Having a DIREWOLF FAMILY in Minecraft!

Today we’re starting a wolf family in Minecraft guys check us out we all look like wolves oh my God Jeffy you have ears yeah Daddy and I also got this awesome tail ew wait do I have a tail yeah Daddy we all have tails can’t see

It so am I a kitty what no you’re not a kitty you’re a fierce wolf I want to be a kitty no we’re not kitties were wolves um I need you all to stay so far away from me you smell like what dog well Sky

You’re a wolf too look you have a blue tail ew that is so disgusting yeah you got a tail come out your butt haha well guys since we are you know we’re wolves now we can only speak with wolf language what we got to talk like this daddy that’s not what the wolf

Sounds make what it sound like that Jeffy okay you just sound like a stupid dog you guys are both wrong wols how like this all right guys how about this let’s see who can make the best howl I want to go first all right you ready I’m

Ready ow sounds like you’re getting hurt what’s wrong with you no daddy that was that was my wolf how you’re screaming ow ow all right fine dadd let’s see if you could do it all right daddy that was super mid what do you mean that was mid it was

Better than yours all right Daisy you’re up I just howled we’ll do it again fine wow Daisy that wasn’t bad I still think mine was better well now sky’s up all right Sky it’s your turn to howl absolutely not I am not doing that yes

You have to now that you’re a wolf you need to learn how to howl I’m not going to be a wolf for long because I’m going to figure out how to change myself back oh gosh whatever all right then you instantly lose and you’re the last in

Place how about that loser whatever you guys are the loser cuz this is a dumb competition well guys where even are we it looks like we’re trapped on this ice Island and it’s super cold I know my poles are getting really really cold too guys there’s a stupid chest here so why

Don’t we like open it maybe there’s diamonds inside I want to see I want to see wa guys there’s so much different stuff in here wo we got meat let’s go since we’re wolves our favorite food is raw meat ew I don’t like raw meat daddy

I’m going to hit you with a blow gun ow stop it Jeffy stop it take that Daddy stop it no that Daddy oh yeah take that also guys check it out we have this bone sword it’s super awesome the scallywag skull huh is this someone’s head what

Daisy no it’s not someone’s head are you crazy but it’s a school and I didn’t mean to kill anyone well you’re a wolf and now you have to kill things or you’re going to die I don’t want to kill anything well then if you don’t want to

Kill anything then you’re going to leave the wolf pack no please don’t kick me out yep you’re getting kicked out no well if this makes you feel any better this is just a fish skull head oh okay yeah it’s just a fish see everything’s going to be all right that’s fine I love

Fish sticks you guys are so pathetic I’m going to go explore these islands wait you’re going to explore the islands by yourself no Sky we need to come with you um whatever all right let’s go to uh this island okay yeah it’s got berries

Over there it’s got food wa I see a wolf guys that’s crazy wait what I see another wolf but it’s blue Daddy what are you doing trying to knock it out with a blow dart Daddy I’ll knock you out with a blow dart uh-oh oh no uh

Daddy they got mad at you uhoh I think the wolf pack wants to eat me oh God they’re falling off wait daddy they’re killing each other what a bunch of dummies daddy why’ you have to get them angry well they’re only angry at me so

You guys are safe well guys we need to collect some blocks to go over there so everyone start breaking down trees okay I’m going to get the tree all the way back here ooh this wood is blue I wish it was pink I wish it was yellow some

Type of ice wood oh my God blue is my favorite color give me well help us break down trees Skye I am oh my goodness I got 28 pieces here you go oh I also got 28 pieces all right guys come on let’s go over to this island all

Right almost there and oh gosh I don’t think they’re mad at me anymore yeah Daddy they don’t look angry just’s nobody touch the Wolves if you touch them then they’re going to get angry all right I do not want them to get Angies yeah me neither but guys wait what wolf

Is that it’s a baby skywolf um what sky look that’s your baby in there I did not have a baby oh my goodness it is definitely your baby daddy uh why is the baby following you well I had cookies from the chest before I think it wants

Wants some cookies what the heck stop following me they’re mine you cannot give my child cookies if they’re not vegan wait what well I don’t know what kind of cookies these are but the kid really wants them so if you want this kid to be yours sky here take some

