about their business but sadly in Bedrock Edition when you leave the game Minecarts usually stop and it’s so

Annoying so as you can see here I have a giant pipe going across the ceiling there whatever we decide to use to power this lab it will be going through these pipes I was actually about to end the episode and upload this yesterday but I decided since this is the start of the

Slime Sign Center we’re just just going to get a lot done today and extend the video quite a bit so what did this say mending book Pathfinder oh this is when I was making my whiteboard as you know we’re out here at the Whiteboard location where we make our whiteboards

But you know what else this could be used for not just whiteboards it’s a white background and we have white walls in the lab so I could actually make control panels with buttons and switches on them and that is what I’m going to attempt uhoh I don’t have space for all this

Crap as you saw a bunch of different concrete colors in there because I’ve been messing around in my test world I made some buttons I like so we’re going to attempt to make a control panel here see how it turns out all right that only took like 20

Minutes I’d say but it turned out phenomenally well in my opinion of course um so when it comes to really small text and stuff I don’t really care about having a point I kind of make up my own language which is just these little scribbles but like on the top

There for example those red buttons I got 1 2 3 4 you can kind of make that out similar to the blue buttons under there but uh yeah I really like this because as you can see on the red buttons I mainly use red concrete powder

But on the sides I add in some pink just to add a little bit like it’s shiny same as the blue buttons and then I got some dials in the bottom right oh I’m loving this I might mess with the outside border a bit though it looks a little Bland

Okay I’m pretty happy with that as you can see I added the bezel around it a little thicker and added some like rivets up here and I used gray concrete powder mixed with light concrete powder on altering sides to create that shadow and light effect so as you can tell from

The rivets in this the light direction is kind of based in the top left corner yeah that’s about as simple as I’m going to go for this I’m going to keep this outline here and those rivets and I’m probably going to make two more versions of the inside just a little bit

Different different so we can have a big control panel and not all look the same another plus side did this I made it extremely symmetrical so no matter which side of rotate these will all kind of be the same and it’s a good idea to put

Some of the words on the bottom and the top so I could simply just do this and have a different looking panel so I don’t have to make so many but I’m still going to make more that’s an old sign I made two more and I think I’m just going to leave it

At this oh look at that they’re all different in their own way some lights are on some are not cuz like I said as well you can flip them around like this to change up the pattern we’re going to have tons of labs in this lab so I’m probably going to one

More but this will do for now I got to be honest I’m like a kid playing down here just building labs in Minecraft is one of my favorite things to do hey look we got someone here brought him from the Villager place but uh we are going to be

Making a cloning laboratory in this lab so we don’t have to constantly go to that building and drag them all the way across the city to come here so that might be one of the first things we build when it comes to Laboratories but we’re not even in the laboratory yet per

Se this is like the production part of the laboratory so we got the shipment area that’s going to bring supplies down through here it’s going to look very industrial as you can see we have pipes running everywhere kind of building a fan I think this is going to be the

Project manager’s office probably where he’s going to go or he just coordinates this wing of the lab so yeah as you can see I’m extending down this way now this I think don’t quote me on this but I think this might be the start of the

Main Labs but we’ll see come on I need my concrete shipment well while I’m waiting for that I should probably end it here because oh man oh who’s this Ryan oh glad you can make it don’t want to work at the old burnt down facility anymore I know it’s a bit outdated right

You heard all the new technologies we’re having here especially nuclear technology I know you specialize in that oh Zach the new doctor you got to change that outfit glad to have you so these two will be the first ones in this lab as soon as I build places for them um

I’ve been working down here trying to get this hallway figured out oh yeah I updated my pipe a bit I put these splits in it to just break up that continuous pattern and then I put one of these here which I think looks really good what are

These called like a a coupler or I don’t know piping that well yeah it does a little Bend right here and it’s going to go down this hallway a bit um this hallway is going to be kind of long it’s going to have some Labs on each side as

You can see this is actually going to be inaccessible for people in the lab they’re dead ends on each side but I plan to put tracks here and I could either use this in the future to transport items from certain labs to other labs or I’m simply going

