Minecraft But You Can Craft Any Sword!

Today me and my daddy are playing the more swords mod in Minecraft daddy look behind us and check out all these awesome Swords wao this one has an eye yeah Daddy look these are moving up here I think the ones that are your moving ones are the one that does the most

Damage I don’t know about that one J because look they’re all Enchanted wa oh my goodness Daddy and if you go into your inventory check this out there’s over 70 new swords with different abilities oh my goodness this one gives you regeneration after if you have a dragon

Head on you that’s crazy so stupid this one deals fall damage what let’s called a bunch of Crazy Ones Daddy Let’s Start testing them out on mobs ooh that’s a good idea I’ll place the mobs down well dy I want to place the mobs down no you

Get the sword and you kill them we got to make sure they don’t run away so let me just actually make a little wall like this okay make a little Arena all right daddy check this out all right just going to build something like this is it

Looking good daddy uh it’s just a square exactly Daddy it’s the arena can me to help you no Daddy I got this don’t worry are you sure there’s a big hole down here they’re just going to walk out D no Daddy hold on I haven’t put the floor in

Dummy now we’ll be able to place in all the mobs and test out all these awesome Swords all right now let’s just go one more round like this so the mobs can’t jump out oh yeah Oh Daddy we should use creepers creepers yeah check this out

There’s a bunch of creepers I’m going to use Wither Skeleton all right fine we can use both all right which sword should we test out first oh Daddy I want to try the sand sword this going do nothing wait a minute daddy it gives blindness all right dadd go into

Survival Let’s see if it’s for real what no yes daddy you need to be the test sty how do we know if the sword’s good or not all right let me put my spawn point here though Oh Daddy same here all right Daddy are you ready to get spanked no

I’m not turn around daddy cuz you’re a bad boy I am not turning around all right fine oh my God I can’t see Dey where’d you go it did it really work yeah you have to hit me like continuously because it’s really quick it’s only for 2 seconds wait how many

Hearts do you have wait what okay Jeff that was unnecessary wow daddy the sword actually worked all right let’s see what else we got um spawns a lot of XP orbs that is so weird oh my gosh got one level that’s so weird daddy wait level

Let me test it on these guys oh yeah oh yeah Daddy we’re getting all the XP in the world Jeffy I’m not getting it Daddy I’m getting it it’s all coming to me oh yeah I want to try a sword Daddy get one in your inventory okay which one do I

Want to choose I’ll choose this one all right Jeffy go into survival wait hold on Daddy I want to hit you with this first I want to hit you with this one look at this sword Daddy it’s like five times the size of yours you’re like

Holding a star all right daddy fine I’ll go in survival but hold on I need one second why what are you going to do all right let me just get some of these items and okay you’re cheating oh yeah Daddy if is unfair all right daddy I’m going

Into survival go hit me using a spider sword wa Daddy I’m poisoned your sword literally just poisoned me yeah it’s like a cave spider sword so I lost three and a half horse hey Daddy okay I’m actually slown wait what I’m slown what there was a spider trap ability Daddy

What really yeah Daddy it was a spider trap wait hit me again a bunch okay put your armor back on go go go look I can’t move I’m spider trapped that’s crazy really really cool let me try a new one oh gosh Daddy all right this is your

Last turn and then it’s my turn Okay this one’s called a lavaur okay do it okay let me know if this hurt um Daddy it’s doing like one and a half hearts okay okay Daddy okay yeah I felt good you just killed me oh there was lava

Where you died dang it Daddy you killed me again where did my freaking leggings go I don’t know I think they exploded I’m going back to creative Daddy it’s your turn to go in survival wait a second I got to put armor back on oh my

Gosh Daddy I have so many good swords we an area attack these swords are just going to get crazier and crazier okay Jeffy I’m ready all right daddy hold on I’m just getting the craziest swords in the game right now all right Daddy are you ready uh uh Jeffy I’m spinning in a

Circle you have dizziness right now yeah but that dizziness was nuts oh my gosh all right this one is supposed to deal fall damage what does that mean I no did nothing um that actually is stupid wait hit hit me again actually it does two hearts that’s pretty good that’s pretty

