Stardew Valley Relaxing Longplay (With Commentary)

Hi I’m Clover welcome to my channel if you saw the poll you already know this but today we’re going to do just a calm little relaxing Long play I figured we could start a new save and really do something simple and farming focused instead of all of the different rules

And restrictions of my self-sufficiency Challenge and just hang out for a while I know it’s a bit more common for long plays to be without any form of commentary but to be honest I tried that and it just didn’t feel right for my Channel or who I am as a person I want

This to feel like we’re hanging out and you’re watching a friend play a game and you can ask any of my friends I am incapable of not making comments so there will be plenty of moments unless where it’s just the game sounds and gameplay but I wanted to still have that aspect of

All of my little random comments and since this is a lot less edited than normal you get to see just how stupid I can be at some points there’s a lot of things I cut out of my other videos for a reason I just spent an embarrassingly long

Amount of time trying to make sure that these colors matched properly foreign have to have the fireplace on Thank you Foreign fact this is not my first attempt at recording this my first attempt happened last night and I had just finished my midterms I was like okay this will be a great way to relax and I succeeded at being relaxing so much that I almost fell asleep on my microphone

So this is attempt number two um I now have coffee and we’re going to hope that doesn’t happen again thank you Oh I don’t want to set any goals for this because when I do I end up obsessing over them instead of just trying to have fun but I would like to make a really large farm that’s honestly my favorite part of this entire game so not being able to have that many different

Crops going at once in self-sufficiency is really sad Okay I think cute little oh I don’t have money I would like to have nice little rows of each of these but obviously I need to get more money first I did not mean to do that foreign foreign foreign are so sweet although I Vincent’s comment about not listening to his mother when it comes to talking to strangers always makes me concerned for him laughs foreign I think I’m whatever the opposite of a Min maxer is considering my breakdown of

Seeds based off of what will look nice I already looked up there I spaced these out wrong that is going to irritate me not that there’s a right way to space them out in this game but I always do the same exact one foreign try to find some forage to eat Foreign the range of reactions you get from isn’t it exhausting to meet everybody and it’s exciting to meet you I’ve been looking forward to it too cool Yes I know you worked there that’s where I met you foreign Note to self my first goal is to try to clear this maze I always forget that I need to clear that before I can actually walk around efficiently Even when it’s sunny this cabin really just looks so much chearier with the fire going yes I know I’m just very bad at aiming I’m going to continue to call them green onions even though they are spring onions because that’s what I call them in real life too foreign

Are you judging me for having shoes of the vast majority of the population has that is very rude thank you foreign [Applause] Will I catch a sunfish again I’m still very amused of the Sunfish is a substitute for trash it seems very insulting to the poor sunfish Nope a sardine [Applause] [Applause] We’re going to pretend that didn’t happen I shifted to grab my coffee and hit the button Foreign [Applause] [Applause] treasure treasure treasure whoops you know what I’ll accept the call and actually throw things out how exciting [Applause] honestly I’m mostly just going fishing so that I have money to buy kale [Applause] oh foreign left oh that’s easy great Foreign How do you feel about this hair color I think it’s pretty cute I wanted something distinct from the green so that I wouldn’t mix up which save was which I could have just like changed the hairstyle but I really like braids so purple well pinky purple

I was going for more of a true pink but I couldn’t I spent so much time on the pants that um I didn’t emphasize the hair as much because really what’s the point of wearing overalls if you don’t make sure that the colors are exactly correct the daffodil for Gus

That would be what I just gave as a gift foreign I don’t have that much energy left there’s not much time left either so I might as well go fishing Foreign I love the first few days because they’re so calm but also I wish I had more options in what to do But it is always so nice to just start a new farm and have something small foreign especially when you aren’t being dive bombed by bats I think I ended up cutting the vast majority of it out but I normally play with uh monsters on the farm at night and the first few days it’s just a constant series of being dive bombed by bats with only a scythe to fight them all foreign So this is a nice change of pace I think I want to go get some more things from my farm and mud fish oh and guess who did want a daffodil so that’s there there’s that wrong order of words I’ve done my best to make sure my mic is back to normal after last week but

If I’m a little bit quiet still it’s because it is midterms and I think my neighbors would be extremely upset if I was loud and all of these walls are very thin I don’t know oh This is just going to be an entire day of clover versus catfish the catfish are winning Right it’s a Wednesday Foreign Is very calming to me this is the point where I fell asleep last night foreign really You could not catch me outside like this on a rainy day I think I would appreciate rainy days a lot more if I didn’t have to go outside but having to walk to campus in the rain is such a miserable experience that I’ve just completely stopped liking it entirely