Cookies you need to feed your kid cookies it makes them happy all right oh my gosh oh my gosh wao there’s Hearts coming out of her I guess I could use her to make Tik toks wait you’re going to use your kid to make Tik toks Sky

That’s messed up that is not messed up how do you think I’m going to get more followers well whatever but now at least you have a kid and you’re a wolf well guys if there was a baby on this island I bet our babies are waiting for us on the other Island

Oh my God Jeffy you’re right wait guys look there’s a chest in the cave wait there’s a chest in here wa there’s a crossbow and there’s shark tooth arrows and a bunch of Bones I want some bones well I want some bones so I can tame all

These wolves no they’re mine come here no dadd they’re my wolves come here puppies come here come here come here they’re not puppies Marvin they’re Wolves yeah Daddy they’re not dogs it’s different okay well join my wolf pack no I got this one angry I got this one

Angry my other wolves are attacking him ATT attack him attack him oh great look what you did you just killed a dog yay I got three doggies now killing dogs is so against my vegan beliefs that is totally not okay well the dog was going to kill

Me so he either I die or the dog well you shouldn’t have hit him first wait guys did anyone get the bow and arrow in the chest I did well Daddy shoot it I want to see how much damage it does want going to hit you wait no don’t hit me

Daddy you want me to kill your dog hit Daisy no Daddy I’ll hit Daisy do not hit me just stand still you’re going to make this very difficult want to be hit shoot someone else I missed all right daddy how about you just save it how about you

Just save it okay okay I’ll save it there might be some scary wolves on these other islands that we might need to kill you’re right and you know what we should do we should use these blow guns to try and knock some of them out yeah Daddy we need to be the superior

Wolf pack come on guys follow me all right I think we should go to this island next oh gosh what are those these wolves look terrifying they’re really big yeah dadd these are definitely bigger than the other Island my kid’s not on here um guys I ran out

Of blocks who has blocks I got him I do all right pass him over can you sit your dogs down no one of them just died no he didn’t he just tped up here oh well can you sit them somewhere they’re going to knock me off no Daddy we need them to

Fight these other wolves the part of the pack oh my gosh we did it we made it to the next Island and daddy look there’s a baby wolf marving oh I don’t like him he can stay here why don’t you like him he smells funny uh-oh my wolf is sniffing

These other wolves are they going to fight no they’re just being friendly I just shot one oh why did you do that kill him kill him get him guys get him oh D one’s attacking you wait what I accidentally killed it I thought the blow dart was supposed to knock him out

Ah take that guys I’m doing damage oh yeah oh yeah use your blow dart I wolf see you later I’m using the short ow ow sorry that was me Oh Daddy I fell that was me Daddy you accidentally hit me with a blow dart your dogs are attacking

Me and they got to go they better attack you wait I’ll sit them down Daddy I’ll sit them down there we go no no no no no sit I’d watch yourself dogs daddy if you touch me or my dogs you’re going to pay the price and you’re going to die okay

Fine it was an accident I accidentally hit you I was trying to kill the other wolf and then you know these guys got really mad at me all right well Daddy go get your kid look he’s waiting after you hi you ugly little Marvin baby dog come

Here you was trapped in this old cave yeah let’s go he’s my baby wow you got a baby daddy and look there’s a chest in here let’s see what’s inside another crossbow that’s mine if sky has a baby and Marvin has a baby then where’s my

Baby yeah me too I want a baby I want baby obviously they’re on the other Islands well guys what are we waiting for let’s go to the next Island wait hold on I got to make my dog sit up there we go now you’ll follow me ow if

He they’re going to knock us off wait daddy they’re going after you again all right I got to end this no daddy no no no no let me just sit them down daddy one of them’s in there with your kid they better get along you keep your kid

In here Daddy yeah I don’t want to running off all right fine we’ll be back baby Marvin all right let’s go to this island next I’m not going to lie this island to the right looks terrifying all right I’m going to build over all right Daddy watch

Out bye Mar daddy he’s got in the way Daddy I just had to show that I’m the alpha wolf oh my goodness what the heck is this is that a dinosaur oh my goodness that is not even a wolf what is that thing I think they’re hyenas daddy

