✨🌸 Stardew Valley Spring Year 1 Ultimate Guide – Tips & Tricks 🌸✨

Hello darling and welcome to your staru Valley guide for spring and year 1 this video will be structured as a commentary on my first season in staru Valley with the tips and tricks I use to maximize my profits levels and experience I will be commenting on my processes on a

Day-by-day basis in case you want to try and follow along so with that said let’s go on with the video on my very first day I like to clear some space on my farm for my parsnip seeds once I have these planted along with any wild seeds

That I find I like to make a chest as the inventory space in the early game is harrowing and then I start to explore the map to find any forage bles for those of you who aren’t aware this section of the map during spring often contains spring onions every day in

Which you can eat to regain a small amount of energy after I am done exploring I head into the town to find Caroline and gift her a daffodil while making my way to Pier to spend all my money on pnip seeds I like to purchase

The pnip seeds and plant as many as I can throughout the season to maximize the experience I gain from farming I also do this to unlock the recipe for Quality sprinklers as soon as possible which is obtained from reach reaching farming level six on day two I start the

Day by watering my crops visiting in gifting Caroline at 9:00 a.m. going for a little forage and then heading down to the docks once Willie gives me the training Rod I spend the rest of the day fishing one little tip you can use while fishing is to sell anything you’ve

Caught directly to Wily before 5:00 p.m. when he closes I like to do this because it reduces the risk of my inventory becoming full and it also ensures I can make as much money as possible on day three it will always rain so this is a

Perfect day to go fishing after a quick forage around the map I decided to head to the river in the ocean to catch as many Community Center fishes as possible I also made a little chest at the front of my farm to place any community center items in so I didn’t accidentally sell

Important things I always struggle with completing the fishing bundle in this game but there is a little chei I use which I will link in the description that specifically states which fish spawn During certain Seasons times and weathers I would also recommend players to visit the ocean to fish during day

Three to catch an eel standard eels sell for around 80 gold whereas silver silver e will sell for around 100 gold they can only be caught after 400 p.m. during spring and fall it’s the perfect way to make a good bit of money at the start of

The game and also to try and increase your fishing levels too on day four I decided to go fishing again to catch another fish for the community center and then I headed to Robins to purchase a pathing recipe one thing I’ve noticed about myself is that I really like to

Organize my farm as soon as possible to keep things tidy and in order after laying out some pathing and planting some seeds which will be used for tappers in the future I quickly headed to the saloon to buy a in preparation for the mines on day five I unlocked the

Scarecrow recipe and adopted a doggo named Yoshi after I harvested all of my schnips I went into town and received the community center cut scene which will only happen if you enter the town from the direction that I did on a sunny day I read the placard inside the

Community center so the wizard would send me a sexy email and I bought some more pnit potato green bean and cauliflower seeds from PE dog I planted all my new seeds and then headed into the mines during my first trip in the mines I tried to focus on collecting as

Much copper as possible I luckily made it down to floor 5 before I became exhausted and once my stamina was low I left I was hoping to collect at least 20 copper so I could make a furnace but I was woefully unsuccessful on day six I visited the wizard to officially unlock

The community center and I spoke to him too make sure you do this is often times the person you’re missing for the introduction Quest is The Wizard and Pierre I then headed to the ocean to spend the entire day fishing I realized I had enough money so I bought the

Fiberglass rod and threw my old one in the ocean on day seven I completed the spring for bundle and headed back to my farm to plant 30 seeds once the seeds have grown you should make more seeds and repeat this process up until the 21st of spring as they take 7 days to

Grow I will explain what this is useful later but for now please just trust the process if you already know this strategy I guess you must be a staru sweat just like me again I visited Caroline gave her a daffodil and decided to fish for the rest of the day on day

Eight I visited Caroline and then went mining for the rest of the day I managed to make it down to floor 14 and collect 22 copper oil before head heading back home feeling exhausted on day N9 I bought some more pnip seeds to prepare for the quality bundle and obtaining

Five gold quality par Snips and I also put down some basic fertilizer which is made from TCAP I then spent the rest of this day fishing on day 10 I checked the weather report and I saw it was raining on day 112 So I rushed into town to

Upgrade my Watering Can A good rule of thumb for upgrading your watering can is to upgrade it on a day when the next day is going to be raining since Clint takes 2 days to upgrade the tool the day you send it and the next day will classes

Those two days therefore on the third day you can collect it after I did this I then spent the rest of the day mining on day 11 I spent the entire day fishing because I was starting to feel a little bit poor on day 12 I collected my

Watering can from Clint and requested the upgrade for my pickaxe after I got back to the farm and watered all my plants can you guess what I did I fished for the rest of the day in preparation for the egg Festival on day 13 I watered

My crops and also the empty spaces so I’d be able to instantly plant my strawberry seeds when I returned from the festival I introduced myself to everyone at the event collected some hidden eggs and won a free Straw Hat ha take that Abigail on day 14 I felt a

Little lost so I visited Caroline and gave her the final daffodil once our friendship level hit two hearts I made my way into her Greenhouse the door in the kitchen at Pier and received the cut scene I’d been waiting for I spent the rest of this day cutting trees on day 15

I received the tea sapling recipe from Caroline and I donated as many items as I could to the community center I then headed to the mines and collected a few salmon berries along the way the salmon berries Spawn from day 15 through 18 in Spring and they appear as little red

Berries on these bushes they’re a perfect way to help recover stamina when mining I managed to make my way down to floor 38 collecting 57 copper or before heading home on day 16 it was another trip back to the mines after making my way down a few floors I realized I

Hadn’t bought any food with me and so I spent the rest of the day collecting more salmon berries and foraging on day 17 I planted some more spring seeds and began watering my crops after I completed this strenuous task I headed to the mines and made my way down to 450