If I could like sit inside with a book or a video game and watch the rain perfect having to go outside in it I feel bad for this character Foreign Foreign Oh I like how I’m getting new length records but not starred fish Foreign Foreign Foreign I am not selling that Oh gold star S I’m bad at walking The thought of leaving a fish in just a normal wooden chest is still disgusting to me Foreign I love the hat Mouse so much character customization is one of the best things in any game and the fact that I can just choose whatever hats I want in this game makes it so much more fun also clothes once I start getting cloth

It’s all over all of my cloths goes to clothing oh Now I can go get my kale and forage of course what else are you supposed to do during the first few days of this game foreign Mouse oh a buck I really hope they like check the books for would it be water damage if they were just under the ground

Water damage dirt mold all the different problems and rebind them before putting them back on the shelves oh Brett flooring for when you want your floor to look like grass and let’s get a backpack Foreign I keep forgetting things foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Gotta get the wormies okay it’s done that’s fine No I’ve never actually done a dog in this game before and that’s so cute Foreign I’m going to name you coffee It was so cute I always go for cats because I’m a cat person but oh So many parsnips we need to go buy more seeds Foreign Snack [Applause] foreign okay so satisfying let’s see let’s get nine of you and I believe there’s already a cauliflower growing in that section so I’ll get eight to finish off the square and then hmm I don’t remember how many more I need so why not some more potatoes

Potatoes are the best suit in general so it just occurred to me that I don’t think there’s a plain like baked potato recipe in this game I might be wrong I’m not about to look it up while actively playing but I don’t remember one which seems very odd there’s hash browns

But hash browns and a baked potato are two very different foods Foreign that sounds fun do you like overshadows the easiest person to give gifts to honestly respect foreign This Even when I don’t need them I love mixed seeds I partially love just having to guess what they are foreign Laughs Thank you [Applause] foreign [Applause] Foreign Foreign Thank you a magnet ring finally I will stop losing all of my fiber I’m so used to playing with the magnet ring that whenever I restart and don’t have one I lose so many items foreign You cannot yell at me for having plastic shoes anymore Haley nope and flesh infested floors are not chill Hey baby [Applause] [Applause] Thank you Foreign Foreign [Applause] I might as well make a furnace foreign I have to admit I didn’t realize just how much of me playing this game was going oh that’s so cute over and over again until I started recording it is I did not mean to do that foreign I just sold my parsnip foreign I respect that leaks are George’s favorite and I appreciate that he has something very easy to give him that he likes I have to admit leaks are my absolute least favorite of all onion related vegetables and the thought of eating one raw like you can in game

Sends shutters down my spine because of how bad the texture would be thank you Foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] must have treasure [Applause] even when it’s just speed it’s exciting to be able to catch both treasure and fish I’m not the best at this mini game [Applause] in all fairness my character isn’t either considering the amount of times I fished up seaweed or trash instead of a fish face in point [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] I always wonder how accurate these Sprites are to the actual real-life fish I don’t eat fish very often certainly don’t see them whole but like these fish look kind of cute and real life fish look very ugly though are the colors and like markings accurate or is it just entirely making something

Up of course if the fish looked realistic realistic I would want to fish in this game even less Thank you foreign the first time I ever played this I did not realize that the trees would regrow if you planted them and I did not realize that they would drop their own seeds and naturally create more trees around them so I didn’t clear my farm fully

And by the time I registered what had happened the about three quarters of it was so densely covered in trees that I could not move and no matter what I did I did not have the energy or like the materials to clear my farm fast enough that the trees would not

Regrow and cover it it’s such a struggle foreign I love cooking and games I can’t wait to upgrade my house and have access to a kitchen I should go buy some more seeds hmm maybe I will do a proper Little Flower Patch get a whole bunch of tulips and blue Jazz seeds Foreign I’m still not quite sure what happened but I wanted to accidentally triggered the community center cutscene by approaching from the wrong direction and it froze my game so badly that I had to completely restart foreign that’s a cool wallpaper then let’s also get hmm it’s the 12th let’s get some more

Cauliflower seeds my expensive tastes and seeds cool cookies [Applause] amazing trash in a trash can foreign I feel like I missed the horseradish and unfortunately high percentage of the time it’s so similar in shade to the rest well at least the top of it that if it’s