They’re not hyenas they’re giraffes they not why would you say they’re cuz they got the spots on them Daddy it’s a GFF it’s a baby one I don’t know they’re really scary look oh they run away from you wait really oh my gosh they actually did Crown them I’m going

To shoot one ah got one he’s trying to make a run for it you guys have to stop killing all of these animals but they’re a danger to our kids we need to kill them ow ow no Sky just help us kill them I think the only thing that they’re

Dangered to is your daddy I mean yeah because he’s killing them so that makes sense all right guys I think we killed all the Wolves is there any more Oh Daddy I found one it’s not me I ha you Daddy it’s a wolf it’s a wolf kill it

Why are you killing me one more here ah got it so mean wait guys look it’s my baby yay we found Daisy’s baby oh she’s so cute so ugly wow why you punching her wo relax I’m not I was giving her cookies oh a slap in the face with a

Good old cookie I get it oh well this is Fair guys now everyone has a baby besides me I’m the shest wolf ever well Jeffy there’s one more Island left and I bet your kids on it all right guys well let’s go get my kid come on he’s

Probably the most important wolf baby to get oh I highly doubt that my kid is definitely more important daddy he’s going to be the strongest fiercest wolf wait wait wait wait wait what I’m scouting out for wolves daddy why there’s no point Daddy I see things

Moving in the trees oh my God what is that thing uh that is not a normal looking wolf daddy that thing looks like it’s got R beat uhoh wait this might be a rabid island of wolves wait Daddy I see my kid uh-oh we need to save him oh my gosh daddy

Move out of my way Jeffy stop hitting me Daddy just always in my way come on come on get me over guys I need more blocks I don’t have any someone hurry Skye do you have blocks here take these thanks Skye all right let me just collect these and

Oh my gosh guys we need to be careful and not die I’ll go first cuz I’m a man oh gosh oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh they’re super fast uh get your blow darts out I got my bow and arrow where is he where is he oh oh shoot it shoot

It shoot it ah I’m going in with my sword come here ah oh God there’s a lot of them there’s a lot of them Daddy what are you doing move out of the way I’m trying to shoot them from the air I’m going in with my sword I’m going to go

Protect my baby yes I mean you’re my baby hey baby Jeffy what are you goinging ow guys are hitting me through the walls Jeffy I’m trying to kill them oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh ow they’re so fast I’m going to die and I’m

Dead I’m trying come on guys they’re almost all dead just a few more ow ow ow they keep killing me these are the most overpowered wolves so far let’s just shoot them from far this is way easier just don’t hit my kid okay right here right here Daddy right

Here yes let shot knock him off knock him off knock him off yes guys okay wait if there’s more oh my God oh my God there’s a lot more there’s a lot more there’s a lot more ah I’m on top of the cave ow stay away from jeffy’s baby yeah what she

Said you can eat him I don’t care hey guys I think there’s only one or two more remaining yes killed one one more one more one more everyone beat it up with a sword yeah we did it we got a bunch of loot too well guys now that we

Defeated all the mutant wolves it’s time to say hi to my baby come here baby Jeffy oh yeah you want the cookie you want the cookie yeah you want the cookie no I want the I want to give him the cookie I’m giving them all the cookies

Daddy yes now I got a baby let’s go well I think he’s happy that we saved them because those mutant wolves were really ugly and smelly yeah they were actually terrifying well Jeffy there’s one more chest left come here baby Jeffy wait there’s one more chest oh my goodness

Guys check this out e oh my goodness guys I think another scary wolf spawned we got to get him I’m not a wolf I’m not a wolf I’m not a wolf guys stop hitting me I’m not a wolf it’s me Jeffy okay oh Jeffy how do we know if it’s

Really you guys just ask me a question that only Jeffy would know um what’s my favorite color pink obviously Daisy what’s my favorite thing in the world um pink obviously no wrong it’s flowers get him hey hey you know what I will mess

All of you up now I will mess all of you up Daddy I’m coming after you first cuz you smell the worst no Take that Daddy you guys want some too I have to protect our babies all right there’s one a this what you get this what you you get for

