I Built the World’s Largest Diamond in Minecraft Hardcore

I’ve collected over 30,000 diamonds in my hardcore world and they’re all pretty small so today I’m going to build the world’s largest diamond it’s made out of 50,000 blocks and inside will be a massive treasure Vault to store all of my precious loot these are all the

Different types of blocks that I need and to start with I need 10,000 light blue wool I do have a sheep farm but I I don’t have anywhere near enough so it’s time to gather up a load of materials so that I can build a sheep farm that gets

Me 5,000 wool per hour And that is everything and I think the hardest part is going to be getting all the Sheep to go into it so I’m going to build it at a spot where there’s already a few sheep around such as right here because I can take these two sheep and

Already begin breeding them and with that they can now spend the rest of their days trapped in this little pen and whilst I wait for them I’m going to flatten off this area here and then begin building the farm it involves a redstone torch here with a bit of dust

On top then a normal torch next to it for light and then a trench dug all the way around the outside Each corner needs a torch as well this is just going to help the grass to spread and then I can put blocks on top and a dispenser in the

Middle and watch what happens this is going to keep going until it burns out and that is how the timing system for the farm works because when grass spreads it will activate the torch and do that on and off thing again each dispenser gets nine of the shears and

Then I add glass on top of the grass and then trap doors around the outside and what these are going to do is make it so that every sheep’s hit box will touching the dispenser in some way and that means that when the dispenser activates it

Will Shear all of the sheep in this little area and before I can go any further now I I just need more sheep so I’ll keep breeding them and also drag any others across that are in the nearby area okay that’s not a sheep you need to

Get out of here welcome sheep to your new home should I say prison now a lot more breeding can happen and I will end up with a lot more sheep let’s get six of them on a lead and then if I build upwards it should yeah pull them up over

The fence don’t die shape place then across your come and into the hole and before I can do the next step I actually need to fly home because I need a load of light blue dye to set all of the sheep to that color next I’ll Place some

Glass on top followed by more grass and pistons they can quickly be extended by the push of a button and that is the first section done so now I just need to fill the three other spots which should be quick and easy with the leads it’s

Kind of annoying cuz now the machine has started working which I can’t really have happened until the farm is complete Because unless the sheep have wool I I can’t D them to be light blue anyway no point worrying about that let’s just get all the sheep in here in three two one

And there we go now to add grass above all of the glass followed by more glass and some water on the inside it all flows very nicely to this spot where I can add a chest and a hopper on top I’ll put some glass around just in case but

That shouldn’t be an issue and the final thing I need to do is go back under here to put back that torch and then the farm will get me lots and lots of wool this singular module will get me 95 per hour which which is really really great but I

Need 10,000 light blue wall so I’m going to get some extra wheat at my little nanoc crop Farm plus a bit of extra glass and then I’ll build a little more of the sheep sharing modules and whilst I build those if you play Minecraft bedrock and would like to play as me

Then you can play the SP sp737 skin pack with 14 different outfits just search SP sp737 on the marketplace and it’s this one right here and it is done the wool is coming through quite nicely and to fill up all of the wool I need a grand total of six

Sher boxes as you can see in here I’ve already got quite a bit so I’ll transfer all of it across so that I’ll then know exactly how much I have left to get so far I’ve got about half of what I need and it’s probably going to take me

Roughly half an hour to get the rest so I’m going to dig into a hole block myself in and let the farm do its thing and with that I think I should have enough yep I’m going to have more than enough from this every Sher box is now

Filled and I’ve even got a load of light blue wool to spare and with the first item now being out of the way I can now move on to a light blue concrete I need four shulker boxes of it in total and thanks to past projects I’ve already got

One of them so there’s just three to go which I can easily craft with all my sand and gravel and then convert into concrete and the next item on the list is lapis blocks I do already have quite a few of them but I need two Sher boxes

Worth in total and to get all of those I can use the void Trader because this guy right here will give me one lapis for every Emerald that I have at this point I’ve traded every single Emerald I brought and and this is what I’ve got

Which is not going to be enough but but seriously with this guy it is taking a while and there is actually a way to build a farm to get lapis so I think that might be a better option right here is a massive villager Brer so I can get

Loads of villagers and then they go into this space where I can then put them into one of these slots although a while ago I did have to murder all the villagers because they were making my infin ball lag down there which which you know I couldn’t have and I mainly

Used it last time to get me loads of maps but I also used it to get lapis and Redstone so we have got a little bit of lapis here already which is very good news because at least it’s nearly another two stacks of blocks in order to

