Terraria – The Multiplayer Experimental 2

[Applause] a You okay this should be on now I’m am so sorry I forgot this you know what happens when sometimes you have an online instructor teacher who’s doing a zoom meeting and they don’t even realize the microphone’s on I feel like that and the worst part is this has

Probably happened at least four times in the past so much for me being prepared and yeah I’m not sure I did also forget to use my mic bring the microphone but then again whenever I do the switch I won’t have the tools for that yeah you watch episode 25 of my

Playthrough of paper Mar the origami k oh yeah don’t worry dinosaur my guess I should also mention um I will make a note and see when and show my acknowledgment when the next update comes out I heard that the next update is going to allow crossplay which

Means that if you’re playing on a console Nintendo switch I’m not sure if 3DS was to town or not um but basically right now multiplayer can only work for oh I forgot I didn’t you you didn’t the answer didn’t receive um this world has barely progressed this is how Progressive this

World is barely anything so yeah no King Slime no dulu I only only whatever I found off the ground basically I was going to do more but in incident which I’m going to which I’m going to keep confidential for the time being happened last night preventing me

From progressing more and I don’t want to spend as much time on this world as I did in my team mod loader World which for the record I spent I’ve spent about 8 hours on that game on that world maybe More three weeks ago I no your name does sound familiar oh you were that guy that was with me on episode 7 then three weeks ago I’m glad you were bsing on the numbers otherwise otherwise I wouldn’t have found out the exact number exactly when and where y got okay those are

Impressive I haven’t been lucky to get the moon ring Wings Yeah basically yeah that’s definitely a lot of work well done you no rush it’s going to be up for two hours and there’ll probably be more tests later to come in case you aren’t able to make this one so no worries even though I can’t say that the

Next test is going to happen um next week oh you’re definitely made lots of progress this is from the military I am right also want a clock this Blood Moon like I’m only two nights in and this is my first Blood Moon well in this game here have this annoying

Finch there are some powers that I had with the ra mode that I heavily relied on that’s true LS are fun to grind same with the solar eclipses for money um the special events but mainly the bosses actually there is it blinks Clean Slate um I guess either or um you could

Friend me on Steam the code is right on the screen which I do not mind accepting this is mainly for experimental purposes oh yeah I did like the Pumpkin Moon okay blood Moon’s over see you suckers just takes me back thinking about Calamity and all that such they have the crafting

Interface oh they did um okay it’s cool that steam can do that but I already have a keyboard on Me I was try the fro Moon um I was able to get the the first I was able to get all but the last M bosses for both so that was something give me a share what about the rest of you okay actually no you got to doing

All the sharing I’m not doing any doing much I gu I just have been watching TV oh yeah this is on the easiest difficulties as possible I am still not very experienced on this game since this game has it’s like it makes tears of the Kingdom look small and that’s saying

Something um actually Golem is usually looked down upon um you’re not going to have to worry about the boss you’re going have to worry about getting there maybe building a bridge I also found out this gravity the most anlal thing I’ve ever Seen this feels like a Wonder effect straight off of Super Mario Bros Wonder yep actually I already did that I want to see if I can find a second one maybe a sky planet or or will that those not appear until I progress further into the game oh look

Harpy these things remind me so much of Mega Man yeah red news knows what I’m talking about yeah oh I need the Turkey um actually I wouldn’t sell 17 gold isn’t a lot for the for that Rarity okay if you have multiple then be my Guest Al just funny toggling this going with these around here we go this feels so weird talking about a great fall break now I’ll be back to loot this Later okay I should fall normally now that potion’s wearing off getting another Pumpkin Moon I usually don’t meain class as much um I guess I’ve maned melee I guess most of the time otherwise Summoner I guess this class I’ve done the least is um magic it’s CC worrying about all the Mana

Well I could always get that more attention later oh there’s the Crimson hey do you want to have a bad time cuz if you take a step closer going to feel the wrath of my pickaxe wait you already are oh no there we go this should sto the Crimson from spreading yeah same what dinosaur just Said let’s see what this place Has when I first did the terrar series back in the fall my first attempt at it before I had to reset my computer um I got a good amount of people playing when to play in I want if I can trigger that same effect although I’m