Going against Jeffy a got you I got him daddy can you just knock it off a ow ow okay Daddy okay you’re going to kill me he’s a powerful Wolf Wolf Pack Attack guys get away from me I’ll shoot you come on jeffy’s baby I have to protect

You hey Jeffy come back here what’s my baby think he’s doing this is not your baby this is jeffy’s baby yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh why are you guys fighting me oh my God died oh my gosh oh my gosh now I’m all alone my own

Wolf pack I’m going have to start a brand new wolf pack daddy bye daddy why you so mean oh God I’m going to die I’m going to die all right guys look fine everyone stop fighting I’ll just take the armor off and oh Jeffy what are you doing here

See I’m back to normal Jeffy there was a scary mutant wolf it was the last one he was killing all of us daddy it was me wait that was you it was just the armor Daddy what are you talking about so you killed all three of us like three three

Times each oh my goodness I can’t talk to you guys I will turn back in the IM mutant wolf and kill all of you you know what guys I’m sick of this he’s back guys stop it was just me it was just me look see I’m Jeffy Jeff Jeffy what are you

Doing got R I’m kidding I’m kidding Jeffy where do you keep going go go go go guys where are you running to there’s a scary wolf behind us Jeffy run all right guys I’ll keep the armor off don’t worry well guys we’ve encountered a lot of scary wols so

I think we need to protect our wolf pack yeah you’re right our baby’s been through a lot so I think that we should build houses for them ooh that’s a perfect idea yeah it’s coming really cool I’m building my own house though none of you guys live in my house well

Good daddy we didn’t want you anyways yeah you’re smelly I am not smelly Jeffy has like dinosaur dog poops now I don’t want that hey Daddy don’t make me put the armor back on if you don’t do oh God oh God I’m running hey hey okay okay Jeffy this is getting ridiculous you

Can’t be scaring us like that you know this is why I don’t want to live with you right well Daddy you look like a goblin 24/7 and we still talk to you hey it’s so heartful guys stop fighting I’m going to build my house well you got to

Make sure to take your kid with you look you put her in a corner I had to protect her somehow all right well I’m going back to my Island the scariest Island here I can’t wait to build my big cave just going to start by breaking this so

No one can come on my Island all right what should I do this island to make it really cool um I think the first thing I’m going to do is make a big wall around my whole island and I really like the color wood so I’m going to use more

Of it and I really like this purple color so I think that should be the theme of my Island all right so we’re just going to make a wall going all the way around I need to make it so Daisy sky and my daddy literally cannot get

Into my Island that’s how protect it’s about to be oh my gosh this is coming out so good all right there we go now we have the wall going all the way around now we’re just going to make a top like this just add a little bit more detail

To my wall and then after this we’re going to actually start building our base all right there we go ooh what if I connect this somehow I can make this look really good there we go that looks amazing all right so now you’re going to walk inside kind of like this hey baby

Jeffy what you doing ew there’s a bunch of Blood on the floor I’m definitely getting rid of this blood that is actually disgusting I think what I’m going to do for my base is just make this cave way bigger it only makes sense that a wolf family needs to live in a

Big cave so let’s just get this Stone out and we’re probably going to have to break down some of these trees there’s just way too many these are the biggest trees I’ve ever seen in Minecraft all right let’s break down this one break down this one and definitely this one oh

My my gosh all right I think we’re starting to get a lot more room to make this cave huge all right now let’s just start extending this cave out just like this baby Jeffy I need you to move what are you doing okay well there’s walls

Everywhere so you won’t be able to jump off all right this is kind of looking really good oh my goodness this cave is going to be huge all right now we just got to do the roof of this cave and then we got to start adding some details to

This thing there we go wow look at that all right now we’re going to take this andesite block and just start replacing some blocks with it this makes it look so much more like a cave all right we’ll put some slabs on the top as well do

Something like this this is coming along perfectly and now inside we need to add some drip Stone oh my goodness this looks really good hopefully none of this falls down and kills my kid though cuz that would not be good ooh we also need to change the floor um let’s just make

It all Stone there there we go ooh we should have gravel as well there we go wow baby Jeffy what are you doing over here get in your cave oh my gosh he’s so annoying all right he just wants to stay in the corner whatever now we need to