Set this up I’m going to remove the water add redstone blocks to open the trap doors and place these slabs in front from there I need an activator rail which goes right here followed by powered rails after and in theory that should do it yep the Villager goes in

There and well he died let’s grab some healing and give these guys a bit more Health as it was saying I push this button they come through I break and replace the brewing stand he becomes a cleric I trade with him to lock him in

And I push him through and and it just rinses and repeats fantastic I’ll also flick these levers to turn all of the Breeders back on and if I fill up each of these slots with 50 villagers I’ll be getting about 850 lapis per hour which

Is not too shabby I can also keep track of the villagers because every time I put one in an ey nugget goes into so I’ve already done 11 it really is a great system that I’ve got right here and that is the first 50 in once I send

Him into his slot and next I simply move the activator rail one more block along put the Power rail there and continue repeating the same process process until all seven of these slots are filled at this point I’ve now Switched Off the breeder and that is every single

Villager in there’s more like 18 this final slots so this it’s close to 400 here and to do the next bit I’m going to need to head home to grab some pistons and I’ll also turn off the mob switch whilst I’m at it so that pillagers can

Spawn and the hero of the Village Farm will work so first I break all the rails and then I need to push all of these redstone blocks away by pushing this button and that then opens all the trap doors trapping the villagers and then all of the these stone slabs can be

Moved down and they can be water logged and that’s it the Farm’s complete I just turn it on by flicking this lever and pillagers will spawn at the bottom and be sent up this tube then at the top I just keep hitting them and if I get a

Pillager Captain then a raid will start but it won’t be able to spawn all of the attackers instead they’ll just instantly despawn on the terrain below so that then gives me the hero of the village effect and then all the villagers will throw Redstone and Lapis towards me as

Long as it’s daytime and all of those resources just get collected in The Hoppers so I’m going to stay here and let the these guys give me everything that I need a good few days have passed and now that it’s night time they’re not going to throw me anymore so let’s see

What we’re dealing with I mean it looks very promising at first glance it might not end up being enough for every single block that I need and that’s every single one I’ve almost in total got an entire Sher box worth plus I’ve ended up with loads of redstone from it as well

And now that I’m back if I pair all of this with the ones I have in this Sher box I’m nearly there I’m not far off at all so I’m going to grab lots more emeralds from The Raid farm and void trade for the rest of the lapis because

Even though it is a bit more expensive I do think that it is faster that is all the lapis I now need as you can clearly see and next I need two Sher boxes of obsidian which I already have right here then this black concrete but I’m fresh

Out of gravel so I’m making a trip to the nether to grab a load more and more ancient debris while I’m at it as well then I can craft the concrete and convert it and that is all the black blue Canan and gray concrete getting the

Snow is very very quick and very very easy and with the snow sorted the C team continues because I also need ice and that’s something I can get loads of right here and if anybody asks where the ice caps are disappearing to it’s nothing to do with me next on the list

Is blue wool followed by Blue terra cotta then Canan wool glaze terra cotta white wool and then there’s just these 10 remaining items which can be obtained pretty easily and since I’m also going to be building a secret treasure Vault that is full to the brim of gold I’m

Going to need to spend a bit of time here at the Gold Farm to get all 2,500 blocks that I need and I’ll be glad when Minecraft releases the autoc crafter so I don’t have to do this manually and at this point I do not have enough gold

Blocks in fact I think I’ve got a few extra than I need so let’s not waste any time although I will take the time to quickly patch up this hole in the side of the mountain that happened last episode and then I’m going to grab every single one of the materials for the

Giant diamond and fly to the spot where it’s going to be built and this diamond is so big that it’s going to cover a massive area so I’m going to have to remove quite a few trees which in a way is kind of Handy cuz I think I will find

All of the wood useful and on top of a bit of deforestation there is also a few bits of terrain that need removing as well and just for perspective this is the size of the total area that needs flattening and I don’t really need to fill in massive holes like this because

There’s going to be a diamond above it it’s just the terrain flattening that’s the important bit and I’ve already got nearly five stacks of wood which is absolutely fantastic so I’ll put my best foot forward and get busy mining out and that took way longer than I thought

It would but all of the terrain has now been cleared so now I will quickly mine up the beacon and fly back home to drop off all these items because not only did I end up with all the wood that you see here but I also got everything in this