Also have a bit of a confirmation for um my own luck and think and opportunities usually trke during the opposite moments I intend them to sometimes so I don’t Know that’s understandable then again I have a different story I like the first version I played was 1.4 I’m not sure if it’s going to be 1.5 or if it’s going to go to 2.0 or something you know what fine we’re exploring this Hall oh come on

Really had a good feeling on that one as Well do what you want we can both be melees or Summoners put your mind to it theoretically technically in the world version I could be a Healer which I heard is theorum mod thing um just get my coin and yeah thya mod has Support classes ah suck my be

Hand sorry a little bit proor but it’s a face monster Also realize how slow it is to harvest the har these things I actually want to use some bombs to make F dispo process also this is a small Crimson Biome mils can’t get CRI crimsoned I’m Good the current version is 1.4.9 I checked 1.4 1.4.5 well these numbers are confusing I mean 1 five it’s unfortunately not out yet oh look it’s the dungeon guardian okay would it be funny if I challenged this guy just me and whatever I have on me I’m probably going to get

Crushed but it could be worth a shot and if I win I give him better Weapons Horseman’s played yes very good let take whatever this Is it feels like I’m speed running this game I know this is incredibly Reckless but according to my data skeleton may not be that hard or it could just be a [ __ ] for trying This and I should play the boss play the bosses in the Orthodox traditional way but you know what it’s better to try sometimes and the Sun is slowly Setting just need a few lanes to be enough for me to make to run around in and squir like the little worm I am just got traumatic flashbacks kind of wish I had a bug on me that so go of practice but I’m doing what I can at the

Moment yep that’s definitely the stuff this feels like playing breath of the wild or tees of the Kingdom on a clean light which is fun to do especially on Master mode which once again makes me a little upset that Che of the Kingdom didn’t do that but anyway we’re going to try fighting

Skeletron and see if we win I just need to hit him about a 100 times and we should be good stop spreading maybe I should have bought a Watch yeah another solution is just taking on lots of make building lots of elevators maybe I’m going to place this handle statue for good luck maybe I’ll do Something the stars are coming is it night now okay Che side wait don’t know oh so I should keep this s I’m used to killing turtles in the game not in real life oh come on there we go oh no Oh I’m still alive I didn’t see but so but may it further than I thought I thought it takes like it takes forever to respond But yeah I need a better weapon or a better minion so that was a good Attempt oh I welcome back instead I’m going to walk the other direction hope I find something good yeah I need some armor and some Hearts you know what there’s demolition experts near by right hey get your things off me yeah I Blame You my eyes hurt when I don’t close them as Well take Care not impressive I once see if I could get my items from my my moded world over to my main account but I didn’t have any luck not sure it’s possible you I I try building a house in hopes that the the demolition guy comes in My Views a bomb Already it’s okay Buye I’m just trying it out welcome back Mario how’s it Going I doing a test here to see if anyone volunteering on vura which prob know I might be better off waiting for 1.5 1.4 five are confusing I could just showcase off my moded world and do more progress in there although I also want I did want to

Do an experiment on theill and so other people oh hello BR time welcome Back don’t worry I know who you Are oh okay that did sound Creepy hope you’re doing well that’s for me I’m doing a basically a new run and I’m struggling by but that’s also expected oh um that’s a good question for mobile games I don’t have the right tools on me to perform that mean technically actually no that’s not entirely true um technically I could

Try Clash of Clans speedrun I know that’s AOG we’ll play so I guess I could perform that although it has to be on high Demand okay maybe not highand I know perhaps that gets one house for an NPC just got to wait out I have a call potions So we work from there well then again I should also mention bra stars is very similar to Splatoon and I do that often so perhap that’s a maybe okay probably curious what am I talking about Super Cell a sudden to play that’s fine um as long as it if you have an if

You have like some antivirus and and it’s um giving you a warning saying could be a virus um if you’re not getting that it should be Okay the join ID um let me Look Okay say I don’t know I don’t know where to find the ID um No worries let me check hold up I sorry about that let’s see that’s not it my friend my steam friend code is actually that’s right here I made sure I set that number up for this stream specifically it changes actually every stream NOP that’s not it either oh sent