Start decorating the entire cave wait I can make different levels I’m planning on having a lot more babies to add to my family so we need a bigger cave let’s go down this way oh yeah this is literally death down there that’s the void we cannot go down there all right this is

Looking like something just got to make it look a little bit nicer than what it is right now so we go down here and then we’re going to have to just start building a bunch wait a minute no I can’t build because we’re too low oh

That sucks all right it’s fine we could just make this a big giant room we’re already pretty much low enough so let’s just break all this oh yeah this is actually looking better oh my goodness uh-oh we got some holes though just going to come yep all right this is

Looking like a big enough room boom now let’s just fill in all the walls with a bunch of different blocks cuz we need to make it look way more cavish right now it’s looking dirsh we need it to look cavish wow look how good they looking

All right now let’s just do the flooring just replace all of this uh-oh what about this ceiling oh gosh that might be an issue cuz if we break that then we’re outside all right let’s just keep the flooring a bunch of dirt it’ll still look good trust me all right there we go

Now we have this area up here and this whole area down here and I think this area down here is going to be for all of my kids so let’s just get a bunch of beds for them to sleep on all right hm how should we place these ooh this looks

Kind of good and then I gu put some trap doors like that and there we go we got some beds now let’s do the same thing for these two over here and then we’ll also put some beds over on this side all right that seems like a lot of beds what

Else can we add down here from my kids ooh I should make a big storage area for all their food because all these wolves are going to be super hungry let’s put it right here all right we’ll just do a big double chest like that and then

We’ll put some of these on the sides there we go that looks really cool and now let’s just get a bunch of meat what kangaroo meat how is that even in the game all right there we go that should be enough meat for them o maybe we add

Some carpet on the floor too wo what is this wo that looks really cool I like this rug a lot what baby Jeffy what are you doing down here he’s checking out his room I think he likes it well I think it’s time that you meet your brother’s baby wolf

Jeffy oh yeah uh-huh there’s a couple more uh-huh oh God they’re dying in the ceiling oh my goodness we have the ultimate wolf pack oh yeah this is so awesome all right now I’m just going to add some details to this little den area this is looking

Super awesome all right we’re going to add some spider webs in my cave oh my gosh there’s so many wolves wait what there’s more blood over here we cannot have that happening no more blood on my Island and no way to escape all right there we go there’s so many wolves this

Is so awesome wait what happens if I put cookies in my inventory oh my gosh oh my gosh they all want the cookies oh oh all right baby jeffy’s you will get the cookies take them take them take them I’m being attacked I’m actually being attacked right now oh my my goodness oh

My goodness oh my goodness there’s so many baby wolf Jeffy right now this is actually terrifying is there any more down here come on baby jeffes everyone come into your room did everyone get a cookie raise your hand if you didn’t okay no one’s raising their hand I think

Everyone got a cookie this is actually insane I’ve never seen so many baby deffy in my entire life all right what can we add up here H let’s see ooh I have an idea what if I make a way on top of my cave and then I could build

Something awesome up there okay that’s definitely what we’re doing all right let me just build this up like this and then right here we’ll put the double ladders all right this looking pretty good all right let’s just build out the top of this cave a little bit make it

Look really good ooh I think I just made my cave look really good we added a little roof right here so now you can go up and down just like that and now we have access to the top of the roof o maybe we can go into the trees as well

Oh my goodness that would be crazy we also have all this space right next to the cave H what do a bunch of wolves like that I could build for them ooh I have a really good idea all right I’m going to make a really giant bone pile

Yeah since the wolves like to chew on Bones I’m going to just put a bunch of Bones here hey baby Jeffy move there we go and then we’ll put some skeletons something like this and then we’re going to put some Redstone like that so now it

Looks like blood yes that looks so good all right what else can I build on my Island o I should probably put some water somewhere so all my wolves could wash themselves they really smell terrible especially this one he definitely pooped in his diaper I should

Probably build it on this side all right just going to clear this area we don’t need this tree don’t need this bush guys watch out I’m trying to build jeez these babies do not like to listen whatsoever all right now let’s just make a little area where the pool’s going to go all