I like to leave the mines around midnight because it gives me enough time to get back home without feeling like I’m rushing on day 18 it was luckily raining so I ran to the mines as fast as I could I managed to make my way down to

Floor 62 before having to call it a day the reason I’m not focusing on fishing and worrying about my money right now is that I have the tea sapling recipe and the strawberries planted so my income will seem passive I’m also trying my hardest to goep deep it in the mind to

Complete the Boiler Room in the community center as fast as possible having the mine carts unlocked to get around makes a lot of difference trust me on day 19 I did exactly the same as to what I did on day 18 on day 20 I

Realized I needed to make a bit of money so I could start planting some more seeds to improve my farming level without farming level six summer would become really tough for me with this in mind I made 15 tea saplings to sell to Pierre each tea sapling consists of two

W seeds five wood and five fiber the best part is they also sell for 500 gold each so the 15 tea saplings I made gave me 7,500 gold I then bought some more pnip seeds and a few decoratives for my home once everything was planted it was

Another trip back down to the mines the last item I needed to complete the boiler room was Fire Quartz which can only be found below level 80 after I made my way down to level 70 I kept visiting level 20 to pick up some copper

And Fiber One trick that you can do to farm fiber is by entering the mine at level 20 head back up the ladder and then go back to the elevator every time you leave the mine it will reset so you can keep doing this over and over again

This rule also applies to mobs if you’re wanting to Fast Track the burglar ring by killing 500 dust Sprites continually join and leave floor 40 on day 21 my strawberries ready for Harvest and so were a lot of my spring seeds I knew I wanted to prepare for a chicken Co so I

Spent the day clearing out my farm and making some more tea saplings I unfortunately only had a small amount of fiber but even so I managed to make 26 tea saplings when I slept that night I reached level four farming level five foraging and made 16,000 gold on day 22

I requested Robin to build me a coupe and I headed back into the mines after purchasing a few snacks from the saloon fortunately I managed to make my way down to floor 85 and I found some fire quarts along the way meaning I could complete my first

Bundle on day 23 I bought a few more pnip seeds in preparation for the next day as Pierre’s closed on Wednesdays and headed back into the mine to start Gathering as much copper iron quartz and gold as possible I’m collecting the copper for some more tappers and the

Other resources to make my quality sprinklers in summer while in the mins I did manage to collect myself a good amount of fiber so of course I used this to make a few more tea saplings earning myself 11,000 gold on day 24 I planted all the pnip seeds I bought and headed

To the mine for another day of resource gathering on day 25 I spent the entire day clearing out the farm to collect some more wood as I knew I was going to request the Cow Shed as soon as the coupe was finished on Day 26 I requested

Reed Robin to build me a cowshed and then I headed to check on the traveling Merchant luckily she had a few goodies for the community center that I decided to buy I then went to man to purchase myself four adorable little chicks which I named Carla Camille Carlos and Cody

After that I decided to process all of my geod so I could donate to the museum and receive some rewards I also sent my copper pickaxe to be upgraded to Steel on day 27 I decided to clear out more of my farm in preparation for summer I was

Going to go mining on this day but I felt like I had been mining so much recently so instead I decided to go fishing in hindsight I probably should have gone mining but I didn’t want to get bored of it on day 28 the final day of spring I harvested the remaining pnps

Visited the traveling Merchant again and bought a few more items for the specialty fish collection then headed back to the farm to start planning my space I realized based on the space I created that the amount of gold I’d need for the quality sprinklers would be more

Than I had so I spent the final part of the day mining as I went to bed I closed my eyes that night praying to reach level six farming and when I woke I was really disappointed Not only would I now have to enure the first few days

Of summer with a basic hone or copper watering can but I know that this problem will consume a significant amount of my day that will prevent me from doing other things like Mining and fishing instead I can only remain hopeful that it will rain a few times to

Propel me in the right direction to have a successful Summer from day one to day 28 you have been with me every step of the way I hope you’ll come back to see where my next Advent will take me and who knows I might even discover something that you don’t even know about

But I guess you’ll have to tune into the next episode to find that out and if you are wanting just a crumb my lord of the next episode here you go so based on the layout I did write a plan for my farm but I didn’t really expect to spend all

My money here oopsies and I remember I needed to feed the chickens but I need to put the fertilizer down this is what happens when you buy over 300 seeds I can’t do it I really really can’t I’m going to pass out and as I was literally

Pet them I realized they were all brown where am I going to get white eggs from man huh by day 13 my farm was actually really starting to come together but I realized that I wanted to upgrade my house I also realized that I had no

Bloody money so I don’t know what I was going to do cuz I spent all of it on seed so I guess roll on day 14 woohoo day 14 is here and everything has finally grown although I don’t have the mental capacity to harvest everything right now so I guess you’re going to

Have to tune into the summer episode to find out what happens next thank you so much everybody for watching this episode I really hope that you enjoy it and you look forward to seeing the summer episode when it comes out I am really trying my best with the editing and

Recording of these videos but I’m still new and I’m still learning so please give me some time but also give me feedback let me know what you like and what you don’t like and I’ll try and improve my content but until then have a lovely week everybody bye-bye

Hello Darlings! So in this video I wanted to do something slightly different from my League of Legends content and I have gifted you some Stardew Valley content! I absolutely love this game because open world crafty survival games are my favourite!
Hopefully you can find some useful tips and tricks in this video to use in your own worlds!

Gifting Caroline daffodils is a really easy way to unlock the tea sapling recipe to make a good portion of money. This is REALLY easy to achieve when playing with friends too!
Here is the link to the fishing cheat sheet I like to use: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=657928051

Have a wonderful week guys! Lots Of Love, Torne.
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