Invite I might do something I do not know how this stuff Works seriously oh wait um buse did you get in let’s see there’s the Antarctic pa um not sure if any of this is it oh all right let me look at that oh there we go this should work and if that works all right good go

I want to see if that works and what’ll work from there then again this is also a test do a POS for all inconveniences also do a suggest read the description in case anything chokes Yep now try to Overkill I’m going see what happens oh chest So how this work slides down walls all right invites should work and see we can get in not we’ll just keep trying in until we get something now I’m understanding the world since like as I tell you this this’s a test file the purpose of this world is to experiment with

Multiplayer time to get Lu H got you Little Critter oh there we Go very good don’t worries take your Time some business for me to take care of as well oh we got the nurse I’m get the demolition experts here and see if there’s anything useful in here if we can build a elevator that’ll be good cuz who doesn’t love a good elevator right oh I almost dodged a bullet I

Dodged a bullet there real good there we go got ready welcome behind you guy cool oh you right click I can not this have from T just for reference the joke was because I was going to drown there’s no um General interface here so got to work we got how Sapphire

Hard in case you didn’t hear me again ballseye um you right click to open chests right I wonder what if I have starting new ter World be tricky actually I did this Terraria oh press enter my d technically I can just build houses this small and get away with It I guess that works do I have throwing knives okay back to the pit and my glacial progression Steed this makes me realize why I made so low progress on episode one of the royal and also if you have steam you should be able to have like the team light loader is free

Um I’m not sure if you’re here has be bulker or not but definitely can do some improvements or at least can get my master files on which I don’t know how I can get team Lo on to vanilla so I work with what I have and just hope I get lucky oh Hong

Button actually I have a planum bar but you need 18 So I’ll be there [Applause] Later I’m going to make some practi armor and this is there we go we got our demolitionist H get a start that’s a vulture oh got the underground this is not a terrible idea not at all oh I’m joking I can not have the tool to successfully and effectively Scourge

That area area well free endon we know that’s easy to access the underground desert well specifically we know the underground desert is Here yes be even more specific on the whole map specifically Here also reveiling our right flag location when hard mode starts I have a waro potion in the chest I go a little further then I’ll hop Him you know the cing potion would actually be very suitable for the situation now I think about it I might try that wait hold on is that what I think it is a worm home Potion hold up I have a better idea huh oh the it’s supposed to work oh wait there we go oh I was too slow on bright side at least now we’re all in the same party although I prefer green I got to do something to to blow

That orasm up to get rid of the water sorry man I is still there maybe I want to see someone counter argue but it’s not fun if it’s just me alone unless this wasn’t my stream but I don’t have gills either we in the savannah or basically the jungle let’s See let’s see what this thing does oh that’s Cool I miss my old Powers at least I got this super cool star sword wait this might take me deeper get deeper we get deep we got loot there we go checkpoint City oh stupid eye is Bome charge on cool fine do this wait better work for the jungle

Now I can see whatever in here and hopefully not kill a queen wake up a queen [Applause] bee was that all oh I got a boomerang sweet classic Penguins back again maybe t for good luck I feel unstoppable that’s nice all right you do what you do have

One aren’t going to get easier any easier as much as it bites me to say I want to see if there’s any strong weapons if I get a really good one it’ll really help out the team remember if you’re having trouble you can always go indoors o heart Container actually there’s also a tell to tell if it’s a crimson or corruption world the screen should give it away got a ruby de BLS are not here oh another heart container Am I out a rope that’s a shame some rocks all right this thing’s shooting at me things you never really experience when they die so fast is always a cloud Hut o Shrine they say Shrine could be a sign I know this is probably the cheest

Round why someone make a cloud out of a house who knows maybe should ask the Mushroom Kingdom Ooh there something you know what I got to make some sacrifices there we go oh that was Reckless of me okay I’m try to get out of Here hey we go just close the door you’ll be safe anyway here take It there’s actually ains in the place I got a better Idea now we just need to wait for a druid to move in or find some grass seeds H give those this might be used full I just open the can of worms how do I find that funny wait yes I do okay R want Platinum balls haven’t got any