Right something like this is look looking really good it doesn’t need to be something huge so I think this is a perfect size all right now let’s just break the floor and replace it with a bunch of stone and and aite all right we’ll put a couple of these here and now

Let’s just fill it up with water oh my goodness there we go all right now let’s put some of these on the bottom maybe some seagrass and now let’s just make sure the outside looks good and boom our pool section is now completed all right baby get in there

Go yes now he’s swimming uh oh I don’t know if they know how to swim he looks like he’s kind of struggling and drowning it’s fine baby Jeffy you won’t die it’s only like one block deep and just like that I think our house is completed but I’m forgetting one little

Idea just in case there’s an attacker I need to make sure I have a bunch of armor for myself so let’s put down a bunch of these slabs just like this and let’s put some armor stands here and some chest all right let’s see what armor we have

Ooh netherite armor is pretty good crocodile chest plate okay we definitely need that taranta HK elytras oh my goodness obsidian oh gosh we definitely need the obsidian armor uh-huh that’s overpowered ooh and we should also put the mutant wolf armor on a stand yes now this is looking amazing now let’s just

Put some weapons in this chest all right I just added this Phoenix bow and this holy sword there’s super overpowered and also I’m going to restock on my darts for my blow gun cuz this thing was so overpowered ooh I should also get some ender pearls and just like that my base

Is officially completed I’m going to go check in on Daisy my daddy and sky and see what they’ve been working on uhoh I just realized something everyone else has a bridge going to the main island I need to add that real quick all right just give me that give me that let’s

Just do something like this oh God this is probably not coming out good we just got to make something quick I don’t want anyone to see all right now let’s just place in the slabs like this all right now let’s just put some fences on this

Side so you don’t die there we go just like this and boom our bridge is completed all right now let’s go check in on other people’s bases Daddy what are you doing over here I’m just admiring my amazing build wow wo this actually looks really good yeah I got my

Little cows over here to eat them or I get hungry cuz I’m a wolf okay wait what’s inside the house wo nice little kitchen hey this is pretty spacious and up here we got a little baby Marvin hey baby Marvin what are you doing he just

Ready to go to seat because I yelled at him cuz he ate all of my cake wow daddy this is really good and I got some Farmland but Daddy wolves don’t eat Farmland stuff it’s for the cows oh so you feed the cows and you eat them yep

They taste really good makes sense to me Daddy all right well let’s go check out on Daisy’s base come on Daddy let’s go see what she made oh Daisy where are you what’s up wow you built this whole thing yeah that’s a lot oh my goodness all

Right let’s go into your house what is this a bed um where’s your baby at um she just walked outside when we opened the door so maybe she’s hungry wait how do we get up there the staircase oh my goodness all right so we have a spiral

Staircase going all the way up you might have to break some leaves I think the tree’s growing in oh gosh we’re almost to the top come on on wo okay this looks so cool I know and if you come inside we can go to the very top wow this is

Really awesome wo there’s like a little Hut up here you could shoot stuff from up here exactly I think this is the highest point in the whole entire map yeah I think so too I’m pretty awesome you definitely built the highest base well guys let’s go across and check out

Sky base everyone follow me all right so we got a nice little walkway looks like she used lapis the poopy blocks lapal poopy yeah that’s what this is Skye where are you I’m right here where’s right here behind you wow you scared me wow your base looks really cool yeah

It’s super blue this is the entrance for the grounds keeper what a grounds creeper a grounds keeper Jeffy someone that takes care of the land I thought you said creeper and I was like where oh wait sky where do you live um follow me okay first let me show you the pool ooh

Wow okay this pretty good oh God I don’t know how to swim Daddy Jeffy just use your legs Daddy help me use your legs you’re a wolf you can swim I’m trying ah I did and these are my veggies because we’re all vegetarians here what no we

Are not we’re wolves I am a vegetarian wolf so I don’t eat Meats okay that’s weird and you’re probably going to die now let me show you my wolf cave oo I want to see a wolf cave all right um can you close the door on the way in oh God

All your babies are escaping you got a lot of pups oh my goodness there are so many babies down here and there’s a little pool Yeah the more babies the more Tik toks I can make wao you even made them bunk beds kind of cool they