Behind a tree or a shrub or a bush or whatever it’s not always very clear that it’s there now you are hard to miss I cannot afford anything but hi just juice not not a specific kind of juice just general juice like Juicy Juice you aren’t sure what

Fruit exactly it’s meant to be it’s something it’s definitely a fruit and definitely juice if you don’t know what Juicy Juice is it was it’s a super popular juice brand that I like grew up on and the flavors aren’t always the most clear um

I haven’t had an eon so I can’t give a specific flavor example but I remember sometimes it would just be like what what does this label actually mean of course I might also just be my memories of it but I’ve also encountered a lot of juices of different brands of the beers

That are just like it’s fruit punch it’s mystery Berry flavor don’t worry about it too much it’s juice oh I think I’m going to go mining that seems like a good use of time considering I’m basically just trying to make more money to get more seeds thank you foreign [Applause] I feel very attacked right now oh foreign [Applause] [Applause] I love that this world involves a invasive breed of crabs that evolve to look like rocks until you hit them and exclusively live underground in the mines like that’s so fun but also they drop regular crabs and you

Can eat them like regular crabs foreign it’s like hermit crabs taken to the potentially deadly extreme [Applause] [Applause] Thank you Thank you [Applause] Filled ooh topaz evil crabs [Applause] but this time featuring bombs nope all right nope I do not appreciate flies Oh all curled up on the rug I’m eternally impressed by your character’s stomach to be able to handle bug steaks bug steaks things picked up off of the ground things picked up out of the trash you must have the best immune system Okay we do not want those I want it’s raining let’s go fishing foreign crops on the way back Foreign Foreign I’m never quite sure how to pronounce this fish’s name Pronunciation is not my forte and I know some words with the UT on the N you don’t pronounce them and some words you do Foreign Foreign I really hope you’re enjoying this sort of casual slower video I have to admit that I’m slightly uncertain about it because I’m still very new to this and I’m not quite sure how to like keep my interests and energy throughout things and editing lets me hide a lot of the

Uncertain areas where I’m just not sure what I should say especially because I don’t do voiceovers right now but I also I’m glad to try this because it means I can do something for you and also learn a little bit more about who I am as a creator

So I hope this is enjoyable for you while I’m bad at catching this fish Foreign Also if you vote for something else in the poll don’t worry it will happen eventually I have like a running list of options for weeks where I’m too busy to actually edit and everything in that poll is on that list so it won’t be immediate but there might be another poll in the

Future or it might just be posted as a bonus video at some point if I have the time to create it it’s so much easier to make money in this one it’s not a 25 profit fish actually are worth something foreign Pierce closes for the day let’s see I think I want just some parsnips sure George I’ll get you a sunfish that you asked for when it’s raining super convenient timing there Foreign To you also another fish where it’s like this isn’t the hardest thing to catch but I feel super uh successful when I do catch one I couldn’t remember the word there for a second Oh my God Foreign I think that’s a sign that’s enough fishing I should clear my farm some more so I have a slightly lower chance of walking into things slightly I’m still going to do it foreign I definitely have to plant all of these seeds That is not that’s better good thing I have cookies if I’m starting to feel exhausted um success foreign Laughs you know this Farm is pretty cute but it could be a whole lot cuter let’s get some more seeds and add some pads around and unfortunately probably relocate this chest so it’s out of the way of a path that is incredibly unfortunate because it means I have to transfer all of the

Items but it happens what path options do I have Cobblestone gravel wood maybe I will go visit Robin and see if I can buy some oh the community center that’s good foreign I’ve never registered that before I thought he was just referring to the general state of the building Foreign okay let’s see if Robin has any other path options that I like better because I can just do Cobblestone around them again but that’s not exciting foreign Robin’s store is not open because of the Tuesday right Cobblestone will work I can always replace it later if I want something better

It’ll still make it look a whole bunch cuter than the plain dirt off your campfire thank you Foreign I need Stone Not wood Stone I need to get rid of that tree too That was a very chaotic method of starting to lay that out That is a very fun sound to walk on though I have to admit can I I never remember if you can put scarecrows over these yes you can good that’s satisfying foreign I might as well also Mark out this next plot while I’m at it although it would help if I could count