Good wait the chocolate sword daddy there’s a chocolate sword does that mean it’ll give me chocolate when you hit me wait I can eat part of the sword when I right click oh my gosh it’s actually infinite food Daddy I’m eating the sword I’m eating it hit me with the sword only

Does half a heart that’s a hor SW what oh my gosh oo this one apparently makes it lightning on your face hard to have oh my go Jeffy stop oh I killed you Daddy di because of you wait it deals more damage when you’re in a lighted

Area that’s so interesting so if I’m in the dark it doesn’t work well Daddy let’s see let me just get a piece of glow stone all right daddy we’re going to do the test how many hearts does this do four okay are you ready to see how many

Hearts this does now yeah three oh so it does an extra heart when you’re in a lighted area that’s interesting very stupid though okay this one apparently make an area attack what does that do wait let me test it on these guys oh wa it’s like a big swoosh on my screen oh

That’s cool so it kills multiple mobs at once exactly look at that that’s actually pretty good I think that’s a sword I would definitely use if I was in like a big scary cave all right now this one just gives you the nausea effect oh

I hate this effect I hate it I’m going to throw up throw in ender pearl launch in air come here Daddy gosh that doesn’t work wa I could right click it and shoot an ender pearl that’s pretty cool dad I could be over here fighting some pigs

Like this oh I’m so nauseous right now Jeff you have no idea a take that Pig ah and then when the Pig gets mad and tries to attack me I’ll just by where’ you go I yeated myself out of there I have 25 seconds of nausea left oh my gosh Jeffy

That nausea lasts like 2 minutes I want you to know that wait really I’m still nauseous here Daddy I’ll have something that’ll get it off you doing a half a heart oh my God yeah Daddy what you say about that half a heart this sword has a 20% chance to

Explode on your head well let’s just say it exploded and I didn’t like it wait a minute Daddy I’m actually really afraid to use this sword wa what is it apparently it says travel across all Dimensions when right click should I right click it you dare do it you’re

Going to leave me here I’m going to do it Daddy see you later wait what oh my gosh I’m in the nether daddy that’s unfair I want to go to the nether oh oh my goodness there’s no actual way and now I can go to the end

Daddy I’m in the end now don’t kill the End Dragon Daddy I see the End Dragon kill it Daddy we should use our swords to try to kill the Ender Dragon not yes we got to set up at the end of the video but Daddy but Daddy me all right fine

Let’s test out all the amazing swords and then at the end we’ll try to do it in survival mode how about that that’s a good idea that’s going to be so crazy hi loser all right daddy so let’s make a chest of the best swords that we find

All right just going to place this down okay this one’s definitely going in it because we needed to get to the end all right let’s see what we got we got the lava sword mushroom sword what the heck no Daddy it does nothing hold on giving a glow effect what does a glowstone

Sword do nothing that did nothing wait no Daddy I could see you through walls now you’re glowing glowing yeah Daddy you’re glowing you’re like a big star you see my cheeks really big fat ugly star that’s what you look like Daddy hey all stars are big fat daddy I think we

Should put the Crystal Sword in here too because the explosion is pretty overpowered okay fine wait what if you have a mineral you have a random Beacon effect so put like diamonds in your inventory all right let’s see if it works you are the beacon all right I got

Those wa it actually worked oh my gosh I have speed you got to change that put iron in your inventory gold W that’s actually crazy I don’t know if it’s that good to try to beat the Ender Dragon how much damage does it do um daddy I’m

Going to be honest I don’t even know you didn’t even hit me with it all right daddy the next one I’m going to make sure I spank you with let’s see what this does okay it just puts you on fire horrible have a heart give a levitation

Effect oh my gosh daddy you better hold on wo wo wo W wo before I hit you I could right click and it opens a Shuler box because it’s the Shuler sword Sher sword daddy oh my gosh bye put me down bye Daddy I’ll see you later oh my gosh

That’s overpowered bye I’ll see you later again will this kill the Ender Dragon I don’t know he’s flying already yeah it’s kind of useless because the Ender Dragon’s flying and we don’t want to make him float more yeah I don’t even I’m flying into outer space wait oh my