Shulker box just look at all of that definitely improves look supplies I should just make a a proper farm for it like a a TNT one but anyway worry about that some other time I now need to grab another stack of food and repair my pickaxes at the Gold farm and with that

Out of the way it is finally time to build the world’s largest diamond in Minecraft and the bottom starts right here with light blue concrete now I’ve got loads of the needed blocks in my uh in my hot bar in the the inventory the rest is in the Shuler boxes and it’s

Going to create basically it’s going to be a massive outline of where I’ve M out so I’m I’m going to build that outline I’m also going to get rid of a couple of these trees that are a little bit in my way the trunks themselves aren’t but

It’s just this this patch of leaves that’s annoying me you’ll very quickly be able to see what it’s going to look like it’s not just light blue wool it’s not just one one block it’s a palet that looks completely random but trust me it’ll work that is the first Edge done

And so now to bring it up this way to make it look a bit more like the shape of a diamond not just a a long blue line and now I’m at the point where I’m building the top and it’s kind of starting to take shape and I’ve also

Noticed this double tall grass it’s annoying to us all this grass has got to go but I can kind of just as I’m going place the blocks in the way I don’t actually know if this is meant to be like blue wall haven’t haven’t looked at

It properly so I removed it also we’ve got floating grass now normally I’m okay with floating grass and floating flowers you know they’re kind of cool but not where I’m trying to build a diamond there’s loads more of them in the world so no no point keeping them anywhere

Well no point leaving them there there is just a few more here I can’t see any others so that that should hopefully be all of them anyway I I’ll get back to building the top I always find it weird when you use something like prismarine in the build because when you look

Closely at it it like it looks weird but when you zoom out it it looks really really good and that’s just kind of what happens with these these bills all of it looks a bit weird but when you zoom out it’ll look amazing and I’m also now on

The home straight I’m just got to connect it back to the beginning so it’s like one long line along here there we go I’ve successfully made it back it is looking pretty pretty good if you ask me or at the very least it is the shavee

For Diamond which is the main thing and means that I’m on the right track and again it’s so weird that I’m placing down all these different different types of blocks and yeah yeah it looks it looks nothing like it down here but from far away it look amazing so once I fly

Up and see it with my lightra it you know it’ll be fantastic and I suppose that’s how pixels in actual images work as well when you zoom in it it doesn’t look that great but when you zoom out it it it it still looks kind of weird but I

Am going to stick to the process and trust it because I know when it’s all done and it’s a completely finished product it’ll end up looking absolutely fantastic and these guys are seriously driving me crazy I’m just going to get rid of them three of them all I’m going

To end up falling into this Ravine or something stupid which I don’t really want to happen I just you know what I’m actually pretty good at taken him out I’ve had enough practice just our well Ed crit and they will be dealt with oh no are you kidding me did more spawn oh

Just one left okay I just heard another one as I was throwing it away get get out of here I’m hoping that means no more spawn for the night but I suppose time will tell with that one and time did tell another one has spawn basically straight away are you kidding me I

Should just go to sleep but the next video is going to be 8,000 days in hardcore and I want to have plenty of time to do everything that I want to in that video which is why I’m not sleeping and since I’m planning to end the series

At 10,000 Days by not sleeping it will take me longer to reach that Milestone and at this point I think I’ve made enough progress so that I can at least begin to see the diamond take shape it’s still a long long way to go but I’m glad

To see that progress is good excuse me wolf you may not be able to tell but I’m I’m trying yeah thank you I’m trying to build some what a Cooperative is it time is it time that SB gets another dog I don’t think I’ve got another pet dog for

Thousands and thousands days one that actually is is class of pet not the one that’s in the mob collection I haven’t got an actual pet dog yeah it must be like 5 or 6,000 days since I got one and I actually don’t have any bones on me

I’m trying to think of the quickest way to get some probably just to go home and grab them I think because I can go through this nether portal and then this one grab the Bones from my chest room and tame him come on come on there we go

We got him and because we’re building a massive Diamond that shall be his name yes diamond and I can grab one of these corn flowers in order to make blue dye from there I’ll make it into light blue blue and that shall be the color of his

Color you can just sit right there diamond and at this point I need to stop getting distracted this entire thing is going to look amazing and so I am going to get busy Building and this diamond is fully complete and as we fly out from it bit by bit it looked better and better and just look at it from up here it is a massive Diamond it looks absolutely awesome and it’s right here underneath that I’m going to build the secret

Treasure Vault and in order to do that I will need to dig a bit of a staircase it’s where the Ravine is for part of it which is great because it means I’ll have to do less digging you see there’s a plan behind all this it’s actually just completely a coincidence but I’m