The correct number of spaces needed Foreign foreign a little tail s Foreign Foreign Let’s see how do I get out of this corner I found myself in All right foreign I think there’s just enough time left in the say to do a little bit more foraging I don’t think I’ve gone down to the forest recently of course I may be wrong I have the memory of a squirrel foreign They’ll not over how cute the dog is I’m restricting the urge to sing at that letter because that would be a potential copyright issue um that I do always end up singing that song eat the wizard today foreign get some more seeds because I do not have enough if there are empty spots

This is so pleasing to look at I just need to move you to be slightly more centered wizard time good thank you He has so many titles It’s also slightly concerning that he’s foreseen my arrival is really so little happened in this town foreign I normally let them play fully but this is too long of a cutscene he does not want to socialize okay I get the point I really appreciate how far apart these two were

They were not friends these are foreign it’s a Wednesday I don’t normally do this but I’m going to Jojo nope wrong person you can really buy so many different JoJo things they’re like slightly concerning let’s get some kale thank you is one of those vegetables that

I have never been able to understand the love for it but I also don’t hate it it’s just kind of it tastes like an inferior version of spinach thank you hello would you like a flower I hate that he could smell that bundles just normal ones

I didn’t want to have to try very hard to remember what they were always look at just how this thing to each and every one of these seeds looks you cannot like you can mistake them but it’s not up None of that sentence was what I wanted it to be you can mistake of the seeds for each other but it’s pretty obvious in general which ones are which especially when it comes to like comparing the kale to the cauliflower the cauliflower and the parsnip look pretty similar but the rest don’t

And then the trellis ones obviously all look very distinctive it’s impressive considering pixels don’t exactly look that different foreign Foreign foreign Grab something to eat and then completely forgot about it foreign but I meant to grab one of you and you and you to eat so I thought I can actually go ahead and do a little bit more fishing not very much it is 8pm but just a bit Oh foreign I like standing in the middle of these Bridges to fish it feels like it would be fun there were a few really kind of falling apart bridges near where I grew up and my friends and I would always go and sit on them and hang out

Not the safest but a lot of fun it wasn’t like they were very high up either and that kind this kind of reminds me of it foreign Iridium quality one I think that’s my first ceridium quality fish so far foreign I’m afraid I’m going to have to call it there for today thank you very much for watching I know I wasn’t the most confident or polished trying something new but I hope you enjoyed the slower style if you did I’d appreciate if you could leave a like or a comment so I

Know how you feel and I’ll see you all later bye

Join me for a calm, chill longplay of stardew valley as we start a new save file and really focus in on farming. It’s a lot slower paced than my challenge videos, with a lot of quiet gameplay as well as light (silly) commentary. I am playing vanilla stardew, with no mods.

Youtube chose chaos with uploading this video–hopefully it all works now, and sorry for the sudden cuts.

I am genderqueer and use they/them pronouns. Please do not misgender me.


  1. There has been an issue with uploading this video–I'm doing my best to edit without fully taking it down, but I've obviously never done this before. If the quality suddenly changes, audio issues (re)appear, a section disappears, etc. it is because of that.

  2. i prefer longplays with commentary but can almost never find any. have been watching your self sufficiency series and was really excited to see you'd uploaded this 🙂

  3. This is so cozy, I love how relaxing it is to watch this kind of video. Also, the fish in game are fairly accurate to what the fish look like IRL. The in game fish are cuter, but the markings and colors are as good as you can get with this style.

  4. this was such a vibe, i listened while crocheting and it was like i had a friend in the room doing their thing while i did mine and was just nice! will definitely watch more videos like this <3

  5. This was so relaxing and enjoyable that I hope it will become a regular thing.
    I laughed when you described your farm being overrun with trees in your first playthrough because I did the exact same thing. I thought I'd never get the trees under control.

  6. OMG, I've been trying to find long play with commentary 😁😁😁😁 I usually play while I watch or knit/crochet so with the commentary it's sooooooo much better

  7. Home sick from work today. First day off in a long time and this is so freaking relaxing to watch. Thank you! Much love from Alaska!

  8. Nah mate, better do commentary. If I came looking stardew valley gameplay with commentary, it's precisely for that : the commentary. Sometimes i do get a bit too lonely and putting some gameplay with commentary on it kinda helps with that. So don't even think about it, you're doing great ! 🙂

  9. Hello hello! We love commentary videos for longplays, def more fun for when im putting it on in the background, feels like we're friends <3 looking forward to watching this whole one and good luck with future videos ✨✨

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