Had to sleep somewhere what the heck is this it’s a heart of sweet berries that’s what they eat Jeffy obviously well why don’t they eat meat they’re going to grow up to be super weak if they don’t eat a lot of meat how about you don’t worry about my kids and worry

About your own okay fine mine well guys this base is good and all but everyone come over to my base it’s time to see the best wolf house here all right guys follow me check it out welcome to Wolf Paradise wa kind of scary yep do like

Gate you have a little Pond yep I got a pond SL poool um over here I got some bones for my wolf to munch on like oh it’s like little snack area I like it exactly and then if you guys come down here into the cave there’s a bunch of

Different things like my armor area a ladder to go up on top go upstairs and down here is the Wolf Den o wo I want to go to Wolf Den it’s so scary down here yeah and I got thousands of kids because I have the strongest wolf pack here um

Jeffy you definitely do not have the strongest wolf pack um yes I do because my kids actually eat meat look at this bottom chest oh my God you have every type of meet ever yep exactly so my wolves are way stronger than yours Sky um you wish they were guys can you guys

Please stop fighting we all know my One Singular baby wolf is stronger than all your wolves ddy no it is definitely not my wolves will just team up on your wolf and just rip it the shreds no it will not my one wolf will just grab by the nogget and

Just what the heck well I have the prettiest wolf uh Daisy I’m sorry but that means nothing yes it does wolves are made to fight not look pretty well she could win a dog show well guys how about this we should all go to our islands and fight to see who has the

Best wolf pack oo I like that idea I’m going to go right now let’s do it everyone get out of my wolf then you’re not invited here ever again I’m going to win you wish bye losers all right time to armor up I need to prepare for battle

I think I’m going to go with this armor I need to be the ultimate mutant wolf oh yeah I look so cool and I think I’m going to get some ender pearls I’m going to get some Rockets definitely need the holy Sword and the bow ooh the Haw

Elytras could be super useful as well I need everything all right I think I got it all and I’m ready to fight baby wolves don’t worry you guys just stay here and your daddy’s going to take care of everything no one is going to come in

Here and take you guys oh guys are you ready to fight I’m ready hey Daddy back up for me I will shoot you ow ow oh my gosh it’s just did so much damage daddy that whatever you have is actually not fair what do you mean I have a regular

Bow oh take that Sky oh you like that ow Jeffy stop hitting me I will so shoot you back you guys are doing too much damage oh my gosh I’m rushing in the middle I’m going to go after the weakest first Daisy come here hey I’m not the

Weakest oh God there’s a bunch of dogs there’s a bunch of dogs what is going on told you I wasn’t the weakest oh my gosh I didn’t know you had all these dogs ah yes yes yes I’m alive where I can’t show you take that Daisy yeah you like

That I’m literally on fire Arvin why do you have moose antlers on a moose why am I on fire still I think I’m infinitely on fire sorry I need to get to the water in the Middle come on get me in there sky watch out I need to get to the

Water yes that feels so much better oh hey Daddy nice base I want Daisy’s Island I know I’m in your base right now get out of my base nah I don’t have to I’m want to go over there and kill you ooh nice look at this baby Marvin ah ah

Don’t hurt Marvin I just killed your baby hey oh God the dogs are back I got to get out of here get me out get me out where are you oh no I died ow thank you oh your dog’s going to die too do not kill my doggies hi yes kill the dogs

They’re so annoying oh there’s a puppy a too B he’s dead I’m putting them all down all right I’m going to kill all you I’m going on a killing spree take that baby dogs stop killing my puppies sorry but they just got to go you got to go

Get off my Island Marvin you get off my Island I’m sorry you’re going to die right now this is invasive leave no hi adios there goes one kill the puppies kill all the puppies oh God I see the baby too oh gosh Daddy stop it ow ow ow

Sky Su Sky what are you doing you guys cannot beat me um I can and I will and I will I see ow ow ow hey Daddy oh gosh I’m hiding you’re in my base I can see you no you can’t hey Daddy Daddy why do you have moose on I’m

A moose what’s happening I’m going to kill you on your own Island daddy oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I got to get out of here get out of my potatoes yes I’m alive um Jeffy get away from my base no never take that oh God I fell you’re not even doing damage