Going to pretend that it was all intentional right here is the bottom level that needs digging out and it’s it’s a fairly decent sized area I should also get rid of lava by patching it up and if it will take me forever to dig

All of this out if I if I’m just using this pickaxe so let’s do it properly and build a beacon and that way the mining side of things will be a lot quicker and as I’m digging out the full space I am running into the issue that there’s a

Lot of water under here that does need to be gotten rid of and it’s only really one way to do it and that is by heading back home and grabbing a load of sponge and whilst I’m here I should also repair all of my tools as well and with that

The big digging project can now begin I’ve marked out this entire area which needs to be drained I’ve built like a wall around it don’t know why I had to build the diamond on top of so much water it sound like a good idea at the

Time but now it’s a bit annoying when it comes to digging the Vault although we Spong it you can get rid of everything pretty quickly which is very very handy that is all of the water in this area gone and this is the size of the entire

Room and I’m just going to grab a few skull sensors so that I can use them to repair my shovel and my pickaxe as well whil I’m at it next I just need to get busy digging because this hole needs to be another 13 blocks deeper And it is done it actually turned out to be a way bigger project than I thought it was going to be but at least I don’t have to worry about it anymore let’s Chu these in here and now I’m going to head back to my can I grab these as well but

Yeah I’m going to fly over here and head back towards my base and on the way back I might as well repair the pickaxe you know I’ve just walked into this room it’s play a netherite just chilling in a joker box here that I had no idea I had

You know you’re rich when you could just do that with netherite and and not even notice it you know what that means means we can go and take these nine ingots turn them into a block and add it into the beacon which at first glance you think oh the Beacon’s fully yeah the

Beacon’s fine until you look in there and it’s oh maybe it’s not anyway I need to get busy collecting all the materials for this treasure Vault gold is one of the main things which I already have but it also requires other things such as two shulker boxes of magma which I’ve

I’ve got nowhere near enough thankfully that is something that’s kind of easy to get old of especially since I have a magma Farm although I I don’t think this is going to get me very very far is it maybe the bartering Farm will be better okay apparently they don’t give you

Magma crew I don’t know why I thought that I think they used to but they don’t anymore so the next best thing I can do is head to one of these big magma patches and get busy mining it up and with all those out the way I next need a

Load of polished deep slates which is is is very easy to craft next it’s deep slate brick stairs deep slate tiles and deep slate tilil slabs and another big part of the build is going to be skook now I don’t quite have enough cuz I need

An entire Sher box worth but don’t you worry I’m s sp737 I’ve got a farm for everything and that includes a skull Farm I simply flick this lever to turn it on and then continuously break all the skull I reckon that ought to be enough we can go under here and as you

Can see we can grab the scook blocks from down below although how I get them into the Sher box might be a little tricky if I do something like yeah look at that that’s working and it means I can now move on to the next task

Thankfully I got a bit more gold than I actually need in these Sher boxes which is good because I need loads and loads of gold pressure plates red nether brick is another item and at this point there is loads more blocks that are required but I’m not going to go through getting

Every single one because they’re all just kind of ones that I have in my chest room instead I’ll just gather them all up and then I’ll be able to get busy building the treasure Vault and I’ve now almost got every single item apart from a few that weren’t so straightforward to

Get for example I need 23 diamond blocks and as you can see I’ve just got four I’m sorry guys but you know what this means I won’t mine this floor don’t worry it’s safe I think I can leave it but the diamond Beacon the diamond Beacon that’s already very very broken

Is going to have to be broken even more so much so that the beam has now gone another item I need is 12 12 raw gold blocks which I don’t know if I’m going to have enough for I’ll start by mining up the ones that I currently have and

I’m hoping that the fortune makes it so that I have absolutely plenty that’s 22 down about 90 to go and so I reckon it’s time for a bit of caving and not just any old cave no we’re not going to do it in a normal biome that’ll take forever

No instead I will search underground in a Mesa because these biomes have gold absolutely everywhere and that should mean that I get everything that I need pretty quickly well would you look at that I came for the gold but stayed for for the diamonds and I believe that once

I’ve mined this up I should have enough let’s have a look we need 112 alog together and so far I’ve got 103 so I’m almost there I just need a few more blocks and thankfully this cave is covered in them that’s more like it and there’s a portal here that I can go