Gosh the dragon breath sword daddy that’s perfect because we can fight the dragon with his own sword I think he’s immune to his own breath well this one says it deals four more magic damage so let’s see if it’s real that but did you see the Magic No I don’t see no magic

Where’s the magic I guess there’s no magic then what this when hit and shift teleport to the position what I hit you oh that’s a big sword oh where am I Oh Daddy where’d you go where am I daddy where did you go Jey I’m I’m in the

Floor did I put you in the floor you put me in the floor am I teleporting you now uh I don’t know where I am I should probably read this set a position when in hand teleport to to position daddy you might want to teleport to me I lost

You FL TP me to you one heart left let’s go okay so if I put it right here and then I hit you I think you should teleport over there yeah I went over there hey hold on I’m not done yet oh yeah it worked no all right I have an

Idea then let me just go up here real quick daddy don’t look up you don’t need to look at this why why are you going up there that makes no sense just going to do something like this okay come here Daddy no oh oh my goodness that just did

So much damage didn’t it Daddy yeah but it’s fall damage and the Ender Dragon doesn’t get fall damage dang it it’s another bus don’t like it it’s ugly 20% chance to despawn and turn sword into a diamond sword well that’s not helpful bug diamond sword why would I want this

Let’s see if it works Oh Daddy it worked you just despawned and I got a diamond sword what do you mean I despawned where’d you go where’ you go are you invisible right now D are you invisible right now cuz I think you’re not here anymore uh I’m still here no Daddy I’m

Still here I don’t see you though fck your inventory what potion effects do you have on speed three I have absorption resistance and Fire Resistance just cuz I ate this Golden Apple though where’d you go oh my goodness Daddy I just made you despawn hey you open the chest ooh I’m a ghost

Oh my gosh daddy the chest is talking to me oh god there was Gunpowder just flying out of somewhere hey Daddy don’t do that I am the chest man Daddy stop making the chest talk okay okay I think you should drink some milk drink some

Milk why would I drink milk give me milk throw the milk on the floor what happens when you put something on the floor um here you go milk get it no you don’t see the milk no I’m just going to kill myself well Daddy I made you despawn forever I couldn’t

Kill myself wait what it said killed Marvin but I’m still here all right let me kill you can I kill you Jeff I’m still here Daddy I think you turn into a ghost I think I’m a ghost I might have to leave the game no I’m might have to

Leave forever all right we’ll be right back yay Daddy it worked you’re back alive you’re lucky well Daddy I’m still not done testing out swords in you so get back in position okay I’m ready all right which ones have we not tried ooh the there’s still so many more oh my

Good wait ride the enemy what do you mean wait a minute dad there’s a tamed sword it’s called tame sword hold on let me get like a a creeper again no way this is going to work oh my gosh oh god daddy oh that was my fault well I didn’t

Mean for that to happen let me just patch this up wait daddy does that mean if I hit you I could ride you oh my gosh what Daddy I’m on top of your head right now no you’re not it doesn’t show it on my screen yeah Daddy it shows on my

Screen it’s really funny oh yeah you’re not here all right Daddy I’m back there do we want to ride the Ender Dragon yes we do we’re definitely putting that in the chest and we’re going to ride the Ender Dragon it’s going to be sick okay that’s on the list all right what else

Do we got burning burning a lot of them just make it burning degrading out of the water sweet this one’s not good out of the water how many hearts does that do nothing like half a heart all right now go in the water come on Daddy we

Need to test these I’m in the water and ah half a heart okay this sword is poop I thought it would do a lot more in the water well the Ender Dragon’s not in the water so it would have been a waste anyways wo Oh Daddy these look insane

Let me get a bunch of them yeah we got to move quicker there’s a lot of Swords here um we’ll see what that one does we’ll see H what is that deal more damage to Warden okay that’s crazy ooh look at this one extinguish him and deal

10 more damage to Enderman or Blaze Daddy I’m already putting that in the chest nope that did nothing to me Daddy it’ll do a lot more damage to blaze no Blaze fighting DD I mean Enderman I said Enderman Daddy okay fine hit me whoa what that Daddy it’s the biggest sword