Yet you’ll hear their hostile Roar when they come I say so TR like I’m get my War potion okay Those we’ll see if this do anything good I believe I read your CH messages you have lots of them did funny oh Crim Crimson the Crimson is over here pass the AR you also need a hammer you take M we really need some poms oh yeah take the bars it’s Community War and meanwhile I’m going to use my money and buy a bunch of explosives boom and what do you and if you remember what kind of person I am what am I what am I going to do with these dynamites it’s actually a simple Tri Question no worry I’m giving you time to come come up with an answer okay time’s up I’m going to up the underground desert see it was a fun tribute Question I like being tanky oh come on the hopun has to be next to the Escape Buton We got die Trader actually now I want to start getting that Pylon there’s know talk for a house but I’m doing what I got on trust me this couldn’t become that that die is going to die when the Dune spice comes in hard mode but he still likes to Desert so in other words entitled to be paranoid welcome to your new Home I hear sounds of insects do you hear that Anton don’t wor have oh my bad I wonder if Crimson wood spreads byebye you know there are lots of fun pesticides out there I like using Dynamite it’s very good pesticide because it really gets the job done see nothing better than good old

Classic Dynamite pesticide when you need to get the job done and fast this resort to your regular pesticide Dynamite sold by your local demolitionist buy some Dem buy some Dynamite today also grow up while you’re at it unless you’re in hard mode and flying is no longer a Thing D has a new roommate O different shortcut insect right whatever you say I’m just going to continue ring this too shoot oh wow that was cool I thought Scarab bombs exploded with scarabs that’s even cooler okay oh wow bull eyes really made progress oh okay sure I have Crimson I have diamond on me okay Here hello of course there’s an open this is an open test you might need my friend code but I’m willing to accept yeah this this is basically new world really want to play the BL tears music so fitting for a great adventure I also wish it could be faster

Oh there we go your friend request sorry about that what happened make it as all as you want I need better Boots let’s see there we go Oh Bombs I right went down that [Laughter] pole there we Go there we go welcome to Man I need a better pick I gone so soon huh that’s a Shame I said this is a fresh World Literally yeah this team upload be different story I’ve been working on that one for hours this one not even one oh maybe one now been of 1 hour We’re 1 hour in it’s that time Again okay I have some power Kind wish I had net it’s funny I’m the one with the guns it’s also ringing in the desert keep in mind people do not like like living in the crimson probably cut too red for their liking so we just want to throw some bombs at Crimson okay not taste but you’re

Che there should still be some more whole potions left what does think want to be a little Naughty there you go oh there we go you have items sweet my world editor on me this will be a lot faster but let’s get this loaded you should run never mind that was not effective at at all oh unfortun I do have wings I did help fling carpet would definitely be useful

Though scr out sorry wait of Course at Mo Merchant you should have what you need there we go you know what it’s fine who of us should take down a brain something i’ never thought I’d say you know what I call dibs yeah build that carpet Um what take that the Kulu then I think I have have a solution that should help and no it’s not meteor right all right let’s get this thing loaded that’s fine come on this doesn’t work no nothing well can’t believe we’re doing this but it’s going to Happen let gu back up I have a couple recall potions have no chance to trade though we’re not responding made it Far okay got one you a cute little worm I know it’s kind of weird that I’m saying it’s C Muni now we’re linging Away all right now get ourselves to safety great position oh I get my all my respawn potions I’m sure would die trying but let’s do this all right time to run where’s the there it is they’re grubbing it to of me apparently the job’s much better when we work at the team well

Done last one boss Down you know what just Fine I’ll find my own way out of this the license teleports way to the cat delivery service that’s supposed to mean I don’t wish I had a hook Is there we go o Fortune Braves a Bard money I haven’t defeated skeleton yet I’ll need some grenades alth I’m finding a skeleton right now just in Skeletron but similar oh I got a hook also I got a queen statue wish I got stuck from some King slimes Oh hello is yes I am playing multiplayer want to hop in I’ll be more than happy to let you let you play with Us you know what contain is Motivation also Detonator Cool got some more Crim chain and more rubies darn talk about the works wait I tried Ming it with an Axe come at me I miss having the ability to see giant worms Oh I’ll just need danger sense potions or the hunter potion that’s what they’re called oh we have to find it be anywhere in this map I wait bom’s here this is a new episode in the great C