Through to get back faster I did also need some raw iron blocks but I only need six of those so that wasn’t really an issue now for the final item I need a selection of amethyst clusters and those are something I have an abundance of at my amethyst Farm I’m very carefully

Going to go through and break these now what I’ve just got here are amethyst clusters now I just need the little ones which are these here this is all the large ones and all the Clusters I need but on top of that I need 19 medium and

14 small that order do it and now I don’t want to use up any more time instead it’s time to get busy building and so to begin with the vast majority of this floor is going to be made out of magma although over time this might

Start to get a little bit annoying when I just want to walk around and I’m constantly getting burnt so I’m going to fly up to this Farm above the nether because inside this chest we have quite a few fire resistance and now I can build without having to worry about my

Feet getting burnt at all and in between all the magma we’re going to have these red nether brick Pathways which is good because then the average player won’t be constantly burning his feet I have to say all these colors together look quite good don’t they and this is the part

Where I start to add all the precious loot to make it look really really good we’ve got gold we’ve got emerald and a lot of this magma is going to get covered because it’s just going to be all over the room this is what one of the general outlines will look like and

It just kind of be layered up like so but before I do that I’m going to build the frames of all the other ones around just so I get a proper feel for everything and at the same time I can also build up these outer walls as well

As you can see when it’s next to the place gold it actually starts to come together and now it is definitely starting to look like more of a treasure Vault and I will continue to build all of this gold upwards so the piles get bigger and

Bigger and now all of it it is down oh just look at it it’s like the Cave of Wonders and pretty much all that’s left to do is build up these pillars and eventually I’ll add on a roof but it also like right here to be like a cool

Emerald block Throne so I’ll slowly build that upwards until when it’s finished it looks like that yeah it’s a it’s a pretty cool looking throne in a in a treasure room and the other thing that need to doing is these walls need building upwards all the way around

Before the roof part can be added and that is these walls just about done it’s really really starting to look like a proper room now and for an extra cool effect I also added Nether Portals around the edge two on that side and two on this side as well next I’m going to

Add some beams so that I can sort of start to connect everything up kind of like that and with that all done I can put the roof on Top and that is the entire roof done done and this is what my finished treasure Vault looks like I think it looks amazing look at all the gold it’s like it’s like a buried treasure a secret room just full of gold absolutely amazing and I will just build this up a

Little bit more so that it kind of merges with the terrain at the top I’m also going to unsit Diamond because he is going to be the guard dog of this Vault you don’t let anybody in except for me I hope the instructions are clear

And one final time we can look at this massive Diamond there it is I buil Minecraft’s largest ever diamond and if you want to see how I manag to farm all of these God apples then click the video that’s currently on the screen or if you

Want to see a video of how I I used to farm thousands of bedrock and get all of these then click the other video that is on your screen right now

►NOTCH APPLE FARM: https://youtu.be/dzTQsCD6EYU

►Get the SB737 Skinpack here! https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=5d850d4e-5379-48fc-823b-22aefdd84307

►Download My World Here! https://www.patreon.com/sb737?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator
►Or play the world on my server!
JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132

please follow these thanks
►Twitter: https://twitter.com/sb_737
►Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xjFUEuFnXB
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsb737
►SB737 Merch: https://sb737.store

In this Minecraft video I survive over 7962 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

Tutorials/Resources used:
Ianxofour’s Wool Farm: https://youtu.be/_gc4n0QFiN8?si=mJGH4EbYp0spiiqw
Image to Minecraft Build Converter: https://minecraftart.netlify.app/

0:00 Gathering Materials
10:09 Building Giant Diamond
19:42 Secret Treasure Vault


  1. The United Kingdom

    The UK’s Health and Care Bill became an Act of Parliament in April 2022

    The Health and Care Bill became an Act of the UK Parliament in late April 2022. Based on moral risks, it barred UK citizens from traveling to China or other countries to purchase organs for transplant. This act also charges UK citizens involved in organ trade as criminals.

    This Act is an extension of the UK’s existing legislation. In addition to banning domestic organ trade, it also added details for overseas organ trade. UK news media said this Act was a result of joint efforts from parliament members who strove to end organ harvesting in China.


    A bill was passed by the Italian parliament in December 2016 to impose strict punishment on whoever sells human organs. This legislation went into effect on January 7, 2017.

    According to law, anyone involved in trading, selling, buying, obtaining, or processing organs from living people faces three to 12 years of imprisonment and a fine of between 300,000 and 500,000 euros. If a health care professional is responsible, this individual will be barred from the profession for their entire lifetime.

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