In the game the trifecta sword got three blades biggest sword in the game are you ready hit h wa drag Town it only did three hearts and now I just I’m wither oh my goodness was it really good it was good against a player is it going to be good against

Dragon I don’t know what about the anent Guardian Sword sure hit me with it all right let’s see what it does ha no horrible wait horrible really hit me again actually okay I did too hard yeah that’s terrible o this one gives you slowness effect wa you got ice on you

Daddy no I hate this I hate this can you not move extremely hard and my POV is zoomed in oh gosh I don’t even want to know what I look like Daddy get away from me all right let’s see what else we got um charged copper sword that seems

Pretty lame hit me again it oh half heart that’s horrible what about this sword Daddy I have a heart horrible but Daddy it does area damage I mean this could be good against you know the Enderman um give a hunger and Mining fatigue effect no why would we use that

And it gives me speed oh my gosh that it gives me speed that could be really good for getting away from the Enderman dragon yeah that Daddy wow I got mining fatigue great no I can’t break a block for the life of me all right well I’m

Putting it in here just because it makes us really fast okay fine got the bamboo saver horrible um Kung Fu P what else do we got ooh we got the cactus sword ha horrible horrible dang it these swords are starting to get pooper blindness effect no we did that one we did that

One smelt the item in your second hand if you have coal on you Daddy there’s a furnace sword what the heck is even a furnace sword looks cool yeah but it won’t be useful in trying to kill the Ender Dragon give a PO poisonous effect and pops up a message in the chat

Message in a sword daddy there’s a message in here hit me I want to see what it says why are there fish at the bottom of the sea because they dropped out of school oh my gosh it’s such a good joke why are fish at the bottom of

The sea because they dropped out that makes no sense want another one why don’t clams give to charity because they’re shellfish Daddy I get it I don’t let’s see what else we got we got the rotten fish no I don’t like that no this one looks cool but they have really bad

Abilities poisoned right now I want you to know that and I’ve been poisoned for a good 5 minutes right daddy hold on I have a sword that can actually help you that take that are you good now I am was it see Daddy this is the clay sword it

Clears all potion effects when you get hit by it well I actually like that sword but it’s not good for the Ender Dragon well Daddy I think these are the best swords that we have okay well I guess we got to make an Ender Portal then Daddy we don’t need an Ender portal

Look we have the dimension sword oh you’re right before we do that we need to make sure we have enough stuff to fight this Ender Dragon wait so are we doing legit or are we cheating what daddy we’re not going to cheat are you crazy so we need blocks hold on Daddy I

Just got to get my pants back on jeez can someone just get their pants back on without being yelled at all right going to get some Enchanted apples I’m going to get a bow and arrow actually no that’s cheating daddy we can’t use a bow

And arrow why not we have to get rid of those things on the top nope daddy can’t use a bone and arrow but we could use some Stone and ender pearls that we get from the Enderman fine all right I’m going to copy all these all these swords

Me too daddy I’m going to take them all there we go and make sure to have all of them in your inventory and get ready to use each one okay I’m going to survival mode then we’re going to do this this one’s speed this one’s area damage travel across Dimensions explosion and

Then we could ride the Ender Dragon okay this diens be the best are you ready we going to the end yep Daddy go to the end here oh my gosh wait Daddy how are we supposed to get down we didn’t think about this oh go daddy’s coming he’s

Coming we need a build over daddy we need a build over okay uh no oh gosh oh gosh go oh gosh oh go oh gosh I’m in the air I instantly died I died too we were not prepared to fight the Ender Dragon at all Jeffy we stink we’re horrible at

This okay hold on I’m going to get a water bucket because we obviously need that and I’m going to get ender pearls give me one yeah Daddy here you go thank you all right let’s try this again Daddy here we go here we go all right we’re in

It we’re in it I’m going to go to oh my God the end Pearl just went the wrong direction I’m going to go right here wait what why oh it’s cuz he’s flapping above us that stupid Ender Dragon I will hit you I just died why cuz I threw an