Fensive I wish some look uping up this of goblins ooh oh done a granite biome I have’t CL in I love it roller yep you got It this is vanilla this is the vanilla mode just to see if people cut coming the man’s back I can do a roll version or team L right you know what you will never get me don’t worries soon will happen have archers a little bit oh wait thought you were someone

Else with right I have an Anton blade on me oh that’s becoming a great graveyard talk about the works wait no I want the cran here wait I’m still alive actually should calm things you joined a world of chaos and War I I if can see existed I could get some

Meteorite some diamonds boy where am I oh shoot I actually am invisible there we go I’m going to give you a taste of your own medicine there we go stuck on that I also had that com in I deserved that all also got some Platinum still got a lot of work to do

Though oh Crimson Rod cool also have the queen oh yeah sure and with game oh rock fish awesome thank you so much best part I have all this Crim Tain hold up have the Anil good Mobile’s not compatible yet it will be in aure update give me a

Second yeah people AR a huge fan of crimson but give my guess when we get a claminator that will turn into regular Stone wait a second oh no no no No where’s the D where’s the boom boom I participate um when Tera updates in verion 1.5 that should allow mobile crossplay to be be a Thing going to blow well that’s a simple Solution yeah I do apologize josine I do hope you can p you can we can get this happen soon enough although we are going to have to wait a bit longer yeah I did some research there is no solution apparently at the moment which sucks I know there we go now we’re in

Business I do not can’t beat the twins oh I agree with you 100% that boss is hard very hard um beat the queen slim first then should then that should help got direct M Discord give me a second sorry about that yeah um I do ask please chill the

Cs and also let’s try this out there butterflies reminds me of when the EMP of light made me scream for my life and my death hold on where did my Anvil go matters not flesh grinder sweet the twins are red ner and spasm I know you what this will work oh topaz okay yeah Spas hasm is more aggressive one you need to get the power of flight like seriously ooh special offers you know what I love Fox so much I’m going to sell you something um I’m sorry I’m having a bit of a panic

Attack right Now here I have a picture of I have a painting we take paintings oh yes that will work you know What here take this Crimson Rod I don’t need anymore just I am so happy Now oh wait just rest I also don’t need this anymore oh yeah it was magic don’t worry I can always make you a new one find you a new one don’t worry here take this I don’t need it and here have Anvil I want more fo I guess that

And might die to meteor Five People You have a potion I guess that’s to Know all right the Tren tier is part of the Calamity mod I’m sorry I wish I could help you have my best regards uh Jen is in hard Mode a get crushed we also one piece good job Team there we go now this is speed got a golden crate awesome I got no I’m not going to say that out loud there we go I’m going to now I’m going to have the Kirby Effect only a little bit now just you wait I’m I get excited you mind me I don’t have any gravity potions I do apologize information this will help we don’t have elevator not yet and that’s that’s our elevator unless you want a hevor to be filled with Dune splicers which I sure do

Not yeah go ahead I guess although don’t do it in desert we don’t want to do Spicer elevator just want a normal elevator oh this does lead somewhere cool all right down we go yeah while we make an a base then again we also make some pylons to improve I should also mention

Crew I have done a lot more Terraria since last time we played so I might know a few more things than last time I wish it was a molten picka molten sword Fury whatever it’s called be way easier on our account not making any leaks of Fai oh but we can Comm Donkey

Kong it’s here the Doom threr tomb crawler they say you can’t see it but that’s the same as John Cena Na Go continuing and commit Donkey Kong have a tendency to loot the chest just to make sure it’s empty I have 12 I have 12 never a recall Potion you know what that’s fine we don’t need it wait her container All right let’s pass this down Here don’t have it have a warm potion now oh never mind thank you so much okay the piggy B you go now for equilibrium in Progress that’s going to be death that’s fine I can walk don’t worry in my gust the bank also wish we had a bigger storage also makes me wish I had we still teod loader this was a team mod loader game oh oops now we can move Oh no that’s not good all right take care varas thanks for chopping By there we go from far Now I wish I had the onx excavator I would make this travel a lot quicker oh yeah go ahead um this is not my main world so might be for the better and in fact if you get the moon Lord send me some lumite or Dr Dr