You’re not even doing damage yeah you wish bye I’ll see you later I’m just going to leave your base now yeah get out of here I’m going to go protect my base all right there we go baby Jeffy get inside you’re going to get hit by an

Arrow or something sky on the way Dy kill Sky kill Sky she’s trying to attack me operation kill Sky Go you guys can’t kill me if you all teamed up on me up oh you just died I just want tapped her get in the water I’m a moose I’m a moose

That swims DD what come here ah daddy you’re missing boots you don’t even have boots on wait they broke oh wait no they’re just really bad get out there daddy oh God oh God oh God oh God no no no elytras elytras Ely fly fly no

I’m the alpha moose I’m Marvin all right oh I just wanted to say hi I don’t want to say hi it’s time to take flight oh yeah I’m a flying wolf everybody hey daddy where are you be up Sky oh yeah can you knock it off you better watch out for the

Aial coming for you guys that’s it I’m sick of this you’re dying adios you’re dying too adios hey Mormon bye shut up leave me alone hey Daddy hey how can I not hit you uh Jeffy why are you flying around because I’m a flying wolf illegal

Um the thing is I’m doing it right now that’s the crazy thing a oh God bye he’s over here no I’m not I can see you oh so fast oh God I got to get some water get me up blow darts incoming Jeffy you didn’t even hit me

That was an aerial attack um yes I did no you didn’t keep missing Daddy you’re literally terrible you have terrible aim you haven’t hit me once what are you talking about daddy I’m going to hit you right now like a big be come here Daddy come here yeah I

Haven’t hit you once I’m destroying you right now oh my gosh you’re a bunch of mooses Marvin you’re hitting me we’re supposed to be teaming up on Jeffy oh yeah yeah good team up you guys Chuck I double hit him and I’m alive every time this is cheating that not you

Know what let’s just go kill his kids you’re right yo hold up hold up hold up no no no here goes the baby wolf pack stop it no no guys knock it off oh God I just died cuz I fell from a high place idiot get out of here

Daddy come here I’m going to mess you up Daddy get away from me get away from me this is in FA guys stop I don’t even care if you killed me I’m getting your kids oh my goodness it’s actually not fair you killed baby Marvin sorry Jeffy a stop it

You know what I’m just going to go kill your kids then bye you already did oh yeah that’s right I’m going to go kill Sky’s kids um no you cannot kill my kids oh there’s one dead oh oh wow I’m going to kill like five in one let’s go I die baby Sky

Die Skye get away from me yes yes yes I’m killing them aw well I got like five of them you know what you guys think it’s funny to kill all my kids all right I’ll show you killing all your kids Jey what are you doing hey hey

Hey don’t do anything crazy Jeffy where are you all right let me just go over here creative uh Jeffy where are you oh look look at this baby Daisy right here no no no no no no I’m just protecting her with a little castle of TN oh yep

That was going to happen oh my goodness all right let’s just blow all of d DA’s up yeah Daisy you like this stop blowing up my house I’m going to blow up your house well you’re already killed my kid so it’s too late whose house is next I think Daddy’s

House is next no Jeffy I didn’t do anything to you I’m just going to make a big tower of TNT above his house and it’s all going to fall I can’t shoot you no uh-oh hie Marvin’s house here go my cows bye daddy oh yeah how was it still

Standing now we have one more left I’m no yeah do not touch my house oh my gosh he Skye isn’t your favorite color red and white no my favorite color is blue then why do you have a bunch of red on your house right now because you’re

Putting it there wait am I yes fire in the hole woo um what house were you even talking about I don’t even know what you’re talking about well you just destroyed it and now I’m going to have to destroy you yay TNT for everyone but if you guys enjoyed this

Video then everyone make sure to leave a like right now and hit subscribe bye everyone

Today, Jeffy, Marvin, Daisy, and Skye have a DIREWOLF FAMILY in Minecraft! Will they be able to survive in the WILD? Or will they be eaten by WILD animals? Watch to find out!

#jeffy #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. 🤬😮🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🥱👺😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬😡😠😡🤬😠😡🤬😠😠😡😠😠😠🤬😡

  2. Jeffy is the best 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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