To make that thing where where I have a minecart running back and forth on this to make the place look like it’s busy and it has Minecarts traveling through I like keeping it dark back there because it looks mysterious so I guess I’ll do something like that so mobs can’t get

Out this is what I meant by I want my lab to look more busy so this is like a walking path and you’ll have to drop down here I guess yeah I need to put some caution blocks to or maybe I should build like a oh I didn’t think of this

That’s a workplace injury situation we if they’re walking across and get slammed by a mine cart dang it oh wait uh I could put a detector rail that means I’d have to make this kind of long though so it doesn’t happen so often but what if I put a detector rail down there

And once the mine cart is it crosses it I I’ll put a light up here that blinks to notify that mine carts are coming and you have to stop and wait wait for them the oh yeah we’re going to do that oh my gosh I’ve got way more done today than I

Actually ever thought I would I completely forgot we did the complete upstairs too but today’s comic question is from sprained Phil 2116 if Minecraft didn’t exist do you think another game would have grabbed your attention in the same ways Minecraft did I I really don’t think so Minecraft was just very unique

The only reason it grabbed my attention I played it with my friends and stuff but I never knew I was going to be a YouTuber the only reason I became a YouTuber is because it was such a popular thing on YouTube I was watching so many people play people play their

Own style and I’m like I wonder if I could do that and I found out how to download it or download a recording app on my iPod yes iPod started on the iPod fourth generation and it all just kind of snowballed from there so I don’t think I would have gotten into anything

Else YouTube wise when it comes to games I would probably have gone to college and which I did go to college but I would have probably got like maybe a bachelor’s degree and something probably business I don’t know it’s hard to say but if all that would have happened a

Lot of other things in my life would would have happened such as meeting my girlfriend and I wouldn’t change the world for that so so I am pretty content with where my life has ended up kind of sometimes I still wish I would have gotten into a trade of some sort which I

Still have I I still can I hate to break the news to you but I’m not going to be doing this forever so we’ll see what happens haven’t checked this place out in RTX yet although I don’t have too many lights in it yet so it probably

Won’t look that good oh this place will probably end up looking pretty good ooh the design on the floor stands out more wa this looks very white and pristine o that looks creepy I like that part it looking pretty good down here too many torches still I want the white

Light not the warm light I’ve been doing stuff like this looks a little interesting but let’s catch up on some donos as you know we are now done putting them in the chapel near home it’s causing way too much lag with the amount of glow signs in there so we’re

Going to be building a new sort of Temple near the city limits not in the city but I want to thank today’s donos we got quite a few we got Benjamin Clifton with another Dono you just donated last episode didn’t you yeah right there well thank you so much and

Alejandro munes thank you for your Dono as well that’s a cool name and Landon on making it on the future wall wherever that will be oh this office looks nice maybe this will be your office Landon who knows probably one of these peoples no actually I don’t know oh my God I

Just want to keep working in here you have no idea how excited I am to get this place going but I got to stop it here oh my shipping manifest came in thank you Landon that is such a huge Dono you’ve donated before actually yeah you’re in my villager book and Jackson

Roner thank you for your Dono it’s very kind of you and Aiden Flint your last name is something in Minecraft that’s pretty cool thank you Aiden very generous of you and Ryan Browning again oh look at this sunlight oh oh that feels good I’ve been working underground

For a while that feels so good in a virtual world Ryan you are so insane you’re like one of the top donators in this world now that’s why I brought you from that wrecked nuclear power plant down here because I might make you the director of one of these wings so ah I

Got to plan that out too so I’ve been meticulously planning out this like all the tracks and stuff but I haven’t been planning out wings per I guess I guess I could still do it like this will be a wing for example actually all of this

Will be a wing it’s going to be like the like I said production Industrial Wing enough blabbering I’ve been blabbering a lot today I’ll see you guys in the next episode I’m going to continue working on this place I’ll see you there Bye-bye

Today we dive into Slime Science Center 2.0 and start designing our future laboratory!

Donate to help me and my channel! Thanks! –
(Your name and donation will be placed in the chapel. 50+ will get your name placed on the chapel wall and you will be turned into a villager with a random job throughout my world.) Thanks again for supporting my channel!