Ender pearl and it went the tot opposite direction because he’s flapping above us wait daddy maybe we could just kill him right now no he’s regaining too much health oh no oh Daddy I landed on one keep oh my gosh Daddy I just landed on

One okay knock it out got it oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh he’s shooting at me you want to come on and hurry up I keep dying I’m trying my heart yes I got another one and I got another one D I’m doing super good right now oh my gosh

Wait I don’t have a pickaxe how am I supposed to destroy this without a pickaxe and did it come here stupid Dragon I got a bone to pick with you call him stupid he might get mad he’s not going to get mad he’s a dumb dragon

Come on nail it nail it yeah perfect I got another one Daddy I’m doing super good right now oh no got another one I think there’s only like two or three more but this one’s really hard to get what mean I got this one one more over

Here Daddy I’m In The Wall I’m in the wall oh I did it think that’s the last one go let’s go come on come on got it all right daddy now he’s naked we got to mess him up we need to go in the middle all daddy I’m about to s the

Middle right now no oh I just saved myself with water let’s go I’m going to ride him take this you stupid end wait no way I’m on his b daddy there’s no way there’s no way you’re riding him right now dy I want to go up there and ride

Him I died how’d you die got thrown off he like a b Daddy I can’t reach up there he’s too high up come on let me up let me up no and I died all right Daddy I’m here where is he I’m going to ride him

Uh I don’t know where he went right here Daddy come here me the dragon I’m going for him daddy no yes I got it oh oh I got in midair Daddy was so sick oh God ow just ran me into a wall wait I can

Mess him up from here can I no you can’t you have to wait till he goes on the top and you have to drop off them a come here oh God oh God oh God oh God that was a close one I almost just died why

Is it so high up I don’t know Daddy we could just go to the dimension and then go to the Overworld and then go back to the end and we’ll go back to the top you’re right oh there’s a cool down just wait to cool down Daddy it’s not that

Long what if he regen no he’s not Daddy I’m right here with them we’re doing damage come on keep going no he’s actually so annoying right now he are the most annoying Ender Dragon we’ve ever had to face no he’s just got to knock it off yeah 20% chance to

Explode with the crystal one we should use the crystal one yeah Dad we got to use the crystal one get in here all right daddy yes I did it CRA the crap daddy build blocks around us we can’t go flying out putting water on the floor ow

Ow ow ow got my super speed on are you ready to hit him with the crystal one daddy ready this is my corner I’m not going to be going anywhere oh God what he does Here We Go Daddy this is the Moment of Truth once he comes here he is

So dead what his deal come here Dragon we’re waiting for you maybe cuz you place blocks he doesn’t want to come here now Oh Daddy he obviously wants to come here and eat us I don’t think he does daddy don’t make me go over there and ride him again you made him really

Mad Daddy here he comes here he comes oh never mind oh here he comes here he comes ah no yes daddy here he comes here he comes yes do damage do damage oh we blew him up daddy we blew him up he got really scared he’s coming back he’s

Coming back oh no I fell no dang dang it now he’s up there DD I told you we needed more walls well I put water on the bot Oh Daddy no that was bad I literally spawned and instantly died this is actually so stupid more walls

More walls I need walls Jeffy I don’t know why you need walls good daddy we keep flying off that was me okay Daddy we’re ready I’m in best position to kill him me too see if we can get a double explode it’s probably just scared because we’re playing the more swords

Mod right now yeah I think he knows where’re using the here he comes here he comes yeah yeah one more daddy one more one more one more no yes no I’m going to ride him I’m going to ride him no no no no no no I can do this right now hey

Kill him kill him kill him I got him did you get him I got him with an explosion oh my goodness he’s dying let’s go loud noise Oh Daddy we just beat Minecraft let’s go well if you guys enjoyed watching this Minecraft video then everyone leave a like right now and

Make sure to hit subscribe bye everyone take that Daddy wow

Today, Jeffy and Marvin can craft any sword in Minecraft! Which sword will be the BEST?! Watch to find out!

#jeffy #sml #minecraftmod


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