Containment unit I can actually build a better world if I have that yep I’m using mon in my main world lots of them Tech have two different main Worlds the one that I show up on stream that no one’s allowed to touch and the other one

That techically is also is made for the public I poured way more time on Wasn’t me I don’t know took off the gold house material then again it’s all for fun if someone ruined the world I sp sp tons and tons of hours on then I’d have right to be upset though that being said I technically I’ve already ruined the world myself need a Servant to we’re in the jungle for Thursday’s episode I’m going to be real ooh that’s good take the chest chest Rainer should be something for you there’s not I can always couch it out I do have the death bringer pickaxe now right take care red have a nice

Night a though I might go a little bit over time um we got a CA I’m getting all people there’s lots of chests can want but if not I can always take get you something of my own as well no I haven’t done this far yet so Al Maybe yeah this is vanilla world I honestly don’t care that’s another underground passage I can reach the beach that’s fine I make new houses I don’t know oh you need you need a fire you need to shoot a gun or I’m see to show up that’s Why yeah I figured I learned that early on and I was trying to do some pil Establishments there we go oh Crimson that’s not good I don’t have a grav Oh no now crimson’s dangerous to close now the clouds to prevent from spreading deeper in we go that’s chat right let giant Tre prevent the crimon Crimson from spreading and here we are Beach enjoy my new job Beach Where the ocean go oh man something for something Grand that’s true okay I’m eat this close one imagine if I drowned in the ocean also I found this cool chest all right and just that is a good point going to like this it works oh wait well there’s two more things here here

I know all this stuff with his Thing it’s easier to said than done lot of man eaters Sounds like a good baring Point now I can’t ey did I floodman earlier anyway long for work to do here dude I can’t swim oh well here we Go this definitely a big place Is [Laughter] meole this is actually good good for PL teror Arena actually some cheese He How awesom I am crazy Wish we had the labs that help to make things easier on my Part Should be some worms in the chests check them out nope To actually swim through this there all right all right let’s make this worthwhile pain Oh I didn’t need this I go I’m going to do it He there we go there we go here’s a natural one there we go just get Crim wait what okay I didn’t wake that one Up C too there’s some other things I should do money worth never slept with the Fishes what do our good team eff honestly anything No it is seems all right with that that’s going to conclude this episode hope you all had fun and I’ll see you all next time which I’m going to try another trial in the modded work yep hang out hopefully this doesn’t end the game but

Welcome to a Rebooted version of Terraria Online. This takes place in a Different World with a Different Account! Have fun. be creative, it’s online!
Also, important warning! I am not responsible for you losing any items in this world. Any items you bring from your other worlds and leave behind, I’m NOT responsible for. Oh. Feel free to take what you want though, this world’s now a playground.

This is a Vanilla Terraria clean slate world, with little progress made, and a clean avatar. Part of this will be me rexeperiencing the clean slate player’s experience, while other parts of this will revolve around the multiplayer interaction.

I would rather have this on the Tmodloader, but we’ll save that for later. Besides, Terraria Royal is already doing that!

🎟️To understand how this stream works: https://sites.google.com/view/penguins-records-live/home
To understand more about PR-200: https://sites.google.com/view/penguins-records-live/pr-200?authuser=0

Steam Friend Code: 1133180569
🕹Switch Friend Code: SW-3295-3455-8509 (needed to participate in certain streams)

👁️Current Main Games Focusing On:
Splatoon 3, Terraria

🤖Occasional Video Game Drops:
Mario Party Superstars, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Mario Maker 2, Super Mario Bros. Wonder

🕷️Current Chat Attack Title:
Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

Tag Spam: Terraria, Earth, Live, Stream, Livestream, build, eye, cthulu, crimson, chimera, cactus, vator, Snow, online, multiplayer,

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