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World Downloads (Ep.550):
(Bedrock) –

Download my skins here! –

World Tours:
Ep.46 –
Ep.100 –
Ep.150 –
Ep.200 –
Ep.250 –
Ep.300 –
Ep.350 –
Ep.400 –
Ep.450 –
Ep.500 –
Ep.550 –

World Seed: 1404998407 (After Caves and Cliffs update, this seed is not the same)

Start the Adventure from Episode 1! –

History of this world:
This survival series started on July 10th 2014 on the MCPE (Minecraft Pocket Edition) App. I had quite a few MCPE videos before this series that I recorded and edited on the iPod 4th Generation. When I finally upgraded to the iPhone 5, this was when I wanted to start a Minecraft series that will last forever! I started this series on the iPhone 5 and eventually upgraded again to the iPhone 6 Plus for more power on Ep.66. MCPE on the iPhone 6 Plus served me well for a long time until the game started updating more and became even slower. This was until I bought myself a gaming laptop (Lenovo Y700) and transferred my ongoing MCPE world to Windows 10 Edition on Ep.154. Till this day, we are still surviving and thriving with builds in this world and plan to do so far into the future!

About me and my world:
Race: Slime
Age: 28
Country: US
World Created In: Update 0.9.0 (2014)
Computer: Lenovo Legion 5 Gen 7 –
Record With: OBS Studio
Edit With: Shotcut
Microphone: Blue Yeti (Blackout Edtion)
Headset: Astro A10

Thanks for watching!



  1. Cqod: Hey Dallas, you said sometimes that you dont see yourself doing YouTube forever, so what do you see yourself doing after it? Whats your dream job? Btw the lab looks amazing

  2. Hey Dallas number one fan here I have some constructive criticism for ya I love your buildings in your city however they seem kind of spaced out a lot if you get what I’m saying I feel like it should be more congested. But hey who cares great work!!!

  3. hey dallas you mightve answered this before but have you ever thought of trying out more of the meta content on youtube? for example 100 days videos, modded series (this small youtuber i watch went viral from a create mod series), or something like an all advancements challenge in survival

  4. One minute in and already so excited. I’m so addicted to this series, you cant even imagine!! I think I’ve been watching for 3 to 4 years now and still hooked :))

  5. If you want lab inspiration. Play Control. I cannot vouch for this hard enough and anyone who's played the game can attest that it has the best design for what you're trying to make here.

  6. I think this is a good opportunity to really learn redstone. Have some systems in there that actually have function and can do certain things. Maybe have the rail system transport certain items from one lab to another? It would be cool to see you give it a shot.

    You should also finally make a villager breeder and learn the mechanics and use that as your cloning lab. Good vid man

  7. Have you ever thought of maybe using your community posts to tell a more detailed story on what your doing in your world. Just so you can put more of a story in your videos.

  8. Pleaseeee make the lab above ground so we can see all the villagers running around and experiment going on. I think my favourite part of the old lab was seeing it from the outside all maze like. Would be so cool to add to the city and see it develop

  9. I love your old lab so much but you’re gonna be so cool too. I already see the vision coming to life and I can’t imagine what it’s gonna look like a month from now. So cool

  10. As far as painting custom textures go, I personally like the bookcases from Mizuno's 16 pack. There's a large one and small vertical one. Might go well with your color palette?

  11. It would be so cool to have a giant turbine in the floor of the lab with a big cylindrical room that goes to the surface, maybe to bring fresh air into the lab so the scientists don’t die

  12. CQOTD – have you ever considered joining a colaborative minecraft server ? like hermitcraft or someting …. will you accept or reject if you ever get a invitation from one ?

  13. Dallas on your metal detector you should add a note block with 2 dings and maybe have a randomizer that will go off randomly to signify you have something metal on you! Very small detail that would be pretty cool!

  14. Dallas love the vids, would you ever let someone come into your world and make you an escape house that you could try to do…I just got done with a third section in my realm and I think you would love it….love the vids keep them up 👍🏻

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